Touma Has Lost All Hope... | GT8 Review

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let's finally talk about Genesis Testament volume 8 which is the latest volume of a Certain Magical Index and my God this volume was just a total mind the plot twists absolutely blew my mind and I'm really excited to talk about it I'll try my best not to go into heavy spoilers at first but I will later in the video just to let you know while overall this volume had some crazy ass moments which I did appreciate I think I still prefer GT6 and 7 to 8. simply because I think my expectations were so high after what happened at the end of the previous volume gt8 does continue right off where 7 ended with Tomah and Aradia vowing to protect Anna sprengel from not only the bridge Builders cabal but also the forces of Academy city as well as alistair's small group Anna sprangle drafts a plan which involves our Trio having to head to district 15 on the other side of the city to obtain a physical item which will allow them to threaten the bridge Builders cabal by exposing their plan to the world while many fans thought this story would be a rehash of New Testament 10 with Tomah protecting a former villain against a wave of opponents to fight it doesn't really play out that way okay turmer is on Anna sprengel's side it isn't a Boss Rush like nt10 our Trio of Toma Aradia and Anna sprengel hijack and Academy City tank called a predator octopus because it has eight wheels and with it they are trying to be as Incognito as possible it's basically girls underpanza gone stealth mode with index still thrown in they know that if they are spotted they would be easily outnumbered and overrun by their enemies and with the bridge Builders cabal having about 30 members and possessing the shrink drink a spiritual item with Alice's power capable of killing Transcendence such as Anna and Aradia they really can't afford to be spotted hey I just realize the acronym for the bridge Builders cabal is BBC which could mean British broadcast Corporation or no aeon no Yeah Boy while our Trio are pretty powerful in their own right they don't want to take too many risks Academy city is basically on lockdown due to accelerator introducing martial law there are anti-skill track points across the city preventing them from progressing so our Trio's journey is nowhere near as smooth as they would have hoped while the volume did start off with immediate action in The prologue it slows down a bit in chapter one focusing on Slice of Life moments with our Trio admittedly I did enjoy these moments as I feel Toma Anna and Aradia all have enjoyable banter and chemistry with one another with some genuine laugh out loud moments most of the volume involves traveling to the checkpoint which is sprinkled with some fights and Escape scenes to spice up what would be quite a dull story otherwise however nearly all the facts before chapter 4 were caught Heller short which I did not like as I wanted to see these fights go on for a little bit longer I guess it's because I was expecting some kind of freeway war between the factions in this volume which obviously did not happen so maybe my expectations made me feel this way while reading it I did like the premise of this volume overall but yeah it just feels like we have been waiting a while for some climatic action in GT which I hope we will finally get next time the main fights in gt8 against mutt thieves happens in chapter 4 and had some creative use of action with shifting environments and of course using tactics in the classic index style mood thieves herself could be classed as the main antagonist of this volume since out of all the adversaries after our Trio she is the one with the most screen time and the enemy that we learn the most about I'd say her character is interesting and definitely improves the more you read in the story while she is a calm and collected assassin type character which may come off as boring at first she does have some quirks to her personality which makes her more engaging I'd still say I prefer foreign Soccer Boss a lot more than her despite this mutt thieves has a pretty creative ability even if it does take concepts of other villains Powers such as it revolving around her Shadow basically she can absorb anything her Shadow touches and then use it as a functioning weapon throughout the volume she's basically collecting as much Academy City Tech as possible and then using it to grow stronger throughout the novel I mean it's not the most original Power in the world but the way she uses it does feel unique moving on to some of the other characters I have to say Alistair and Anna kingsford's group were really entertaining I enjoyed pretty much all their scenes part of me wishes we got a little bit more also Kingsford is absolutely waifu material I mean just look at her I don't care about being exposed as a simp for the Emoji queen you gotta make exceptions I feel like turmer himself here was very strong in terms of his writing his selfish and morally gray side comes out a lot in gt8 which I really appreciate it and he is also very willing to work as a team which shows you his subtle character development from all the way back in NC is blossoming nicely in GT I'd say this is a contender for the best Tomah we have seen in GT so far next to GT2 and 5. it helps that he is faced with some pretty serious problems in the story as not much really works out for him like God damn he's unlucky now I'm gonna talk about the Major Spoilers from the volume so you have been warned you can't skip to here if you want to hear my final thoughts though we finally found out the truth of the Transcendence that they are actually volunteers who basically model every aspect of themselves to fit into the cabal altering their appearances and personalities to fit in in the hope that Alice will be able to make their dreams of saving a particular category of people come true new individuals can be easily recruited and trained to replace lost members in fact due to to eradia betraying the cabal mood thieves brings in a brand new eradia which absolutely blows turmer's mind his reaction to this is one of the best parts of the volume and honestly I like the new law regarding the Transcendence as it makes sense kamachi has been building up to this for a while although as ever there are still some unanswered questions Anna sprengel and Alice are pretty much the exceptions to this rule as they are classed as irregular Transcendence meaning these two are the only transcendents who aren't actors but now it just makes me wonder where do irregular Transcendence come from I guess we will just have to wait for that again we still don't know how the bridge Builders cabal even started which was implied to have occurred recently that's something I'd really like to know we did learn both the bridge Builders cabal and Anna springle's goals though first with Anna basically she wanted to foil the bridge Builders cabal's plan while also spreading knowledge to the world in her own messed up way of trolling everyone and at the same time looking for someone she describes as her King you drop this Tomah basically someone who would be willing to follow Anna's teachings and methods to improve the world as a whole as Anna looks down upon most people but she's still trying to find someone who is worthy of her standards while she mocks tomah's intelligence multiple times in his volume treats him like dirt and always calls him a fool like Mr T I guess she realized towards the end of gt8 that Tomah is her man now the BBC has a similar goal in that they are also looking for a certain someone a person to unite all their different conditions to save the world they want a savior who will be able to fix their problems and make their dreams come true and so decide to resurrect the only man fit for the job guess who's back baby no it's not Jesus meanwhile Anna sprengel is hit with numerous shrink drinks after she stopped Toma from trying to save her apparently apparently it doesn't kill us straight away therefore after defeating moot Thebes Aradia and Tomah decide to threaten Alice with a shrink drink to get her to save Anna sprangle oh how naive the BBC have revived none other than CRC Christian rosencries also known as the Rosen Chad which I actually thought would eventually happen if you watched my previous GT videos with this new body rosenchard appears as an 18 year old man with a beard finally an index character I might be able to cosplay other than Aqua while likable thinknif summoned a legend who will save the world in fact the stories and myths about CRC were a lie as he actually thinks Humanity [ __ ] sucks and is hell-bent on wiping them all out in the Pursuits of perfection yep heter's majestus dunguffed as he watches Alice the girl he Sims 4 get Mortal Kombat fatalities as rosenshad one shots her by crushing her skull I bet no one predicted that while Alice's death seems impactful I can't help but think good old Mary is just gonna revive her next volume so the emotional weight and impact isn't really there for me at the moment although Alice's death means the bridge Builders cabal can't recruit new members and of course Tomah will be unable to save Anna I really want to see Thomas reaction as he finds out he can't save her and that Alice has been murdered I think we will definitely see an even more darker Tomah as a result as I don't want to see CRC falling victim to the Toronto Jitsu anyway Anna Kingsford and Alistair arrive as they prepare to stop CRC no matter what it takes seriously kamachi you better not let Alistair die again this time or I will be injecting copium into my veins oh yeah and it's also teased accelerator might actually get his ass out of prison and that's how it ends seriously come out actually how many Cliffhangers do you want in GT overall this volume was a pretty enjoyable ride with some seriously shocking moments and highlights I don't think the themes of this volume were as deep or meaningful as GT6 and I think gt7 might have had the better individual character moments but hey gt8 is great on its own merits I'm curious to learn more and I pray to God that we get a high stakes climactic Hellstorm of a volume next time my hopes are high I will rate it a GT 8 out of 10. and don't forget tomorrow I'll be doing a podcast discussing all of the spoilers from the volume in full that I wasn't able to talk about here so don't miss out Link in the description and check out my other videos about GT on screen right now
Channel: Aeon of Horus
Views: 9,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Certain Magical Index, Toaru majutsu no index, Toaru Kagaku no Railgun, A Certain Scientific Railgun, A Certain Scientific Accelerator, Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator, Theory, Discussion, Light Novel, Anime, Manga, Review, Reaction, Kamijou Touma, Accelerator, Esper, Level 5, Season Four, Railgun, Index, fight, ability, Shokuhou Misaki, Sogiita Gunha, Misaka Mikoto, Power, Dragon, Imagine Breaker, Season 4, Index NT, To Aru, Index IV, VS, Aradia, Anna, Aleister Crowley, Genesis Testament, GT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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