why freeze decks are BROKEN - Genius Invocation TCG | Genshin Impact

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hi hello dragonfly swarm freeze is a very powerful reaction in regular Genji impact so it's not entirely surprising that it's also powerful and genius invocation TCG kinshin's new card game and in fact I would argue it feels stronger in the card game right now than it ever has in the regular game because freeze is a reaction that will lock out the enemy's active character from performing any actions for an entire round and there's no way around it currently the only way to become unfrozen in the same round is to be hit by pyro damage which will trigger melt on you or physical damage which will trigger shatter both of which dealing a lot of extra damage to your character so if you're Frozen it's possible that you're screwed so in this video I'm gonna teach you how to annoy your opponents by doing all of that this video will go in depth about why I feel that freeze decks are some of the strongest decks right now how to build them how to play them how to deal with counter play Etc and before we start you should totally subscribe if you want alright so I should preface the video by saying that there are currently two main freeze Decks that are being considered a top of the meta I know some people don't like that word but you will survive I swear the two meta freeze decks currently are what I like to call the blizzard deck and the glacier deck and I'll talk more specifically about them in a bit but the main idea of both of these decks is that you set yourself up to constantly trigger freeze on your opponents this will lock them out of using their active characters which in most cases will significantly throw off their own strategies and it will require them to waste their precious cards and dice to fight back but freeze on its own is not enough to win you a game because at the end of the day enemies can swap to other characters with cards like leave it to me and changing shifts which could completely nullify the value of your freeze reactions so in order to make the most out of these freeze decks you have to understand how to set yourself up to deal massive bonus damage while your opponent is scurrying around with Frozen characters for example in the blizzard deck much of your playmaking potential lies with Mona's burst which will double the damage of the next ability any of your characters cast so using that in tandem with her quick swap passive will allow you to easily capitalize on massive damage against Frozen enemies if you set yourself up properly say for example Mona into Aika burst but if if you don't set yourself up properly the areas in which freeze decks fall short is that they don't leave room for a lot of defensive play or counter play if you're in a tough situation the Mona ayakaganya deck is a bit more forgiving than the Chong yincho Aika deck because it's easier to set up your strategies but both decks can struggle if your opening hand is bad or if enemies are working around your freeze reactions a bit too well one other potential issue that you'll have to be mindful of is that you typically only have one Hydro character in these freeze decks so if your opponent manages to subdue or kill that character your freeze deck is no longer a freeze deck and thus is significantly more likely to lose but overall when you're able to freeze your enemies most cases won't allow for them to squeeze out of that situation so easily and you can capitalize on this by creating Dice and energy advantages to snowball yourself into Victory and that is the really big idea with the blizzard deck the blizzard deck revolves around ganyu Mona and ayaka and their strength lies with the fact that they can constantly swap around between each other as the active character in order to maintain freeze reactions whilst building up energy for their very threatening Elemental bursts and the reason and it's so easy to swap around so much without losing your dice advantage or your turns is because of Mona's quick swap passive as well as other cards you'll slot into the deck like Catherine changing shifts leave it to me Don Winery Etc ayaka capitalizes on this playstyle especially well because when she's swapped in as the active character her normal attacks get cryo-infusion for the rest of the round so she doesn't need three cryo die to trigger freeze on enemies so you can do something like open with ganyu for her skills damage reduction swap timona to freeze the enemy with her skill then without losing your next turn you can swap to ayaka for cryo application which could freeze yet another enemy for extra damage at the end of the round thanks to Mona's skill but there are a lot of ways you can open with this deck because it's not exactly picky with how you play so long as you're playing for the freeze reaction and for your character's bursts currently my deck is running with all cryo resonance cards for extra Dice and damage ayaka and mono's special cards for considerably more snowball potential plus I obviously use Essentials such as pymon libbin strategize send off the bestest travel companion and I really recommend bringing the parametric Transformer since it's so easy for this deck to trigger the cards passive it's also very important for this deck specifically to run with cards such as changing shifts on Winery leave it to me and Catherine so that you can fully capitalize on the quick swap play style that these characters Thrive with and in a perfect scenario you could end up seeing your ayaka wipe entire cards with 10 to 12 damage bursts if you play your cards right no pun intended and although I don't believe this deck has strong otk potential it doesn't necessarily need it considering how aggressive and persistent it is with freezing in that way your best play potential comes from your ability to stop your enemies before they can attack so knowing how to snowball a dice advantage and manage your active character rotations is vital especially for this blizzard deck think of it this way thanks to Mona's quick swap passive as long as you have one Hydra die and one cryo die mixed with a few other random dice you can very easily set up a freeze on your opponent's active character and that's a threat that they'll have to know how to play against in order to avoid missing out on important abilities and setups you basically control the entire field with this deck and the more you know it the more control you can have with how your enemy will play and then there's the glacier deck which is taking over the community as one of the strongest overall decks in the ginshin TCG right now the deck consists of ayaka chongyun and xincho so at its core it is a freeze deck but it also employs the elements of one turn kill potential with the use of Saint Joe's powerful burst and hard-hitting abilities like ayakas and chongyuns this deck doesn't literally have otk potential but it can in perfect scenarios wipe out multiple characters in one round and any left alive will likely just be frozen by the excess of synchro's rain swords so when you set it up properly it is a very threatening deck to play against however unlike the blizzard deck we just went over this deck does suffer from being much less forgiving if you can't properly set it up the deck has even less survivability than the blizzard deck and on top of that ability management is more expensive so if you get a bad starting hand or a rough first round it will be a lot more difficult to recover from than you'd expect from other freeze decks obviously though the better you know this deck the more capable you can become of turning a bad situation around so let's discuss a bit about what cards work best in this deck and how you should generally play it so first off you'll unsurprisingly want to slot essential cards like strategize changing shifts leave it to me send off pymon cryo resonance cards live in ETC into your deck for a really good core after that I like to slot two minty meat roll cards because with good setup you can use minty meat rolls to perform up to five or even six normal attacks with ayaka in one round which in tandem with sanctions burst and her own cryo-infusion amounts to a lot of freezing and a lot of damage since this deck is almost entirely focused on Elemental damage having the parametric Transformer card can be a really great play here and it can offer a nice dice Advantage when played correctly but I also very much recommend running an NRE combo with this deck because of how bad their survivability is together meaning you could run an NRE card with two of your minty meat rolls and toss in one or two extra food cards to make the most of your NRE when it's placed I would also consider slotting cards such as Catherine and ayaka's special card together which will help you not only swap to ayaka without costing dice but also without costing your turn which can be the difference between winning and losing an entire match and it's a powerful card combo to use in this deck you can also use cards like Chang the 9 both of which mesh quite well with the Stack's playstyle but outside of those you can use other cards like Jade chamber Dawn Winery star signs calcus art or even build around weapon decks with sacrificial swords and Wagner cards but generally you're gonna get the most value and playing power out of my aforementioned recommendations now with the glacier deck you'll have to be a bit more precise with your gameplay than you would with other kinds of freeze decks like the blizzard deck or even like a kaya quick swap deck Etc usually you'll want to open by playing for singtel's burst because as soon as you get that on the field you'll have very easy access to freeze reactions it'll allow you to begin quick swapping to ayaka every so often for a normal attack which will deal I believe 5 damage per attack on its own and once you've lined up a good dice advantage and a minty meat roll card you can look to go all in with ayaka's attacks to finish the opponent off chongyun is here because using his skill is a cheap and easy cryo application that will also Infuse your active character with cryo so if you need to you can freeze with sincho or chanyun's normal attacks rather than just ayaka while you're lining up her final play this will add some much needed flexibility to the team comp because otherwise you would only be playing for the hopes of getting ayaka's otk potential lined up which won't always happen and also it's not literally one turn kill it's it's more like two characters in one turn you get the idea keep in mind that when you go to freeze an opponent with low HP sometimes it can be worth using an ability that won't kill them because then your opponent won't get a free character swap out of that character's death and when their active character is frozen they'll be forced to either end the round and let the character die or spin dice to swap them out which will put them at a greater disadvantage either way also please keep in mind that singcho's skill will apply Hydro to him so as much as this can be a really good thing for cleansing him of other threatening Elemental auras it can also backfire and set him up to be frozen bloomed electrocuted or vaporized so be mindful I'm not speaking from experience or anything that would be weird anyways uh overall it's quite clear that Frieza is a bit unbalanced right now because when played correctly your opponent legitimately has no way to counter or cleanse it which is too terrifying and although these decks are a little more complicated than other decks I've been playing they're still very fun and once you get to know them you can dominate each game you play against challenging Tavern battles to that citizens or even real people because PVP is a thing now anyways that's it from me if you enjoyed this video like And subscribe to be awesome and I will see you in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: dragonfly
Views: 79,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact tcg, genshin tcg, genshin impact, genius invocation tcg, genshin card game, genshin tcg guide, ayaka freeze tcg, freeze deck genshin, god deck explained, genshin impact tcg best deck, genshin impact tcg deck, dragonflymarcus, dragonfly genshin impact, tcg genshin impact, genshin card game gameplay, ayaka tcg, mona tcg, xingqiu tcg, chongyun tcg, genshin freeze, genshin freeze deck, genius invocation tcg genshin, genius invocation tcg best deck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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