Genius Invokation TCG 42 DAMAGE NUKE TUTORIAL! Genshin Impact

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hello and welcome to my channel I win to lose gaming in today's silly little video I'm going to be showing you guys how I pulled off this 42 colossal damage nuke in the Genji impact Trading Card Game [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so I finally got around to actually playing the Genji impact trading card game for a little bit and what better way to start off by immediately trying to do a huge nuke in this game mode now 42 damage is pretty poultry when it comes to damage in the actual game and the trading card game 42 damage is quite a bit when characters and enemies have like 10 or sometimes even as low as three to 30-ish hit points so in today's video I'm going to show you guys everything that it takes to do this nuke combo now um we're gonna start off with just the bare minimum number of cards that you need in order to pull this off as you can see my focus when I started this game mode was purely just a nuke the only two additional characters that I've invited and gotten their cards for are Bennett and Mona and official 2 did we get official for free I don't actually remember maybe I I actually invited official but regardless of those details Bennett and Mona as well as your starting character one of the starting characters deluke are the key for this nuke no surprise this is almost like when you actually play regular Genji impact um Bennett and Mona are two of the best nuke supporters you know damage amplifiers in the game and it's no different here in the trading card game so for the Buffs these are the bare minimum four cards that okay that you need in order to pull this buff off but actually you don't technically need Bennett's burst uh card however it is highly recommended because otherwise there's a really good chance your dulu is going to be under seven hit points with this ridiculous setup let now let's go into some of the supporting cards that really help a lot with pulling all of this stuff off so first of all are some artifacts I do recommend one Crimson Witch of flames and perhaps even one which is scorching hat now you don't necessarily need both Crimson with your flames because I find that the number of dice two additional dice is quite a lot in order to have two full sets of this thing so for me I found that this combination worked best for this nuke setup now other cards is you can have the Hydro One as well but I personally found that I ended up not really needing this because of a lot of the other cards we typically aren't going to be using Mona too much except just to build her burst whereas for the Pyro characters you have to use them five times before in order to get their bursts up and we also have some other options to get their Elemental bursts up so this card is extremely crucial for the strategy and this one allows you to draw two cards I highly highly recommend having both of these on your um in your deck because you need to go through a lot of cards for this now the next most recommended ones are for sure going to be this one right here again you want to get through your cards fast and as fast as possible so having as many of you know the ability to draw a lot of cards is extremely important now one card that I ended up using that I found was extremely helpful was um was it called Tubby yeah tubby because tubby allows you to summon these things for free basically once a turn and these things are extraordinarily helpful as well as some of the other location ones that we are going to want to use now we really want to stall we're going to want to stall a lot in this uh game mode because in order to pull off this nuke you have to build up all three of your characters bursts as well as to equip at least the wolf's gravestone and then have enough things for the adeptus temptation as well as for this pirate resonance oh yeah I should actually rewind a little bit in terms of what cards we actually need so the wolf's gravestone adds one damage to deluke and then another two damage if the target has less than 6 hp so in total if the criteria met this adds three damage to the Luke next we have pyro resonance which when they trigger a pyro related reaction your active character gains three more damage so in total that is plus six damage to deluke next we have the adeptus Temptation which adds another three damage so in total we have 9 damage from these three things alone after that we of course have Bennett's Elemental burst Bennett's Elemental burst adds two damage if your character is over 7 HP but if you use his special card which we have over here then the HP restriction is lifted and the Luke will get his damage buff regardless and finally we have Mona's illusory bubble which removes the status and doubles the damage dealt for this instance so you guys can see where the damage is starting to come from and of course we finally have vaporize vaporize adds another two damage on Elemental reaction which we can see here vaporize plus two damage so Deluxe burst does a base damage of eight so we have eight plus um uh four which is 12 plus 9 from the most gravestone this thing and the adeptus temptation to get a base damage of 21 and then it is multiplied by two by the illusory bubble buff okay so the next cards I recommend are actually the Wang Chu in because this will provide you with each one will provide you with four healing and they are free once you deploy a tubby so it is these are extremely dice effective once you have tubby down and you can keep healing your characters now next you also I at least I personally brought two fivonius Cathedrals uh I found that you know I think two to three of these is enough but you know you're gonna fill up your deck with random stuff anyway so stuff that will keep you alive is extremely important because you need many many turns to pull this off just to set everything up remember you guys have 30 cards in your hand and you need a very specific combination of cards to get it to work so a couple ones that I personally found really helpful are these Pi mods I kind of held on to them until roughly two to three rounds prior to when I needed to pull off the nuke and then I used them as quickly as I possibly could now I I also had one Dawn Winery just because you know over the course of the game you end up saving a lot of dice because of this which is very helpful now I think I also had two of these as well adding two additional dice just at any point to do more of these actions is incredibly helpful and after this you know it's a bit more flexible oh yeah so specifically on the enemy that we do this to we do this to the oceanic boss fight and the ocean and boss fight has some very dangerous summons that can literally well almost one shot you are really yeah they can one shot you if you know you're in your turn and use this first so in order to counteract the oceanic you really want this hutau thing as well as one of the shell ones I found to be enough so what these do is that these destroy summons the hutai one destroys one summon at the cost of any two color Dice and finally the Xiao one destroys all summons at the cost of four of the same color dye so do keep that in mind however I found that the shell and hutau were critical for keeping me alive and also in order to maximize your burst damage so next let's talk about um more ways to actually keep yourself alive there are food items and in particular the lotus flower crisp is one of the best ways to mitigate damage especially when the oceanic is about to use its Elemental burst you can reduce that damage by three so to put it in perspective the ocean and it can do up to eight damage which is colossal amounts of damage now the other Foods I personally um didn't really find them very helpful or I I didn't bring them and I didn't need them clearly in order to pull off this combo now some other cards really you've got a few more I actually do recommend iron tongue Tien alternatively you can also absolutely bring this card to either way though I recommend some of these guys in order to start building up your bursts now the last two cards I think I had two pie mods here as well just to get some proper Elemental energy when I actually needed it and then the last one is a bit more flexible um I actually don't even remember uh what what I ended up choosing for the last one so yeah you get oh I think I chose this one uh Deluxe a special card in order to have the Luke just output a lot of searing onslaughts to do enough damage to the ocean in order to put it into the 6 hp range because this way you can output more significantly more searing onslaughts thanks to this car just to be extremely clear in terms of oh there's my uh welcome Moon just just extremely clear in terms of where the boss fight is you talk to this cat and then at the I think at level two you literally unlock the oceanic boss fight so I'm gonna just at least run through a couple initial turns just to give you guys an idea of what it takes to pull this nuke off so the first thing you want to do is you want to re-roll for cards that allow you to draw more cards hit right off the bat we this didn't happen when I was trying to do it earlier but right off the bat we got both of these now if we get two Coco means it's gonna be crazy um but either way this is a great start I think having at least two of the cards that allow you to draw more cards is absolutely a key for this and I'm gonna open up with Bennett just in case I need to use his burst more than once during this game having Bennett's burst up super fast before the other characters is absolutely huge but you know not absolutely necessary sometimes you can open up with the Luke instead now we got a lot of pyro dice which is absolutely great for us for this set up however okay so yeah we can immediately deploy these uh draw two cards now one quick tip you can only keep 10 cards in your hand I learned this the hard way any card that comes after the 10th card gets uh burned up and completely wasted so uh don't be like me and accidentally do that and absolutely regret that the ocean in place pretty passively overall but I'm gonna I'm gonna deploy both of these um just to get a very nice head start on all of that and then we're gonna use a Bennett's element of skill again we want to bring these things HP down to roughly of I think the range is six to eight where Bennett's burst cannot actually kill this boss if you have it I I think actually around seven to eight HP because again you have to use Bennett's burst right prior to ending your stuff so anyway okay let's uh end return now and the ocean ended what it does is that it keeps summoning things but most importantly once it's burst is full which I don't think it will do this round correct it typically does it every two to three rounds it's Elemental burst and we can see here we're drawing six cards every turn now which is pretty crazy and I'm already out of space so this is not a good idea to deploy both of these at once but this run is not necessarily the run that I'm gonna pull it off I'm just giving you guys a a few quick tips uh prior you know to just showing you guys the clip that I actually pulled it off with so if four four hydros very nice and it's gonna do its Elemental skill that's fine so these add-ons just keep in mind that at the end of the turn the bird as well as the Chipmunk will do three damage total or just two damage from the Chipmunk one damage from the bird and the Frog it only does damage after you kill it so yeah those are important things to know about it so okay we have six we still have nine nine cars so let's start burning them because otherwise we're gonna be very sad if we don't burn these up let's go ahead and just end our run here and the next turn I'm going to show you guys how to deal with this thing's element of verse so this thing will never use its Elemental burst at the beginning of a turn I have never seen it do it maybe you're gonna get unlucky and it does that but it always starts with a basic attack or an elemental skill or whatever summons one of the things and oh no did you see that I lost those two cards oh wait no I needed I needed to have four car oh my gosh I'm an idiot uh what was I saying earlier yeah I didn't even burn enough cards I was so distracted telling you guys all these tips but hey you guys can see exactly what I was talking about uh were those cars burn the ones that I needed I'm not even sure if the wolf's gravestone or you know some of the others were actually burned then we just got completely hosed by that but anyway um okay so what I'm doing now is I'm gonna get four of the same element which I have now the next turn this boss is gonna do its Elemental Burst when it does its first um let's take a look here it will do two damage plus two damage per Summit if it has three summons it will do eight entire damage in order to counteract that you can use this Shell card which I typically use when there are three summons but for this demonstration I'm just going to use it even though there's only two because this runs dead anyway I already burned my cards and that really sucks I didn't even pay attention to what cards were burned but let's let's go ahead and um just you know build up some burst here like this and then I'm gonna wrap up this turn by burning two by burning these and pulling out additional cards so yeah I I didn't pay attention if we burned either prior resonance or the wolf scrapes in the runs did anyway but yeah so now we can see that the boss is going to do its first and once it has three it it will have three and it will not use this burst until the next round now this is the next round and it will always do a basic attack and then do its burst keep that in mind and delete the summons as needed so we can see here that now the boss is going to do its first and I'm going to easily and successfully tank the boss's attack so right here it did its Elemental burst no big deal duluth's gonna take two damage that's nothing compared to the eight damage that it would take I'm gonna summon a couple things and then it's gonna slap you around with this thing and yeah blah blah blah it's gonna do one damage right here if you're doing so we can see here that's just a quick tip for actually staying alive and our depth as Temptation got burned up so this run is completely hosed but yeah this is the turn right before um the actual round I managed to pull off the nuke but what you want to do is you want to do Bennett's burst and Mona's burst during this turn the turn right before the one that you want to do the Luke's nuke with now I knew exactly how many hit points all the characters had as well as um how many hit points how much damage they can survive I'm pretty sure Mona's just gonna be just fine swapping in here to do her element of verse because uh the ocean is either gonna do its basic attack or not or or summon the thing which only does one damage or zero damage so next I'm using Stellaris Phantasm finally and what's interesting about Stellaris Phantasm is that it does zero damage to the Oceania because the oceanic is actually immune to hydro foreign this is the turn that we actually want to do the nuke so I had a couple Pi mods providing me with energy for the previous round and now I just have one pymon which is more than enough providing me those energies and you just need three or four pyro energies depending on whether or not you have an artifact quip but you want to use the adeptice Temptation you can see here I use this summon to destroy the Frog next I use the pyresonance elemental reaction buff card and now the Luke is ready to pull off his burst so um now what's going on here we can see it does 42 damage there which is pretty epic I'm just double checking my cards here to see if I have had everything equipped we can see everything equipped onto Luke the wolf's Graystone the flowing flame part resonance thing the adapters Temptation the uh Elemental resonance fervent flames and the Bennett's inspiration field and finally the illusory bubble is actually tagged onto your character and not the enemy which it took me forever to notice that actually I just noticed it here when I was doing this new and here we can see I'm just about ready to finally click this after so many turns of setup and Bam 42 damage and gentian impact trading card game I can't wait to see a future nukes power creep this one but this one was absolutely hilarious and fun to pull off to see such small damage numbers again it's very satisfying and yeah so I hope you guys enjoyed this I guess tutorial is in this tutorial but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this little video on how to do a uh big nuke in the gentian impact Trading Card Game let me know what you think about this video down in the comments below and if you would like to actually see more gension impact Trading Card Game content from me in the future like for example um what's the most amount of damage you could probably do in a single turn or maybe some character specific focused uh gen chin impact Trading Card Game videos where I really take one character and highlight what that character can do or at least what I can come up with so yeah anyway as as always I appreciate every single one of you this is I want to lose signing out [Music]
Channel: IWinToLose Gaming
Views: 138,815
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact tcg, genshin impact trading card game, genshin impact tcg mona, genshin impact tcg bennett, genshin tcg guide, genshin tcg deck, genshin tcg nuke, genshin impact genius invocation tcg, genshin impact genius invocation, genshin impact genius invokation tcg tier list, genshin impact genius invokation cards, genius genshin impact, genius invocation tcg, genius invocation tcg best deck, genius invocation tcg genshin, genius invocation tcg diluc deck
Id: _5vORqNpazI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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