Why Footprints Stay On The Moon and 60+ Other Amazing Facts

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as you're sitting there watching this video you might think you're totally still relatively speaking but in fact you along with the entire solar system are moving really fast at that our milky way galaxy is rotating at about 145 miles per second uh sorry officer i didn't realize i was speeding in switzerland you're not allowed to have just one guinea pig the reason is that they're social creatures and therefore must have a buddy everybody needs somebody right a small village in india has a very interesting tradition every time a baby girl is born people there plant 111 trees in her honor the bat is the only mammal that can fly nah flying squirrels don't count they just glide sorry little fellas but you're just falling in style [Music] scientists believe that diamonds as big as jewels rained down on saturn and jupiter the lightning burns up methane into a kind of carbon they clump together and form graphite which turns into diamonds that fall from the sky wait don't i see lucy up there there's no sound in space yes if you shout nobody's gonna hear you and that's because there are no molecules in the vacuum of space for the sound waves to travel through astronauts in space can lose about one percent of their muscle mass each month if they don't stick to an exercise regimen lasting two hours every single day well that'll motivate you in alaska it's prohibited to whisper in someone's ear while they're mousse hunting save your secrets for another time it's estimated that for every human being on earth there are 1 million ants i'll let you do the math while i scratch the sudden itchy feeling all over my body ew the highest peak in our solar system is on mars at 15 miles high olympus mons squashes our great everest like a bug or an ant forget about roy g biv there's no set numbers of colors in a rainbow the reason is that each hue mixes seamlessly with the next one without a concrete boundary next time you see a rainbow in the sky try counting how many colors you see the average person spends about one third of their life sleeping think about that the next time you want to sleep in on weekends the size of your eyes never changes it remains the same from birth while your nose and ears keep growing about 85 percent of people breathe out of just one nostril at a time and depending on which nostril you're breathing out of at any given moment it affects your whole body and particularly your brain the average person's nose produces about three pints of mucus a day most of it goes back into your throat and gets swallowed boy and for your final nose fact of the day rhino till exomania is an obsessive compulsive disorder of picking your nose uncontrollably don't ever keep a goldfish in a dark room it'll become pale then it'll be asking you for a spray tan oh brother there's a disease called werewolf syndrome it's characterized by abnormal hair growth all over the body lions do about 90 of the hunting so yeah next time you imagine a lion on the prowl you should really be thinking of a lioness [Music] footprints left on the moon won't disappear anytime because there's no wind so that small step for man is still up there venus is a champ when it comes to volcanoes it has about 1600 major ones on its surface however none of them is known to erupt there are more stars in the night sky than there are grains of sand on this planet you might doubt that but only because just a small portion of stars is visible in the sky [Music] at any given moment there are about two thousand thunderstorms happening on earth trust me i counted okay maybe i didn't but still coca-cola was the first commercial drink to be consumed in space so that's one giant glug for the atlanta-based soda manufacturer [Music] speaking of cola the average american drinks about 45 gallons of soda a year whoo our poor stomachs [Music] actually our stomachs do okay with all that soda pop i mean the hydrochloric acid in your stomach can dissolve metal after all cows can sleep while standing but they can only dream lying down what they're all dreaming about though is beyond me [Music] about 40 of women apply body or hand cream at least three times a day so now you know you might have heard that dust is 80 dead skin cells but that's a misconception two-thirds of dust comes from outside in the form of pollen and soot the rest of it is either pet dander or just carpet or clothing fibers that's not to say that you don't lose plenty of dead skin cells some of which become part of the dust in your house but that's just an insignificant fraction of the nine pounds of dead skin you lose every year the diameter of an aorta which is the largest artery in the human body is about the same as a garden house in new zealand babies often sleep on sheepskins this is thought to help them gain weight faster and keep their body heat the average cumulus cloud that's the big poofy kind weighs just over one million pounds that's the weight of about a hundred fully grown elephants floating above your head on a cloudy day most lipsticks contain fish scales actually the substance is called pearl essence and many brands today prefer to use an artificial version of it beware of the danger of ball point pets well their caps to be specific each year about a hundred people choke on them keep the pen out of your mouth dummy next time you're planning to lick a stamp think twice every time you lick one you're consuming one tenth of a calorie yeah we can measure that a snail can sleep for three years so now i guess you can feel better about sleeping one-third of your life away dolphins sleep with one eye open boy if i shared a house with sharks and barracuda i probably would too the youngest monarch in history was alfonso the viii of spain he became king on may 17 1886 that is the day he was born the electric chair was invented by dentist dr alfred southwick see i always knew there was a reason for my fear stewardesses is the longest word that can be typed using only the left hand go ahead try it out now typewriter is the longest word that can be made using the keys on only one row of the keyboard there are only four words in the english language that end in dous tremendous horrendous stupendous and hazardous can you think of any more how about making up a new one hey maybe a really big duck with a green head could be called mallardus or not one in four americans has been on tv i guess andy warhol was right when he predicted that everyone in the future will be famous for 15 minutes almonds are members of the peach family yeah this is useful stuff you might have heard of deja vu the feeling you've experienced something before but what about deja ravi that's when you feel like you've already dreamed a situation you might be in at the moment speaking of dreams the average person has about three to five each night it's just that you forget most of them as soon as you wake up sharks are the only fish that can blink with both eyes but it's not to clean or hydrate them they blink to protect their eyes while biting into their prey [Music] in one recent study most americans who were asked what their favorite smell was answered banana what about you do you love the smell of it in 18 months two rats can have a million descendants [Music] and not to be outdone seahorses can have up to 2 000 babies in one litter [Music] here's one that'll annoy you mosquitoes can live perfectly fine on flower nectar instead of sucking your blood in fact it's only the females that bite humans and they do it because they need blood to produce eggs [Music] the largest flower in the world also happens to be the stinkiest with a bloom of about three feet across and weighing roughly 15 pounds the corpse lily is said to smell just like well the name says it all over half of the world's population have never made or received a phone call ah a life without telemarketers imagine one million earths could fit inside the sun by the way the size of our sun is quite average in comparison with other stars in the universe [Music] if someone could fly a plane to pluto it would take them about 800 years an 800 year long flight that sounds like my worst nightmare approximately once a year an asteroid the size of a car enters the earth's atmosphere but don't worry they always burn up before reaching the surface every year the earth's rotation slows down by about 1.4 milliseconds so if you've always wanted more hours in the day just be patient very very patient
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Keywords: interesting facts, small facts, weird facts, animal facts, facts about animals, facts you never knew, facts about human body, psychological facts, psychology, traditions, other countries, inventions, amazing facts, shocking facts, facts of life, scientific facts, unusual things, facts about people, historical facts, fun history, facts about space, facts about Earth, facts about different countries
Id: q7id7c5PSTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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