If You Spot It, You're in Top 1% With Eagle Sight

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Okay, let’s start with a warm-up. We’ll   do eye-ball stretches… ha. You’ll  have 7 seconds for each picture. These girls look like twins. One little  thing is different though. Do you see it?   Only one of them has lovely rosy cheeks. I just love those patterns. The sets  look identical, but are they really?   One egg in the second picture is missing  one stripe. I’m sure you noticed it! All aboard! The ship is about to  depart. Can you tell what’s wrong here?   The dock entrance is too narrow for that  size of ship, or any ship, for that matter. What a gorgeous sunset! Does  it all look okay to you?   The colors are perfect, but  sunsets don’t happen at 2 o’clock! This couple must be having a  great time at the beach. Except…   something doesn’t feel right. What is it?   Well, there can’t be two moons  in the sky at the same time. Would you eat these grapes, or is  there some problem that you notice?   That must be one exotic sort  of grapes with fern leaves. It’s a busy day on the road, and  something went wrong here. Can you see it?   Looks like there’s no way for the right  lane to turn right. What is that sign for? There are always so many  things to do at the office.   No wonder things got a bit  messed up. Do you see it?   Don’t ever plan anything for June 31.  There are just 30 days in June. Really. It’s time for a mini safari. Can  you find a frog in this jungle?  Here it is! Someone reported an eagle in the  countryside. Can you help locate it?   Great job! Your friend lost her cat.   Will you help her bring Mister Mittens back  home? Yay! You just saved Mister Mittens! Someone said they saw a snake in the field. Can  you find it before it gets dangerous? Well done! A little frog escaped from its aquarium.  Do you see it here? Yep – it’s right there. Someone’s definitely having fun.   Can you say how the second picture  is different from the first? Easy! The sea is calling! Can you spot 5  differences between these 2 pictures?   Wow, I didn’t notice that cloud was there. You need a refill of vitamins to carry on.  These look like 2 identical sets of fruit,   but are they really?   They’re all the same except for the apples. Are you ready for a hot air balloon  adventure? It starts the moment you   find 5 differences between 2 pictures!  Perfect. Prepare for take-off! So much yum for one picture! One of these  cupcakes is not like the others. Can you spot it?   That was easy! If all these artists got together,  they could paint the whole world.   They all look alike except for one.   There she is! Let’s throw some dice. The lucky one  is not like the others. Do you see it?   Now the luck is all yours! Two road trips can never be the same, even if you  take one road. Find 5 proofs in the picture. Hmmm,   the shadow one was tricky. That must be one really  funny joke! Someone is LOLing   and someone is ROFLing. Do  you see the odd one out?   It’s this little guy right here. The Sun’s out, and everyone is happy!  Find 5 differences between the pictures,   and the good vibe is yours!   It’s all about the details. Looks like this isn’t going as planned. Plus,  there are 5 moments that are completely different   in the second picture. Can you name them all?  The wheels, the grass, the headband… I see! Beach time! Again, the second picture is  different from the first one in 5 ways.   Wow! You do need an eagle eye for this one! Some people can read between the lines.  Can you read between the pictures?   Now that was a tricky one! What about this picture? Again,  there must be 6 words here.   Did you find them all? Have you ever built a blanket fort? That talent  can help you find 6 words here in no time.   Yay! I see them all! Time for some optical illusions! What you see  at first can say a lot about your personality. What’s in this one for you? If you saw 2  crocodiles first, you’re always trying to   keep things under control and be in charge  of everything. If you noticed a bird first,   you're super friendly and sociable and try  to make a compromise out of any situation. How about this one?   If you saw a sitting man first, you’re ambitious  and a good planner. If you noticed the face of a   man first, you’re a creative soul and always see  something others can’t notice in everyday things. This one seems too plain, but is it really?   If you just see some green landscape here, you’re  a rational and realistic person who tries to solve   any problem rationally. If you noticed a snake,  some monkeys, a crocodile and other wildlife here,   you’re most likely the artsy type.  You pay a lot of attention to details. What do you see here?   Did you notice two squirrels first? You must  be a great friend and can’t imagine living a   day without the company of others. If  it’s the face of young woman to you,   you never feel lonely even when you’re  alone and appreciate the quiet sometimes. Your 7 seconds for this picture start now.   If this one is clearly men on  horses to you, you’re active,   decisive, and won’t stop when you know what you  want. If it’s the face of an old lady to you,   you like to think twice and always  consider all the possible consequences. How about this one?   Do you see a room full of people? You most  likely enjoy being the heart of the party.   Performing on stage is no problem to you.   If you see a face in the window, you  feel most comfortable when you don’t have   any eyes on you. You’d rather help others  and can be genuinely happy for their success. Good luck with this one! You still have 7 seconds.   If you saw a polar bear, you must have a rich  imagination. You often prefer to stay in your   own little dream world because it’s better  than reality. If you saw painted hands first,   you accept things the way they are and try  to take the best out of every situation. Now, give this one a close look.   If it looks like a swan to you, logic is your  best friend. You look at things as they are and   you can solve any problem. If it's more of  a squirrel, you never stop and set goal by   goal! If you make mistakes, you don't let them  stop you – you learn from them and go further. What about this one?   If the roots caught your attention  first, you most likely have a lot to say,   but you only share with your nearest friends.  Your alone time is also important to you. If you   noticed the lips first, you are easy-going  and make friends quickly. You’re stubborn   in a good way! When you’re passionate  about something, nothing can stop you.   If you saw the trees first, you’re the  person everyone comes to for advice.   It takes a while for you to warm up to others,  but then you stay best friends for life. Do you see what I see?   If it’s a dancing couple to you, you must be  in a harmonious relationship, or just about   to meet your special someone. You see love as  an equal partnership. If it’s two trees, love   means overcoming obstacles to you. You don’t like  to rush things, and that’s good for you. If you   clearly see a guy with a moustache here, you might  be thinking staying alone is better for you at the   moment. Take your time, discover yourself, and  if it’s meant to be, the situation will change.
Views: 613,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, visual illusions, visual puzzles, optical illusions, check your vision, test your brain, brain power, how smart you are, how good you eyes, eye sharpness, personality test, Brightside, bright side video, your personality, personality quiz, personality types, personality traits, character, test your personality, reveal the truth, psychology, what your choice says about you, learn about your personality, your true character
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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