10 Facts About Our Planet You Didn't Learn In School

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[Music] okay Rocket Man ten facts about our planet you didn't learn in school we seem to think we know pretty much all there is to know about our familiar home planet that nothing can surprise us at this point but are you willing to bet money on that you might know that it's called the blue planet but did you know that scientists say Earth was originally a different color or that the moon isn't Earth's only satellite intrigued yeah good then let's get to know our home planet a little better with these ten little-known earthly facts counting down from number 10 the moon is probably a chunk of the earth before our planet had its cosmic companion scientists believed that the early Earth was all alone in its path around the Sun then about four billion years ago when the earth was still just a baby a gigantic space rock the size of Mars and with a lovely named Theia collided with our planet as a result a huge chunk of the earth broke away and later became our satellite the moon and our planet never felt lonely again Oh a happy ending number nine the Earth's magnetic field is changing earth has a strong magnetic field thanks to two important factors its nickel iron core and a pretty fast axial rotation the magnetic field is vital for Earth because it protects the planet from the impact of solar winds we think of our planet's magnetic field as something constant and stable but the truth is that is changing researchers say that since the 19th century the northern magnetic pole has shifted about 685 miles moving northwestward across the Canadian Arctic the southern magnetic pole is also constantly roaming scientists have actually known about the migration of the poles for a long time James Ross an explorer and British naval officer pinpointed the northern magnetic pole for the first time in 1831 he discovered it during his exhausting voyage to the Arctic where his ship got trapped in the ice forcing the crew to spend a harsh 4 years there maybe that's why nobody went back to that place until the next century in 1904 Roald Amundsen a polar regions Explorer from Norway reached the North Magnetic Pole again and was surprised to find that it had shifted 31 miles since Ross's discovery hey you can't keep a good pull down you know what I mean you just gotta let him wander number eight gravity isn't the same everywhere on the planet Earth despite common belief isn't perfectly round it's more like a squash sphere kind of like how my head is shaped so it's mass is irregular and differs in various places which causes wobbles of gravity in different areas of the planet one of these gravitational anomalies is found in Canada's Hudson Bay where the gravity is much weaker than anywhere else on the planet a 2007 study found the reason for such a phenomenon is melted glaciers that area was once covered with a thick layer of ice when that ice later melted the imprint of this glacier partially pushed aside some of the Earth's mass in that region is precisely this slight deformation of the crust that can explain the 25 to 45 percent weaker gravity they're who they should open up a spa sounds like a great place to lose some weight and not have to work so hard huh as for the rest perhaps it's somehow connected with the movement of magma in the planets mantle at least that's what researchers have predicted in science journal number seven Earth had and still might have one more moon some scientists believe that our planet used to have an additional satellite according to their research a smaller celestial body about 750 miles wide orbited the earth just like a second moon it most likely crashed into our main satellite later on such a collision could explain why the two sides of the moon looks so different from each other one being heavily cratered in ruff scientists also don't rule out the probability that one day earth will get another satellite even today there are tons of celestial bodies that follow the planet they're mostly temporary companions though but scientists say that the gravitational field of our planet occasionally captures even quite big asteroids that spin around the earth for several months or about three rotations after that they move on in their journey across the expanses of the cosmos kind of like hitchhikers number six there are moon quakes on the moon now earthquakes or rather moon quakes on the moon aren't something from science fiction they actually happen they don't occur as often as those on earth but they are much deeper and closer to the center of our satellite about halfway between the surface and the core scientists believe this phenomenon has something to do with the gravitational force between the earth and the moon so we can truthfully say to the moon hey your quake is not our fault get it fault all right let's move on number five our planet is covered in gold really about 20 million tons of gold can be found inside our very own planet and in the seas if all this precious metal could be extracted it would be enough to cover the entire surface of the planet in a 2-foot layer of gold and if we gave everyone an equal piece each one of Earth's inhabitants would get nine pounds of this treasure but don't rush out to dig up your backyard just yet the metal is extremely diluted you can only get a gram of gold for everyone hundred million tons of seawater but can't we at least try please number four earth used to be purple now dr. shield is Sarma a microbial geneticist from the University of Maryland hypothesizes which is a ten-dollar scientific word four guesses that our planet was once purple he thinks that ancient microbes probably didn't use chlorophyll but other molecules to process sunlight these molecules most likely would have given a violet hue to the microbes turning the entire planet purple man prince was born way too early he would love that number three the tallest mountain on the planet isn't what you think now this may seem shocking but the title of the tallest mountain in the world might be stolen from Mount Everest no doubt this enormous mountain reaches 29,029 feet above sea level and there's no other mountain on earth that stands so tall but there is Mauna Kea a mountain in Hawaii it stands proud with its peak just about thirteen thousand eight hundred two feet above sea level by the way this makes Hawaii the second tallest island in the whole world so what are we getting at you ask that's much shorter than Mount Everest after all true but the thing is that the largest part of this over 1 million year-old mountain is underwater and if measured from the very bottom on the ocean floor to the peak Mauna Kea is 33,000 feet tall making it technically the tallest mountain on the planet Aloha number 2 Earth has exploding lakes well on the border of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda as well as in Cameroon there are three deadly explosive lakes Neos Mona and kevo are crater lakes that are located over volcanic Earth this means that magma lurking below the surface emits carbon dioxide into the waters of the lake this carbon dioxide builds up in a thick layer at the bottom of the lakes until pressure gives way and it's released in an explosion now it doesn't happen often but if anyone is unlucky enough to be passing by at that moment they'll be asphyxiated with the gas oh my so it's really a farting Lake that can kill you if you get too close hey I have a brother-in-law kind of like that and number one earth is home to the most powerful volcanic eruption ever the most powerful eruption ever recorded happen in April 1815 the heart of the explosion was Mount Tambora in Indonesia this eruption was ranked a seven or super colossal on the volcanic explosivity index this ranking is similar to the Richter scale for earthquakes and goes from 1 to 8 the 1815 explosion was so loud that even people on Sumatra island could hear it and that's about 1,200 miles away over 71 thousand people died in this catastrophic disaster and dark clouds of wet ash covered distant islands scary so which earthly fact shot you the most perhaps you know some more information about our beautiful planet that we haven't mentioned let us know in the comments below share this video with all your friends who are thirsty for knowledge and if you had fun watching this video hit the like button don't forget that big red button either click it and subscribe to our channel to stick around with us on the bright side of life I'd of LA you
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Keywords: interesting facts, things you’ve never seen, unusual things, facts about planet, facts about the earth, facts about nature, gravity, moon, magnetic field, two moons, gold, purple earth, amazing facts, interesting videos, intriguing videos, facts of life, mysterious world, rare facts, awesomeness, facts you must know, shocking facts, surprising facts, scientific facts, facts you didn’t learn at school
Id: BRXdjc5yxVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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