"A Faith That Pleases God", Hebrews 11: 6, http://tambc.org, Rev. Christopher Rhoden

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good morning my brothers and sisters giving our praises to God on a to our pastor Pastor Galen right thank you so much sir for giving me an opportunity to exercise the gift that God has called me to have on today there's a word coming out of Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 what we'll be looking in verse 6 hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 Hebrew is right out the chain a man I think hate me before all come a man excuse me alright y'all know a man any man is in between somewhere Amen come table of contents amen hey man hey man charge it to my heat and not my heart prays to God Amy you have it a man again hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 the Word of God says but without faith it's impossible to please the Lord my Bible says but without faith it's impossible to please him for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him I believe I read that again the writer says but without faith it's impossible to please him for he who comes to him must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and on today I won't hold you long but I want to talk to you from the subject a faith that pleases God a faith that pleases God a faith that pleases God there are some times in our life what we try to do our very best to please others and in some situations we find ourselves disappointed exhausted burdened down whether it be financially spiritually and mentally yes we try to please people who are not even important in our lives and then those who we don't even care about we still try to please and there are some we care about in those that are important in our lives we try to please as well and like I said earlier we find ourself burdened down when it comes to pleasing others we tend to go all out to impress many for example some buy fancy clothes just to get a compliment others try to put out a big wad of money to impress their boyfriends or their girlfriends to show that they got it like that and if they hang around with them long enough they will have or either be in a relationship with them they say that if you just hang around with me I can bless you and please you with the finer things in life yes they are willing to go all out to please somebody but don't get it twisted my brothers and sisters because there are situations and there are some do's and don'ts we have to consider in order to please people we have to please our wives as men of God as husbands we have to please our wives and then wives have to please their husbands in order to keep the relationship and fellowship strong we have to please our parents little children in order to do the things and receive the toys and go out on fun activities we even have to please those that are over such as supervisors on our job so we can earn a higher pay or receive a better position and for those who own our own company or maybe on their own business you have to please that customer so they can tell others about your business so you can stay in business and what I'm trying to say is that we will do almost all that we can to help and please others and again in some of these errors there's nothing wrong with it but what I want you to think about on the question I'm about to ask next do you go all out trying to please God the next question do you go all out to please God and would you go all out to please God and then I have another question to think about do you know what it takes to please God and then the other question I want you to think about is do you think God is pleased with what you're doing I asked you again would you go all out to please God do you go all out to please God do you know what it takes to please God and do you think that God is pleased with what you have done for him and these are the questions that reminds me in the Bible where it says but let a man examine himself and y'all I'ma be honest with you I'm my worst critic and I believe that I fall short in some of these categories and if not all of these categories in these descriptions in the questions that I have asked but when I examine myself I have to realize that God has made this frame and God has made this body to serve Him and for those who don't know how can an imperfect human please a perfect God how can a sinner please a sovereign Savior well when you read Hebrews chapter 11 you will see that there are many imperfect men and women who names are in this chapter all because they knew how to please the Lord they knew how to please God and in order to please God we have to read verse 6 for the answer in Hebrews chapter 11 the Word of God says but without faith it's impossible to please God for who heals and for who comes to God must believe that he is God rather and yah here is the blessing that God is a rewarder of those who what did you digitally seek him and y'all what a mighty desire to have to please God and if you have a desire to please God then you must have faith and y'all there are three things we need to to understand and think about in order to please God first of all the impossibility of pleasing God without faith I say it again the impossibility of pleasing God without faith notice what the Bible says in verse 6 he says but without faith it's impossible to please him you see you cannot please God with your good works until you have faith in God because salvation you know ills by faith for the Bible says for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourself for it is the gift of God not of works lest any man shall boast and so many Christians have failed pleasing God because they stopped trusting in God and God right now is telling somebody today yes you trust me for your salvation but you don't trust me with your money because you don't give your tithes yes you trust me for salvation but you don't trust me with your future because you're always trusting in the things that you have and the people you hang around God is saying yeah you trust me too for salvation but you don't trust me as far as trusting for your future because God is always telling us I put a roof over you here it's not your job it's not your security that you have God is telling somebody I'm the one that supplies your needs it's not your boyfriend it's not your husband it's not your wife I'm the one that's making these things possible for you and in order for you to be strong in the Lord God said it's not the doctor that's strengthening you on today but it's me that I have blessed you I touched your head today I woke you up this morning it was me that got you out of the bed it wasn't dr. Lin it wasn't dr. Johnson and what dr. Smith but it was odd the great I am said wake up son wake up daughter it's time to serve me this morning and you know some of us didn't say good morning to God but aren't you God said good morning to you Oh y'all y'all gettin me happy now I feel my health coming on now so here it is we should all be able to testify that God is the only one who is the keeper of our souls and every now and then God is not pleased in what we're doing because we're not trusted in him all the way oh yeah we're satisfied with salvation but God said why don't you take me a little bit farther than salvation God has said yea you're satisfied with that but why don't you get a little deeper in my word I can take your father didn't you want to go see our fate can be fickle when it comes to serving God but don't you know our prayers also is answered through faith according to James chapter 1 verse 6 through 8 which says but let him ask in faith with no doubting for he who doubts is like a wave of sea driven and tossed by the winds you can read the rest of it when you get home but yes we have to have faith in our prayer life and can I tell you on this morning religious activities does not always please God I say that again religious activities does not always please God I can stand here and preach a good sermon but if I don't have faith in what God is saying then it's not pleasing God just because it sound good to you doesn't mean that sound good to God see it doesn't please God if you say the Magnificent song but your heart is not in the song you and saying all day long you can sound like a sweet hummingbird but if you don't have faith in what you're singing in the choir then it's not pleasing to God I told you again without faith it's impossible to please God so if you're gonna sing if you're gonna preach or even if you're gonna pray if you if you're gonna pray a prayer and if you don't have the direction and where you should go then if it's not pleasing to God then it's not pleasing to God and that's what I'm not trying to say but it doesn't please God if you're praying to God praying to God on what you need I'm praying to God on what needs to be changed or even praying to God on what direction you need to go but here it is you're thinking in your mind that God is really not able oh s a scary thing when you're saying that God is unable to show up it's a scary thing when you're saying God is unable to guide me and able to grow me because when you start doubting in your heart they don't you know your prayers will not be answered it's a sin to doubt God it is a sin to doubt God because God is able to do a book in all that you can even think or even ask of that's the kind of God that we need and that's the kind of God we serve y'all some may ask what is faith where the Bible says and Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 he says now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen now that's a good definition of faith but you know what there's a better one in the Bible as well when you read Romans chapter 4 verse 20 through 21 Abraham did not waver at the promise of God though through unbelief but he was strengthened in faith giving God the glory y'all listen it is and being fully convinced that what God has promised he was also able to perform y'all let me break that down in Holy Scripture and Holy Ghost terms faith is not wavering at the premise of God but fully convinced them what God says he would do he will do what God says he can't do then you Caressa sure he can do it the besides of what you're thinking besides of what we're thinking God is an unlimited God he's a God that never wavers in his faith he's the type of God that is mighty and he is strong now y'all don't get it twisted because faith is not a blindly let me say that again faith is not a blind leap see some feel that life live by faith is a life of fools they speculate that faith is nothing more than a deep leap into darkness but can I tell you faith is more than just walking around blind bumping into God's presence you see faith response to God's promise I say that again faith response to God's promise y'all mission shout when God says I will lead your faith says I will follow when God says I will feed you faith says I will eat when God says I will meet your needs faith said it is done hallelujah to the lamb of God you see when God says something in his word you can rest assured that you don't have to walk around blind you can rest assure you don't have to bump into God's presence because you didn't know when God says it we oughta believe it and that out of settled early and then God says you whether you believe it or not it will come to pass I'm here to tell you you don't have to understand it but if God said it you know it's gonna come if God says it you already know that it's gonna go down when odds against you just know that God will make a way when things begin to look stumbling in your life just know that God's got your back when others begin to faith shake God just know that you can hold on to God's unchanging and just know that he's the God that can do the unthinkable and also the thinkable when you think God is not around just know that God is always around Gloria hallelujah to the lamb of God just because when I need him most don't you know he's always on time and if I knew that somebody that can glorify God like I can you can justify the saying that the God that you serve he can serve me and serve you at the same time what a mighty God we serve see that's the kind of faith we need in order to to please God so we see the impossibilities of pleasing God with our faith but next y'all let's look at the ingredients of the faith that pleases God the Bible says we must believe that God exists it's in your word in that same verse he says for he who comes to God they must believe heals that's what you call faith that's the first thing you need to do just know that he heals God and that he does exist you'd be surprised there are a lot of atheists in this world today you see it's one thing to pray and it's another thing to believe that God hears our prayers it's one thing to worship but it's another thing to believe that it is accepted in other words whether you believe it or not God is hearing our faintest cry when we put our faith in Him see many people believe and praying and worshiping to a God with ears but cannot hear they worship and pray to a god with eyes but they cannot see they worship and pray to a god with a mouth but they cannot talk they worship and pray to a god with legs but does not walk and what the funny thing is false worshipers build their God they pay their God they sacrifice to their God their God is made by men but don't you know I God made us according to Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 I God can see and I God can hear and I God showed enough speaks to our heart and I gosh moves from the the uttermost to the gutter most he moves inside our lives and I'm here to tell somebody that the God we serve heals the great Elohim heals the great almighty heals the great El Shaddai he's Jehovah Jireh and we must believe that God rewards those who truly and easie diligently seek Him and how many know if you seek him for wisdom he'll make you wise how many know if he's seeking for salvation he will save you how many know if you seek him for strength he'll make you strong she seek him for guidance and he will direct your path seek him for faith and guess what he'll make you faithful see commitment in your prayer life and he will answer your prayer in order to please God can I tell you when God says go you have to go in order to please God whence god says give you have to give when God says come into the house of the right then you need to come into the house of the Lord in order to please God you have to do it starting with faith and if you get in trouble by doing what God has told you to do then go ahead and get your shot on now because it's gonna be God that gets you out of your trouble because faith that pleases God is more than just a profession I say that again faith that pleases God is more than just a profession or even a confession because the Bible says in James chapter 2 verse 14 in the illustration he says what does it profit my brother if someone says he that has faith but does not have works can faith say he asked the question see your faith will always be tested and you got to know when God says go you have to go y'all let me put it this way I do good works because I am saying I'm not doing good works in order to be saved I'm putting my faith into works I'm showing you that I'm safe how do you know what look look what God has brought me from look what I'm trying to do in the name of Jesus I know my righteousness is like filthy rags but don't you know some things in my life God can bless steel as well he can bless the giving he can bless our prayers he can bless other things in our life so don't you think just because now that you're saved by grace that you sit on your blessed assurance but now go ahead and keep on serving the Lord serving with gladness serve them with joy in your heart because that's what faith does it makes us how to give up and give God the praise but then it ought to make us wanna give God the glory but then it also make us want to go out and work for the glory of God see your faith will be tested by God and it pleased the father when you trust in him and when your faith is tested and you pass that test you will think to yourself you know what it really wasn't a test at all God knew that you could do it all you need to do is just get a little word of encouragement that's just the way the father works he's just showing us that the reward is already done if you do my will because what we do for Christ will last and if we're going to listen to the master don't you know that makes us servants of the master and if we're servants of the master not only are we servants of God but we are children of God and just like new to church and we ought to take our father's word and know that whatever he says it is written we can take it to the Lord in prayer and say thank you because I needed that word just like a little child her and his parents telling them anything and everything don't you know a child is quick to believe what their parents saying I remember when I was a child my mom used to say this and I know she was playing but but when we was little mama said yeah I found you in the trash can nobody else wanted you but God blessed my heart and I went ahead and just took him arms and made her and became your parent now I know as I got older I tripped out on that but when I was a child we literally died you know but through the grace of God as I got older I understood that better she was just being funny but you see how quick I was able to believe what my momma was saying she used to get mad sometimes you know she I knew she would tell the truth on it boy I shoulda left y'all at the grocery store now mom you know you really didn't want to leave us at the grocery store but there are some things we are quick to believe because we are children of God and that's the way we ought to believe be with God we ought to trust with what the father is saying if the father says do it then we ought to do it so pleasing God is a blessing because you're believing in God take him at his word because real faith changes lives yes it will because don't you remember faith made Abel Abel worship God faith may he not walk with God but then faith made no work for God I believe I said again faith made Abel worship God fate may not walk with God but then faith may know work for God and that's the kind of faith that pleases God again it is the impossibilities of pleasing God without faith but then we see the ingredients of the faith that pleases God but I want to leave you with one more not taking my seat it is the invitation to faith that pleases God I say that again it is the invitation to faith that pleases God notice what that verse same verse says he says he that cometh to God must believe but watch this we see the invitation in the middle of that verse if you're gonna come you got to believe in God God continuously invites us to have faith in Christ y'all I'm reminded of what it said in John chapter 6 verse 37 which says all that the father gives me will come to me and the ones who come to me I will by no means cast out you see in order to please God you have to trust in the Son of God and His name is Christ Jesus and to come to Jesus is as receipt is to receive him he's the one you come to and can I tell you on this morning you don't have to come with your ceremony speech you don't have to come with your money giving trying to give it to God you don't have to come with your good works but you need to come by faith knowing that you are sinner who needs salvation knowing that you are sinner that needs our Savior knowing that you cannot save yourself come by faith by trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and he will no wise cast you out see you don't have to you don't have to know every book of the Bible you don't have to know all the words in the Bible but just know that if you come by faith God will make it all right through Jesus Christ see I was Savior don't you know he even pleased the father because God sent Christ to a sinful world to die for sinners in the world and it pleased the father to his father to me it pleased the father to hear his son says not my real father but your will be done so if you did not self and glorify God don't you know it pleases the father see all you have to do is do it God's Way and I'm here to tell you that God's Way is the best way to go because he will not mislead you he will not put you on a crash course that will lead to your destruction and have I got a witness that the God that we serve will see you through if Abel was here today he would tell you that I trusted in God and I brought an innocent lamb for a sacrifice and if Enoch was here he would tell you that I walked with God I talked with God I told him all about my troubles and that day he took me all known to grow real and if nor was hurt today he would tell you that I trusted in God when he told me that it was going to rain he told me to build an ark for the one day is going to rain so go ahead and get your family inside the Ark because I'm fisted to destroyed the world and if Sarah was here she would tell you that the God that we serve in my age of 90 years old has blessed me with a child by the name of Isaac he did what he could not do but yet you still I took him at his word I trusted in the promises of his word and if Abraham was here today he would tell us to put God first because I stood on his promises I heard God say but I heard the Lord say Abraham Abraham don't you see that round in the bush oh and what about Jesus why would he tell us today he would tell us to continue on trusting in God because he is my father and the father sent me to die on the cross for your soul oh then I died late Friday evening but early one Sunday morning I got up trusting in the father and therefore since I trust in the father you can also trust in the father I know storms may come and the breakers may - but hold on to God's unchanging head won't make away I don't know way that's the kind of faith God needs that's the kind of faith God is looking for God is looking for a few faithful members that is willing to stand out on God's holy word have our God o witness won't he do it won't he do it yeah yeah yeah a faith that pleases God
Channel: Third Avenue Baptist Church
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Id: -Q7VpUsCKcM
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Length: 29min 16sec (1756 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2016
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