Why Everyone is AFRAID of Nezuko! How the Demon Queen Surpassed Muzan! Demon Slayer

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what up space fam golden here from anime uproar back at it again with another demonstrator video and since you guys like the why everyone is afraid of tundra videos so much and nezuko had some epic moments recently in the anime i thought it was the perfect time to discuss nezuko and why she too is special and fearsome if you do enjoy these videos and want to keep them coming then you know what to do share the hush with it and smash that like button with no mercy remember smash that like button hashtag energy and passing is scared moose on energy so choose wisely if you haven't make this the video subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future demonstrator videos and updates now a quick thank you to displayed for sponsoring this video this plate is the leading marketplace for the highest quality metal posters and i've been a very satisfied customer of this blade for many years they have millions of different designs available in all 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to eat humans to survive and she could also escape muzon's grasp and control over her just like tamayo did obviously that alone irritates muzon the king of demons but nezuko really starts to impress demon power-wise when she awakens her blood demon art against lower moon rui even before that tamayo noted that nezuko improved quickly and dramatically when she fought against the balls demon but tamiya still knew that she wasn't ready to defeat that demon yet similarly with rui she gets caught in his strings and is not the star of the fight per se but she does play a key role in helping tanjiru as tundra is about to have his head sliced off by rui's powerful threads nezuko activates her blood demon art exploding blood as the name indicates her blood is set on fire as we see it engulf all of rui's threads including the ones that were about to cut tundra's face her demon art is described by the narrator as flammable demon blood with an explosive supernatural quality lower moon rui is shocked that the fire was strong enough to burn away his threads the key word here is fire as we'll later find out demonstrator wording is very important flames are associated with kyogre and goku's flame breathing style which is derived from the first ever breathing style created by the strongest demonstrating history yorichitsugikuni kyodro could not help tundra himself with understanding the dance of the fire god aka hinokami kagura because fire breathing if we want to call it that is not the same as flame breathing fire breathing is actually called sun breathing as we learn later and it was passed down to tundra and his ancestors through the dance of the fire god tundra's family a family of coal burners is thus associated with the fire god and the strongest breath style so it's no wonder looking back that nezuko's blood demon art turned out to be fire just as it's no surprise tundra's breathing turned out to be sun aka fire breathing and esco's fire shares properties with the sun too in that it doesn't hurt humans but will burn demons and what they produce like threads or poisons furthermore some of her blood was on tundra's broken sword and when it exploded it pushed tundra's nichiren sword forward and gave him the power to cut through to his neck keyword there is the power to do it because as we find out he doesn't actually do it since rui detaches his own head first we can't say tundra or nezuko are very strong at this point in the story relatively speaking since they would have lost the slower moon if water hashra giu didn't show up and effortlessly take care of the demon that was giving them so much trouble still we got a glimpse into the epicness and specialness to come and in nezuko's case we really see her bloom demon power-wise in her fight against daki the fight we just witnessed in the new anime season and we should keep in mind that like tanjiro nezuko is improving over the course of the story so it can be assumed that her fire burns stronger and takes longer to regenerate from as the story progresses keep in mind when nezuko enters the fight against daki it's because tundra was about to die you could say tenjo's about to defeat daki for a second but his avatar like yorichi state is interrupted by the fact that he went beyond his limits for too long and wasn't even breathing he went from being about to win to being paralyzed by the pain of pushing himself too hard he was completely at docky's mercy and so nezuko decided to help and delivers an epic kick against daki by the way just a fun fact it's actually a really good thing that tundra didn't cut her neck at this point because then yutaro would have shown up earlier and he would not be so easy to occupy until the others arrived so back to nezuko and you can tell she's angry with all the sweat and popping veins the reason she's so angry and pumped up here is that daki contains such a high concentration of muzon's blood so it's stirring her memories of when she lost her family to the demon king all the revenge she wants to take on muzon is being awakened here and focused on daki nezuku is clearly on muzan's mind too since when she sees her doki realizes that nezuko is the one muzon told her about the narrator also tells us that human beings have limits but demons don't thus nezuko's anger burns just as hot but it has no limitations her anger is infinite it drives her on until she wipes her enemy from the face of the earth and in this case that enemy is docky additionally we find out that just like he wants the special earrings wearing tundra dead he's telling his demons in this case daki to find and finish off nezuko the demon who escaped his grip clearly just as with tanjiro he views nezuko as a threat that must be dealt with and can't be ignored at first it looks bad for nezuko after all daki is an upper moon or at least part of an upper moon so she is strong she slices up nezuko and sends her flying into a building daki assumes that nezuko's weak because she doesn't feed on humans and oh boy is she ever wrong daki says a half-developed demon like nezuko won't quickly regenerate from those wounds but nezuko does to dock his shock donkey cutter in half and that should definitely take more time to heal from daki starts to notice that the speed of our nezuko's regeneration is that of an upper ranked moon now this relatively early into the story our nezuko being compared to an upper moon is so hyped but that's not where it stops nezuko goes on to transform into a new form she hits puberty like a brick wall and even develops a cool looking horn on the right side of her forehead she also now has vine patterns all over her body further suggesting that she bloomed metaphorically vines are also associated with the sun because they need the sun to grow so another possible connection to the sun there at this point daki is afraid of nezuko asking herself what's that feeling her menacing aura has changed end quote nezuko launches another kick one of my favorite attacks in the story daki cuts her leg like last time but nezuko just immediately regrows the leg as if nothing happened and finishes the kick again doki's shocked by nezuko's regeneration powers stating it's impossible that she regenerated instantly because that would make her regenerative powers even greater than donkeys but it's true meaning that nezuko has even more power than doki already in this form nezuku is even stronger than tundra in this specific point in the story and as we'll see later i think she had to be taken out of this battle or it wouldn't have been challenging enough for her side i absolutely love this powerful nesco forum but it does come at a cost at least initially and that cost is she stops being herself and becomes more like a wild bloodthirsty animal vampire docky tries everything but nezuko is wrecking her that's the only way to put it doki tries cutting nezuko but she just instantly regenerates she tries to trap her in her sash but nezuko uses her blood demon art to set daki on fire and this releases her from daki sash as well again daki doesn't say flames but and i quote fire on burning end quote then nezuko proceeds to repeatedly stomp on a burning donkey in a merciless way i know it's supposed to be disturbing too how much desco is losing it but it's also just so awesome at the same time she then kicks burnt and beat up donkey into a building and this is where things get complicated she sees bleeding humans and in this form she can prevent herself from attacking them she sweats and salivates at the sight of human blood but as she lunges at them tundra comes to the rescue restraining nezuko with his sword and his sheath against daki nezuku definitely proved that she could be feared by demons but it's not hard to understand why this feral version of her freaks out humans as well and of course tundra giu and urokodaki fear nothing more than her becoming a murderer by taking an innocent human life nezuko even gives tundra a pretty good thrashing as she's trying to escape she jumps with an incredible force and smashes tundra's back through the ceiling nezu is clearly more powerful than tangent or here who's barely holding her back in the meantime we see doki's face which is still burnt it goes to show how strong nazco's fire has become it should not take this long for donkey to heal but just as dance of the fire god attacks and bright red blades make it harder for demons to regenerate than normal breathing attacks it seems that nezuko's fire is harder to recover from than normal demon arts again this is probably in part because it represents and is tied to the idea of the sun and the fire god doki straight up says even for me it'll take a while to heal all this very impressive stuff from nezuko here tengen shows up finally and calls daki too weak to be an upper moon in a split second without daki even seeing it coming tengen cut off her head showing that tangent the hasher is pretty impressive because tundra was struggling hard and almost dying himself against daki we can't really judge how nezuko did compare to tangent because yes tengen finished her off quicker but nezuko has no way to finish her off without a naturian blade or the sun she did utterly overpower donkey though which is all she can really be expected to do as a demon this is just a possibility but i find it interesting perhaps nezuko's fire if used enough could like the sun actually finish off a demon for instance it would be interesting if we saw her use it against a really weak demon just to see if it's possible nutrient blades can end a demon so why not this fire ability from the chosen demon however that is pure speculation and she never actually killed a demon with her fire i'm just saying i wouldn't be surprised if this blood demon art that comes from a fire god worshiping family could kill a demon in its final most powerful incarnation just like nietzsche and blades tangent ends up helping tangio calm nezuko down he suggests singing her a lullaby and it actually does the trick leave it to the sound hasha to know the power of soothing sounds and nostalgic music nezuko starts crying and reverts back into her adorable little form she goes to sleep and that's really it for nesco this arc except for a brief reappearance at the end of the fight like i said the writer needed to put her to sleep here because it would have been too one-sided if they had this nezuko to help take down daking yutaro but to be fair tendril did mention she lost a lot of blood and this was her first time unlocking this new form so it does make logical sense that she'd need to sleep for a while to recover from all that although everyone arguably gets stronger over the course of this battle especially tanjiro it's noteworthy that zanitsu and inosuke together have trouble taking on daki initially despite the fact that they are working together in fact it is only when tendril joins in to help them that they succeed in taking her head for the first time and inosuke runs with it like it was a football until he gets hit unexpectedly by gyutaro who just seemingly finished off tanget the reason i bring this up is that it took tundra inosuke and zenitsu working together here to overpower doki while nezuko did it on her own and there was an even more pronounced gap between their powers admittedly doki does say she's more powerful with guterre awake but still it presumably can't be that much more powerful if your was being occupied with another fight so it could be argued that nezuko grew so fast power-wise that at this point at least she surpassed the zanitsu enosuke working together and perhaps even tied the power of all three of the demon-slaying amigos working together she's easily the strongest of the four at the end of the fight it's arguably a different story especially with tundra's evolving demon slayer mark sun breathing avatar estate thing going on that lets him cut through gyutaro's neck however it's true that we didn't see the limits of what this new form nezuko was capable of since she was taken out of battle after easily wrecking daki furthermore nezuko wakes up near the end of the fight and she seems completely fine after losing all that blood and unlocking a new form she saves tanjiro from yutoro's final attack her fire also heals the poison tainted skin of tanjoynosuke and tangen saving all three of their lives especially tengen since this dude couldn't even talk anymore and he was pretty much at death's door so yeah nezuku saved the day with no sign of exhaustion on her she was arguably the most impressive character of the arc and that's why she had to be taken out of the battle for a while to let the others shine and make the fight more interesting thus i'd say nezko is already upper moon level here as doki pointed out when discussing her regeneration abilities and she continues to get more impressive and keep in mind upper moons are supposed to beat hashira one on one which is why the upper moons didn't change in over a century since it was suggested that daki ate multiple hashra in the story we can assume that nezuko hurak daki could beat certain hashira too at this point side note as i always say it appears this generation of hashra is stronger than others because gootaro was more impressed by tengen than he was by the hashra he killed in the past and in my view and his own tengen is one of the weaker hashra of this generation luckily nezuko vs orhashira never has to be put to the test since she's on the good side and not only is her growing physical power now an annoyance to moves on but the blood demon art fire is also something to worry about since it can hurt demons in a way that reduces regeneration powers and as we saw it can heal people who would have otherwise died from demon poison i also don't want to make the mistake of overhyping nezuko's power at this point in the story since she does meet more than her match against upper moon 4han tengu who in all fairness is very strong nevertheless nezuko makes some significant progress in this fight the fight starts with tundra genya and nezuko taking on hantengu's clones with their different powers like electricity wind sound and flying nezuko quickly changes into her horned form and this time seems to be in much better control of it which is pretty standard shown in logic nezuko is harder to deal with than the clones expect a clone is impressed by what a powerful kick nezuko can deliver she then proceeds to burn him and sends him flying with the wind powers of a fan weapon so she did out fight at least that one clone but then she's hit with the staff of the other which runs electricity through her it won't kill her since she's a demon but it will keep her from moving as long as the electricity keeps running through her it's interesting seeing what demons end up doing against other demons to take them down or keep them from interfering since they don't have a way outside of the sun to actually kill each other tundra comes and saves nezuko from the electricity staff nezuko returns the favor and stops the staff before it can penetrate tanjuro and sets the clone on fire the clone is clearly in pain and comments on what a tricky move this fire is tundra can't help but think that the fire is incredible and nezuko's blood is doing the trick clearly dealing with one of these clones hasn't been that challenging for nezuko but then the fan one comes back and the force of his wind attack sends nezuko and tundra falling to the bottom floor and releases the burning clone from the fire it seems at the very least like electricity the fire can immobilize a clone but it would have been interesting seeing what would happen if it kept going since tundra said it was doing the trick perhaps if used long enough the clone might have at least looked like docky and take it longer to regenerate but as things stand he looks fine after being released from the fire back to the fight and from the fan attack tundra passed out and when he comes to nezuku is carrying him and trying to run away from the clone attacks as a demon it obviously makes sense that desco can take more damage than tundra and recover quicker as they're wondering what they're gonna do nezuko uses her blood to set tundra's black sword on fire and it becomes bright red the strongest color and the most effective against demons as you already noticed nezuko really shines in a team like right here yeah she is strong individually but a big part of her strength is also making the team stronger like giving tundra a super effective blade to use healing the others from guterre's poison using her super effective fire that only hurts demons while the demon stairs are free to fight on without worry saving tundra's butt over and over again and so on she's an insanely valuable asset to the demon slayers and that's another reason why muzon wants her gone in addition to her being a living symbol of his power not being absolute since she escaped his grip and the red blade and the upgrade that accompanies it allows tundra to take down three clones and they regenerate slower because of the burning associated with the red blade genya takes down the fourth but that's not enough because those aren't the real body tundra and escort strong enough now together to distract the other clones long enough for genya to find the real body but genya is not strong enough to take its head tundra tries to take the head but even he can since the effect of nezuko's blood has worn off once again it is nezuko who saves tundra from the strongest clone yet the hatred clone that resulted from the combination of the other four aside from being able to use wood manipulation in the form of giant wooden dragons this clone can use the blood demon arts of the other clones as well and he's unkillable unless you get the real body which is somewhere else hiding the hatred clone is insanely powerful and its mere presence is so overpowering that it makes it difficult for tundra to breathe and it makes his heart hurt similarly genjia feels the pressure and his limbs feel weak and he can barely stand as the hatred clone mentions humans aren't the only ones whose strength can surge and upper moon 4 is getting stronger when hantengu the original body is pressed into tight spots like this one that's a quick detail but it's important to note potentially they could have already taken care of how strong upper moon 4 was when the fight started but the problem is upper moon 4 keeps evolving and getting stronger based on the stench of blood tundra believes that upper moon 4 has probably eaten 200 people and for demons the more they eat the stronger they're supposed to get it's no surprise then that nezuko is not stronger than this hatred clone here in fact nezuko genya and tundra working together are not strong enough to take it on as the five wooden dragon heads keep launching their attacks at one point it looks like all three are done for but then mitsuri the love hashira comes to the rescue in the end it takes mitsuri with an awakened demon slayer mark which is pretty much like going super saiyan for a demon slayer to hold the hatred clone back long enough for the others to go after the real body even then she almost loses but luckily as we'll get to they managed to cut off the real head in the nick of time as they're chasing the real body nezuko helps save tundra another time using her fire then the time for a difficult decision comes the sun is rising the real body is approaching innocent villagers to replenish its strength tundra has to decide whether he'll keep covering nezuko from the sun or save the innocent humans from the demon he is paralyzed from indecision he can't decide so it looks like he'll just stay with nezuko but then nezuko makes the decision for him by launching him into the air it looks like she'll burn in the sun and tundra with tears in his eyes finally slices the main body it looks like it's the end for nezuko but then it's revealed that nezuko has become the first demon to be immune to the sun aka to conquer the sunlight upon learning this muzon is ecstatic because he hopes by absorbing her he can become immune too he calls nezuko the chosen demon and this immunity to the sun a rare condition that never even appeared in the 12 kizuki aka demon moons so that's one way nezuko already surpassed even the stronger upper moons nezu is so important now that muzon foresees a massive battle with nezuko at its center unfortunately everyone hoping for nezuko's incredible growth and power and fighting potential to continue will be disappointed at this point instead she is given medicine by tamayo so that she can become fully human again this medicine is hard on her and she's bedridden as a result and looked after by urokodaki until the transformation to human is complete now it's great that nesco becomes human again that was the goal after all and the mangaka and demon slayer is not one to glorify power and would prefer her characters even weakened to live a simple happy life as humans which i respect however that means nezuko stops growing power wise and when she returns to being human as you can imagine she's much weaker than she was in her demon form and is not really a combatant anymore still it must be said her potential was crazy at certain points as we saw she was outpacing tanjiro zanitsu and inosuke in power like when she embarrassed daki with her new form she learned to control that form and she would have been able to grow more and potentially beat almost any demon by dragging out the fight long enough until the sun came out as mentioned not any upper moon not even muzon was able to conquer the sun as nezuko did she surpassed them all in that way there's no telling how much stronger the chosen demon would have gotten if she'd unlock stronger forms how strong her blood demon art would eventually become and so on as doki mentioned the only way most demons could beat her was by exposing her to the sun but this would no longer work so she'd be practically unkillable that being said muzon is known to absorb demons and wanted to absorb her so he could have potentially beat her but besides that she could have grown in power along with tundra and potentially could have defended herself against him in battle or at least against the remaining upper moons as things turned out though tanjo kept getting stronger and she didn't so nezuko did have frightening potential and was feared by demons and humans alike at certain points in the story she had a rapid rate of growth and just like there was a point where tundra was about to become the demon king nezuku could have become a demon queen when muzon was talked about tundra being able to conquer the sunlight and become the strongest demon the king of demons he mentioned that this is possible because he is the elder brother of nezuko and thus shares her blood and he's right tundra goes on to conquer the sun just like nezuko which means that we can take tundra's potential to become the strongest demon and conquer decapitation by nichiren blade 2 and apply it to nezuko as well since as muzan says they share the same blood so yeah tundra had demon king potential and nezu had demon queen potential before her brother even became a demon like with tanjuro her immunity to the sun would have meant that bright red blades wouldn't be effective as they are against all the upper moons and even moves on and as i mentioned i respect the mangaka story and decision to value the simple happy life over becoming stronger and stronger at all costs but a part of me still wishes we got to see nesco's full demon queen potential because it would have been terrifyingly powerful even if she ended up becoming a human in the end anyways but yeah that is it for this video about why demon queen nezuko is so fear-worthy especially when we look at what could have been if her insane and rapid rate of growth wasn't suddenly halted while tundras continued if you did enjoy this video and you want to keep them coming you know what to do channel demonstrate within and smash that like button with no mercy remember smashing that like button is demonstrate energy and passing is scared moose on energy so choose wisely if you haven't make this the video you subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future demonstrator videos and updates and while you wait for the next video to drop feel free to check out my huge and growing demonstrator playlist that includes videos on why everyone is afraid of tanjiro all the hashira all the demon moons and much more link to that is in the description leave suggestions for future video ideas that will set your heart ablaze and until next time see ya space cowboys
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 551,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: p4OsawvPkX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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