How Strong is Upper Moon 2 Douma? (Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba Full Power Explained)

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what up space fam golson here from anime uproar and i'm back at it again with a new demonstrator video i said i'd cover upper moon to doma if we got 6500 likes on the upper moon one kokushibo video and as i'm writing this this video has over 17 000 likes in nine days i did not expect that video to do so well so soon so thank you to everyone who showed that one so much love i think with the entertainment district arc it's fitting to do upper moon 6 next so if we get 7 000 likes on this one then i'll get started on that one asap if you haven't make this the video subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future demonstrator videos and updates also shout out to itaikuji an online retailer in japan that makes anime merch that is normally exclusive to japan available to fans all over the world they have a wide selection of awesome anime merch straight from japan including an entire section on demonstrator which has some of the best demonstrator figurines i've ever seen along with a bunch of other awesome stuff check them out link to that is in the description and because we're partnered with them you can now use the coupon code anime uproar 500 for an instant discount every time you use the coupon code you're not only getting awesome merch but directly supporting this channel so check them out link to that is in the description and now without further ado let's jump into its spoilers and all it's not an overstatement when i say that upper moon 2 doma is probably the most hated and hateable character in the entire series and we're about to see why over the course of this video not only is he one of the strongest demons we know of he's also a cult leader in his spare time and he happens to be tied to so many other important characters in the series in one way or another my favorite fight in the series also includes him so considering all this i am very excited to finally be covering him his first appearance is actually in a flashback of upper moon 6. as gootaro is hugging his dying sister he wonders why no humans ever help why it seems like all he gets is bad luck after bad luck and then it's doma who shows up and actually calls him a poor thing and asks what's wrong dolma is introduced as a messed up person he's smiling as he's holding severed body parts of one of his victims yet he offers to solve yutaro's problems he says he'll give them both blood saving his sister from death and then ask the master aka muzon if they can both be demons it's not surprising that when he asks them if they want to be demons guterro agrees it's a way for him to save his little sister the person he cares about the most and so dolma is not only upper moon too he also is responsible for helping to create upper moon 6. immediately he comes off as a very powerful dude in contrast to gyutaro here he comes off as a kind of savior to him which goes with the whole cult leader thing we next see him in the present during chapter 98 when we get the upper moon meet up after the defeat of gyutero and daki doma is so annoying that even a fellow upper moon a lower ranking upper moon attacks him and tells him to get lost doma proves to be even more annoying because he's not even bothered by akazel's behavior in fact he says he doesn't mind at all and he purposely didn't dodge because it's just the way he and akasa play around the funny thing is that akasa hates him but dolma always has such a positive spin on everything when upper moon 1 explains that akaza shouldn't do that because it disrupts the hierarchy and he should request blood combat if he wishes to fight doma doma responds that it would be pointless because akasa couldn't beat them he goes on to say akasa became a demon before doma but doma rose more quickly through the ranks doma actually defends and patronizes the demon who attacked him but it's important to note that akazo was strong enough to beat rengoku one of the strongest hashira and doma is ranked higher than him and even rose quicker through the ranks that's a huge deal right away he's set up as an annoying but extremely powerful demon who doesn't seem to worry about anything the fact that he doesn't take anything personally could even be considered a positive trait in a moral person but this indifference extends to being completely unbothered by doing brutal and terrible things he can commit the worst acts known to man and smiles if nothing happened no conscience for this dude at all and that's part of why he's so hateable he's like the perfect killing machine but more on that later we then briefly see him put on his called hat and ask for his believers to be shown in and that's our first real impression of dolma a constantly smiling insanely powerful cult leader who even annoys fellow upper moons in a data book it's even said that muzon never really liked him despite doma's loyalty to him but liked or disliked doma was clearly too powerful not to use now let's fast forward to my favorite fight in the series the battle with doma we find out that kanae shinobu's older sister and the former flower hashira was killed by upper moon to doma himself shinobu emily recognized him from kana's description of a demon who looked like blood had been dumped over his head shinobu also recalls that kanae said the demon grins and laughs and speaks calmly and kindly honestly doma is a good character foil for shinobu who is similar in her calm and superficially polite ways even when she's insulting giu for example the difference is that we know deep down shinobu feels things and is good at her core but with dolma it feels like this superficial layer is all there is shinobu tries to save one of doma's hostages from him and it looks like she succeeds but then suddenly the damage appears clearly doma was even faster than she thought he takes out a pair of sharp fans his weapon of choice he tells us that he's the founder of the eternal paradise faith where his role is to be happy with all the faithful pretty much according to him he's supposedly happy all the time and he absorbs his women believers and they become part of him and thus part of the eternal happiness he has a twisted philosophy that he's saving his victims by freeing them from fear and suffering you definitely have some aspects of buddhist philosophy being twisted by doma to serve his own messed up faith and we'll see that reflected when we get to his blood demon art as well shinobu finally loses it and unleashes all the rage she's been holding back throughout the series you could see it in her popping veins i love me a good revenge fight and that's exactly what this is for shinobu doma is his usual patronizing self he's clearly not in trouble and remains calm while praising the person attacking him he comments on shinobu's amazing thrust and calls her very fast shinobu notices his blood demon art when she realizes the air around him is so cold she feels like her lungs will burst shinobu as we know is not physically strong enough to cut off a demon's head so she uses poison poison stronger than the poison used on rui's mountain that works perfectly against those weaker demons doma though is able to break it down and recovers as if he wasn't poisoned in the first place he's also skilled enough to notice that when she sheathes her sword the sound is peculiar so that must be where the compound changes for her poison attacks shinobu is fighting the most important fight of her life and in contrast doma is still smiling and saying stuff like this is fun the mangaka has done a great job of making it so that we really want to see the smile wipe from his face once and for all we then get dolma's backstory he was said to be kind and clever from a young age his mission according to him was to help people in need and make them happy he also had very unique eyes rainbow colored and for the adults his hair color was proof of his innocence and specialness his parents apparently created the paradise faith religion doma felt sorry for them and played along even though he never heard god's voice as they thought he did at first it was awkward for him when people worshipped him and prayed to him he listened to the stories of how people were suffering and in pain and wanted paradise and he was bored but he also cried thinking about how sad it is that paradise is a human created fairy tale and doesn't exist unlike him they couldn't accept the fact that there was nothing after death and he pitied them for being so dumb he wanted to make the pitiful people happy and help them and he felt that that is why he was born we see him smiling as he's combing the hair of a skull implying that he helped people by killing them very messed up stuff dolma is like an over-the-top example of what you get when you spoil a kid from a young age they put him on a pedestal worshiped him as a god and eventually he decided he knew what was the best solution for humans even if the humans were against it there isn't the same humanizing factor in his backstory as there is in akazas and kokushibos because doma just comes off as always having been patronizing and unbothered by his horrible actions and that's fine you don't need to sympathize with every villain some can just be used for carrying out a very satisfying revenge story a revenge story that would be less satisfying if dolma had been more humanized back to the battle and shinobu's poison attacks are getting less and less effective doma even asks if shinobu is all right because she's sweating a lot and seems to be having trouble breathing shinobu thinks to herself that doma speed in building resistance to her poisons is abnormal doma explains that because of his blood demon art breathing itself is dangerous for his opponents he freezes their blood turns it to mist and then scatters it with his fan in a prolonged battle his opponent's lungs are dying and through the already mentioned method he sucks blood even though he hasn't gotten serious yet shinobu is in really bad shape that is the power of upper moon 2. even as doma remarks that shinobu may be the fastest hashirah he's met yet he ends up cutting her without her even noticing so even though he's complimenting her he's really complimenting himself for being so much faster than the fastest hashira he goes on to insult her for being small and too weak to cut off a demon head something that shinobu has thought about a lot she wished her hands weren't so small that she was taller then she might have been able to take his head after all dolma does say that she might have beaten him if she could cut off his head because she's so fast but it's important to keep in mind that as we'll see doma still hasn't used many of his strongest techniques and this is probably also a statement that is designed to mess with shinobu as well and make her unravel mentally while she is losing physically as well dolma is like the expert at pushing buttons shinobu recalls how kanai was going to say in the past that perhaps she meaning shinobu would lose to that demon aka doma if she fought him but she stopped herself she definitely didn't want chinobu to fight him but she knew she probably couldn't stop shinobu so she didn't want to say any more on that matter in the present doma has done massive damage and made shinobu doubt herself to the point of tears kana's spirit must come in and tell her to pull herself together at first chinobu thinks she lost so much blood she can't stand and her left lung is punctured so she can't breathe but kanae says it doesn't matter notably against most people domo would have already won just as he won against the flower hashiram however kane's speech to shinobu does a trick she tells her that she decided to win so she must win whatever the cost that's the promise she made with kano she tells her to do her best doma as darkly hilarious as ever approaches shinobu apologizing he says his cut wasn't thorough enough so she's still suffering as if he's really concerned about shinobu's well-being shinobu with kane's spirit's motivation manages to get up to doma's surprise he even looks concerned when he thinks about the pain of shinobu's blood gurgling in her lungs and how it must be beyond imagining he has this concerned patronizing tone throughout which just makes you hate him more than if he acted like a jerk the entire time shinobu prepares for one last ditch effort and decides to aim for doma's neck and although i don't think doma is being 100 serious because he underestimates shinobu it is still awesome that shinobu manages to outspeed him with the hundred-legged zigzag move he can't predict her attack and shinobu manages to pin doma by the neck to the ceiling with her sword for a second it looks like this may have been effective against doma but that doesn't last long his smile returns soon enough as shinobu thinks to herself why doesn't poison work against this guy doma being the messed up dude he is cries and calls shinobu's struggle so admirable he's so impressed that such a weak girl is doing so much it's the classic backhanded compliment he's so well known for he ends up deciding that shinobu is worth eating and absorbs her as kanel is coming in so dolma not only handled kane but now shinobu too without any real trouble when kanel says shinobu was her big sister doma shows he's skilled enough to notice that there doesn't seem to be any blood relation judging from the characteristics of the meat to use his own words he also reveals that he ate a lot of women because they are very nutritious he even thinks the reason akaza must have lost is because he never ate females as doma starts crying for his so-called best friend akaza kanel tells him to knock it off she knows it's lies because kanai found out he doesn't feel anything and she felt sorry for him that clearly gets to doma because for once someone pitied him rather than the other way around kanel goes on to call his heart empty and him an empty shell it's a side of kano we're not used to seeing but it's clearly getting to dolma because he stops smiling he drops the act she's clearly picked up on one of his insecurities and is probably hoping it will affect his fighting by clouding his mind kano actually succeeds in dodging doma's first attack and doma responds that she's reacting faster and adapting to his moves and fighting style she also isn't inhaling the powder freeze scattered by his fan he says at this point that she might be a little more skillful than the hashra girl he just ate meaning shinobu which is a pretty crazy statement since it teases the fact that kano is at least hasha level and probably an even stronger fighter than shinobu at this point dolma's blood demon art is so powerful that if kanel doesn't send strength all the way to her fingertips her body immediately starts trembling she says she can only stand up to him because of the fierce anger she feels that makes it like her body is burning doma goes on to hype up kano's abilities which in turn hypes up the fact that he is doing so well against her he says she has special eyes she's predicting his movements and she's straight up doing stuff that the average swordsman can't do he knows he needs to go for her eyes but he misses he goes on to call her body well trained and launches a freezing cloud attack that would have frozen her eyeballs if she didn't blink at the perfect time he goes on to use a broad area ice technique so that khanna thinks about how she can't even get close that's a very powerful ability for a demon because swordsmen have to get close to kill demons at least in this dimension where there is no sun doma then forms a wintry icicle's attack above kannau and then lets them rain down on her she barely avoids them and dolma all the while is smiling and seems to be having a good time he teases her saying that she should stop backing off since she can't cut off his head if she doesn't get closer doma then unleashes some insane speed even takano specialized it looks like he straight up disappears not only that doma is fast enough to take her sword from her before she even realized what was happening he creates a game for himself where she has to come and get it fortunately inosuke comes into the scene at this point to help the obviously losing kano he uses his hilariously named move crazy cutting to help deflect doma's attack so doma just beat a hashira is fighting someone he said was more skilled than that hashira and now another skilled fighter joins the scene inosuke even says that when they defeat doma he'll become the beast or bore hashira and spoilers since they do win you can potentially argue that they are both hasha level after the battle but i'm getting ahead of myself back to the battle itself it's so interesting seeing how serious inosuke becomes when he figures out that doma absorbed shinobu he really liked shinobu and seems to recall how she helped heal him and how they even shared a pinky promise inosuke goes on to do the amazing thing of actually grabbing kano's blade back without doma noticing dome is too busy being impressed by inosuke's weirdness and impressive flexibility he calls him quick too inosuke then slices doma's eyes because dolma miscalculated his range not accounting for his ability to dislocate his body parts in order to extend his reach this is a new attack of inosukes and he was aiming for the neck but missed inosuke immediately establishes himself as a worthy fighter and partner of hashin our level kanau here but the inosuke flexing is short-lived when dolma grabs inosuke's mask while the latter is in mid-sentence it's very similar to the time he grabbed kano's sword suddenly and again shows his impressive speed doma goes on to fill in the blanks of inosuke's backstory for us he speaks of a woman 17 or 18 who came to him holding a baby this baby was inosuke she came from an abusive relationship she came to dolma because she had nowhere else to go she had inosuke's face when inosuke tries to say that he was raised by boars and has no human parents doma asks who gave him his name he points out the fact that abhor couldn't give birth to him when inosuke tries to attack and shut up doma doma injures him and kanaa has to save him doma insists on finishing his story and you know you're winning when you can force your opponents to listen to a long story mid-fight interestingly enough doma says he didn't intend to eat inosuke's mom he liked having someone so pure by his side he said she was a fool but had a beautiful singing voice she sang about pinky promises to babynosuke and dinosuke realizes that it wasn't with shinobu that he had the pinky promises he misremembered it was actually with his mom somehow he transposed his unconscious memory of his mother onto shinobu which probably added even more impact to her death to him inosuke finally remembers the singing and that's how he knows doma is right she's saying that she'd protect him even if it cost her her life and that's pretty much what she would have to do doma intended to keep her alive for her whole lifespan but she found out he was eating his believers as a result she ran with enosuke and doma killed her doma thought inosuke would die since his mother dropped him from a cliff but inosuke landed in the water and survived she succeeded in saving him from one of the strongest demons no small feat so now out of nowhere this fight becomes even more significant because now inosuke is fighting against the demon who killed his mom just as kano is fighting against the demon who killed her sisters inosuke in an epic moment decides domo was right it was fate that brought them together it was a miracle because he'll now get to exact his revenge however despite how strong kano and ynosuke are at this point and i do believe they are both hoshida level doma flexes on them pretty hard when he says he's out of time so he'll let them fight a child of his he uses the move crystalline divine child and creates an ice doll the ice doll is very strong too and is even able to unleash doma's blood demon art it launches ice attacks and keeps inos genkano busy as they think about how a doll can have such power doma says this doll can use techniques almost as powerful as his own and he says the rest is up to his doll it's important to note that inosuke is especially good at not inhaling doma's blood demon art something that if one were to inhale it would tear them apart from the inside so if this was another fighter less good at sensing the frozen attacks he might have already fallen however inosuke's sharply sensitive skin makes him a really good fit for this tricky upper moon as doma says he immediately senses the slightest chill in the air and thus can avoid serious damage that would result from inhaling the frozen air still doma's doll is killing it as kano points out the ice vines of the doll are pushing them both back and dome is getting away then as if things weren't getting bad enough doma decides he'll create five more of these ice clones what insane power one can push kanao and inosuke back and yet he can create at least five more which he hopes will defeat the other demonstrators in the castle as inosuke is having trouble with the one ice clone some significant slices appear on his body kano though tells him not to panic and that they just need to hang in a bit more at first you're like how will more time help them but then we see it as dome is about to leave thinking that his ice dolls will record the battle info his face starts dissolving but let's just take a second to appreciate how op it is that he can gather info from these dolls and then use it to be a better fighter in future battles that's some naruto training arc stuff right there back to the dissolving face though and it's made clear that this was the work of shinobu the insect hashira but she should also be called the poison hashira we find out through a flashback that it was the plan all along for shinobu to get eaten by this demon absolutely crazy stuff and it's definitely an aspect of the fight that lends to it being one of my favorite fights in all of demon slayer i love that all of these different revenge arcs reach their climax here at once and shinobu being willing to pay the ultimate price for victory just makes it all the more significant and legendary as we find out shinobu knew doma loved eating females and wouldn't be able to avoid eating a female hashira with high physical abilities and an excellent body let's just appreciate the way she compliments herself there for a second shinobu goes on to reveal that she has a high concentration of wisteria flower poison circulating throughout her body kana wanted to do it too but shinobu said it would take more than a year of constantly taking in wisteria flower poison what's more it's never been done before so they have no idea what the side effects could be or if it would even work on upper moons she reveals that while she can only deliver 50 milligrams of poison with a sword if she's eaten the dose of poison doma would receive would be 37 kilograms which is about 70 times the lethal amount and finally that insanely lethal amount finally kicks in dome so affected that his ice clone which was pushing kanoa ninosuke back on its own crumbles this is their chance the poison weakened him and now they have to cut his neck to increase their chances of victory as much as possible but instead of going down without a fight dolma is still able to unleash a giant ice buddha statue the move is called water lily bodhisattva and it towers over inosukan canal placing some significant distance between them and doma the two are surprised to see that doma can launch such a massive technique at this point despite the fact that he's so poisoned this technique is especially tricky because it fills the broad area with freezing air but if they fall back then doma will have time to recover it seems like an unwittable situation however kano notices something with her special eyes she can see that the technique is rough and lacks precision it's a technique of desperation a last-ditch effort and it is time for her to use her most powerful technique the ace up her sleep now let's stop once more and take note of this insane technique if doma wasn't poisoned we can assume that it wouldn't be a technique of desperation but a practically invincible technique the freezing air probably would have been well distributed and getting close to him would have meant breathing it in and thus death he would have been untouchable but because of shinobu's efforts this technique was more of a shaky shadow of what it could have been rather than dom at his best kano then uses her technique flower breathing final form vermilion eye it's a technique that puts such a big burden on the eyes the eyes turn red and one can lose their vision forever as well it's definitely a big risk but when you think about how shinobu sacrificed her whole life it's obvious that kanel wouldn't hesitate to use it this dangerous technique raises dynamic vision to the utmost making surrounding movements look dull and slow again it's another case of having the perfect character with the perfect technique in the perfect place at the perfect time most would not have been able to avoid the freezing air and ice statue attacks but with this ability kana was able to make it to doma's rotting head still even with her insane skill and with her putting it all on the line she almost doesn't succeed because doma still manages to catch her with a freezing attack before her sword connects luckily inosuke throws his swords at the right time and with the right aim and his blades push hers through doma's neck this fight is so satisfying because it took all three of what these characters had to barely come out with the win unlike akazan mozan doma doesn't get the option of regrowing his head after it's cut off perhaps because of the poison he doesn't have the chance to evolve into the next level demon that can only be killed by sunlight and not by nichiren blades dolma doesn't even feel afraid of dying and he's not frustrated he lost like throughout his whole existence human emotions remain elusive like a dream to him shinobu spirit tells him that now she too can rest in peace and reveals that tamayo helped them with the poison too so it wasn't even just the three who secured this seemingly impossible victory although this victory was deeply satisfying doma remains irritating to the end and when you might wish he'd feel bad and suffer finally for his actions he just starts to believe that he's falling in love with shinobu and even blushes this is why we get some people actually shipping dolma and shinobu in the comments although i really hope they're kidding but that is it for doma it took all the knowledge kane collected shinobu working with a demon which she probably never thought she'd do them creating an insanely poisonous strategy by having shinobu consumed wisteria flower poison for over a year the life of shinobu kano's ultimate technique and the cost of her sight in one eye and in this case insane and very unique breath style to pull it off and even then with everything going perfectly they just barely managed to secure the victory because doma was just that strong shinobu is the real star here because if it wasn't for her ultimate sacrifice and her knowledge of poisons kano and ninosuke could not have won that much was made clear we saw how much trouble they were having with one ice clone doma could create many more including his giant ice statue that makes him pretty much invincible because in theory when launched not out of desperation it will evenly fill the area around him with freezing air making it impossible for people to approach him thanks to shinobu we never saw him at full power but from what we saw we can imagine how devastating it could have been doma's power did not disappoint in shonen you often like to see characters go all out and still lose but with dolma the mangaka couldn't allow it doma would have clearly been too strong and had to be nerfed by shinobu the argument can be made that akaza briefly achieved the next level demon form by regrowing his head briefly and in that moment surpassed doma before ultimately deciding to self-destruct however since aka's transformation didn't last and we didn't see him fight full out with it and since dolma might have transformed too if not for the poison it's reasonable to argue that doma earned his number two spot among the upper moons kukushibo is still stronger than him so is muzon obviously but doma's blood demon art is nothing to sneeze at and i'd put it among the most tricky and dangerous of all blood demon arts but yeah that is it for this detailed video about how strong upper moon 2 doma was he was one of the strongest demons arguably the most hated demon and partook in my favorite fight in the entire series as hateable as he is the story was better with him in it and all of his annoyingness and strength made it that much more satisfying when against all odds kanel and inosuke came out with the win and completed the revenge that shinobu and they too craved so badly if you did enjoy this video and want to keep the demonstrator videos coming you know what to do channel the hasher within and smash that like button with no mercy remember smashing that like button is yurichi energy and passing his doma energy so choose wisely if we can hit 7 000 i repeat 7 000 likes on this one i'll get started on the upper moon 6 video asap if you haven't make this the video subscribe and hit that notification bell to turn on all notifications or you will miss future demonstrator videos and updates and while you wait for the next video to drop feel free to check out my huge and growing demonstrator playlist that includes videos on all the hashira demon 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 725,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, strong, is, upper, moon, two, douma, doma, demon, slayer, demon slayer, douma explained, every demon moon, upper moon, upper moon 2 explained, who is upper moon two, the strongest upper moon, doma explained, douma vs shinobu, douma vs kanao, douma vs kanae, douma vs inosuke, ice breathing, animeuproar, animeuproar demon slayer, tanjiro, zenitsu, kanao, inosuke, nezuko, muzan, demon slayer season 2, demon slayer season 3, douma backstory, upper moon backstory, how strong is douma, anime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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