Why Dooku Became TERRIFIED of Obi-Wan During Their Final Duel - Star Wars Explained

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why was Dooku terrified of Obi-Wan on the Invisible Hand in the climactic duel between the Sith Lord and the two Jedi Knights greetings curious acolytes of the force and welcome back to the archives lightsaber tools often happen so fast and so cleanly that we don't really get to see all of the Minor Details and see the subtle nuances and pushes of the force that these combatants are using with each and every blade stroke from Outsiders looking in all we see is an expertly pulled off sword fight however when you read into the Star Wars novelizations you will discover an entire world Through The Eyes of these force wielders and the battle that they are engaging in to them the entire act as a dance a game of chess not a contest of physical prowess so much as a challenge of wills and the ability to Simply think one's actions into reality in one of these most famous duels that being the titular one at the beginning of the Revenge of the Sith between Anakin Obi-Wan and Count Dooku upon research we learn a very surprising truth when when reading into the novel's tellings of the events that being that there was a certain point in the duel where Count Dooku became suddenly terrified of his Jedi opponents both Anakin and Obi-Wan struck fear into the Sith Lord and a fear that he had never felt previously in a duel with either men though we know more why Anakin actually surprised Dooku Obi-Wan Kenobi we believe is actually the more interesting one and we wanted to focus entirely on Kenobi specifically though why Obi wants cerisu lightsaber style actually caused Dooku to fear for his life so come along with us today my friends as we read the novelization of Revenge of the Sith and this duel and talk about the immensely satisfying moment when Count Dooku is dismayed by Obi-Wan's pure skill when we look into this moment we need to remember exactly why it's such a big deal that Dooku feels this way about Obi-Wan we can talk all day about how Anakin unleashing his true Powers the chosen one and using the dark side effected Dooku and cause Dooku a measure of concern but the count already had some idea of the boy's strength as Dooku had dueled the boy many times as well as he knew how high esteem Palpatine held the boy while Dooku still vastly underestimated Anakin he at least knew the power was there buried deep beneath the surface as of Obi-Wan Kenobi however as a pure lightsaber duelist at least up until this point Dooku doesn't think much of him this is not to say that Dooku thinks that Kenobi is bad or a subpar Jedi but just that dookun knows The Apprentice of his Apprentice he is well versed in everything that he taught Qui-Gon Jinn and everything that Qui-Gon likely passed down to Obi-Wan the count is fully capable of defending himself against someone whose tricks he already knows and tricks he likely invented himself we see many times both an attack of the Clones as well as in the subsequent Clone Wars the Obi-Wan continues to be dominated by Dooku at every turn and we have spoken of before why we believe that Obi-Wan was intimidated by Dooku which leads in to his repeated failures when fighting him but it seems that by the ending of the Clone Wars Obi-Wan dominates this fear and becomes something of a fearful person himself we believe the moment that Dooku is dismayed by Obi-Wan's skill is very important because of what it represents for both of these characters especially Dooku Dooku who respects very few wielders of the blade anyway it all starts when the three combatants are poised to begin their duel in the captain's survey room aboard the Invisible Hand all three of them move at once starting their great battle with an understanding of one another however not everything goes as planned Dooku is expected to put up a farce of being defeated and unfortunately for him both Anakin and Obi-Wan have seemingly learned nothing from their previous duels and this one to Dooku is just pathetic again this is the beginning Dooku is barely even trying as he sidesteps parries deflects and Dodges all of their attacks the two Jedi seem to be oddly clumsy and completely out of sync with one another as they keep getting in each other's way leaving openings for Dooku to just toss them around openings that shouldn't be there at this point at this moment the Sith Lord is almost insulted that they could have even thought that they could face him and he's feeling disgusted that he was going to have to pretend to surrender to these bumbling fools but then something strange happens Dooku says your moves are too slow Kenobi too predictable you'll have to do better very well then the Jedi said and shot straight upward over Dooku's head so fast that it seemed like he had vanished and in the space where Kenobi's chest had been was now only the blue lighting of Skywalker's lightsaber only a desperate world to one side made what would have been a smoking hole in his chest into a line of scorch through his cloak he threw himself spinning up and away from the two Jedi to land on a table disengaging for a moment to recover his composure but by the time his boots touched down Kenobi was there to meet him his blade weave moving through a defensive velocity so bewilderingly fast the Dooku dared not even try a strike he threw a faint toward Kenobi's face then dropped and spun in a reverse ankle sweep but not only did Kenobi easily overleap this attack Dooku nearly lost his own foot to a slash from Skywalker who again came out of nowhere and now carved through the table so that it collapsed under his weight and dumped the Sith Lord unceremoniously to the floor this was not the plan the duel continues and Dooku finally gets Kenobi out of the way for a little bit so of course he can focus on Anakin who shows up with immense power that throws Dooku for yet another loop soon he realized the Anakin Chien had been a fake out and he was really a master of gems so but it wouldn't be too long before Kenobi rejoined the fight and now we're going to continue to read this passage from the novelization Kenobi's master had been Qui-Gon Jinn Dooku's own Padawan Dooku had fenced Qui-Gon thousands of times and he knew every weakness of the ataru form with its ridiculous acrobatics he drove a series of flashing thrusts towards Kenobi's legs to draw the Jedi Master into a flipping overhead movement and leap so that Dooku could burn through his spine from kidneys to shoulder blades in this image this plan was so clear in Dooku's mind that he almost failed to notice that Kenobi met every one of his thrusts without so much as moving his feet staying perfectly centered perfectly balanced blade never moving a millimeter more than was necessary deflecting without effort reposting with flickering strikes and stabs swifter than the tongue of a gorilla and ghost Viper and when Dooku felt Skywalker regained his feet and stride once more to his back he finally registered the source of that blinding defensive velocity the same the Kenobi had used a moment ago and only then belated did he understand that Kenobi zataru and XI Cho had been a ploy as well Kano Obi had become a master of cerisu Dooku's farce had suddenly inexplicitly spun from humorous to deadly serious and was tumbling rapidly towards terrifying and there it is the novel Explains It All quite well how dukewood trained so much with Qui-Gon and ataru that he was so confident that he knew every single Nook only to be completely blindsided by the fact that Obi-Wan was now a master of sarisu I think this strategy on behalf of Kenobi and Anakin was quite brilliant the way they hid their true power and skill until Midway through the fight and then using the power to surprise and overwhelmed the count was definitely the winning hand what's even more interesting than this is this is actually a Sith tactic from the Darth Bane novel there is a moment where Bane is getting his revenge on a classmate in the training dueling session in an arena and exercises this exact move hiding his true strength from his opponent until the last minute this is something that gains Bane much praised by his Sith master who says that this kind of deception was was certainly the way of the Sith and I find this link between Kenobi and Bane exceptionally interesting this all goes to show though that Kenobi had mastered sarisu to such a degree that not even the legendary Dooku could keep up with and had ever seen before ultimately reverting back to the force to stop the onslaught we have heard it said many times before but Obi-Wan Kenobi is not a master of cerisu and the third form of lightsaber combat Kenobi is the master but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on why Obi-Wan sarisu absolutely terrified Dooku in their duel and what are your thoughts on this brilliant idea on behalf of Kenobi and Skywalker as always my friends and acolytes thank you so much for visiting our archives May the force be with you and I hope to see you again soon
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 418,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Count Dooku, Revenge of the Sith, Dooku vs Obi-Wan and Anakin, Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan vs Anakin, Obi-Wan vs Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Sidious, Lightsabers Explained, The Mandalorian, The Darksaber, Ewan Mcgregor, Christopher Lee, George Lucas, Revenge of the Sith Explained, Star Wars, Star Wars Explained, Star Wars Theory
Id: btUGHvJzsWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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