Why does Pete Davidson make himself the butt of the joke? Jon Bernthal asks on Real Ones

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[Music] foreign [Music] I think it was like your last Netflix special it was really a joy for me man to to watch that and to me from like an outsider it seems like that's easier for you making yourself almost like the butt of the joke yes and and and but that's also I think what you're saying has like caused you a [ __ ] ton of [ __ ] pain or a [ __ ] ton of like feeling betrayed or feeling like anger whatever that is um I started doing comedy and you know I didn't have many friends I had like two that I would hang out with or my mom I think I was like I can make fun of myself better than all of you like like you know you know and it became sort of this like it made me feel like Teflon because you know I was just like whatever joke you say I I have a better one about myself and also you're doing a station you're getting some sort of positive positive feedback and just like you know when you I'm the first person to laugh you know at myself and when you do that it opens up the crowd to okay so he's not taking himself too seriously it it's just like an approach for comedy that I think I like like my favorite stand-ups do that like Burr Chappelle Eddie like all these guys they tell personal I love one-liners I love Rodney but like you know I don't know anything about him after the thing right aside from like you know yeah yeah and I love that yeah but like my the people I I like to like know them and I'm like that way you hear their next special they're talking about their wife you remember from the other one and like you grow with these artists you know same with like music you love their story whatever so I always loved that style of Storytelling um and I felt that you could not get away with more but you can if if you you know shoot yourself in the foot first and then it opens up for you to have you know people are more receptive to hearing what you have to say because you're not you know coming from an ego standpoint it's an egoless standpoint it's more of just like hey this is an idea this is fun I'm just trying to have fun so that's why I always took that approach and then you know because of the way my career turned out and the things that happened it just opened the floodgates and it turned on me and now the last couple years I've just been trying to dial it back where like I don't want to not be open I love talking to people I love connecting with people some of the best conversations I've had I've been at like bus stations with random dudes that are like hey I saw this weird thing you spoke about whatever and then that's like why you do it you know that's like what makes you happy like oh I'm so glad I did that I don't know why I was questioning myself for doing that um but you know now I'm trying to just share when it feels appropriate or to share I don't feel like I have I owe anyone anything sure but um there is that certain element of like you know now because of the internet you sort of feel like you do have to kind of defend yourself a little bit where you're like hey man like no you know so it's a tricky situation to be in because you don't want to come across as whiny or not grateful because I'm very grateful on our own change of [ __ ] decision I made because I love the lessons I was taught uh the people I've met I'm not mad at anyone I don't I hold any anything on anyone I think everyone's just trying their best and you know so that's just how I'm trying to live my life but it's it's a hard it's a hard thing to navigate because you'll do something and then somebody will do something you'll be like hey and they're like well you'd [ __ ] did a movie about your life that you did that's right and you're like all right yeah I get it I get it you know so that's why I'm trying to like you know just act be an actor if in something and not just be what people think is me the right though like you'll show up to set and you're playing yourself and they're like hey I'm a big idiot with a dick that smokes weed you're like Jesus Christ this is what Oscar winners think of me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like that's humiliate like oh my God like you do it because you want them to like you and you want to work with people and that was my thing for a bit but it doesn't have to be my thing forever and as I grow and learn it's one of your things bro yeah there's one in your thing yeah like it's someone you're right and I mean like I think that like the genius was like oh it's like but I get I I guess it's like to think that that doesn't come out of cost and what I really like it's like that 911 thing John like people be like oh he's probably just talking about his dead dad all the time it's like yo I made two jokes about my dad in a span of like 15 years like to act like I'm just like this like feel bad for me my dad like that's just such [ __ ] and it makes me feel like like so small and shitty and like I'm trying to share little jokes here and there about them because like I like to keep that memory alive my dad was a great dude like why is that a [ __ ] problem and like it I get defensive it's my family you know like anybody who's like [ __ ] risked anything as a [ __ ] artist like to understand the boldness again and The Bravery to to [ __ ] do that like going to that go into that spot it's like like I really [ __ ] admire and commend the [ __ ] out of you for doing and you when you do you you're still going to go inward right I mean like it's always going to go inward but I think I I think there's a place for everything and now I learned that like okay me on stage with a microphone where I have full control and I could tell what I have the way I want to tell it that's the spot because that's my stand up that's what I that's the outlet I want for it and I guess the the struggle or like where I'm dealing with it and I'm getting better at is like you gotta just let people talk until you get you get to yeah and your moment will come and it's about patience and that's like something I'm not good at it's like being patient and you can't please everyone you can't fix every little thing some people are gonna think things that they heard on a website or saw in a [ __ ] thing or someone's brother told them or whatever and there's nothing you could [ __ ] do about it yeah the only thing you can control is like who you have around you so what you put your energy into and like who loves you and who you love back and that's something like it's a hard thing to it's like a weird thing for me to even grasp now because like I've lived in discomfort for so long where that became comfortable so now I actually have people around me that love me and it's weird and it's that's that's like a whole new thing I never thought of it's like oh it's weird can you explain that weirdness we're being happy it's weird like being like I was like at home the other day and I was talking to my girl and my friends and I was like I feel [ __ ] like weird like something like wrong and they're like what I'm like nothing's wrong yeah what is that is that like a peace of mind is that I don't know what I think I just like look I hate to be that guy that's like anytime something looks up some because everybody gets kicked in the dick and everyone gets kicked in the dick it's the biggest to them because it's their life so no one's struggle is bigger than anyone's because it's theirs you know no matter what the magnitude of who you are or whatever it hurts just as much okay so like I I believe like everyone's struggle is very big to them and I just I like was just like crying I was just like I I always feel like the walls are going to close in or something's gonna be ripped out and um I've been doing a lot of therapy like trauma therapy trying to figure out why I think there's obvious reasons why with the PTSD from childhood or whatever and the sentence that like we've my therapist and I have agreed on is like my dad told me he was going to pick me up from school on 9 11. I got picked up by my mom she didn't tell me what was going on for like three days and she kept telling me Dad's at work coming home whatever I had no idea and then I watched I was my mom was like you're just grounded you're not allowed to watch TV and I was like what I didn't do anything and then one night I turned on the TV and I just saw my dad on TV and I was like oh okay and they're like he's these are all the firemen that are like dead and all that [ __ ] so I was like and then I had to talk to my mom it was weird because like we didn't know he was dead for like three weeks they were finding people you know they're pulling people out of [ __ ] and there was just some sort of Hope and like it was just up and down and nobody knew how to deal with it like my mom was [ __ ] like 30 like she doesn't like I'm about to be I wouldn't know what the [ __ ] to do and I that's why like as I get older I'm like man my mom was awesome I was like [ __ ] she really loves me like damn like [ __ ] that was like rough so nobody knew the right way to deal with it and you know whether or not that's right or wrong it still [ __ ] a kid up or whatever so I have this and I also have BPD and a little PTSD mix which is borderline personality disorder and so the definition of that is fear of Abandonment so you know Dad says come and pick you up he doesn't for life I'm just like I don't believe anyone and I'm trying to learn how to believe people and Hollywood isn't exactly the greatest place to to learn that skill dude yeah you know so like and you've been in it for a [ __ ] minute at starting at a young age so I went from like traumatic life to like new created High School traumatic life yeah because like Hollywood's like high school where it's like the cool kids and the dicks and [ __ ] with the cool people are actually the quiet people it's like [ __ ] weird and um it's you know so now you know it's the worst place for me to grow but I'm I love this [ __ ] and I'm gonna do my best I can and just keep doing that but that's I think where it comes from and that's why I have a hard time trusting and believing people and it's been an issue throughout my whole life like it's it's it's you know because I just someone will tell me something and I just it doesn't register it's starting to with some people because they've been around long enough yeah and can you give me an example of that like something that's working like a technique that you're using or like something or just I mean I just like I look at people's character and you know I've never had to I go do you have to question this person has this person [ __ ] you over in any way has this person lied to you has this person ever been anything but whatever or if you had anything with them did you work it out is this guy a dog is this your dog and that's you gotta fact check yourself and if the facts check out you can't let yourself think that way you actually have to trick your brain because your brain after a while becomes used to trauma it becomes used to being hurt becomes used to being [ __ ] over so you'll have that mentality and have that attitude and you might even like make it happen because you're so insecure and you might create a problem out of nothing and that's a lot of times that's what's happened how do you check yourself on that like how do you how do you become how do you become aware of that well it's just growth man like I used to I I've been self-harming since I was like a kid you know I used to like cut and up until nearly a year ago I used to Cod and uh used to bang my head against walls because like when if I couldn't deal with something like if someone told me something sad or like I something that I couldn't deal with I would like bang my head against the wall hoping I would pass out because I just didn't want to be in that situation because I couldn't handle that and like over years and years and years it becomes less and less and less and you have to use these skills and this is great workbook that I recommend it's called the DBT uh workbook it's dialectical behavior therapy and it teaches you these skills like okay you want to cut right now go take a cold shower listen to your favorite song jerk off [ __ ] watch a movie like go call your friend like like do anything do anything you can because that feeling most of the time goes away after like 15-20 minutes it's just you get this surge you get this like feeling and you got to know it's not real you gotta you have it's [ __ ] mind [ __ ] because you got to trick your brain into being like no you're wrong you're trying to make me feel bad you know I'm actually good right now and it's like it comes from this uh BPD has is very in common with black and white thinking which is like something I still struggle with them I've gotten a lot better but it's still pretty bad where like everything's either all amazing and everyone you're Rocky people throwing your fruit while you run yeah or it's the worst thing in the world yeah and I had to learn that like if one little thing isn't going the right way that doesn't mean the whole ship sinks that's right it's just like okay remove that part and you're okay everything's fine but you have to learn that I I would just lose lose it from little things and you have to learn how to you know work through that and the impulse like the the impulse to do something like cut or bang your head or something like that do you pay attention do you sort of like in whatever way you kind of keep account like of the kind of situations or the kind of triggers like what it makes you want to do specifically how I mean I had I had to do a bunch of [ __ ] like when I met John I was just coming out of like a lot of [ __ ] work on some like real anger stuff I had like real problems with violence uh growing up you know you never lick it you know you never lick it but like you can you get a handle on it you can man you can and you can actually I think even more so man I think I I think what's so like exciting and inspiring about it is I think you can make it work for you I think you really can I think you can make any I think in any crisis there's a huge opportunity [ __ ] yeah man [Music] all right [Music] hey what's going on everybody it's John Bam Bam the dog uh first on behalf of both of us and everybody from the real ones team I just want to sincerely thank you guys for for tuning in the folks that I bring on the show they're family to me and uh being able to tell their stories and bringing you into their world is something I'm I'm just super proud of and uh again grateful that you guys tune in we've decided we want to take things just a step further it's a patreon community and basically what that means is if you become a part of this community look I already board Bam Bam if you want to become a part of this community you're going to be able to hear episodes early and all that ad free and all that good stuff but there's all this behind the scenes footage all this stuff that we've shot that really brings you into the folks that we've had on the show really brings you into their world live chats with me and the folks that I bring on the show to talk about their world talk about the issues that they're dealing with but their triumphs and their tragedies just go to patreon slash real ones on this website that you see right there right on the screen that's right in front of you this whole idea idea was something about building bridges and and bringing people together and bringing folks that often don't get the mic and given the mic to them so the fact that you guys tuned in means the world anyways again thank you be good to each other out there rock and roll I'm gonna get a workout in a little bit with my man Eric Linden stud coordinator from The Punisher he's coming all the way up because we're about to get after it and when that's done he asked me in the car are you gonna have my shake ready and I know what that means am I gonna have my son Warrior Shake they've got the active protein but they also have this collagen protein which is amazing they also have the warrior blend which is a little bit lighter if you're trying to cut and uh I believe in it I believe in that some Warrior stuff go to www.sunwarrior.com real ones [Music]
Channel: REAL ONES with Jon Bernthal
Views: 436,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real ones podcast, jon bernthal, pete davidson
Id: FbnFM7_JGkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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