Why Do You Have Plastic Bag Car Windows?

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people have rimmed it with plastic bags for car windows what the heck happened someone broke into my friend's car I'm assuming to steal the stereo the car does not have a stereo the cost to replace the window exceeds the value of the car there are places with particular cars where it makes more sense to just leave the windows down my sister-in-law lived in one such place years ago the second people to break a window must have been checking to make sure the big gap in the dash meant the radio had been stolen by the first people the third through ends people could just reach in and open the door if they wanted to check I was driving home from school and my frickin driver's side window just blew up I'm not kidding out of nowhere my frickin window exploded glass all over my lap and in all the cracks and crevices of my car and apparently to add insult to injury it rained really freaking hard for two days straight afterwards I had to get a trash bag from the janitor in the middle of class because it started pouring my seat got soaked the electronic panel for my window and mirror controls shorted out so now the only window that rolls down is the driver's window I would say I learned a valuable lesson but what is there to learn when your window just freakin kills itself mid-drive I forgot my wallet in my Jeep so someone decided to remind me by throwing a brick through the window and retrieving the wallet for me at least now you have a brick when I had my first car my friend left his smokes in it when he went to get them he locked the keys in the car I told him to get them out and the next thing I know he's outside with a hammer breaking my window I was like dude that's not what I meant but it was too little too late so he patched it up only we were a bunch of seventeen year old kids and his mom whose house we were at Wilson - very responsible human the best thing we could find was a lay sour cream and onion ship bag split open dude had broken the small window of the two-door car so it wasn't a big space to cover anyways a few days later this other guy was sitting beside the chip bag window and there was a bit of leftover chip residue so he freaking licked it off Oh high school and then BSP the best thing we could find was a lay sour cream and onion ship bag split open and then bsp anyway a few days later this other guy was sitting beside the chip bag window and there was a bit of leftover chip residue so he frickin licks it off and then BSB I would like to cast my vote fee winning this thread a piece of firewood that was in the bed of my truck bounced up and broke the window while I was driving it sounded like a dang gunshot I hope you taught that piece of firewood a lesson I had this briefly several years ago I felt like shooting some beer bottles with my BB gun I grabbed a few and set them on the roof of my truck then I thought wow this is dumb if I set them here I'm liable to shoot my windows out if I miss so I rolled my windows down because I'm smart but I'm not that smart then I walked off aways and took a few shots inevitably I missed one and it grazed the tip of the passenger side window shattering the entire thing inside the door so I had a garbage bag for a window for about a week before I got it fixed I realize now that I am making myself sound like Florida man and I suppose I deserve that I love that your response to thinking shooting at your truck was dumb was to roll down your windows and then shoot at it was out being hooligans in my old 1980 Holden with my brother a few years ago he went to knock a wheelie bin over with his door who Lee Bing must have been full of concrete or something because the door bounced off it and his head went through the window whoa he must have really been embarrassed if I had a toilet in the trunk of my SUV it rode pretty all day turning onto my street on my way home I hear a loud shattering noise initially I thought the toilet tipped over and broke it tipped over right into my rear window and turned it into about 50,000 pieces toilet was fine though and why did you have an unsecured toilet in the back of an SUV that's like the time my mom cut a tiller on the back seat of the minivan and the handle smacked into the when I was younger we were driving back from Florida to home MA in our Dodge Caravan but the back windows spontaneously shattered inwards maybe from Iraq kicked up from the road that hits our just right raining glass all over my youngest sister she was unhurt except for a cut on her leg the obviously I panicked and leaned on a glass covered suitcase in my haste to get to her a tiny sliver of glass pierced my finger the EMT who arrived on the scene looked at it and told me there was nothing in the cut two weeks later it still hurt like heck when I pressed on it so we went to the hospital the doctor number my finger and dug around in it with a syringe for about 10 minutes before he finally pulled out a tiny Crescent of glass I have nerve damage in my finger ah I was a full and left and amplified cabinet unsecured in the back it rolled over and it's corner smashed out my window I called up a repair company and they quoted five hundred and sixty dollars to replace it so I taped it up with plastic to make sure rain wouldn't get in there overnight I hadn't planned to drive it but the swell was good and I hit up the beach that are though had a very awkward moment involving a cop the next day I drove out to an auto wreckers found a replacement window and installed it myself took an hour and cost $60.00 two times thieves in DC first time I had left her broken sat-nav on my passenger-side seat my bad so they took that into my iPod and rifled through my crap I had been living there for less than two weeks oh and my gum the bastard stole my gum and it took me about two weeks to notice and I don't know why but that really irritated me I think more than the actual break-in did who steals a man's gum second time for half a roll of quarters and three pieces from my ratchet set it would have been easier just to take the entire set as it had a nice carrying case but no only wanted those parts but they left the gum so I guess it's not too bad that was about two months after I got the window fixed from the first one after that I left the bag on it was the most efficient crime deterrent who would steal from a car that was already broken into made it eight months before fixing it and only had one time where someone punched in the bag I'm still salty because the last time someone broke into my car they still do my fingernail clippers which I didn't notice until I ripped my nail and needed to fix it butthole they also left my light on I had a plastic bag roof this past summer I parked under a light pole at a mall to take the bus to campus and they repaired the light pole during the day they were up high and dropped a tool that went right though the roof on my car they paid for it and everything that it still took a few days for arrangements to be made I was waiting to pick up my daughters one day from school it was cold out and my rear window was foggy so I clicked on the rear window defroster about 30 seconds later I hear a loud pop and then see my rear window blow into the car through my rearview mirror sad to say but my first thought was someone was shooting at me or shooting at the kids walking across the field to the cars waiting I didn't see anyone running or looking around so I figured no one was shooting I called a glass place to fix it and found out that this isn't uncommon I guess the rear window defroster shorts and creates a hot spot in the glass or there is a defect and the glass and the window glows out drove around with black plastic in my rear window for three days my seat would have been a little wet if that happened to me I'm glad nobody was shot I had fancy plastic that shrink film you use on household windows in the winter work great car was broken into and stolen when I was up at school I found it myself no junkyard had a replacement had to wait until I went back home longest month ever in my neighborhood some kids had got a BB gun and were going around shooting out people's windows I'm not sure if they ever got caught I woke up one morning and almost every car on the street both sides had a quarter sized hole and spiderwebbed glass in one of their windows I'm sort of surprised that a BB gun can break a window a while ago my dad was using a weed whacker and there was a stone that shot out and hit the window shattering it we didn't have the time money to get teeth fixed at the time so he put some plastic over it woke up one morning to go to work and my back window was shattered $700 phone I left there overnight $100 mp3 player $100 Bluetooth earbuds $200 GPS all there nothing taken just a broken window that'll show you not to leave expensive electronics in sight wife locked our baby in car on a hot day on accident with keys inside car panic due to temperature a new wait on a a would be hours so I broke window to get door open had black bag taped on window for a week or two until how to spare money to fix properly our son was completely oblivious to it all and happy all the way through I'd say your first mistake was calling AAA they're not nearly as fast as triple-a that's why they don't have that extra A+ you gotta wait for the introductions to be over long story short that's why I only use AAA AAA now just scream until someone helps not me but my old roommate punched his window when drunk cause he forgot his key in his car the door was unlocked and he got a fun trip to the ER to remove some glass and get stitches I'm glad he wasn't able to get into the car and drive when I was in college a guy t-boned my Ford exp it was like a cheap imitation Mustang the damage was all over the passenger door but the window was rolled up so it was perfectly intact but could not be rolled down the car looked like one of those Hot Wheels cars where you hit the door and it flips around to look like it was in an accident in a ho it was October and I was glad that I could still drive the car and the window still works fast forward a couple weeks and I'm driving down the road with a buddy in the car we see a friend on the side of the road and we pull over to say hi as my friend is rolling down the window I start to yell no just as the window shatters into his lap the q2 months off me driving around New England with no passenger side window with the wonderful plastic bag repair because the real repair would have cost more than the car I think I ended up abandoning that car on the side of the road I'm picturing a yelling and slow motion some dumb boss thought power windows was a better design than hand-cranked windows unfortunately the motor for the window burned out and I don't have the $400 laying around to have it replaced at the moment my grandpa used to always say just another thing to break every time he rolled up his window in his new truck it was sunny and dry for about a week then one night around 2:00 a.m. someone decided to smash the passenger side window and grab a bag that contained a toothbrush and a change of clothes so and it started raining - two days later after I was able to get the window fixed it stopped raining and it was all sunny again my windows stopped working all of mine except for the front passenger window don't work and even that one can't be controlled by the master switch on the driver's side way back when I was 17 I got high and extremely paranoid on my way back to my parents house I decided I should roll down the windows to them myself off when I got home I realized the window wouldn't roll back up for the next hour my dad and my high as heck but tried to fix it until the window simply broke had to use a plastic bag for a few months until I got it fixed was backing out of a garage my ex had gotten out of the passenger side and was telling me how much clearance I had on that side I'm looking over my shoulder to see the driver's side and check the clearance there all of a sudden I hear a loud crash turns out he'd left the door open when he got out and hadn't noticed as he was watching that side to make sure I was good to back up and since I was looking the other way it went undetected this has been years ago and that window has been replaced but that's the only plastic bag window I ever had to deal with how cool would it be to shoot your car door with this point - - what's the worst that can happen two hours later rolls window up and glass chunks gush out of the door why just why my window regulator failed during the middle of December I tried pulling it into place and it dropped into the door so before I had a snowdrift on my seat I put a garbage bag over the window I was too cheap to buy a parking pass for my Community College so I parked it a few blocks away from campus I left it there for only two hours and some guy shattered my window bashed in my stock car display one for mileage and such that was next to the radio and still my radio faceplate didn't steal the actual radio just the faceplate w-h-o does that so I was left with a broken window smashed car computer thingy a useless radio and he even stole my new lockpick said that I had forgot in the car was just curious about lock-picking nothing nefarious so anyway I had to cover the passenger window with plastic bags and a bunch of tape because unfortunately it was going to rain later that day on the upside the dumb boss cut himself while breaking the window he left a single drop of blood that I got the local PD to run a match for and they eventually found him once he got picked up for some other criminal activity back in grad school I was broke as a joke and my rear window stopped closing it was a POW window so there wasn't much I could do about it also I know less than nothing about cars beyond changing a flat tire I was telling my friend about my plans to go to autos and the next day to buy a new motor for the door and figure out how to put it and when she asked if I had checked the fuse box I had no idea cars had a fuse box she fixed it very quickly and cheaply and the plastic came off I never had two plastic baguette but I did have my driver side window taped in place the power motor went out and all the window came off the guide so it would dropped to 3 inches if it wasn't taped up I didn't have $60.00 for a new motor regulator that's what I get for trusting the power windows on a 1993 in 2016 ha Isuzu Rodeo dang fine car otherwise I miss that just bought a 2005 starer and you'd better believe it has manual windows and door locks I had borrowed my mom's car for the night but she thought I was just going to a friend's house who lived five minutes down the road I was actually going to a party in Philadelphia it was in a sketchy boss'd neighborhood but I was 18 and just happy to be drinking and partying with college boys at the end of the night my two girlfriends and I head back to the car and realized the passenger side window was smashed in that's when we found the brick in the car and that's also when we realized my mom's wallets that she had in her center console was gone we had to drive an hour home in January and 15 degree weather with no window and glass shards occasionally blowing back at us my mom was rocking the trash bag on her window for about a week after that sorry mom it's okay we've all let your mom down in one way or another someone broke into our car and had to wait for insurance to go through before fixing it they stole a couple of worthless things but forgot the 1200 cash in the visor there was a rash of auto burglary snatch and grabs for stereo systems at the apartment complex I used to live at after seeing half a dozen cars with plastic in the window in the parking lot I got the idea that I would just put plastic over mine on broken window every night to make it look like it had already fallen victim had to do this on my old car it was our honeymoon and we were in Yellowstone camping I had a VW Bug convertible in the left back window would not roll up it was a window motor problem we were in the middle of a national park so we decided to mend it temporarily with plastic this unfortunately meant we had to keep the top up for most of our trip because of bears and rain and other wildlife stuff and people I had to pull off the freeway driving into Marin County in Richmond CA which is not exactly a nice area I pulled up into a gas station to get some money out since I'd forgotten some for the toll as I close my door smash window just freakin shatters out of nowhere it's not like I slammed the window so I had to go in pull cash out and buy something all while staring out the window praying no one would come and flick with my car very stressful afternoon of roll couple years back but was making a right out of a parking lot into a busy four-lane intersection trying to get into the left lane the right lane had a tow truck so I tried to winch myself by it and turn into the left lane and not as many inches were available scratched up the frame between the doors and took out the back passenger window the tow truck driver was P his tow truck was old and beat the Frick up guy was examining the already scratched up corner for a couple minutes if he would have had a magnifying glass he most likely would have pulled it out we were drunk at a college party and throwing water balloons off a third-floor balcony into the parking lot someone threw one through my front passenger side window found the broken balloon a lot of glass and a wet seat the next morning some bottle broke into my window to steal a bag full of used gym clothes the clothes were worthless if the window is a special-order old Mercedes that costs more than I can afford at the moment the car got broken into during a road trip and all of my gear was stolen in San Francisco just to add salt to the wound my body decided it needed to crap itself while I was driving to find a toilet and I ended up crapping in the alleyway needless to say it was not a good day one time someone got in my car and stole my old crappy iPod mini and I was P so P that I slammed my car door hard enough to snap the cable on my window regulator I could have bought like four of the same iPods from a pawn shop or something for the amount it cost me to replace the regulator not to mention the pain in the buttock taping a trash bag to my window until the part was shipped violence isn't the answer the mechanism that rolls the window up failed and it fell into my door as I was driving my mechanic eventually a zip tidied up from the bottom so it's permanently up now funny story about this my roommate bought a used van recently whose window winds down but not back up without support he accidentally wound it all the way down in the motor seized up so he can't put it up without replacing the motor since we live in a relatively moderate sky Matt he didn't bother spending the money to get it fixed and just doesn't keep valuable things in his car but yesterday evening he went outside to move his van and came back inside relatively quickly to let everybody know that there was a raccoon in his van I gave him the money this morning to buy a replacement motor for his van window it was Christmas Eve some raging alcoholic douche I assume decided to break my window with a bottle then just left he she literally didn't take anything it sucked at the time as I was pretty broke being a first-year apprentice and all there was plenty of other better-looking cars with owners presumably being able to afford a new window but nope get the guy that can't so that was pretty merry for a Christmas not my car if I had a friend in high school who wanted to FSU Frick crap up we entertained the idea and went along to witness what he had in mind turns out the butthole enjoyed breaking car windows with a 9-iron and proceeding to throw eggs inside the car afterwards I then understood why I saw so many cars with plastic bags for car windows in my area I had a bad day in the morning I had surgery to remove the ggressive pre-cancer from my cervix I came home to my apartment to recover to find out that the apartment above me he was having their carpet and subflooring completely replaced because the previous tenants had eight children and that is too many for keeping your apartment floor alright work was scheduled so hammer time all day long continued by the time the evening rolled around I got super sick from the anesthesia wearing off and went to bed was roused about 20 minutes later by a lot of loud banging on my apartment door it was the police some drunk pair of buttholes wandered up and down my street I live in a not-so-good area of town and through full cause glass bottle through my rear driver's side window as hard as they could most of the bottle ended up on my dash and there are shards and cheap beer over every seat in my car using the same method they also smashed in someone else's car window and to other people's windshields didn't steal anything when the officer brought me out to the car I looked down the street and several other officers had arms full of and opened tall boys of the two buttholes had trailed down the street like Hansel and Gretel at the Grand Jury I went to regarding the case one of the cops said he slammed a couple later in the parking lot spoils of war presumably after his shift haha apparently after all the window smashing these guys then went to a convenience store and tried to jump some dude who was getting a few groceries dude hey Mehcad the main instigator right in the face with a full gallon of milk and ran into the store where police were called and they were arrested sheriff said he would try to get me a copy of the security footage of that happening just so I can delight in it I really hope he pulls through edited for typos also a previous time this happened someone smashed out my two rear small windows drivers and passenger sides and tore my rear passenger door apart so they could steal stuff I don't leave anything in my car because I used to live in a city where there was a lot of that kind of theft the suck part was that my doors were unlocked but they were frozen shut because it was January and freakin North Dakota where I was living for a little bit and you needed to really pull on them to get them to open so the thief just assumed they were locked someone out of his mind on something tried getting into my car when the door didn't open he took a pole and smashed the back and side windows crawled inside and into the front seat but this point I was outside wondering WTF he thought he was doing failing to start the car he apparently made a decision to try rolling the car away he took the handbrake off and crawled down the hill me walking alongside the entire time eventually he hit the curb at the bottom of the hill because he couldn't turn with the steering wheel locked the police arrived I unlocked the door and he got dragged out screaming how the office let him borrow the car and how they couldn't prove it was him his toxicology report comes back this month so we'll find out what he's charged with if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
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Keywords: plastic bag car window, plastic car window, plastic car window replacement, putting plastic on car windows, what the heck, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit
Id: aiI3QnpJh6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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