How Could They Throw This Away!?

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Oh garbage man right there refrigerator right here I don't think so buddy [Applause] I want this to be a decent scrap day I need to go vertical with this but this is the heavy end do I want to take it out of the truck all right let's see if I can just lift it has let go all right worked definitely time to change out the gloves this little grease ball I always get messed up with these things Hey Anderson doesn't look so greasy I think that's more than 13 feet tall that is the limit 13 feet 6 I think the ground up so I'm learning from y'all but I put it like this noise pushing my tailgate and I won't be able to use my tailgate should I go straight on the top maybe good there that clove hitch yesterday I lost with an air-conditioner humungous commercial air conditioner trying to get into the back of my truck I even added my extra bar going across there and I had my winch attached to this rope going across because I didn't have some chain so I was mildly unprepared and these clove hitch knot so they're not really another hitch they it totally was stood me getting that air conditioner off the ground but one of just messin up my truck and yeah it ripped this kind of piece up and I I just wasn't able to get it you know I needed some help help I need some body help not just anybody someone said Oh some scrap over here somewhere whoa what's up Perry how you doing my Paris relevance buddy yes oh yeah he's not a theropod he's a horn if this something so the sauropods theropods and Norn it the pods very proud sir he's two-legged but he is um she is a plant eater so the theropods are the two-legged meat eaters like t-rex think there's anything in them latch same thing all right so the garbage man just told me about this one I didn't even see this earlier justic hey man there's a dish over there on First Street by the church so all right I'm on it hmm [Applause] no joke think about attach this right to the front of my truck yeah put it on the grill yeah that'll save me some space just kidding yeah the stuff is bulky drugs fall do something about that right there turning I'm moving into my shop and I got like stuffs all discombobulated right I didn't have my um my blades on my sawzall is in my other pack [Applause] so frustrating it is so relaxing do you ever get ancient thoughts like for instance I was just now thinking about my grandmother and across the street was mrs. price ler and mrs. Chrysler had this carport and her deceased husband had this little minibike and the little minibike had a two-stroke engine there's just a little engine but like really powerful two strokes are really strong and I started think about that I'm like I literally haven't thought about that thought in 40-something years really how is that even still there Wow ancient thoughts Carlsbad tavern [Music] do you think is this gonna be the basket somehow goes over here catches like that can't actually sit on the roof away but I don't think it was allowed to be in front like that just scrap yes I will block the right way and be quick [Music] we tie this once I have all my pieces in place that's not metal the plastic there's rust there's metal you're gonna get resigned so this stuff I just want I don't know why what is that 115 home decor maiden sweet what is it what is it some type of paper so the wallpaper or something in there that it is it everything that's me yep what's behind door number one plastic thanks folks [Music] he's good now this is the kind of lumen are just put right into the straight file especially with aluminum braces like just plummeting and there's a few pieces that could be taken off but is it worth at a time no and it gets recycled through the shredder anyway non plastic and gets separated from the metal and then the Magnetic gets separate from the non-magnetic metal yeah so just because I didn't spend an hour to extract a dollar does not mean it doesn't get recycled it's that cast iron oh man I about killed to myself with that air conditioner yesterday that I lost Wow take the brass Paul I don't handle it Wow so I think the hard part is over then I got it up because if a third of it is lower than this tailgate two theories is higher I have to tilt it and somewhat get it on the truck and it's going to the scrapyard almost I don't mess it up right now like dropping it just don't think that is Wow okay wish me luck please don't fall off here's what I don't want to happen when I start to go it wants to slide back off Oh what if I put a rope through here no because I won't be able to get it on hmm just some of you that are old enough remember that Star Trek episode when Captain Kirk was on the planet with that big crazy mean monster and and Spock was back on the enterprise and Captain Kirk had just like just enough things around him where he could defeat this monster yeah that's how I'm feeling right now all little ideas are popping in my head so I got this winch then we tie the strap around it and then use the winch to pull on the strap we'll see if that works kind of kind of a bad idea we're also kind of not this on the truck all right yeah I just straight up dumb luck getting that because the the way the road was tilted up the back of my truck was lower and the grass is higher because of the curb yeah a bunch of factors played in yeah I didn't get hurt that air conditioner yesterday though that was just too much I couldn't do it only two or three guys that are spend an hour at the guy's place dismantling it might be worth dismantling it there is probably $75 worth of stuff if you take it all up her microboy oh man actually looks brand-new or perfectly clean there's a couple little things in there it's one over the oven types it's like I'm gonna get lower the curb every inch counts bend the knees yes that's a massive file getting right there all right let's take a look they want to get rid of this bench that's a nice bench like a safe with a key wow this is like a uh-huh okay yeah that's not getting on my truck what is in there that's concrete are you kidding me Oh nope you hear that yeah there's no chance that's almost as heavy as that tub but I can take the chores someone might want to use that Paul don't take the drawers it's rusted it's definitely going for scrap plus I don't want to give my scrapyard a whole bunch of ceramic or concrete or whatever that is that's just not a good product for me to sell look at it it's totally lined it's like a fireproof no we'll take those and I will take the drawers the chance that that's coming probably none but just check it out because it's old you think that steel would have corroded oh yeah totally steel see it's actually rising up towards it just looks like copper let's get the rest of these [Music] it's girly yeah that's definitely like a fireproof safe tie-down good enough so I got a rope tying down this garage door opener rope tying the refrigerator then got a strap holding this cast-iron sink then I got this spaghetti spider-man kind of a thing going on here yeah good luck even though I got a full load I'm not done with my route yet yeah I totally could go to the scrap yard and just cash out I think there might be something else never now so this little golfing community is a golf course right over here super-nice bonds I'm rich people neighborhoods Oh that rattling that's that garage door opener going over the roof driving me blockers kind of like that chirping of the of the smoke detector hat mice shop hey golfer men don't throw your back out chiropractor Asian friend but yeah that chirping is driving me crazy but the ceilings are 15 feet tall and I only have a six-foot ladder and it's just done preach it until it was thinking about taking up baseball fashion but that's not the right thing to do so talk to my neighbor at the shop and he does have a ladder he said that but it's he's at a jobsite with it but the next couple days still uh let me use it I bought the battery we just can't get to it so yeah that chirpies my happy place I'm gonna guess 46 other pounds now forty-six even 4,600 no I did not weigh already alright check this up here's what they plan on doing here is that they're clearing this out and that they're gonna have a drive-thru right here and this whole building is gonna be gone and that's gonna be the new scrap pile that's where that building is so we're we way where I Drive that direction scraps gonna get offloaded and then we leave some rocks and we drive it into the art anyone that's that's their plan wait where's the scrap pile wait a minute I don't want to drive through all that stuff so just talk to him say yes good spot and they've been loading up all this scrap so I think yeah about half of its gone that's a big job it's no gotta bother [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hear me who would have thought I'd become a coffee mug salesperson yeah it's awesome thanks for buying them you guys are buying them like crazy because teespring actually just makes them on order so I don't have to like have them or anything like this best coffee in the universe [Music] 740 pounds so I weighed in at 4,600 pounds wit out at 3860 a total of 37 bucks 20 25 30 35 I am very pleased with that yes I'm excited guess what excited about God - thanks for the blessings God thank you for directing our paths even though a lot of times they don't make sense certainly doesn't make sense to me but it's the right thing so thank you for that having me continue to look to you for the answers as I don't have I think that my way is right and I'm not thank you God your son that you sent for us amen as I'm sitting here at the scrap yard I don't want to just acknowledge folks that are buying coffee mugs and sending tip jar tips you know I want to acknowledge the viewers I want to acknowledge there's there's a thing called analytics with YouTube you can see how long people are watching the videos what region people are watching the videos so I just want to say thank you for those that are enjoying the videos that it's it I know it's fulfilling to me to make them it's fulfilling to me to go out and do the scrapping thing it's also fulfilling for me to notice in reading through the comments section of the folks that are enjoying the videos and even though only 20 percent can see in the numbers only 20 percent of the people that watch the videos are subscribed that's totally fine I don't know what the average is if I want to acknowledge the nonsubscribers folks that have chosen to subscribe because the more subscribers there's more perks that I can get through YouTube that makes the video making even easier makes them there's just more there's more have more access to things so yeah I just want to say thanks for for folks that are watching and I don't want to talk about the advertisements and stuff cuz it's um yeah I understand sometimes I'll skip you know it's uh that's just part of you know if there's a super long one oh I do that I get it but I just want to say thanks for watching thanks for hanging out thanks for going on this journey you know it's been a little bit more than two years that I've been making these videos and a lot of folks a lot of you have you been through since the beginning and some of you or even tell me they're watching all the videos from the beginning and I can see from the analytics that in that playlist that's called binge watch all yet that there's thousands of people that are doing that I'm like wide this doesn't make any sense that's not my god you're so awesome that for a guy in in his 50s to be running around just being himself that's amazing the encouragement that I get from you amazing the that I can just be myself I can be attention-deficit I can pray if I want to I can act a fool I can be serious at times I can make mistakes yeah all that stuff and you guys are there so you were there personally you yeah that's that's the big thing you know is that I know that when I'm making these videos that I'm talking to you a one-person either watching on their phone or watching the computer watching on their tablet it's me and you that I get that so don't think I don't understand I'm not talking to this huge audience I'm talking to you and that matters it does thanks for hanging out you're awesome [Music] you cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 92,654
Rating: 4.8998847 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: Xg4toeoY0cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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