Why Do So Many Players HATE BDSP?

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foreign [Music] foreign who commented on my last video honestly some of them were spectacular it's awesome to see how so many of you care about these games I'm gamesmith and today we're going to address some of these comments and what I've learned since making the video comparison of Pokemon Platinum and bdsp the release of Pokemon bdsp in November 2021 marked my return to the Pokemon franchise after a long hiatus I played The Living Daylights out of red blue and yellow back in the day but the last Pokemon game I actually played through to completion was Pokemon silver with one of my favorite Pokemon Lugia when bdsp came out I was drawn to it and with a sizable dose of Pokemon formula Nostalgia it reinvigorated my love of the Pokemon franchise when I started to make videos about it I began to notice a certain trend of less than favorable comments towards the game especially by those who were long time fans of Pokemon Platinum who are you may weather boo [Applause] seem like many people were downright mad about the game and I had no idea why from my perspective edsp had a lot to offer over the previous iterations of the franchise that I was familiar with such as no more HMS more post-game activities shiny hunting and gym leader rematches to name a few experience share was actually nice compared to switching Pokemon like Magikarp in and out of battle like I was used to even though I quickly caught on that what it did was enable baby mode as I was over leveled for every gym leader I came up against also it's not like I was unaware of some of the shortcomings as a returning player I even made another video about everything I love and hate about bdsp I'll leave a link in the description in case you're interested over the stretch of my bdsp videos I heard time and time again just play Platinum it's better in every way so much so that I decided I had to understand what would make so many people make such a claim in my last video I played through the entirety of platinum and stacked it against bdsp to weigh the pros and cons of each and award points for which did better I won't spoil the score or outcome in case you haven't watched it but I think the points highlight what's good about both games Platinum really does shine in its additional content and post game activities but bdsp brought a lot of quality of life features to the table that I thought were wonderful additions to the game after posting the video I was again flooded with comments about how bdsp dropped the ball because of missing content and I realized it finally clicked we're not on the same page here and I think this is due to the fact that many of you have been long time fans and dedicated players to the games throughout the years while I am for all intents and purposes a noob I tried to evaluate bdsp as it is while Platinum Players are evaluating it for what it's not so again Platinum Players made me dive in and do some research to figure out if they were just angry fans that's my secret cat I'm always angry or if they had legitimate misgivings about the game so in their honor I'd like to go through some of them to fully understand where they're coming from and then hopefully we can all be on the same page some things I think we can immediately agree on are things like the forced experience share friendship mechanics limited TMS glitches online features not being accessible the pro catch and the watering down of the super contest shows I don't think it's controversial to say that these were all issues with bdsp so I don't really want to get into those what I will get into and it's actually something I agree with the Platinum fans on and I know I'm dating myself here is that I grew up in a time where the video game that went out the factory door was the game that you played which is why I treasured Shigeru miyamoto's words about video game production a delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is forever bad it's not just a best practice those are words to live by Platinum received no patches after its release which is a witness to the amount of care and labor that went into the Endeavor bdsp on the other hand was Half Baked and littered with bugs when it was shipped and required numerous patches to bring it up to speed the last major update didn't even come out until six months after it's released and it wasn't even for anything like DLC conversely to platinum I think it highlights the lack of Care by the developers who relied on updates instead of doing it right the first time but I don't just blame the developers the Pokemon company exhibited no quality control and most likely forced a rush timeline in order to release Pokemon Legends Arceus another point I think I can agree with Platinum fans on is that there is no reason not to include the story enhancements from Platinum into bdsp they gave the game extra character in depth they could have gone a step further and added dialogue for Charon looker Cyrus and any number of other NPCs not to mention they could have done a lot more with the Distortion world even if they didn't add anything beyond Platinum all they had to do was use platinum's bass story with a couple tweaks and it still would have been a lot better I also don't understand why they would cut cool features like owning your own Villa the Battle Frontier or why they cut more than 60 moves that are included in other games why is anyone's guess that I really can't argue with Platinum Players on this one item I think we're going to differ on is the addition of the fairy type I thought it was a cool addition simply for the fact that it's new to me I just think they're neat but a few commenters let me know that fairy type should not have been a point for bdsp I didn't really understand why it would get any grief so I did a little research and found out that the fairy type really changed the dynamic of the game from the time it was released and continues to be an issue for players who specialize in dark or Dragon type Pokemon the main reason I liked it honestly was for dealing with dragon types I always thought they were a bit op when I played I'm not sure what the distribution of players that hate or don't hate fairy types is but I think they're a good addition to the game another item I think we'll differ on is whether or not the quality of life updates in bdsp represent valid positive qualities for the game a number of commenters argued that these weren't new to bdsp and that they in fact came from older Generations so they shouldn't count however when I made the comparison video I wasn't really concerned with the origin of these features rather only that they were or weren't included make no mistake I didn't give bdsp a point for originality but the fact that it has these quality of life features elevates the game from its predecessors that were not fortunate enough to include them oh where I think Platinum players have the strongest argument is that remakes typically have new features and build on Old content rather than being quote faithful remakes this was something I hadn't really considered having never played any other remake like fire red and leaf green heart gold and Soul Silver and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire each time they remade the originals they always included additional content and modernized them with quality of life updates and updated graphics I learned many were expecting an updated style like in Pokemon sword and shield and were hoping for additions like Mega Evolutions Regional forms Dynamax Pokemon Pokemon that you can see in the Overworld including shinies and access to Pokemon from other Generations unfortunately these were all swept to the Wayside in favor of a faithful remake [Applause] there is a massive expectation gap between the game that currently exists and the game that players wanted but this expectation legitimately comes from the multiple remakes they so joyfully remember in the past edsp could have been the definitive edition for the Sinnoh region just like Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire became the quintessential titles for the Hoenn region what's worse is we will most likely never see a remake of platinum or another version of bdsp now that the center region has been beaten like a dead horse honestly I think I finally understand why Platinum Players feel the way they do it's not your fault look at me son it's not your fault I know [Music] oh my God foreign I would like to say that even though bdsp leaves a lot to be desired and I don't deny that it is at least bringing players like myself back to the franchise I really don't think it's a bad game there's just a lot of wasted potential like I said before I think Platinum Players are judging it based on what it's not and not what it actually brings to the table therefore what I a noob would recommend is instead of trying to force the game to be something it's not try to enjoy it for what it is there's not much else we can do well except for maybe mods well everybody I think that's going to be it for now I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject so drop me a comment below I read every one of them you dropped in the other video and really appreciate your feedback honestly even if it was negative there's always stuff I can learn if you got any value out of the video please consider liking it and subscribing to the channel also I've included a link to my Discord in the description feel free to join and you can rant all you want about Pokemon in there thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: GameSmith45
Views: 49,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon bdsp, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, post, game, bdsp, post game, gamesmith45, pokemon platinum, review, guide, better, gameplay, scarlet, violet, pokemon music, giratina, legendaries, poketch, story, platinum post game, pokemon violet, pokemon scarlet
Id: 2qO90MMnWks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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