The Best and Worst Elite Fours in Pokemon

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[Music] foreign [Music] good morning everybody good morning it's jpr and welcome back to another video before any trainer can become a champion or even have the opportunity to battle a champion they must overcome one final obstacle no it's not the Victory Road or a major battle tournament or a legendary Pokemon it's four Dudes ominously sitting in a room and in this video I'm going to be going through every Region's Elite Four except Galler because Galler doesn't have one to determine which ones are the best and the worst and if you're wondering why I'm not talking about the champions in this video is because I already did that so you can go watch that later I don't know if Kanto has the worst of the worst Elite Force but I would consider it somewhat disappointing I do enjoy Lorelei and Bruno kind of being like upgraded versions of Brock and Misty it does bring the Journey full circle in a way Agatha is an okay personality but I kind of wish there was more to her relationship with Professor Oak them being childhood Rivals that eventually grew bitter towards each other always seem like such a cool premise but not much was ever done with it and Lance is cool but it's pretty much just a standard Dragon dude in the Kanto based games he doesn't really get characterized much until jodo rolls around but characters aside where this Elite 4 really Falls flat is the Pokemon it's hard to be too critical of the diversity in a region where the Dex only has 150 Pokemon that's like being mad at Wyoming for being full of white people but the choices still aren't great here Lorelei passes with flying colors even if she does have to dip into the water type Pokemon quite a bit but Bruno literally has two onyxes in every game except let's go where he's finally given a polywrath and even then he could have been given a primeape instead of an onyx not to mention Onyx is easily one of the worst Pokemon for the stage in the game it's like he's trying to lose Agatha just suffers from ghosts not even being a fully fleshed out type in gen 1 as she simply allowed two Gengar and a Haunter and Hunter actually gets subbed out for wheezing and let's go and as for lamps first of all this is the crustiest Gyarados moveset I've ever seen and he has to double up on Dragonair let's go did give him Sidra and char Charizard instead which admittedly makes him a tougher fight since you can't just Spam Ice Beam but at the same time it's let's go all these Pokemon have three moves so is it really tougher I will say the remesh teams for all four of these guys are really good in let's go they all have proper move sets now and they each get one alolan form added to their team which is a great way to add some variety I just kind of hate that it's the post game and not the main story as for jodo's Elite 4 which I guess is technically still kanto's elite four but for the sake of this video we're gonna pretend that they're different I would actually put this one slightly on the best side all four of them have pretty widely varied teams with decent move coverage well except Goga his team kind of sucks and Karen's gengar's moveset looks like this for some reason lick instead of Shadow Ball is really puzzling especially considering Morty's Gengar had it like 20 levels ago and character wise will is the cool design even though it's a bit disappointing that we never learned where he came from in my mind he's just a relative to Sabrina I do kind of like how he has Jinx and slowbros so so he does feel like a proper successor to Lorelei who had the same Pokemon and Koga again is probably the weakest link to this Elite Four his team is very underwhelming in fact they almost entirely just copied his moves from Gen 2 to the remakes so he's not much of a challenge at all though I do like the idea of a gym leader getting promoted to an elite four member it gives me hope that a gym leader actually isn't a dead-end job in this universe though in the original Gen 2 Beta Misty and Giovanni were supposedly meant to be here instead which man that would have been way cooler than Koga Bruno is pretty much the same as he appeared in gen 1 but his team is infinitely better than it was before technician triple kick hitmontop Reckless hitmonly with high jump kick Hitmonchan with all the elemental punches Onyx and a no guard but champ with rock slide covers for flying types yeah this team is spooky to fight nuslocks as for Karen well we mostly remember her more for her quote than the battle itself but hey first ever dark type specialist which is kind of cool and while her base game team is nothing crazy her rematch team is actually super solid like will my only gripe with hers that we never learned much about her but despite playing such a mire role in the game she is quite memorable home in Elite Four this is a tough one I would probably say the original is more bad than good but in the remakes I think they're a lot better and character-wise these are basically just four Dudes and dudettes that have no backstory or significance of the plot whatsoever except for Drake I'd say their designs are kinda boring and honestly their teams are rather boring too Sydney's is okay though it sucks that he has the double up on grass archetypes Phoebe literally has to repeat not one but two Pokemon and Glacier repeats the same thing with her Glalie and Celio not even the Kanto Elite Four was this bad like I know these are the only ice and Ghost type Pokemon in all of Hoenn so it's more of a DEX issue than anything but it's still kind of disappointing and they could have given Phoebe should ninja would it have made kids cry yes but they can figure it out Drake once again I'll give props to great team great move sets at least by gen 3 standards this guy gave me fits bad enough to get my Game Boy taken away when I was younger and I respect him for it but all four of these guys glow up monumentally and oras it's like the rarest W for difficulty in all of gen 6. Sydney kind of looks like the Sham wow guy now which is a little strange but that's beside the point Phoebe gets one of her dust cloths upgraded to a dusk Noor which is hype and glacia traded a Glalie for a frost last so while the variety still isn't great they at least improved on it a little bit and Drake actually gets to keep his Kingdra from Emerald which is like the only time oras kept an emerald Improvement in the base game but hey one's better than none I suppose I don't know why this man is wearing Screech on a fly guy with three special moves but whatever go off King if that's your only mistake I can look past it and jeez the bar was already set Sky High in heart golden soul silver with these rematch teams but somehow oras got even better since all four of them gain a Mega Evolution I would have liked to see this more in the base game since you can kind of run through these guys as the broken Mega of your own but hey again better late than never and they actually leave the Pokemon League in oras except for glacia which is nice it shows they have lives outside their nine to five jobs oh and I almost forgot to they have banging music oras removing the collapse is definitely a sin though anyway I might have lied sino's Elite Four might be an even harder decision than Owens first and most importantly this is the most dripless elite four we have guy invest Grandma Ronald McDonald and will without a mask somebody please get these people some fits challenge wise though they might be the best and that's despite the fact that we can laugh at Aaron for having a dust ox and a beautifly and Flint for only having two fire types because losing out but hey looking at their Platinum teams or their bdsp rematch teams there's nothing to make fun of Aaron actually uses Flygon on a team full of bugs fulfilling our wildest fantasies and in the base game of bdsp this lead 4 does not mess around Flint use is a minimize and strength sap drift limb that he baton passes to a focus sash Iron Fist Infernape who let ilka cook look I hate bdsp as much as the next guy who also hates bdsp but I have to commend them this is by far the most challenging Elite 4 of all time granted those games have Exp share and affection baked into them so maybe for you they didn't seem as hard as they should have been but trust me they made four monster bosses here but regardless of which game you're playing at Diamond and Pearl platinum or the remakes this has always been one of the toughest Elite Fours and I guess for me personally as someone who holds challenge in the highest regard when it comes to the Elite Four I suppose I have no choice but to put them in the best category but the actual best people in the world are the ones who are subscribed to this channel don't worry there's still time to make that list just scroll down and hit that big button even if you think you're subscribed just go and check and make sure okay so Universal lead 4 is also kinda tricky I feel like I'm saying that for almost every Elite Four now but bear with me first of all I don't like how they repeat so many types from previous Elite Force I know it's Gen 5 at this point it's getting hard to be original but how many times do we have to see ghosts dark psychic and fighting show up in the Elite Four these are definitely the four most saturated Pokemon League types I'll give them a couple points for drip though all four of these character designs are slick and again I appreciate them actually appearing outside the league Chantal shows up at Cynthia's Villa Grimsley heck he shows up in a Lola of all places and wait a minute is that Caitlyn from the Battle Frontier man talk about a weird shift but seeing a recurring character all the way out here in univa is super cool this is also the first Elite Four where you can choose your own path and I do adore this league for its General Aesthetics instead of just being a series of long dreary hallways it's a cool castle with a lot of neat little animations in every room the presentation is much better than any previous league and like Hoenn they have their own original Elite 4 theme which is another absolute Banger now here's the bath like Kanto and Sinnoh having only 150 Pokemon the base decks means that these teams had to be restricted a bit but unlike previous elite four members who had either repeat species or grab Pokemon from a different type these elite four members all use four Pokemon which I'm not gonna lie is just a bit disappointing for this late in the game especially since the only one who is truly held back by this predicament is Chantal the other three types have at least five evolutionary lines in the universe which again they could have avoided this issue by just choosing four different types perhaps even more disappointingly they still use only four Pokemon and Black 2 and Y2 despite having a DEX twice as large they do have a fifth Pokemon in challenge mode but you need to beat the game to unlock that first and even then the only Elite 4 member to change a single member from their black and white team in normal mode is Chantal whose Subs out gel sent for drift lift again this Elite Four is fantastic in Black 2 and y2's challenge mode as well as the rematches in both pairs of games but it feels like they have just as much going against them as they have going for them I have to call this one neutral the Kalos League do I even need to go into detail on this one it sucks okay you know what fine I'll list off some things I do like about this league big cool castle again but this feels different from Universe design the general design is much more clean and prestigious it matches that French Vibe the music of the league area is the best of any League area though I can take or leave the actual Elite 4 theme yes the guitars are cool but that's like 20 seconds out of a two minute Loop like univa the league is non-linear and all the elite four chambers have really cool entrances and designs and the league types are actually original this time Steel Dragon Fire and Water is such a dope lineup and that's where my compliments come to an end once again all the members only use four Pokemon and hardly any of them pose any sort of a challenge aside from maybe seabolds and CS Starmie and Gyarados other than that these members pick the most incredibly easy Pokemon to defeat there's also no rematches at all outside of the Battle Chateau which is more of a joke than anything serious and perhaps the nail in the coffin is just how boring and forgettable these guys are the only one with any kind of substance outside the league is malva since she's a former team flare member but even then they do less with her than I would have liked moving on to the alola league look you know what you guys tried you whipped out every excuse in the book oh this is our first League it only makes sense to get all the island kahunas together okay that's all great and dandy but it doesn't mean I'm just going to give you a passing grade they tried to get some brownie points for me by giving all the elite four members five Pokemon again after two gems with only four I'm not sure why most of Olivia's Pokemon only have three moves and most of holos only have two but I'm assuming that's why he got fired and replaced with Moline in the ultra games I know they all have Z moves but still having coverage wouldn't hurt I don't know challenge wise it's definitely not the easiest elite four but not really the hardest either if we wrapped it there I'd say this is an acceptable Pokemon League but there are some other issues first off while we do get rematches back here they're really boring nobody changes Pokemon they just get 10-ish levels higher and get slightly better move folks maybe this is because alola doesn't have a true national decks for its post game but regardless of the reason it's pretty disappointing the league in general is just one of the more boring ones from the 3D era it's not too interesting aesthetically or musically it kind of feels like an AI generated Pokemon League maybe that's what they were going for since Kukui just made it it's definitely not as polished as past leagues but I don't know it just doesn't stick out in any memorable way with all that being said I gotta put it on the worst side hey we can skip gather isn't that nice for the first time since Generation 6 a proper Pokemon would return in scarlet and violet now uh pardon me while I look up the elite four members because I don't actually remember any of their names okay here we go on paper these teams don't look too bad they all have full move sets with lots of great coverage moves but when you actually play against them you'll probably find them quite easy rika's team consists of some very slow ground types aside from duntrio with very glaring weaknesses by and large it's not hard to deal with poppy is kind of the same her whole team is really slow and as long as you have a certain fire crocodile it shouldn't be hard look Larry I love you bro hope you're getting that sweet bag but you literally have a Tropius on this team hassle is really the only one whose team could actually give most people some issues they're all relatively fast with some pretty powerful attacks all four of them do use terasolization but to be honest since they all to rationalize into their own respective types it's not exactly hard to deal with like alola I would say this is neither the easiest nor the hardest to leave for if anything I can confidently say that they are better than Gita is that really a good thing though design wise I do like all these guys Rika gives up this Vibe of just being the chill guidance counselor poppy is literally a child which is quite surprising Larry is just Larry he's great and we all love him plus it was also a bit unexpected for a gym leader to double as an elite four member that has never been done outside of a Lolo reusing their kahunas and Hassel is literally your art teacher which is also kind of funny and I do sort of like how this league feels more like a final exam for the school rather than a traditional Pokemon League it's still not my favorite league but it at least has some flavor to it that sets it apart but again what's up with the rematches I know you can find hassle in the Ace Academy tournament and Larry can be battled again as a gym leader but you can't actually rematch the league maybe it'll be a DLC thing but still it's just a little irksome that you can't do it overall this league is just fine like univa I can't say it's best or worst it's just in the middle at least if I don't count Gita if I did Count Gita they'd get dragged down for sure but for the Elite Four they're fine but that'll wrap it up for today's video be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed And subscribe for more videos just like this one I'll see you guys next time
Channel: JPRPokeTrainer98
Views: 252,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, JPRPT98, JPRPokeTrainer98, Best and Worst, Pokemon League, Champions, Elite Four, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Paldea, Every Region, Every Generation, Pokemon Advanced, New Pokemon Series, Pokemon Insurgence, Anipoke, Indigo Disk, Teal Mask, DLC, Terapagos, Ogerpon, JPR, Pokemon Card Opening, TCG, Arceus, Pokemon Home, Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, Facts About, Pokemon Lore, Pokemon History, Pokemon Facts, VGC, Infinite Fusion
Id: ZPrmhQRL9iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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