Why Do Sheikh Mohammed's Wives Hate Their Rich Husband?

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The Dubai ruler Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum is one of the five richest monarchs in the world with a fortune of 18 billion dollars. But by the number of wives he is out of competition. The most famous of them, Princess Haya, escaped from the monarch along with her children in 2019. And this is not the only scandalous episode in the life of the sheikh's wives. But why spouses and even children didn't get along with the wealthy sheikh? And how many wives did he really have? We will tell you about it in detail in this video. Subscribe to the channel and give us your likes. Let's get started! Sheikh Mohammed was born in 1949, so his age is approaching 75. During his long life, he has witnessed the transformation of Dubai from a poor fishing village to a flashy metropolis. For the past 15 years, Mohammed has been the head of the emirate. Under his leadership, Dubai has become a world center of tourism, a hub of technology and luxury. Much of this has happened thanks to Mohammed's activism and ambition. "I don't know such a word as impossible, it isn't in my vocabulary. And only weak people who are afraid of challenges use it," - this statement of Mohammed can be considered his life credo. And it concerns not only the management of the emirate, but also his personal life. There were so many women in the fate of the monarch that probably some of them the sheikh does not even remember. Mohammed had 3 or 4 wives at a time and they changed periodically. This usually happened when the next wife quarreled with him. Then he broke off relations with the woman, intimidated her, and took the children for himself. The first such episode happened in the 1970s. When Mohammed was 23 years old, he went to Lebanon. In Beirut, the Crown Prince of Dubai met a simple girl named Randa al-Banna. She was only 16 years old. Feelings flared up between Mohammed and Randa, they went to London and soon got married. At first they lived more according to European traditions. Her husband did not impose Bedouin customs on Randa and even dedicated poems to her. However, after the birth of their daughter and the family's move to Dubai - Mohammed revealed his nature. He became unusually bossy and began to treat Randa as a master treats a powerless concubine. They began to spar regularly. But the worst was ahead for Randa..... When their daughter Manal was five months old, the relationship ended in divorce. Mohammed threw Randa out of the palace and kept the child. It's hard to believe, but for 20 years Randa came to Dubai and begged her ex-husband to show her daughter at least from afar. However, Sheikh Mohammed refused, and then he told his ex-wife the news that shocked her. He said she would never see her daughter again and barred her from entering Dubai for life. Manal is now 46 years old and the monarch is carefully enforcing his ban. Immediately after Randa, the Sheikh had several new wives, whose fate we will tell a little later. They gave birth to three more girls. And only the fifth child was a long-awaited boy for the eastern ruler. He was named Marwan, and he was born from a German woman, whose name is unknown. The sheikh did not even take her as a wife, but simply took away the child. Most likely, he paid the German woman to give up her son or used other arguments for this purpose. Despite the fact that Marwan is Mohammed's eldest son, the Sheikh didn't make him an heir. Perhaps this is the fault of too European appearance of the boy or hidden dislike of his father. At the age of 30, Sheikh Mohammed married his cousin Hind Al Maktoum, who became his eldest wife. Unlike most of the sheikh's wives, she managed to build a good relationship with her husband throughout her life. Perhaps because she was brought up in the same traditions. She bore her powerful husband 12 children, most of whom hold senior positions in Dubai's government. Their eldest son Rashid was the Crown Prince. Unfortunately, Rashid's fate turned out tragically. In 2015, he died at the age of 33. The official reason was a heart attack. But evil tongues say that Prince Rashid got hooked on heavy drugs, which brought him to the grave. Now the Crown Prince of Dubai is Rashid's younger brother Hamdan, also the son of Hind. Mohammed's other wives were less fortunate than Hind. Hooria, an Algerian woman, bore Mohammed five children. He eventually grew cold to her and divorced her. The common children the sheikh as usual kept for himself. A similar story happened with the Lebanese monarch's wife Delilah. After the birth of three children and divorce, she was denied their upbringing. But with the Greek woman Zoe Grigorakos, it seems, there was a temporary marriage, a misyar, which did not oblige the sheikh to support his wife. They met in London and soon after, Zoe had a daughter, Christina. It seems that Sheikh Mohammed didn't even know she was born. Christina was raised as a Christian and lived in Europe. But at the age of 16, she moved to Dubai and her father officially recognized her. Christina accepted Islam and became known to the world as the beautiful Sheikha Mahra. By the way, she recently married her cousin Sheikh Mana. The fate of the German girl who gave birth to Marwan was repeated by a beautiful wife from Turkey. Her name is not mentioned anywhere, but it is known that after the birth of her daughter Ela in 1997, the woman disappeared without a trace. The girl received the title of Sheikha and was brought up with the rest of Mohammed's children. But the ruler of Dubai never recognized his son Suheil. The boy was born in December 1992. His mother, Lebanese Paulina Abi Rached didn't receive the status of the official wife of the monarch. This is probably due to the fact that the woman is a convinced Christian and didn't agree to convert to Islam. Her son didn't receive the status of a prince, but spent his childhood with his mother and didn't see palace intrigues like his siblings. According to rumors, Paulina repeatedly tried to contact Sheikh Mohammed, but he categorically refused to make contact. Princess Haya was the wisest of all the wives of the Dubai ruler. Being the next wife of Mohammed, she learned in detail about the fate of her predecessors. When relations with her husband cooled to the point of divorce, she decided to be proactive. She ran away with her children to London without waiting for her husband to take them away from her. Rumor has it that the princess also feared for her life because of her affair with an English security guard. In the capital of Britain, Haya hired a solid security guard and filed for divorce in the High Court. As a result, the woman managed to sue the monarch for 730 million dollars and keep the children to herself. Who knows if Mohammed won't try to get them back in some way. This is exactly what happened to his daughter Latifa, who was born to a Lebanese woman named Houria. This wife of the Sheikh, as mentioned earlier, was banished from the palace when Latifah was still a baby. At the age of 10, the girl learned that she was not being raised by her mother at all. At the age of 16, she decided to run away from her father, who had treated her mother so cruelly. She tried to escape twice and almost succeeded. She was caught and imprisoned, but that's another story, which we'll tell you about in the next video. Officially, Sheikh Mohammed had six wives. Now we find out that he had at least three unofficial ones! Most likely there are more, but only the ruler of Dubai knows the exact number. If we missed someone, write in the comments, it will be interesting to know everyone! 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Keywords: mohammed bin rashid, al Maktoum wives, fazza, sheikh mohammed bin rashid al maktoum, mohammed al maktoum, sheikh hamdan, mohammed bin rashid al maktoum wife, dubai ruler, mohammed bin rashid wife, mohammed bin rashid al maktoum lifestyle, sheikha Latifa, dubai princess, faz3, dubai king wife, haya bint al hussein, princess haya, haya bint hussein, dubai princess haya, dubai royal family, dubai runaway princess, princess haya 2023, wives of sheik mohammad, yt:cc=on
Id: 3S-Qp-eFEUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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