These Dark Secrets of the Thai King's Mother the Royal Family Wants to Forget

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Thailand's King Bhumibol and the beautiful  Sirikit loved each other dearly, ascended   the throne together, and successfully ruled the  country. But many years later, one of the most   infamous scandals in this royal family took place.  The Thai emperor's wife began openly cheating   on her husband with the royal bodyguard. But do you know what the king did when he   learned of his wife's betrayal? You'd  be surprised. And why did this story   have such an unexpected ending? Watch the video for all the details   of this high-profile scandal and  its finale. Let's get started!   Thailand's King Bhumibol, also known as Rama  IX, is a record-breaker among monarchs. He   reigned for 70 years. The king spent his  entire life serving the people, earning the   extraordinary love of his subjects. Initially, Bhumibol had no intention of   becoming king. After his father's death, the  country was ruled by the prince's older brother,   Ananda. But in June 1946, he died of a gunshot  wound to the head in his bedroom. Apparently,   the young monarch was shot in a conspiracy,  and the burden of power fell on young Bhumibol,   who was only 18 years old. Although Bhumibol ascended to the throne,   he was not officially crowned. His uncle was  appointed regent, and the young man returned to   Switzerland, where he continued his studies. In his spare time, Bhumibol liked to drive   his miniature Fiat 500 on the  serpentine roads of the Alps.   This hobby almost robbed Thailand of another  king and at the same time led to the birth of   a bright and touching love. One day, Bhumibol  was involved in a serious car accident and   miraculously survived. He fractured his spine  and was paralyzed for many months, and his   right eye was blind. The king was fitted with an  artificial eye and has worn glasses ever since.   The daughter of the Thai ambassador to  Switzerland, Sirikit, had been taking care   of him all this time. The young people had met  before the accident, but it was the accident that   brought them together. Sirikit was a hereditary  noblewoman, but she did not shy away from the work   of caring for a sick young man. Bhumibol looked  at her with admiration and truly loved her.   Sirikit was 17 at the time. The girl was very  fond of music, which eventually won over the   heir to the Thai throne. Bhumibol adored  jazz and played the saxophone and clarinet   masterfully. The passion for music  not only united the young people,   but later became the reason for their tragedy. A whirlwind romance soon ensued between the two.   Because of their common interests and the young  girl's charm, Bhumibol was sure he had found the   one person he was ready to spend the rest of his  life with. He even vowed to love her alone for   the rest of his life and never take a concubine.  Did he keep his vow? You will find out later.   The lovers were married in April 1950. Exactly  one week later, Bhumibol was officially crowned.   The newlyweds ascended the throne together, and  Bhumibol was given the royal name of Rama IX.   In the middle of the twentieth century, Thailand  was a very poor and backward country. Along with   the throne, the young monarch found  the meaning of life - to change the   situation for the better. To do this, he had to  fundamentally change the mentality of his people.   Instead of opium poppies, millions of farmers  began growing grain, vegetables and fruit.   The king's fight against the drug business  caused great discontent among Thailand's elite,   including the nobility. Many of them lost their  super-income and many plots were hatched against   Rama IX. During his reign, he survived 18  coup attempts and 40 prime ministers.   Sirikit became not only a wife but also the king's  right hand. With a good education from childhood,   her command of English and other foreign  languages, she quickly showed a talent for   diplomacy. This fragile girl helped the king gain  full power over the Thai army and government.   They had four children, including Crown  Prince Maha, who now rules Thailand.   It was a difficult and yet the happiest time in  the couple's lives. The subjects adored their   monarch. The king was honored with the people's  title of "father and provider," and the queen   was seriously considered an ideal by Thais. The idyll lasted for 30 years. Then the royal   couple's relationship began to cool. The young and  passionate Bhumibol finally transformed into the   stern Rama IX. He dealt exclusively with matters  of state. But the queen still wanted a radiant   love. And she found it, but outside the family. In the mid-1980s, she was assigned another   bodyguard named Nalund. He was half Sirikit's age,  handsome, and most importantly, he composed the   wonderful music the queen loved so much. A secret  romance began between the man and the woman.   Soon Sirikit felt she was doing nothing  wrong and she and her bodyguard stopped   hiding their relationship. They openly held hands  in public, oblivious to the people around them.   This went on for a long time because  the public did not dare to make casual   speculations about the relationship between  the queen and her bodyguard. But at some point,   the rumors began to spread rapidly. After some time, the king learned of   his wife's infidelity. When asked directly, he  heard an honest answer that she was sleeping   with another man and that she didn't see  a problem with it. The queen explained   that she had the right to do so because her  husband no longer paid attention to her.   So what did King Bhumibol do when  he learned of his wife's betrayal?   The bodyguard rushed to the monarch  with remorse. He got down on his knees   and begged for forgiveness. But soon  after, he was found dead. The official   cause of death was a sudden heart attack. However, everyone understood the true reasons   for the passing of a young and healthy officer. When she saw her lover's body, Sirikit fainted,   then came to her senses and began to sob. She  stormed into her husband's office and accused   him of murder. She screamed in anger that she  hated him and would never forgive him. Bhumibol   watched his wife's hysterics with indifference,  then said he had a lot of work to do and that   Sirikit's words did not move him at all. After the death of the bodyguard, Queen   Sirikit began to live an even more debauched life,  bringing many different men to her palace.   To put an end to the queen's shameful behavior,  Rama IX ordered her committed to a hospital for   compulsory treatment. Naturally, rumors  of all this became public. The queen,   who once had respect and prestige, had lost  all love and reputation in Thailand.   After a few months in the  hospital, an exhausted Sirikit,   who had gained a lot of extra weight, returned to  the palace and knelt before Bhumibol with flowers   in her hands. She asked for his forgiveness. This was enough for the king. He accepted his   wife's apology and allowed her to participate  in various activities. Bhumibol didn't want a   divorce and tried to preserve the dignity  of the royal family. In doing so, the king   publicly demonstrated his authority by stopping  his wife's reckless and shameful behavior.   On the surface, things were  back to the way they had been,   but the former love was hopelessly lost. This smooth but insensitive relationship   continued until Bhumibol's death. He died in  October 2016 at the age of 88. Prince Maha   inherited the monarch title, and Sirikit  was given the title of Queen Mother.   She is now 91 and has long retired from public  life. Sirikit is surrounded by her grandchildren,   and her subjects have long since  forgiven her for a weakness many   years ago. Sometimes she gives interviews to  journalists, reminiscing about the old days.   And to the standard question of why King Rama IX  never smiled, she always gives the same answer.   - He used to say, I smile for the two of us. What do you think about this dramatic love   story? Write in the comments! Don't forget to like and subscribe   if you enjoyed the video. See you soon!
Views: 125,239
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Keywords: king of Thailand, queen of Thailand, queen Sirikit, thai king, thailand king, king rama ix, king rama x, king Bhumibol, bhumibol Adulyadej, king bhumibol Adulyadej, Bhumibol, thai monarchy, thai royal family, queen mother, thailand monarchy, thai king story, thailand royal family, love story, sad story, royal adultery, queen cheating, yt:cc=on, betrayed king, thai king mother, thailand king mother, thai queen mother
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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