Why Disney is Falling Apart | Video Essay

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this is fine I'm okay with the events that are unfolding currently that's okay things are gonna be okay Disney are an empire in Decline with several of the entertainment Industries largest IPS at their disposal they have at times dominated the film industry whether it was their incredible animation Feats from Snow White to Toy Story their own IPS or IPS they've acquired Disney have been at the top for a long time creating quality and also questionable content that has them essentially dictating the film industry's Direction whether it's the MCU Star Wars Pixar streaming services even their theme parks they seemingly have their finger in just about every pie and in the process became a juggernaut of entertainment well that's kind of how it used to be and as you've seen the title of this video it's not exactly going to come as a shock that I'm not here to praise Disney's rise to the top because in the last decade the last five years or so specifically Disney have fallen off to a degree that now in 2023 has them admitting publicly their struggles but what's worse on their part is that this is something fan and saw coming a mile away yet Disney in their own stubborn ways chose not to listen and are now facing the consequences if you take a look at just about every single thing Disney owns in the entertainment space you'll notice a decline the MCU isn't what it used to be Star Wars has somehow become completely dead Indiana Jones just became one of the biggest box office flops in history new Pixar releases are having historically low openings Disney plus is arguably the worst streaming service and then throw on top of that their preference to engage in out of place social commentary instead of telling a good story souring fans across the board and even their theme park numbers are on the decline I could go on and on and obviously given that I'm doing this video I'm gonna do that I've been working away at this video for a few months now just doing little bits and pieces here and there and I thought at some point I'd have to eat my own words and scrap the video as things might have got back on track but it's kind of been the opposite things have just gotten worse and it doesn't look like it's getting any better anytime soon so this is why Disney is falling apart so as stated earlier to say Disney are on a decline would be an understatement and it doesn't bring me pleasure to say that as I'm sure all of us at some point have been endlessly entertained by Disney related products more so when we were younger but Disney have always had something there for the big kids as well but the proof of Disney's decline it's in the pudding Disney's top 17 highest grossing films of all time came out between 2010 and 2019 now this would signal strength at the box office for Disney and sure it does but it also highlights how quickly things have dropped off since 2019 it's been pretty much all red with flop after flop after flop with mild successes occasionally now yes you can attribute that to the pandemic but as top gun Maverick Super Mario and even recently Barbie have proven films can still clean up at the box office post pandemic which is exactly what Disney used to do in a post-pandemic world viewers aren't going to just come out in droves for bad movies like they did pre-pandemic you need to earn the moviegoers ticket way more than you used to now does this mean bad films aren't still successful in some ways absolutely not but again you need to earn the moviegoers ticket way more today than you used to like the rise of Skywalker made a billion dollars for Christ's sake somehow Palpatine returned and this very logic is completely exposing Disney the mcu's financial returns which has been their biggest Juggernaut for quite some time while it's not completely terrible have declined Star Wars hasn't had a box office presence for nearly five years but don't worry we'll get to Star Wars later and then there's their latest Pixar films they haven't had a massive hit worthy of the name for nearly five years and Indiana Jones 5 is somehow going to lose money and to top it off their parks are on the decline as well Disney's downward Trend simply cannot be disputed although I'm sure many will try but this isn't even taking into account that Disney plus is pretty much losing money and their exclusive series are being watched by fewer and fewer people as time goes by it really is not a happy time over at the mouse house but let's put the magnifying glass on the specifics that are on the decline under Disney the first being one of the biggest Star Wars remember that name when it meant something Star Wars has catapulted to the Realms of complete irrelevance in the past few years now if you don't believe me let's just take a look at Google Trends Star Wars is currently less relevant than it was in 2007. Yes you heard that correct Star Wars was more relevant in the mid to late 2000s when there was nothing happening for the brand and it was essentially sitting in post prequel Purgatory it's actually impressive how Disney have driven this IP into the ground basically to the point that people just don't care about it anymore the Star Wars name is not what it once was whether you like it or not I remember five years ago seeing videos and articles being posted that Disney had ruined Star Wars Disney had killed Star Wars and I used to just sit there and laugh at it as it's such a ridiculous claim because Star Wars can't die it's just too big to fail it's one of the biggest entities attainment IPS in the history of a human race but five years later in 2023 they genuinely have killed this IP Star Wars is less relevant today with shows like the Mandalorian just finishing its third season and Ahsoka on the horizon than it was when there was literally nothing happening for this IP at best a couple video games and some Comics yet it was still more relevant in that time than under Disney's control in 2023 with 100 plus million dollar shows hitting our screens Star Wars was just at its peak around the force awakens and The Last Jedi in a relevant sense anyway Star Wars was back people were excited fan theories were everywhere and the money was coming in left right and center and before the last jedi'd even come out Disney had pretty much already made back the four billion dollars the IP cost them in the first place but in that time period something changed and The Last Jedi was basically the Catalyst for that change now yes I understand the Last Jedi has as its admirers but this was the time where the decline of Star Wars happened under Disney there's simply no disputing it it made 1.4 billion dollars of the box office sure but it derailed a promising Trilogy in that process and is responsible for the Abomination that was the rise of Skywalker leading Disney to go on a Star Wars movie Hiatus and rely solely on streaming to keep the IP in the Zeitgeist the Mandalorian was a big win for Disney in its first two seasons but like everything under Disney seemingly 2023 pretty much solidified that the magic was now gone with season 3 of the Mandalorian being honestly just terrible not even bringing back Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader was enough to save Star Wars if anything had actually turned people away as they gave the directing job to someone clearly not suited to the role they didn't allocate the budget the show needed and they hired a writer that openly admitted to having limited Star Wars knowledge not to mention they shoved characters down our throat that were poorly written and integrated into the story like remember they actually had to kill the grand Inquisitor in Kenobi to justify why Riva was in the show despite the fact we all know that grand Inquisitor can't die in Kenobi because we've seen him die in Star Wars Rebels already yeah that's the levels of stupidity we went to with Kenobi Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen deserved so much better now on the flip side of that coin Andor was actually really good but again the problem is nobody watched it when something good actually comes out but nobody watches it that's a problem the only real area in which Star Wars is actually seeing any success today is with the video games specifically with Jedi Fallen order and Jedi Survivor and if you've played the two games I mean you know exactly why they're the two best things to come out under Disney Star Wars Reign according to a lot of people and I kind of share that sentiment reason being they tell interesting stories they have interesting characters and if it wasn't for these two games and the stories they tell personally I think I'd be done with this IP entirely calcus is one of the best if not the best characters Disney have introduced and as for the female characters as that's obviously a very hot talking point in Star Wars if you want good ones there's three excellent ones in these games with trilocidori sierganda and Marin so if you want to see Riva from Obi-Wan Kenobi but actually done right go and play Jedi full and order the second sister is that character done right I don't know why the writers of these two games can do literally everything better than any of the Riders on Star Wars films and shows full credit to them those two games for me are literally holding Star Wars together but perhaps the most baffling thing Disney have done with Star Wars is amidst all the controversy amidst all the fan displeasure with the IP's Direction what did Kathleen Kennedy decide to go and do to save Star Wars she announced a Rey movie off they are literally determined to destroy this IP once and for all like we're doomed I cannot stress how much pressure is on the shoulders of the Ahsoka series now look we've just come off the back of perhaps Marvel's lowest point with secret Invasion the MCU has been on a downward Trend since end game which isn't exactly a hot take at this point and I've spoken at length on this channel about the mcu's downfall and I don't think we really need anything further than the cliff notes to know why at this point as the MCU is the biggest film franchise in the world it dethroned Star Wars years ago for the reasons we just spoke about but since end game the MCU has been an absolute massive oversaturation brain dead storytelling botching good premises out of touch social commentary that a five-year-old seemingly wrote dumbing down formally complex characters because male character equals dumb in the current Hollywood writing meta as well as just not managing to recapture what made the road to Infinity war in endgame so great in the first place the absence of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers is something that the MCU simply has just not been able to fix and four years on since endgame they are no closer to finding a placement to create a center point for this franchise and as a result the MCU slate just feels like a studio puking out whatever comes across their desk because they can the best thing to come out of the MCU since endgame was Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and conveniently it had nothing to do with the MCU it took place in space and had essentially none of the earth-based characters and was purely its own little pocket adventure and I don't think it's a coincidence that it's the best thing the MCU has done in recent years given that very reason the MCU is the major Juggernaut under Disney's umbrella as like I said they've already killed Star Wars for a lot of people but the MCU doesn't seem to be crawling out of its lull period anytime soon as stated they just hit their lowest point with the secret Invasion finale that nobody watched anyway and around the corner we have Loki which to be honest I'll probably check out because I didn't hate the first season but then there's echo which will feature a show centered around Maya Lopez oh yeah exactly they're apparently dumping the the entire season at once on Disney plus which essentially says yeah we know this show sucks and nobody's gonna watch it so if they have no faith in it why should we and then 2023 is probably gonna cap off with the Marvels and yeah I'm sure we all can't wait for that current MCU and future MCU it's looking pretty dire it doesn't help that the actor playing the new big bad and Kanga seemingly in and out of courtrooms every five minutes just piling on the disaster that the MCU has unraveled into in recent years it's one of Disney's golden goose eggs arguably its biggest but it's developing into a real pain in the ass more than anything so Pixar and Walt Disney Animation makes up for a large chunk of what made Disney successful in the first place doesn't matter who you are or where you've come from you've seen and loved many of these Classics over the years and to be fair the Pixar section of Disney's problems are far from the biggest light year in 2022 barely made its money back raking in 226 million on a 200 million dollar budget so after marketing it was probably a loss for Pixar which is not what you come to expect and Elementals which just released and seemingly nobody talks about had the worst opening in Pixar's 29 year history luckily it found some legs since then and has managed to surpass light year but this is a far cry from the success of Toy Story Incredibles inside out and as for Walt Disney Animation Studios which over the years have been responsible for most of the animation Classics that we love their most recent entry strange world was one of the biggest box office flops ever falling 100 million dollars short of its budget at the box office which is is a major l so the animation side of Disney they're not exactly flying with passing colors these days but having said that are by no means and as dire of a situation has something like Star Wars now this is the part of the video that is probably going to get people talking as Politics the culture War it's seemingly what drives any form of discussion on the internet in 2023 and naturally has filtered into the entertainment space and is without question one of the biggest reasons for Disney's decline the problem Disney are faced with is they're not pissing off just one side by being overly Progressive to the point of delusion but they're pissing off both sides they're trying to have their cake and eat it too trying to appear Progressive inclusive fair but at the same time their existence and actual ethics contradict the very messages they push in their product they've got a CEO that would rather fund his billion dollar Estates and actually pay his workers a fair wage because it's not realistic like what a stand-up guy Disney's obsession with being politically correct or woke whatever trigger word you want has absolutely gone too far now don't get me wrong I'm gonna make it clear equality is good strong female characters when done right I are great inclusivity is great all of it it's great the problem is sacrificing story and character and common sense in order to get there is not that's the problem and that's what Disney seemingly don't understand and that's why a large portion of Cinema goers are sick of Disney's obsession with being overly PC to the point of sheer delusion it's not because they're misogynistic or racist anybody who actually is those things needs to go play in traffic people just want good stories with good characters and they're not getting that that's the bottom line modern strong female characters under Disney are such a far cry from a strong badass female characters of years past such as Ripley or Sarah Connor just to name a few in order to make a female character strong in Disney's eyes is to have the character so inherently unbelievable condescending and unlikable that it just begs the question on what point they're even trying to prove and when fans Revolt Disney slap a misogynistic label on them but it's like no your character just sucks now this doesn't go for every female character under Disney's Reign wander in the MCU and Ahsoka in Star Wars two badass female characters that I've got a lot of time for because they're actually good characters I know it's mind-blowing people like good characters take note Disney because you're the only ones that fail to see that now we could get into all the gender swapping and the race swapping of beloved characters all day but to be honest that's the kind of stuff that I can actually get past if the character is actually good again the bottom line the character's good there's no basis for argument if it's not a swap just for swap's sake and is stripping every essence of what made the character loved in the first place then there shouldn't be a problem but Disney's most recent controversy has come in the form of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves sorry Stone White and the seven people of various skin colors and genders because dwarves aren't allowed to have roles anymore like do you see the country Addiction in Disney's broken ideology of what it means to be Progressive the seven dwarves in The Snow White remake are no longer dwarves because that's not politically correct apparently so by that logic it means that in order to be politically correct you have to discriminate like do you see the contradiction here like it's absolutely mind-blowing to me granted this isn't just a Disney thing Hugh Grant is an Oompa Loompa now taking away another role from a dwarf actor pollywood you're doing a backup job on the whole Progressive thing really practicing What You Preach it's things like this that turn film goes off the average film goer just wants to watch a good movie have a good time and be entertained but how is that supposed to happen when like this is so prevalent in every project the sheer hypocrisy from Disney when it comes to this stuff plays a large role in why their numbers are on the decline again they manage to piss off both sides because nothing makes sense it's all layered in hypocrisy Disney simply think that they are too big to fail well and that hubris is costing them beyond belief now when it comes to remakes Disney are not exactly Trailblazers on this front remakes and recalls pretty much run Hollywood but Disney's Shameless capitalization on their popular animated films are one of the worst examples of greed that they have ever displayed these live-action remakes make a ton of money but that gravy train has slowed down as there is a rotten stigma surrounding those live-action remakes because pretty much all of them have been terrible or just at best mid the Remake started off with big money makers like Beauty and the Beast Aladdin The Lion King all of which crossed a billion dollars and were essentially the same film as the animation just devoid of anything that made the original so good the problem for Disney is these blatant unimaginative cash grabs aren't working anymore despite the originals being great Pinocchio and mulan's remakes were absolutely awful and flopped miserably and then in 2023 we got Peter Pan and Wendy which I couldn't even get through and the Little Mermaid which did make some money at the box office but was a far cry from the massive success these remakes were seeing pre-pandemic and from the look of things it seems like this trend is only going to continue with more soulless remakes on the way Snow White and the Seven Dwarves seven people of various height color and gender is set for 2024 and is a storm in the making then there's gonna be Moana Robin Hood Lilo and Stitch and many more all primed to be soulless cash grabs like the rest and if the trend is to continue they're probably going to fail but the final show in Disney's Crown is Disney plus arguably the worst of the streaming platforms and almost the direct reason why the MCU and Star Wars have fallen off a cliff Disney have this absolutely abysmal formula with their streaming platform that I don't think anybody thinks is a good thing series with very few episodes and then small run times in those episodes some of them coming out with less than 30 minute episodes for a 100 plus million dollar series The Mantra of Disney plus is less about telling good stories and more about creating content as quickly and efficiently as possible that's what Disney plus feels like it feels like a Content machine as opposed to something you actually want to tune into don't get me wrong Disney plus has had some wins Mandalorian and or they spring to mind but the losses far outweigh the winds here Disney plus has ruined two of Disney's biggest IPS through their streaming service and it's done it in such a short time frame it is a large contributor to the oversaturation of the MCU it's too hard to keep up with and the fact that Star Wars a franchise that made it on the big screen is limited to Disney Plus or at least has been since 2019 and will be for another two years has led to its decline as well a Mandalorian was a huge deal when it first came out but like everything under Disney somehow they just managed to take it too far and turn it into an absolute joke and I mean like I said the MCU secret Invasion just sent the MCU to its lowest point yet with its finale nobody watched it and whatever this is happened like Disney plus was a necessary evil for Disney to tap into considering the streaming Trend with other services for this necessary evil has pumped the brakes on one of their most successful IPS in the MCU and effectively killed their former most successful IP in Star Wars the MCU and Star Wars on Disney Plus have so much riding on Loki and Ahsoka Loki needs to be a hit considering how awful secret invasions numbers were and Ahsoka needs to be a hit for Star Wars otherwise that franchise is truly going to be dead I really hope that's not the case I'm really rooting for the Ahsoka show but that show was honestly The Last Hope for Star Wars until the Reign movie comes out and you know saves everything best can't believe they thought that that was going to be the answer to their problems I mean like Disney plus is just it's bad for Disney and it's bad for viewers so to bring this one all home Disney they're an empire in Decline and they only have themselves to blame they blame the audience but the audience is the one that keeps making it clear why things aren't working and What needs to change but Disney's broken mentality of we're too big to fail is costing them something chronic numbers are down across the board for their films their shows the box office their theme parks you name it and you can only blame so much on inflation and the pressure that that's putting on people but people are just not content with Disney's anymore and I think it's a great thing that this has happened because it's going to force Disney to rethink how they operate I think entertainment in general is a better place when Disney are firing on all cylinders they've provided endless entertainment for lifetimes but it's time for change or the biggest entertainment Empire is going to continue to crumble
Channel: Movie Overload
Views: 993,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video essay, disney, bob iger, walt disney, the mandalorian, disney plus, disney star wars, pixar, mcu, mcu phase 5, mcu video essay, marvel cinematic universe, kathleen kennedy, disney rant, indiana jones 5, marvel video essay, film analysis, film video essay, ant man 3, snow white, marvel, marvel studios, the little mermaid, disney world, woke disney, film, movie overload, rachel zeglar, the marvels, loki, ahsoka, she hulk, marvel phase 5, disney woke, star wars, gotg 3
Id: 4pN89jJ1TVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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