WHY DIDN"T WE GET THIS?! Unreleased Sulu Star Trek Series! Sci-Fi News and Updates

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Um, no. That's just an episode of New Voyages.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/mrpopsicleman 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

You never wanted to see*

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/sausageparty2015 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I wanted to like it but this was really hard to watch. I admire and respect fans dedication to bring something like this to life especially with the help of Trek royalty like Koenig, Nichols and Takei, among others who have done fan films, but as a viewer the end result can sometimes be... rough

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Maxx0rz 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad we never got to see it. Takei's acting in that Voyager "Flashback" episode was uh.... ehhhh... wobbles hand around on a horizontal plane while grimacing

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Delta_Assault 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

What's tragic about this is that isn't a vulcan chin prosthesis. That's what that guy's actual face looks like.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ThumbWarriorDX 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies

That was a really good chekov. That guy could probably pass for a young(er) Chekov

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Brianfiggy 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
hi guys its mark sequin mr. sci-fi also known as mark Sofia Space Command and today we're going to talk about Star Trek captain soo series you never got to see and in fact I'll be showing you what I consider to be the entire hour-long pilot so there's a lot of great stuff ahead and first of all though many of you may not know about me or this may be your first time at the mister sci-fi youtube channel subscribe subscribe to mr. sci-fi YouTube channel I talk about science fiction TV shows and movies and books and everything and here's who I am I'm the author of The Twilight Zone companion I just most recently co-wrote with Guillermo del Toro Guillermo del Toro's cabinet of curiosities I also wrote the magic con trilogy of novels I am the writer producer of hundreds of hours of network TV including Star Trek The Next Generation Deep Space 9 Babylon 5 sliders Smurfs he-man Super Friends Real Ghostbusters on and on forever night space precincts god help me and and many many many other shows I've written for basically all the major studios and networks and currently I'm shooting Space Command and you can go on to space command movie comm and find out all about that or Mark Zachary comm ma RC CIC REE calm and find out the wonderful world I'm living in including the new Twilight Zone companion which is coming out at Christmas with audio and video links to rarities amazing stuff so but that is not what we are here to talk about we're here to talk about Captain Sulu and basically what all of this started in terms of me making this commentary about a week or two ago when I went to comic-con we had a Space Command panel many times at our space command panels our star Doug Jones sits in but he's also starring in Star Trek Discovery so he couldn't make it this time he because he was on the Star Trek discovery panel which I went to and I watched and it's the writers are working very hard the producers are working very hard the actors are very engaged I hope and think it'll be a very very good show and Doug Jones is quite wonderful and I love working with him and we'll be working with him a lot more in the future but that said there's a Star Trek series that I think should have existed deserved to exist and did not exist and it's a shame because it's a show I would have loved and I did everything in my power to make that thing happen to make that she'll come about so I'll give you a little background and then I'll show it to you so Star Trek debuted when I was ten years old and for me it was what I've been waiting my whole life for all ten years and it was just an amazing show from the first episode that aired the mantrap written by my friend George Clayton Johnson it was just a phenomenal series nothing like it had ever been on the air before and it deserves to be a huge success it has been and continues to be but my favorite turf one of my favorite characters certainly was mr. Sulu George Takei he had all the qualities the Captain Kirk lacked Kirk was of course a showboat or a narcissist a womanizer you know just everything you know it's like he's a guy that might save the galaxy but gee would you really want to hang out with him much is a very very mimimi kind of person whereas mr. Sulu was level-headed a good loyal friend competent both in intellectually and physically he knew a lot he never dropped the ball he was just solid solid solid likeable funny endearing absolutely wonderful in every way and brilliant and and you wanted him to get what he deserved now of course Star Trek debuted in 1966 ran through 1969 and that was a period of the Vietnam War and and civil rights movement and of course having an Asian American and an African American Nichelle Nichols in major roles on the show was definitely great they were non stereotypical roles George Takei in the naked time was supposed to be hallucinating that he was a samurai and fortunately he said well you know I'd rather be like a d'Artagnan in the three musketeers Masonville can you fence and he said well of course begin actually said of course and then he went out and got fencing lessons and he's of course wonderful in that episode with his rapier and and so and so you're watching this guy you thinking gosh I want to see more of him but sadly when the second season debuts they cast the Monkees was a hit on TV they said well I don't have someone like Davy Jones and they also thought well you know we're in the spaceways race with the Russians why don't we create a Russian character who sort of like the Beatles sort of like Davy Jones on the Monkees and they cast Walter Kandak put him in a Beatles wig and and the character Chekhov was born now Chekhov is a delightful character as well but he sort of took all the stuff that George Takei was supposed to get as mr. Sulu and he just drained the energy out of that role and that character so that from then on in the show sue got to do very little little we never saw his love story we never saw him you know taking over the enterprise and having his adventure we never saw any of that then of course when the Star Trek movies came out unfortunately you know Star Trek The Next Generation was much more of an ensemble show but Star Trek the original show was very much Kirk Spock McCoy and the other characters were in support of that triad so you've got you would have the great Spock episode but you would not have the great Sulu episode miss became very clear very early on and and then the Star Trek movies came out and they were successful ultimately and and in each of them Sulu would have his moment but he wouldn't have his great story and and there were the Star Trek novels there are a few Star Trek novels that focused on Sulu and a couple of audiobooks as the decades went on and George Takei was continued to be a wonderful presence a wonderful actor I'd seen him on other things as well he was always terrific but never got the great Sulu episode so when Star Trek sex 6 came around and they went to George Takei to see if he'd be in it he said well I'll be in it if I get my own ship I get to be a captain so finally in Star Trek 6 he got to be captain of the Excelsior and they gave him a little bit to do and he was wonderful doing it but again it wasn't his adventure so I'll mentor that and I regretted that and everyone even back then we were all saying why doesn't he get his own TV show for God's sake he said there should be a Captain Sulu show and thence by then by then of course Star Trek next generation was aired and then ds9 and then Star Trek Voyager and then Enterprise and so on and so forth and then JJ had his reboot and the show goes on but in the interim in the 1970s 1976 to be precise Star Trek they were going to reboot Star Trek and they spent a year developing a show called Star Trek phase 2 and they put millions of dollars into it and they they were going to use it to launch a new paramount network this is before UPN and they they spent a year taking pitches and building sets and doing Green test you can see some of these screen tests on the the extended DVD set of Star Trek the motion picture the director's cut which I highly recommend and at that point by then I was writing for television and my friend Michael Reeves was also writing for TV I met Michael in a class that the great Theodore sturgeon taught when I was a student at UCLA Ted sturgeon was one of the great science fiction writers he he wrote amok time and surely for Star Trek but he also wrote wonderful novels and short stories one of my heroes and so I took his class it was an adult education class so I was actually forbidden from taking them as an undergrad but I defied the rules signed up for the class and Ted became one of my first great mentors when I was a teenager and his teaching assistant Michael visa Jessica ma the Clarion Writers Workshop in 1972 and I was a Claire Clarion graduate 1975 the great science fiction writing workshop and we became fast friends and Michael Reeves brought me the animation as my way of breaking in television so I wrote for Space Ghost and Smurfs and all of those things and sometimes I collaborate with Michael more often light I'd write individually as with Michael and and we rose up the ranks jumped I jumped over the live-action and so forth but in 1976 which was very early on Michael went in to pitch to start trek phase two and he pitched two stories that they really loved one was a story because they established that the McCoy was a widower and they have not really overtly said that on on the original Star Trek series but it was sort of known in with him sort of cannon and non cannon and so forth and it actually wanted to do a an episode involving McCoy's daughter and that eventually morphed into the way to Eden which was their hippy episode not a great episode unfortunately that character of McCoy's daughter didn't make it into the final version thank God because it would have been an embarrassment but but Michaels pitched the story where McCoy's wife has been dead for many years decades in fact but unbeknownst to him she was cloned and a version of her appears is now scientists and she comes on the enterprise embarked on a research trip a research study and of course he's seeing her as his wife when she died and but she of course has no connection to him and it was a very interesting story and they were interested in that one and then they were interested another one Michael pitch which was a Sulha episode and in this story that Michael pitched sue gets marooned for 30 years on an alien planet with a female crew member and they have a daughter who is raised and there's an adult after 30 years and and then suddenly subbu finds himself back on the enterprise and run the enterprise it's only been a moment and they're in a crisis situation they need the data that he went to that planet to get but of course it's 30 years later he doesn't remember so because it's only been a moment because he actually was transporting whether to another dimension they can reconstitute him younger but then he won't remember the wife and child would have some salient planet and he has to make that sacrifice in order to save the ship and that was a story that Michael pitched and they loved it and they were going to do it but unfortunately Star Wars came out by then I was 1977 Star Wars came out a huge hit and paramount looked at those numbers and said well instead of doing the Star Trek series why don't we do a Star Trek movie and they pull the plug on Star Trek phase 2 took a lot of the assets and some of the cast they've been grooming such as Ilia and and made the Star Trek the motion picture and that was the end of that story as far as Michael was concerned so now a jump ahead a number of years it's around 2005 I think and and I'm on a Star Trek panel because in the subsequent years I've written for Star Trek The Next Generation star on ds9 came up with far beyond the stars and and first contact was a story that I came up with for Star Trek The Next Generation and not the movie but the episode of that name and and so I'm on a panel Star Trek panelist at this one-day science fiction convention at UCLA and a number of people from the different iterations of Star Trek are on the panel with me Ron Moore and walter Koenig and so forth and this is just when Enterprise was kind of winding down that was before JJ mentioned that he was going to be doing the Star Trek movies and so the question was raised what what's the future of Star Trek and walter Koenig gave an answer that was so unusual and so surprising that afterwards I sat down with him I said okay tell me about this I want to hear all about this what he told me was that there was a professional Elvis impersonator and huge Star Trek fan named James Cawley and he along with group of fans in upstate New York had built full-size replicas of all the original Star Trek sets and and they were shooting their own Star Trek episodes and putting them online and Walter was about to go star in one as Chekov and DC Fontana the great Dorothy Fontana was writing it she had story edited Star Trek the original series and written many of the great episodes and I was astonished so I went online I watched it's in the end the capper was that they were getting more viewers online than Enterprise was getting on UPN so or resources so of the casing amazing so millions of people so I went online and I watched a net so they had online which is a sequel to the doomsday machine of the great Star Trek episodes and they'd actually gotten William Windom the guest star in that episode to reprise his role as Commodore Decker and and it had wonderful special effects the special effects were actually being done by Doug Drexler who was doing the effects at the time for enterprise and previously he'd done ds9 and and so forth he'd won Oscars and a Emmys and amazing genius and so the special effects were the visual effects were great the sets looked great the costumes were perfect the acting of what they had solid pros like Malachi throne and others with guest-starred on Star Trek and their acting was very solid some of the fans were playing some of the other roles their acting was less less polished but still the enthusiasm the love of it was there it was doing a lot of things that Enterprise I felt was not doing as well and I thought that this is great and so I have my dan inspiration I thought well gee we could do that great Star Trek episode that great Sulu episode so I called Michael Reeves was so dear friend of mine and I said hey Michael you want to write this with me because we'd written together over the years he said sure so I contacted the boys in upstate New York I said and by then Michael had written many many shows he won an Emmy for Batman the Animated Series he'd written for Star Trek The Next Generation so I contacted the boys in upstate New York I called James calling I say you know we'd like to do this we'd like to co-write it and and I'd like to direct it he said great and I said and also I want to shoot high D high def because they've been shooting mini DV and he said if you can get the cameras and and I said terrific great now in the interim in the intervening years there have been a Star Trek next generation episode called the inner light in which Picard was marooned on an alien planet for decades we see him have a family and grow old and die and so forth I didn't want to repeat that so I thought well we can make the story take place on the enterprise with Sulu who spent the thirty years basically being John Carter of Mars being a barbarian fighting off all sorts of menaces and and his grown daughter who's never known anyone but her mother and her father and a mother who subsequently died and so I thought it could be a wonderful wonderful and very moving story taking place pretty much on the enterprise and and so I talked to Michael I laid out the storyline and then I contacted George Takei I'd met him when I wrote The Twilight Zone companion I'd interviewed him and I went to George's house and I sat in his dining room and I said you never got this the Star Trek episode you deserved the brilliant Sulu episode and I told him I mentioned some other things he didn't anyway he was terrific and I said this is the Sulu episode you never got to do and I typed up three pages the synopsis and he said I need you to read this right now and tell me if you'll do it and he sat there and read it and he said I'm in and so I spent the next six months building my team it was a you know my DP all of these different people who were Hollywood professionals working with the Star Trek it was called star children voyages the fan the fans with the episodes the fans were doing and and they later change it to Star Trek phase two and in a sort of tip of the hat to that series they never get got made by Paramount but I spent six months building the team and and I was about to go to New York upstate New York to shoot the sections on the enterprise we were actually building the Excelsior sets here in LA Sulu ship for the for the framing story and we'd reached out graciously Whitney who played yeoman Rand because it was established that she was his first officer on on the Excelsior and she had agreed to do it and I'd actually cast a female lead who had been on a series on Showtime but four weeks before we would shoot she said she called me she said I've got to have surgery I can't do this and I was panicked but my dear wife Elaine who co-directed the episode with me and and you know I'm now doing Space Command with said don't worry we'll have auditions and someone better will come through the door and there's an actress would never done film or TV only New York stage her name was Christina Moses and she came in and she spectacular and I cast her ESU's daughter and she is now star she recently started and contained when she's starting the originals now and net in the fall she'll be starring in a TV show called Condor and another show called Mission Control she's incredible and this was an amazing role that she did for us or her performance is just breathtaking so so we went up to upstate New York and we shot the episode and it was everything I dreamed it would be Ian MacKaye who designed Darth Maul and Queen Amidala andrean force awakens designed the look of Sulu and his daughter barbarian silver we called him and it looks spectacular when I saw Cristina Moses in her in her costume I broke into tears I said I just said you're your princess and so we shot we shot nine days in upstate New York two days here in LA on the Excelsior sets and one day in in Florida with the with the day school which was this amazing of via visual effects school run by Ron Thornton and Lea stringer both of whom it would won Emmys for the for various iterations of the Star Trek TV show and and Ron had designed and run the VFX team on Babylon 5 I met him when I worked on Babylon 5 and earlier even when I developed captain power for television he was the model builder and VFX guy on that show and he was a spectacular and they delivered 700 visual effects shots in one hour which is more than you would ever have on any TV show and I was hugely proud in it proud of it contractually I have final cut so not a frame could be touched by anybody and I spent a solid year editing the episode with my editor here in LA and with Elaine as well hunkering down perfecting every single frame making it all sing and and so this for me was what I thought of as a Captain Sulu pilot who we see Captain Sulu at the beginning into the end of the episode on his ship and and it's a central story about why Sulu has had life he has had and so when we were shooting in upstate New York I said to George Takei was a hard shooter rough shoot very long hours with everyone pulling together and doing a phenomenal job when we were shooting I said to George a year from now you and I will be at the world science fiction convention in Japan and we'll show this episode and afterwards we will feel questions and I will answer in English and you will be answering in Japanese because he was fluent in Japanese and I said a year after that will be nominated for Hugo which is guitar award in science fiction it's given by the world science fiction convention and all of that came true and we were also nominated for nebula which is the other top award in science fiction giving it given out by the science fiction writers of America so the first time in in Japan and by the way this was done with no studio no Network and totally independent and it was the only independent project that was ever nominated for Best dramatic presentation in the Hugo or nebula Awards we they'd always nominated studio product we were up against Doctor Who Battlestar Galactica on and on you know all the top shows and and we also won the TV Guide award we beat Battlestar Galactica for that one and and it was just phenomenal I remember when we showed the episode of the world science fiction convention in Japan we have an audience of about 3,000 people and at the end they gave us a standing ovation and I've been told that Japanese audiences don't give standing ovations but they were standing on their feet they were cheering us and tears were streaming down many of their faces people were coming up to me just their faces wet with tears telling me how much they loved the episode they were speaking many of them in Japanese but I knew exactly what they were saying we showed it subtitled in Japanese as well and and then a year later we were nominated for the Hugo so it was an astonishing honor and and then because it was seen by millions of people around the world including the executives at CBS and paramount both of whom approached approached us to see about possibly selling this online and on DVD we we were we had the opportunity to pitch the Captain Sulu series to CBS so Michael Reeves and I and one of our producers Winston angle worked up the Captain Sulu series Bible and pilot and and it was it would have been an incredible show it took place immediately after the events of Star Trek 6 or soon after when when the klingon moon has exploded the klingon empire has collapsed all of these worlds that used to be under Klingon domination are now free and and need guidance and the Klingon Federation the Klingon Empire needs to be shored up by the Federation so we are suddenly given permission to start exploring Klingon space and finding the worlds that are there and in many of which the clean never even encountered before and so on so basically on Captain Sulu ship we are sent along with a Klingon science officer to explore that area of space it would have been a great show with Captain Sulu in charge and additionally one thing I mentioned the previous video I did on Star Trek discovery and the Klingons when in Star Trek 3 the search for Spock in the original script you know Saavik helps Spock through pon farr which is the mating ritual as he's growing up into manhood rapidly growing in that in that film when he's reborn and and Saavik helps him through that and in the first draft of the script or in the early draft script she leaves because she's pregnant with Spock's child and goes back to Vulcan and in Star Trek 4 they mentioned that she's left to go back to Vulcan or at the beginning that movie she goes back to Vulcan but and does not company them on the on the mission but they never explain why and in the novelization of Star Trek 3 they do explain that she's pregnant with Spock's child so so I my pathi hypothesized in the in this Captain Sulu series that that that young man would grow up to be extremely rebellious he would have a very distant relationship in a very troubled relationship with Spock with his father and and he would essentially grow up where he'd be like James Dean as a Vulcan very rebellious lots of problems with authority and of course because the father didn't want him to join Starfleet Starfleet he joined Starfleet but he doesn't believe in logic he's very emotional and but he's smarter than humans stronger than human better in every way than the human m knows it and answered B he was going to have you know blond blondish hair blondish brown hair and pointed ears of course but it would have been it would have been a very cool character and Saavik comes to george takei because because her son is about to be booted out of Starfleet dishonor dishonorably discharged and she says to George Takei's Captain Sulu can you intervene can you get him aboard your crew if anything's going to get him to to learn to you know toe the lineman and and lead a life that's not just maybe a disaster maybe you can be the father figure that he's never had and Sulu agrees and so so lieutenant the would Spock son that comes aboard as a lieutenant on the Excelsior and so and as I said we have a Klingon science office who's not like a warrior he's not like any clear on Weaver before his enormous intellectual curiosity a very different kind of Klingon because I hypothesized that there would be a caste system in the Klingon world that would be like a caste system elsewhere and you see have your warriors but not all Klingons are like that and I thought that'd be very very fun also there was a medical officer with someone who had a very huge traumatic injury to her nervous system and she had to wear an exoskeleton and she was very troubled soul very traumatized but but also brilliant and talented and that was a dar tool in a character that actually ultimately brought into space command because he was a great character and no reason had to waste her so so Space Command you'll see that that character played by the British actress Catherine McEwen in Space Command and beyond that we have a number of other characters aliens and so forth very interesting roster of characters and the first episode we outlined the entire two-hour pilot and every now and then I post it online and I probably will post it on my website so you can read that that material the series Bible and the Emmet waar outline but but I'm very proud of all of that and so I wanted to CBS i catched it and it's very clear when I pitched it they had no intention of doing a Captain Sulu series and and not long after JJ's Star Trek came out and did very well and and now we know exactly where we heart with Star Trek discovery and JJ's Star Trek and all of that and again for the most part I like these I think there's a lot of heart behind them a lot of being doing things for the right reason and like the original Star Trek you can have some episodes that are better than others I'm hoping Star Trek discovery is great it also has a number of actors were beyond Doug Jones were I think very very talented so we shall see and Anthony Rapp also is in Star Trek Discovery and I wrote wrote a lead role for him on Lazarus man when I was a producer on that show and he did a spectacular job as the role he did immediately before rent and so I have high hopes but for now as I said will show you the entire Star Trek new voyages episode with George Takei starring and Christina Moses playing his daughter and we'll show you the entire episode and I hope you love it as much as I do I'm very proud of it so before I bid you adieu remember to subscribe to mr. sci-fi channel on YouTube where I check in about every week and talk about science fiction movies TV shows books everything and tell stories from my interesting and unusual life in science fiction but for now here's Star Trek new voyages world enough in time starting the great George Takei and a wonderful Christina Moses [Music] Excelsior this is the job Crestridge requesting docking coordinates acknowledged 30 you are cleared for docking don't look so worried say that one more time and I swear I'll bust you back to you what's on today's schedule I cleared it we'll have all the time in the world docking is complete excelsior copy that sturgeon welcome aboard all the time [Music] tracting hydrogen anti hydrogen reaction signatures captain there's no doubt they're venting antimatter maximum resolution range Mississippi twenty-nine million kilometers captain they've drifted well within the well meal in neutral zone another distress signal captain the phaser doesn't like to cook back so silver water in the South Course I want to send out before anybody's the wiser ever taking the Kobayashi Maru test of course plotted and laid in depth go ahead I serve enter a Romulan neutral zone [Music] you're now in violation of treaty then let's not let any grass captain warp field signatures approaching dropping the soap on the spring Romulan birds of prey empirical plans detecting will build up a piper phasic energy tablet your triangulated pattern [Music] all that Red Alert space the final frontier these are the new voyages of the Starship Enterprise its five-year mission to explore strange new worlds to seek out new life and new civilizations to boldly go where no man has gone before [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] but what that tells us have the merchant vessel has been annihilated target there is nothing left it's very Adam sent and ripped apart get us out of here soon yes sir [Music] I'm getting encrypted ship-to-ship between the Romulan back fortuitously and echo they're unaware that we experienced eagerly as I suspected the merchant vessel was destroyed by a new weapon most likely a prototype Kipton it's father de [Music] resulting energy again we have only seconds before checkout target all couples [ __ ] thirsty firing phasers [Music] that is more minimum captain mostly from ships no graphics well shields are holding they're safer the name of the trap frak how we appear to be caught in a hyperdimensional [Music] the field is producing gravity Road ripples in space-time continuum this is a strange definition of safe spot lieutenant over send out a subspace message the Romulan High Command and their crooked code weapons test a failure our own ships destroyed core breach in - provide at least dissuade him from trying it again any time soon most loved Thank You mr. Spock you bones and Scotty conference now soon you have the Conn [Music] using the Kobayashi improves both the game no-win scenario let's hope not [Music] the field apparently creates a quantum disruption that negates the strong and weak forces binding atoms anything caught within it simply ceases to exist and this is going to happen to us at the moment of shields are protecting us but the power drain is considerable how much time no more than 20 hours cannot say for sure the weather levels keep changing and we can't use for warp power to escape ineffective due to the field we are in the group of not 4 but considerably more dimensions we would need accurate coordinates from all of them in order to effectively extricate ourselves and without their data on how the field was generated that computer doesn't stand a chance on plot now close out is it possible the word of prey has the data if the computer banks are still intend but we can't access them from here and what the field flux you're waiting to hell and back I went and dad trusts our transporters a shuttlecraft wouldn't be destroyed I believe we can extend the shields out far enough to protect it Sulu aye sir are going to need some fancy piloting if we're going to get out of this mess but a few extra dimensional coordinates throwning are you important when do I start captain's log stardate sixty to eighty three point six the enterprise has come to comply and amber and a tangle of multiple dimensions our only hope of survival lies in obtaining data from the remaining Romulan bird-of-prey that might help us try to course back on the space I have detailed lieutenant Sulu to pilot a shuttlecraft to the derelict ship accompanied by an expert in Romulan computer science alright sorry you know we are kind of on the clock here I couldn't get into the same thing Lisa chambers computer science veena cryptography hey Kara Susan Elsbeth I know I saw you on the bridge when I came aboard and presented my orders to the captain I got here like two days ago when you guys dr. Bell care for well you're certainly starting things off with the back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] keep them safe with the sky [Music] what was that gravity blade the first thing they asked you when you signed on for starship duty and if you're prone to space things I lied we'll be back with the data before you know it she'll dump barrel and if that burt afraid under court order that about something that doesn't bother you huh it certainly motivated [Music] [Music] sorry if I are too far from the curb doctor you're a real cowboy you are [Music] absolutely here's on a separate power bridge I should be here soon okay roll one now they don't here we are of course it's complex but yes they'd have done all this trouble for nothing almost nothing [Music] class family waves captain creasing intensity it could destabilize the bird of preys reactor core so though eh Anders get out of there now [Music] vertically reactors were going critical gotta give the shielded centered around that ship and being sooner like Chander's batteries I'll give it my best Captain Spock phone company waves making it double its Honda lock off for them the coarsest will master typefaces apparently apparel hang on to them wait visiting no one can attend cover whatever to loop a something near a when I can [Music] [Music] ah Oh [Music] [Music] you will stand down now sir you will stand down and see I believe that you know us captain dr. McCoy both you're the city how can you be the same DNA and vitals match students but yeah he's 30 years old soon to be gone less than a minute they're arming lightship one critical and we tried to be me both back oh my god she's all alone back there you've got to get her you've got a bigger here we lost dr. Chandra Sikkim not Lisa Lisa's dead she died 15 years ago captain I'm picking up another signal tainted Oh whisper dr. Janice doesn't matter senator holdin out rock in on it and you have been better if you stop shouting flailing cutlasses about oh you're like willow with yeah but you let me get my way [Music] don't be afraid [Music] bring her back I've got a pattern in the matrix she won't forget no way which is not exactly arriving here yet either I'll rig up some sort of stasis chamber to keep her here Ellie's for starters you called her Alana who is she she's my daughter [Music] since shields at maximum sir we diverted power from all the life support we're holding our own but we're not going anywhere understood report commander Sulu just tell us what you know Lisa and I were aboard the bird of prey it was about to explode when the transporter sees us instead of materializing on the enterprise we found ourselves on the surface of a planet clearly one with some form of civilization given your elaborate ornamentation a dead world's to spark disease and wipe them out centuries ago nothing but ruined cities what remained of a canal system desert that stretch forever there was wildlife fruits we were able to survive and in time you and Sandra's there comes a point where one has to start living a life whatever it is rather than waiting for one to begin but what was 30 years to you 30 seconds to us fascinating would appear that the gravitational waves interacting with the multi-dimensional field that verted you and dr. Chandra sin to a different or rapid time stream perhaps a wholly different universe mr. Sulu the ship will be torn the subatomic particles in a matter of hours we need that data that you and dr. Chandra Scott Hoffman ship the tricorders Bagon telepathy we had to name the planets something seemed to fit it's from Shakespeare The Tempest so do you remember anything from Ronald data it's been so long I know when the tricorders power started to fail I tried to hold the information in my mind but after months years Lisa thought you had all died but I said you don't know James Kirk he always managed snatched life from the jaws of death you'll find a way you're that way sir we need that data Captain Kirk here if you find gentlemen can tell yourself the way from your pressing business there's someone here I'd like you to meet father it's all right Lana why is she still in substantial that's not good do for now captain a good platter is still linked to whatever godforsaken rock you are living on she appears to exist in a state of quantum indeterminacy partly here in our universe carbons still in the alternate universe that's impossible I suggest we make a data chip record of these events could prove invaluable to science welcome to the enterprise [Music] [Music] they came from it just like you said you captain there are urgent matters we need to attend to I understand mr. Spock soon as our Clara does hyper special beastie we should be able to the enough power to bring it all the way through for now unfortunately your movements are limited to this chamber we'll see if we can arrange some introductions later miss Susan Ilana please your captain kargh aren't you how did you know my father told me we're present and knew it you'll have to excuse her captain it's no apologies necessary mr. Sulu welcome to and sick I'll try not to keep them long pleasure meeting you bones spot you're with me I'll be back soon [Music] people move so quickly here I thought they'd do lost your Montgomery Scott art my father told me about YouTube and just what did he tell you that you wouldn't want to be a liver it's good to have them back [Music] until you've eaten has fine fair daughter although you no longer consciously retain the hyperspatial coordinates your mind still retains the data so the famous Vulcan mind-meld I won't tell you this is without ransom but then what in life is shouldn't you send me candy and flowers first do not understand you know I didn't think you would my thoughts to your mom's cinema lacks and my mind to your mind our minds are merging two they want this Romulan ship dr. Chandra Elana time 10 years old what what's sad movie myself Ilona that even Fang feller it hamper the door to power I can't James uh vitals are spiking Viva Chile a bit bigger Inga you see is dumped on me I know supers have a never leveled off scale blood pressure is through the roof you have to stop it stop it now because we lose them both ha break it off [Music] the data [Music] clear we'll have to find another way how is he resting he'll need some time to recover alright God chill what he's been through multiple Iser tendency toward compassion maybe dr. it does not alter the fact that the ship will be destroyed if we do not get that data soon look in that green blood of yours be so cold dr. McCoy fault we need an alternative now there are drugs hypnotics they might work normally I'd advise against it these are not normal circumstances do it that's that a tissue it'll take me time formulate them in the meantime I want you to get on with Plan B I was unaware we had a plan B I trust you will shortly understood tell me captain what did you do before you knew me I always made sure plan a worked ah [Music] while we're at it maybe you can arrange for a shave and a haircut rustle up in uniform for him it's the least we can do I wouldn't as far as he's concerned his tour of duty into 30 years ago not the man he was I understand [Music] Terk here the gravitational disturbances are increasing faster than anticipated captain we're running out of time understood go to yellow alert Kirk out if we're going to get out of this I have a feeling we're going to be demanded it works [Music] captain of the monitoring fluctuations in library and there is the possibility that when we able to generate a matter/antimatter negation verse the battle quit force to free us we might cause the field to employ it and rest them voting the [ __ ] is one our calculations must be most precise how much time we have 14 hours 32 minutes and 20 when I suggest you start exploring it aggressively didn't even give you an ocean view I complain to the management local father is wonderful you haven't seen much of it yet doesn't matter we're here where's mother could have seen it she would have given everything just for you to see it a lot this is only the beginning Scotty will have you flesh and blood in no time Yossi and then Centauri three a ballast marinara's on Mars San Francisco all the places I've told you about we'll roll them out like a red market you can go anywhere do anything the whole universe is ahead of you [Music] forgive the intrusion dr. McCoy is ready for you I'll be back soon captain I expect you to behave yourself [Music] your father always had a distinctive sense of humor your reputation precedes you Captain Kirk call me Jim and just what exactly did he tell you about me all alone you were he told you I was lonely well that is the price of command this is more than man is something you carried with you get distance always a different girl in every world not mattering beyond the moment there was one who was different her name Edith [Music] some things are best forgotten I don't talk about the past and your father shouldn't have either I hurt you I'm sorry I'm not good with people I could practice just keep on you would never see any of you again life seldom takes us where we wanted to Jim I understand milena [Music] shouldn't try to banish memory or how we live on so I'll I have with my mother did you know him she just come on the ship I'd seen her once or twice need a fighter next is she was funny and great I know she died saving you she wouldn't hesitate I can never be that strong well we never know what we can do until we have to [Music] captain if I may excuse me [Music] sensor scans of the external hyper field have proven inadequate to risk a matter/antimatter implosion to free the ship what he suggests the field surrounding the suit seems a benign microcosm of the larger field if I might be allowed to take some measurements mr. Spock would like to run some tests on you will it hurt no I would have said yes anyway [Music] I'll see you later [Music] how is that we already have [Music] one pharmaceutical cocktail coming up I swear at times like this I feel like a bartender not a dot sorry I didn't mean to oh it's alright the only image I had of arrows I understand just lie back you'll feel a bit lightheaded and drowsy should I count back from 100 just saying whatever comes to mind to be snatched away from everything you know drop down in the wilderness I have to build your life up from nothing their bare hands [Music] only one thing will let you do that and survive for all that I was on the career track to Kent friends were for all fathers obvious here diversion family not in the equation but then through the long nights we'd sit in the crystal Tom's listen to the wind wash over the Dead Sea gaze of twins share stories we remember then choose be dad I may have been lost [Music] but I was home it's a rare man that finds that and a lucky one ask your question was just fun I mean if it doesn't distract you I'm not easily distracted miss soon what would you like to know beyond that door there are hundreds of people so far I've only met six in my whole life four in the last two hours then father told me that you were the only one of your kind of mission do you ever wonder what people think about you and what they see they will see precisely what you are a singularly astute and charming young woman sounds are different we are each of us unique we want to admit some of us are a lot more unique than others it is grammatically incorrect to place a modifier before unique but nonetheless you are correct some of us are you still haven't answered my question I endure the pressures my choice of life demands because I prefer it to one of solitude and because I have found that I can tolerate being judged far better than being of no consequence the scan is complete I must get this data to mr. Scott so am I one of a kind interesting you are indeed doctor sickbay how we do involve Jim I tried every neural meta demonic and ship stores on Sulu and scattered bits and pieces nothing you can use and I can't give them anymore system can't take it I'm sorry too I was Plan B's the readings I took from this sushi allow us to attempt the negation first as soon as mr. Scott concludes his adjustments we can proceed but I suggest you do so with all dispatch what's wrong Jim Elana Sulu's atomic structure is bound to the hyper field we can't be certain so becoming wreckers Scott excited be able to pay overtime time is a luxury we do not have tapped and we may not have sufficient power for such an attempt are you sure about this there are some variables in the readings stronger possibility is that you will remain with this [ __ ] still Thank You mr. Spock should we inform this suit or her father you know not yet but I expect you to do whatever you can to better her odds of course now so anything we can do to make them uncomfortable are you still hanging around don't you have anything better to do than make fun an easy target we had a few moments before the implosion attempt I thought I'd drop by and give you a surprise okay mr. Scott had some board technicians he needed to occupy would you care for a stroll [Music] [Music] what do you call this deck 12 it's not very advantageous for Pegasus certainty mm-hm [Music] this what my best moment of my life a few people recognized it while it's happening was a better reason to notice it it's just the first of many it's a good look for you allora it's been forever my god what you're younger than my daughter yeah heard about her she sounds wonderful she takes after her mother put onto the bridge acknowledged [Music] looks okay [Music] Allura don't let it all go by [Music] if you got your sea legs back you're free to go thank you doctor those are really necessary I don't [Music] [Music] Brij it's a turbolift it moves horizontally and vertically throughout the ship you can man Amerigo the ink don't even know it I'm started allowed a lot nothing like this one Calvin but maybe your parents gave that planet do you know where it's from I know that was in a production of The Tempest issues with a girl she knew it by heart the sorcerer and his beautiful daughter marooned on an island and delecia provides a vessel who had no doubts and noble creatures in him he performed it over and over with Sookie was Prospero and you as Miranda I preferred Ariel who could fly and why would you like to go Ariel where would you take me [Music] yes we're ready to initiate the implosion captain I'll be there momentarily Kirk out another miracle glared [Music] I'm afraid you'll have to return to the stasis room for safety this device will be me there you'll see debris soon I promise I'll hold you to that [Music] where were you Jim I read your tour Jim you jealous father that is the spot ready when you are captain this might be one of those rare times when we actually get out of a tight spot with reading room all that this is the captain speaking we're about to hit a plasma engine plasma burst and it attempt to free the ship break yourself at your discretion mr. Desalle aye sir detonation in five four three two one [Music] [ __ ] what happened unknown jasmine computer analysis of implosion results working analysis indicates temporal discontinuity caused by an ocean my calculations predicted this possibility but none of this magnitude tell us what it means Spock it means doctor and we are still trapped but instead of hours we now have only 32 minutes before our shields collapse Suz McCoy emergency Captain's Log supplemental with drug therapy no longer an option to jog Sulu's memory at our time drastically reduced by the implosion attempt our options are closing about just as the field is closing about the enterprise [Music] nothing really this is busy for me she's alright now near as I can determine this Suez molecular structure is indeed linked to the exterior hyperfield if we fail to find a way to fully extricate her before risking another implosion attend another implosion is not an option and without the navigational coordinates gentlemen I suggest you come up with something original because we're not going to just count down the minutes until the ship is destroyed captain if mr. Scott can lock in on the coordinates of calidad it might be feasible to beam the entire ship's company there it wouldn't help the ship but it would save the crew we'd be marooned there but alive and all in all it's not that bad life but if we lower the shields that might not be necessary given the higher dimensions involved mr. Scott I cut it up boy so I may examine the data on your treadmill be my guest how are you feeling before so tell me back home how do you set up for houseguests [Music] / here caught them can you get up yet [Music] there's no way to duplicate the energy wave distance to litter Caliban it was a one-in-a-million freak accident animals can be there but I happened upon something else Sue's original transporter pattern the temple of field she'll kept it intact are you saying we might be able to reintegrate as he was when we beat him out the vertebrae it's possible theoretically at least 25 minutes to shield failure get him up here it should be possible to reverse the aging process by passing your current incarnation for the pattern buffer storing in effect the last safe state yes I see I don't understand you mean you'd be giving him back 30 years no we'd be taking them away I'd refer to the man I was before your mother and I were transported as far as I'd be concerned the life we spent there would never have happened but the Romulan navigational data will be fresh in your mind and you should be able to use it to pilot a safety the memories would be gone I wouldn't know you 20 minutes to shield failure can't get rid of me that easily I'd be here to remind you of every stubborn mule-headed thing you ever did if it's the only way to captain I'm sorry to Alana I thought the only dangerous enclosure I've been reviewing dr. McCoy's medical data along with both my own scans of the solute and the exterior hyperfield because to get a move on I have no mind to be traded my uniform for a white robe at this late date I checked her medical readings there's no doubt you to tell we tell apart [Music] captain what is it your atoms your molecules everything that is you is still tied to Caliban sir the hyper field it's why you blacked out and should we succeed shortly and freeing ourselves the interference caused by our warp engines will result in the field collapsing destroying everything still link to it my god do you know what you're saying yes you've got the Beamer fully onto the enterprise now not possible she is one with the universe that's fun then can you bring me back now but were the ship to fail to extricate itself there is a 92.3% probability the field would survive and you would be returned to Caliban she could live 430 others will die there has to be another way I can't tell you what to do what you alone know the navigational coordinates and have the piloting skill necessary to sink this [ __ ] I don't care who dies she lives not this time mr. father I can't let you do this [Music] a menace mr. Spock is right and I survived what kind of life would that be how can I go back to that empty world how can I live knowing that you and then all of you died because of me I don't know if there's an afterlife I don't know what I was going you die but a father it's not how long we live how we live that matter let my life mean something [Music] do it this energize [Applause] [Music] these our after and I foretold you were all spirits [Music] looking at the air into the air we are [Music] [Music] deafness to shield failure he's in massive shock we need him on the bridge what can you give it to CT the courtesan anymore I'll kill him get him to a station fast [Music] yeah in a minute I know you told me you went like this I you should need me for anything I just like two minutes to shield failure [Music] [Music] hypertension all coordinates and [Music] my focus is on reserve power knowledge [Applause] [Music] one minute to shield failure [Music] you [Music] 10:7 fulfill nice [Music] we're free are you are how are you feeling a little rougher on the exes yeah then told I attacked you tried to harm you that works in you ating circumstances [Music] I've watched this it's like it's happening to another person Ilana a daughter life I had there's nothing sorry free loss did you get to know her yes sheis she was unique she lived her life fully in the time she had gave it up for love what better epitaph could anyone ask for okay if I could only remember mr. Sulu when I attempted to extricate the data from your mind when our thoughts were joy I lived those years with you what are you saying they can be yours again [Music] but with the memories will come the grief very well [Music] uh-huh captain Captain Sulu yes your guests have disembarked from the shuttle captain escort them to my ready room aye sir red you have the call i captain captain yes you're a very lucky man [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're such stuff histories of me and our little life is rounded toe King to yourself father I'd better keep a closer eye on you did baller say hello to your granddaughter [Music] so beautiful the whole universe is ahead and I did as you asked with her name but I don't understand who's Ilona [Music] you had a sister [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Mr. Sci-Fi
Views: 626,589
Rating: 4.6988025 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Star Trek Discovery, George Takei, Sulu, Hugo, Nebula, science fiction, Syfy, Twilight Zone, CBS, CBS All Access, Christina Moses, The Originals, Containment, Condor, Mission Control, showbiz, TV, Star Trek New Voyages, Star Trek Phase II, science fiction movies, science fiction double feature, science fiction movies full length, star trek discovery season 2 trailer, star trek theme
Id: 4197h-lJxBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 55sec (5275 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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