Why Didn't Magni Comeback to Life? (God of War Theories)

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hey how's it going guys captaincuba here and today i'm finally going to talk about the mystery regarding magni's death now for casual godfor players this may seem like i'm reaching for a video topic but right after we kill magni mimir has this mysterious conversation with atreus hey i just realized magne didn't come back to life that is interesting it's known the acl find their own way to valhalla no valkyrie escort no processing at the gates of helheim that may be significant boy i tell you cory barlock did not hold back with all of these story threats for the next game in the series i honestly can't wait to see him apply this philosophy of storytelling to a new game of his own but until that day comes we still have to talk about god for anyway with this conversation mimir seems to indicate there's two ways to enter valhalla for humans they can only come through the valkyries but for asgardian gods their trip is much easier mimir says that after death they simply come back to life and find their way to valhalla basically as guardian gods have a vip pass to valhalla now mimir doesn't really explain how these gods come back to life luckily for us there's already something in the game that resembles this power resurrection stones now i'm not saying there's a resurrection to an asgard that brings their gods back to life but i believe it's possible the asgardian gods have an item with very similar magical qualities and that's the reason they can come back to life assuming this theory is correct i have to make another theory as to why this resurrection item is not working which results in magni staying dead and that's where i believe odin comes in i believe odin has broken or disabled this resurrection item for fear that it might bring kratos to asgard just in case he dies i believe his fear is justified since critics destroyed an entire pantheon years back so the last thing odin would want to do is bring critics to valhalla which is located in asgard the realm he rules over but how is this even possible odin doesn't know about kratos right well he's never had a conversation with him or even know much about his past but he does know that a nation and red tattooed warrior will play an important role in this unfolding story when visiting jodenheim with tyr oden saw the murals depicting kratos odin effortlessly set the details of the tapestries and triptychs to memory the final triptych was the most remarkable as he had not yet heard this tale foretold he glimpsed the visage of an untamed warrior accompanied by his son traveling towards a mountaintop odin was only able to spy this forbidden knowledge for a moment he had been spotted by one of the council his roos had been discovered and the alarm had already been sounded now thanks to god of war lore and legends we know that odin and tyr went to jodenheim 170 years before the events of the game after some years had passed since his visit to jodenheim kratos on the other side of the world was victorious in defeating an entire pantheon odin must have heard about this warrior of legendary status and remember he saw him many years back depicted in the mural of jodheim so once kratos arrived in medgar his ravens inform odin about it and he started to panic thinking that asgard would suffer the same fate greece did all those years back he locked all entrances to his realm this is why critters can't travel to asgard using the travel room in tier's temple or the reason why magni didn't come back to life odin would rather have a dead grandson than half critters reach asgard only to destroy it also ask yourself this why would odin corrupt the valkyries if they're the only means he has to grow his army in valhalla it just doesn't make any sense the bigger his army is the better chances he has at surviving ragnarok the book loren legend seems to indicate odin corrupt to the valkyries with the purpose of making them soldiers in his army but it's also possible he knew that corrupting the valkyries would prevent them from doing their job of bringing the dead to valhalla which would include the dead kratos as well now any other human brought to valhalla would be happy to serve the old father by fighting in ragnarok but kratos on the other hand bringing him to valhalla would result in him rampaging his way out and maybe even destroying all of asgard just like he did to the greek realm at first this plan worked because soon after the valkyries corruption hell was overrun with the dead but it backfired in the long run because the valkyries now hate odin for corrupting them and will most likely take critters to valhalla if he happens to die in the next game i know this theory requires a lot of unproven assumptions for it to work like the asgardian item that brings gods to life but i do find it very interesting that all three entrances to asgard are locked i doubt very much that's a coincidence and odin locking old entrances to asgard because he's afraid a pantheon killer might destroy it doesn't seem too crazy if you ask me but i want to hear from you why do you think magni didn't come back to life whatever your theories are make sure to leave them in the comments section below as always i want to thank all of my awesome members for their monthly support of the channel people like kratos godslayer miles paralysis and arif helmy to name a few are the reason these videos continue to go up i would also like to thank all of my loyal subscribers for liking and sharing my videos this channel would be nowhere without your help and with that said thanks for watching and remember go forth in the name of ragnarok
Channel: Kaptain Kuba
Views: 362,065
Rating: 4.9500308 out of 5
Keywords: god of war, god of war gameplay, god of war playstation 4, god of war lets play, game theory, walkthrough playthrough let's play, gaming, game theorists, Kaptain Kuba, God of War lore, video game, Kratos, gaming channel, magni, valhalla, life, return to life, why, odin, locked, Asgard
Id: zKwbIV9sGlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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