Why are the GIANTS Dead? (God of War Theory)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] goodbye sir I love you the Giants they really are all gone there's nothing for us here hey how's it going guys captain Cooper here and today I will try to provide an answer for an age-old god for question what happened to the Giants in your nine this question has been bothering me since I played the game for the first time and today I suspect I have a valid answer but first we have to understand why this is an important question to begin with many years before the events of the game tear managed to help the Giants escape the wrath of Thor by taking them to un Heim and also hiding their tower in the realm between realms so if the Giants made it safely into Jotunheim why are they all dead after all the only enemies the Giants had were the Aesir gods and they couldn't get into Jotunheim by any means known to them so what happened to the Giants some fans have proposed the idea that the Giants simply died of old age but this can't be the case if you look closely at their bodies you will see most of them have weapons near their hands and even their blood splattered on the mountains clearly a battle took place in Jotunheim and the Giants lost but who were they fighting not only do I believe they were fighting the Aesir gods but I believe they were fighting the famous Ragnarok battle as evidence I would like to remind you that the only context in which all the Giants died in Norse mythology is during the Battle of Ragnarok but house is possible since Walters death signified the start of vembur wintered followed by Ragnarok well do you remember when we Muir told Kratos when they went to help I'm here I'll play it for you again time doesn't move the same between all realms especially where the spirit world is can sound like the light of Alfheim the opposite in fact the lake of souls feels faster than I'll find time but hell is much slower than Midgard sorry I'm sure that's confusing so apparently time is experienced differently in each realm the same applies to your night when credits Elektra has returned to Midgard Muir says the following before we return to Midgard I should warn you more time has passed and you likely realize so if Muir thinks more time has passed since Kratos and actress went to Jotunheim then it means time passes faster in your time than it does in Midgard we don't know exactly how much faster but as an example as just say that 20 minutes in Jotunheim equals to 4 weeks and Edgard first of all this means that time travel to the future is possible in the gap or universe for a funny example imagine Express is looking forward to the release date of cyberpunk 2077 but sadly he has to wait a full month until the game comes out now he could wait a month in Midgard until the game releases but if he really wanted to play the game that same day he could simply go to your home for 20 minutes and when he'd returned to Midgard a month would have gone by without him noticing but how does this apply to the dead Giants in Jotunheim well this is where it's going to get confusing I believe the yearn home we went to is the Jotunheim from the previous timeline the one word Ragnarok already happened this would be the famous fight in which your man gander was sent back to the past this will change how we view the mural at the end of the game instead of thinking the mural predicts the future it could be that it's simply telling the story of what already happened from the Giants point of view if you think is this crazy wait until you hear my next point I believe Kratos mattress arrived in Jotunheim only after a day or two had passed since the Battle of Ragnarok had taken place I say this because their bodies are still fresh they haven't decomposed like the Giants remains we see in Midgard once again this is possible because time in Jotunheim goes faster than in Midgard so let's say while the battle of Ragnarok took only three hours to be completed crater senator has completed their 30 hour journey just in time to witness the aftermath of the Ragnarok battle I can already see the comments refuting my theory but I honestly think we're making a lot of assumptions when it comes to timelines in the story so to make it simpler just forget everything Mamere told us about the ace your gods because these stories could very well have taken place in the first timeline the one we never experienced so if we do this what do we really know about the Aesir gods we only know that they're after the last giant that's all we know for sure now I want to show you two moments that could prove Ragnarok already happened for the ACE your gods first is seen after Magnus death this is Modi's reaction you can tell Modi found this event surprising now this could be because he didn't know Kratos was a God killer but his surprise could also be as a result of a prophecy being changed you see Magni and modi are one of the few gods that survived Ragnarok if this fight with Critias takes place after a victorious Ragnarok battle then Modi will surely be surprised at McNeese death because Kratos once again changed prophecy you've changed something prophecy didn't count on you later Modi says something else that caught my attention he says to Kratos I earned that hammer this is also something that happens after the events of Ragnarok he never says I will earn the hammer for him the hammer is pretty much his since the Battle of Ragnarok already took place and the last thing he needed to do for the Aesir gods was capture the last giant this means that the AC gods aren't simply trying to stop Ragnarok from happening but they're trying to stop it from happening again so I guess the story for the next game will be somewhat similar together for two kritis onit Reyes will find a way to turn back time and bring back the Giants to life for another go at the Battle of Ragnarok now I know you're ready to write your comments this fit with my crazy time-travel theory but through this you can do that with almost anything even an amazing movie like endgame has plot holes so before you take a part in my theory I'm gonna have to ask you this question if the Giants made it safely into Jotunheim who killed the Giants in my theory I use time relativity in a previous timeline to things that are already confirmed in the series if you can do better than I did I will admit it hell I'll even make a video explaining your theory now it's the final nail in the coffin I'm going to show you a video in which Corey Bartlett responds very suspiciously to his future plans for the theme of time in the series there's such a big theme about time and I don't know if I fully understand it I got a I got a like beat this game like five more times but it's you know a tray or Kratos going into the light and the time being different and then Mamere has a line about Helheim moving slower than made and I'm just wondering and then of course the end when when Thor comes and it says years later it's just all these elements of like well you know time moves differently in places I wanna like dive deep into her I don't know if that's like setting up things to come in the world serpent talks you have to rely on a Amir yeah he's giving you all the information and he totally doesn't yeah we don't know exactly what he's planning but if my theory is correct then it means time will be attached to realms differently how this will work out remains to be seen Cory Pollock might just change the way in which we talk about time travel so what do you guys think is it possible critters a notorious stumble across the aftermath of the Ragnarok battle and that's the reason why the Giants are dead or do you think something else happened to them these are interesting questions that you can tackle in the comment section below as always everyone I give a big thanks to all of my channel members people like Steve AK brown solo and reap to10 to name a few really go above me on to support the channel I would also like to thank all of my subscribers for their support this channel would be nothing without you guys so if you liked the video make sure to hit like and share with fellow gotta four fence and as always remember go forth in the name of Olympus Oh feels like a lifetime ago but drafty maybe it's a right improvement over having tree bark in your todger time to rest I'm gonna sleep through winter okay let's all do sleep way ahead of you
Channel: Kaptain Kuba
Views: 528,677
Rating: 4.9409781 out of 5
Keywords: god of war theory, kaptain kuba, giants, jotunheim, dead giants, atreus, kratos, journey, ending, explained, time travel, why are they dead?, jotunheim explained, ending explained
Id: yNhQsIQaggQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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