How Kratos Survived Explained (God of War Lore)

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[Music] you disappoint me spartan [Music] hey how's it going guys captain cuba here and today i'm going to be tackling the question of what happened after god 4 3 and i know i already have a video on this topic but the truth is i no longer believe the information in the video is accurate regardless this question will be fully answered whenever the fallen god comic book releases but until then i thought it was a good idea to compile all the information we have on this topic the sources i'll be using is the god of war novel and the game itself but first i have to start by establishing what the god of war universe looks like and this is something that fanbase has split on some fences like planet earth with pantheons ruling the countries from where they originate while others believe each pantheon is located in a different dimension i used to believe the latter theory but as of this moment i think there's more evidence for the former with a distinction that this planet is 20 times bigger than ours able to contain all the pantheons at the same time for the evidence i point to mimir he seems to know a lot about these other pantheons and has apparently visited them before this theory also explains why krito says the following i'm a god boy from another land far from here when i came to these shores i chose to live as a man in all the instances kratos mentions his old life in the greek pantheon he seems to imply that anyone can travel to it if they wanted to the final piece of the evidence is corey barlow himself here's a clip of him describing the god of war universe about was the idea that all the mythologies of the world are kind of like this hubble telescope image they are like galaxies individually spread out throughout a complete universe and the world is the universe and all the mythologies are sort of origin stories of various cultures throughout the world beginning at the beginning of time and stretching all the way out so at any given time all the mythologies exist together concurrently and they are simply separated by geography now that we know what the god of war universe looks like let's talk about what happened after god of war 3. as i'm sure you know at the end of the game kratos saw the needless destruction he had caused and decided to do one good thing for humanity so he gave them the power of hope within him he did this by killing himself what followed after is explained in very long paragraphs found in the god of war novel so if you don't mind i'll just paraphrase them if you think i'm lying i'd recommend you purchase a god of war novel for yourself after all it's a pretty good read anyway after kratos killed himself he woke up realizing the gods had put a curse on him from that point in his life he would never be able to commit suicide the gods would simply not allow this so with spite in his heart he threw the blades of chaos into the sea only for a whirlwind to bring them back up and place him right in front of him he tried to get rid of them a number of times but realized the gods had also put a curse in the blades of chaos to follow him until the day he died now this is where it's going to get really weird the novel recalls the dream kratos has in which he is taken by wolves to scandinavia and who better to tell the dream than mimir himself fatos engulfed in a tormented sleep battle the fall existing only in his mind's eye kratos held a defensive stance his back against a rock wall his blades out to defend himself from a trio of yelling wolves twice his height one black with verdant eyes one white and the third gray the black beast seemed to be the alpha assuming the most forward position a beardless god of war clad in the clothes of his life in greece slashed his blades of chaos to keep the predators at bay but his actions failed to discourage their assault kratos realized he needed to bring down at least one of the wolves if he hoped to survive their onslaught the white wolf advanced as if on command the movement revealed a woman behind the beasts clad in a long cloak and cowl obscuring much of her face a raised arm sent all three creatures airborne to attack who are you kratos screamed with all the force he could muster just as the black wolf ripped into his thigh to drag him away so while kratos was wandering the earth he came across three wolves and a woman the woman commanded one of the walls to drag kratos to the land of the norse gods now what's odd about this is that we never learn who these characters are but later in the novel is heavily implied that at least two of the wolves are skal and hattie on the opposite wall a massive mural of two wolves perched on a rock outcropping amidst a dense forest snared their attention it's the wolf giants skull and hearty atreus pointed out kratos stared at the beasts with a shiver of recognition the image of him dressed in his greek attire being dragged by a verdant-eyed black wolf while the others flanked either side flashed like lightning across his mind with those the creatures that had brought him to this land he could not recall him being that large the beasts that attacked him had determined his fate against his will but for what purpose why was he meant to be in this land we never see this revelation in the game because it takes place in kratos's mind so we can still think of it as being canon however the identity of the woman still remains a mystery many fans think it was athena they come to this conclusion because she's still very much alive and is most likely planning something to become the only deity in the universe but i think the more likely answer points to faye clearly she knows what the future holds it wouldn't surprise me that she has known about ragnarok since kratos was causing havoc on olympus so seeing that kratos would play an important role in the fight against the acer gods she took her grandson fenrir with the sun skull and hottie to bring kratos to scandinavia but let me get back to the main topic of the video how can we reconcile the information from the novel with what krito says in the game i'm a god boy from another land far from here when i came to these shores i chose to live as a man here curtis alludes to having arrived in scandinavia by using a ship while the novel says he was dragged by a wolf so which one is to be believed while it seems like a contradiction there's always a way to reconcile two accounts that seem to be at odds with each other so this is how i think the timeline went after ghetto war iii chris was wandering the earth for many years in these years the events of fallen god would take place after this critters was dragged by the wolves to somewhere near scandinavia and the rest of the way he made it by getting on a ship and arriving at his final destination what happened after is still unknown we know that kratos eventually met faye got married and had atreus but there's 10 years of kratos's life in scandinavia that are still missing and cory barlog has expressed his desires to make a story about it whether it will be in the form of a comic movie or even a prequel remains to be seen so there you have it guys the story of what happened after god of war 3 and how critters got to scandinavia any questions well obviously you can leave them in the comments section below but before i go i have to remind you that august 21st is the last day to enter the contest to win a set of level 52's credits on the trace wooden statues all you have to do is send your best god of war 4 or got a 43 picture taken with photo mode and upload it to twitter using the hashtag cuba's photo contest on august 21st i will choose the winner so make sure to send your entry if you want to win this awesome collectible now as always i want to thank all of my awesome members for their monthly contributions to the channel people like kair savage timbo slice and run solo to name a few really go above and beyond to support my work i would also like to thank all of my subscribers i'm truly thankful to have such an awesome following and that's gonna be it for today if you liked the video make sure to like and share and subscribe if you haven't and remember go forth in the name of olympus
Channel: Kaptain Kuba
Views: 1,637,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: god of war 3, god of war lore, god of war theory, Kaptain Kuba, after god of war, story, what happened, how kratos got to midgard, explained, gow lore, new information, Kratos, gow 4 lore, Midgard, travel, realms, Tyr, Faye, time travel, wolves, skoll and hati, how kratos survived, gow 3 ending
Id: aBG9-Lvjt1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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