Why Did This Get A Sequel

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if you call yourself a fan of the nun I'll call you a liar find me one person in the world who actually thinks the nun is a good horror movie and I'll find you a deceiver a teller of fibs I just don't think it's possible that there is anyone out there on this entire space rock that thinks the nun was an actually good movie now I'm sure there are plenty of arguments you can make that it's an entertaining one like a fun bad enjoyable movie I would agree with you there to a certain extent but anyone that would actually think that the movie was good enough to deserve a sequel I just can't imagine that being the case I don't think there's a such thing as fans of the nun there's probably more fans of eating paint chips than that movie and yet somehow the Hollywood soulless suits these zombie husks that control the the pipeline of big budget movies deemed this franchise worth a new entry so we got the none too somehow I just came back from watching it because I'm a sucker for bad horror films and I thought maybe this one stood a better chance of being fun bad than the previous one which I wasn't a huge enjoyer of even as a like so bad it's good flick I gave that puppy a 25 on the moist meter so the sequel had some big shoes to fill and unfortunately the only thing that was filled was my water when I finished drinking all of it to keep myself awake every single scene in this film except for maybe one or two is a scene that they have literally used a thousand times by now in their own franchise in The Conjuring movies in the Annabelle movies every scene in the nun 2 I'm pretty sure is copy and pasted with a different skin for this film it's it they're not even trying like there's not even an iota of effort put into this I'll get my only compliments out of the way right now there are two scenes that stood out to me is like actually being creative and one of them was about uh the main character Irene whom you'll remember from the first film having visions and the Visions in this film work like genjutsu and Naruto so [ __ ] Itachi here traps her in a genjutsu and she's seeing the nun on a billboard there's crows flying by it's actually very much like Itachi maybe that's who the demon is and so she's looking at this board that has all of these magazines on it Wind Blows in it starts flipping the magazines around the magazines flip to a bunch of different pages that eventually form something that resembles the nun and then she jolts her arm out and strangles Irene and it was pretty cool I was like that's very interesting and the jump scare was pretty effective not that jump scares are something to be proud of per se but if you're gonna do them at least do them well you know jump scare is basically just like a quick loud noise in the middle of quiet in order to trigger that brief little startle sensation because our caveman brains are hardwired that way it's the best comparison and the one that always gets made is a comedian going out into the crowd and tickling someone and calling it good comedy it's just cheap for horror films but if you're going to include jump scares make sure that they're done well and that one was executed decently and then the only other scene that I thought was cool was actually the very first scene it's in a big church and then it ends with someone getting lit on fire so the priest just gets cremated after encountering the nun and it was very like well done like that whole sequence leading up to that I actually thought was kind of a banger and then it never reaches that level of quality again it's like they put all of their effort into the intro and then that one scene with the magazines and nowhere else now that I've got all the compliments out of the way let's go ahead and dive into the rest I am super tired of every single story in mainstream horror films being the exact same [ __ ] thing I'm gonna get into spoilers I don't think anyone cares about The Narrative of the nun too this isn't exactly some something that people are going to for a deep intricate lore I don't think it does Loosely tie into The Conjuring universe but only because there's a post-credit scene that works like The Avengers where the Warrens get a phone call and he's like how can I help you I'm on it that's the only tie-in other than that there is nothing here that even connects it so anyway the film's narrative is the exact same plot to about 5 000 other horror films like almost to a t I'm confident now that these are being written by AI because it's just taking the same DNA of everything else and doing nothing different with it not even a unique Spin and like all other horror movies that have come before it if you stop and think about the plot to this for even just two seconds the entire movie falls apart let me explain how that works in this film so the first scene that I mentioned the one that I like yeah the nun lights that priest on fire literally just burns him alive with no effort at all and then never does it again falls into the same trophy horror garbage where once the demon is doing what they want to do all of a sudden the extent of its power is opening and closing doors or making a scary face appear to Spook somebody or moving some chairs around her or something like that it's just it becomes so weak even though like at the very beginning of this film which in real world time of the movie well that's the opposite of real world time in movie time was only like a month ago we saw it light someone on fire effortlessly and now all of a sudden all it can do is lightly push things around it has a about as much force as a light Breeze in the summertime wind like how like what could have easily happened is the demon goes to the place it wants to go lights everybody on fire kills them instantly and then gets what it wants and what does it want it wants an ancient artifact so the demon was able to find where the ancient artifact was and it infiltrates a school and at the school it starts scaring kids for no reason really just starts start startling children and and nothing else and before doing that it had actually just snapped the neck of a woman who gave a delivery to where the demon was staying so the demon is still perfectly capable of killing people yet for some reason when it comes to that school with the main objective in that school it decides not to kill anyone why it easily can it just demonstrated that multiple times like and now all of a sudden it's a pacifist it just doesn't make any sense there's no explanation for why the demon doesn't just kill everyone at that school and then get the artifact because it knows it's there you just get it once everyone's gone the only argument I Can See For Wyatt wouldn't want to do that is it doesn't know exactly where that artifact is so it's trying to lead people on a wild goose chase to accidentally locate it but I think that's kind of a weak Theory and it's one I'm just making up to try and justify bad writing here but let's assume that is the reason it's still [ __ ] stupid because if no one's around there's no one to foil their plans in every single horror movie it seems like the bad entity the bad thing is always more than willing to just let everyone in the film stop it like it wants to be stopped it has a humiliation fetish and it wants to be beaten for some reason because it just lets everyone solve the mystery and do the only thing that can defeat it in fact sometimes it just leads them to the thing that can beat it for no reason like why why so the the demon is at the school now it's Incognito and Irene from the first film as well as a new character are working together to try and track down the demon because the Vatican has been alerted to its presence that it's back it wasn't actually defeated in the previous film The Vatican in this movie works like the Men in Black they have like this really deep network of like Intel and operatives that keep everyone up to date on demon activity so they get the scoop they figure out what the demon wants and where it is and they go to the to the place I'm just really speedrunning through all of this because most of the film is spent with just really same cheap jump scares and a complete absence of suspense or any real reason for what's unfolding it's just the demon goofing around scaring children at a school that's it so the the good guys get to the school they confront the demon directly and the demon for some reason just starts walking off after they figure out what it's there for and keep in mind this demon has shown that it can basically teleport and be anywhere it wants but at the end of the film all of a sudden all it can do is walk or jog a little bit very slowly which is another Trope in horror films where for the entire movie The Demon can be everywhere and now all of a sudden at the end all it can do is walk at the speed of like an 85 year old woman doesn't make any sense but that's exactly what happens here and the good characters are trying to stop it and the demon punches one of them which sends her flying against some glass and then Force pushes another one and keeps walking why not just kill them the demon has superhuman strength that punch sent her flying could have easily killed her finish the job like there was no reason the demon wouldn't do that and the force push again could have easily just killed her instead but makes the decision not to they catch up to the demon after getting pushed away they all together get the artifact and it's a big struggle between the demon and the humans even though I don't know how that can even be a a contest because the demon has super powers it could just push them away but it it scarcely uses that and when it does it's like a very light push so they engage in this struggle over the artifact and eventually the demon starts slamming one of the girls heads onto the concrete and I was like oh he's he's about to kill her and then doesn't after slamming around on the concrete the demon lifts her up in a choke hold like he's about to perform a cane choke slam and then one of the the students grabs the artifact and runs away and the demon looks sees the girl running away and for some reason just lightly drops the main character when earlier in the film he did something similar with a complete stranger and snapped her neck effortlessly he could have easily done that to the main character and would have solved every single one of the Demons problems like there would be no one left to stop him but inexplicably just lets her go and also I forgot to mention this a goat man gets summoned which was actually kind of hype this is another compliment the goat man I'm a huge fan of Cryptids and they legitimately made goat man here and he he chases people around on all four it's really silly and it made me giggle so I did appreciate uh the goat being in here that was cool actually looked like [ __ ] Mr tumness out of Narnia it was a great character so the goat's chasing some of the little children while one of the other nuns is there trying to protect them and then the main nun main character and one of the other children are struggling over the artifact to defeat the bad demon nun and it ends in a anti-climactic showdown where the demon finally once again uses the light someone on fire move but instead of just immediately lighting up the main character in Flames slowly starts like a small fire on like her bottoms which slowly goes up instead of just immediately lighting them entirely on fire like we saw like we saw the demon do at the beginning which gives the girl just enough time to remember that her mother whom she had mentioned a little earlier in the film had super powers basically and thus the main character has the super powers and an explosion of wine happens which is changed into the blood of Christ and it melts the demon and the day is saved I have summed up the majority of the film there I left out a couple of details of course but it's so [ __ ] dumb it's so dumb it's insultingly stupid there's not even really that many fun bad moments in here it's just such a snooze Fest because it's every single horror movie Trope ever rolled into this film unapologetically like if you're going to do that at least get creative when it comes to your jump scares and it actually builds some suspense and do something fun there it doesn't even try outside of a couple of scenes damn it so yeah I don't know why they even bothered making a sequel to the nun the first one was terrible and this one I'm actually going to say is a little better like objectively speaking I think this movie is a little bit better than the first one but it doesn't make it enjoyable like it's just slightly better than a piece of [ __ ] it's like a less stinky piece of [ __ ] but yeah I just wanted to rant about this movie a little bit because I am still shocked that it even got a sequel in the first place uh yeah hopefully the next Conjuring movie's good yeah we'll see but uh anyway that's that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,673,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mf5dqtllvSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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