Why did SEGA draw Sonic in a Bikini?

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hi there so this morning i stumbled upon something really weird i was looking for photos of the developers who created sonic the hedgehog in the 1990s and eventually i found this online gallery that had just what i needed there was this photo of the entire team um plus this one here with two of the artists and a slightly creepy realistic version of sonic strange again i spotted another picture one that really caught my attention it featured sonic's producer sitting in front of his computer and on the screen was a picture of sonic wearing a ladies swimsuit instantly my mind started racing what was this picture on the screen a screenshot from an unreleased game maybe some kind of dating sim or even an erotic game maybe the possibilities here were endless so i downloaded the photo and sent it to a group chat with a few of my friends in it they thought it was funny sure but they also raised a very good point i take it the pictures definitely not photoshopped like they haven't photoshopped something on his screen have they hmm that was true i had no evidence at all that this photo was real the website i founded on certainly seemed trustworthy but it also didn't give a source as to where they got the photo in other words there was a very real chance that this picture was completely fake i had found my task i was going to prove whether or not this picture was genuine and if it was i needed to know where it came from so the first place i looked was an online community called gaming alexandria which works to preserve old video games so they're not lost forever it's sort of tucked away on the internet uh i happen to find it one day completely by accident but ever since it's become my go-to place if i have a gaming mystery that i really can't crack on my own and this mystery fit the bill perfectly all i had was this one image no context no proof it was even real but i posted it to the gaming alexandria discord server just in case just to see if anyone had any ideas generally most people there thought it was probably a screensaver or something just a joke that one of the developers left on their computer which was troubling if that really was true if it was just a screensaver on that one computer all the way over in japan then my search would end here there's no way i could ever access that computer after all but there was one person in the community who thought they might have a clue their username is baruco obama and they told me i think it was left on the disk of sonic adventure i'm not sure i think there were some omaki pics so i had to google omarkey it just means like bonus content so if this was true if this image here really was on the game's disk then i could dig it up and prove once and for all that this image is real that this bikini sonic is official however i am not a data miner or a hacker i have no clue how to go about digging through a game's files luckily for me there's another community online that does know what they're doing this is the cutting room floor it's an online wiki in other words anyone can edit it and it logs all the hidden and unused content found inside the files of a video game so if this bikini wearing sonic really was inside of sonic adventures files then the cutting room floor would almost certainly have dug it up so i took a look at the page for sonic adventure to see what these people had found like for example there are apparently these tubes in the casino area that you can never access left over from an earlier design of the level there's other weird stuff here too like there's this spring that was left over from an older sonic game it's just sitting there in the game's files completely unused now all of this is super interesting however one fact soon became clear to me there was no bikini sonic here at all barrico obama was not correct this image does not appear in the game's files however there was one last thing here that caught my eye one last asset from the game's files that never ended up being seen by the player a photograph of two artists holding up a realistic drawing of sonic the hedgehog and now hang on this picture here should look familiar to you remember right at the beginning that gallery i found of the sonic developers that was where i found that sonic swimsuit pick but even stranger there was also this picture of the same two artists holding up that same drawing however these aren't the same photo they're taken from completely different perspectives not only that if you look carefully at the version found inside sonic adventures files you can actually see the cameraman who took the other picture and that's where the two artists are looking it turns out they're not looking into the same camera as us they're looking over to the right at the other camera which raises a big question who is this cameraman and what is he doing here what is he recording well it turns out the cutting room floor would be the place to give me that final clue next to the hedgehog drawing is some text quote the photo seems to have been taken during recording for a sonic adventure production presentation vhs tape as seen here all right i was ready so with a deep breath i clicked the link here it is the tape so this guy here is yuji naka sonic's creator and this is a recording of the event where sega announced sonic adventure to the world the two hosts on stage talk about the game a bit and then they play a video going behind the scenes at sega here's how sonic adventure was created they said roll tape [Music] so in case you couldn't tell this video is just a little tongue in cheek it's not exactly serious like for example this guy says i want to make the characters more attractive to which his colleague replies well what do you think and that's the scene we saw being filmed in the other photo that's what the cameraman is doing he's recording this behind the scenes tape so if this realistic sonic scene was filmed for this behind the scenes video then hopefully there should be one other scene here the video cut to the producer who says what sonic is missing is love this is the game sonic love story just look at his computer it's the sonic bikini image so there it is there's the proof this image was not in fact photoshopped like i suspected at first no it was real the whole time but it was never going to be turned into a real video game it was part of a joke that sonic team played on the public back in 1990 they were never planning on making a sonic dating sim they just wanted to have a little fun with the behind the scenes video it just happens that this joke took a whole day of searching and digging to understand and i guess now you're in on it too congrats um if you want to support this channel you can donate two dollars a month to my patreon which also gets you access to my exclusive discord server and if you donate 10 then you can have your name put at the end like these awesome people and i'll see you next week bye you
Channel: Thomas Game Docs
Views: 190,125
Rating: 4.9439702 out of 5
Keywords: Thomas Game Docs, gaming, sonic, sonic adventure
Id: jSDbY41T8vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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