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do you want to know what it is it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to Blind you from the truth what truth that Hollywood hates Heroes you [ __ ] idiot well I wasn't expecting to make this video certainly not so early on in my channel anyway but you know with the likes of She-Hulk and rings of power it kind of expediated we need to make this Hollywood has a problem it's lost the ability to write good strong powerful female protagonists now why is this if we look back on this I think it's likely to have stemmed from the metoo movement back in 2017 which blew up I saw the likes of Harvey Weinstein arrested for being a sexual predator to Young aspiring actresses by abusing this position as a big movie producer and co-founder of Miramax entertainment this piece of [ __ ] got 23 years imprisonment for this and everyone was [ __ ] happy about it what should have followed with the momentum of the metoo movement in Hollywood should have been better respect for women and more balanced when it came to bigger roles and where they could you know Flex their acts in muscles not to say women couldn't really do this it was just men still dominated the arena regarding big budget films and bigger paychecks you know this was something that needed to change however it seems something went wrong and it seemed to affect the heroes of our films and TV shows it was like the writers suddenly had something more important to write about other than the actual characters and the story the message it was first noted when the female protagonist changed gone was the character Arc of someone struggling with a particular get a trait maybe being scared or weak or struggling with a particular situation being held back or abused and instead we were given women who were already great at everything with little to no weaknesses and certainly no character arcs for them to fail and then learn to do better as a byproduct of this their personalities seem to evaporate as well our first female protagonist to suffer this was Captain marvelous played by ever so miserable Marie last a woman who's been known to suck all the air out of a room here Captain marvelous was just that marvelous we were introduced to her waking up on another planet and she spars with her officer only to get pissed off and blast him across the room showing she is already the more powerful out of the two this is actually a bad start to this film as we find out in the end he's the main protagonist so when they square up at the end we know he hasn't got a chance Captain marvelous personality wasn't available at this time either she was quite Bland and I think to be fair that was probably more breed than the character the character itself was arrogant could do no wrong had zero flaws who knew best there was also an offshoot of this writing too with bigging up the women to be the holiest of holy the men started to be deconstructed and were seemingly turning into more stupid versions of themselves a bit like one-dimensional NPCs in a computer game and Captain marvelous we saw Nick Fury being outwitted by Bria every turn and then getting his eyes scratched out by a [ __ ] cat are you serious after the personality disorder that was Brie Larson we had our next insufferable Mary Sue this possibly the biggest and worst of them all it was Rey from Disney's abysmal Star Wars trilogy this character was one of the final Nails in the Star Wars coffin here we had a character that made Mother Teresa looked like [ __ ] Myra Hindi hey [ __ ] off she was perfect in every way she learned the force in record time beat Luke Skywalker in a jewel could fix any machine she'd touched I bypassed the compressor you could convert anyone to her way of thinking even if they didn't agree she didn't have an art she didn't need one I'm Skywalker no you're not [ __ ] you're a Palpatine hey [ __ ] off and again that same thread regarding men seep through every man in this film was a one-dimensional NPC stupid couldn't finish what they started was made to look a mockery as the women continued to outshine them all oh there have been many more since the more notable ones being Galadriel from rings of power there is a tempest in me someone said was sufferable that after the first two hours of rings of power eight percent viewers couldn't stand her not even her own mother and why was this what to do with the fact that she like the others had no art she was already the best she was arrogant and manipulative she didn't care about anyone other than herself she was as strong as any man could be and she could best any man all men in a fight after all she was the Slayer Of Orcs it didn't help of course that Morpher Clark has about as much acting range as Tessa Thompson the next on the list is the Abomination that is She-Hulk and Jennifer Waters a character so awful that she finds it sure to help anyone as the whole whines about nearly everything when fighting people she tries to kill them again she was perfect she was able to take control of She-Hulk instantly he could do anything better than the Hulk she doesn't seem to have a problem destroying property and needs a vapid a materialistic life sleeping with guys for a half a bag of chips and is happy to take the piss out of a disabled person's clothes and mean it because he's blind and can't dress or boy nice clothes for himself this is the type of female protagonist that we've seen throughout TV and films over the last five years ranging from mulan's live-action remake through to Thor and Natalie Portman's [ __ ] horrific Mighty Thor character we also seen it with Wonder with Charlie's Angels reboot with the three little midgets beating up guys twice their size and weight I mean to the point it was so comically bad it just became totally unbelievable now you might think at this point on being a misogynistic piece of [ __ ] for even dare into bowel mouth female characters God damn right well I bet this would be untrue as it's the badly written characters that I don't like be it male or female the female characters we've seen post 2017 are Far Cry from the earlier counterparts though I loved as far as great formal characters go we have an absolute plethora of them to the point it's comical to think there weren't any strong women before Captain [ __ ] marvelous and to prove that I've got a little list for you in no particular order of great female strong characters we have Sarah Connor [Applause] you Barry Mulan Samantha Kane thanks tell anyone you saw me I'll blow your [ __ ] head off videos [Music] Fox I'm sorry you apologize too much Elastigirl Rita for taski Jackie Brown Charlie's Angels Elmer and Louise G.I Jane Trinity Catherine Trammell leeloo Wonder Woman Xena Warrior Princess Dana Scully Hermione Granger Daenerys Katniss Everdeen [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] Lannister Jessica Jones furiosa The Charmed girls Captain Janeway Princess Leia short for a stormtrooper huh and finally Buffy the Vampire Slayer now I feel better and there you have it 35 strong well-written characters to name but a few and men and women loved because the writers respected and loved the characters they wrote about you're goddamn right as I said at the beginning it's not only the female protagonist that suffered but the male hero also suffered too it seems men agency has been taken from them and they seem to have been turned into [ __ ] retards everybody knows you never got a full retired our Legacy characters are people have grown to love have suddenly been deconstructed one strong intelligent Brave empathetic characters are now weaker stupid cowardly and uncaring for example Thor has become Mr [ __ ] Chuckles in his movie his brother Loki is now a little [ __ ] who seems to become the face of the metoo movement by getting punched in the face and kicked in the balls for hours Hulk was cupped and suddenly a bit of a surfer dude and couldn't put newly acquired She-Hulk in her place the men sorry boys and rings of power needed to take heed and advice from all of their female cast come at me bro Kenobi the bumbling space fool who turned his back on a Jedi and was suddenly a [ __ ] idiot who neglected his one and only primary objective of that of looking after Luke instead deciding to go on Space Adventures with a nine-year-old girl yeah dirty feker Boba Fett the pensioner who looked like he'd have trouble taking a [ __ ] having to be guided around by his female sidekick Bond became a sensitive Soul an older man struggling and needing the help of women by side to finish what he started even his girlfriend and daughter to carry on his legacy and every man in She-Hulk being unrelatable [ __ ] who have less personality than Tessa Thompson granted there is a large pattern to the above and that majority stems from Disney however it's not exclusively Disney that does this Amazon Netflix Warner Brothers all of them they're all guilty of it and what are they guilty of the message they're guilty of following the same formula that of women as Untouchable forces of nature and Men a stupid bumbling fools that need women to help them yeah it's never the other way around men can't be seen to train women or hit women or really help women in a fight and when you actually take the time to look at what's happening with our heroes and the stories you can then understand what all of these shows and movies are tanking hard and you can see then where films such as Top Gun and northmen or TV shows like Richard or The Terminal let's get praise from you guys the people that count not the [ __ ] chill media who try to be best friends with the studio so they can get their early access passes and goodie bags [ __ ] Bell ends which Studios put ideology and social engineering into their content over a good story and characters this is the reaction you get and it's what you're seeing now people don't want to watch this and they're showing you this by not paying to go and watch your dog [ __ ] so Hollywood is plain to see your course correction is actually quite simple remove the ideology and remove move to social engineering don't get us wrong we appreciate you felt you had to do a hard correction for all the raping and sexual abuse you casually ignored oh [ __ ] no that is not happening right now but you've gone so far the other way that you've now become the thing you tried hard not to be that of a progressive racist and sexist Community yet you still fail to see what you've become as you live in your little La bubble filled with yes men women and 75 000 other genders gave me the meat and give it to me at all however are we starting to see a course correction possibly shows and films are not getting sequels and we've even heard of Warner Brothers can in Batgirl that was 95 complete pretty much ready to go out the door cost 90 million and they [ __ ] scrapped it because and I'm paraphrasing we want to protect the DC brand basically saying we don't want this woke piece of [ __ ] destroying what's left of our brand there have been a lot of Rumblings of shows being canceled through various Outlets spoke shows not getting renewed such as the Sandman Resident Evil Batwoman Westworld Cowboy Bebop Picard an umbrella Academy to name a few there's another bad aspect to all of this as well and it's the actors and actresses getting caught in of all this whose reputations are basically being damaged for being associated with these shows some may deserve it for how vocal they like to be others you can appreciate they're probably saying stupid [ __ ] just to keep a favor with Hollywood however long term that could really bite them in the ass that's Clifton Duncan said on the real BBC these actors are just kind of voted for the cultural what's happening right now and he's right personally I don't believe Studios have lost enough money yet to fully course great especially Disney which holds two once amazing IPS that is now slowly destroyed I think the course correct is five to ten years still at the end of the day until that woke rot has been removed from Studios there won't be much change we do get glimpses of Hope though Tom Cruise who is the goat when it comes to an action hero is still producing films with great characters and storylines a man who's now in his 60s drawn his [ __ ] pension if he wanted to is doing stunts that most men and women would [ __ ] their pants attempting he's a man who knows how to and wants to entertain luckily for us he has enough influence it seems to do that I imagine the likes of Quentin Tarantino and one or two other actors and directors could have your influence to do the same and that's great Tom Cruise impressed us and wowed everyone on the Top Gun can you do the same for the next mission impossible let's hope so but what do you guys think can you see a course correction happening sooner later or not at all what films do you think have released post 2017 that were all about story and characters I'll give you one June but hey let me know in the comment section if you like this video please like share and subscribe hit that notification Bell so you can catch up
Channel: Rivers Honest Reviews - RHR
Views: 9,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amazon, Netflix, Disney, Heroes, Hero, Why does Hollywood hate heroes, movie review, @rivers_honest_reviews, hollywood, marvel, ripley, sarah connor, captain marvel, rey skywalker
Id: R-4vnoObDbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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