The soldiers underestimate the mute laborer, not knowing he's a formidable ex-Crusader warrior

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the film begins in 55 ad in capadia where an old man known as St maias is paraded by a group of people who then punish Mias by stoning him when Mias becomes helpless a man picks up a larger Stone and Strikes him on the head until the saint is dead centuries after this event in 129 ad Christianity dominates Europe and the Crusades are underway to reclaim the city of Jerusalem additionally the Normans loyal to King John of England are fighting to conquer Ireland where deep in its remote interior a holiest Relic is kept in a small Monastery switching to a young monk named diarmuid and the mute a man found stranded on the beach and helped by De aroid since he never spoke from the moment he was found diarmuid and the other monks have come to know him as the mute who has now become diarmuid's friend and the monastery's guardian at that moment they are on a hill not far from the monastery when they see three Horsemen approaching diarmuid quickly runs down the hill to the monastery to inform the other monks that Knights have arrived the knights are led by a French cian monk named frer geraldus who meets the Abbot and reveals his mission as an Envoy of Pope Innocent thei in Rome to transport the holy Relic stored at the monastery to Rome hearing this the Abbot agrees because the Relic is said to have the power to destroy unbelievers According to some Legends The Relic can unleash God's wrath upon enemies ensuring victory in the upcoming Crusades not long after they and several monks retrieve a golden chest containing the holy Relic from a pit near the monastery the Abbot then dispatches five monks including diarmuid and the mute to accompany geraldis on his sacred journey to take the Relic to Rome without wasting any time diarmuid the mute and the other monks named Kieran cathl and Rua quickly prepare to load the holy Relic onto a cart before they all begin their sacred journey to Rome led by geraldus as the group travels a considerable distance across the grasslands the sky darkens with clouds until the Hors drawn cart carrying the holy Relic becomes immovable as if the Relic itself is very heavy because of this de aroid and the other monks attempt to push the cart and are suddenly startled by a lightning bolt striking the golden chest holding the holy Relic the resulting Sparks cause a brief Panic among the monks as they rush to extinguish the Flames once the fire is out Kieran tries to touch the golden chest only to find it scorching hot burning his hand simultaneously rain begins to fall forcing the group to continue their journey and seek shelter after a while as night falls geraldis and his group decide to rest and build a campfire they then discuss the tale of the Vikings who tried to steal the holy Relic drawn by its power at that time the Vikings attacked the monastery at night killing the sleeping monks before taking the Relic shortly after the surviving monks ran out of the church and saw an angel carrying the holy Relic at the same time a great storm arose dragging all the Viking ships into the sea when the storm subsided the monks saw three Viking corpses their bodies burned from touching the holy Relic as only those with pure hearts could touch it hearing this story Kieran looks at the burn on his hand questioning the purity of his heart since the Relic did not allow him to touch it the next morning as D aroid wakes up he accidentally sees the mute doing something he has never seen before additionally he also notices a large cross tattoo on the mut's back covered with scars as the sun rises higher geraldus leads the monks to continue their sacred Journey along the way they cross a small River and geraldus feeling thirsty decides to drink from it the monks quickly forbid geraldis from drinking the river water believing it to be inhabited by fairy creatures that emerge at night from the river's crevices many believe the river water contains magical spells harmful to humans however geraldus dismisses the story as mere Superstition after that without hesitation he steps into the river purifies the water with a prayer and then drinks from it afterward geraldis and his group resume their long journey and arrive at a forest where a contingent of Roman Allied soldiers approaches them upon learning about geraldus mission to transport the holy Relic the soldiers led by a King's son named Raymond de merville escort geraldus group to meet his father King Baron de merville on the way to the King's camp the group encounters the carcass of a fox impaled on a tree with the symbol of the UA Mora tribe A Tribe that once prayed to God but turned to worship other objects after their prayers for victory and battle went unanswered simultaneously they spot fish thieves across the river prompting Raymond's men to shoot arrows at the thieves after capturing the fish thief in the Kingdom's territory Raymond's men cut off the thief's hand during this time Raymond and his men recognized the mute who looks familiar from the Crusades shortly after they continue their Journey until they reach the camp and meet Baron known for his loyalty and Devotion to God when meeting geraldus Baron expresses that if he were younger and stronger he would join the sacred journey to Rome curious about the Holy Relic Baron asks geraldus to open the golden chest and let him see The Relic geraldis agrees and when the chest is opened the holy Relic turns out to be the stone used by a man to kill meas thousands of years ago the next day geraldis and his group continue their Journey escorted by Raymond soldiers upon reaching the riverbank they find the bridge they intended to cross burned down by the UA morta tribe because of this Raymond and some of his men decided de to search for the UA morta group responsible for destroying the bridge while geraldis proceeds with the remaining escort as geraldis group travels through the forest which is UA morta territory they are suddenly ambushed by the tribe members one by one Raymond's guards fall to arrows and enemy sword strikes in the midst of the chaos the mute grabbed a sword and started taking down the attacking UA Mort members eventually the mute lost control and brutally killed one of the tribe members by repeated driving an iron shield into his body due to the mut's fierce resistance the surviving UA morta members begin to retreat unfortunately One Tribe member manages to steal the cart containing the golden chest with the Holy Relic after incapacitating Kieran who is left unconscious on the hor drawn cart seeing this de aroid immediately chases the cart but the mute still consumed by rage ambushes de aroid attacking anyone in his path because of this de armaid tries to bring the mute to his senses eventually succeeding in stopping the attack in the aftermath of the Ambush geraldus de aroid the mute and the surviving cathl decide to retrieve the holy Relic and rescue Kieran from the UA Mora tribe geraldus then gives the mut a sword and asks him to help track the stolen cart without wasting time the four of them begin to follow the cart's trail until the mute spots a UA Mora tribe member whom he then kills after travel traving quite a distance geraldis and the others finally find the UA Mora tribe settlement seeing the overwhelming number of enemies they decide to hide and plan to rescue Kieran and retrieve the holy Relic once night falls as night descends diarmuid and the others stealthily move through the darkness towards where Kieran is tied up realizing their presence Kieran urges diarmuid and the others to leave immediately because he had thrown the holy Stone away before being attacked and captured by the UA morta tribe at that moment they hear someone approaching forcing diarmuid and the others to hide again before they can untie Kieran unexpectedly Raymond and his soldiers arrive to meet with the leader of the UA Mora tribe during their conversation it is revealed that Raymond and the tribe have been working together to acquire the item brought by geraldus group it turned out Raymond wants the holy Stone while the UA morta tribe is after the golden chest used to store the stone unfortunately when the goldenest test is examined it is found empty Raymond then interrogates Kieran forcing the monk to reveal the whereabouts of the Holy Stone however Kieran remains silent infuriating Raymond who begins to torture him by stabbing him in the abdomen with a special sharp weapon twisting it before pulling it out causing kieran's intestines to spill out the torture kills Kieran on the Spot while de aroid and the others are horrified by the brutal act committed by Raymond when the situation ation seemed safe diarmuid and the others quickly returned to the site of the UA morta tribes attacked to search for the holy stone that Kieran had thrown earlier using torch light they managed to find the stone so diarmuid quickly took it and they hurried away to avoid Raymond's soldiers who were searching for them to obtain the holy Stone the next day while diarmuid's group was resting cathl began to lose hope about their sacred Journey feeling that he wouldn't survive Raymond's Pursuit at the same time they heard the sound of trumpets from Raymond's troops prompting de armoit and the others to leave immediately as they felt cornered D aroid and the others noticed a thick fog covering the base of a hill and decided to hide within it upon reaching the bottom of the hill de aroid and the others realized they were in a swamp that was impossible to cross they hurried to the other side of the swamp to avoid Raymond's troops who had briefly seen them struggling to locate the monks Raymond provoked him until an enraged geraldis shouted back because of this Raymond's men then pinpointed geraldus location and shot arrows towards his voice fortunately geraldus escaped the arrows and stealthily moved to another location for shelter in their desperation de aroid held the holy Stone and walked into the swamp until they experienced a miracle by encountering two men with a boat on the other side with no other choice geraldis paid the two boatmen to take them away from the area after following the river they finally reached the sea unfortunately because the tide is out they have to wait until Nightfall for the tide to rise so they can continue their Journey unfortunately this plan fails as Raymond's Horsemen arrive at the beach prompting de armid and the others to push their boat into the sea immediately in a panic geraldis asks the mute to hold off Raymond's forces to protect the holy Relic they are carrying geraldis then promises the mute that if he succeeds all his sins from the Crusades will be forgiven by God wanting to ATT for his sins from the Crusades the mute walks alone to the shore to confront Raymond and his men meanwhile geraldus and the others are still trying to push their boat into the sea when Raymond's troops shoot arrows killing one of the fairy men sometime later the mute starts fighting Raymond's soldiers who try to stop him with his combat experience from the Crusades the mute quickly defeats Raymond's men seeing this Raymond steps in to face the mute with his mace the MA's blows overwhelm the mute giving raymon the opportunity to stab him in the abdomen with a sharp weapon at the same time the mute bites Raymond's neck resulting in both of their deaths in the film's final scenes on the boat cathl who had been struck by an arrow dies and falls into the sea simultaneously geraldis declares that the holy Relic they carry will only cause more people like the mute to commit acts of holy violence therefore he decides to drown the holy Stone though he ultimately Falls and sinks to the to the bottom of the sea with it after the accident the surviving Fairman asks diarmuid where they should go but he does not respond moral lesson from the story never trust a silent friend they might just become a heroic Warrior and remember holy rocks can really rock your world in unexpected ways [Music]
Views: 199,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film recap, fox recap, king recap, mystery recap, recap, recap king full movie, recap king anime, movie recap korean, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror, movie recap superpowers, recap king assassin, recap king chef, recap king gangster, recap king korean movie
Id: xN1ExGu_Mk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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