Top 20 Nicest Celebrities

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you are the future and we need kindness so please keep spreading this word welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 nicest celebrities well tonight you're going to be at wwe superstar with me on monday night raw so i want to thank you very much i'm a huge fan you gave him four thousand dollars are you sure to punch him in the head luke i am your father no that's impossible you can't be dad vader how are you man for this list we'll be looking at celebrities who have reputations for being overly kind and gracious to their fans and others this time around we're excluding famous people who have passed away ever met a super nice celebrity we didn't mention let us know in the comments [Music] number 20 adam sandler whether you like his movies or not one thing that can be said about adam sandler is that he's a genuinely nice guy kevin garnett's ring championship ring nba 2008 i knew you'd freak out all right i love you my boy despite his often radical demeanor on screen his real world persona tends to be far more reserved than you would expect he's a very selfless uh player he likes the past it's awesome he's been seen on numerous occasions taking time out to talk to his fans or take photos all while remaining down to earth my heart just dropped i was just like there's no way that was him i spoke to adam sandler and i told him 30 minutes and he left even hollywood superstars like jennifer aniston have spoken about how great a guy sandler is i hear each of you individually talking about the other in such fond terminology yeah very uh she's been like real family in another life given how successful he's become both as a comedian and now a dramatic actor we have to admire how grounded he's remained i wouldn't read my voice mama i don't like confrontations i'm a boy girl number 19 paul rudd he's been the subject of countless memes about how he never seems to age look at us hey look at us look at us huh who would have thought not me and yet with all the attention the guy has received paul rudd is still someone who remains clearly in the nice guy column are we the good guys yeah we're the good guys man yeah we're the good guys in virtually every interview with the ant-man star you see someone who is so down to earth you'd swear he's just like your favorite uncle always polite smiling cracking jokes and putting you at ease he's someone that everyone out there seems to connect with i wanted you to have a good time oh i had a great time are you kidding me it was awesome it was great but i assume they're disasters because just most of the interviews i do it's no wonder he's been able to slide into some of the world's biggest franchises such as friends and the marvel cinematic universe marta kaufman and jennifer aniston and marta kaufman the creator of the show just holding on to each other having this really amazing moment and i would go over and go what a ride right number 18. shaquille o'neal considered one of the best players in basketball history shaquille o'neal or shaq as he's known is more than just a big guy who shoots hoops from video games to wrestling to sports commentary he's a guy who's had his hands in many pies however despite his massive popularity he's remained someone who continues to appreciate his fans and to give something back to the world he's a part of 700 million you know how i made that respecting my peers listen to my mommy and daddy and focus on school whether it's taking time to shoot hoops with some local kids or help out strangers in paying their bills his generosity is as large as his physical stature whenever i leave the house i just try to do a good deed number 17 mark hamill what's that guy's name who was in that movie with all the laser swords that would be mark hamill and let's face it he's awesome despite a long filmography spanning both television and film mark has always been synonymous with his iconic role of luke skywalker this is unbelievable i'm sorry i missed your birthday where some might have been put off from the zealous attention of fans hamel has embraced his legacy and charmed his many followers horse is strong with this one so let me go hello everyone he's always shown love for his fans and has never been afraid to poke fun at himself or the world around him one of the best moments of my life whether it's surprise appearances or on topic tweets he's a jedi we can all get behind number 16. denzel washington he's just walking in come on turn around be in the show in today's modern world of film it's easy to get lost in all of the special effects and over-the-top action found in so much cinema but denzel washington is an actor who has brought a sense of old hollywood grace and dignity to all of his on-screen personas the same can also be said about the man himself she gave me my first library card when i was seven is that right and she yeah right exactly and she remembered me and and she said you'd get the little skinny books i said oh yeah it was me always well-spoken and kind to his fans he's the kind of person that defines the word gentleman i might be doing a movie with you soon man yeah for sure i'll see you at work you might be a bit surprised to see his clever sense of humor that was digital washington yo but that just makes him all the more likeable to the rest of us this denzel is far too nice you saw a training day number 15 dave grohl in the early days of his career dave grohl was merely the drummer for a band called nirvana since then however growl has gone on to become one of the most well-known musicians of the 21st century long time no see how you doing how are you i'm right here i'm back yet it's not just his talent that has made an impression on his fans [Music] [Applause] do i know a lot of metallica songs a quick search on youtube will yield countless videos of growl interacting with his fans both on the streets and even in the middle of his concerts [Applause] he's a grounded guy who loves his mom loves his fans and loves sharing his passion with everyone [Music] number 14 jennifer garner audiences learned who jennifer garner was when we saw her play sydney bristow on abc's alias we quickly found ourselves both enamored and a little bit intimidated by her secret agent persona however it didn't take viewers very long to find out what kind of person garner was off-screen real women who are smart and pretty and happy to be who they are these are the women to look up to a dedicated mom and an always cordial interviewee she's also been described as a domestic goddess no matter what moms stop being fun all the time we just like kind of turn into a drag just being like do you have your socks on it's hard not to love someone who can afford to pay someone else to make their food but does it themselves from scratch i burned these about half the time so i've grown to love the taste of them a little burnt she's genuine to everyone around her and beyond number 13 benedict cumberbatch get down here and fight [Music] much like many others on this list benedict cumberbatch is someone who has a real appreciation for his fans hey how you doing how's it going i'm all right often actors can get caught up in their fame and forget the fact that it's the audience that gave them the notoriety in the first place benedict has been seen on numerous occasions taking breaks from his scenes to chat with fans he even went outside at comic-con to talk to the people who had been waiting in line overnight to come to his panel what so how long have been all day can i go and talk to him and there was lots of sort of furtive looks between the security going on i mean that's we can make it work if you really want to i was like yeah he'll do i do i want to meet the people that make all this possible despite his massive successes he's a celebrity who acknowledges and embraces the fan base that helped get him where he is today if the movie doesn't work out and bombs can i come and work with you guys at least listen we could always use it number 12 kelly clarkson audiences across the world watched her star rise on american idol hello kelly hello how old hello i'm a big fan of you from there she became a musical force to be reckoned with and arguably one of the best things to come out of the talent show impromptu count of three just weird okay okay okay one two three yet somehow throughout her rise in popularity this texas native has remained as steady as the hand of a surgeon she has been cited repeatedly as being one of the nicest people in hollywood and it would really be an honor if you could sign it oh i would be and i will cry right now all you need to do is watch any episode of her talk show to see how genuine of a soul she really is [Music] from fans to colleagues and beyond everyone experiences the same kelly which makes her that much more alluring number 11. tom hiddleston he's not the first marvel actor on this list and he will not be the last fans got their first real taste of tom hiddleston when he appeared as loki in 2011's thor all of us must stand together for the good of asgard since then he's gone on to become one of the most adored actors in the mcu even spawning a hit disney plus show dedicated to the character as conflicted as loki might be there's nothing to be misunderstood about hiddleston's love of his fans and his colleagues for you you've never been on the show he always seems willing to engage with his followers and show appreciation for what they mean to him i am loki [Applause] of asgard his appearance at comic-con cemented his image as that of someone who is willing to go all the way for his fans say my name say my name say my name say my name number 10 chris evans one of the things the mcu has consistently gotten right is casting you just don't know when to give up do you i can do this all day time and time again they've shown their merit by picking the absolute perfect person for their biggest heroes i think the safest thing to do would be scream hail hydra that's the best you got captain america is the embodiment of the so-called good guy some people say i could do this all day some people say i can do this all day i don't know which mine it is no one could be better suited for the man with the shield than chris evans on more than one occasion the actor has shown himself to be as much of a hero as his red white and blue character which one's kenny me this is jamie how are you man i'm chris hi good to meet you he's donated to countless charities visited sick kids in the hospital and has been seen several times on award shows being a perfect gentleman chris evans is possibly even more of a nice guy than his captain america persona i made a fort yeah i want to make a fort everyone out just me indicates we're making a four number nine john cena if one thing can be said about professional wrestlers it's this the mere look of them can be incredibly intimidating you're extremely strong as one of the wwe's top performers john cena is a guy most of us would never want to mess with that is until you see him with his fans [Music] a notable advocate for the make-a-wish foundation cena has been giving back to his fans since the beginning i see you nobody can see me i saw you you saw me yes i saw you coming time and time again we see how much he adores every one of his fans and goes out of his way to be there for them ladies and gentlemen and the champ [Applause] [Music] just go watch some of his fan interactions on youtube and try not to get teary-eyed how about you and your family be my guest tonight at monday night raw oh god is that okay sounds like a deal number eight emma stone one of the surefire ways to spot the more genuine and down-to-earth people from hollywood is how they react to their own heroes it was leonardo dicaprio oh man no you can't beat leonardo jack from titanic watching emma stone completely lose herself when she thinks she's going to meet a spice girl on graham norton is enough to win all of us over it's very rare for more than one spice girl to appear together [Applause] for any reason she's more real than most from tinseltown and endears us even more so by her sheer awkwardness on countless occasions certainly wants to hug not me [Laughter] you gotta choreograph that stuff there's nothing about her that appears phoned in or artificial my little brother's my favorite person that's ever lived of all time i love him so much and [Laughter] she's real with fans real with the press and just real with everyone and that's why she's adored number seven emilia clarke she rode dragons around westeros and game of thrones she fought off the deadly attacks of skynet in terminator genesis nice try yet to see amelia clark off screen you'd be shocked by how much of a sweetheart she really is it's utterly adorable to see how cute and intimidated she is sitting with matt leblanc from friends on the graham norton show did you get to chat with everyone backstage um yeah kind of did you get to talk to him yeah between these little bits and countless interviews with the actress it's easy to see how authentic and true she is people ask me for autographs nine times out of ten i'm writing some kind of a personalized note because i appreciate that throw in how she's handled her health scares with grace and you've got a queen who can kill them with kindness oh look who's here the mother of dragons number six dolly parton when it comes to that warm southern personality there's no real competition to dolly parton are you having fun so far at 75 years old she's still doing shows still talking to fans and is still as delightful as always she's a true rags to riches story but you'd never guess it from the way she treats everyone around her but i am just so proud of my mom and dad they did such a good job raising a house full of youngins i know a lot of you folks can relate to hard times as someone who has recognized the world over you'd swear she was just the nice neighbor down the street forever a southern charmer dolly treats her fans like family is that you dressed like me well you make a better dollar than i do as an artist with more than 40 albums under her belt she's shown that no amount of fame can eclipse a golden heart i'm not god i'm not a judge we're supposed to love each other exactly for who and what we are number five ryan reynolds did you know that if you look up the term meta in the dictionary there's a photo of ryan reynolds there okay maybe not but there should be you wolverine i like it i like it you hit puberty early and hard reynolds has made a career out of self-deprecating humor in doing so he disarms anyone who talks to him meets him or has any interaction with him his willingness to give back is seen more recently with his visits to sick kids in full deadpool garb with all the love he gives to his fans it's even more impressive how he shows the same for his wife and kids you brought your daughter by herself here so you love being a dad i love it it's like it's really kind of made me a better person i think you know i i sort of miss being horrible he's a merc with a mouth on screen but a hero to the hearts of many off-screen you went all the way to the end for hugh jackman he may have played a cigar smoking three-clawed mutant for 17 years but hugh jackman is pretty far removed from wolverine he is yet another entry on this list that shows us a far more serious side in film yet such laughter and kindness in the real world but this man here yes i used to teach you about having him school in london yes that's right how is your education going he's been generous both with his time and money through countless fundraising events for charity love my daughter with all your heart i said yes that you will never go to bed on an angry word i said yes but above all that he's been a man who connects with his fans on many levels whether it be personal appearances or interviews jackman makes it clear he's just another guy you could sit down and have a coffee with the fight cats the best kind of photobomb here number three dwayne the rock johnson quick name five wrestlers that became huge movie stars dwayne johnson is probably one of the only ones on your list did you tell him that he just did a book report on him next week oh yeah wow thank you so much not only has he become such a bankable star in hollywood his real world persona has become just as popular my man my hero since i was like five years old we can't help but laugh at the countless interviews and blooper reels showing off his laughter especially when kevin hart is involved mr duane could you sign my belt he's like oh come on then our hearts just melt when we see him singing as maui with his real life daughter what can i say except you're welcome he's always cordial and happy to meet and greet his fans even when he's just driving his car come one one more it's truly touching to see such a huge star be so real with the people who put him there number two tom hanks are you telling me you're the owner of the bubba gump shrimp corporation yes sir we got more money than david crockett similar to a previous entry on this list tom hanks is another example of an actor who brings a full spectrum of talent to their roles look up nice in the latest edition of webster's dictionary you'll find a new definition tom hanks god no you won't yet as big of a star as he's become he's yet another entry on this list that we can't help but smile at what are you doing are you are you new to show business with all of the lovable characters he's played it's easy to assume he's just as nice in person here's ryan's question and it is for nikki young nikki will you marry me it just so happens that in this case it's the literal truth congratulations nikki fans love him not just for his on-screen characters but for the person behind the camera what's your name ryan brian you're a lucky man before we unveil our number one pick here are some honorable mentions tom holland he's more like peter parker than you'd think hi nice to meet you on spiderman thank you too what's your name i'm william chris pratt this is no andy dwyer in real life we've talked hi chris bright here how you doing oh my god hi amanda i love you i love you too jim carrey nowhere near as maniacal as his signature characters i really respect your work and all the cameras around me so it's really awkward but yeah i know now nothing natural could ever happen let me just say let's just stop me for a moment yes lebron james always available for time with his fans are you all right young lady give her a hug powder on the head and just in case you were wondering what her reaction i'm fine steve buscemi not afraid to poke a bit of fun at himself i'm going to do that yes i'm going to not stop no that's what i should do you know if i'm ever in a meeting and i'm tired you know i could just do that i hear you i hear you before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you'll have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one keanu reeves ignore any memes you may have seen about sad keanu i played a game on ellen show and i won there's a good reason why keanu reeves is number one on this list above all else this canadian actor has always kept both feet planted firmly on the ground he's so kind and humble and collaborative and welcoming i mean everything all the good things you hear about keanu they're true a man without ego he's shown far more appreciation and gratitude to all who come into and surround his life what movie of all the movies you made was the least fun to make oh come on jimmy i can't talk what was the most whether it's giving up his seat on a subway being respectful to his female fans or even sitting down to chat with a homeless person what hasn't this guy done to show his genuine kindness yeah i've loved you since i was seven and with me we can never do it together oh my god we're so good looking we say those sad memes should be changed to glad do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Views: 3,292,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity, Hollywood, best celebrities, best celebs, celebrities everyone loves, celebs, coolest celebrities, down to earth celebrities, down to earth celebs, dwayne johnson, emma stone, keanu reeves, kindest celebrities, list, mojo, most loved celebrities, nicest actors, nicest celebrities, nicest celebrity, nicest celebs, nicest movie stars, nicest musicians, ryan reynolds, tom hanks, top 10, watchmojo, who are the nicest celebrities
Id: pC1VQyjC9vQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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