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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is alan when everyone kenobi reported into the jedi council from his mission to geonosis he had uncovered quite a lot of startling information first the trade federation had commissioned the droid foundries on genos is to create a massive army for them with their new droid army the trey federation along with the commerce guild and corporate alliance all had pledged their loyalty to former jedi master dooku creating a new powerful and armed faction in the galaxy gowandugu had been publicly speaking about secession for quite some time now and was an influential figure in the outer rim on top of that obi-wan kenobi also uncovered that it was viceroy gunright who had commissioned the failed assassination attempt on senator padme amidala the jedi order decided that all of these discoveries warranted a full-on intervention what resulted was perhaps one of the most poorly planned and therefore devastating missions the jedi had ever undertaken out of 215 jedi who joined the strike team to geonosis only 30 were left standing by the end of the battle that's an 86 mortality rate which means you have a better chance of surviving the atomic bomb dropping on hiroshima than a jedi does surviving the battle of petronaki so what really went wrong here why did this happen [Music] after hearing about obi-wan kenobi's intel the jedi sprung quickly into action because that's what they were used to the federal military had been disbanded for almost a thousand years and so whenever anything happened at this scale either the judicials or planetary defense forces or in this case the jedi would have to respond the fact that viceroy knew gun rights assassination attempt had targeted an opposition senator right before a vote for the military declaration act was a direct affront to democracy and the jedi were committed to preserving the republic the appearance of a massive droid army in the collaboration between multiple corporate entities was also very troubling for the republic because of that four mentioned demilitarization there's a lot of tension in the outer rim ever since the republic removed some of the benefits and entitlements granted to corporations operating in the region to make matters worse the charismatic count dooku was now in charge of everything and he was a former jedi and therefore the order felt like they were obligated to handle the situation at the time the jedi still had no idea that dooku had turned to the dark side but the danger was always there for any jedi who left the order lastly the jedi also wanted to rescue ubu and kenobi who proved to be quite resourceful and skilled at intel collection and spying it's also probably the right thing to do but that's never been the jedi order's first priority another thing that obi-wan kenobi had revealed to the jedi order was the existence of a massive clone army that was prepared to fight on behalf of the republic so the jedi order definitely knew of the clone army's existence but they didn't really have any experience on the battlefield leading other men and that would really show in the coming battles whether it was a product of arrogance or inexperience the jedi strike team assembled by mace windu decided to strike petranaki arena and attempted to extract obi-wan kenobi alone without any support from the massive clone army perhaps there was an urgency to rush in there and arrest count dooku and also save obi-wan but at the same time this was kind of the straightforward frontal attack that you would expect from a jedi order that has experienced very little combat and adversity in the last thousand years simply put it was foolish for mace windu not to wait a little longer for clone forces to arrive and reinforce them especially because they knew about the massive droid army that was certainly on the planet as the war went on many jedi began relying on armor now whether it was something as simple as leather or something more protective like plastoid armor the reality was no matter how skilled you were eventually a stray blaster bolt or a piece of shrapnel is gonna hit you so it's always better to have some protection before the battle genoces most jedi went into combat wearing just home-spun cloaks that were designed to hide a fighter's movements while they were dueling the idea was to not be restricted and allow for optimal movements had all of the jedi been wearing armor when they were going into the battle of petranaki arena it's very likely that many of the individuals who died would have just been wounded the other problem was that the jedi grossly overestimated the enemy's strength in petronaki arena they had assumed that they could just rush in and grab obi-wan and arrest dooku and quickly leave their premise i guess the jedi had supreme confidence in the strike team's ability to move very fast and efficiently and get out of there before droid reinforcements arrive this is perhaps why many of the jedi knights and masters that took part in the geonosis strike mission also brought along with them their padawans some of them were not even teenagers yet and definitely not skilled enough for what was about to come it's not surprising that most of the padawan who went to geonosis did not make it back on their way to geonoses the strike team was probably impressed by what they saw 212 of the best jedi and one of the largest strike teams ever assembled by the jedi order in recent history not only was the strike team expecting no resistance from dooku and his guards they expected everyone to surrender at the sheer sight of so many jedi they also thought that they could successfully infiltrate petranaki arena without being spotted which is ludicrous june oceans were famous for their xenophobia and generally didn't tolerate any outsiders not that anyone would want to travel to a planet that is covered by an irradiated wasteland the jedi were crazy to assume that they could just wear their cloaks and somehow sneak into the arena without drawing any suspicion they were the only non-gm oceans in the entire area now prior to the clone wars most jedi would just specialize in one or two lightsaber forms and leave it at that now because very few jedi saw combat outside of their peacekeeping missions and training many jedi were also untested when the war started and just like how the creation of professional mma leagues outed a lot of different martial arts effectiveness in actual combat the clone wars tested many lightsaber combat forms and found many of them ill-suited for the larger battlefield for instance followers of form 2 mikasi might do great in dueling sessions or against one opponent but the lack of blaster deflection abilities which was key during the clone wars made it a pretty weak form to learn form vi at the time was also very popular amongst the jedi because it was a hybrid form that took from all pre-existing lightsaber forms and combined it into one known as the moderation form or diplomatic form it was seen as a less combat oriented form of lightsaber combat and was therefore much easier to master it was also seen as a subpar technique by more experienced blade masters it was usually reserved again for peaceful individuals who were trying to be diplomats in other positions but in the right hands form vi could still be a deadly form of lightsaber comment but it did have one significant weakness like form to makassi it wasn't great against multiple opponents or defending against blaster bolts during the ballot betranagi every user or form 6 lightsaber comet perished this included jedi knights theresa jang sara laboda and joe clad nanva joe claudanva had been one of the premiere duelists in the jedi order and a specialist in tarakasi and also dual wielding blades also known as dark kai his death shocked the jedi order but also proved that not all lightsaber forms were created equally and the crucible that was about genos is not only did the survivors have to be extraordinarily skilled with their saber they also had to have invested enough time in the right lightsaber combat forms and so during the scammers at petronaki arena it quickly became apparent that the best form of lightsaber combat for this type of scenario was form three in the proper hands especially with a double bladed sword a form three practitioner could literally create an impenetrable defensive shell around themselves form three was seen as a pretty boring and basic form of lightsaber combat but it was very useful at defending against multiple opponents especially multiple opponents with blasters obi-wan kenobi luminara unduly and kia de mundi were all very proficient in this form so it's coleman trevor but it was said that he was so skilled in form 3 that he often times let blast around penetrate his defense and plunge to his death form 5 was another form of lightsaber combo that was quite effective on these larger battlefields it basically grew out of form 3 and was considered a more aggressive form that had some more offensive capabilities plug cloon anakin skywalker and nadia sakira all utilize this form of lightsaber combat and survive the battle now the trade federation commissioned mainly low quality battle droids that were just repurposed security guards however count dooku had anticipated that the jedi would attempt to rescue obi-wan kenobi and so he set a careful trap inside of the arena after the jedi engaged the first wave of disposable b1 battle droids he would send in a second and third wave made up of b2 super battle droids and jordicas which were a lot more formidable and difficult to deal with the gene oceans also used large sonic style weapons that could take out multiple combatants when an area effect attack these type of weapons were typically impossible to stop even for the jedi the droids not only completely outnumbered the jedi they were able to envelop the entire group within minutes with multiple crossfires as effective as lightsabers are in the right hands a repeating blaster would have probably been more effective at mowing down such a large mob of enemies so what really happened at petronaki arena was a lack of planning and a bit too much arrogance on the part of the jedi they clearly were not prepared for this engagement at all and count dooku was well guys i hope you enjoyed today's episode don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 1,004,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: generation tech, star wars, Battle of Geonosis, first battle of geonosis, petranaki arena, battle of petranaki arena, skirmish at petranaki arena, geonosis strike team, jedi strike team, why did so many jedi die at geonosis, Jedi were unprepared for the clone wars, clone troopers, separatist alliance, confederacy of independent systems, CIS, Separatist droid army, B1 battle droid, ruusan reformation, were the jedi unprepared for the war, obi wan kenobi, anakin skywalker, mace
Id: QF3AqY-77wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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