Why can’t Jesus’ followers just get along?

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how dare you don't talk to her like that oh and you betrayed that and you spit on it excuse me I am sitting right here coming from you Simon what does that mean I'm not okay arguing about where we're going every day so don't [Music] argue where are we going I don't know any more than you Jesus gave them an errand and said come with I don't get it either they describe moving stones and digging are they leaders now I don't know it didn't sound out much hard than fishing but I have never performed hard labor guess you'll just have to tag along like the rest of us the list of things he might do is long first there's a leper colony to the west and they're begging him to come they're not allowed into the city so they have no way to hear him both Jewish and Samaritan Purity Lords forbid coming within four cubits of a leper what distance do we have to keep from these Samaritans we've been within four cubits of a leopard before Andrew I'm just saying if he breaks the law might cause a stir and for dinner we've been invited to the home of the Town treasure and we have to juggle that invitation with another one to have dinner at the home of the high priest of sikar which could get messy you know why messy Samaritan beliefs are so at odds with Jewish beliefs he might want to trap Jesus in his words don't think he's afraid of being trapped by his words I'm just saying we could be somewhere else with people who actually want to listen to him and not argue if he convinces the rabbi of the Town his message would be preached long after we leave this Village let's leave it to the boss eh what do you think dinner at Treasure or the high priest neither dinner with whom then you know there a lot of people who want to talk to him yes but he wants to make dinner that's the errand I am that's the errand yeah you guys are really enjoying this being in the no huh coming from you Simon what does that mean he told us his plans so Matthew distribute the money accordingly thus buy bread enough for 12 13 people 11 unle R sprouted SP assortment your choice 13 who are the others Little James buy a leg of lamb including the knuckle and the fet in no no two two legs of lamb we only have Andrew grapes currants cherries cherries if you can find them at this rate we will not have enough for at the start of this trip we didn't expect to find a bag of gold did we we're putting it to good use Simon Yes Master Three skins of wine done Matthew black pepper chives salt olive oil this cost will not make it to Judea have faith Matthew in him Mary look for leaks garlic and onions okay what are you guys going to do we are going to get out of the streets why Samar as big as problem too many [Music] Samaritans but where can we find you seek and you will find his riddles it didn't sound like a riddle to me if you look for him we'll find him that's not what I heard oh yeah what did you hear I heard you looked and couldn't find him you guys lost him for practically a whole day Matthew said he goes where he wants when he wants yeah well we need to do better can you believe these guys they diging the m and suddenly they're running the show we just think we need some leadership okay security concerns aside we need a plan no matter what happens today the real question is where will we be after we leave here we'll get to that that's why James and I have outlined a plan for the next month month beginning with a visit to the temple his first appearance there since performing public signs a visit to the scribes at Kuman two days preaching at Ebron hold on he said we were excellent planners I'm pretty sure he said Planters he applauded our execution he sent you to the farm to teach you a lesson and we made an impression let's vote on it sure okay all in favor of John and big james' plan I agree an agenda would be prudent I'm not voting me either why not uh-uh new guy it doesn't matter what I think you should do or what you think all oppos well I'm sorry you feel that way I for one am not okay losing him for long periods of time I'm not okay arguing about where we're going every day so don't argue [Music] what about you what do you mean has it been difficult for you all this time the occupation following Jewish law my life has not been easy oh oh it hasn't what was more painful for you escaping Roman persecution by working for them or escaping your guilt with all the money and now you're catching up on Torah and wanting to follow the law why now all of the sudden why not all the other times you had the chance S no no John I want to know Mary had horrible trauma she didn't choose all that happened to her what's your excuse what do you want me to to say I I don't know what you want from me an apology what Simon's not wrong it could be more delicate about it but you did choose to work for them and you made my life even harder than it already was and you haven't apologized no no don't say it I don't want you to apologize it doesn't matter what would hear him say sorry do I won't forgive it anyway what keeps putting you in Authority who are you to forgive or not to forgive what you're on his side no of course not but you've had your problems too what about apologizing for what you almost did to us with their rans I didn't go through with it I was trying to save my family's life and I love you John but that's not something you have to worry about when Zeb and salame are looking out for you but you put me in a desperate position where I did things I would never have done otherwise and I've repented for them and John and James I am sorry but I didn't go through with it what is your excuse I was a successful businessman and yet I was always behind he wasn't your tax collector quit defending him I want an answer hey you're new do you even know what it's like to be Jewish to suffer for centuries and centuries because of it but to still commit to it to protect our heritage even though it never stops being painful because the one Comfort we have is to know that we're doing it together that we're all suffering together but if if we just wait a little longer if we hold tight just a little more we'll have rescue because we're chosen all of us and you betrayed that and you spit on it I can't forgive it I'll never forgive it all right you said what you needed to say sit down Simon you sit down first good night I'm not sure what it could be clearer than the three words I will be back that's four how can you dispute that maybe it was a hint that we are supposed to be the Fulfillment of those words zealots and your secret handshakes and Cates I am not a zealot anymore just zealous there's a difference you just interpreted plain speech about thrust and peacefulness as code for Insurrection I think he's on to something Rabbi told us how important this sermon is we can't let anything stop it maybe it was a hint you're not going to keep me from another fight are you with these skills we could do it James and John be mindful of what he named you seems perfect for a time like this I think we should do what he said and wait here for him oh yes great advice coming from someone who disappeared for two days how dare you don't talk to her like that oh now he speaks suddenly he has a voice when it's about her you've made mistakes too boys stop it boys you're acting like children Nathaniel is right the words were plain you weren't there so now it's a matter of whose testimony is more credible now look you've upset our rabis IM I only made an observation I made a mistake leaving camp I was wrong I'm sorry I relied on my own observation my own understanding so heavily Jesus said he will be back hey James how was the play of shiron you've been quiet all morning Z and Matthew you too it was fine we preached did the things that Jesus gave us power to do you sound as enthusiastic as a sagy with a tooi he didn't give us power though right he worked through us I just don't think it was a good idea what he just raised more fuss it's going to create headache more clouds more scrutiny what you want to slow him down he's just mad at me he's annoyed because I've gotten close to Thomas and because Jesus once called me beloved I felt that way before we left I don't care about that now tell them what you said to me before tell them tell them yourself you're the one still struggling with it by using us as vessels Jesus gave us power but no understanding I also struggled to understand we healed but we still felt overwhelmed but did he require understanding seemed to be more about what we were doing easy for you to say you and thas were going door to door in Kaa he's known in Kaa they probably invited you into their homes I'll go on harder missions Nathaniel is right he never said anything about understanding this was temporary anyway when I was preaching I I could feel him giving me the words I said things that I don't comprehend or live by by I felt like a fraud I felt the same way but it didn't bother me I felt powerful like I could do anything yes I did too John but isn't that dangerous if that is the feeling we hold on to why because he is the Messiah none of us is the Messiah instead of arguing about it why don't you just ask Jesus about it when he gets back that's a very good idea we can say when that will be soon soon the most imprecise word so some of it was confusing James can you live with that until we get understanding you're the one that brought it up to me understanding or not you're all just hungry I think that's the real problem food is not the solution to this oh yeah you have a better one my wife has practically giving up her home for us I meant no disrespect Eden everyone please thank you I took no disrespect okay I have to sit next to Little James why well I have to find out what happened to Big James out there that turned him into this what are you doing you know John and Thomas he the blind person once I'd love to do it again I can see that you are sharpening weapons but why some of us are worried Matthew things are becoming serious more people have heard I me you were there when he healed the bleeding woman of course I wrote it all down but I did not see what happened in the house I said I'll give you the details later I want you to forget I told you I won't forget crowds were pushing in hobbling woman was able to grab at him Only The Fringe of His Garment James the power went out of him without his consent it looked like he was gut punched he didn't say that it hurt no it just looked like it we had had blades we could have hurt her might have had to well I know someone who did have a blade he just neglected to use it I was distracted you know I don't dwell in crowds so what if he did you can't just stab people who get close to him the irony is iron sharpens IR don't you dare finish that sentence Nathaniel has a point if we had kept the crowd at Bay that poor woman would never have been healed I assessed that he was in no real danger and he just wanted to know who did it yes he praised her faith he called her daughter Philip is that one of iden's knives yeah look I I I don't think all of this paranoia about protecting Jesus is necessary you just asked her for it yes she mentioned it hadn't been sharpened in a long time I understand Simon what with all the time you're spending with your Roman gas puts his sandals on one foot at a time just like you and me gas yes Matthew we're fixing the sistern unless these ingrates like tring to the old well guys is not an evil man oh wonderful now we have two devoted fans of a terrorist yes he has been ruus but he's not like other Roman soldiers associating with him could hurt our reputation with the pilgrims in the tent city do we have a reputation reputation has never really seemed like a priority of his if you all are sharpening weapons should I be too Matthew you have the sharpest weapon of all his [Laughter] wit his mind and your pen you can poke somebody in the eye with it in a pinch I could not do that I'll show you so the good news is we got the ash the bad news is that Town's people now think that the followers of Christ are up to some scheme did I miss something Thomas was back and we were just wondering how it went at the market we bought more than half of the vendor supply of sulfur people are going to think that we're building weapons preparing for war igniting Spears isn't the only use for sulur it can also be used to clean stains from white lens it could be us to makeing sense it could be used to purify a room where a sick person has Le is Jesus back yes he's over at our place speaking to Aba about the Olive Grove we need to speak with him right away wait why Philip what happened to your F were you attacked nearly we have a big problem at the decapolis I thought you were sent to go fix it we need Jesus to intervene on behalf of Gentiles excuse me I am sitting right here you're different there are hundreds of pilgrims here in Capernaum our own people who haven't seen Jesus for weeks living in squalet conditions waiting for one opportunity to hear more of his words the words that captured them on the mount he never promised them more teaching they followed us to Capon of their own accord the Gentiles are curious now this was all for told by the prophet Isaiah do we remember behold my servant whom I have chosen my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon Him and He will Proclaim Justice to the Gentiles and in his name the Gentiles will hope I've been studying the genealogy of Jesus sounds exciting M and there appeared to be many Gentiles in his own ancestry Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho who was married to Salmon who fed Boaz and Boaz married Ruth who was a moabit we could just let Jesus decide for himself exactly that's thank you Mar she's right let's go hey there stallis I'm the creator of the chosen I just want to let you know the show is free all this content is free one thing you could do as a favor for us is like subscribe hit that 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Channel: The Chosen
Views: 109,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: FOPmerHKtBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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