All the Times Jesus Called Disciples in the Chosen

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my brother and the baptizer you are the lamb of god yes i am depart from me i am a sinful man you don't know who i am the things i've done don't be afraid simon i'm sorry we've waited for you for so long we believe but my faith how sorry lift up your head fishermen anything you ask i will do follow me i will rabbi you as well yes you james and john come follow me i'll take the fish into market and settle up simon's death i'll get some help to kill both of these boats are you sure yes go what will you tell ima we've just been called by the man we prayed for our entire lives and you asked me what will i say when you miss summer go now [Music] i don't even know why i'm here it's usually the students that choose the rabbi not the other way around and i'm not even a student neither was i thaddius introduced me to him how did you meet on a construction job in beseda he hasn't exactly been picking the best and brightest students what he works well until recently he's not a professional rabbi yeah but i thought he has no home and no job no permanent home he's a stone mason like you craftsman he thought as well he asked me to follow him he said he was building a kingdom a fortress stronger than stone i believed what were you building in the center uh uh a public amenity an aqueduct no of a something uh humbler what the man it's it's not proper to say in front of a woman i have seen and heard things that would turn your blood to ice a la dream wait ice yes our master building a privy a job is a job i've i was cutting stone for the retaining wall he was building a ramp of cedar planks so the crippled and the elderly could get to it without climbing the steep steps why didn't he heal them so they could mount the steps themselves he's always saying his time has not yet come calling your name the catch of the fish why was it a stand for miracles then and not others because those were private he hasn't shown his signs to to others publicly yet what's keeping him from making his ministry public the wind blows to the south or to the east and you cannot say why [Music] a latrine yeah we better not spread that around fill these jars with water i'm not sure you heard her clearly but we've run out of wine not water these are similar in size to your amphorae the prudent marks yes equally filled all the way to the brim you're a very responsible person aren't you we are in a crisis and i was like to understand you have a solution do you know why jars for purification rights are made of stone what you heard me because the stone is pure less likely to stain or break that can't be made unclean yes fill these jars with water all the way to the brim why you hurt him start drawing water quickly tell anyone you find to stop what they're doing and help from the directions you have provided i see no logical solution to the problem it's going to be like that sometimes thomas what did you say i do not rebuke you it is good to ask questions to seek understanding there's no time for this i know of a man like you in capernaum always counting always measuring that's my job that people will think i have not done well tonight join me and i will show you a new way to count and measure a different way of seeing time go with you where i don't understand keep watching [Applause] matthew [Applause] matthew son of alphaeus [Music] yes follow me me yes you oh what are you doing you want me to join you keep moving street preacher do you have any idea what this guy has done do you even know him yes listen i said what are you doing where do you think you're going guys let me go [Music] have you lost your mind you have money quintus protects you no jew lives as good as you you're gonna throw it all away yes [Music] i don't get it you didn't get it when i chose you either but this is different i'm not a text collector get used to different [Music] i'm glad we passed by our booth today matthew yes shall we we have a celebration to prepare for you will regret this matthew what's the tablet for i grabbed it without thinking you can put it back no no keep it you may yet find use for it where are we going a dinner party i'm not welcome at dinner parties well that's not going to be a problem tonight you're the host shalom shalom i'm glad to see you here i'm philip wait john told you no i remember your face you were standing with andrew the day i was baptized by john ah how is my old cousin i shouldn't call him old or the same age yeah his reputation with rome is down but his spirits are up sounds about right he sends me with a message wants me to tell you something on my behalf that's good because i have something to say to you too it's a very short message only two words mine is also short follow i will so john thinks you're ready yes he spoke with someone shall we john spoke to someone the last time he was in prison someone a pharisee he had been troubled by a miracle he witnessed in the red quarters in capernaum ah yes i know this man you know him yes i might even call him a friend john told me to expect anything to expect nothing but i think he'd be trouble to know that you are friends with a pharisee he'll get over it well then we received the word of what you did in cana that was all john needed to hear he sends his love and you make her offering hardly meager you will be the most experienced of all my followers john is hardly standard procedure even better rabbi well this is a good night you know who stands beside you there this is my friend nathaniel yes the truth teller i'm sorry man is often deceitful and israel began with jacob a bit of a deceiver yes yes but one of the great things about you is you are a true israelite and whom there is no deceit what did you say about me what is this how do you know me i have known you long before philip called you to come and see don't look at him look at me [Music] when you were in your lowest moment and you were alone i did not turn my face from you i saw you under the fig tree [Music] rubber there it is you are the son of god the king of israel i knew it well that didn't take long he doesn't mess around because i said to you i saw you under the victory you believe you are going to see many greater things than that like jacob you are going to see heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man that's me by the way [Laughter] and i got that good i know you like to be clear sorry to interrupt but john just arrived with a message from syria he came back yeah he said people are already gathering to meet you many with afflictions to be healed your fame is spreading the good kind you should rest but have i we should leave early thank you boys so [Music] you wanted to help build something that would cause prayer and songs something to bring souls closer to god yes can you start tomorrow why jesse why my brother out of everyone the man suffered unspeakably for 38 years it's a long time and how else could i get your attention my attention your order trained you to be fearless no no lord but god to the death what i did with your brother it's not the last of the trouble i intend to cause you are messiah honcho yes will do anything you ask i ask you to understand the nature of my mission simon yes how indeed it's not so easy with distracted humans i have trained for years for this i am ready to execute your mission today we'll see show me your weapon impressive but there's something didn't see that coming you have no use for that i have a better sword you'll see we have much to discuss just be patient you've had quite a week without my secret dagger why do you need someone like me i have everything i need but i wanted you why you're not alone in misunderstanding but not to worry i'm preparing something to share with the world for now wanting you by my side will have to be enough no one buys their way into our group because of special skills simon rabbi yes simon after what you did at the pool during a high holy feast day there may be some who might try to stop you even some from my former order especially if they find out you have a different mission and what are you gonna do stop them well i would be more likely to if you hadn't thrown my secret dagger in the red well if that day comes i guess we'll find out you
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 653,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: io0zGNNV5VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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