This Is The TRUTH About Super C Motorhomes - Expectations VS. Reality!

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a true super c you have all of this protection in front of you god forbid something happens in a class a guys there's nothing and the super c is not going to be able to overcome this right and this is one of the reasons that we've decided not to do a super suit are you team class a are you team super c [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone is ian mj from endless rv we are at the 2022 tampa rv show and what we are seeing more and more of are super c's some of our most popular videos are super seas they are unbelievably awesome for good reason but they do have their pros and they do have their cons so in this video we're going to talk about the pros and cons of a super saiyan that's right now number one pro is you know what we say it all the time safety good guys let's go walk and just show you yes you have a truck in front of you again a true super c don't give the air quotes i know i won't give the air quotes again you have all of this protection in front of you god forbid something happens this is what you have in a class a guys there's nothing it's you versus the the truck in front of you that you just slammed let's walk over to a class a right let's show them right so you're on a true commercial chassis on this this superstar this is a freightliner m2106 here you have a essex and like mj said you saw the hood in front on the true commercial truck chassis well look what you have here right uh you make the decision right yep yep i'll and now again we love love our class a but that that's always in the in our minds is this is this safety factor number two which we're going to go into is serviceability okay let's talk about that also yeah so let's go back to flip around let's go back here now i'm sure they're not going to want us to open this up we don't want to knock it off but here let's show you you open this motor right the hood opens it comes up your motor is right there this is a commercial truck that you can go to commercial truck repair centers now this is on a spartan chassis here's your assets again class a diesel pusher classic this is going to go up this is accessible because you have the side mounted radiator of course of course but this is way easier right you get stuck on a trip out on the highway go ahead and pull into any where are you looking to go the shuttle's really loud it's so much easier guys to pull in to where trucks go to get uh repairs done go ahead and see how long it's gonna take for a class a you know suckers like us will be waiting forever number three that's a big one is yeah huge towing capacity so on this newmar superstar you're gonna have a twenty thousand pound towing capacity so we're right here on the dutch star this is 15 000. if you look over at the essex that's going to be a 20 000 pound two but you're gonna pay mucho a lot of more money way more right so that is huge with super season why a lot of people do choose well that the super c is the super c really because the tow capacity and that's what we talked about in some videos you know a super c some super c are towing twelve thousand pounds i don't know how that really qualifies for super c but the true super seas are gonna be 20 30 40 000 pounds some of them which none of these class a's here are going to be towing 40 000 pounds number four pro is going to be holding tank sizes yeah so most super seas are going to have standard 150 gallons of fresh water now the gray and black may change a little bit now if you're looking over here on this dutch star it does not have 150 gallons i believe it's 105. i could be wrong people jump down my throw about this i'll take the 150. no that i think that's 105. the no i'm paid i'll take the 150 on the on the super the s6 will certainly have maybe they may be 105 also but put in the comments below if you know that big advantage regarding the the holding tanks for the fresh especially will go to the super c all right and then the number five pro is going to be carrying capacity as well which i always like yeah stuff excuse me now this one is uh depending on what kind of class a you get if you get a gasser of course it's gonna be issue some of these bigger diesels they have a pretty good carrying capacity seven thousand pounds or so maybe even more so even though most of the time the super c is gonna have a little bit of advantage the real super c that kind of it that's that's really close to each other there so let's get into the cons and the first one is a big one this is a real big one and the super c is not going to be able to overcome this right and this is one of the reasons that we've decided not to do a super c at least at this point in our life and that's going to be less storage specifically exterior storage rice your outer bays this is a 40-foot uh super seat behind us if you want to pull bay number one go ahead well we'll do bay number two here look at the storage in bay number two you're not getting that pass-through storage that you're getting on the on the classic now let me show you what what their definition of pass-through storage is so this is kind of a pass-through storage for a super scene a lot of super seeds don't have this you can see you have somewhat listen you have this big bean going across so that is a little bit of an issue versus if we come over here is it that star 43 footer but this is gonna be dissimilar for really every uh diesel push on a raised rail chassis look at the difference here right you have one there and then we'll show one more bay large storage you're getting try to pull out trays yeah you have so much so much room and why is the reason because of that because you don't have the mechanics going from the front engine to the rear everything is right here so therefore you're going to get much more storage so number two is going to be the noise factor and a lot of people ask us this too when we put up super c videos or we've test driven and is it much louder now when we test drove the renegade verona it was not as loud as we thought it was going to be you could definitely hear it yes but we were having a conversation it wasn't an issue yeah full now you might be asking yourself why well why is that well look here is the engine right on your super c here is where you're going to sit versus here is the engine on a diesel pusher and where are you going to sit is 43 feet up that way so certainly going to be much more quiet in the diesel pusher right but again some people don't care about that you know that safety factor and everything else it just doesn't matter so it's totally again personal preference all right number three is going to be less living space now this is probably one of the biggest reasons we have decided to not go with a super c right now although this newmar superstar that we're on this is a bigger one this is nice beside unless you're looking at the cab up front if you're looking down you don't realize you're on it on a super c at all but newmar is the only one that has this uh full wall slide therefore it's giving you a lot of space right but let's walk it to the back and then we're going to compare it to like a country store so look look at the width right you still have all this width beautiful but look at the bathroom show them the bathroom really quick and you're getting one bathroom right on a on a coach this size this is a what a four it's 40 feet 140 feet many times you're getting that one and a half bath so you're giving up space for that versus a 40-foot country star now the lights are not on here but it's all right we can figure it out yeah yeah this is nice and wide but guys you're getting that extra bathroom you have the full bath in the back this is water too right it feels like it's wider yes it does so you have the one and a half baths right this is bigger right nice and warm way bigger we always like the country store yeah we it wouldn't be our first choice i'd probably have been tonight yeah but no but it's nice and then so here's that that extra you have your your master bath back here so the living space definitely less in a super c next con is going to be the fuel tank capacity most of these super seas 105 gallons maybe 120 or so 105 is usually 100 105 as far as diesel fuel versus something like this this is probably going to be 100 150 up to 200 gallons on the king air certainly going to hold more diesel fuel in the class a finally this is the one where the nasty gram comments are gonna come out know it so for you glampers out there you class a people you we're classy we are we are included in there the number five rv resorts nice really nice rv resorts you know we purchased an rv lot we'll link that video up above and they do not allow super c motor homes in this resort now some do they're definitely different from one to another so you if this is important to you it's definitely something you have to check out does that mean we'll never get a super c no no yeah and some of these some of them are changing that a lot of that has to do with zoning it's not really like the resort cares but the zoning of the county that in order for them to put an rv resort it's got to be class a so i guess maybe it's associated with i don't know i don't know what it is but a lot of higher end resorts are going to be class a only i keep saying gonna going to be class a only all right now we're going to throw out there some things that are very questionable you have people going on both sides fighting about this what's the first thing right well before that we want you to put in the comments below guys what side of the road are you on for these so the first one is drivability driving experience and that kind of thing just in terms of maneuvering this thing so we have driven renegade super c we have driven newmar essex similar dutch star our own i we like the way the super c drives better it's just feels stable on the road i felt like i was driving your truck your ram i really did it's it's comfortable no lean good acceleration like you have full control of that vehicle good braking you're a guy but that's not to say that the essex drove bad that drove nice also but we both said the same thing wow we really like how the super c drops so number two questionable is the size of the windshield some people love the large class a windshield right you're driving down the road you're seeing the beautiful country through this windshield some people don't care they like the smaller truck style windshield so again it's really personal preference i really kind of i'm leaning towards the class a windshield i just like that big view yeah i like the class a windshield also versus something like this what i will say because has already happened to us is that the class a windshield seems to break more because it's just a big magnet for rocks and it is damn expensive to change ours was 4 000 plus dollars thank god we had insurance for it i don't think this is going to be four thousand dollars and also again you're gonna have that protection up front so right you can't have that big windshield all right number three is gonna be a smaller cockpit so now again you're in this truck chassis so it's yeah get in there it's a truck cockpit what does it look like all right so actually this is pretty pretty high up oh god all right there we go okay oh so comfortable though so yeah so here you are there's not again you don't have a huge windshield you don't have tons of room you don't have the fancy tables and this and that it's basic it is what it is versus you feel like you're hanging here like these these are true captain's chairs look what you have here massage let's see we have pulse wave heat i mean you can ride you're you're just cruising down the road on this and it's riding really nice you have phone charger here all your controls big screens it's beautiful so i'm going to say comfort wise like driving class a i'm right there with you all right the next thing number four right is going to be the availability although super c's are becoming more popular there's still way more models of class a's now just for example we are at the north trail rv uh set up here at the tampa show i'm gonna do a quick spin all right here's the one superstar and uh look they don't even have a supreme air here no no and they could be because of their popularity but look it's all it's all classy class same thing you go to the tiffin they have their one they're new right super c all classic and season now they do have a renegade display here also and they have right but still there's way more class a's just in the show way more class a's than there are super c's and the last debatable questionable is build quality so at different price points you're going to have different types of build quality right yeah that's certainly you know if you're paying entry level you you're going to suffer on build quality if you're buying new of course you're going to going to if you're buying new if you're going to buy used could be different but we're not going to put an opinion on this put it in the comments below what do you think about build quality so we hope that cleared up some questions we get that question a lot you know should i get a c and a it's really going to be personal choice in the comments below let us know are you team class a are you team super c and then you guys can start fighting in there amongst yourselves or are you like us and you love them both equally yeah put it in the comments below for myself and mj we thank you guys for watching and we'll see you on the road [Music]
Channel: Endless RVing
Views: 97,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: endless rving, super c motorhome, super c, super c rv, diesel pusher motorhome, motorhome, should you buy a super c motorhome, super c vs class a motorhome, super c rv living
Id: yEcwZ-x7Apw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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