Why BoJack Horseman is the Best Thing That Ever Happened (Full Series Retrospective)

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hey Gamers welcome to the yummo cut of the BoJack Horseman retrospective I did with space tree Studios basically we took all six analysis videos we did on the six seasons of BoJack Horseman over the past two years and put them all into a single video but that's not all this super cut also includes two or three brand new things we talk about the Christmas special the various intros over the course of the series and some other stuff I think I I forget actually why is it called the yamo cut you may ask oh you'll see It'll be like a couple hours into the video but you'll see don't worry with all that said please enjoy the finally complete analysis on why BoJack Horseman is the best thing that ever happens BoJack Horseman is the best thing that ever happens oh okay okay for real though why why is this show about a talking alcoholic horse commonly considered to be the most well-written emotionally powerful TV show ever by a large number of people how is this even possible well I've wanted to talk about this for quite a while now but truth be told this video was easily the most daunting project ever in my mind I mean the show ended in January and I'm only now making a video about it in current month clearly I didn't know what to do where was I supposed to begin when dissecting a piece of media this masterful I had no clue so I called William hey William help me I don't know I don't ever at any time yeah I noticed but how many cover for you see William of the YouTube channel space tree Studios was into this show way before I was I jumped on the bandwagon shortly after season three premiered and I didn't exactly love it at first my thought process was BoJack Horseman is probably the best show I've ever seen but it's not my favorite not by a long shot my position has since changed but I think it's notable that back then I really couldn't stomach some of the uglier sides of these characters the raw palpable far too real actions of these messed up people the warts and all but we'll get into all that later always later for right now William and I are going to take you on a retrospective Journey throughout all six seasons of BoJack Horseman and by retrospect we mean retro thank you and good night wow William that's so funny amazing I don't regret this at all anyway explain how this works this will be broken up into three supper videos okay scratch that it was gonna be free videos but not edited season one and that alone was 25 minutes so now it's just gonna be one video per season we went from making this two videos to making this free videos to six yeah so with that said let's take it back to where it all began season the first [Music] season one at least the first half of it is the most familiar to what an adult anime has shown 2014 was expected to be like this isn't a mistake in the commentary track for season one's DVD set Raphael Bob walks work said that before they knew they were going the Netflix route that they made episode 2 as sort of a second pilot episode where episode 1 was starting a storyline episode 2 was meant to be just an episode like you'd see how Family Guy in case the show air on TBS or something as a result the first half of season 1 is generally considered to be the low point of the entire series by most fans and this was reflected in the critical reception of the Season as well season one was the one that was received the worst by critics this is due to many outlets only being screened the first six episodes of the series in the commentary wasps were even noted how some critics left comments essentially saying you know for a comedy this show seems kind of dark like you're right there guys you're right there we were on the verse of greatness we were this close after the whole debacle Rotten Tomatoes had to change the rules for Netflix shows saying that reviewers had watched the entire season to review it which I mean duh imagine playing only 45 of a game and giving a 4 out of 10 to IGN hey wait a minute to be fair if you're going strictly by the first six episodes of this season I can understand right enough is nothing special the first half of the Season mainly serves to introduce us to these characters and get us familiar with their personalities and interactions it's not a good idea to jump into heavy themes right away it's important to Pace your show and get the audience hooked on the characters first and I think they do a really good job at laying down the groundwork for not only how these characters operate but how this world operates a world filled with talking animals that act the exact same way as humans is kind of a risky Prospect it could come across as an alienating concept to some people like at the end of the first episode we find out that Diane a human lady is in a sexual relationship with a yellow Labrador named Mr Peanut Butter his first name is literally mister I know that's not the part of this I should be concerned about but still this is Bonkers I mean look at all these weird ass names Glennie Turtle Tom Mr Peanut Butter princess Carolyn Hank hippopopolis Doctor Who yes but over the course of the Season you start to forget that these are talking animals because they simply act how people would act sure there's a plethora of jokes about the animals exhibiting characteristics of the animal they're based on but for the most part it just kind of gets sucked into this world and start to see every character as just being a person kinda like how you would see a space alien like Gamora in a relationship with human boy star munch I mean this is just a person in green makeup so it's easy to suspend disbelief this way and that's how the animals in this universe operate they're just regular people besides I've seen weird repairings so how exactly are our main casts introduced bojack's intro establishes much of what you need to know about him it opens with a clip of an episode from horsing around a full house styled sitcom from back in the 90s before showing him on an interview in present day you already know two key facts about him he's a Hollywood celebrity and he's a washed up drunk also he is hoarse and horses stubborn after that we get the theme song which is not only catchy as hell but really makes you feel like this Horseman is dead inside going through the motions of life and trying to deal with all this [ __ ] around him every day the theme song in a way is its own character since over the course of the series it changes depending on what characters are currently in or out of bojack's life but we'll get to all that later for now William tell everyone about our favorite lovable sidekick who wears red and probably reproduces asexually toad well James Taurus first introduced as a wisecracking serial band in a bojack's house a rule that he totally fulfills for the entirety of the city okay enough of that Todd's introduction is an outlier in the first three seasons Todd's role is that of the comedy relief so he's mainly here just to play as a comedic photo Bojack Intel jokes however as we'll get into later once another character fills that role Todd undergoes a shift as the show progresses so his intro isn't as key as others when looking into these characters Bojack and Todd are basically just comedic foils to each other no more no less but I think that's a valuable role for this character to play having someone more innocent and optimistic around to balance out Bojack cynicism is a really nice touch shortly afterwards we get introduced to princess Carolyn and her pretty fun dual role as bojack's agent and his ex-girlfriend she's established very well and oh never mind that we don't have time to talk about her because who's that dog now I find Mr Peanut Butter's introducing I meant to say introduction introduction in the script but I I put introducing that it's fine so Mr Peanut Butter is introducing to the series is pretty interesting because it's a bit of a misdirect his intentions when he talks to Bojack aren't exactly clear at first I thought he was supposed to be the smarmy douche rival who subtly rubs his own success in bojack's face from time to time and I was not about that no sorry oh my God but as the season goes on it becomes apparent that he's actually a more good-hearted and innocent character than he initially seems I'm not sure if that was intentional but it was a solid subversion and I ended up really liking him as the series progressed out of the main five he might actually be my favorite as for the final character of the main five let me explain how we get to her bojack's gotta write a book about his life and he insists that he could do it himself without a ghost writer's health foreign that doesn't work out he finally gives in to getting a ghost writer and Todd tries to cheer him up with a party a party that also happens to be a quinceanera for the daughter of a crime Lord this subplot is only here because Aaron Paul Breaking Bad reference true but it's also the beginning of the many Todd shenanigans that give this show a comedic Edge it's fun to see how the Mischief Todd gets himself into intersects with the slightly more grounded story lines of the other characters so at the party Bojack is finally introduced to Diane guinn Diane's introduction is minimal a contrast to her actual role in the show itself she established as a Ghost Rider to help bojack's book get off the ground she also wrote a book on Secretariat who had a huge influence on Bojack giving both of them a connection right off the bat Bojack and Diane are the heart of the show and their working relationship is only one small part of it right off the bat you can tell there's an interesting connection there until a wrench is thrown into the works turns out Diane is dating that Mr Peanut Butter guy from earlier doggy doggy what now and then Bojack bomb it's cotton candy I hope that didn't land on someone's house so that's the first episode and the way we meet these characters we're gonna spend the next six seasons with it's a solid introduction comedically and it's somewhat intriguing episode 2 however is what really sucked me in because of its outlandish premise and great jokes I was pretty on board and then episode three happened no who wants chocolate chip pancakes I don't I'm on a diet prickly muffin is an episode that is important for context in future episodes but on its own it's kinda weak it establishes Sarah Lynn the little girl from horsing around a show from back in the 90s grew up to become a Kesha type pop singer and hit a downward spiral and ends up living with Bojack for a little bit this sets up the relationship between the two it highlights bojack's inner desire for her family Bojack is reliving his time on horse run by acting as her surrogate father once again he also sleeps with her highlighting that he is horny the action on its own is kind of sketch but in later context it becomes a whole lot worse cyrilin is also shown to be falling bojack's Footsteps in a way through her abuse of drug alcohol but that's most of what this episode does it sets up events and pieces for later episodes to build on on its own it's got some funny stuff here and there but isn't very noteworthy though props to the team for burning the Ottoman and keeping it burnt for the rest of season I remember how that was a huge deal back in 2014. continuity guys whoa never heard about that before so yeah important episode just not when I ever want to re-watch ever because it's gross and uncomfortable episode 5 on the other hand is uncomfortable and not necessary to watch I guess it's significant to establish that Diane had a horrible Family Life similar to Bojack but honestly just by hearing me say that you know everything you need to know for future episodes this one honestly feels like time wasted with a bunch of awful [ __ ] and it's my personal pick for the worst episode in the entire series but I guess it's important to see how Todd ends up in jail in the next episode so maybe you should watch it I don't know however episodes 4 and 6 despite might be mostly comedic and sitcomy and overall pretty good hinted something a little more serious to come Bojack does stuff that seems pretty heartless such as sabotaging Todd's rock opera by hiring character actress Margo Martindale to get him to notice a video game that destroys his life and sends him into a downward spiral so stay on bojack's couch forever since Bojack gets terrified of being alone no I won't elaborate on any of that and bojack's potential romantic interest in Diane leads to some significant conflicts with Mr Peanut Butter culminating in him drunkenly stealing the D from the Hollywood sign and Mr Peanut Bob are taking credit for this stealing as a sign of his love for Diane It's Bonkers stuff but you want to know the best part that D never gets replaced and from this point onward Hollywood is no more everyone in the show refers to it as Holly Woo from now on a change that has wholeheartedly accepted and is never questioned by anyone ever I love this both has a funny joke and an example of the extreme attention to detail and continuity present within this show so these are the first six episodes a mostly comedic yet slightly dramatic satire of Hollywood and the people who live there I think it's decent overall in spite of a few Bad episodes and I was intrigued to see where it went next and I had no idea what I was in for [Music] episode 7 is a pretty big shift in relation to what we just saw in the first half in the previous episode Bojack gets a call from his old friend herb kazaz and is off to Malibu for the duration of the episode as such this episode focuses mainly on princess Carolyn and highlights her struggles her Essence with her co-workers her boss how she has to constantly fight two finale to succeed in this business this episode even ends with a bit of a gut punch she is now 40 years old and is still just an agent with no real family to call her own in a show called BoJack Horseman the writers know that Bojack is not the only character and makes sure to give most everyone proper development but of course nothing compares to the Paradigm Shift of episode 8 the telescope here we get some backstory surrounding how Bojack became a star in the first place how his best friend herb led him to huge success by creating horsing around and how Bojack concerned over his own career stayed silent while herb was ousted by the network over being gay now herb has cancer and Bojack realizes that this is his last chance to make things right apologize for what he did and get closure this is the most important thing for Bojack right now he needs closure and to be told that what he did wasn't wrong because he didn't have a choice to which herb replies okay I don't forgive you herb I said I'm sorry yeah and I do not forgive you and herb is completely in the right he doesn't have to forgive Bojack for anything does it suck for Bojack yeah but herb is in his rights to do so and of course Bojack being Bojack has to push and push and push and effectively ruins that relationship completely a relationship that we see more of as the series goes on and you eventually realize looking back just how crushing that really is there's so much finality present when herb says now get the [ __ ] out of my house and it kicks off a recurring Trend the f word is only used once per season during a pivotal moment where Bojack ruins a crucial relationship in his life this restraint makes each of these moments hit particularly hard but the sad thing is it's warranted every single time the telescope is the most indicative of what the series was truly meant to become it signifies that this is not a show designed to make you feel good or give you closure it's designed to show you how messy and awful real life can be sometimes how relationships can be destroyed and never recover it's hard to watch but also necessary and most shows wouldn't end an episode on such a Melancholy note let alone most animated shows about talking horses but this show clearly strives to be something different the next episode revolving around bojack's attempts to break up Diane and Mr Peanut Butter follows a similar trajectory from the beginning it's just assumed that Bojack will romantically get with Diane over Mr Peanut Butter because that's just how story structure works Bojack and Diane have to get together it just makes sense and the episode does end with Diana Mr Peanut Butter no longer dating instead they're married whoops this to me solidified the idea that the show wouldn't have any easy answers life doesn't go the way you want it to most of the time and you have to accept that like sometimes you want to sabotage a wedding but then life says oh [ __ ] forget about oh and there's the paparazzi bird subplot that they use as another smaller way to demonstrate how things don't always go the way you expect they build up these two Paparazzi Birds trying to Blackmail Bojack for a few episodes of the season and then during the one episode where Vanessa Gekko is his Asian she quickly sweeps them under the rug by fret of litigation what if you wanted to Blackmail a celebrity and God said or sometimes you want to use care tractors Margo Martindale or break up a couple but that just brings the couple closer together and Margaret morndale gets arrested Margo Martindale more like Margo Martin jail I guess now's as good a time as ever to say that character actress Margo Martindale is my favorite character in the entire show this inexplicably bloodthirsty Diva based on the real non-blood thirsty actress of the same name is an absolute Delight every time she appears on screen in general this show is filled to the brim with amazing Side characters and there's plenty of great ones in season one alone Lenny turtletop is always hilarious pinky penguin is pitifully poor plus perfectly Plucky and who could forget Neil McBeal the Navy SEAL I sure can he's only in one episode and a camera you're at the very end shut up but I do have one steamy hot take for all y'all and you're not gonna want to hear this but here it is anyway I did not care for Vincent's adult man what did not care for him how could you not care for him what's wrong with him I mean he okay he he was funny for one episode and they they just sort of stopped it there they they ran him into the I mean he he just he insists upon himself how does he insist upon himself he's free toddlers in the trench because they don't even know what insist means that that's the only that's the only joke with him and they they just keep they keep driving that in and they they just he has more jokes he has rake hands yeah but they just they they didn't know what else to do with him they just Bojack has the same thing it's three toddlers in a trench coat and they they just I I can't even watch the episode season I haven't even finished them like how have you not finished them how are we making this a video if you haven't even finished the series you know what I I just every time I get to the episode that where they're dating and he he's like the the episode where he's in Princess Carolyn's apartment I I just I I I just can't would you like it more if he was just free bojacks in a trench coat all right look look he he was fine in the one cameo in season three he was fine for one episode it was funny and then it stopped being funny in the second episode that was enough okay yeah well you know what's not funny what improv that goes on too long let's get back to the script all right anyway moving on to the penultimate episode of the season episode 11 Downer ending another unspoken Trend with the series is that every second to last episode of each season has some major [ __ ] go down so I'm intensely dramatic Paradigm shifting flat out insane [ __ ] it's probably no coincidence that these second to last episodes are some of the most acclaimed in the entire show anyway even though season 6 has 16 episodes and thus all the [ __ ] goes down and it's episode 15. I'm still gonna call this the law of episode 11 because I just like that better now this season's episode 11 isn't as climactic or importance as the later ones but like the title implies it has an absolutely gut-wrenching ending and you wouldn't expect it since it's pretty Bonkers at first all this dark serious drama is juxtaposed against an utterly ridiculous drug trip of Bojack Todd and Sarah Lynn it's also the first episode to get experimental in its animation with some different styles being used like this peanuts parody it's also one of the only episodes of Gore the show doesn't really get violent with its comedy like other animated sitcoms but here it works given the context as the episode goes on however the trip slows down and we are shown bojack's deepest desires a Life by a lake with Charlotte a daughter and a nice simple life but after we get emotionally invested in this life Bojack could have had the drugs wear off and he's left lying alone utterly entirely alone so he goes to a Ghostwriter meet Diane is appearing at and he asks her one crucial question am I a good person he needs Diane to tell him that in spite of everything in spite of how messed up he is and how much of his life he regrets he needs to hear from Diane that he is a good person and she can't say it it's a scene that hits entirely hard because of how well it's subtly built up there is no reason for Diane to tell Bojack what he wants to hear there are no easy answers he's done so much horrible [ __ ] and she just can't tell him that everything he's done is okay because it's not it's a downer ending all right probably the most heartbreaking moment in the entire show so far hey aren't you the horse from horsing around the final episode of the Season brightens things back up another recurring trend for each season of the show many plot points for next season are set up like Bojack getting a chance to star in his dream movie Secretariat and Diane getting a call from The Dashing Sebastian Saint Claire who wants her to accompany him to war-torn cordovia and write about his exploits oh also that book they were working on finally came out after Diane leaked at two episodes prior and it's a major hit winning Bojack a Golden Globe beating Out Boy hurting Grand Budapest Hotel for best picture no I will not elaborate on that towards the end of episode 12 Bojack and Diane are seen on the roof of her house and their exchange is a pretty good summation of Diane's character and the mission statement of the show itself Bojack asks Diane if she thinks he could at least be good deep down to which Diane replies that's the thing I don't think I believe in deep down I kind of think all you are is just the things that you do people are complicated everyone has the capacity to change and better themselves but you have to actually work and make that change just because you want to be good doesn't automatically make you good this is the driving force for the show from this point forward it's not just who you are inside it's who you actually are in your actions that matter the episode ends with a nice Montage of all the characters who've been introduced to over the course of the Season living their lives getting us intrigued as to what's next for them and that is season one of BoJack Horseman overall a pretty good start the first half wasn't amazing but once we got introduced to the cast and saw how they interacted with each other the season revealed its true form and became a dramatic tour de force while still keeping its excellent sense of humor as a whole it's probably the weakest season in the entire show but considering how good it ended up being by the end I think that goes to show just how phenomenal this show would go on to be season one is probably the most Standalone season what I mean by that is that while it's Safeway is nicely into season two by the time you get to season three and so on looking back season one is almost a completely different show tonally in a way I feel like some of the events that happen here aren't so much setting up future events as it is future Seasons retroactively making it more important especially season six but we'll get there when we get there that's not to say everything is like this as they were definitely building towards certain goals but season one in general feels less important for lack of better words but from this point on the bar is raised to incredible highs because after this we got season two which is arguably the best season of the show's run all right first of the bonus content for the super cut and it's the BoJack Horseman Christmas special Sabrina's Christmas wish this is a special episode released in between season one and two and it's a whole episode of horsing around with some random commentary between Bojack and top throughout this episode doesn't really matter too much in terms of the show's overall plot and if it wasn't for all the cans of guten bourbon everywhere it could feasibly take place anytime during or before season one the scenes between Bojack and Todd also aren't all that important They Don't Really develop the characters here it's just meant to be a fun Standalone special and the actual special here is pretty fun if nothing else it's close to an actual episode of horsing around was like intro and all they also go all in with it being an actual sitcom 2 with a live studio audience and the characters behaving like actors on a set a good example of this is the scene where Ethan says his iconic yowza wowza Bowser yeah he strikes a pose and stays in it for just just a little too long while Bojack walks back to the table just like an actual human would nice detail there's a part where Bojack mugs to the camera before the in-universe commercial would play and they just play the same sitcom jingle three times in a row because the scene's going on too long there's just some really nice fun details here my favorite aspect about this episode is how endearingly cheesy the horse and around content is the episode Revels in classic sitcom cliches and I just find that absolutely delightful they literally do a he's right behind me isn't he joke in this and the best part is that they actually add a layer to it since the horse's boss isn't right behind him he is on the intercom wow what a subversive Masterpiece they also really play out that one gag where a person says they're not gonna do something but that actually does the thing the more flagrantly the horse insists that he's not gonna do it the funnier it gets when he actually does and the icing on the cake is a guy in the audience shouting he's doing the thing he said he wasn't gonna do be people really ate these kind of jokes up back in the 90s huh well it may not be the 90s anymore but I'm still here to eat these jokes up don't worry in general this one audience member who keeps shouting how much he loves the classic sakami elements of the episode is the best character until later when he gets a little excited by the horse's boss being anti-semitic which yeah this episode also addresses how unpolitically correct and rather conservative things were in the 90s I'd say your odds are about as good as a Democrat being elected president there's some other details I liked like how herb does the voice for the horse's boss in the show or how the horse mentions the idea of chaperoning Olivia's dance oh keep in mind that this came out before season two so oh that's not fun foreshadowing okay so what's the actual plot well as you can guess by the name Sabrina's Christmas wish is a very special episode focusing on Sabrina Sarah Lynn's character the orphans never had a Christmas before back of the orphanage so Belgium has to educate Sabrina on what The Season's all about Santa Claus however if things take an unexpected turn when it's revealed that the president Sabrina wants more than anything is her parents to come back oof obviously they can't bring her parents back to life but if her first Christmas is a disaster she might never get the Christmas spirit ever again so now horse Ethan and Olivia have to save the holiday for her simple plot with a traditional cheesy succumb ending that simultancy says that Santa isn't real but also yes he is it's fine the writers are having themselves a white Christmas if you know what I mean and yeah that's about all there is to it nothing groundbreaking for a situational comedy but a fun time and it all feels very authentic like this is exactly the kind of Pilates sitcom would have back in the 90s and maybe still today I don't know I've only seen like one episode of The Goldbergs ever guess which one parents who needs them I never knew any of my fathers and I turned out just fine though I do have one nitpick horse around was a show on cable back in the late 80s in throughout the 90s this means anyone watching would have a good old-fashioned CRT which means Horse Around wouldn't be in HD 16x9 it would be in SD 4x3 walks work you hack okay I know why they didn't go that extra mile having the aspect ratio flip between full screen and widescreen the entire time would be really annoying but I'm gonna complain anyway because it's funny on dancer on Prancer on Necromancer so yeah that's the BoJack Horseman Christmas special overall a nice fun time there just isn't a whole lot to say about it aren't you glad you're re-watching all six analysis videos just for this anyway on to season two and stuff hey gang this is part two of a six-part BoJack Horseman retrospective I'm doing with William AKA space tree Studios we did part one a few months back so check that out if you haven't already we wrote and recorded part two at the same time as part one since they were originally intended to be part of the same video and the reason this part took so long to come out was because William insisted on being the sole editor for this entire retrospective and I agreed that wasn't either of our best ideas so I brought in my boy goop videos to speed the process along and he finished editing more than half the video in like two days be sure to thank him because he's the reason the video is out right now but also thank me because I hired him but also thank William because he conceived this idea of this retrospective in the first place anyway with all that said let's talk season two [Music] season two is an exceptional leaping quality in almost every way the characters are more compelling the jokes are more hilarious the story lines are more cohesive everything is stepped up to the next level and while the telescope and Downer ending were great indications of things to come this season is in my opinion where the show as we know it today really gets going the first episode offers a pretty heartbreaking perspective of bojack's relationship with his mother we didn't mention it but the first season offered brief flashbacks to bojack's messed up childhood and his awful parents clearly they played a role in shaping him into the broken person he ended up becoming but with this episode we get a more thorough look as to why that is Bojack can't perform a sad line in his movie properly no matter how hard he tries to act and his mother calling him to tell him that he was born broken is what gets him sad enough to deliver the line properly after spending the whole episode adapting to a new more positive outlook on life one conversation with his emotionally abusive mother is enough to send him spiraling back down to where he was at before it's heartbreakingly realistic there's even a great subtle callback to the very first episode that shows how Bojack has internalized his mother's lack of support for his show well it wasn't Ibsen that's not IBS and sure bojack's relationship with his parents is an essential component of the show and it being intertwined with secretary is no coincidence it's actually kind of weird how the two literally Collide sometimes at the end of season 1 we see the interviews secretary did with Dick Cavett where secretary reads a letter Bojack himself sent his advice to Bojack was Bojack when you get sad you run straight ahead and and you keep running forward no matter what don't you stop running and don't you ever look behind you there's nothing for you behind you all that exists is what's ahead however in season 2 when we are reintroducing Bojack we see the same moment from his kids self's point of view bojack's parents were arguing incredibly loudly and we see Bojack pushed his chair up closer to the TV now there are two interpretations of this moment the first being what most fans saw we hear bojack's parents arguing over the interview so it's assumed that Bojack never got to hear what his hero said to him during that interview this is what most me included at first thought was going on however in the season 2 DVD and Blu-ray commentary more of this video is by the Blu-ray Rafael bag walks where clarifies that what he intended was that by having Bojack get closer and closer to the TV he was listening so intently that he only heard that and internalized the advice so much it became his entire life's Mantra never stop running Don't Look Back even if you hurt someone there's nothing there for you yeah that's some heavy stuff let's move on to Disneyland one of the best examples of how the show can switch gears so effectively into delightful absurdist comedy this episode sees Todd accidentally exploit a legal loophole by calling his new theme park Disneyland because apparently Walt Disney accidentally misspelled Disneyland on his copyright hilarious hey guys what's up it's the purge and today on defunct land we're taking a look at the time Walt Disney misspelled his own damn name seeing Todd takes center stage on a wacky adventure and seeing his relationship with the equally wacky Mr Peanut Butter grow is both funny and wholesome also Halloween in January is the best idea for a store ever are you kidding how has this not been funded yet this episode also introduces Wanda bojack's new girlfriend for the rest of the season I particularly love her addition because she serves as an optimistic foil to bojack's pessimism Bojack gets a curly fry mixed in with his regular fries and gets upset about it but Wanda sees it as a nice little bonus that's a really nice way of showing the contrast between their perspectives and this storyline about the Soviet Sleeper Agent who was also in a coma is fun too oh yeah Wanda was in a coma for 30 years as well but that that's not really important that's just another wacky out of context thing I'll mention to confuse people who haven't seen the show which by the way if you haven't seen the show what are you doing watching this video just watch the show in a way wandercon acts as a counter to Herb where herb would fuel bojack's negativity wander would instead steer those same situations into something positive where Wanda sees a nice little bonus in a curly fry or an onion ring herbal just go who puts it onion ring in my French fries they're two separate bats how hard is it to keep them apart they're not even close in the name one's a fry and one's a ring they're made of two different things BJ speaking of Herbert episode 3 is a little hoarsing around family reunion at Herb's funeral where Bojack tries to ascribe some sort of meaning to Herb's death only to find out that death doesn't really have meaning I mean this episode tells us that herb actually managed to beat cancer but then on the drive home he crashed into a peanut truck and died from his peanut allergy it's treated as a joke because well it is one nothing changes plot wise herb is still dead around the time we expected him to die even if the way he died was different from what we expected and yet the fact that he died from a freak accident like this instead of cancer really highlights how Depp is kind of meaningless and [ __ ] sometimes and episode 4 is one of my favorites of the Season even if it does kind of waste time with more Vincent adult mentioning against why is he still on the show well like it's decently funny stuff I don't dislike him but like come on anyway the episode is separated into three chunks all centered around three different couples princess Carolyn and pedophilia Bojack and Wanda and lastly Diane and Mr Peanut Butter the fact that the episode saved them for last really surprised me on my first viewing like what did these two have to offer that could be more dramatic or impactful than Bojack and wants listen to me he is dead God damn it in just one third of an episode we get to see way more depth to Diana Mr Peanut Butter's relationship than we've ever thought possible this is where we're introduced to the ballroom this moment seems like just a nice little jokey joke at first but it's one of the first big instances and far from the last a Mr Peanut Butter not listening in more ways than one Mr about recalls Diane mentioning before how ever since she was a child she wanted a ballroom Mr Peanut Butter being a dog interprets this as a giant ball pit from Charles Pasquale entertainment's cheese pizza place this is later called back to in season 4 when not only did he make it the wrong kind of Ballroom but it wasn't even supposed to be a ballroom at all it was a bell room but we'll get to that little tidbit next time oh and there's an episode about chickens for some reason it serves no purpose to the plot other than the writers having to address the animals eating animals thing it's funny but like what yeah weed animals here just shut up and don't think about it waiter cattle service a steak [ __ ] yeah it's not very important but it's a pretty solid World building explanation for animals eating animals the autoerotic asphyxiation episode was lighthearted and enjoyable too even if it did end with the unfortunate demise of corduroy Jackson Jackson literally at the very end of the episode we see him dead and then the cheerful credits roll this is one of the show's Hallmarks ending an episode on a massive reveal or dramatic sting or heart-wrenching moment or shocking moment or some other [ __ ] and then immediately cutting to the credits it's an intentional helping of mood Whiplash and it works wonders especially in the first three seasons when the main credits theme is used most often they started mixing things up later in the show's run but we'll get to that later obviously episode 7 Hank after dark was the show's first attempt at covering a serious real world issue in this case sexual misconduct and they covered it perfectly it's heavy and intense but not overly dark and it's neat that this show called this sort of thing out before the metoo movement happened showing that the writers consider this a problem worth talking about before the rest of the entertainment industry caught up to them anyway moving on to one of the best episodes in the entire series okay Bojack for the million dollar question did you [ __ ] my wife no [Music] attention to Hollywood I've come to make an announcement BoJack Horseman is a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] who kissed my wife she took out his horse face lips and kissed my [ __ ] wife they said his career was this [ __ ] and I said that's prophetic yeah let's find out as a god tier episode it mixes zaniness and heavy drama extremely effectively it's really well set up by the previous episodes as Princess Carolyn finds reclusive author JD Salinger who wrote Catcher in the Rye and other books she convinces him to start a new project Holly Woo stars and celebrities what do they know do they know things let's find out and she gets Mr Peanut Butter to host with Bojack being the very first guest so we've got the typical zany Shenanigans where Bojack gets frustrated over the increasingly nonsensical rules of the game Todd competes with another intern for JD salinger's prized pen and Daniel Radcliffe shows up to grab money out of the air it's funny looking back because at this point he was still known for Harry Potter and here he is on a wacky game show but then you look at his career since and this is actually tame for him it's already set to become a highlight of the season and then this happens how come your wife flew all the way to war-torn cordovia just to get away from you she went to help people or maybe she went to help herself get away from her awful marriage oh is that too far all of a sudden things get real Mr Peanut Butter snaps dropping his nice facade and getting angry at Bojack for kissing his wife and treating him like a joke it turns out Mr Peanut Butter isn't as stupid as we think whoa he's stupid just not in that way he knows Bojack doesn't like him and he's heartbroken about this all he wants to do is be friends but Bojack isn't happy enough with himself to treat Mr Peanut Butter with any sort of respect it's a really sad situation but at least they're able to kiss and make up for the time being no I'm not joking they literally kiss now this is Cinema foreign but nothing compares to the insane ending where Bojack allows a pile of money for charity to get thrown into the fire all because he wants to spite Daniel Radcliffe for not remembering his name it's one of bojack's most callous and shocking actions but it's a phenomenal ending very in line with his character [Music] you miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take and also about 90 of the ones you do because now we have to talk about episode 9 the shot in this episode Bojack notices how Lenny is melling in the production to his and Kelsey's dismay when Lenny Cuts an important scene Bojack convinces Kelsey to come with them to break into the Richard Nixon Museum roll with it to illegally get that shot anyway it's a great moment that not only shows off more bojack's acting chops and how much he truly cares about this project but also a connection between him and Kelsey it's great too bad it gets Kelsey fired this ending really stings because it once again subverts our expectations in an intentionally negative manner you'd expect a story like this to end with Lenny being so impressed with a shot and the tenacity Bojack and Kelsey displayed by getting it that he puts it in the movie and commends them for it but no that Kelsey is fired and Bojack ruined someone else's life while getting no repercussions for himself it's what he does it's disappointing but at least we got to see more of bloodthirsty character actress Margo Martindale in an overall fun heisty episode I'm so glad Alan didn't die I honestly never expected to get so wrapped up in the safety of a random repair man I don't know at all we also get more development from Princess Carol in here she goes along with the rest of the crew to the heist but kind of spaces out and we get to see more of her inner desires this small surface level stuff here like Vanessa being her maid and getting to live the good life but as it goes on it becomes more apparent that she just can't live like that she needs to keep pushing forward she doesn't want the simple life this is a parallel of sorts to Bojack both are always running just in two different directions episode 10 sees bojack's relationship with his dream movie deteriorates since he doesn't like the new director and his relationship with Wanda which has been spiraling downward ever since she found out Bojack kissed Diane finally falls apart in this episode it's really sad that Wanda never appeared again after this but in a way it's fairly realistic that Bojack never encountered his ex again still I wish we could have gotten something more out of Wanda outside of a brief newspaper headline in the finale but Bojack dissatisfied with everything that's going on in his life decides to seek out the last person in his life that truly made him happy but before we get into that we have some Diane and Todd stuff to discuss alright so the Improv stuff it's good but more of a chance for Bojack to prove himself to Todd in the final episode not really a way for Todd to develop on his own it feels weird that out of all Todd plot lines this is the one that gets stretched over two episodes nothing about it seems that special or interesting outside of bojack's intervention in the finale which could have happened with Todd doing anything but it's a decent enough thing for Todd to be doing I guess meanwhile we have Diane's plotline as we know she leaves LA to go to war troncodovia trademark to write about Sebastian Sinclair's work however the longer she stays the more she notices how Sebastian Sinclair is clearly doing all this for the wrong reasons disenfranchised after a child sugar attached you dies in a bombing she secretly heads back to LA unable to face Mr Peanut bar at the time about what happened she ends up bumming at a bojack's house for a couple days weeks what the hell Diane for at the time Diana spend hanging out here we begin to notice something about their friendship in that they enable each other in the worst ways while they try to help they're oftentimes bringing out the most toxic traits in each other we'd see us again in season four but it's really shown for the first time in full here this is the straw that breaks the camel's back for Wanda and that's when she leaves as we mentioned earlier when Bojack leaves for his big 11th episode Adventure Diane stays behind and wallows in the same kind of sadness that Bojack has for basically all his life Diana Bojack are more alike than either of them want to admit to themselves or each other anyway though it's time for the dreaded episode 11. the one where everything goes wrong except not really because it's super Pleasant Bojack seeks out his old friend Charlotte in New Mexico pretends he's here for a boat show and stays with her family for two months completely blowing off his contractual obligations of the movie he's in it's nice to get a break from the cynical tar pit that is LA and it's great to see Bojack actually happy but we know that It ultimately can't last we know that this show never offers any sort of easy outs or Happy Endings and everything starts to become clearer as Bojack starts befriending Charlotte's teenage daughter Penny it's so easy to see where this is headed but we keep lying to ourselves saying maybe he won't do anything bad I hope not when Bojack is taking Penny to prom you get worried but then they kind of just have casual fun and it doesn't seem all that concerning you start to lower your guard a bit then Bojack tells penny that she looks just like her mother and all the alarm bells in your brain go off oh no then Penny's friend is dying of alcohol poisoning and the real alarm Bells go off yeah that was a pretty bad situation but it seems to be well resolved I don't think this incident will cause any problems at all in the future none whatsoever but back to the real story Bojack takes Penny home and Penny for lack of better words comes on to him this is the real make or break moment for bojack's character we want to believe that he won't have sex with a minor with his old friend's daughter no less and he doesn't he does the responsible thing and tells penny that she's too young to understand what she really wants and so he leaves he did the right thing it almost seems too good to be true Bojack then goes to the patio and reminisce is about the past with Charlotte who is sitting by the fire this is where we are shown there is still a connection between Bojack and one of his old friends hey I haven't seen this before oh god oh [ __ ] oh Bojack um I I think you got the wrong idea let's go let's get out of here right now no Bojack it's so disappointing to see him push too hard to get together with Charlotte romantically since she has a family and they already had a great thing going with him staying with the family and being happy he just had to keep pushing until things went wrong just like he did with herb or at least this can't get any word no and just like before of herb this is the final nail in the coffin as bojack's relationship with Charlotte is throttled and we got the second F-bomb of the show leading into a travel Montage of Bojack heading back to LA while the fiend plays the penny situation is one of the biggest moments in the series so the theme playing here feels like a deliberate Choice Bojack returning to La as the song plays shows how despite his best efforts escape from La is futile as it's a part of him La itself isn't the tar pit he is it will always follow him wherever he goes like the theme so closely associated with him also the Montage is cool to look at unlike Freddy's sunsets escape from La is kind of a perfect episode of Television it's a truly heartbreaking look at how Bojack can't run from who he's become or try and cling to an idealized version of what he wishes his life could have been in the end he can't escape and he has to return back to his miserable life the same miserable life we see during the theme song of every episode now accompanies his return to La it's truly poetic stuff and it all culminates with Bojack after two months away seeing that Diane is still trying to escape her own life season 2 has a very unique theme present throughout all of its episodes exclusively in this season we constantly hear variations of the line what are you doing here it's the line Bojack can't get right in the first episode of the season and from there it pops up at least once per episode for the remainder of the Season it takes on a variety of contexts and meanings and Bojack frequent currently asks it to himself it's a subtle way of implying that Bojack isn't happy with the life he chose and that he desperately wants this perfect life with Charlotte that he hallucinated during Downer ending what is he doing wallowing away in a miserable place like La what is he doing here at least the season finale ends things more optimistically Diane finally gets her [ __ ] together and starts working again encountering Mr Peanut Butter at a restaurant instead of him getting angry that she's suddenly back without telling him he's simply Overjoyed to see her again and doesn't probe into the reason why she suddenly came back I think that's a testament to his good nature and willingness to see the best in people bojack's story in this episode ends with him attending the screening of Secretariat where he sees the CG double performing the role for him a thing that is purely cartoon logic and not at all something that can happen in real life and once more asks for the final time what he's doing here before running off to save Todd Bojack finally realizes that his relationship with what Todd is incredibly important to him one of the few positive relationships in his life that he hasn't completely ruined yet so he saves Todd from the Scientologist I mean the Improv Club silly me how'd I get those things confused it's a triumphant moment for bojack's character since he's finally going out of his way to do something nice for Todd and an indication that maybe he'll start becoming a better person from here on out so then he goes jogging exactly where he was when the season began this is poetic for two reasons one the obvious he has given the advice by the kind monkey man it gets easier but you have to do it every day like we established earlier you have to work to make that change it doesn't just happen but once it starts every day more progress is made and faster and easier but then there's the second during the filming of Secretariat Bojack repeats himself I'm tired of running in circles assuring that he keeps making the same mistakes every time and he ends up right where he started literally running or jogging in circles yeah so take whichever inter rotations you like and run with it or both I don't know it's free meal Monday go nuts one can only hope that it really does get better and easier for Bojack from here on out maybe by the end of season three he'll be in a better place where he can definitively say that it's gotten better and easier only time will tell so that closes out season two and oh [ __ ] we completely forgot about the part of Princess Carolyn date Sonic the Hedgehog oh yeah okay rutabaga he's fine and PC started her own agency good for her but it does lead the way for one of the best characters in the show to make his Grand appearance next season who boy I'm excited but yeah season two is absolutely phenomenal it builds on the foundation laid out by season one so beautifully and expands the characters and their relationships with each other to an insane degree the main plot where Bojack slowly becomes disillusioned with his dream movie and LA in general is exceptionally strong and the relationship between Diana Mr Peanut Butter gets surprisingly dramatic and compelling Todd's Shenanigans are at their best during many of this season's episodes PC does some stuff also and everything culminates with a fantastic episode 11 and a great breather afterwards to cap off the season this is undoubtedly one of my favorite seasons of Television ever season two of Bojack is a season that made me fall in love with the show I liked season one but felt that the show didn't truly start until episode 6 but season 2 from start to finish is a masterpiece of a season and some of the best entertainment has to offer those with this season I realized just how special this show was and it did not disappoint from there on after after season two I could safely say this is my favorite TV show of all time and it's got a pretty stiff competition like there's the one with the wombat and the one with the skeleton the one with the ghost stiff competition there's stiffs death joke so anyway that's about it now it's time to talk about season three oh my God where did the time go yeah you're telling me I'm the only one has to edit all this I helped oh yeah let's take a nap right now after we wake up from our coma in 30 years then we can discuss Seasons three and four in part two three three it'll be a toddly good time you don't pay me enough for this you know that right thanks for watching bye like comment subscribe Charlotte penny hey Gamers this is part three of a six-part BoJack Horseman retrospective that I'm doing with space free studios if you haven't already check out our videos on seasons one and two after spending the last two seasons establishing the characters and giving Bojack his Hollywood comeback with his Memoir and the production of his dream movie season three sets its sights on the Oscar race having Bojack and those involved with the film's production tour of the country marketing the movie and trying to sway the academy to nominate Secretariat for an Oscar this is a natural build from the last two seasons and a good conclusions to the orc the show's been telling up until now season one for free feel like one whole complete story with season one being his rides From the Ashes all two and three feature all the trials and tribulations that go with being a big hot shot movie star I asked James if we can make an argument that it follows the hero's journey but he said no one called me names [ __ ] you it's a great direction for the story to be going because an Oscar is generally seen as the most prestigious award in the entertainment industry it's the ultimate prize that any Entertainer strives to achieve and as such Bojack describes this profound sense of meaning to getting an Oscar nomination he keeps telling himself throughout this season that if he gets an Oscar he'll finally be fulfilled his life will finally have meant something and yet there's this uneasiness present whenever he expresses this idea because we know and he knows deep down that an Oscar nomination isn't gonna fix the hole in his heart it's not gonna magically make him happy for the rest of his life but for now he has to cling to the idea that it will and Chase that Oscar gold throughout the season that being said I would just like to question something in season 2 they make a point of showing that upon firing Kelsey the new director basically ruined the movie and turned it into a lighthearted family film which I have a feeling is not the kind of movie that typically gets Oscar buzz hey James your face remind you to a qualify for best picture no you sure yes I have watched every Oscar movie ever and Jumanji 2 doesn't come anywhere close the Adam Driver accidentally stabbing himself while getting a divorce do you watch any other movies besides Oscars and Disney I watch Shark Tale and this could be part of the joke but the they don't really do anything with this or bring it up ever again safely they just kind of forgot what kind of movie they made and hope we didn't notice it's Sonic the Hedgehog for Best Picture 2021 anyway the first episode of the season is very introductory it establishes a lot of the new roles the characters will fill this season Bojack is on the Oscar campaign trail with the help of his publicist Anna spanakopita one of the most underrated Side characters in the entire show honestly she's fast talking and wildly entertaining in every episode she's in Mr Peanut Butter is done finding out what Hollywood stars and celebrities know and if they know things so he kidnaps his accountant in order to get some wacky ideas on what to do this season and his accountant mocks him and Todd by making the sort of dumb idea those two would usually come up with a TV show about a spaghetti strainer that's also a hat to be fair I'd watch that over big mouth big mouth [ __ ] so Mr Peanut Butter orders a bunch of spaghetti strainers but forgets why he ordered them a few episodes later he insists however that the eventual payoff will be huge it better be Diane is Ghost tweeting for celebrities at princess Carolyn's new agency and oh yeah PC has a new agency I should probably talk about that uh yeah so since James was big dumb last time and didn't acknowledge her existence at all her entire story arc last season was trying to break away from Vigor and start her own agency with Ben Schwartz Shenanigans of Sue and she and Sonic break up and she goes ahead and forms Vim on her own terms and with this new agency comes the arrival of the best character in the show guys gals and non-binary Pals give it up for the one and only Judah enough Judah is truly incredible I absolutely love his subtle quirkiness deadpan delivery and incredible Devotion to his job he's an absolute Delight to have around and he's exactly the kind of devoted person PC needs in her crazy life right now his monotone is slightly robotic demeanor is a great contrast to the highest strong goofball answers PC and the rest of the gas get into Judah provides stability to her life which considering what all is going to happen this season and Beyond she absolutely needs someone stable in her life to make sure her fledgling agency doesn't go bankrupt before its first film overall this episode is a solid enough starting point I also really like Todd saying he'll get into a ton of Shenanigans in NYC only to get lost in the hotel and never make it out of there that's what we in the industry like to call subverting expectations done right baby can you shut up about Star Wars for five minutes what I was referencing Shark Tale which subverted my expectations by having fish eat sushi okay well anyway Bojack and Anna begin to conduct interviews to drive hype for Secretariat Bojack calls a Bojack and becomes exceedingly hard to work with after a while because gosh darn it why doesn't anyone like my 90s sitcom anymore but it keeps going and hits it off with one reporter and has a one night stand refer he then [ __ ] up and tells her that he's been entirely replaced with a CG horse and she records that on tape fortunately Anna covers it up and gets the recording back and we don't hear about it ever again nope not at all episode 2 is all about 2007 baby it's a flashback where we get to see what the gang was up to all those years ago it seems random to do a period piece on such an oddly specific and recent year but this episode quickly justifies its existence for a number of reasons first all the non-stop wacky 2007 jokes seriously every other line of dialogue in this episode is either a reference to something that was relevant in O7 or some sort of line that's ironic in hindsight given what we know about these characters in the present day I'm not gonna lie eventually it does get exhaustive but it's also kind of admirable just how rapid fire these jokes on and yes there is Jerry Seinfeld in a bee costume for all UB movie aficionados out there congratulations or this episode really shines however is with its characters right off the bat we see that while all the other main characters have different clothes and hairstyles and overall looks Bojack looks the exact same in 07 as he does in the current day this is a fantastic touch because it shows how his life hasn't really gone anywhere since horse and around ended there's no reason for him to change his look or really anything about his life he's stuck in this prison of self-loathing and there's nothing that'll break him out of it except maybe a new TV show but I'm getting ahead of myself you guys ever think about how the early 2000s and late 2000s are like two different decades like the first half was just the 90s too in the second half was 2010 Beginnings you show someone a sitcom for 2001 and it's nothing like how they'd be in 2007. like bojang kaliwiska's new project yes we get introduced to successful TV producer cuddly whiskers and they have to make their own Big Bang Theory level success and spoiler it it works the network loves what they came up with they love it too much so Bojack pulls a Bojack and makes the show all about him and oops just like the Geico caveman the BoJack Horseman show airs for a few episodes and is shortly canceled and Falls Into Obscurity and Bojack Falls with it it's fascinating to see Bojack try and sabotage his own success since at this point he's exclusively known for horsing around and he wants to distance himself from doing another schmaltzy wholesome show only to realize his mistake when Princess Carolyn wanted the only consistent people in his life tells him that she loved the horse and horsing around and it's a fine Legacy to have it's a nice moment for their relationship and a sad moment if you had any hopes that Bojack would turn his life around with his new show of course this is a prequel episode so you knew that wasn't going to happen going in but I digress uh the other characters do stuff too Mr Peanut bobber is unhappily married to Jessica Beal and he meets Diane for the first time who's working at Starbucks and I think it's really interesting that right from their first real conversation Mr Peanut Butter gets Diane's name wrong calling her Diana instead that really says a lot right from the start he was never really listening Todd is also seen as a young lad who seems really uncomfortable with having sex hmm interesting wonder where that's leading he also destroys the ending of The Sopranos which is probably my favorite 2007 related joke from this episode woke up this morning broke the ending of The Sopranos television series while shimmying out a window finally princess Carolyn's story is easily the most depressing out of everyone's in this episode we see how she managed to become an agent basically she's an assistant to this old guy agent who bemoans the fact that he wasted his entire life doing this job and was never able to start a family and PC doesn't heed this warning whatsoever she's just excited to take over his job it's pretty Grim considering the position she's in in the present day he or she makes some of the same mistakes she'll make later in life for the first time mostly involving Bojack including the first of many one-night stands 2007 truly was a landmark year thanks Kesha episode 3 is a murder mystery where Bojack and Diane find the dead stripper in cuddly whiskers pool and tie it back to a special brand of heroine named after Bojack entitled Bojack kills is that a metaphor or something probably not right also the brand originates from the dude who played Uber and horsing around and he also owns Sea World and turned it into a strip club this would in no way ever happen in real life except maybe the Orlando version go home to Florida goober Bojack and Diane eventually find the missing cuddly whiskers and the ending of this episode is especially effective due to what a fantastic foil cuddly whiskers is for Bojack and Diane Diane tells cuddly whiskers that he can't just disappear and that doing so hurt a lot of people like the dead stripper who had an addiction problem and came to cuddly whiskers for help cuddly whiskers however insist that it's more important to take responsibility for his own happiness and that it doesn't matter that he left everyone and everything behind all that matters is that he's happy now Bojack and Diane don't take this advice well and why would they they both did exactly what cuddly whiskers did last season they were overwhelmed with their responsibilities and they were tired of running in circles so they left it all behind Diane left cordovia and her own marriage and Bojack left the tar pit of LA to stay with Charlotte's family as it turned out out leaving everything behind didn't make either of them happy in the end Diane remained miserable throughout her tenure at bojack's house and Bojack pushed too hard with Charlotte and had to leave the problem for Bojack wasn't the tar pit he was trying to escape from it's him so after these two tried and failed to give everything up in their Pursuit of Happiness it's no wonder that they don't believe in what cuddly whiskers is telling them it's no wonder Diane's last line in the episode is I just want to go home back to her crumbling marriage because where else can she go what else could possibly make her happy now it's time for episode 4 and I'm not really sure what I can say about fish out of water that hasn't already been said it's genuinely a work of art perfectly Charming in its Simplicity yet rich in its underlying themes you get so invested in this dialogueless story about Bojack helping the seahorse dad give birth and realizing the dad left one of his kids behind and helping to get this kid back to his family like it's such a rare instance of Bojack doing something genuine and kind and it has excellent expressive well-storyboarded animation the boots I remember Raphael Bob walksberg talking about his influences for the show one of which was Pixar Animation Studios he said that he admired the way the studio wasn't afraid to play with structure and try different things like the dialogueless first half of Wally you can easily see that influence in this episode meanwhile at the beginning and end of the episode check runs into Kelsey trying to advertise her new independent film and Bojack struggles the whole time trying to think of something to say to her but has severe difficulty trying to communicate his feelings to her very fitting to seeing how the entire episode is essentially silent save for the intro and ending gag oh you've got to be killed he is able to communicate to it to us the audience through his actions and expression but can't communicate with the people in his life that matter whether through his own problems or external factors like all the encompassing pressure of the ocean episode 5 is fairly simple Bojack meets Todd's old friend Emily who we saw in the 2007 episode and he still doesn't want to have sex with her hmm again interesting what could this mean as my favorite game show host once said let's find out in a later episode though not this one this episode does have something raw and really sad to say about how Bojack sees relationships though he accidentally breaks up a couple that's about to get married since he expresses how it's great when a couple completes each other this instills a bit of doubt in one of the brides who asks if they really do complete each other Bojack has to talk her back into getting married by saying that it doesn't matter and she should just settle for someone she kinda likes in order to not end up alone in the end because Bojack realized that everybody loves him but nobody likes him and that is the Loneliest feeling in the world while Bojack is far from someone you should trust to give romantic advice this quote really Rings true and it stuck with me for a while you'd think that being loved by a ton of people you don't know personally is enough to make you feel less alone but it really isn't they don't know the real you and you're constantly worried that if they did they wouldn't like you at all anymore you think this admiration from afar will make you feel happy and fulfilled and when it doesn't you feel more alone than you would if all these people didn't know about you there's a whole lot of truth to this line and that's what makes it hurt all the more also Diane is pregnant [Music] okay let me back up she did drugs at a party she was accidentally invited to and she broke her wrist and Dr Pig told her she's pregnant I diagnosed you with baby speaking of baby PC want baby right what's she up to well Judah in a wacky miscommunication sets her up with free blind dates one which is a boring dude who only cares about work and the second is the world's only Albino Rhino gyno who you now know about she's about ready to pack it up and cut her losses but then the third blind Mouse shows up an actual mouse named Ralph and the two actually hit it off become an actual couple you could say they complete each other yeah that was kind of cheesy let's move on to episode six brap wrap you Pew a tar written by my broken coffee machine the episode gets into some wacky [ __ ] Diane venting about her impending abortion accidentally tweets about it with one of her clients accounts teenage pop star saxena Aquafina this episode then goes into the whole abortion issue and who should have the say in it spoiler the woman she gets a choice it's her decision now shut up this episode's premise is so genuinely Bonkers Essex Tina constantly talks about her non-existent abortion writes a hit song about it has her fake abortion on live TV it truly doesn't get bonkerser than this episode 7 is really unique in terms of its structure since Bojack is telling a story about something that happened to him to a lady who works for the LA Gazette they should have called her the LA gazelle who's trying to get him to renew his subscription by listening to his story said's story involves the return of character actress Margo Martindale where we see what she's been up to Todd's new business venture which is basically Uber but with hot sexy killer whales Anna living a shockingly normal life at her apartment and getting Mac and cheese on her shirt and also Bojack sleeping with Todd's friend Emily rutro Scoops well that last point is the most important aspect of this episode the thing that always stuck out to me the most is Anna living normally in her apartment she's always so Fierce and intense every other time we see her but this scene reminds us that she's just a regular person at the end of the day like all of us and your idealized image of someone is hardly ever reality bojack's perception of Anna is part of the larger pattern of only how he sees and chooses his Partners Bojack Falls for Diane because she listens to him he follows Rwanda because due to being in a coma for 30 years she's essentially a 20 year old in a 50 year old's body naive and willing to fall for all bojack's red flags people yelled at us last time for not mentioning that but we had it in the outline for this part we didn't forget we just didn't get to it yet and he falls for Anna because she's powerful in controlling capable of keeping him out of messes and fixing his mistakes it's like a souped-up version of his relationship with PC in a way Bojack wants to get some of that oedipussy I hope James doesn't see I wrote that until we record the audio what were you saying William I was too busy you talking about how episode 8 brilliantly subverts those Expectations by showing us a marriage counselor telling a certain couple that their relationship is now fixed cool I guess this is the payoff to that scene with her earlier in the season where she was counseling Diana Mr Peanut Butter what the hell that's not Diana Mr Peanut bobber episode 8 focuses on the Rivalry between princess Carolyn and her arch nemesis Vanessa Gekko plus that Ben Schwartz guy she dated and worked with last season those two have teamed up and are trying to get their client a popular movie franchise which PC is trying to secure for Bojack Bojack meanwhile just wants to make things right with Kelsey and do her movie about lesbians recycling or jelly beans or something I forget and PC insists that she can get Bojack both she did not get Bojack both truth be told this episode plot wise is so dense with so many things going on so we're not even gonna try to talk about it all the point is that PC royally Forks things up for Bojack and her own agency while Vanessa Gekko and Sonic the Hedgehog get their perfect happy ending Sonic even says as much at the very very end of the episode right before the room back in the 90s I mean after all they're the good guys right this really puts things into perspective because at this point in the show we know that Bojack and Princess Carolyn are kind of bad people who do awful things Vanessa and Sonic are portrayed as antagonists because they come into conflict with our designated protagonists but in all honesty they don't do anything significantly worse than our main characters it just seems that way at first glance because these are our main characters who we follow throughout the entirety of the show thus far objectively Bojack and PC are kind of worse people I mean look at the whole list of things Bojack has done he is like actually ruined lives and Princess Carolyn backstabbed her assistant before and also dated free 8 year olds that one time what's Vanessa done her job Dewey Duck over here cheat on his wife yeah but is that really any worse than how many women Bojack has screwed throughout his life figuratively and literally people are just people do do not inherently evil like you see in the movies they just have conflicting goals with our main characters so we subconsciously root against them everyone is the main character of Their Own Story all of this leads perfectly into episode 9. best thing that ever happened AKA where we got the title for these videos SMH all you fake fans who didn't realize that this is one of my favorite episodes of the Season focusing exclusively on the Fallout from the last episode and The Terror at torn Bojack and Princess Carolyn's relationship okay cards on the table I don't really like princess Carolyn that much out of the main five she's the one character I never really got that invested in the struggles of because I find her kind of irritating and kind of a bad person Bojack is a much worse person but as the main character we see every single aspect of his life that caused him to turn out the way he did and PC doesn't really get the same luxury however this episode and another one next season are the ones where I really start to understand the profound sense of tragedy and relatability in her character while I agree that princess Carolyn is the character I connected the least with out of the Core5 I would argue that this episode is the Tipping Point and from this point forward her character improves drastically as the show goes on and I care more about a story going forward so what exactly happens here Bojack and Princess Carolyn go out to dinner at Elefante with Princess Cara wanting the patch Rings up while Bojack wants to fire her as his agent thus begins a night of soul-searching and restaurant mismanagement because Bojack for a guy he owns the place and [ __ ] everything up throughout this episode we start to remember that throughout bojack's entire tumultuous career PC has always been there to support him and pick up the pieces she could have left at any time but she stuck it out for this long even though she has nothing to show for it everything about the episode points to Bojack realizing her worth and taking her back as his agent at the end but he says no out of every end credits Stinger thus far this one might actually sting the hardest did PC deserve to get fired after such a blunder probably but did she deserve it after being one of the only consistent people in bojack's life one of the only ones who believed in him and stuck it out despite all the [ __ ] she received not at all boy but on the happy side this episode sure did remake the entire premise of Ratatouille just without the rats which is ironic since this is a universe where rat's cooking would be seen as perfectly normal but oh well hey William guess who's gonna talk about season 3 episode 10. it's you it's me no that's just the name of the episode oh it's called it's you then who's on first no that time I was referring to the fact that it's you who we'll be discussing it's you my name's not you it's William oh for the love of episode 10 has the big event the Oscar nominations and gosh Jilly darn it guys Bojack gets the nomination War pieces achieved the water tastes like wine and Bojack is finally happy logic and none of that happens why would Bojack be happy about something so to try to become happy he froze another massive party reenacts the intro and then we find out that Bojack actually wasn't nominated for the Oscars we then flash back to monster Pinot bonjour preparing the ceremony but he drops the envelope containing all the nominees in the sewer while chasing a cell phone so he could talk to his brother Captain Weird Al who just got out of surgery so he and Todd have to make up the entire list again by themselves this is why The Lego Movie got snubbed while Mr pancake batter and toads Shenanigans in this extended flashback are a delight it still really stings that Bojack had this big moment ripped away from him after all this build up and you'd think we would have seen this coming considering how often the show gives us these messy sad conclusions to their ongoing story lines but this time I really thought the sad ending was going to be Bojack getting a nomination or even a win and still feeling empty inside that's what it seemed like as the episode went along but no it's somehow even worse than that later on Bojack has to come clean and confess to Todd that he slept with Emily which Todd doesn't really take well he's tired of putting up with bojack's constant selfish behavior and he delivers the titular line while giving a great reason you suck speech to Bojack basically he tells Bojack that he needs to stop blaming his shitty actions on the stuff that happened to him in his life and that the real problem is him it's pretty cathartic to hear from Todd honestly since he's often just a goofy unintentional enabler for whatever Bojack does and this rant ends with Todd dropping this season's F-bomb honestly quite unexpected and maybe not quite as well earned as the ones in the previous season bojack's actions here aren't nearly as bad as what happened with herb and Charlotte and I guess this is more of an accumulation of all the bad stuff Bojack has done that Todd has been here for still it doesn't quite hold the same weight as the previous f-bombs and as we'll see in the later Seasons it doesn't stick quite as hard I'd argue that was kind of the point though Todd's F-bomb is less out of outright anger and more from disappointment and exhaustion Todd is just tired of Bojack he's over all of his Antics and just wants to be done with it while herb and Charlotte are cursing him out for the immediate actions he was doing Todd is doing it after years of abuse the anger that has been stewing for so long and he just wants out everything he could have said has been said before not just by him but everyone he has nothing left to add it's kind of like the reverse of the previous episode Todd's giving Bojack what Bojack gave PC last time it all just happens again way down the line yes that is an offspring reference well now it's time for the dreaded episode 11. oh Lord this is probably the most important episode of the entire show given its impact later on and while it's not quite as perfect as escape from La it's still pretty gut-wrenching actually it's kind of the perfect combination of the previous two episode 11s it's a crazy drug trip with a downer ending much like season one's episode but it's also an absolute oh god oh don't do it Fest much like season two's episode Bojack calls up Sarah Lynn who has been sober for the past nine months and asks if she wants to go on a drinking binge she of course agrees and against some wacky Shenanigans like traveling across the country and stalking penny at College wait a minute that's not funny at all we found out Sarah Lynn has also been nominated for a music-based Oscar and won and due to being gone with Bojack for for months is unable to accept it the two also end up at an AAA meeting and tell the crowd about his encounter a penny last season the episode ends with Sarah Lane getting her hands on some of that Bojack drug from earlier in the season and the two go to the Planetarium to fulfill Sterling's wish of going there and they lived happily ever after and by lived I mean there's a lot to dissect with this episode but I almost dreaded doing so because it's just really heartbreaking and cruel I mean intentionally so the writers did a great job with it but the fact that Bojack who we last saw getting roasted by Todd and told that he needs to be better decided to get his vulnerable newly sober friend back on drugs and brag about his horrible actions at an AAA meeting is just really sick and twisted but that's Bojack for you the fact that the brand of heroin that kills Sarah Lynn is the one named after Bojack yeah it checks out in the next episode Bojack describes the atmosphere at the funeral and how everyone stood there thinking well this was bound to happen even though it wasn't Counterpoint yes it was as long as she was around Bojack the guy who first sent her on a downward spiral by coming to her not as a friend but as someone who wanted a favor she was always destined to end up like this the fact that she was barely in this season prior to this episode barely in bojack's life throughout these nine months of sobriety just illustrates this point even for further Bojack is toxic and he needs to realize that and improve before he drags more people down with him and yeah Sarah Lynn's last words about wanting to be an architect a callback to something she said as a kid in a season one flashback yeah that one really hurts Chief as was foreshadowed previously Bojack kills now how do you follow that as we mentioned Bojack attends the funeral but then what he meets over Bradley who played even in horse and round and the two attempt to start their own sequel series of the show in the vein of something like Fuller house but Bojack runs offset after talking to a young girl who reminds him of Sarah Lynn this attempt at a sequel series and Bradley are never referenced again so let's move on Bojack drives off away from Hollywood to escape all his troubles once again and eventually tries to end it by closing his eyes and flooring his car he lets go the wheel and accepts his fate and prepares to die but he stops himself upon seeing horses running in the distance that's where a bojack's story for the season ends a moment of release and reflection after all he's been through this season it's a good note to end on with that nice song playing in the background but that's not all we got the rest of the cast we need to talk about and tie up all the nudely ends speaking of noodles in case you haven't noticed while the episode 11s are the big super serious dramatic memorable ones episode 12s are more so chill setups for the next season and often not that memorable on their own as individual episodes this one is the exception because it includes the most glorious payoff in cinematic history even though this is a TV show not a movie but that's how great this payoff is if a book can win a Golden Globe this can be a cinematic achievement shut up remember how Mr Panda fighter ordered a bunch of spaghetti strainers in the first episode of the Season well as The Season's gone along he can't seem to remember what the use is for these things and there's been other wacky assorted stuff happening we've been introduced to this underwater city a Secretariat ad Bojack won it turned out to be a big mirror Todd has his sexy killer whales Uber app character actress Margo Martindale hijacked bojack's boat from the last season and the guy who formerly worked at bojack's restaurant ordered a ship ton of spaghetti okay so you got all that memorized good so guess what happens next yep you got it character actress Margo Martindale drives bojack's boat into the ship with all the spaghetti causing it to crash everywhere the mirror ad blimp reflects light onto the spaghetti which Cooks it and sends it hurtling towards Pacific Ocean says and the only way the city could be saved is if someone has a bunch of spaghetti strainers lying around that can be transported by hot sexy killer whales who can drive is there anyone out there who fits this ridiculously specific set of criteria you better believe there is and he's gonna watch a movie for the next two hours don't call him I mean holy [ __ ] this was truly a master class in build up foreshadowing writing genius Etc taking all these seemingly innocuous pieces from across the season and stringing them all together only to have Mr Peanut Butter turn his cell phone off for two hours at the most inopportune time how do you even come up with something this conceptually fantastic in the writer's room honestly when I'm torn over whether I like season two or three better this is the subplot that pushes three over the edge just wow truly astounding apart from this insane payoff this episode might have my favorite ending out of any season in the entire show over at Vim Judah and PC receive a phone call for someone trying to get into contact with Bojack but them no longer represents him sounds like normal business matters but Judah mentions how they sound like a teenage girl it then cuts to the bedroom of a young horse girl who looks suspiciously like Bojack hmm as for Mr Peanut Butter he gets an unexpected visit from his first wife Katrina who asks him if he would like to run for governor in search Schwarzenegger joke here meanwhile Todd and Emily are patching things up and discuss how they're going to use the money they got after selling hot sexy killer whale Uber Todd accidentally tips all his money to the waiter cow in a funny Todd antic and the two discuss the relationship after an entire season of Todd constantly dodging having sex with Emily he finally admits to her that he's not gay or straight he just might be nothing yeah our boy toddifer is asexual but I like how he doesn't actually say that he doesn't quite know what he is yet or that there's even a word to describe it and he won't really discover more about it until later AKA next season I think it's a nice and pretty realistic moment and kind of a relatable one but again I'll get to that later all these really intriguing plot threads are tied together with bojack's journey as this beautiful song plays Stars by Nina Simone it's all just hauntingly gorgeous and it contributes to the most breathtaking season ending the show would ever have just watching these horses keep on running and not stop being overtaken by the magnificence of this site it's just a perfect Melancholy ending to what as it turns out is the first half of the overall Narrative of BoJack Horseman the first three seasons of Bojack take us through the whole Hollywood cycle it tells one complete story and if you wanted to put a cap on bojack's story here you could sure other characters have some loose senses high up next time but for Bojack himself you could probably end the show here and it would probably be a satisfying ending season three is a worthy follow-up to season two I still mostly prefer two to three but free is still a great season it does everything you'd really wanted to for this setup has all a lot of big character moments and sets up some big things for season four the only thing we can really knock it for is Diane's role is more subdued here than it was before she isn't given as much to do here notice how we haven't really mentioned her very often this time what does happen here is important for a character in the future but for right now but yeah season three is great stuff season three is an enticing continuation of the overall story complete with the same compelling drama and witty off-the-wall humor the series is known for the race for the Oscars is an enticing premise that leads the story in all sorts of interesting directions the Side Stories this season are excellent the character work is fantastic while it isn't quite as cohesive as season 2 overall it makes up for that by having stronger individual episodes that really stick out on their own apart from the overall season much like season two this is one of my favorite seasons of Television ever and the last season of the show I give a perfect 10 out of 10 score to with that I'm in the statement lingering in the air see you next time for season four hope hopefully we get this one out soon I.E sometime before June 2021 that sounds realistic right Williams if you would like comment subscribe boxer versus Boxer [Music] hello everyone this is the fourth in a series of six reviews I'm doing with space tree Studios on the BoJack Horseman series if you've never watched these videos I highly recommend starting with our season one retrospective instead in this video we're going to be going into Bojack season 4 in depth so spoilers for the entire show thus far will follow so at the end of our last retrospective I said that Bojack season 3 was the last season of the show I'd give a 10 out of 10 score to and this made many of y'all question wait a minute what about season four it's so amazing and well written and stuff well you're right about all those things Bojack season 4 is still a phenomenal season of Television I mean none of these seasons are bad after all not even season one Bojack season 4 Just kinda misses the mark in a couple of areas mostly with the side characters in their plot lines however this season does still have some of the best storylines and individual episodes in the entire Show's run season 4 is where things really start to get more experimental in terms of how they tell their stories going forward they literally dip their toes with Fish Out of Water and and stop the presses in having episodes without dialogue or tone and flashbacks but now we get episodes with more art style shifts more unique framing devices episodes without Bojack at all episodes with only Bojack and none of the other main cast and other unique takes going forward in this season and Beyond much like how season three put a cap on the overarching Hollywood plot line started in the first season season 4 is like a new season one kicking off a new saga for the show and to kick off this season let's kick Bojack out get him out of here this is a Mr Peanut Butter episode now episode one see Mr Peanut Butter run picks up immediately where his story left off in season three with his ex-wife Katrina pushed him into running for governor but there's just one problem it's 2017 and there is no active campaign that year there's solution challenge the current governor to a ski race for the privilege of being Governor this works because reasons it's so funny because of how random this idea is Mr Peanut Butter literally throws it out out of nowhere like hey ski race bro you and me 1v1 me do it you won't and after so many legal hurdles or overcome to make it happen Mr Peanut Butter reveals that he doesn't actually know how to ski this is legitimately one of my favorite jokes within the entire show like I don't know how they come up with this kooky stuff for this character it's a delight as is their big ski race where Mr Peanut Butter performs poorly but it doesn't matter because Todd wins through his usual Todd Shenanigans only to resign as governor and force the governorship to be decided by voting as usual again this is what I love about this show creating wacky scenarios for hilarious one-off episodes instead of just doing the easy thing and starting with a normal election it is a certified comedy gold moment this also sets of Mr Peanut Butter's conflict with Diane for the season Diane of course being the reasonable one can clearly tell that Mr Peanut Butter would be an awful Governor being forced to pick between her morals and her relationship during all this Diane tries to vent to the one person who has been a constant turd during the past three seasons Bojack you know the title character who is not in this episode at all this is the first of free episodes in which Bojack does not make a physical appearance the only time we hear him is when his voicemail is full after Diane calls him for months on end with no answer so let's wear there's Bojack well William he's gone I couldn't do that well episode one was a solid and super funny start to the season but episode 2 the old Sugarman house is without a doubt one of the best episodes of the entire series we start off by seeing Bojack exactly where we left him at the end of season three ready to join the horde of horses he sees before him ready to start running and not stop but before he can leave it all behind a call from Diane that he doesn't quite have the strength to answer is what brings him back to reality she always did keep him anchored after all so it's only fitting Bojack doesn't run off but he doesn't return home either instead driving away as we hear Michelle Branch's incredible cover of a horse with no name really glad this show introduced me to this cover it's so amazing it was actually after this season that they released a soundtrack for the show containing songs like the aforementioned horse of No Name the various character theme songs Stars the fisheye water score Etc we could probably talk about how the show uses music in more detail but that should probably be saved some other time eventually Bojack makes it to the old Sugarman place his grandparents summer home it is at this point the episode is split into two halves one part flashback backswing Beatrice bojack's mom was a child and spent her Summers there with her parents and her brother crackerjack and the second part Bojack in present day attempting to renovate the now disheveled house in his interactions with his new neighbor Eddie but are you some kind of troll or something what this episode does so well is juxtapose the grief of bojack's Grandmother honey who just lost her son lin-manuel Miranda to the war with bojack's grief over losing Sarah Lynn the episode frequently showcases past and present events taking place at the same time it's a really clever narrative device that makes you feel the urgency and emotion of both plot lines simultaneously and I don't think it would have been as effective or memorable if they had simply cut back and forth between the two times there are extended segments where we're just focusing on one of the time periods of course and they effectively tell the story as well but those simultaneous moments of Storytelling are what really hit hard let's break this up we'll start with timeline a Beatrice has passed this shows the beginning of how she became the monster she'd eventually become one of the main running themes throughout this season yeah one of the main characters getting development this year is bojack's Mother go figure anyway at this point in time the big issue she and her family have to deal with is the death of her older brother krakajak who was killed fighting in World War II before his death we had a glimpse at their last holiday together showing a heartwarming moment between Cracker Jack and honey playing I will always think of you on the piano while the season does focus on Beatrice the most part the death of her brother doesn't hit her as hard as her mother which makes sense as losing a child is one of the worst things a parent can possibly experience as the holiday goes on her mother struggles to deal with her grief culminating at a military party celebrating the end of the war honey begins to play the same song from earlier but it is clear she is utterly destroyed by her grief we'll come back to this moment later point is like Bojack Beatrice's childhood upbringing shaped the person she would become hers born of tragedy bojacks from abuse speaking of Bojack Bojangles is obsessed with fixing up the old Sugarman house and eventually he begrudgingly accepts the help of his flying neighbor Eddie Eddie doobie Pretty Fly though because his efforts are invaluable in getting the old place fixed up the two of them start to bond and it's really nice even though Eddie has some sort of secret about why he doesn't fly I wonder if that will ever get focused on anyway they realize they're missing the weather vein that used to be on the house and that it's been stolen by the drab little crabs over at the barn so Andy creates a distraction while Bojack goes for the Weather Vein and the distraction just happens to be the song I will always think of you here we get one of those moments where the past and present Collide like I mentioned earlier honey and Eddie have both lost someone and are trying to cope by singing the song that reminds them of their lost loved ones it's a pretty magical moment to see them do wedding despite being separated by space and time and yet the song wasn't enough for either of them and they both become consumed by their grief Eddie starts sobbing at the piano while being chased by giant enemy crabs and honey gets drunk and starts kissing lin-manuel Miranda's friends only to let Beatrice drive home and ultimately crash the car it's a rough situation for honey but at least Bojack and Eddie's night went pretty well but of course this is BoJack Horseman we're talking about things never go well Bojack can't quit while he's ahead so he takes a fall in order to get Eddie to start flying again thinking that'll be the perfect Capper on this great night but no he's pissed since he vowed to never fly again due to his dead wife getting hit by a plane while flying which was his mistake and now Bojack has triggered those repressed memories which was his mistake so now this friendship that we just spent the entire episode building up is torn down in an instant such is life for Bojack the horse boy it's all pretty tragic culminating in Eddie blurting out that he doesn't want to live when they get back to the ground a real sad posting hour after this incident Bojack finally calls Diane in order to escape this new life in Mission Michigan that he escaped to in order to escape from La not to be confused with escape from La the season 2 episode in which he escaped from La by escaping to New Mexico this is a different escape to a different place because it's a different episode of a different season come with it so yeah he calls Diane It's a good payoff for all the missed messages he had from her over the course of the episode and it reaffirms just how significant his friendship with her truly is at this point in the call James told me to discuss zilobotomy and uh yeah I don't know how to segue into that but uh Beatrice's mom gets a [ __ ] lobotomy do I need to say more than that she gets a goddamn lobotomy there's an absolutely crushing scene where Beatrice goes to her mom to talk about what happens and her mother is kept mostly in Shadows until the final reveal where you can see the scar leaving us with the haunting line why I have half a mind yeah this guy's base for itself there's a good debate for this likely being the moment that breaks Beatrice this is her point of no return the episode does foreshadow this in an early conversation but I've got half a mind to kiss you with that smart mouth well that half you can keep yeah traumatizing now you know what I was getting at earlier the episode ends with Bojack tearing down the house that he and Eddie built together in essence letting the past die killing it if he has to in the end this episode was just an elaborate Destroy Build Destroy tribute and yeah that's the episode a haunting and shocking deconstruction of grief and loss and tragedy it's one of the best episodes The Series has ever produced as I said before and the best part it's not even the peak of the season and anyway move over last time baby it's a Todd episode hooray can I just say that I started watching Breaking Bad recently and so now every time Todd speaks all I hear is Jesse now that's mood Whiplash you can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that makes it okay as we talked in the past Todd has been used mostly as a foil to other characters they haven't given him much to do on his own it was always in service to the others but from season 4 on they really start to flesh him out give him his own storylines and relationships he's actively furthering the plot himself not just by supporting Bojack or Mr Peanut Butter but just having his own plot line and this episode is the start of it the episode begins with a group of Orchestra members recounting Todd's many accomplishments in life giving him sort of a superhero Mythos before showing the man himself as we know him from there we see Todd running a plethora of errands for the other main cast such as working from Princess Carolyn and pretending to be Hollywood Superstar Courtney portnoy's boyfriend accidentally convincing Mr Peanut Butter to support fracking tearing huge Rift in both the ground and his marriage and helping out one of the new faces season 4 get into contact with the big horse lad himself this episode is the proper introduction of the horse girl we saw at the end of season 3. hollyhock insert name here no you gotta say her full name okay hollyhock Mannheim Mannheim gurus turbo Robinson free five eight over two Zilla schlag moffer King Ghidorah who sang Fonzarelli Final Chapter prologue McQuack all out attack arcade edition she has eight dads it makes sense in context so yeah hollyhock thinks she's the biological daughter of Bojack and she enlists Todd's help in order to run a DNA test to find out for sure and the DNA test is a match that was easy I guess it's a done deal throughout this ordeal Todd is forced to interact with Bojack who he doesn't really want anything to do with anymore based off of the end of season 3. cutting Bojack out of his life has really worked for him and I like the fact that even though they end things off in this episode on good terms they're still not gonna be friends again Bojack admits that he got more than he ever deserved from tide and Todd seems to forgive Bojack for everything he's done I really like the fact that one of the three deliverers of the F-bomb from the previous three seasons has made up with Bojack even if that F-bomb is gonna stick in terms of them not really being part of each other's lives that much anymore because it does stick this is the only episode of the Season where Bojack and Todd interact which ties into what we said earlier about this really being the season where Todd comes into his own as a character rather than supporting Bojack because Todd has another big plot line this season which I guess I better start talking about so I don't think this is some big secret but I don't know if it's well known to y'all either I guess I rarely ever bring it up but then again neither does Todd hooray consistency so yeah I'm actually on the asexual spectrum and I didn't really know what that meant for a while or if there was even a term for it neither did Todd as it turns out who spent season three trying to figure out why he didn't seem to be into sex by the end of the season he still wasn't quite sure how to label himself but he did receive reassurance from Emily that what he was feeling was valid and okay and here in season 4 watching him finally learn the term for it and say it out loud is really neat it's a very unique journey of self-actualization that media rarely ever shows and it was such a great idea to take the character in this direction if Todd was written from the start to be a token asexual character that would feel like pandering because that's kind of what it is but when you take a lovable character who's never really had an established sexuality and have them discover their orientation as the series progresses that's really special and needless to say this plotline for Todd just came at the perfect time for me because as I mentioned no other media really does this sort of thing I hear fan bases going off like Peridot from Steven Universe is asexual Pidge from That Hideous awful Voltron show is Ace and then I watch them and it's like sure I guess you can read it that way but it's not like explicit actually getting something concrete for a change is a whole different feeling like I didn't know I wanted that sort of representation until I actually got it it really is a special feeling from what I've seen the ace Community seems really happy with this direction for Todd because again it's Todd we already love him and I especially love the fact that this isn't his only character trait he's a fully fleshed out character who just happens to be ace sometimes I do wish they did more stuff with it particularly in the later Seasons but for the most part I'm really happy with this and I'm also really happy that the episode ends with Todd not returning to the orchestra to play his triangle solo he always puts others before himself but tonight he's putting himself first going to an ace Meetup tying in the theme of self-actualization on two fronts good for him but after focusing on an asexual character for an entire episode episode 4 must compensate by being the [ __ ] episode Todd May hate [ __ ] but Diane and Mr Peanut Butter hate [ __ ] insert laugh track here scoop that's a cricket yes oh sure everyone's a comedian the governor race heats up as Mr Peanut Butter has to pick his policies further dividing him in Diane to compensate for this the two have hate sex a lot that's about it for those two until later in the meantime Bojack and Princess Carolyn get their storyline started for the season at only four episodes in WoW budget begins his crusade to unite hollyhock with her biological mother while princess Carolyn begins her quest to become a mother motherhood is kind of a big theme for this season Beatrice and her mother Bojack and Beatrice hollyhock in the search for her mother princess Carolyn and her struggles to become one we already know about Diana and her parents the only real outlier here is Todd but don't worry we'll get there eventually not this season though let's Circle back Bojack recounts all the women he would have feasibly slept with that could potentially be hollyhock's mother they run into multiple dead ends and their only lead turns out to be lying to them just to get closer to Bojack meanwhile princess Carolyn struggles with infertility as her and Ralph attempt to conceive it also marks the return of the only Albino Rhino gyno I know that's fun not much major happens here at 7 to setup hey Ralph stop shooting blanks speaking of shooting oh no it is current political issue episode time my dudes and by current I mean every damn year thoughts and prayers is an episode about gun violence and how sleazy Hollywood executives are only concerned about it because it hurts the bottom line of their movies that glorify gun violence out of all the political episodes so far I think the satire might be the sharpest in this one it's clever and funny but also really kind of sad which is what this satire was aiming for so it hits its Mark as an aside this episode is one of many examples of why I've never really been a fan of Princess Carolyn that much she's one of the people who perpetuates Hollywood and its corrupt systems and we can see here that she along with Lenny turtletop is more concerned about profits than human life being lost it's kind of weird that this aspect of her character is often ignored by people who say she's the most tragic and relatable character in the whole show I agree that her life is pretty tragic and there's some great episodes involving her like one that we'll get to later in the season but overall well this sort of callousness is exactly why I can't gravitate to her character as much as the comparatively more genuine rest of the Supporting Cast but you know thoughts and prayers and stuff Diane has to pull over time in dealing with Mr Peanut Butter's campaign but also trying to take a stance on gun violence to no avail a final shooting happens during the course of the episode but this time it's committed by a woman which that was the final straw for them to enforce gun control Diane gets a great biting line at the end I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns oh also Bojack is in this episode he goes to the nursing home to visit his mother who now has dementia and cannot recognize Bojack she is at the point where she needs to be better taken care of and has to move in with him Bojack has resented his mother for decades but now he can't even properly get revenge or talk to her about it because she doesn't even know who he is anymore she's practically a different person at this point bojang expresses to hollyhock how he just wants to call her out for being such a shitty parent giving Bojack the big F-bomb for the season where the other f-bombs represented the end of relationship with someone by their hand here it was Bojack attempting to end it himself and inverse of what we've seen previously but it doesn't matter anymore he can't do any more at least in a way that would matter to him or her he'd be calling out a stranger and even when she does recognize him he has to act nice for the camera and all the other times she calls him weird nonsense names like Henrietta I mean who even is that I guess only times era will tell us if he ever gets the car out and if any of this matters after his mom moves in with him we also get the first instance of bojacks in her monologues being Illustrated to us in a sketchy cartoon style we see how Bojack truly sees himself as a stupid piece of [ __ ] presenting almost everything he does on a daily basis whether it's eating an extra Oreo at breakfast or spending way longer than he should at the bar everything else we said about Bojack and his mother get developed further here too I find that episode to be a really creative and sad portrayal of anxiety and depression with Bojack having this little voice in his head berate him for every single decision he makes and coupling that with this rough art style it's yet another example of the show going to Great artistic lengths in order to portray its themes and messages there's also a lot of interesting character stuff here like bojack's mother being obsessed with his doll that she calls her baby what is that about we may never know also Bojack and Mr Peanut Butter have to retrieve the doll after Bojack pulls one of his classic shitty person Shenanigans and tosses it over the balcony turns out it landed in the backyard of insert real-life criminals name here this show is honestly the only thing I've ever known Felicity Huffman from until that thing she did in real life I find that kind of funny oh and the cotton candy Bojack vomited landed in her backyard see season one did matter no you can't just skip it fun fact when we first started writing the outline for these videos we posted a picture of James typing out in the editor server and the way they figured out it was the Bojack retrospective was because we mentioned Felicity Huffman and that was enough of a connection for them to figure it out Felicity Huffman not the fact that the words Bojack video were in the corner of the screen they didn't notice that till later Felicity is the key to all of this never mind this episode also brings back Sonic the Hedgehog so he and Princess Carolyn can trap Meryl Streep into a contract or something it's really not important all that matters is that Sonic is still a [ __ ] and you kind of feel bad that he has a family to go home to and PC doesn't but leave it to our old boy Judah to make her feel better God PC is so lucky to have him in her life good thing nothing will temporarily change that ever also Todd has to get married to Courtney Portnoy who I just want to say is really boring and I don't know why so much of the Season hinges on her and her shenanigans they could have at least made her a animal but she's just kind of this boring human lady who's only uses her name which gets used for tons of Princess Caroline tongue twister lines maybe a little too many honestly looking back this season may have been the start of an over-reliance on tongue twister lines as jokes they're cute once in a while but they just keep coming throughout the rest of this season and the next but that's kind of a nitpick anyway Todd is pretty conflicted because he doesn't think asexuals are able to marry but his friends at one of the meets clear that up for him that they can again I don't find these explanations heavy-handed because this really isn't common knowledge so it's pretty nice to see this stuff explained to Todd and us the end of the episode is one of those classic Bojack big oof moments where hollyhock tells Bojack about the voice in her head the belittles her she asks if you ever grow out of hearing that voice and bojack's like yeah totally you stupid piece of [ __ ] why did you lie to her about that it's a really sad moment but it's kind of nice to see Bojack trying to make her feel better at least hollyhock in general is a great addition to this season with Todd gone she's the new naive optimistic foil for Bojack but there's an extra layer here because she wants to look up to him as a father figure and he needs to try and look out for her despite being Bojack their Dynamic is really special and something we haven't really gotten from the show thus far we'll see this more later on but I think in general this is bojack's best season character-wise in terms of how he acts he never really does anything extremely malicious to anyone which is a sharp contrast to basically every other season and I think it's in no small part thanks to hollyhock's presence that he tries to better himself it's why I find the relationship in this season so special the next episode is a big one earlier Mr Peanut Butter was challenged to defend fracking by opening his own backyard up to be fracked he of course agrees to this and well let's just say his campaign comes crashing down way down see there's a Fallout Boy song about this right his house sinks into a giant sinkhole caused by fracking so he Diane his campaigners guess and Bojack get trapped underground this feels like a good time to mention that Zach Braff is in this episode and we have to listen to his stupid voice gosh how could anyone listen to a voice like that for minutes on end obviously Diane doesn't take this too well so she gets to spend time with Bojack for like the first time in a year and you'll never guess what happens when those two gets Alone Together yeah they get wasted once again showing that those two are a negative influence on each other as the week rages on the party gets to get more and more restless and eventually turn into complete Savages killing Zach Braff and eating his flesh as sustenance this whole ordeal is the breaking point for Mr Peanut Butter's campaign as woodchuck attempts to rescue them and eventually they get saved by a colony of ants these ants cause someone somewhere to have a sexual Awakening and I do not ever want to meet that person what I love about this episode is that it manages to be plot relevant and a hilarious Escapade at the same time it's funny to see the voice of reason woodchuck get constantly drowned out by the insanity of Mr Peanut Butter and his guests but once they all turn on Mr Penis bobber it becomes evident to him that he'd be a terrible Governor the fact that the episode where they all eat Zach Braff after setting him on fire is crucial to the plot just makes me happy overall one of my favorite episodes of the season I don't have much else to say about it other than its Absolute Comedy gold I mean we even get to see more of Mr Peanut Butter's second ex-wife Jessica Beale whose role in this episode is this crazy cult leader is really entertaining I hope she doesn't overstay her welcome in this season as for the next episode Bojack stars on booty Academy I guess Bojack went from horse and around to assin around how does it feel to be the subject of ridicule for once yay it would feel pretty bad that is if I wasn't the one in control of the laugh tracks all right that's it for me you guys have been great dip your waitress try to Veal he also gets to test his abilities as a dad when hollyhock goes on a date he sucks at it Mr Peanut Butter Ends his Governor campaign only for Jessica Biel to pick up as Katrina's new puppet and Princess Carolyn meets Ralph's family who are very racist and suck it fleshes out the relationship more but as far as the overaroking plot that's really all there is to it okay so in our notes for the next episode we literally put Ruthie holy [ __ ] I think that summarizes this episode pretty well see an alternate title for this episode could be princess Carolyn and the terrible horrible no good very bad day because that's what this is but it's okay because you know what the framing device for this episode is it's PC's descendant from the future telling the story of how her ancestor persevered in the face of all the adversity in her life you see this and you're kind of thrown for a loop like oh wow the show is confirming that she did end up having children even though it seemed like she wouldn't based on everything that goes wrong which she tries to this is a weird anticlimactic way to confirm that but still it's really comforting to know that everything works out in the end especially since everything goes wrong for her in the present she loses her clients to her arch rival her treasured gold necklace turns out to be a cheap fake she finds out Judah didn't tell her about an offer to merge with a larger firm last season prompting him to get fired it's all pretty rough stuff but we keep coming back to Ruthie in the present and we keep reminding ourselves oh it's okay at least she does have that baby at least something in her life works out in the end then it turns out she had a miscarriage which oh at least we got to see the albino rhino gyno again but yeah overall that's really rough but but it works out we see that it works out in the end we just have to keep telling ourselves as an audience that it'll work out just like how PC keeps telling herself it'll work out besides she still has her loving and caring boyfriend Ralph who she just had a serious bonding moment with last episode I'm sure he'll be there for her no matter what it's not like princess Carolyn's gonna get drunk out of her mind and break up with him yeah that's exactly what happens isn't it God damn it roofie as an episode has been a gut punch on top of several other gut punches nothing not a single thing goes right for princess Carolyn here her struggling agency lost a high profile client her love life and family life is non-existent her best employee is gone how could things get any worse well he's gonna take some sauce knowing that her future turns out better since the titular roofie is still running around in the future I wonder how that presentation ends oh it doesn't end because it never happened in the first place yeah Princess Caroline never actually has a shout out of her own the roofing we see there never existed it was all just part of a fantasy princess Carolyn made up in her head to make her feel better about what's happening it's literally one of those fake scenario memes that got thousands of likes on Twitter you know the ones with the vibrator ads underneath Ruthie is one of the most devastating episodes of the entire show and I can say this as someone who doesn't even like princess Carolyn that much this is one of those episodes where regardless of how I feel about her actions in other episodes I can still get wrapped up in the tragedy that is her life how she works so hard and gets nothing out of it how the episode ingeniously tricks us into believing there's a silver lining at the end of it all only for it to get ripped away by the end it's because of amazing episodes like this that we understand why so many people love PC so much and consider her the most tragic character in the show if I had to nitpick what is overall an excellent episode however I'd say maybe her breakup with Ralph is a bit of a Force development like by the end of the previous episode her relationship with him only got stronger since he went against his family and admitted to them that he and PC were having a baby I feel like it's odd to go from that to immediately breaking up with him in the next episode it feels like that plot development only happens to pile the tragedy on it would be weird if it didn't happen in this episode but I don't know maybe just take out the part where Ralph admits to his family they're having a baby and ended on a more sorry about my family we good note than how it actually ended but again it's just a small thing overall this episode slaps and now for an episode that doesn't really slap though not really through fault of its own loving that Cali lifestyle is emblematic of most of the problems I have with season four and why I don't consider it to be on par with Seasons two and three despite its incredible High moments I just feel like the overarching plots of this season were a bit rushed in the end and this episode is the perfect example of why so the governor plot it was really funny during the first half of the season and it did a great job of driving wedges between Mr Peanut Butter and Diane but man did they not know how to end it it just abruptly stops halfway through this episode when woodchuck wins and the status quo is maintained all because Jessica Biel doesn't like avocados that's pretty funny but at the same time this is the end of the plot line this season it feels like it didn't really amount to anything because well it didn't outside of driving Diane and Mr Peanut Butter apart and I feel like any plotline could have done that or just a series of loosely connected events ultimately I feel like this plotline needed more of a punch to its ending and I think that punch should have been delivered by Jessica Beale this season tried so hard to make her the new character actress Margo Martindale but she just doesn't have the same presence she's just a watered-down version of Margot who never does anything particularly malicious outside of the Underground episode this makes her character really boring and the fact that the show keeps taking Digs at her is weird like I don't think Society in real life really has much of an opinion on Jessica Biel so it's not like all the jokes that make fun of her career really have that much of a punch if this plotline ended with her try trying to take the governor position by force or holding Diana Mr Peanut Butter hostage in the final episode while they try to go to Hawaii then I feel like it would have been a pretty solid payoff plus the Bell room scene could still happen the only difference is instead of a casual drive to Hawaii Mr Peanut Butter and Diane had to overcome a wacky cereal kidnapping that's really not that far-fetched for this show I don't know this plot line just really fizzled out at this point the fact that both Katrina and Jessica Biel never appear again after this episode outside of next season's Halloween flashback episode really drives the pointlessness of their plotline even further Katrina's evil plan was barely explained to us Jessica Biel as an antagonist was barely utilized overall a fun idea for a plotline didn't really pan out in the end though that plowing did give us one of the best jokes in the series the man was a pedophile murderer well if you gotta murder somebody aside from that there's the Todd plot you guys remember back in 2016 when there were those weird murder clown pics that went viral and then ultimately culminated in nothing now let's make that a subplot in a TV show a year later hey the It remake was coming out that month let's do some Netflix money going this was a weird and kind of uneventful subplot to stretch out for multiple episodes once you get past the admittedly funny concept of zombie clown dentists there's not much here other than the introduction of Yolanda let's get to the main plot hollyhock overdoses and is sent to the hospital here we get introduced to her eight dads wanna wish as we said earlier is film Twitter I only watch foreign films [ __ ] that guy so now Bossier has to a deal with them and prove it's not his fault and B figure out what happened [Music] thank you while I think this is a good plot development since Bojack has to deal with his own lack of responsibility when looking after hollyhock my problem with this development lies with its lack of build up there's barely anything prior to this episode to indicate that hollyhock is hooked on drugs just a couple of scenes here and there where she acts a little off opening the episode with her being incredibly dizzy and disoriented really comes out of nowhere without it feeling naturally built up to within the story this is a show that's usually so good at natural buildups but I feel like this episode dropped the ball a little bit in this regard okay yeah so we were wrong the overdose is foreshadowed as some of you in the comments have pointed out the team cleverly added seemingly innocuous lines of dialogue and visual details throughout the season to illustrate that something isn't quite right she shows several OCD symptoms known to correlate to drug use like organizing change around the house or staying behind the counter teeth she is said to have lost weight throughout the season she turns down food grows generally more anxious throughout the season and you can even see Beatrice making her coffee in some shots so yeah it was foreshadowed just subtly which you know is how you're supposed to do foreshadowing so yeah good job guys we're just dumb back to the video anyway though Bojack finds out it was his mom who was sus the whole time she slept weight loss pills in the hollyhock's coffee which caused her to overdose Bojack is naturally not happy that his mom ruins one of the only good things in his life as she does and arranges to get her put into a nursing home with the shittiest view ever he's about to leave her for good when this happens Bojack well we made it it's the dreaded episode 11 of this season times Arrow I'm just gonna be blunt this is my favorite episode of BoJack Horseman and one of my top two favorite episodes of Television ever it's basically tied with Ozymandias from Breaking Bad this episode does the impossible and manages to humanize one of the most utterly despicable characters in the entire series illustrating exactly what made Beatrice into the monster we know her as from the perspective of her dementia riddled mind we see all the major events in her life that happened after what we saw on the old Sugarman home I adore the structure of this season how the second episode and the second to last episode mirror each other in terms of the stories they portray they both stand on their own yet they're both intertwined all the same furthermore this episode answers so many of The Season's ongoing questions things you wouldn't expect to see answered in a standalone story about Beatrice it ties every aspect of this season together while also being a perfectly told stand-alone story as well where do we even start it answers the big question of who hollyhock's mother is why Beatrice kept calling Bojack Henrietta who the baby Beatrix keeps talking about is and more context to some of the flashbacks from episode two and guess what Gamers it turns out some of those questions have similar answers and by similar I mean the same answer as fate would have it butterscotch would eventually cheat on Beatrice with their maid Henrietta she would eventually become pregnant with butterscotch's child upon finding out Beatrix helps Henrietta and arranges for the child to be adopted guess who that child was which means that Bojack was never even hollyhock's father to begin with he was her brother everyone just assumed that by them sharing DNA he would have to be her dad but obviously a DNA test doesn't specify how you're related just that you are brilliantly answering two of the biggest mysteries in the show yet while not contradicting previously known information the whole episode is just one big tragically satisfying package imagine a tragedy being satisfying what the [ __ ] in addition to explaining so many of The Season's ongoing mysteries in subversive and satisfying ways this episode is just a brutal Story by giving us insight into how a character as hateable as Beatrice became the way she was it makes her eventual mistreatment of her son even harsher in hindsight she's a lot like him she was dealt a shitty hand in life and never really stopped to try and become a better person her mother had a lobotomy and her father forced her to conform to Antiquated Notions of how women should behave in society as a young adult she tried to fight back against her father's ideals she had passions she had goals she had dreams but her father was only concerned with marrying her off to a wealthy family in order to pursue new business opportunities as an act of rebellion she spends time with the Debonair bad boy butterscotch Horseman things get a little steamy between them and uh oh she preggers with Bojangles horse mangles she and butterscotch take this opportunity to elope and run off together it's rough to watch their story seeing how genuinely in love they seem to be in the moment while also knowing that they morph into absolutely horrible people who don't share a shred of love for each other it only makes sense that there would have been a connection between them at some points since they married each other and had a kid but actually getting to see it before it all went to [ __ ] is pretty surprising the conflicts between butterscotch and Beatrice continue to escalate and she continues to regret the choices she made that led her to this situation there's also a lot of brief haunting flashbacks to different moments of Beatrice's life that both make you be moaned with a horrible person she's become and also play into the framing device of her dementia it's such a well-constructed narrative on multiple levels thanks to no small part to this framing device eventually it culminates with butterscotch's maid Henrietta quote unquote getting herself pregnant yeah okay bro after a surprising moment of vulnerability from butterscotch Beatrice agrees to talk Henrietta into giving the baby up for adoption and it's in this moment where all of Beatrice's frustrations we see over the course of the episode and by extension her life come out where she tells Henrietta not to follow the same path she did and waste her life on a man as awful as butterscotch it shows us that even now after she's become the heartless soulless witch we previously knew her as in the series Beatrice still didn't deserve any of this and she knows that Henrietta doesn't either does this mean Beatrice feels empathy for another person for the first time in ages yes it would seem so her own demented version of empathy that is this episode then delivers such a haunting anxiety-inducing climax that shows how as much as Beatrice previously resented her father in the end his evil hooks remained in her long after he was gone we get a parallel between bojack's birth and hollyhock's birth which is neat but then it transitions into a parallel between the immediate aftermath of hollyhock's birth and the burning of all of young Beatrice's things is due to her smallpox everything clicks here Beatrice's father wants her to stop getting attached to her things especially her baby doll and Beatrice internalizes the sick lesson preventing Henrietta from holding her daughter in order to stop her from getting too attached before the baby is put up for adoption Beatrice believes this to be empathy even though rationally it isn't but it represents the mental scar that her father left on her throughout her childhood the scar that only grew over time and warped her into the Twisted monster we recognize the editing the music the sheer horror of the fire it all comes together into the most terrifying moment of the series thus far I actually started hyperventilating the first time I saw it which is something I've never done any other time watching a show or movie it goes so hard and cements this episode as a devastating perfectly plotted tragedy that left me breathless by the end speaking of which how does it end Bojack drops his mother off at the old folks home after telling him to give her the shittiest room they got he wasn't going to say anything just dump her there and leave letting her rot forever but then something happens she finally recognizes him this sets Bojack off after the entire season now she remembers him this means he now has the opportunity to finally do it he has her right where he wants her to tell her off and finally fulfill his promise from episode 5 and get his revenge but he just sees her sitting there alone and confused and he just can't do it he can't bring himself to ruin her in a rare moment of empathy for his parents he takes mercy and instead has her picture the old Sugarman place instead of the actual dumpster outside and leaves her in peace it's a touching moment to end this after all the suffering Beatrice endured in her life suffering Bojack doesn't even know about so yeah Time Zero is a true Masterpiece one of the best stories I've ever seen unfold it's really hard to describe just how perfect I consider it to be from beginning to end and fortunately the actual ending episode this season is pretty good as well so the big finale let's start with Princess Carolyn since she gets the big lead into season five after her really bad time in roofie I almost said Ratatouille she struggles to get back on her feet in an attempt to get a new production titled filbert which just so happens to be the same name she wanted to give her baby earlier she has to make amends of Bojack after what happened in season three since Turtle top won't green light her unless a star is attached princess Carolyn's ultimate lesson this season is that after four seasons of being the one helping others get their [ __ ] together she learns that she needs help too it's okay to need people in the end beauja gives her the advice that she should maybe try adopting a child instead and it's nice to see the two reconcile after this whole time so just like that Bojack has a new show and Vim has a potential hit to get out of the red Todd and Yolanda are still dealing with the fall all out of his failed zombie clown dentist Venture but they managed to turn it into a Better Business how honestly it's not really important what's important here is that once their business is concluded Yolanda suggests maybe going out with Todd sometime he feels the need to tell her that he's asexual but as it turns out so is she you can actually see her in the background during the asexual Meetup earlier in the season and that's a pretty neat hook for next season the idea that Todd has found someone he could date without having to be pressured to have sex there's something about this last shot of him that I really like where the camera pans out and we see all these people dressed as him as a result of his fashion show Escapade earlier in the season but there's something more to it it's the idea that as an ace Todd may feel alone but there's a ton of other people out there just like him maybe more people than he expects it's just a really nice shot that subtly conveys that and I don't know maybe it helps me feel a little seen I don't know anyway Howard Diana Mr poopyburger doing badly so they try to go to Hawaii using that bridge from earlier in the season but there's a bunch of traffic so they end up staying at the roadside uh Seaside hotel and have a nice romantic night as a couple for once showing that things may be on the up and up Diane calls back to the birthday party from season two where Mr Peanut butter gives her a ballroom here while we're laughing in retrospect about the situation Diane explains that what she actually meant was a bell room as in Belle's library from Beauty and the Beast after that night they say screw the vacation and head back home this is where it all goes wrong as Mr Peanut Butter caught his guys to construct the actual Bell room as a surprise and I'll be honest here they didn't even try with that paint job what the [ __ ] Diane however has a bit of a breakdown see she never actually wanted the room to be real it was just a fantasy she had to comfort herself not unlike roofie but now that it's real it's not hers anymore it's just another one and Mr Peanut Butter's wacky Antics she has no safe place to retreat to just for herself anymore and this is where their entire relationship has been headed this whole time while Mr Peanut Butter may have been hearing her he never truly listened to her I feel like a lot of people argue about who's in the right here in this scene and there's not really an obvious answer yeah it's clear that Mr Peanut Butter wanted to do something nice and didn't mean to be malicious at all and maybe Diane overreacted a bit but at the end of the day this is yet another instance of him doing what he thinks is best for Diane without actually considering her perspective just like the birthday party in season two just like the entire run for governorship how many times does she have to say that she doesn't like big gestures or that she wants to be consulted before he does something big and crazy like running for governor this scene seems like they're gonna go back to normal at first and this is just another fight but no Diane just can't go on like this anymore and it's hard to blame her but it's also hard to blame Mr Peanut Butter because he's not trying to hurt her in any way even though his lack of perspective does it's rough that this is how their marriage has to end but at this point it's pretty clear that it does have to end at this point where we were writing this James looked over and saw that we just got onto the 16 pages of the script and said 16 [ __ ] pages and you guys wonder why it takes us so long to work up the motivation to write these Hey look it's beauge boy horse body it's a Bojack Story how does it end while talking to princess Carolyn at a diner Bojack has a bit of a Matthew Perry the plot of human realization and discovers the truth behind hollyhock's mother so he burst into the humble abode of her eight dads to give hollyhock the phone number Bojack gets to prove himself to her fathers after what happened last time while he was virtually defenseless I would like to give a special mention to the use of these stupid piece of [ __ ] sequence used here in the original episode these moments were used as bojack's inner monologue that he would use to Ray himself but here it's used to convey him discovering the truth about the mystery that they've been trying to solve this whole time the tool that was previously used for self-deprecation is now the tool used to give him a 40. in the end the dads tell Bojack they'll give the number to hollyhock however in reality he you manage to decode their secret language they use it's shown that they're only really telling Bojack what he wants to hear luckily hollyhock overhears I'm talking about it later on and gets the number to her mother that way though her dad's reason for not giving it to her was due to her still being sick from what happened earlier so it's not too far-fetched to say that they may have given it to her on their own regardless but before the credits roll he gets a call from high hawk in which she says that she has reconnected with her mother and insults Jared Leto then out damn Beth TV show Bojack is a bit bummed that he doesn't get to be a father but hollyhock leaves him with a bit of uplifting information she may not need another dad but she's happy to have a brother this episode is a great ending for Bojack and Todd and acts as a good satisfying end for those stories as a whole in a way while Diane and peanut butter have a bit of a cliffhanger if you wanted to end things here for the main character himself you could and I feel like it would be a satisfying ending of course there's still two whole Seasons to go but as far as this storyline goes that's it roll credits so season four it's a good season that overall isn't as great as two previous but it still has some incredibly strong stuff in fact on its own some of these episodes are some of the best material in the entire show it feels like an epilogue to what happened in season three in a good prologue to the last two seasons kicking off the Big Arc we're about to reach for season five yeah season four is yet another excellent installment in bojack's story I do still love it for its excellent Standalone episodes and great overarching story lines but I feel like there were just some elements of the Season that dropped the ball the lack of any tangible payoff in the governor race the way hollyhock's overdose kind of came out of nowhere the complete lack of character actress Margo Martindale seriously this is the only season where she's completely absent and I'm mad about that but seriously though even though this is the first time since season one where I feel like the storylines could have been fleshed out a bit better and concluded in better ways for the most part this is still the BoJack Horseman crew on their a game delivering a season that's more tender and personal in some ways and more chaotic and insane than others which is pretty on brand for this series it's a more than solid chapter for the show and it contains some of the best episodes of Television I've ever seen I'm giving it a big old 9 out of 10. great stuff indeed okay William how do we end this part I got it here hold this bye [ __ ] huh what is it why is it on fire wait what the [ __ ] [Music] haha I came back as a ghost [ __ ] you William hello Gamers this is the fifth in a series of six reviews we're doing on BoJack Horseman if you're watching this one first without watching the other ones what's wrong with you you said it Reginald also I'm doing this with William who murdered me at the end of the last video but somehow I returned how is that possible cloning dark science Secrets only character actress Margo Martindale knew it doesn't matter we're both back let's do season five now sorry this took so long oh my God okay cool so season five the pen ultimate season of the show if you thought season 4 was a bit of a cooldown season for Bojack after the death of Sarah Lynn oh don't worry everything only gets worse for him from here on out much much worse season five calls a lot of its shots early and builds on them as it goes kinda hard to watch sometimes intentionally so as things get real later on it also has another Contender for best episode near the halfway point season five is a season that to be honest didn't fully grab me upon its initial release I thought it was good but not quite as strong as the previous seasons and a Surefire sign that the show was starting to wind down and needed to end before it lost its excellent Edge but I have to say we watching it nowadays it's a lot stronger than I gave it credit for initially and it more than holds up when compared to the other Seasons I still think it gave off some indications that the show needed to wrap up soon and we'll get to that later but for the most part yeah this is still the typical Bojack Excellence we've come to expect at this point there are elements here and there that may be a bit too similar to previous Seasons which is probably why it doesn't stick out in my mind as much when I think about this show as a whole but there's still a lot of amazing stuff to talk about so let's Jump Right In okay so season 5 starts off by jumping right into the filming of the new show filbert this was the show PC signs Bojack up for the end of the previous season and right off the bat we have a parallel to season two once again we got to see the behind the scenes process of filming in Hollywood though instead of a movie it's a TV show and Ronald season 2 it felt more like a general spoof of how Productions go this one plays with more serious topics related to it fans of sexism and abuse which we'll cover throughout the video basically everything BoJack Horseman hinted at way back in Hank after dark is now at the Forefront I love getting ahead of myself Bojack is filming filbert a gritty detector shows air on a streaming service the interesting thing to note is that the cetera filbert looks exactly like his house hey wow that's so crazy I wonder what kind of wacky shenanigans that could lead to the shenanigans we're not wacky at all I really like how quickly the season subtly sets up one of its main recurring themes the idea that Bojack is struggling to tell fiction from reality the fact that his house and a set of his new TV show looks identical just seems like a quirky funny bojackism that the show is known for but it's actually the first of many subtle elements that set up bojack's steadily declining mental health over the course of the Season as well as that dreaded episode 11. Bojack straight up says in this episode that he doesn't like playing a drunk [ __ ] like filbert to which PC reassures him that it's just a character and at the end of the day he can take the costume off and be himself again but as the season progresses he keeps wearing that costume all the time without even noticing even when he's not filming the show but the good news is in this first episode he doesn't wear the costume or anything because he has to do a scene in the nude yeah first we got to talk about bojack's massive throbbing horse [ __ ] wait what James he's a horse do you know how big horses are William if these videos get demonetized that affects your pay too well you'll appeal the claim anyway bojack's dick so the main plot for in this episode is how flip the writer director is kinda sort of an oblivious sexist [ __ ] and he keeps riding the female characters to be sex objects to attract the male gays and Bojack is trying to fight the 2A apis's new co-star Gina and B to make himself look like a good person going back to the ongoing issue of him not wanting to be himself flip NPC solution to this is of course to have Bojack change a light bulb completely naked while the camera points right at his dick we don't actually see his [ __ ] but you know it's there it's always there and everyone in the show seems very impressed also the episode ends of fish titties overall a solid start to the season when flip tells Bojack this is gonna be one Sensational season of Television he wasn't lying also I have to say I really love what time is it rightnow.com that's so genius to develop such a stupid website and give it a slew of TV shows because that's basically what our current media landscape looks like just endless streaming services as far as the eye can see each dumber than the last Bojack was yet again ahead of the curve in predicting this oh yeah other characters appeared in this episode too but their main plot lines really start coming into play later in the season so we'll talk about them later in the season with the exception of toad what is our good friend toadsworth up to these days well ever since the end of the last season he's been dating Yolanda since they're both asexual and that's it that's that's all they have in common fellow Aces has this ever happened to you you're scrolling through a dating app and you finally find another rare elusive asexual after 3 000 years of searching and then you look at their profile and realize damn we have nothing else in common and we're probably not compatible yeah that's taught in Yolanda it's pretty realistic to the ace experience honestly I think overall this show does wonders for asexual representation because it actually explains all these facets of the experience science accurately in a way that literally no other show I've seen has done it taught me a lot of stuff I didn't even really know and I think it's neat but there's another aspect of Todd that I kind of didn't care for this season it's a problem that also bleeds into season six but it kind of started with this season so I want to address it here first I don't think the show really knows if it wants to take Todd's accomplishments seriously or treat them as jokes because in the span of these first few episodes it really can't make up its mind about him basically Todd applies to be a janitor at what time it is rightnow.com it gets promoted to the head of marketing instead since the interviewer was impressed with his insane resume that he's accrued over the years now this is a really funny joke because we know all these accomplishments like being a fashion icon or the governor of California we're all just wacky tan Shenanigans he stumbled into accidentally even though in Universe those are crazy amazing achievements and it makes sense why this company would want Todd as the head but meanwhile you have Yolanda not really being impressed with Todd's accomplishments and being a bit embarrassed of him she tell that she's concerned about how he has no job or Direction in life but like this [ __ ] was the governor of California and if this accomplishment could be taken seriously enough to get him a prestigious job how come his girlfriend doesn't consider it anything worth noting why does she feel the need to lie about Todd going to college to her family when he's done so much more notable stuff over the course of the series I guess Yolanda is more of a straight man character who sees Todd's wacky Shenanigans for the wacky shenanigans that they are much like Bojack did but her wacky family would probably be impressed with all these accomplishments and yet she still feels the need to lie to them about Todd yeah so an episode 3 Todd and Yolanda visit Yolanda's family hi Jinx and Sue no really this is probably the wackiest this season is gonna get since there isn't much of a place for it later on in a subversion of the typical coming out to your family storyline Yolanda and Todd have to come out as asexual to her family we're all very sexually charged with her mom being a famous porn actress her dad is an erotica artist and her sister is a [ __ ] in the past Yolanda dressed up as her twin sister to get with her boyfriend and make her jealous however this is when Yolanda found out that she was asexual and didn't go through with the sex in the end but her sister didn't know that and now in an act of Revenge she dressed as Yolanda to get with Todd this all ends in a slapstick sequence involving the DK barrel of 100 year old lube also there's another [ __ ] joke here's the plan we'll wait until the [ __ ] crows midnight who is this [ __ ] it's midnight and I'm the [ __ ] of the Walk they all have a very respectful conversation in the end and everything ends nicely except for Todd confronting Yolanda about her lie and breaking up with her the conversation seems to imply that Yolanda really only wanted to be with Todd out of convenience though both Ace so they may as well be together but she was never able to get over how Todd lives his life Yolanda lies her family about Todd going to college which in the grand scheme of things isn't really something to lie about he's the head of marketing that is way more impressive than a ba in English it feels like she sees his wacky accomplishments as a sign of immaturity it shows that Yolanda liked the idea of dating Todd more than she liked Todd himself even if it's just a small lie it's a lie that doesn't matter so why lie at all like if you're gonna lie about that what else are you lying about that's not a great relationship but they at least remain friends and do the good old-fashioned hey if we're still single by the time or 100 Let's Get Married plan that everyone at the age of 25 makes with their best friend William how old are you 25 I'm so sorry to hear that oh [ __ ] you but yeah that kind of ties up the remaining Freds from last season for Todd and gets him into filbert this is also the last we see of Yolanda I kind of feel like she should have stuck around longer yeah we know why the relationship was so short but I don't know I feel like they could have explored the two a bit more she was only ever in like five episodes in the poof gone also I sure hope you enjoyed the Todd slapstick here because we're also sadly done with that for the most part after this he's mainly behind the desk for the rest of the season he's ahead of marketing now allegedly they say he's head of marketing but for the most part it's really just a set of a punch line at the end of the season they really just stream as a second CEO or producer here so he can have input on Filbert but hey at least we have to see Todd interact with Bojack again it's only for like two episodes but hey it's something sometimes Todd feels a little bit aimless when he isn't being used as a foil for another character so it's good to see him got some classic interactions again and while this does improve as we get into the final season that's a topic I'd like to say for that video but I'm acknowledging that now so we don't get 15 comments on how actually he gets his own plot next to you yeah we know we wrote the outline before the pandemic I personally really love how Bojack and Todd only have a couple of civil and classic interactions this season while also not really being friends again after the events of season three it's like the F-bomb in that season stuck their Dynamic was never really the same after it but Todd still treats Bojack nicely and he doesn't seem to hold anything against Bojack while also not welcoming him back into his life this is another realistic sort of interaction this season shows off really well I've had falling outs with friends before and after some distance from them for a couple years we've had perfectly Pleasant one-off interactions with each other with some people it's kind of nice to just get some distance and let animosity die out over time while also making sure you're not really in each other's life anymore anyway back to toodles and Yolanda I really loved all the wacky slapstick in this subplot and I love how they adapted the fact that Todd is asexual into his off-the-wall character it's so fun how his asexuality directly contributes to all this chicanery as well as a certain other character he introduces to us later in the season still part of me kinda wishes they used his asexuality more throughout the whole season with some of those uses being taken a bit more seriously I get that there's only so much time this season and there's a lot of plot lines they're focusing on but I am starving for this content my non-existent asexual children are dying please sir may we have some more can't believe I just referenced Oliver how disgusting but I did really like Todd's realization that he and yolando just weren't really compatible and that they should break up and try to find other asexuals out there no matter how daunting of a task that may seem it's an incredibly mature moment for his character and I really love that it was him who came to that conclusion rather than Yolanda okay that was a lot of Todd talk who's next on the discussion board Diane I really like how this season gives all of the supporting characters an episode in the spotlight with the exception of Todd but he got it last season so that's all right the first of said characters is Diane which is definitely welcome when I was looking at the Bojack Wiki to remind myself of various plot points while writing this I was shocked to see that this is only the second Diane focused episode in the entire show with the last one being in season one and that episode was terrible and kind of skippable to be honest you'd think there'd be more episodes specifically about her at this point considering she's arguably the second most important character in the show maybe you can make an argument for princess Carolyn but I still think it's Diane and I'm not just saying that because I like her character a lot more than PC the series starts when she first enters bojack's life and it ends at what is presumably the last time she ever interacts with him she's an incredibly vital foil for Bojack and she's crucial to keeping him grounded and trying to make him a better person but has she ever really gotten much of her own characterization as an individual most plot points with her tend to revolve around either Bojack or Mr Peanut Butter and how she deals with their chicanery I love this episode because it shows her on her own now separated from her husband and trying to figure out who exactly she is anymore the end of season 4 did not paint things in a positive light for their marriage but I'm gonna be honest I didn't expect them to immediately split up at the start of this season I thought maybe there'd be a little more of them desperately trying to fix things between the nope they are already split apart by episode one I was a little blindsided when I first saw the season not gonna lie but I guess this was the best way to do things since their marriage falling apart was an inevitability so we might as well just save time and jump right into the aftermath episode 2 begins with Diane saw yeah we go out of order hard here episode 2 begins with Diane sobbing on her way to the airport she needs to escape from La as soon as possible and she does not care where she goes so she ends up in Vietnam so she can connect her for roots but as soon as she heads over there her boss tells her girl we need to get some Primo content for our killer site get list and bestie so she has to finagle a way to get her vacation time in and make content for her job just like Seth Rogan she fails at both the first immediate roadblock is that despite being Vietnamese Diane is 100 born and raised American and therefore does not speak a lick of Vietnamese this puts her at a disadvantage from the people who live there and tourists who see her in this assume she speaks Vietnamese and has poor English which is not true the language barrier is actually the Crux of a lot of things that happen to her here here I can surprisingly relate to Diane a lot in this episode since despite being a pasty white boy I also happen to be a pasty white boy who's Greek but being born and raised in America makes it a little hard to really connect with the culture I came from outside of Greek themed events at my Greek church and talking to my grandparents I still don't personally know the language and I've never been to Greece myself but I imagine if I ever went there it would be familiar yet somewhat isolating I might even feel a dash of imposter Syndrome baby however unlike Diane I wouldn't have to deal with obnoxious American tourists assuming this is where I'm from and being extremely condescending so there's that I guess here are some examples of what problems she experiences because of that barrier she has those aforementioned Taurus assuming that she doesn't speak English and can guide them to where they need to go and they just won't back down at all this would have been avoided if Diane pepperde like three more words but hey she's had a hard week let her live uh sin there's also some general smaller issues like having a hard time ordering food at a fast food place or for a beer at the hotel bar because the staff doesn't know what she's saying nor does she know what they're saying the biggest set piece for this episode is the date Diane goes on context the main reason Diane chose to go to Vietnam was to reconnect with her roots and escape the Hollywood bubble for a while but upon arriving she finds out that a big Hollywood production is being shot in Vietnam everywhere she turns in what she thought was her Homeland she is reminded of what she ran away from so get back to the date she goes out with an American who just so happens to work on the set of that movie however since he assumes that Diana is native to Vietnam he assumes that she has poor English but instead of correcting him she instead decides to play along and is silent for the majority of the date it works until he brings her to the set of the movie and she slips out of character and speaks English right in front of him ending the date you could argue whether or not it was a good thing for her to do this but that guy was a dick and probably deserved it what first sets all this off was a party Diane was at the house running party for Mr Peanut Butter to be exact since you know his last one got kind of sort of [ __ ] destroyed or something this episode Cuts back and forth a lot between Diane's vacay station complete with inner monologues are for writing the article for her job and the events back in La that led to her booking it to the airport in the first place what actually set her off was seeing Mr Peanut Butter hook up with his new girlfriend pickles at the party we haven't exactly talked about Mr Peanut Butter yet but really most of what goes on with him right now is there to service Diane's story all you need to know is he is divorced meets another cute fun young woman in her 20s and starts dating her time is a flat circle and also an arrow or something Diane's monologue at the end of the episode is really powerful and one element of it I particularly like is how she acknowledges that she misses Mr Peanut Butter despite the fact that she is the one who wanted to get divorced it's a really complicated but realistic feeling sometimes you're with someone and you know deep down that you're not compatible or that it's not gonna last so you assume you're gonna be fine once it's over but there's obviously a reason you were together in the first place hell there might be a bunch of reasons and you still miss those good attributes of the relationship those parts that aren't going to be in your your life anymore yeah Diane needed to cut it off with Mr Peanut Butter because they weren't compatible overall but you can't blame her for feeling this way now it's only natural she would miss the best parts of their relationship overall this is one of my favorite episodes of the Season it really does right by Diane's character and it's super heartbreaking as well plus it ends with a Vietnamese cover of back in the 90s which is one of my favorite recurrent elements of this season we all love back in the 90s and the extreme mood Whiplash it gives us at the end of most episodes but by the fifth season of it yeah we could stand to shake things up a bit so this season introduces a bunch of unique covers that fit the tones of different episodes like the Vietnamese version for this one a simple beautiful string cover for a PC focused episode a punk rock cover for an episode that involves drugs an organ cover for a certain funeral episode and my personal favorite the spooky version that plays at the end of the Halloween episode yeah in case you didn't notice that Halloween version is the credits theme for all my videos for a while I used to alternate between all the different season 5 credit covers depending on my mood for the video but then I kind of just settle on this one being the ending for all them because I'm too lazy to change it between videos and the only reason I use these covers is because the traditional back in the 90s gets copyright claims and the only reason I wanted that is my credit's theme is because it's a tribute to how it always ends off every one of my YouTube poops are you [ __ ] kidding me now you know the full lineage of the Shay furless credits thank you for coming to my TED Talk these covers are dope and while it makes it so there's less mood Whiplash moments than there are in previous Seasons that's perfectly fine they're a great change of pace I mean I'd argue to a [ __ ] car crash followed by punk rock guitar is kind of a mood Whiplash if the crash itself wasn't already Whiplash Bazinga also before someone brings it up these videos specifically we've been using the arcade Tales cover of the song we use that because I'm friends with him and asked him if we could and if he didn't know that's where it's from go listen to the full version of it and go give it a bunch of reviews okay bye Tiki so aside from Princess Carolyn who we'll talk about length when we get to episode 5 we're kind of jumping around a lot here bear with us we've essentially set up all the core recurring cast but what about our new recurring characters for the season well we got two here Gina kazador and flip who we saw briefly at the end of season four flip is what you see is what you get take a good look at him and you know who he is look at this dude gonna be honest I don't really get what they were going for with flip in a lot of episodes he's just a typical misogynistic self-proclaimed genius and we're not supposed to like him okay makes sense but then there are some episodes where it feels like they're trying to make him more sympathetic like when he's a dolphin bear with us it's gonna make perfect sense in a little bit and he's just kind of having a breakdown not sure what to write so Diane helps him through the process I guess it kind of shows that he's a hack and not good at writing and all and that's the joke but I don't know he never really ends up called out by anyone in the show for the misogynistic stuff he does and his last appearance in the season is just kind of a joke about his hack writing abilities and by that point I'm just kind of thinking what really is the point of this character if he's supposed to be be an antagonist why has he never treated as such and if he's supposed to be comic relief why is he so unlikable I don't know he had some funny moments at least okay what about sassy Malone over here boobs Gina is bojack's co-star in the show and spoiler love interest for the season Gina is the kind of actress who shows up does her job gets paid rinse and repeat she keeps her head down in order to succeed in this world she tries to keep her work life and personal life separate to that she's a Bojack now because we all know that [ __ ] can't let that slide okay so Bojack tries to learn more about Gina right so he snatches her earbuds while she's at the caring Booth only to realize she is listening to her Broadway musical did someone say Broadway musical holy [ __ ] this show is talking about Broadway musicals now yeah dude you've seen the show you knew this was coming you better [ __ ] believe I knew it was coming I liked Gina enough in episode one but revealing that she's a closet fan of musicals really caught my attention it's really powerful to see how a musical about corn inspired her and in a similar vein to Bojack trying to make Eddie fly in the hopes that that would cheer him up Bo Jack has answer a singing audition with PC and flip in the hopes that you'll get to use her musical talents in the show but it's the usual overstepping his bound sort of deal she's nervous and doesn't do too well and begrudgingly thanks Bojack for the fact that now she doesn't have to wonder if she'll make it as a singer anymore since she believes she won't yeah it's pretty rough much like hollyhock in the previous season Gina's in amazing addition to the cast she and Bojack gradually warm up to each other and her struggles as an actress are really compelling I hope this doesn't end badly speaking of ending badly oh look Mr Peanut buber and pickles are you implying that Mr Peanut Butter is bad at sex no he's clearly very good at it he's just bad at everything else yeah so Mr Peanut Butter is probably candidate for worst character this season he kind of [ __ ] up at every single opportunity he doesn't do a damn thing right I still have feelings for Diane dude what are you doing we're blowing this what are we supposed to say I guess we should start at the beginning of the relationship he meets pickles while he's at dinner with Diane while they negotiate the terms of their divorce she keeps interrupting and it's clear they have a thing much to Diane's dismay they rush into their relationship when Mr Peanut Butter is clearly not ready for a serious relationship so soon after a divorce it almost feels like this relationship is Dead on Arrival and that he might be in a never-ending pattern that will never break oh golly gee oh my I wonder if that will be addressed in a future episode of the season but before that these two go on a date to technically a KFC which stands for geeky's French cuisine followed by a romantic night at a fireworks show and by fireworks you mean a satellite exploding here is revealed that he still has feelings for Diane and that makes pickles big sad she is now in a yes but they make up for now yay while we're talking about these crazy ass doggos I gotta say I don't really care for pickles she's fine she's just kind of a typical young hip trendy character who's there to illustrate Mr Pila boobers continued romantic failings other than that she's just kind of boring not bad but nothing special and hey Mr Peanut Butter may be [ __ ] a lot of things up this season but he still delivers one of the most relatable lines I've ever heard I don't have or want children but I silently judge every parent that I see in public that's legit just me anyway episode 4 is this season's topical episode with this one being about feminism and the me too movement and how cancel culture doesn't do a damn thing to bad people's careers it only sets them back a couple years at most because we're introduced to yummo Wickersham which is honestly a really good name for a deplorable person because he's a deplorable person who does a ton of really shitty things and then gets canceled for them boy I sure hope he goes away forever now except of course he doesn't because filbert needs a new Bad Boy star and his name is brought up by Princess Carolyn yeah you guys kind of get what I was talking about in the last episode when I said I'm not a big fan of her morally questionable actions that no one else in the fan base seems to address it hardly ever feels like PC is on the side of women who get wronged in the entertainment industry history because it feels like she is the industry perpetuating so many things that make Hollywood so much harder for women she has a lot of depth and relatability to her character and I'm not denying that plus Bojack is obviously a million times worse in terms of his reprehensible actions but the show always makes it a point to show how bad Bojack is while never really examining PC's role in perpetuating Hollywood's shitty systems the only woman who gets called out in this episode for propping up problematic abusers is on a spanakopita which makes sense because of how cold and stoic her demeanor is and how she's a side character were never really meant to empathize emphasize empathize empathize and how she's a side character were never really meant to empathize with all that much there I gotta first try that time I don't I don't get why is talking hard but it definitely makes for an interesting concept when Diane tries to call her out for working with yummo Wickersham only for her to flip the script and use Diane's words as a way to try and get yummo back into society's good graces it's [ __ ] up but it's pretty realistic unfortunately I would like to point out that while yes it does make sense for Diane to call out Anna at this time she is also literally friends with Princess Carolyn who is responsible for all this happening in the first place and you'd think she'd go harder on her oh also Diane becomes a writer on the show meanwhile Bojack accidentally becomes a feminist why does ceremony for yamo Bojack is too disgusted by the Honeydew on the table to participate in the standing ovation for yummy boy as the star of the show yamos is positioned a co-star and this sends a message that Bojack does not condone this when in reality Botox just gaming so now Bojack is viewed as a feminist icon and says a whole lot of things that definitely won't incriminate him later on in the show this is just old Bojack talking but how about we don't choke any women yeah the foreshadowing in this episode is just cool boy Mega oof also this episode has a subplot where Mr Power Ranger wants to be seen as tough in order to land a role so he enlists Todd's help in getting the general public to think he's tough it's cute and fun to see him fail in increasingly loony ways and in general this subplot feels like the kind of thing you find in season one or two where Mr Peanut Butter and Todd would just get into wacky chicanery together it was certainly a nice throwback and with that all five of the main characters are now working on Filbert in some capacity I think that's really cool that they're all connected to this one show even if it doesn't necessarily amount to anything significant plot or character-wise it's just nice for cohesion purposes and now it's time for princess Carolyn's plot for the season last season her storyline involved trying to make a baby this time it's about legally acquiring someone else's baby in a convoluted process known as adoption and it's uh bucks her adoption manager which by the way it's hilarious Frankie and Princess Carolina someone else's client for once gets switched out with literal trash human insert name here which makes everything overly difficult for Aaron not Mom to be she pairs Francis Karen up with Sadie a reluctant mom in Georgia the two get along fine for the most part but as the episode goes on and namely through all the interruptions Princess Caroline experiences due to the constant phone calls from the filbert crew the cracks me in the show Sadie wonders if PC is all show and reconsiders giving her the baby after the father unexpectedly returns I mean having the baby was unexpected to begin with that's a pun I'm gonna kill him so PC has returned to La empty-handed I mean sadly she would have either way because it takes nine months but you know additionally in this episode we're treated to multiple flashbacks of PC's life growing up back in the South as it turns out she has a similar backstory having a fling with a football playing son of a wealthy businessman and gets knocked up Carolyn's mom actually sees this as a good thing since that would mean but as you can probably guess she has a miscarriage what do you the baby go find it these sections end up for getting accepted to UCLA and the rest is history this episode offers a really laid-back setting that contrasts perfectly with a constantly bustling La in a manner similar to escape from La wow that episode was very appropriately named huh it's nice to say that Sadie can see through PC's Hollywood salesman Persona and that she's smarter than PC assumes but it's also pretty devastating because despite all of her faults it's so easy to feel for PC's plight to acquire baby we've seen all the hardships she had to endure when trying to get one both through the entire rest of the series and the flashbacks in this episode it really is devastating not quite as much of a gut punch as Ruthie but it wasn't really designed to be it's here to fill in more of her backstory and show where she came from so we can better admire how far She's Come the Amelia Earhart Motif in this episode is a smart one and it's a good metaphor for her journey throughout the series she flew farther than anyone expected but kinda got lost along the way there's probably a deeper metaphor there but I don't feel like finding it right now oh also the rest of the cast in this episode throughout her time down south PC is subject to many a phone call from the filbert crew this essentially leads to Shenanigans involving Bojack doing a dangerous stunt that results in breaking his back hey remember we said this was a laid-back episode whoa Lang's the only thing he's gonna be doing for a while this is also if you can believe it the Catalyst for the big issue this season that causes everything to go horribly wrong this is what happens when you leave princess Carolyn and now we get to episode six free churro um okay not quite sure where to even begin here well bojack's mom is [ __ ] dead you can start there that's fair so this episode is all about Bojack giving a eulogy in his mother's funeral and when I say all about I mean it aside from the cold open which depicts the scene from bojack's childhood that only features him and his dad this episode is entirely just Bojack at a Podium at a funeral giving a eulogy and it's easily one of the best episodes in the entire show I remember watching this one for the first time and it only hit me six or seven minutes into the episode that wait they're not gonna cut away to any other characters are they this is literally just him talking the whole time in essence it's the anti-fish out of water which featured a lot of visual storytelling but no actual dialogue here it's entirely dialogue based or rather monologue based or rather based as we watch Bojack reflect on all the shitty times he and his mother had together and come to terms with what his mother's death really means for him going forward what makes this episode truly Sensational is the fact that it reveals so many new layers for Beatrice butterscotch and even bojack's character how is it that in the middle of Season 5 out of six were still unraveling new aspects of bojack's character it's truly remarkable for years we've always known that Bojack turned out as shitty as he did largely due to his parents influence obviously this is not an excuse for his heinous actions but it makes sense that he would do such heinous actions given how he was raised but Bojack is a far less evil character than e either of his parents and this episode establishes that everything he knows about being good he learns from TV of course this means his perception of goodness is stilted and unrealistic he notes that he has to be good every day and that he can't just do a big gesture like getting on a boat and saving his best friend we saw that even after he did that for Todd in the season 2 finale in a moment that at the time seemed to be an indication that their friendship was going to be just fine it ended up being not fine afterwards the same goes for herb or even Charlotte to some extent Bojack never truly internalized what being a good person meant believing one act of kindness could fix any of his relationships or make him whole but that's not how it works his life isn't a TV show well it is technically but I mean you know you know what I mean the eulogy is also an excuse for Bojack to vent out all his frustrations about his mother and it's pretty cathartic for him and for us some of the anecdotes he tells like one about how his mother bought him a jacket he wanted except no haha she didn't he was pranking Us by telling a fake story are sad but pretty expected but there's this undercurrent throughout his eulogy this subtle buried desire for a good relationship with his mother it's a very compelling and tangible feeling that I think everyone can relate to no matter who you are and no matter how good or bad or awful your relationships with your parents are you always want them to be better you imagine idealized versions of them caring supportive loving everything you think other people have or everything you see on TV or in the movies some people are lucky enough to have that and some aren't but that longing for a better relationship with them is always there and it's what Bojack conveys throughout the episode he highlights how for brief moments during the parties Beatrice held at their house he felt the sense of familial connection he always wanted whenever Beatrice would dance and take flight as he puts it butterscotch would come out and watch in a rare moment of admiration and Bojack would take it in understanding how significant these moments were for his entire family they always silently acknowledged that they were drowning in this house together but in these moments they could all swim he tells the story with a subtle organ playing in the background truly taking the time to reflect on it and getting lost Imagining the moment but then he comes back to cynical reality and acknowledges that the drowning is kind of inevitable he lived his entire life drowning and watching his parents drown until his dad finally succumbed to a duel of all things that's the stupidest goddamn thing ever but it's completely in character for butterscotch especially because he died by tripping on a rock and not from the actual duel LOL so that was the end of bojack's relationship with his father but deep down he always held out hope that things would be okay with his mother in the end against his better judgments and for a brief moment he thought he had it his mother's last words to him in the hospital were ICU and he spends the episode's run time trying to decipher this cryptic message what does it mean was she being nice in her dying moments and finally acknowledging his presence after all the [ __ ] she put him through was it a Sinister I see you you piece of garbage sort of acknowledgment he couldn't figure it out for the longest time and his vivid descriptions of the messages possible meanings shift our brains into overdrive in turn I believed for a stupid goddamn couple of minutes that the message meant something positive or even something at all I thought Beatrice had reverted to the same state of mind she was in when we last saw her in times Arrow where she felt no animosity towards her son and engaged with him in a friendly manner I thought she was trying to do that one last time but this is BoJack Horseman and you can't have happy endings in this show cause if everyone's happy the show would be over there's always more show and so we learned the true origin of this message she was just reading the sign in the ICU unit it's such a simple Revelation and yet it's one of the most devastating moments in the entire series I actually cry every time at this part in the ends there really was no way for Bojack to salvage his relationship with his mother in spite of his efforts at the end End of Time Zero and he finally understands the meaning behind his mother's words when she gave a eulogy for his father my mother is dead and everything is worse now because now I know I will never have a mother who looks at me from across the room and says BoJack Horseman I see you this really is one of the most Sensational episodes of Television I've ever seen both the writing and Will Arnett's delivery is the only actor in the entire episode come together to form this flawless reflection on what it means to live with someone awful and the complicated messy feelings that can arise from that it's by far the best episode of the season but I do want to bring up the implications that statement has on the rest of the season ultimately this episode has very little to do with the rest of season 5's plot only getting referenced a couple times in the very next episode and it mainly stands as an epilogue to season Four's plot and time zero in particular this to me kind of indicates how season 4's main plot line is just a lot stronger than season fives obviously season five's plotline is still great but a lot of it is familiar territory for the show from Bojack working on a project to spiraling due to drugs season 4 was just an extremely tough act to follow both in terms of being really compelling and a super unique plotline the show hadn't done before and the fact that none of of the other episodes in season five are quite as exceptional as this one which feels explicitly tied to season 4's storyline above all else does kinda say something but that's not a knock against season 5 as a whole again it was just really hard to follow up the Beatrice storyline also there's a lot of stuff in this episode I didn't mention for the sake of time like why the episode is called free churro it's cause Bojack got a free churro you're welcome for this epic analysis thank you for that epic monologue Mr Horseless I am also in this video but I didn't know what to say that wasn't just summary also I was eating McDonald's did you know that someone upload the entire script to this episode of Genius what the [ __ ] anyway next episode and I sure hope you like the funny because this episode has the funny so this episode is framed by a couple telling stories to each other about their clients a therapist named Dr Indira and her wife Mary Beth a workplace counselor and wouldn't you know it their clients are Bojack Diane Todd and Princess guy I mean Bobo Princess Diana Emperor finger face in a tangled fog of pulsating yearning in the shape of a woman my face favorite Kingdom Hearts boss I like how princess Carolyn is not a princess anymore but Diane is I've actually caught that in the studio yeah due to Legal restrictions they can't say their actual names so they all get aliases and redesigns for this episode it is the big neat they even changed the title of the show that's adorable so Bobo accidentally goes to therapy at Diana's request he just thinks his two friends talking but once he learns his therapy he wants out because he is man and man do not want therapy he want bottle emotion I am Grog however it turns out that Indira is both Diana and Bobo's therapist so finding out that bobo is going to her therapist Diane gets very uncomfortable with this and leaves this puts Indira in quite the pickle as she just lost two clients in one Fell Swoop for no good reason because Bobo and Diana are [ __ ] stupid we don't really learn more about Bobo here it's just oh of Bobo is stubborn and won't actually get help despite knowing damn well he needs it but it does tell us more about Diana like how she hiding a ton I I mean we see how uncomfortable she is around Bobo now that she knows about the tape so it makes her uncomfortable having him now involved with the same therapist as her especially since she's talked to Indira about the penny tape from two episodes ago that we forgot to mention apparently but more about that soon okay James is that rewarded enough for you and in addition it kind of goes back to the Bell room situation this is one less thing she has to herself now that bobo is there as well she has one less Safe Haven from the heck to kawu life this has really taken a toll on her and while I do think it's a little lamentiana's part to bail out the moment Bobo's getting help well not bailout directly but she pulls the it's either him or me thing and yeah it does make perfect sense why she doesn't want to be surrounded by him 24 7 and why she wouldn't want them going to the same therapist maybe she could have given him more resources and choices for where to go but also Bobo is stubborn and won't actually get help like a dumbass Austin andira is never seen again and does not get her clients back oops while that's going on Emperor finger face and the Tangled fog of pulsating yearning in the shape of woman are having a workplace dispute over some string cheese that was wrongly eaten and honestly that's about it it's just a cute funny subplot between characters who don't really get to interact all that much even though they live together so anyway back to the main plot while the Bobo framing device is fun and a neat change of pace the showrunners know that they have to cut it before the end of the episode once the story starts getting a little more serious so we return to Bojack and Diane after not seeing them all episode stupid Bobo and Diana hugging on the spotlight SMH once Diane realizes that Bojack quit talking to Dr Indira and that he doesn't really care about getting better he tries to argue that neither of them need therapy and that they're the same and they are not the same according to Diane I mean they kind of are in a lot of ways so I guess Diane is in Diane Nile nailed it and then Diane does something I really don't like so here's the thing I've been largely tiptoeing around my feelings about Diane throughout this review series because I know she's kind of contentious within parts of the fandom and to be perfectly honest that's never really been something thing I've bought into it seems like a lot of fans are constantly mad at her for calling out Bojack on his [ __ ] and generally take his side in a lot of the show's conflicts but in my opinion she's a flawed character and she makes mistakes here and there but she's a far more moral character than Bojack and usually when she calls him out for something it's completely Justified I don't dislike her character at all far from it she's actually one of my favorites in a show loaded with great characters but that makes this one scene kinda difficult to talk about because this is the only part of the entire show where I kinda think she made a big incredibly heinous oopsie you see at the end of episode 4 Ana spanakopita shared a certain tape with Diane it was a tape from back in season 3 where Bojack admitted what he did to Penny in New Mexico of course he didn't mention Penny by name and certain specifics are left out meaning Diane doesn't know the full story here just that it sounds really bad which it was it's an extremely sensitive event that likely could have traumatized this young girl which it did so Diane decides it's a good idea to write this event into a TV show solely because she's mad at Bojack for saying that the two of them are equally screwed up if this is the kind of thing she does and feels No Remorse for then yeah May maybe they are I don't really care about her airing bojack's Dirty Laundry like this he kind of deserves it what I don't like is how she does this with no concern for the victim's privacy obviously there's no way for the general public to trace this back to Penny but can you imagine if it somehow made it back to her that this traumatic event she experienced was written into a popular TV show starring the man who did this thing to her that's extremely [ __ ] up and I would hope Diane would have the common sense to realize that either immediately or eventually but no she never feels remorse for doing this and it feels genuinely out of character for her I felt this way ever since the episode first aired and it hasn't really been easier to stomach over multiple re-watches also why the [ __ ] was there some random 17 year old girl on a submarine flip you hack again I love Diane's character overall but this one action has always rubbed me the wrong way and I never really hear anyone talk about it whether they love or hate her character also if you're wondering why I'm calling Diane out for this one action and not really doing the same for bojack's Hannah's actions that's because the show already does that and if if I did that too then this video series would go on for 37 years then again think of the ad Revenue if we did that no I mustn't get distracted it's Halloween let's focus on spooky no we are writing this part of the script on November 5th it's Halloween and in this episode Ryan Seacrest type has finally had enough and [ __ ] gouges bojack's eyes wait what that doesn't happen Okay so this episode is another gimmick episode this time using four separate timelines every Halloween Mr Peanut Butter and a bunch of other Hollywood haunters crash bojack's house for a Halloween party he doesn't even want and we get to see this party in multiple eras we see it in the 90s when he's married to Katrina in the early 2000s when he's with Jessica Beale the late 2000s with Diane and in present day while dating pickles wow when it's all laid out there for us to see Mr Peanut Butter is kind of a [ __ ] up isn't he and this episode really hammers that on hard Mike's Hard every year at the party reveals a crucial flaw with each marriage and piles onto the one thing that we've been showing time and time again about him first with Katrina we see him constantly running around and leaving her alone despite her exact request not to leave her alone yet every turn he abandons her to hang out with someone else instead of just bringing her along and having her engage with the guests too this goes on all night until she's left with Ben Stein and Tim Allen this is how she falls into the Q Anon Rabbit Hole poor one out for a fallen Karen's with Diane she wants to be the cool laid-back wife so she suppresses her hatred at parties to appeal to him but being around all these celebrities makes her anxious so she tries to hint of Mr Peanut Butter that she would like to leave soon to which he does nothing and after an embarrassing encounter with one of her favorite TV stars from her youth she freaks out and makes him leave can you guess what the star is it was Bojack with Jessica Beale [Applause] okay that one isn't even his fault Jessica Biel's just a [ __ ] idiot and now on modern day Bojack brings up how Mr Peanut Butter has brought so many Ex-Wives to the party that it's hard to keep track pickles is very put off by this and acts standoffish to Mr Peanut Butter after this yeah it's kind of bojack's fault but also it's his house getting commandeered every year without his permission so yeah he probably deserves some sort of comeback this all leads to pickles hiding out in the bathroom this is the part where it gets acknowledged that despite the fact that Mr Peanut Butter is roughly the same age as Bojack about 50 ish and still dating exclusively women in their 20s which is kinda sort of creepy and scummy you kind of forget his age since on the outside he just looks like a big puppy dog which is you know the point it's equally scummy that he doesn't even consider dating older women when Diane suggests it he just immediately asks her what the alternative is yeah kind of [ __ ] up but Diane helps Mr Plankton Boomer realize that he needs to grow up and emotionally mature himself or else the women he dates will continue to outgrow him she also consoles pickles and lets her know that despite how many many times Mr Penis [ __ ] has failed that the whole relationship thing in the past he still unconditionally loves the person he's with at the time and would never do anything to hurt them oh no my mouth slipped and I accidentally clicked three episodes ahead I hope nothing in the episode I just clicked on has any sort of dramatic irony to it related to what I just said oh no yeah Mr porcupine Binger may be my favorite main character in the show but he's still an extremely flawed person much like the rest of them and it's nice to finally get an episode that examines his flaws and points out the Common Thread between his previous relationships and why they all failed it's you Mr Peanut Butter it's you do you do you get it do you get my job I was referencing the other the other apps do you get my joke we get to see a lot of other cool stuff in these different time periods too like Halloween night 2009 is actually when Bojack and Diane first met he's the only one that recognizes what her costume is which is a nice touch that solidifies their unique connection but he dismisses her because he's just getting the news about how his dad died in a duel this is also when Bojack first meets Todd and just lets him sleep on the couch forever until you know Todd gets sick of his [ __ ] PC is dressed as Amelia Earhart one year nice touch and she gets stuck man in the door every time a metaphor for her perpetually wheel spinning career and there's a lot of funny costume related Easter eggs where background characters are dressed up as relevant pop culture icons from each year the episode trays and one of them is Shrek this is important information that must be shared so yeah really fun episode a nice spooky time and you know what's even spookier than spooky Halloween episodes crippling drug addiction like the crippling drug addiction Bojack ass that joke's not in bad taste right look there's only four episodes left we have to make jokes while we still can in fact let's start with the jokes first Todd builds a sex robot he did what so Emily wants sex but Todd doesn't want to sex so Todd builds a sex robot I know this is Bojack and a lot of wacky [ __ ] happens in the show but like a sex robot a dildo Dog rolling around flirting like a horny Stephen Hawking this is a bit too out there even for Bojack it's still funny and works enough but I think we're pushing at this point granted a sex robot really should be pushing it since that's its jab don't you mean job I know what I said I for one enjoy a sex robot becoming the head of a major company since everyone mistakes his sex talk for business talk but yeah I'd be lying if I said the joke didn't get extremely ridiculous and maybe a bit too unbelievable as it goes on but we'll get to that in the finale it's also probably the most blatant metaphor for sexual harassment in the workplace a sex robot that only speaks in euphemisms in outright requests for intercourse becomes the CEO of a major entertainment company that writes itself and he gets away with everything he says God don't you just love America no no you don't I hate it meanwhile Mr pina colada wants to make a movie based on a birthday card called Birthday Dad at the time I never imagined this joke would go any farther than this one episode but no they keep it going in season six it's pretty great honestly but uh oh who owns the birthday card it's PC's ex-boyfriend Ralph meaning she needs to meet with him which is kind of an awkward scenario given how they left things but everything seems to be okay between them that is until they find out that a woman giving birth at the hospital doesn't want her baby and PC should come on down and be the next contestant on I don't even know where I was going with that joke William finished the joke for me well the baby's father clearly finished and so did Mr fondle wow we're reaching around a lot today just like Mr fondle sorry you like that Ben you like that it's [ __ ] hilarious right thank you so we're gonna kill him really I just noticed that my most recent viewing that Tracy is playing a switch in this episode what do you think she was playing it's 2018 so like Kirby star allies maybe that's a game as mediocre as she is ooh Hey Bada Bing hey at least she's not playing mobile games now when this season first started I was extremely confused that PC's plot revolved around her wanting to adopt a baby given how she was pretty adamant about not wanting to in season four and in this episode Ralph addresses this contradiction pointing out how bizarre it was that she broke up with him after he suggested adoption I agreed with him at first it seemed like she kind of did him dirty there but the more I thought about it the more I realized that despite his good intentions it really wasn't his prerogative to try and dictate to PC the way she should have a baby even if he was gentle about it at the end of the day he should have respected her desires as the mother and considered the position she was in how she wanted to give birth to a baby for so long and how she needed to come to the realization herself that adoption was the best option for her it's tough because Ralph is still a pretty genuine sweet guy but in the end he's just got to accept the way things are and move on PC is Raising this baby by herself except oh no she gave such an inspiring speech about what a good mother she'll make that the baby's birth mother is inspired too and once the baby back oops oh no back to the lab again [Music] you know in retrospect PC telling the girl that oh no you definitely can't is the most unintentionally brutal thing she ever does hilarious but goddamn I think that's enough on the sublots not much to really analyze here time to do drugs so hollyhock this is Bojack in La so the two can have a fun-filled day before she has to go back to college I sure hope nothing [ __ ] up happens to them especially since hollyhock is still reeling from what happened with bojack's mom in the diet pill overdose thing what the [ __ ] are you doing so hollyhock mistakes bojack's prescription painkillers for the same pills she overdosed on in season four and pours them down the drain now they have to find replacement pillow since Bojack notes that the pills are highly addictive if you aren't taking proper Doses and you can't just walk out of the store with like 50 bottles of the stuff over the course of the episode it becomes obvious that Bojack doesn't need this medication for pain anymore he's just become addicted to them so much so that he's spending the little time he has with hollyhock during this visit doing all sorts of wacky dangerous hijinks to get them back this is essentially where the main conflict of season 5 finally rears its ugly head and this is yet another element of the season I wasn't big on at first but grew to really appreciate as time went on and I thought about it more bojack's main conflict this season is his addiction to drugs which kinda sprung up out of nowhere much in the same way that hollyhock's overdose in the previous season came out of nowhere but this time I don't see it as a problem because that's just how addictions are they show up out of nowhere sometimes and take control of your life without you even noticing I thought it was a little weird that this plotline started with Bojack getting hurt off-screen in an episode that was focused on princess Carolyn but that was actually a clever way of setting the plot line up without drawing explicit attention to it and really blindsiding us with its effects later in the story and while I have slightly come around on the sudden hollyhock reveal in season 4. I still don't think it particularly works as well because it wasn't set up we don't see Beatrice ever at adding the medication to hollyhock's Coffee in the background or anything with this season you're given all the pieces to recognize bojack's potential addiction problem in the future without it being obvious which is the best way they could have laid it out maybe it could have had a little more build up in episode 7 and 8 like having to take some more drugs at the Halloween party or something but otherwise it's a really good setup I would just like to say though that this is the main conflict that leads to The Season's big climax this doesn't hit us until episode 9 of this 12 episode season season 5 is very backloaded it works and allows these moments to really hit hard but I think they could have gotten us to this point in an episode or two sooner and then focus on it a lot more to have a better build up to the final episode 11 climax regardless it still makes sense addiction isn't really something that gets choreographed in real life it's a [ __ ] I think I know I've never smoked a heroine before the important thing now is that Bojack gets helped to deal with this addiction ah [ __ ] this is Bojack we're talking about yeah so after all this drug chasing chicanery Bojack and hollyhock had kind of a strange night together but it seems like everything is gonna be fine right before she leaves they apologize to each other and Bojack confesses that he might not even need the pills hollyhock tries to reassure him that it's okay to take painkillers if you're actually hurt and a doctor prescribes them oh no yeah yeah no that's not good hollyhock's words were definitely well intentioned but Bojack took the worst possible message from them and his self-destructive Tendencies led to him purposely getting into an accident just for the sake of getting drugs again it's like that guy told Pac-Man once drugs are bad oh [ __ ] here comes project what's up [ __ ] no Bojack drugs are bad foreign episode 10 the premiere of filbert is nigh and they're throwing a big Premiere party showing everyone the first episode of the show everyone's excited in early reviews the show are positive it's bojack's first big success since horsing around what Secretariat no silly he wasn't even in that one remember now last episode ended on a dark note and from here on out this is where things get really rough but before we get into the nitty-gritty let's do some copyright [ __ ] so PC gets grow by this circus reject Mr Abel Ziggler over the fact that they stole a joke from their popsicle sticks yep in this universe your popsicle stick jokes were under copyright this might sound like one of those big jokey Bojack things that wouldn't happen in real life like the Disneyland or Halloween in January however you may not be aware of the fact that phrase is like let's get ready to rumble and it's on like Donkey Kong or under copyright you legally cannot say those in a movie without clearance hell remember when xenomax tried to copyright the word Scrolls or when Disney tried to copyright Dia de los Muertos yeah that happened this kind of thing actually happens in real life and this is Bojack doing the takedown of those by literally making them into Vaudeville clowns brilliant this is the show's last chance to do something really wacky before episode 11 takes us on a downward spiral so their present is while jarring is welcome the only way to keep the joke in is to get clearance from both Abel and his partner Ziggy who he hasn't seen in over 30 years I smell hijinks it's up to PC and flip to get these ex-lovers back into each other's good races so they get the legal clearance to tell a joke this is the future Dem publicans Want of course they do Succeed In The End by acknowledging that the others both have hard jobs while completely unrelated to basically everything that's been happening this episode this plotline is pretty amusing against the darker backdrop of everything else and does a good job poking fun at the sheer lunacy that is copyright law you want to see how [ __ ] up copyright and trademarks can get look up who owns King Kong it's bananas before we get to the real meat of this episode I just want to point out that it starts off with the return of Margo [ __ ] Martindale like they know what a big reveal this is we haven't seen her since we're both sank in that spaghetti crash back in season three and now she's back and she appears to have lost her memory holy [ __ ] I wonder where this plot line is gonna go in season six it probably won't be incredibly disappointing also there's a giant balloon of Bojack huh interesting I wonder if that comes back so before introducing the pilot episode of filbert Bojack gives a semi-improved speech about how filbert is kind of a terrible person but that's okay because deep down everyone is terrible and it's okay to be terrible since everyone is obviously Bojack is very very wrong and Diane realizes this and is shocked by what he has to say and this is some pretty clear meta commentary about the show itself the writers are basically drawing a Line in the Sand and saying that if you watch this show and relate to Bojack and then try and justify some of the shitty things you do in your own life because you feel really bad about it just like Bojack does that's still not okay and Diane serves as the voice of reason in this episode telling Bojack that that's a bad message to leave people with while also relaying that to the audience and what I like about this is the fact that it's not on the nose or unsubtle it fits really naturally into the show itself and the directions both of these characters are going in this pivots into a conversation about what happened in New Mexico which I mean clearly this conversation should have happened a long time ago Bojack even points out that she never asked about it before when she says he never told her about it but to be totally fair he should have come clean about it a while ago like back when it first happens probably it's not an excuse for Diane to write that event she had no idea about into the plot of filbert but Bojack could have also come clean to her about it right after she did that basically he's still more in the wrong in this scenario in fact in every scenario he's more on the wrong rule of thumb or hoof if you have to ask should Bojack have talked to someone about something the answer is yes yes he should have the conversation then pivots to Bojack rattling off a list of bad things he did to women over the decades and saying that he considers himself to be the biggest victim to come out of everything he did and while he certainly has suffered a lot with the guilt and remorse he felt for a lot of his shitty actions he's of course wrong again he may be suffering but some of the people whose lives he ruined are suffering even more a lot of stuff from this chunk of the conversation gets directly followed up and expanded upon in season six as especially the part about Sarah Lynn in all honesty there's so much to chew on with this six minute conversation between Bojack and Diane that I think we'll have to put a pin in some of it and revisit it later with the context of season six the conversation wraps up with Bojack telling her that ever since she wrote that successful book about him he's been totally okay he's entirely in denial over the idea that he has to grow or change or get better any longer because the Adoration he received from his book or the Warped messages he took away from filbert have blinded him to the reality of how horrible the situations he caused were and how many lives he's [ __ ] up nope he's totally fine now he even tries to explain and justify what happened on the boat with Penny by saying that nothing had happened yet Diane calls out that yet only for Bojack to backpedal and state that nothing happened in his mind his shitty immoral action is Justified because it's not like the women he does bad things to will even remember it right the person who suffers the most from any of this is him right in my mind this conversation is an absolutely necessary rebuttal to anyone who considers coming to the defense of the character of BoJack Horseman Todd's rant in season 3 where he cut ties with Bojack was just the appetizer to this damning seething incredibly compelling breakdown of why Bojack fundamentally does not deserve the same sympathy he is usually afforded by large sections of the fan base that's not to say that he doesn't have sympathetic aspects of his character I mean obviously he does we wouldn't be watching the show at this point if he didn't but the fact remains that he is the exact opposite of a role model and no one should aspire to be like him or do the things he does and he shouldn't be forgiven for his immoral actions considering the fact that he never truly makes things right he's an incredibly compelling character but don't believe for a second that he's a morally correct one I mean God damn the show spends Five Seasons showing us Time After Time and outright telling us that both Jack is a bad person in that he needs to go get help and people were out there saying oh my God Bojack is just like me bro [ __ ] read the room talk to your mom or something get help also this episode ends with Diana Mr Peanut Butter having sex Mr Peanut Butter you dumbass I go more into that but this will not be brought up again until episode 12. the next episode is not episode 12. that's right boys and girls it is once again time for another round of heartbreaking disappointment with episode 11 and this one's a real show stopper get it because there's no B plot in the episode so they stopped the show to focus on Bojack that's what jokes are the characters do still appear briefly but they do not get any real Spotlight aside from maybe Todd who stops the show to inform us he forgot to get sponsors in order to show ads during the show what's a good thing to remembered hours no offense to tie but we're built different hey James tell the lovely people who the sponsor is for this episode surf shark VP so season one of filbert is out and it's a hit Gina is a Bonafide celebrity now and Bojack is back in the spotlight once again the show even got picked up for a second season ensuring a steady paycheck for both of them in their blossoming relationship is now much more serious Bojack finally has another hit show popularity a loving girlfriend and aside from Diane it seems like his other friends are at least tolerating him a little more so Bojack can finally be happy right right no of course not do you know what show you're watching filbert filbert you're watching filbert see yeah this episode gets experimental it flashes back and forth between the real world and Filbert's World reminder Filbert's apartment looks exactly like bojacks and Bojack has worn his filbert costume all season regardless of whether he was acting or not I wonder why they built that up all season yeah this episode's very clever on how it takes little pieces that were built up throughout the season and finally connects them all together to make one thing absolutely clear Bojack can't tell what is and isn't reality anymore he's been stuck doing late night sleep deprived shoots for this show on a set that looks exactly like his own house with a costume he keeps forgetting to take off with plot lines that are starting to resemble events in his actual life and as an added bonus he's getting addicted to those painkillers he started taking after his accident on set this is basically just like what they did in season three with Mr Peanut Butter's spaghetti strainer Adventure except now it's the main plot of the season and it's depressing with that said while it's incredibly clever how this episode ties all those threads from across the season together I honestly think this is one of the weaker episode 11's quality wise like season two and four basically had perfect ones and without saying too much season six is penultimate episode is also kind of perfect basically the even ones are the true phenomenal bangers with the odd ones still being great and most importantly still being really impactful in the end but still not quite perfect it's just like the Star Trek movies except none of these are bad and we've actually watched BoJack Horseman yeah the odd episode 11's tend to meander a bit and they're not the most focused which I'm sure is by Design because they all involve Bojack taking a bunch of drugs but I still think out of these three season three had the best and most focused one it was a really tragic deconstruction of Sarah Lynn's character with this episode part of me feels like it's going through the motions and it's a little too similar to Downer ending and that's too much man we've just seen Bojack go on crazy drug trips and act paranoid and defensive enough to know what to expect here until the last third of the episode oh my God but before we get to that I do want to acknowledge how Netflix basically parody themselves now that we actually get to see an episode of the show it really does feel like the big budget schlock that you would randomly find get thrown onto your front page it's all dark and epic and we got tits and explosions it takes itself so seriously despite how unhinged it is their first season ends with nuclear bombs blowing everything up that's how Return of the Living Dead ends when your detective show ends the same way a wacky zombie horror comedy ends you know you've left the realm of reality long ago just like Bojack but let's stop the show for filbert and talk about the showstoppers titular showstopper Q music as Bojack continues to lose his grip on reality more and more he starts to believe someone's trying to take down him and Gina and the show as a whole and eventually his delusions manifest in the form of a black void where Gina is there to greet him and then sing a musical number that chronic bojack's bitter life and a lot of the Terrible Things he's done this number is really strong and a good payoff to Gina's love for musicals earlier in the season it's a unique way of showcasing bojack's grief and the show hasn't done anything like it before and I could bring up what the words don't stop dancing until the curtain Falls as a reference to but I think we'll save that for another time I'm sure some of you would like us to dig into what's going on in the song as well so let's touch on that after Gina's intro you see all the main recurring cast members of the show sitting on a set however they're all played by lookalike actors note that Mr Peanut Butter is not there because Bojack does not like him Gina then loves Sarah Lynn's actress up and spins around cutting to a shot reminiscent of the planetarium where she died we then see set pieces of all the biggest locations of the show so far including bojack's house The Observatory the house of horse and round the D and the escape from La next to Charlotte's house the lyric don't forget how fun you are also fits in with this with all the horrible Misadventures he's got into at all these places very biting and sarcastic Gina then walks into the Dick Cavett interview hurricane back to Secretariat being a big driving force for Bojack in the first half of the show and how it was really where everything started for Bojack we then see Bojack a drop down in front of cutouts of some of his worst moments we see the baby doll incident from season four the boat and Penny stealing the D and hey what's that we haven't seen that one yet hmm I wonder what that could be hey Bojack wrecked the cabin again that's funny we then see all the products filbert hasn't slapped onto as a result of Todd forgetting to get ads for the show and needing quick cash but it also acts to reinforce how Bojack uses his sadness as an excuse hey sorry I [ __ ] up again Todd but it's okay because I'm sad that's become his brand he sells to everyone every time he screws up we see his mom tap dancing around until her death referencing how she was a dancer in her time but also how she was always on bojack's mind and now she's gone and everything is worse now so who does Bojack have to blame anymore it's not a coincidence he's in the void for this shot also the popsicle is already referenced to the common flip mix earlier about those popsicle guys when Bojack asks where he gets his ideas from Bojack is stupid alright I think we got everything after Bojack wakes up from his musical theater riddled nightmare we then get to see a scene from filbert eerily juxtaposed with a scene from bojack's real life the music is subtly alarming and it cuts back and forth between the two as tensions rise in both scenarios Gina's calling out bojack's drug problem and he demands to get his pills back at the same time we see a scene from filbert where Filbert's revealed to be the culprit behind some murders and he is required to attack Gina for the scene and Bojack has lost his entire grip on reality at this point after season four where it seemed like he was finally getting better and turning things around he now just did the worst thing he's ever done in his life that we've seen on screen in season four the one F-bomb was delivered by Bojack himself described in a relationship he wanted to cut off but ultimately didn't instead of someone else using it to end the relationship with Bojack like how it was in the previous three seasons but now Gina rightfully asks him what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and another relationship is permanently severed and now Bojack has no more excuses to hide behind inside his Minds he ascends a flight of stairs only to be greeted with a giant balloon of himself one that was accidentally set loose in the previous episode and continued to appear in the background during this episode this simple image accompanied by a silent credit sequence for the first time in the entire series it's too heavy a moment for even the juxtaposition of the back in the 90s song to appear for the longest time William and I weren't really sure what exactly this balloon represented and I think it's one of the symbols in the show that's the most open to interpretation one common reading of this image that I really like is the idea that Bojack can no longer deny that he is the source of everything bad that he does Todd tried to tell him this in season three but of course he didn't listen and the immediate next thing he did was going on a bender with Sarah Lynn ending in her death but now he's confronted with the reality that he can't blame his upbringing or his parents any longer it's staring him right in the face he has no one but himself to blame for how he is another clever interpretation I've heard about ties into the idea that Bojack puts too much stock into the characters he plays when he was the horse in horsing around he felt better about himself because everyone loves the character but now that he's playing filbert a character who's extremely similar to him and just as flawed he has to confront the parts of himself that he didn't want to acknowledge that got broadcast to the rest of the world through filbert and this balloon represents how his shitty traits are now out in the open even if the rest of the world doesn't know how similar Bojack is to the character he plays he knows and that's truly devastating so yeah once again a downer ending perhaps the biggest one yet for a show Absolutely loaded with them personally I think the balloon represents the fact that Bojack is full of hot air but yeah that's one way you can read it it really is up to interpretation and given how vague it is I think that's kind of the point does represent his ego is his head in the clouds like a balloon does he have to face himself all valid responses and unless Shout Factory releases the rest of the show on Blu-ray again so he can get commentary tracks from Oxford and crew that's all we have to go off of hey by the way Shout Factory can you do that then it'd be epic and just like that the episode ends yeah this episode was rough in the final moments Regina were expertly choreographed through the entire season Bojack eats his words hard here hey remember Vance Wagner her hey don't strangle people welp how he cornered Diane during the premiere and does it again here everything involving the pills the sets being the same yeah season five really called its shots for this moment and the payoff hits hard episode 12 the show stopped so after the incident the footage leaks out to the press and the filbert crew is facing a PR crisis Tai being the only accessible person in the room holy [ __ ] Todd is the only sensible person in the room what the [ __ ] wants to pull the plug but PC of course weasels her way out of it so PC and flip make a way out for Bojack who is finally off the pills and conscious but the problem is he now knows exactly what he did and once the finally just end it all and come clean but for once he isn't allowed to and Gina plays along because in probably one of the more subtly heartbreaking moments she doesn't want to be part of his story she doesn't want to be known as the girl who got strangled by BoJack Horseman she wants to take him down more than anybody but knows that if she does that's all anyone will remember her for it's really painful to hear because I'd imagine that a lot of women in real life never open up or go public about things that happen to them for reasons just like this especially in Hollywood this is Then followed by the sex robot accidentally being a sex robot and harassing someone and getting all the shows at what time is it right now canceled dark comedy mood Whiplash the season start with slapstick evolving a Mudkip family and Lube how did we get here imma be real with you Chief normally I love this Show's absurdity and how wacky its scenarios can get but the Henry fondle stuff just got Ridiculous by the end the fact that no one considers the blatantly sexual things he says to be actually sexual statements starts out funny but gets stretched a little too thin but then him saying things like insufficient power and now entering sleep mode getting interpreted as sexual somehow they comedy too close to the Sun there it's just such an unbelievable stretch and it's not really that funny aside from this scene Henry fondral is a sex robot and he should not be a CEO of any company when you say sex robot you're speaking metaphorically right no again why the [ __ ] is Todd the most sensible character all of a sudden oh well the Henry fondle stuff is still better satire than don't look up piece of [ __ ] stupid ass movie we started writing the script in September and now we get to roast don't look up it's been that long and while I'm complaining PC is told by the southern woman that she can have her baby and Stewart's here to bombard her with this news and can I just say that Stuart's probably like the worst character in the entire show like morally there are way worse characters but they're intentionally bad morally whereas Stewart is just unhelpful and annoying and a piss-poor replacement for Judah which is the point of his character sure but they could have at least made him funny the scene where he and Tracy both reveal that they have amulets that'll make them reconnect with their long-lost sibling only for neither of them to realize that they're each other's siblings okay that's funny but that's it Steward is a completely worthless character otherwise like at least Charles Witherspoon was funny and there was an actual payoff for his character but whatever PC really needs to get to North Carolina to get babby but she's got to deal with the Bojack PR crisis first but then the bigger PR crisis with Henry fondle harms the whole company and gets filbert canceled which means PC can now go and get babby and Flip's last scene in the entire show is just him being like I was Princess Carolyn the whole time that's that's it from him forever such a weird note to end on for what should have been a really hateable character it's just so weird how they keep giving him all these light-hearted comedic moments when he's the one who told them to turn the camera back on when Bojack was strangling Gina but I guess I never have to think about him again oh no how sad flip becomes Leatherface and pieces the [ __ ] out anyway back to the characters that actually matter so Bojack wants to be held accountable for what he did so he goes to Diane who tells him off once again this isn't the way to solve his problem just writing an article like this won't be enough and frankly she doesn't want to give Bojack what he wants it'd also be weird after what Gina said for Bush and just go immediately against that sure it'd be for the whole Penny thing but even there he'd potentially be going against with Charlotte and Penny one in fact we know Penny doesn't want to be involved with him at all so it'd be the same [ __ ] different person the only thing Diane is going to do is get beaujac somewhere that will actually change him more on that later we have Diane here now so let's talk about what she's been doing she's been doing Mr Peanut Butter hey do we make a joke about his name having nut in it yet so Mr Peanut butter cheats on pickles with Diane season 5 and 6 are really the seasons that show us that underneath that puppy dog face peanut butter ain't much better than the rest of the cast because now he is outright cheating on his loving girlfriend just for quick satisfaction oh but Diana let him in and initiated it yeah well she's also single she doesn't have anything holding her back Mr Peanut Butter could have said no Mr Peanut Butter you dumbass well at least he wants to come clean and be honest with Pickles by telling her what happened and end the relationship except not because he instead proposes to her and the cycle goes on we now Trade A B for C and PC gets babby so she goes back down south and gets her baby porcupine which she so lovingly names Untitled princess Carolyn project oh God this is not going to end well is it meanwhile Todd finally pulls the plug on Henry fondle by killing him and burying him he then rips off his business suit and walks away to pursue more Todd Shenanigans I guess yeah you know how each season wraps up by setting up each main character's plotline for the next season they didn't do that with Todd here which is the first time in a while we didn't really have any idea what direction one of the main characters is going in next season I don't know if they just didn't have time in this episode or they just didn't know yet what they were gonna do with him but subconsciously this couple with Diane setup for next season involving filming videos for girl crush not sounding super intriguing NPC's main storyline appearing to be resolved in some form this all kind of made me think that it was time to start wrapping up the show I don't like it when shows go on past their Prime and I much prefer when they wrap up in a satisfying way and I always kind of felt like Bojack needed to stop at six seasons in order to lead to a satisfying conclusion William has said many times that the show is split up into halves with seasons one through three being bojack's continued downward spiral and season 4 marking a new era for the show where he wants to better himself and with that in mind it only makes sense for this new era for the show to be the same length as the first one and mirror it as a result there's only so many times Bojack can run off and abandon everything or get addicted to drugs or feel self-pity about the things he's done without actually bettering himself before the show gets repetitive and played out but with that said this season ends with Bojack making an incredibly important step and trying to better himself for the first time in the series a perfect lead-in for what would ultimately be the final season but before we get to that important step I wanted to mention an observation I made just now while talking about season five I don't know how I didn't realize this sooner pretty much every show out there usually ends the season off with a type of significant impactful event that occurs in bojack's episode 11s They really just want to leave the viewer with some sort of shock or suspense or something to chew on wondering what will happen next but Bojack doesn't do that they always have a breather episode afterwards in order to get the immediate reactions of the characters and see how this affects them it's more important for this show to impact its characters rather than its audience and I think that's a pretty neat aspect of this show that really sets it apart from every other one I've seen you still get the shock of the episode 11 events while also getting to digest them alongside the characters which makes them easier to relate to and identify with okay we're finally at the end so going back to why I mentioned about a page ago Diane takes Bojack to rehab but she doesn't walk him in she drives him there and gives him the choice of whether or not he wants to go in Diane is giving him the ultimatum you say you want to get better but you don't know how well here it is you want to get better prove it Bojack needs to be the one to take the step and change it's not Diane's job to fix him Bojack needs to fix himself he does hesitate at first but in the end he finally grabs his [ __ ] and heads inside and with that Diane is free for now and she drives off into the distance and that's season five baby this script is 28 pages long season 5 is a little rough to watch at times intentionally so due to the subject matter it is a little awkward how backloaded it is but that's done just so the impact is much greater once you get there it showed us cracks and characters that previously were always shown in a positive light it gave toddler to do once again which was needed was big gear for Todd fans it has great Highs but I do think overall it might be my second least favorite season overall mind you there are no bad seasons of Bojack second weakest season of Bojack is still a strong season of TV and now that Bojack is in rehab the stage is set for the big finale I give it a good season out of 10. season 5 is definitely a lot better than I remember it being it does have some issues like I think elements of its main plotline are kind of been there done that for this show and I don't love some of the characters it introduces as well as some of the returning characters decisions and plotlines But ultimately its main plotline is really clever and subtle in the way it's quietly built up over time and then suddenly hits you like a truck by the end it's not quite as strong as season Four's main plotline but it's still got a lot of tremendous stuff and I definitely wouldn't call it the second Worst season of Bojack personally we'll get to that next time but I still think this season is fantastic another 9 out of 10 incredibly strong long and Powerful in spite of its flaws oh my God this took forever it's actually been mumps I never want to look at a horse again so join us next time for horse show six hey James how do we end the video I'll tell you but first you have to help me I need your credit card number your home address the expiration date and the wacky numbers on the back okay I got ready uh one two three all right before we end it all let's talk about how it all begins literally the intros to the show you all know the famous Bojack intro of The Haunting yet enchanting Theme Song by Patrick Carney and of course the intro itself changes for each season sometimes even during each season like when bojack's bed breaks or when Cabra cadabra becomes a Fang towards the end of season three so let's talk about them I mean if we don't talk about something Bojack related who else is well who else is going to do while referencing the scene in a hard ticket to Hawaii when they blow up a sex doll [Music] yeah think about it we won't go into every little solitary change in the intro over the course of the six seasons but I did want to highlight just how special and unique it is that the intro can evolve and adapt based on whatever's happening in the story and which characters are currently in bojack's Life or not it makes the intro feel incredibly alive and I can't think of any other show that does this sort of thing aside from Shira but it's not nearly to the same extent with that said the major locations that the intros swap out between seasons are pretty self-explanatory season one has a grocery store because not much is going on in bojack's life at that point season 2 is the set of Secretariat season 3 is the Oscar campaign season 5 is the filbert said Etc however we did want to take a look at season 4 and especially season six since they both do something pretty unique with this portion of the intro Season 4 goes into a kaleidoscopic view of various characters that have come in and out of bojack's life over the years like PC Todd herb Kelsey and his parents notably Diana Mr Peanut Butter aren't here but I assume it's just because they still show up later at the pool which kind of makes me believe that PC and Todd are only in the Kaleidoscope because they gotta be in the intro because main characters oh well they still fit in well I really love this portion because it reflects where bojack's at during the season he's taking a break and finally trying to better himself after all the mistakes he's made over the years you can see it on his face just how uncomfortable he is to be surrounded by these negative reminders of his past so it makes sense that this clip appears in the intro for the first season where he truly tries to get away from the negative life he's been leading for so long I mean I guess he also tried that in Escape From LA but that just made things 10 times worse so now season six is the big one each and every shot in this intro is a reference to an important moment from each season in the show the picks here are mostly obvious but we'll go over them anyway first yopling Shaw bojack's house replaces the Skybox with the planetarium background which of course the planetarium in the events of that night play a massive role in season six the shot of Bojack getting out of bed is now him getting out of his makeup chair back during the production of horse and round in the 90s this references both Sharona who comes back in the bojack's life during the season and gives him his name and fielder makeover but also how season 6 gets the root of all his problems so going back to horsing around the root of bojack's Fame is perfect this is immediately followed with both Jack on the horse around kitchen set with a young Sterling in the background because no [ __ ] sarahlin is there we also see herb get out of his director's chair so the intro can seamlessly transition into season one herb with cancer notably they are also in Herb's room which is where the big get the [ __ ] out of my house scene happened those transitions to the next shot is a wave of the green glow stick balloons and we are an anime horse on Prom Night in New Mexico in this shot Bojack is in the valley where they sent up the balloons in the first place I'd say they could have chosen the boat if they wanted to go directly for a [ __ ] up moment that changed bojack's life but the balloon scene is still important for what it means for Bojack in Charlotte and it's just an iconic shot visually this is followed up with a dingy alley for season three this is where Bojack got the Bojack heroine this shot was likely chosen due to the heroine being the thing that caused Sterling's death at the end of the season they then cut to the seaweed forest from horse out of water this is here because while people like that episode so we have to reference it anyway next is the lake house from season four before it's renovated again big important episode in using the broken down version it makes sense because Bojack himself is broken the second shot for season 4 is Bojack and his mom at the old folks home which nicely sets up for them to transition to her funeral which wasn't actually her funeral but you got the idea Billy Jack's mother has been a big part of why he is who he is so spotlighting her in both of these shots is a good choice and again free churro is a popular episode you gotta put it in there of course after that we then cut to the filbert Premiere which is where Bojack and Diane had their huge fight it was also a preemptive funeral for filbert itself which was taken off of H2O Max shortly after so that warbler Brothers could save free cents on taxes lastly since season six can't be in there since this is season six they change things up instead of the usual party start leading to the pool outside we go to Griffith Observatory and instead of falling in the pool like usual Bojack goes off the side and is cast Into Darkness Darkness foreshadowing is a literary device in which still answer Dynamics for peanut butter at the pole but it's a nice change of pace this is clearly the most dense of the intros just because there being a big walk down memory lane of some of the show's most important moments and it really sets the stage for the big finale overall the amount of effort and attention to detail poured into these intros is fantastic with so many clever allusions to what's going on at each point in the story they're definitely worth talking about and now we have so that's epic anyway back to your regularly scheduled old content holy halibut Gamers we're finally at the end this is part six of a six part video series with space tree Studios on BoJack Horseman that means there's five other parts before this we're talking about the last season of the show if you haven't seen any of the other videos go back and watch those now do your homework seriously if you haven't seen the other parts yet what are you doing here so uh season six I'm not really sure how popular of an opinion this is I don't know how most people ranked the seasons of the show but this one is pretty easily my second least favorite only ranking above season one is it still great well yeah of course it's Bojack there's still a ton of Stellar stuff in this last season but I also feel like the writers started running out of steam a bit as they chugged along to the Finish Line again not bad just oh a little uneven is all it is weird to think how there is apparently supposed to be a seventh season after this point there was a big strike that happened at Netflix a few years back and as a result Bojack got canceled but in order for the series to wrap up and not end on a cliffhanger they were given an additional four episodes for an extended season six so they had more time to end the show as a result while it feels like they were running a scene for some plot lines others feel rush in comparison cool in order to get there before the show ends hell some plot lines feel like they're rushed and go on for too long how the hell does that happen so away Bojack season 6 feels like a compromise it's still a good compromise but a compromise nonetheless I think the weirdest thing about bojack's cancellation is the fact that narratively I don't really see how the show could have gone past six seasons it always felt like the first three seasons were the first half of the Bojack narrative depicting his seemingly endless downward spiral whereas the second half of the series would depict him trying to climb his way out of it and actively become a better person ultimately as the show is the idea comes across really well and I don't think it would have been conveyed nearly as well if his attempts at Redemption went on longer than his three season Fall there's only so many times Bojack can run away from everything or try to get help before falling into yet another self-destructive pattern because the more you do these sort of things the more the show runs the risk of getting repetitive I think they ended at the absolute perfect time but it's honestly shocking to consider that six seasons worth of content wasn't their intention we'll never really know what would have happened at a potential season seven maybe some of the subplots in the back half of season six would have been given more time and had been better fleshed out but ultimately in spite of the last season's flaws I do think it's a mostly really good conclusion for the series well without further Ado here is season 6 episode 1 A horse walks into rehab and the therapist says okay will that be cash or credit rehab is expensive this episode mainly focuses on Bojack as he begins his journey to finally get help we see him struggle with getting into the groove clashing with the people there name mainly the receptionist and Dr champ the therapy horse as the weeks go on we see the Racine is actually good for Bojack he starts to get along with the others and it seems like he's really starting to show growth also there's a guy there dressed like Mario it's [ __ ] epic directed by Zack Snyder but around the time he's supposed to get out we find out that another patient named Jameson is found out to have smuggled alcohol and once caught by Bojack she breaks out Bojack being a Good Samaritan all of a sudden now decides he has to get her to come back so he leaves with her in an attempt to get her to go back to rehab with him throughout all this we got a ton of flashbacks of Bojack remembering various times over the years when he had alcohol including the immediate aftermath of Sarah Lynn's death on the set of horsing arounds at a party when he was a teenager in his dad's office when he walked in on him getting funky with the secretary and finally what seems to be his very first time taking a sip as a kid in the aftermath of a party his parents held the episode keeps going further and further back in time showing just how ingrained alcohol has been in his life from the very beginning how he uses it to cope with certain situations how its influence is a detriment to the people people around him essentially this episode is a microcosm of bojack's history with substance abuse and the unfortunate consequences that come from it he wants to be there for Jameson and try and steer her away from making the same mistakes he did but he's Bojack not the most responsible horse in the stable also there's a part while they're at the party where there's a sight gag where a Fly Girl is making out with a dude and how does that work he's not related to the fly from Meet the feebles is he additionally Bojack calls Diane in order to find Jameson's dad's house giving a good excuse to hear from the main cast again in one big group call Diane adds in Todd because Todd is helpful then PC caused Todd to get an update on Untold princess Carolyn project and her milk and then Mr Peanut Butter calls her because Downtown Julie Brown had a drone accident or something it makes sense in context but hey it gives us a snapshot as all the plot lines will be seeing them go through this season especially since Bojack is gonna be locked into one place for the majority of this first half there's also a fun visual gag where Todd gets on the porcupine bus and the moment he gets on he's squished by all the porcupines and in that moment Mr Peanut Butter joins the call squishing him into frame good detail I need to get me ultimately Bojack and Jameson start breaking a bunch of her dad's famous movie memorabilia since Bojack assumes her dad is awful like his dad was but then he realizes her dad is pretty chill and just wanted her to get better in rehab and that Sparks a bit of jealousy and frustration that Jameson doesn't appreciate her actually caring parents considering Bojack never got that so yeah in general this is a great first episode for the season introducing us to bojack's new status quo and the general headspace he's at through this current moment anyway though from here on out instead of going Episode by episode like we normally do we're gonna take a look at each of the supporting characters one by one and cover their entire Journeys throughout episodes one through eight of the Season let's start with the focus of episode 2 the princess of Carolina holy [ __ ] her episode gave me so much anxiety goddamn princess Carolyn finds out the hard way that parenting is not as easy as she thought it would be she struggles to find a good work-life balance to have taken care of her as of yet unnamed child helping film birthday dad and deal with General don't agent stuff like having to organize a woman's Gala every main action she does leaves behind a time trial goes for a doing set action accompanied by the sounds of her previous actions this gives the whole episode a sense of Rhythm as every ghost follows her the entire episode it's a great way to illustrate her struggling of having to do all this every single day while piling on even more work each time it's a never-ending cycle a perfect encapsulation of what being a new parent is like especially for a single mother eventually she reconciles with Vanessa Gekko who gives her strong words of encouragement and makes an agreement with Todd to have him babysit the baby while she's busy I always particularly liked the reveal that Vanessa gecko never actually hated PC it's a funny little bow on this episode that shows just how skewed PC's perspective has been all these years this was a really good PC episode and definitely one of her most sympathetic portrayals in the show though part of me feels like it didn't necessarily resolve her main issue like she's overworked as all hell trying to take care of her projects and her baby in this episode but then she's not really that stressed out at all going forward this is largely because she gets Todd's help to watch and take care of the baby but even so it kind of feels like her getting a baby at all after all the build up it received in the previous Seasons didn't really amount to much now that she has one she's largely the same as she's ever been after this one episode of her being more stressed than normal and it does beg the question of whether this plot line would have received more Focus had the show not been canceled and condensed into this last season so yeah this is sadly the last PC focused episode we'll get over the course of the show but ultimately I do think her journey was fulfilling I've been pretty open about not really liking her that much in the early seasons and being dissatisfied with her more morally questionable actions in later Seasons that don't get called out but at the end of the day she's a very complex entertaining and sympathetic character who's a big part of why this show is as strong as it is Princess Carolyn gets put on the back burner for a bit but she does play a prominent role towards the end of the first half as a result of Bojack Italian assistant to stand up for herself all the assistance in La go on strike this makes it hard for basically any agent or manager in the city to get anything done they can't even have babies correctly without them what the [ __ ] so it's at the PC and Lenny Turtle to rope everyone back in with some pretty underhanded methods they break up the unionization effort by promoting key players to higher positions of their own with better pay and go down the list from there eventually only Stewart is left princess Carolyn's assistant however during the whole ordeal princess Carol has a flash track back to when she was just an agent and realizes she's no better than her old boss that that's what sets her on the track to get the assistance a better deal it's a good way to show her growth into a ton for her own actions in perpetuating Hollywood's horrible saddest quotes over the course of the previous Seasons after walking Stewarts to the car he doesn't own princess Carolyn decides to call someone in who would actually be able to help the assistants get the treatment they deserve everyone please welcome back to the stage the greatest fictional character of all time Judah Judah being the ultimate Giga chat he is puts Lenny in his place and gets the real negotiations going what a [ __ ] gamer so yeah a really good way to somewhat redeem princess Carolyn for all the negative industry perpetuating stuff she's done in the past I really like that they added this alright who's next on the character list well we might as well knock out Todd you did what to Todd that's not nice oh you're right [ __ ] he doesn't want that either oh God that's right too oh well let's just jump into this Todd during the first four episodes of this season is Todd he's still doing Todd related things while the main shenanigan he gets up to is being princess Carolyn's New Living nanny for Ruthie I wish I could live in the nanny that is a sex joke sir there's not really a ton to say about him until we finally get to his main plot line for the season in episode 5. yeah the first time I watched this I really wondered if they had just run out of things for Todd to do but it turns out they were just procrastinating just like us anyway Todd gets a visit from his stepfather Jorge who asks if Todd can donate his kidney for his alien mother turns out Todd already traded it in to get sock puppets I would expect nothing less of him so as Todd and Jorge go on a wacky mission to retrieve the kidney we see that their relationship is pretty strange with Jorge considering Todd to be a disappointment who can't take anything seriously and much like we said about Yolanda not being able to acknowledge Todd's wackley achieved accomplishments last season it is kind of weird to see Jorge so adamantly believe that Todd hasn't done anything in his life again he was the governor of California and the CEO of an entire company but these accomplishments aren't brought up at all not even for Jorge to acknowledge that they were both kind of flukes and Todd didn't earn either one if they had done that then I could understand Jorge expressing appointment with Todd's lifestyle but instead they just don't bring up the very real powerful positions Todd has held even if he achieves set positions in wacky ways even so I like Todd and Jorge's relationship and how they work through their conflicting feelings about each other as well as Todd working out his feelings about his mother who kicked him out of the house all those years ago I'd say this is a pretty good final season plot line to round out Todd's character and we'll have more to say about that when we get to the second half of the season anyway it's time to talk about everyone's favorite canine co-star Mr Peanut Butter also known as the national face of dumbass so this story is a bit more space to the center of the Season he starts off hard at work on birthday dad the stupid dumb movie came up at the end of season 5. the film is an intense development hell because Mr Peanut Butter keeps demanding changes in reshoots why because he has no idea how to confess to pickles that he cheated on her and is using the movie as a way to project after several directors and massive cuts the movie ends up being 40 minutes long luckily princess Carolyn has the idea to pitch it as a TV series instead saving the production also at one point Mr Peanut Butter brings up the distracted boyfriend meme because he is with pickles and is distracted by Diane this is a thing that happened in the show and not something we made up for an ironic joke they really just did that [ __ ] Todd dabbed in season five at some point during all this Mr Peanut Butter shows up to visit Bojack in rehab nothing big happens here and Mr Peanut Butter is just projecting more about what he did in trying to come to terms with it he already knows what the right thing to do is he's just kind of looking for excuses to not tell her ironically Bojack is the one who has to sit him down and tell him to confess to pickles Bojack is the one who gave him some solid dick from an Iron Man so finally the drama comes to a head in the episode surprise give me you're lying the long feels on a short stick of dynamite wait that's Granddad where he finally tells pickles what happened right as his friends and family were hosting a surprise party for them whoa wacky High Jinx I don't understand how Mr Peanut butter and pickles didn't hear the crowd hat shouting surprise they were not quiet so the first half of this episode is all the party goers having to hide and sneak around the house while Mr Peanut butter and pickles argue and the party goers have to not be seen the joke is funny at first but on repeat viewing because you kind of want to get a move on yeah I just kind of feel like maybe this concept shouldn't have been stretched out to 22 minutes it's understandable why everyone had to hide at first because it would have been really bad if they were noticed when Mr Peanut Butter first confesses that he cheated but after most of the party goers escape and were just left with the main characters constantly trying to hide yeah I don't know it kind of feels like the gag has worn out its welcome there are some pretty funny bits here and there like Bojack and Diane imitating random Smart House devices to drive Mr Peanut Butter away or Todd trying to distract pickles by commenting on her live stream she should take a bath before realizing oh no now people are gonna want her bath water I mean uh Todd's in the bathtub and he didn't think this through but they don't fully save the premise from being a little tiring as it goes on it's especially weird because at the end of the episode they'll just casually walk out of his house in front of him in pickles with no explanation given what was stopping them from doing that before then I get what they're going for here it's the big anti-climax [ __ ] it joke but after spending all that time hiding from him all just to walk out at the end come on you could have done something better or funnier granted it is Mr Peanut Butter he probably wouldn't question Bill Jack and Todd's drawing of his closet too much since that's exactly the kind of thing he would do but slightly weak ending also I first watched this episode like a week before I saw parasite in theaters so in that one scene where they have to hide from the rich family all I could think about was Weird Al dog but yeah the episode basically ends with Peter butter and pickles striking a deal that to get back at him pickles gets to cheat on him for free so in a way Mr Peanut Butter gets off easy with her he still has other consequences from other people both pickles specifically it's pretty easy for now pickles as it turns out is an internet influencer and was conveniently live streaming all of this so now all of Hollywood knows that Mr Peanut Butter cheated on her this results in Mr Peanut Butter getting canceled in real life Mr Peanut Butter got canceled before Bojack how the hell does that work in order to get uncanceled he teams up with a new character Joey Pogo to become the national face of depression okay so who's Joy Pogo Joey is a young up and coming pop star first introduced while Bojack is at rehab we'll get to what they do when we get to Bojack but for Mr Peanut Butter he is there to essentially act as his new Todd for the season he's the one getting into wacky Shenanigans with him for the next batch of episodes a first meet when Joey drives for the setup birthday dad and almost hits Mr Peanut Butter with his incredibly slow moving car but Mr Peanut Butter is too stupid to get out of the way so princess Carolyn comes up with an excuse that Mr Peanut Butter is a sad dog and I jumped in front of the car on purpose this leads into the national face of depression story with Mr Peanut Butter and Joey Pogo educating the Youth of America on depression yes this show is still called BoJack Horseman no Bojack is not the face of depression somehow all the while they're still trying to find the right guy from pickles to sleep with and that's kind of it more of them happens in the second half of the season but also not really we can't really deep dive into what lesson he learns until then he just kind of spins his wheels for a little bit here and there he's still funny but he doesn't really grow at all until part two overall I'm honestly kind of mixed on everything involving Mr Peanut Butter this season everything that is except birthday dad I I was skeptical the first of the birthday dad joke continuing throughout this entire season but it ended up being one of my favorite aspects of Mr Peanut Butter's entire character like if you took the essence of Mr Peanut Butter and turned that into a show this delightfully stupid yet hilariously Earnest Masterpiece is exactly what you'd get I love how the Nobel Prize for television was invented just for this show truly incredible apart from that I was kind of mixed on surprise as I stated earlier and I feel like the whole pickles plot line really did not need to be dragged out past the first half of the Season eventually it becomes really obvious that the two of them aren't gonna stay together so by the time you get to the second half of the Season you just think to yourself oh we're still dealing with this I don't know I guess you could argue they didn't have time to wrap it up in the first half especially since they wanted to make him the national face of depression which was a decent set of gags I guess I find the way the plot line started to be rather contrived and awkward like out of nowhere PC shoves him in front of Joey pogo's car and makes up a whole narrative about his impression and it just feels like a bit of a stretch of course everyone believes it completely because this is wacky Bojack World we're talking about and that's fine but from an audience perspective I still think it's weirdly abrupt and out of nowhere I also just find Joey Pogo to be really boring like I feel like the quality of the goofy Side characters started to degrade a bit over time and in particular Joey just really isn't that funny or interesting jelly definitely feels like a new character introduced in the last season of a show there isn't much time to build them up at all what you see is what you get they really do feel like a character added in to fill a gap in a character dynamic because the character that usually takes a role is busy with their own thing for once you can see the version of this where Todd is still there helping Mr Peanut Butter finding someone to sleep with Pickles getting into wacky depression spokesperson stuff with minus the way this Arc ends Joey just kind of feels like a diet Todd they're not a bad character or anything they just kind of exist with that said it is conceptually funny to make the most jovial and cheerful character the national face of impression and there are some very funny jokes here and there related to both the depression PSA campaign and the sad dog meme my personal favorite is but doctor I am sad dog some solid stuff so I don't dislike this side plot it's just not the greatest let's move swiftly along to Diane she's in a very interesting place compared to most other seasons and that interesting place is Chicago I was in Chicago a couple months ago and I saw this artwork on the side of a building it's larv look at him he's larv this is absolutely nothing to do with Bojack with the rest of the video I just wanted to mention larva so Diane in the season is really interesting because for the first time we get to really focus on just her she's given a plotline that doesn't revolve around Mr Peanut butter or Bojack and instead just focuses on her writing struggles and self-worth issues and trying to fight a mega Corporation run by a southern albino whale it's some great stuff out of everyone in the first half of this season I think Diane was the most consistently engaging for me so basically girl Cruise has pivoted the video and she's driving across the country making content for them with her new boyfriend slash cameraman guy aka the best new character this season the two of them are a really good match and one thing I really love about guy is how natural his vocal delivery is lakeith stanfield's voice for him is really laid back and chill which serves as a great contrast to the over-the-top Larger than Life performances of practically every other character on this show I feel like that might have been an intentional Choice since he is a Chicago style guy rather than a Hollywood person it's similar to how natural Sadie sounded in season five but yeah good [ __ ] with guy it's nice to just have a normal kind supportive person in Diane's life and in the show in general but Diane and guy's relationship isn't the only reason why feel good story is my favorite episode out of the first six of this season the main reason is Jeremiah white whale who's just such a delightfully evil crispy old [ __ ] hey I don't know what Jeff Bezos actually sounds like so for all I know this is it and frankly I don't want to know I never want to know what Ben Shapiro sounded like either and then one day I found out accidentally and realized he sounds like the fake voice my buddy Alex uses when he's saying something stupid on purpose Ben Shapiro sounds stupid is the point here Jeremiah white Leo on the other hand is the greatest animated villain of all time everything about him from his aggressively cheerful introduction video detailing how he monopolized everything around him to his distinct Southern draw brought To Us by the ever talented Stephen Root to this scene which is probably the funniest joke in the entirety of seasons four through six just because is it past the house doesn't mean the Senate really Diane okay but the president could still be true all right sure but the Supreme Court okay I get it it's genuinely hysterical in spite of it being so so depressing Jeremiah white whale such appointments and hilariously realized depiction of an evil corporation head and I was legitimately disappointed as the season went on and I realized that he was only in this one episode I kept waiting for him to appear when Todd and Jorge were getting the kidney back or for him to show up later and I don't know attack and Dethrone God or something because he believes he can do it with all his money I just feel like they created an exceptionally hilarious antagonist only to criminally underuse him that's kind of a running theme of season six half the time it feels like some storylines are getting stretched on a little long while the other half it feels like they were setting something up and clearly wanted to do more of it but they just didn't have the time to actually do that Jeremiah white whale feels like The Logical end boss for Diane to face off against and if he was introduced earlier or if there was a seventh season I'm sure they absolutely would have used him even more but because this is the end we have to wrap up and they don't have time so he just feels like a funny footnote in Diane's story oh well missed potential in future episodes aside this was a really engaging episode about Diane and Guy facing off against the CEO of capitalism and ultimately coming up short because yeah I know how are you going to beat the CEO of capitalism it's impossible life sucks but yeah great episode one other thing I really like about it is how interspersed throughout are voiced over letters from Bojack where he's writing to Diane about his time in rehab but she's not reading them bojack's just talking to the void since Diane is moving on with her life going to new places being with a new guy and just finally leaving Bojack and her La self behind after all this time then at the end of the episode she gets home to LA and finally reads one of bojack's letters presumably the one that's currently being voiced over about how Bojack wasted so many years being miserable because he assumed that it was the only way to be she then Sighs and calls someone on the phone Bojack obviously right it's time for her to reconnect with him and get back to her usual old life nope it's guy she's calling to imply that she wants to live where he lives and we don't see her respond to bojack's letters at all it's a great subversive scene that shows exactly where Diane's headspace is at the time and how it's probably for the best that she moves on from her negative experiences in La even if it means that it might be time to say goodbye to Bojack also another thing I liked about this episode is that they went to the Art Institute I actually went there with my girlfriend recently and we saw this funny amoga Statue that caused both of us to go blind it's true James still can't see anything even right now I've typed all of this myself he needs to pay me more like giving me a six month advance on a video I have no intention of actually making just like Diane after a miscommunication from Princess Carolyn over the phone Diane now has to write a whole ass book in six months easy easy kidney squeezy unfortunately she keeps procrastinating on writing the book instead she does literally everything she can possibly do that isn't the book like doing the dishes cleaning the apartment helping Todd steal his kidney back so he can give it to his mom and arguing about Dawson's Creek with guy relatable the real reason behind all this is that Diane is suffering from depression making it hard to start writing and yet Mr Peanut Butter is the one who's the national face to depression her therapist even goes and prescribes her antidepressants to help ironically the book is about her depression and Trauma so she opts not to take the medicine because well golly G will occurs how can I write about depression if I'm not actually depressed which for the record Michael Crichton never brought dinosaurs back from the dead but he still wrote about that Diane you can still write about your past struggles even if you aren't currently struggling with them the big change occurs when Bojack visits her in Chicago while guy is on a work trip in the Galapagos as the biggest source of irony ever Bojack is one who lays it all out for a Diane that she needs to take the medicine now given that Bojack at this point is out of rehab and has already gotten his help it isn't all that unexpected that he's capable of telling her the right thing to do in this situation but after five seasons of Bojack Shenanigans seeing Bojack be the one to push Diane in the right direction for once is wild Diane's main argument is that she's worried guy wouldn't be able to handle the real her once she's on meds but Bojack calls a recent conversation he had with someone who told him essentially Bojack you ruin everything and that's how you'll always be this is the exact belief Bojack himself had for decades but now hearing can be said out loud for once to see how dumb that really is holding these negative beliefs about himself is a big part of why it took so long for beaujon to get help and actually change you have to actually let yourself change in order to do so and with that Diane understands what she has to do so she starts taking the meds and seems to genuinely be better off and with quick jab at the teen drama I've only ever seen reference in Family Guy Diane is done for the first half of the show so we're done with PC PB Todd and Diane that leaves one major player left for the first half of the show I wonder who that could be character actress Margo Martindale oh wait no she's not back till episode 8 and we haven't gotten there yet damn it uh let's talk about Bojack now it's obviously about time that he goes to rehab and it's pretty clear that it is helping him but to be honest I don't really think there's a lot to say about his plot line during the first half of the Season aside from the strong first episode which we already covered there's not a ton of momentum with this character here and we're just kind of hearing the same things that we already know about him his time in rehab is often shoved to the side during most of season six part one in order to make way for episodes focused on the side characters now you could make a strong argument that this was intentional bojack's plotline obviously won't have a lot of momentum because he's taking time off and trying to better himself so it makes sense that the side characters do a lot of the heavy lifting but as a side effect it it makes the first half of season six feel kind of unfocused Bojack doesn't feel like the main character since the season doesn't really center around him yet and while I wouldn't say his plot line in this first half is too slow or aimless I would say it's just kind of repetitive we do learn a couple interesting new things about him like the fact that he has some sort of internalized hatred of horses thanks to his parents but that's one of the only tidbits that really stuck with me throughout his time in rehab well that and Mario one important dramatic element is the Vodka water bottle Bojack got in the first episode it serves as a visually distinct reminder to Bojack of his past and what he's trying to get away from and yeah that's the bulk of bojack's Journey for the first half of the Season his storyline is used to facilitate and introduce events happening in the other storylines like Joey pogo's introduction or the star of the assistant strike since Bojack is getting sidelined a bit here this is a smart thing to do you can't have Bojack learn the same lesson every single episode but you need to keep him in the show since it's his show so you use him to subtly affect the other character stories bojack's been struggle is that after months of routine he begins to like rehab a little too much and doesn't want to leave and go back to the outside world his interactions with Dr champ highlight this by the end Dr champ just wanted Bojack to acknowledge he was fine and ready to go Dr shampoo let him stay longer if he could give him a solid reason why he has to stay and there is one but Bojack skips over it every single time it comes up his relationship with his parents Bojack being a stubborn horse keeps shaking it off so of course for the next good while Dr champ is basically going around trying to get Bojack to leave right [ __ ] now to even try outright kicking him out and giving the room to Joey Pogo but Bojack tricks Joey into leaving classic Bojack oh also he accidentally causes the big assistant strike after Todd sends Casey over to be his friend oof all this comes to a head when Dr champ demands brojak to leave and pack his bags Bojack angrily tries to sip the vodka bottle but quickly stops herself and finally throws the bottle away unfortunately he literally throws it away out the window and it falls into a crate of other water bottles in a stroke of irony Dr champ is the one who gets his hands on it and becomes a horrible drunk La Mao after hiding Dr sham for a little bit until he sobers up Bojack finally leaves facetious and is on his way home when he sees Dr Champ's car parked outside the bar he goes in to investigate and of course the therapy horses off his rocker Walters who are arguingly finally gets one of bojack's biggest issues he is stunted from having healthy relationships with other horses due to his relationship with his parents every other horse either reminds him of his mom or dad seeking validation from them while also rejecting it and using it as an excuse to resent them even more or they remind him of himself this of course means Bojack hates himself because of his hatred of horses and believes that because he is a horse himself he deserves to be punished kill 50 plus years of self and here we are today to cut to the chase Dr champ passes out and Bojack checks him into a different rehab center right next door to prestigious Dr champ then as his last sword so Bojack tells him he ruins everything this is the interaction I mentioned with Diane earlier this scene is a good note to end on we've seen scenes like this play out multiple times herb Charlotte Todd hear its phone on its head a little while yes Bojack did ruin Dr Champion he was also kind of in the right to check him in to get help Champa is the one who chose to go to the bar in the first place Bojack at least tried to help Dr champ Ends by telling Bojack he wants him to remember this whole ordeal which Bojack says he will but this is less him saying it to Dr champ as is himself Bojack is sober he is no longer running away from his problems he will remember this and herb and Charlotte Sarah Lynn Penny everything this is the last step Bojack really needed to take to be able to move on and grow and episode 7 the face of depression is where bojack's storyline really starts to hook me again he's back home and he feels incredible remorse for all the horrible things he's done here so he decides to leave and try and find himself by visiting his friends across the country there's not really a ton to analyze with this one this is basically just the natural culmination of Bojack trying to change himself for the better over the course of the season so far he's out of rehab and ready to reconnect with everyone in his life who cares about him starting with a nice simple conversation with Todd at a diner he realizes that he wants to follow the example of a flight attendant he met at an AAA meeting and wake up in a different place every day so he hops on his first of many flights in the episode this one being to Illinois to see Diane one small detail I really like is how Diane is just sitting on her couch eating a bag of chips and just casually watching Mr Peanut Butter's ad about depression like I love how there's just no reaction on her face while watching her super jovial and cheerful ex-husbands spreading the word about depression she's not confused or concerned or offended this is just a completely normal thing for her to be watching I just thought that was really funny anyway William already discussed the great scene that occurs here where Bojack convinces her to take her meds he also thanks her for believing in him even when he didn't and it's just such a great and conclusive moment for the two of them it feels like you could end the story of their friendship at this scene and it would be incredibly profound and meaningful it's almost like this is the theme of the episode and that everything here feels pretty conclusive and that it would make for a great finale huh I wonder if this show will subvert that notion anyway where's Bojack headed next why to Connecticut home of lose Owl House and also the place Marty wanted to go in Madagascar also hollyhock is there she's happy to see him but also a little upset that he gave no advance notice he was coming and he's kind of just along for the ride when hollyhock tries to console her friend by taking her to a shitty concert she likes there's a bit of foreshadowing for the second half of the Season here with hollyhock having her own life that Bojack isn't a part of becoming a more prominent source of conflict between the two later on Bojack also finds out Wesleyan is cutting their feeder Department because the previous professor in charge quit after being cast in a regional commercial this puts the idea in his head to consider a career change after this he's already run out people across the country to visit so he goes back to LA to meet with Princess Carolyn Bojack is in the process of getting rid of everything that reminds him of his past self so he gets rid of the painting that was in his office and gives the princess Carolyn as a baby shower gift Bojack does not know what a baby shower is the baby is not supposed to be alive yet you [ __ ] okay first of all it's creep anyway Bojack gets princess Heron to be a reference for a job recommendation she agrees and he is on his way also Ruthie ruins the painting well now two moms pass and we see Bojack has been regularly attending Alcohol Anonymous meetings and despite how long it's been he's still haunted by his past mistakes while in his house this manages to get Sharona to empathize with him and the two start talking again this starts a nice subplotware for the rest of the episode bojack's outfit and design changes Shona offers to cut his hair revealing that he's been dying this whole time after this we now see Bojack with a full head of gray hair he looks much more mature with this new look and it doesn't stop there throughout the rest of the episode parts of bojack's outfit will either get ruined as a result of wacky hijinks or replaced as he adapts to his new surroundings a subtle way showing that Bojack has indeed changed as a person not just mentally but we see it physically as well this episode really does a good job reinforcing what we saw earlier that Bojack truly is capable of change and moving on with his life I mean he's had the exact same outfit for years from like at least 2007 all the way through the first six and a half seasons of the show the fact that only now is his regular design changing shows that this changes probably gonna stick and that all starts to literally show here thanks to Sharona uh yeah Sharona who's Sharon okay rewind okay so back in the 90s Sharona was bojack's hair and makeup woman on horsing around she gave him all of his haircuts throughout herbs run on the show One Day the two butt heads and run out of the room arguing Sarah Lynn is also there and Manchester to get her hands on the bottle of vodka Bojack had been drinking this results in Bojack getting called in by the new straw Runner Danny bananas to figure out how she got the Vodka they agreed to use Sharona as the Fall Guy so that Bojack doesn't get fired this is why Sharona gave him the cold shoulder earlier in the episode I know he kind of went out of order here on this part but we've been going out of order for this whole video anyway and I already wrote all that other stuff and didn't want to go back and read write [ __ ] so [ __ ] you I'm doing it now anyway during his next flight Bojack gets grounded in Washington DC due to icy weather this is a friendly reminder that winter sucks fall is the best season and you all know it but while he's here he runs into Mr penis man who's addressing Congress all about depression and stuff this is one of the least weird things he's ever done over the course of the series they visit the Smithsonian together to see bojack's original horse in a round sweater right next to the set of Mr Peanut Butter's house and it's here that Bojack initiates one of the most wholesome and heartwarming scenes in the entire series the crossover episode Mr Peanut Butter always wanted once again if this doesn't scream Perfect final interaction between these two characters I don't know what does the old Bojack would never do something like this for a guy he doesn't even like so it's rather beautiful that he would give Mr Peanut Butter this nice little act of kindness speaking of which there's this quirky bunny girl working at cinnabunny who Bojack keeps running into at the airport he slowly starts to pick up that she's asexual and a very fitting match for Todd so he recommends Todd's asexual dating app to her he really didn't need to do that there's no personal gain in it for him but he figured he might as well as a kindness to both her and Todd again the old Bojack wouldn't even have listened to what she was saying and would only be concerned with why his order was taking so long I think this legitimately selfless little gesture of his is a great sign of his growth as a person the episode starts wrapping up by showing where everyone's at and it's all pretty positive stuff Todd gets a match with Mod The Bunny girl PC offers Judah a prestigious job at her firm Mr Peanut Butter enjoys being depressed and doesn't mind pickles sleeping with 32 guys and Diane reunites with guy and seems to be doing okay with her actual depression the meds made her gain some weight but the show doesn't make a big deal out of that or anything which is nice not everything is perfectly resolved for these characters but it's not a bad place to leave them off at and the same can be said for Bojack the episode ends with Bojack finding God we did not figure out who's voicing either of these so I'm just gonna do bad impressions of both I'm sorry for what you're about to hear Hello my child I you have made great strides in bettering yourself you have made me very happy my child thank you Father I can't do a Bojack Voice or will or an impression this is the best I got or some [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] know unfortunately you still tried to have sex for a 17 year old so little boy you're going to hell okay but seriously while in DC he picks up a pamphlet for Old Town horseberg and visits the next stage of your reenactment of a 1700 style horse church service he shakes hands with other horses and finds solace in the show it's nice to see him find a piece of other horses considering how he talked to Dr champ about having an internalized hatred of horses earlier he is told that if he wishes to stay there they start over in another 30 minutes a nice ending to bojack's Journey for the first half of the show showing him finding inner peace for once in his life unfortunately for him we also start over in 30 minutes this works as a faux finale if you wanted Bojack to end the show as a changed man and finally find happiness this is the point where that happens you can stop watching now if that's what you wanted to see if you found sauce in their show like Bojack did you can just start over now and end the overall Journey here but otherwise we have to keep going on to episode 8 the mid-season finale this episode is unique because none of the main principal casts show up no Bojack no Todd PC nothing instead we follow a variety of Side characters including two brand new ones Paige Sinclair and Maximilian Banks the third and fourth best characters in the show they are two Southern Fried reporters looking for the next big scoop in a scoop they get when Sarah Lynn's mother comes on knocking asking if someone would look into her daughter's case so the two go around Hollywood looking for Clues and they'll be very important later on but first let's start of characters we know starting with the number one best character character actress Margo Martindale oh and also number two is Judah in case you were wondering anyway I always kind of thought this was a haha funny opening to the episode showing character actress Margo Martindale stealing a car and then Escaping The Coven she's been at for the last two years only for her to not show up in the rest of the episode just a cute little funny joke before we get to some sad [ __ ] but actually I only just now noticed how important this opening scene with her is in terms of setting up the themes for this episode Margo Martindale expresses how haunted she is by her past and the thoughts of the people she's hurt and the lives she's ruined the other nun tries to tell her that confessing her sins is good enough to wash them clean but Margot doesn't want to close herself off from the fates of others and expresses concern for the lives she's ruined and then turns out she was just acting as she steals a car and drives off so I guess her little subplot at this nunnery didn't really go anywhere narratively but at least we got this potent opening scene that cleverly foreshadows what this episode will be about the lives Bojack has ruined we follow some of the various women over the course of the series who Bojack has left a detrimental impact on in some way these being Kelsey hollyhock and Gina with a lot of references to Penny thrown in over the course of Paige and Max's investigation this episode is easily my favorite out of the first eight in season six showcasing that even though we hadn't seen them in a while life still went on for these women after Bojack and it didn't go as smoothly for them as you might assume I guess we should go character to character again like earlier let's starve Kelsey we haven't seen her since season three Kelsey has been struggling trying to get new projects off the ground in the age of the superhero Blockbuster she had her shot with Bojack to get an Oscar picture but we all know how that went and it's been rough ever since after talking to fellow director Justin Kenyon and Big Time Hollywood Asian Sonic the Hedgehog she manages to score a meeting with not Marvel to direct the superhero Blockbuster and the hero is gay based it's nice to see Kelsey finally succeed again after bojang drug broke into the next Museum and got her fired Bojack and his crew did all that and yet she is the only one who got screwed over that's kind of the point of the episode to remind us that yes Bojack has changed but he still did very real damage so he gets some follow-ups on the people that he's hurt before including some you probably forgot about Kelsey's quick story ends of her looking for her lead actress to which she has led to Gina has not been doing well since the Bojack strangling incident we see her filming a movie directed by Kelsey's friend Justin where she's a lot more paranoid and much more of a wreck than she was when we last saw her she freaks out over suddenly receiving new script Pages because it's too much of a surprise and then constantly expresses how much respect she deserves with her being number one on the call sheet especially considering how she's a much easier person to work with compared to the last number one on the call sheet she had when confronted about what issues she might be going through she doesn't want to talk about it it's obviously completely understandable why she would be like this and why she doesn't want to open up about what she went through but unfortunately since no one understands her perspective they all just see her as an irritable Diva who's hard to work with her scene partner dances with her and improvises a dip where he holds her neck with his hand and that brings back a lot of unwanted trauma causing her to freak out on set and leave before they're done filming to an outsider it does look like Gene as being unreasonable and overreacting but knowing what we know about her and what the rest of the world can't know it makes perfect sense why she'd be like this it's genuinely really sad that the emotional scar is Bojack inflicted on her are still lingering and tragically enough it's in this scene where we get the one and only F-bomb of the Season as well as the final one in the whole series Gina's scene partner asks her what the [ __ ] is wrong with you the exact same thing she asked Bojack after being choked this shows that by harming her Bojack kicked off a chain reaction that causes Gina to harm the people around her she started acting outwardly arrogant and ditching in her scheduled shoots in a similar manner to Bojack so who's to say that she also won't eventually turn to alcohol or drugs in order to cope with her trauma furthermore using the F-bomb on a side character like Gina messing up a relationship rather than tying it to one of bojack's relationships like the previous Five Seasons shows us that the consequences of bojack's actions will continue to affect other people regardless of whether he's personally moved past his sins or not the saddest scene of all in Gina's plotline here comes when Kelsey is talking to Justin about finding an actress to lead her superhero film she asks about Gene and while Justin is trying to play up her talents as an actress Kelsey's questions about her personality on set lead Justin to admit that he doesn't recommend her he notes that it was great working with her a few years ago and that he doesn't know what happened that changed her before recommending Courtney Portnoy to Kelsey who gives a positive response it's so upsetting to see Gina potentially passed up for this opportunity for reasons that neither Kelsey nor Justin understands it's really upsetting because someone as Progressive as Kelsey would probably be incredibly supportive of Gina if she knew what the problem was I would likely want to cast her but since nobody does know what's going on she just follows the rest of the world and assuming that it's just typical Diva behavior in sharp contrast the Kelsey bouncy back from the career setback Bojack inflicted on her it's evident from this scene that Gina might not bounce back for a long time if at all though I might as well mention now that in the finale we can see on a billboard that Gina has indeed been cast in the lead role in Kelsey's movie which is at least a good omen for her future anyway let's talk Hawk hollyhock yes shot him clever hollyhock and her friends go to New York City while on winter break she really wants to go to a party but keeps making excuses to delay actually being there we're told that she really wants to drink and party but her friend Tanya reminds her that she says this every time she goes to party but never actually drinks this is because she wants to experience peer pressure and be offered a drink but she's also afraid of losing control if she drinks G golly gee I wonder why she's worried about getting drunk and losing control yeah she is clearly still affected by what happened in LA in both season four and five showing that even an ongoing overall positive relationship that Bojack has with someone doesn't change the fact that they were negatively affected by him entering their life eventually when they do go she suffers from an anxiety attack but is taken care of by a man named Pierre the two go out to get air and store talking about their past struggles of alcohol and this is when we realize this isn't just some dude this is goddamn [ __ ] Pete repeat from season two and hollyhocks finds out about the prom night incident not the almost sleeping with Penny part but the everything else part up until now she's heard the stories about Bojack but aside from the scare in season 5 he's never done anything directly to her she's only knew him while he was on his path to better himself but now the image of Bojack she's known these past three seasons is challenged by one of the very people he's directly heard and in the exact way hollyhock has been terrified of this whole time this is also the ending of the episode it cuts off right as Peter says his name go back to the 90s but you know what happens without them having to show it it's a very strong finish because hollyhock is bojack's link to his new life as Wesleyan and it's already being challenged in a way he never would have guessed especially because most of us forgot Pete [ __ ] existed whoops even though bojack's ready to leave the pass behind and continue growing as a person it's clear that his past will never truly go away and will continue to harm him and his reputation going forward which brings us to the second half of the Season yeah Netflix released this final season in two separate parts a couple of months away from each other ending the first half of the Season off rather ominously with Peter telling hollyhock about bojack's Shady actions a perfect indication of the driving conflict of the second half of the Season before we get into that I do want to briefly talk about how the first half of season six was not really the best on its own at times it can feel a little aimless and like there's no Central plot line probably because Bojack can't really drive the story forward while he's in rehab it is nice to give more Focus to the side characters since giving them more development was definitely welcome but for the most part the first half of this season kind of just feels like setup for the second half I felt this way when it first aired on its own and I still feel this way even though the payoff for set setup is available to watch right afterwards yeah you could argue that the season is a bit of a slow burn in that regard but it I don't know considering how heavy the focus is on Bojack himself in the final few episodes it makes the first half of the Season feel even more Meandering in hindsight since very little of it is actually centered on Bojack this is the main reason I consider it to be the second weakest season of the show it just doesn't have the same tight Central plot line of Seasons two through five until we get to the second half that is most of the second half of season six is definitely on par with the previous Seasons so I'll be a lot more positive going forward with this video the second half starts with an episode all about bojack's New Life as a professor at Wesleyan we see him adjusting to his new life in Academia and bonding with his students whether he likes it or not he has a good five months to whip these aspiring student actors into shape while maintaining his relationship with hollyhock which to his surprise is starting to show some cracks we see him going to regular AAA meetings which now are constantly being entered by students trying to impress him and failing horribly at it well except for one student who actually does have issues but uh Bojack didn't know that whoopsie Bojack gets a lot of time to shine in this episode which was greatly needed after the first half sidelined him hard we don't really cut back to LA in this episode Bojack gets a call from PB so we can offload elephante to him and PC visits him to give his class a lecture about the business side of Hollywood but that's it this part does give us an interesting Dynamic with the two we haven't seen yet princess Carolyn tries to sign a student but Bojack has to be the responsible one and get her off his case he knows what happens to young actors and the risks that you take on becoming a big time actor and does not want the kid to go down the path he did of course he fails to convince him because Hollywood is Hollywood but hey Bojack tried to do the right thing gold star is all around meanwhile Bojack is also trying to be there for hollyhock getting super invested in a rugby team and going to all of her games but hollyhock seems like she wants nothing to do with him Bojack doesn't know why yet but we do now that she's met Peter someone who is directly affected by bojice actions she sees that there really was way to her father's warnings in the past and is much more cautious of Bojack overall also she has a blue hoodie to me the deterioration of Bojack and hollyhock's relationship is one of the most tragic things not only in this episode but also the season at large yeah they're blood siblings but as hollyhock pointed out they had different completely separate lives for so many years and her talk with Peter was her first wake-up call to the fact that the life Bojack has been living has not been a particularly good one even though he wants to put that all behind him her apprehension to him suddenly inserted himself into a major part of her life is completely understandable hell it would be understandable for her to feel this way without knowing the story she heard from Peter but with it it's incredibly clear why this is an uncomfortable situation for her the final nail in the coffin is when after missing the scene study bojack's class is putting on and laying her feelings and concerns out on the table she mentions how despite being in a fight with her friend Tawny she still loves her Bojack then asks are we in a fight to which she responds yeah but stopping herself before saying that she loves Bojack it Harkens all the way back to season one when Diane was unable to call Bojack a good person when put on the spot about it and it stands out here as a really deliberate way of cementing the fracture that this relationship is experiencing and I didn't even notice until this re-watch but this is their last scene together this is the last time we see these two characters directly interacting ouch but this overall great and entertaining episode isn't all doom and gloom Todd has an entire subplot where he accidentally eats a marshmallow meant for Ruthie meaning he has to scientifically create a new marshmallow and then wins the school for passing the test except no that wasn't actually Willy Wonka Wesley and that was just a guy on LSD I think I like this little Escapade so much because it feels like a season one or two Todd Adventure plug straight out of there and into the final season and that's fun it's a great little throwback the Side Story also establishes that Todd started dating the bunny girl mod which is nice the episode ends with his students performing their selected scenes for their model in front of an audience and the Knight goes off without a hitch they're not great but they're a bunch of 19 year olds so it checks out did I do anything valuable at 19 no of course not but 27 now that's the magic number I'm 26. the performance drops up and everyone seems super happy giving Bojack a happy ending to his first semester at Wesleyan University ah [ __ ] so out of nowhere Charlotte after literal years calls Bojack the utter shock of it sends Bojack into well shock as luck would have it the reporters we spent the previous episode are on his Trail and they are asking penny for answers just in case it has anything to do with Sarah Lynn it's an unrelated story but they don't know that despite all the changes Bojack has made the past year truly bettering himself no matter what he does he cannot run from his past and his past has finally caught up with him at this point we're at the edge of our seats waiting for the aftermath of this Monumental event so anyway here's the babysitters club Diane is struggling willing to write her new book but no matter how hard she tries she is unable to turn any of her invasive thoughts and pass damage into anything coherent even after taking her antidepressants so she can focus on her writing she still struggles with creating the actual content this episode is actually very relatable for Content creators Diane feels the need to write about her past and issues because it's what she knows and is expected of her but she doesn't actually have any ideas about how to make content out of it additionally the big reason for doing this in the first place is so that she can rationalize all her past damage if she doesn't write this book that means her damage wasn't good damage it was just damage it didn't make her grow it just hurt her no that's a lot of damage but sometimes that's all it is there are times where you get hurt and need time to process and heal and that's okay it doesn't need to be good damage you are more than what happens to you it doesn't need to be your brand Diane may have spent her career talking about bojack's damage and her own but sometimes you don't want or need to do that sometimes you just need to do something fun do projects you actually enjoy write that Middle School mystery series you've been shopping around and also to the creators out there who feel pigeonholed into making just one kind of thing if you do have an idea that you want to do but feel like you can't do it because it's not your brand I have some goddamn fun for once in a while do what makes you happy I mean look at James he made a video about Moulin Rouge and nobody's care about Moulin Rouge for like 10 years but that didn't stop him yeah I wait what but yeah I think this episode is really special and it really spoke to me for a number of reasons it can be really hard to tap into traumatic personal experiences when writing and it makes perfect sense that Diane wants to share those experiences with the world and help other people in similar situations but she doesn't feel mentally equipped to do that sort of self-reflection at the moment and that's okay processing shitty things that happened to you in the past can take a lot of time and writing about those experiences can take even longer there's no shame in that whatsoever and sometimes it can be beneficial to write or create something more lighthearted and fun that sort of experience is just as valuable and can speak to and inspire people just as much as something heavy and personal and inspiration can strike you from anywhere like how Diane overhears an employee named Ivy talking about a mall related mystery and subconsciously forms a desire to write one herself it's such a realistic little detail I can't tell you all the times I've been inspired to think up stories and characters based on random occurrences in everyday life plus that's not even getting into the Stellar creative animation of this episode Diane's crude loose sketches as she tries to write a book of essays are so fluid and well realized reflecting her mindset and the uncertainty she feels about it it then serves as a great contrast to how fully featured and colored in the IV Tran story elements are while also serving as a parallel to bojack's intrusive thoughts in season four stupid piece of [ __ ] on top of her writing struggles we see Diane stop taking her antidepressants and gradually break down throughout the episode and it's harrowing to see her at probably her lowest points in the entire series it really makes you appreciate how supportive and understanding Gaia is throughout the process however always being there to console her and help her through it and ultimately it's nice to see princess Carolyn go from pushy and mildly antagonistic over the course of the episode to legitimately helpful to Diane by the end offering great advice and telling her that Ivy Tran food court detective will inspire and be treasured by young girls even if Diane doesn't believe so I think his time has gone on I've grown to appreciate Diane's storyline in season six more and more to the point where this might be my favorite season for her character we finally get a sufficient amount of focus on just her rather than viewing everything through the lens of her interactions with Bojack or Mr Peanut Butter seeing her grapple with all the terrible things that happened to her growing up and trying to move past them while also coming to terms with her inability to write about these issues is really compelling stuff and I'm glad we got this for her at the very end of the show also during this episode we got some Quick Cuts to Penny R2 Southern Fried reporters and Charlotte basically they're on the case and get just enough information out of Penny to connect Bojack to Sarah Lynn Penny now also has the opportunity to go to the Press with her story and nail Bojack for what happened all those years ago however Charlotte knowing that the story could also potentially expose what happened between her and Bojack and uh yeah also to protect penny for more wandering eyes persuades her not to this is where Penny's story ends Bojack never will face consequences for what happened in New Mexico all those years ago but we do know how heavy it weighs on his conscious and of course the victims I also want to give a shout out to Kyle Charlotte's husband this is just a guy this is the most guy-ass guy that ever dared to die he's more of a guy than the guy actually named guy listen to him watching TV hear the pure enjoyment in his voice as he watches the comfortable journey of birthday dad the Dateline birthday dad because then it won't be your birthday anymore is this how normal people watch TV I wish I could have feelings like him again okay so getting back to important stuff this episode wraps up with Charlotte getting out her phone and calling up our old buddy Bojack and you know this ends it's the exact same way last episode ended the next episode shows us the aftermath where Bojack and his friends try to figure out what the hell happened and why reporters are getting involved so they got a fun final season walk down the memory lane with all the shitty things Bojack did over the past five and a half Seasons this means Bojack has to come clean to everyone there about what happened in New Mexico the cat is finally out of the bag but it's okay because the cat is also right next to him PC is on his side of course since nothing illegal actually happened princess Carolyn and Bojack are equipped to jump to telling them nothing since he didn't technically do anything wrong and yes as we've been told countless times he legally is in the clear for Penny morally it was not okay and Diane is Nash actually frustrated at them as the episode goes on Todd and Diane leave the office as a result of the events but princess Carolyn the one who's been with Bojack the longest in his life stays by his side she can't leave she needs to stay and help because well she's been there all this time why quit now you know son costs and all that sunk cost falsi is a real thing in real life if you're not enjoying the new Pokemon games anymore you can stop playing them it's okay you have nothing to prove play something you do enjoy you stupid [ __ ] I should also mention that one thing I like about the first scene in the episode is how Bojack is finally ready to confess the penny story to the other main characters those being Diane PC and Todd we're not missing anybody especially nobody who would talk to any reporters oh yeah that's a simultaneously funny and ominous cold open so we get to see Paige and Max working their usual magic as they try and get saying out of Mr pina colada at his new and improved Elefante I kind of find it funny that Bojack bought the restaurant in season one as a way of one-upping Mr Peanut Butter and then in the end Mr Peanut Butter ended up owning it that's a cute detail anyway Mr Peanut Butter is joint running the place with Joey Pogo and pickles oh we're still doing this plot line are we at this point did anyone really want Mr Peanut butter and pickles to stay together I feel like they just kind of dragged this relationship out because they didn't have anything else for Mr Peanut Butter to do in these final few episodes as this episode progresses we gradually see pickles and Joey Pogo falling in love and this would be as good a time as any to end the peanut butter pickles relationship but no they insist that they'll get married after pickles comes back from Joey pogo's big Music Tour and then in a literal throwaway line in the next episode Mr Peanut Butter receives a text that he and pickles are broken up forever having him announce that the relationship is over so nonchalantly was a cute way for the writers to acknowledge that nobody cared about this relationship at this point but at the same time why was it so dragged out it's easily one of The Season's most boring plot line one that peaks with the already flawed surprise and never really found its footing again afterwards at the at the very least the precarious pickles Pogo peanut butter plate produces a potent plug-in for Paige's Plucky problem she and Max argue about who's in the right in the Joey pickle situation and it becomes evident that their arguments are just metaphors for their own situation so at least the boring couple dispute was able to contribute to the sexual tension plot line that's actually fun to watch like I know there are antagonists just looking for a hot scoop but I genuinely wanted to see Paige and Max get together in the end it wasn't meant to be though how tragic eventually the reporters do call him directly and they learn that the story is actually about Sarah Lynn and not Penny this destroys Bojack because Sarah Lynn's death is his single biggest regret the room Falls silent as this Revelation is made Bojack leaves at one point to announce superlatives to his students in a rousing speech about the semester a perfect contrast between the wonderful Professor he became and the sad horse that did Big nopes the rest of his life Bojack and PC begin to write a statement to address the situation and fix everything but eventually Bojack scraps the because he knows it's all [ __ ] on the one hand Bojack truly has moved on and bettered himself so why is this all coming out now on the other hand deep down he still knows that he deserves this and frankly he himself has even advocated for takedowns like this before like in season 5 when he asked Diane to write one herself in the end they let the news come out overall an excellent episode that's filled with so much dread for what's about to happen mixed in perfectly with some light-hearted moments in the B plot for good measure however now it's time for Xerox of a Xerox the episode where it all goes wrong let's talk about some non-bojak related things first first of all as I said earlier pickles Mr Peanut Butter are done they just dropped this info super casually on us because they know we don't care so that's cool let's move on turns out Paige's accent is inauthentic because her family's from Fresno that's really funny actually Diane meets guy's son Sunny which took way longer for us to get the joke for than we'd like to admit it's nice to see their relationship advancing to this point even though things aren't going too well between and sunny at first Todd and mod decide to move in together which is nice because it's the first time in the whole series Todd gets a permanent home of his own and in addition Diane and Todd are both asked by the Romantic Partners if they want to watch the Bojack interviews on TV and they both give very similar answers of not really being interested in seeing more of Bojack since they got their fill of him and his toxic Behavior already and they don't think he'll be particularly genuine in his interviews this is a good follow-up to the fact that they both left bojack's office early in the previous episode rather than stick with him to the end and try and figure out how he gets past these allegations they've both moved on with their lives and don't want to deal with him anymore but princess Carolyn is here to stay both at his office trying to come up with a plan and helping him throughout the entire interview process which I guess we'd better start talking about today on Oprah we have a wonderful interview with Bojack and it goes Super well because the whole thing is [ __ ] braxby does feel good stories so she helps steer things in a way that lets Bojack essentially both come clean and get away with it nothing Bojack says is untrue but he faces little to no pushback on anything he says to highlight how fake the interview is they say at the beginning that they're doing it live at his house this is a lie they are on the filbert set that just looks like his house this is the daytime television equivalent of Marvel green screening a bar wait do Marvel shows Kennedy count as daytime television now Bojack ends the interview apologizing live on TV to Sarah Lynn's mother and comes off completely sympathetic as a result America loves Bojack he gets to keep his Professor job and live as happily ever after the end so anyway Paige Sinclair gives bragsby a bunch of the information she has and boja decides to do a second interview after talking to pinky because pinky always has good ideas I wonder if this second interview goes well so Bojack being Bojack just can't leave well enough alone even when he's changed he still has that annoying tendency to double down he agrees her second interview after he's already won one he went back into herbs to get an apology he didn't deserve he went to Penny after already saying no to her previously and also kissing her mom etc etc bojack's Journey this season can best be summed up as one step forward two steps back which is still better than the three steps back he's been taking the other five seasons but it isn't great because from this point on he starts to slink back into some old habits but let's talk about that second interview first Bojack starts the interview out a lot more cocky and jokey than he was in the previous one thinking he's on top of the world and that this will be another slam dunk that'll get him even more attention and inflate his ego even further but then biscuits brings up a point that legitimately throws him off guard and one that also throws us off guard as well she starts off by mentioning that Bojack lied to the police and said that he wasn't with Sarah Lynn when she died that she called him from the planetarium she then says that there actually was a two-minute call from Sarah Lynn's phone to bojack's phone 7 17 minutes before he called 9-1-1 essentially Bojack called himself using Sarah Lynn's phone then went out to the parking lot and waited 17 minutes to make it seem like he drove there and discovered her thus making him look completely innocent already this looks really bad but the most tragic bombshell of all comes when biscuits mentions that Sarah Lynn wasn't actually dead yet at the planetarium she died in the hospital and it's entirely possible that she'd still be alive if Bojack didn't wait 17 minutes to try and cover up his own involvement in her death this was the first time in a long while that the show legitimately took me off guard the entire time we all just assumed that she was dead immediately it was a closed case that he was indirectly responsible for causing but it was still a tragic event that left both of them victims Sarah Lynn more so obviously but no he willfully let it happen just so he wouldn't be implicated in her death ascend eventually we're experiencing the exact same thing hollyhock went through when she heard Peter's story we thought we knew Bojack we know that he's done some horrible [ __ ] in the past but we also know that he legitimately does want to move past it and become better in spite of his horrible actions we want to see him overcome his past and be a better person which is exactly what hollyhock wanted so when she's suddenly confronted with this awful secret about him she didn't know about she naturally feels like she can't trust him anymore and wants to distance herself from him however since we the audience have already known about this for a long time it might be a bit difficult for us to stomach her decision since we don't have the same perspective of it being this shocking revelation we know Bojack did this but also that he feels remorse and wants to be better but now we as an audience find ourselves in the exact same position as hollyhock where this person we thought we knew and thought we could trust in spite of everything he's done is actually even worse than we thought much like everyone in the universe of the show the revelations in this interview made me lose so much respect for Bojack not only for doing this but for concealing this information for so long it felt unbelievable at first but after giving it some thought no it really didn't the interview also goes into some of the less obvious but still problematic Tendencies Bojack has namely his sexual history with women and the power he has over them time and time again Bojack either knowingly or unknowingly took advantage of women in situations that put him in a position of power he then either used for sex or to get something else he wanted he took Penny to prom tried to get with her mom and then attempted to have sex with her when that failed he slept with the present of his own fan club which sure she's probably obsessed with him and likely wanted it or at least thought she did but given those circumstances you can't deny that puts Bojack in a position of power he spent the past few months rebuilding his relationship with Sharona and then immediately froze her under the bus the first chance he gets the rehab situation okay that one he didn't really do anything wrong other than break something but still [ __ ] Dr champ for that one but all that other stuff is still highly problematic Bojack tries to cover for himself by falling back on the attic excuse and arguing that well everyone just wants to feel good and I made them feel good while making me feel good and that makes me okay because everyone else is just as shitty as me which you know sounds a lot like something season one or two Bojack would say the interview ends with braxby outlining everything Bojack has said over the past two nights and when asked whether or not Bojack believes that this is him or not Bojack agrees much to the surprise of a spectating Diane after the interview Bojack is told by Princess Carolyn that he should figure out how he wants to spend the next few hours before his whole world changes for the worse an even more ominous Calm before the stormy statements than anything that was offered in the previous episode so he drives around and comes across a comedy club he used to perform at where herb immortalized him on the wall with a white outline a Charming flashback to the time before it all went wrong he goes in to perform some stand-up and be enjoyed by an audience one last time before the interviewer it's kind of funny though in season one or season two Bojack would probably construct some elaborate Heist to steal the interview footage or something but here it's nice to see both the show and the character acknowledge that it's not worth trying to bury or erase his heinous actions from the eyes of the public within the show it's finally time for his pass to catch up to him and while it's pretty clear that everyone's gonna despise him in the next episode that final shot of Diane a person who knows all about and has seen Bojack at his worst giving a faint smile when she finally hears him publicly admit how selfish and uncaring he's been is a beautiful touch overall an amazing episode probably the best of the season so far the next episode's gonna be great too right and we can probably just speed run the next episode's robot Jack here there's not a whole lot to analyze everything just means what it looks like it means hollyhock sends Billy Jack a letter which he dreads open because of what he thinks it says of course when he's at a low point in the episode he finally does open it and while we don't actually see her hear what's written on it it's pretty clear it said exactly what he thought it would say she cuts off all ties with him nobody wants to be bojack's sponsor at AAA anymore and they all treat him like the garbage he is but then a returning of yellow Wickersham shows up and chooses to sponsor him instead the only person willing to befriend Bojack right now is the worst character in the show wow also they decide to make movie 43 or something I guess Bojack star isn't a raunchy adult comedy yummo is producing and that's the sublot these two episodes are really just here to a show how bad things are for Bojack losing relationships losing his job losing his house and B hammer on that despite all the progress he's made he's still Bojack and can slip up at any time you're flipping Bojack oh and uh yeah he got sued by the Xerox company and lost all his money so he had to sell his house and move in with Mr Peanut Butter late stage capitalism is just just amazing I'm a bit mixed about bojack's storyline in the horny unicorn for two reasons first because of course we gotta deal with Yama Wickersham and like I know why he's here it makes sense that the canceled Bojack would spend time with another canceled actor but like do we need to spend this much time with him he's so shitty intentionally so obviously but I think we get the gist of that shittiness after one or two scenes I remember when I first watched this episode knowing it was the fourth to last in the entire series and I was just thinking about all the characters we could be spending time with instead of yummo it's kind of like what hollyhock said in that season five episode we only have a few hours left with this show and it's universe and characters is this really how you want to be spending this time and speaking of hollyhock that's the other issue I have not does she cut ties with Bojack I think that's perfectly reasonable of her after everything it's that this is the last we hear about her in the entire show Bojack never mentions her again and we don't hear from any of the other characters about how she's doing we also don't see the contents of the letter which isn't a huge deal we can easily surmise the sort of stuff it said but since this mystery letter is literally the last thing involving her character in the whole show it comes across as a bit disappointing considering just how vital she was to season four again I didn't need one last interaction between her and Bojack but I would have liked some sort of acknowledgment that she still existed somewhere in the final three episodes oh well what happened in the next episode oh yeah Angela's stuff Angela bojacks or producer and horsing around calls him out to come over and reminisce about the good old days so these Hawkins revealed that the real reason she caught him is to ask him to sign away his royalties still horsing around so they can re-edit the show without him and release it on Blu-ray horsing around was bojack's entire Legacy for about half of the show it's how people knew him at all the thing that made him famous the DVD said he carries on with him wherever he goes and now he is faced with having to cut off all ties with it and finally move on from it this is kind of a big deal Bojack is of course broke right now and needs all the money he can get so he takes the deal Horse Around is no more he is now officially lost everything also there's a fun joke where they mentioned how Michael Eisner is a caring and wonderful CEO just a great guy which is of course true Michael Eisner is a wonderful man who has never done anything wrong hey did you guys know that tornado company one of the series for a high and BoJack Horseman was founded by Michael Eisner after he left Disney knowing this makes the Disneyland joke funnier in retrospect Michael Eisner had to approve that joke huh goofy go go break his eyes don't break my glasses for so late Goofy what the hell [Music] did somebody mention the door to Darkness there's other characters to cover in episodes 13 and 14 so let's go ahead and wrap up Toad's storyline he and mine have moved into their own apartment and he angrily invites Jorge and his mom over for a party so he can finally prove to them that he's made something of his life he also invites a bunch of actors to play party guests and gives them pre-made lines to say one of which is one of my favorite jokes in the entire show and I quote it all the time with my friends I'm starting to think that smartphones are actually making us less connected funny stuff out there funny stuff unfortunately Jorge and Todd's mom can't come meaning the whole party was for nothing and at this point you really start to wonder what the deal is there and why we haven't seen Todd's mom yet is she even alive is Jorge just gaslighting Todd into thinking she still exists no it turns out to be nothing that wacky which is surprising for a Todd plot line she just feels guilty about kicking Todd out of the house all those years ago as well as the fact that she owes her son her life due to the kidney transplant it's just normal non-wacky guilt but fortunately Todd is gonna make this situation wacky with the help of character actress Margo Martindale she's here to finally and suddenly make amends for ruining Todd's rock opera all those years ago which sent her down a dark path which like okay last time we saw her she was stealing a car from the nunnery so why does she suddenly feel like making amends and growing a conscience I think it's because of the show's imminent cancellation and the fact that they needed to do something to wrap up this delightful side character's Journey given how much screen time they gave her over the course of the show so they figured the best thing to do was to speedrun a Redemption Arc for her okay fine good to use more build up but there's bigger fish to fry with these last few episodes and it's nice they wrapped up this character at all after Todd and Margot fake a hostage situation in order to get both Frito pies and Todd's mom to stop feeling guilty about having his kidney she passes out so they stop the charade and take her to the hospital there they finally have a nice heart to heart that rounds out Todd's character incredibly well maybe Todd's mom was wrong to kick him out but he accomplished so much over the course of the six seasons and he's living a goofy unrealistic but ultimately fun and fulfilling life it's great to see the two of them end things on good terms plus Margo Martindale gets to go scot-free and probably won't murder anyone again you know maybe the only other thing that's bizarre about the storyline is have a season kind of neglected it from episode 7 to 12. there's a pretty big gap where Todd isn't thinking about his mother or stepfather at all until Suddenly It's the focal point of the last two quote unquote regular episodes of the show but it's not too too bad overall a nice conclusion meanwhile we got some nice moments for princess Carolyn and Judah PC gets a call from Turtle top asking her to be in charge of their new female-led studio division a division they're only doing because of two decades of executive sexual harassment sexual a division they're only doing because of two decades of executive sexual harassment but a studio division they're doing nonetheless PC and Judo quickly put some ideas together before Judah has to leave to perform with his band PC saves to work on the Slate but changes her mind when she realizes oh fish I'm in love with Judah and Sprints off to the show but it turns out Judah had his own moment just like that and left the show to be with her I saw my harmonica to buy your Watch chain but you sold your watch to buy me a harmonica case throughout the last few seasons we've seen how good the chemistry between these two was and it's great for them to figure things out and for PC to get a win after having her heart broken throughout the run of the show before the season came out we were worried how the Romantic relationships were pan out we really did not want to see Bojack and Diane hook up so Diane being with guy is great and while PC and bullshock wouldn't have been horrible it's still wouldn't have been ideal so her ending up with best boy Judah is the best case scenario Judah performs a love song for her and with that PC's Arc is done next up is Diane how does her storyline wrap up well she starts getting along with sunny more especially after he reads her book and gives constructive criticism all while refusing to admit that he likes it since it's too girly for him he specifically criticizes Diane saying the book takes place in Chicago even though Ivy lives in Schaumburg and am I Leonardo Dicaprio and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood because I was pointing at the screen and going hey I know that place I'm not as good as making pop culture and allergies as Mr Peanut Butter I'm sorry I mentioned earlier how I visited my girlfriend in Illinois and while I was there we went to a mall in Schaumburg they have very tiny escalators at that mall like what the [ __ ] is the point it's only like five steps on this thing just put a ramp there weirdos but yeah bottom line is Diane is having a good time writing Ivy Tran and both PC and sunny like her work also Sunny's voice actor is listed as unknown on the Bojack Wiki and I couldn't really tell who he was until he started ranting about Chicago adjacent places and I was like is That You Will Arnett because he suddenly slipped in the sounding very bojack-like and it's a little sus Morton Grove Chicago Naperville Chicago that's what you sound like also guy needs to move to Houston to be with sunny and Diane is fully on board finally on her book tour she noticed that Mr penis man wrote A Memoir which is apparently super easy for him wow great we haven't really brought up Mr Peanut Butter much in these last few episodes because well he doesn't really have that much to do and that's okay with Pickles gone he's taking it easy and learning how to be single and being content with who he is Diane calls him to ask about his book and catch up and it's just really nice I'm so glad they devoted time in the last non-bojax centered episode of the show to giving closure to the often tumultuous relationship between Diane and Mr Peanut Butter it's nice that even after everything they're on good terms that can actually pour their hearts out to each other in a way that they never could during their relationship for the first time after all the self-reflection he's gone through Mr Peanut Butter actually listens to Diane and hears her perspective and who she is as a person he doesn't resent the fact that Diane is talking about how perfect of a fit guy is for her or that she finally doesn't feel like a piece that doesn't fit anymore he's happy for her and lets her know that she doesn't need to feel guilty once she realizes that it's a little weird to be telling her ex-husband these sort of things he even acknowledges his wrongdoings in their relationship and that he shouldn't have dismissed or downplayed the problems Diane had and it's just nice and cathartic to finally hear this from him in an episode filled with heartwarming moments for everyone who isn't horse boy I think Diane Mr Peanut Butter's conversation is my favorite part of the whole episode just a beautiful note for the relationship between these two to go out on it's been Bittersweet how Diane acknowledges that things would have worked out better between them if they had met now but Mr Peanut Butter also points out that they wouldn't be the people they are today without having met each other just a perfect way to close things out on the story of these two what's not done yet is Bojack but don't worry he will be soon Angelo is kind of the one responsible for bojack's long downward spiral in the first place when you think about it she was the one who convinced Bojack to leave her about to dry saying she'd replace Bojack if he doesn't cooperate which is even sadder than we thought it was before because Angela was bluffing about getting rid of Bojack so after a well-on rampage he goes back to his not house does a shitload of drugs gets drunk off his ass and after watching his old audition tape from horsing around takes a nice long dip in the pool a very long dip in the pool to emphasize how low Bojack has sunk we got a nice shot of Bojack in the 90s auditioning for the role which hard cuts to Bojack today probably the shot shot that summarizes the entirety of the show when you think about it and now we arrive at the final of the dreaded episode 11s even though it's episode 15 this time because of the extended season but you know what I mean the final of the penultimate seasonal episodes the one where [ __ ] always goes down and to say that these episodes go out with a bang would be an understatement this episode in particular is probably by this point one of if not the most popular and discussed episodes in the entire show so there's not a whole lot of new tapes we can add to the discussion but we're still gonna talk about it anyway because that's why you clicked on this video in the first place the episode starts with Bojack in a young Sarah Lynn walking to a fancy mansion where they agreed to buy bojack's mother from the 70s at this point I think everyone immediately could tell what this episode was supposed to be and it is terrifying Bojack goes to a dinner party with all the important people in his life who have died previously including me apparently we see Sarah Lynn and his mother as as previously mentioned herb corduroy Jackson his co-star from Secretariat his uncle krackajack that he has never met before how he knows what his voice sounds like despite not being alive at the same time as him I do not know and the guest of honor who shows up late mourn him later in the kitchen a red cardinal appears and everyone has to work together to get it out of the house Cardinals can be used to represent deceased loved ones watching over you while a cardinal hitting a window means death while eating dinner everyone talks about the meanings of their death and whether they had any to begin with does your death invalidate the meaning of your life does your life ever mean anything at all also when you look at the plates everyone is eating the last thing they ate in life corduroy is eating a lemon Sarah Lynn has McDonald's Beatrice has hospital food etc etc Bojack also notes that his water it tastes like chlorine and is repeatedly getting hit by black watery sludge by this point we can infer that Bojack either has or is drowning in his old pool Bojack hand waves this whole event by saying this is a reoccurring dream he has all the time but never gets to see his dad show up so this is likely no different anyway his dad shows up oh no but don't worry everyone it's not actually his dad it's Secretariat well actually it's his dad and Secretariat combined but both in Secretariat's body the implications of this are kind of obvious but still tragic Bojack essentially viewed Secretariat as so much more of a role model growing up that his brain has changed Secretariat into his father figure part of me wonders if this was their original plan or if they just couldn't get John Krasinski back to voice Secretariat for this episode because really my only tiny nitpick with what's otherwise a pretty perfect episode is that it can be a bit confusing sometimes telling who's talking butterscotch or Secretariat hell the composite character acknowledges that it's a bit confusing within the episode I know this part is confusing because I'm Secretariat and also your dad for some reason but it nonetheless makes sense why bojack's Minds would combine these two together anyway butterscotch a chariot joins in on the conversation the rest of them are having which is all about the nature of life and death and whether any of their lives or their deaths meant something does crackerjack serving his country inherently mean that his life meant more than other peoples clearly not especially because it turns out all his kills were friendly fire but it was food for thought that the other characters comment on in interesting ways and like while Cracker Jack's death can be considered a sacrifice Sarah Lynn's entire life can also be considered one since she never got to grow up in a normal way I was constantly used by the people around her as a tool for entertainment the character has always existed as a profoundly tragic commentary on the nature of child stars and what happens to them over time how they give everything to their art even though they're not emotionally or mentally prepared for the consequences of Fame now is as good a time as any to mention an observation I made in between work on this video series every time there's a child character in the show they're always voiced by a high-pitched adult rather than an actual child actor I feel like that's the show's way of acknowledging how [ __ ] up the industry is when it comes to challenge out actors and not wanting to even risk contributing to a real-life Sarah Lynn situation going back a little bit the whole conversation about sacrifice is very interesting especially given what we know about these characters if a sacrifice you're making is genuinely helping those around you then it is a good thing for you to do as long as it isn't hurting you that much but if a sacrifice is only hurting you and not benefiting anyone else in any meaningful way then it's probably not a good idea to do that you're just turning yourself into a martyr and if the sacrifice is something inconsequential that you're only doing for a good boy Point like not eating shrimp during Lent or some [ __ ] like that who cares herb sacrifices were in the form of community service which directly had benefits for those around him and it seems like he genuinely enjoyed doing it now at that point you can argue whether that counts as a sacrifice if it's something you want to do but it's still a time you're using up and work you're doing so I'd say it still counts however herb was also a fully grown man he was elderly and lived a full life had he died in his 40s like Sarah Lynn and was hot off getting kicked out of horsing around he might have thought the same way about the situation that Sarah Lynn is Sarah Lynn is angry at her death she gave up everything because her parents wanted her to be a star and lived such a shitty life it's possible that if herb had died earlier he wouldn't be as well spirited about it as he is now also a quick note Sarah Lynn is shown in every stage of her life since Bojack basically knew her his entire life while everyone else is shown largely at the primary age when Bojack knew them corduroy's contribution to the scene is discussed pleasure he died from autoerotic asphyxiation he died in search of a high he views this as shameful which causes him to view all pleasure as sinful he believes that sacrifice doesn't mean anything if you get something out of it this is not a positive way to think as equating all pleasure and happiness to sin is not a good way to live of your life this is probably meant to be symbolic of some religions which seem to glorify atonement in suffering for the greater good I'm pretty sure Jesus liked helping people though so I don't really agree with corduroy here his argument also goes back to what I was saying earlier about sacrifice only hurting you you not jerking off is not going to help your neighbor win the best lawn competition this year nobody cares meanwhile Beatrice doesn't really talk about her death because she doesn't even remember it so she's just here to complain and berate everyone else to keep them talking it's in character for her and helps things move along eventually the dinner conversation wraps up and everyone prepares for a show which Bojack assumes he won't be able to go to because he always wakes up at this part of the recurring dream but this time he doesn't wake up at this point you start to wonder wait is this it is Bojack actually dying is this How It Ends for him the episode was already unnerving by its very nature of bringing Dead characters back for Bojack to spend some time with but you started to ease into it because of how non-panicked Bojack was okay this is just a regular thing for him that's fine I guess but this is where the anxiety starts to rise and it only goes up from here Bojack finally gets to attend the talent show that his deceased loved ones put on starting with herb the MC of the night introducing Sarah Lynn and her performance is a sudden and unexpected reprise of Don't Stop Dancing the same song Gina sang to Bojack in a hallucination last season it's such a genius and chilling inclusion because it calls all the way back to season 1 episode 3. with the words Bojack told a young Sarah Lynn on the set of horsing around he told her that she has to give the people what they want even if it kills you even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty and that no matter how much it hurts you don't stop dancing and you don't stop smiling and you give the people what they want while it was easy to miss the repeated use of the phrase Don't Stop Dancing when Gina first sang it in season five it's impossible to ignore just how horrific it is that Sarah Lynn is now cheerfully singing the same horrifying adage Bojack told her all those years ago the song itself fits Sarah Lynn even more so than it fit Gina since she truly never stopped dancing and gave everything to her art even when it destroyed her it helps too that the song has been adapted not just lyrically to fit Sarah Lynn and the creepy dead people dream to mention they're all in but also musically while Gina's version of the song transitioned into a musical theater ballad since that was her musical style of choice Sarah Linz becomes a pop number remin innocent of the music she used to make during her life her lyrics reflect the fact that her Legacy all her music the art that she managed to put out into the world despite her suffering will still live on after her death and she seems to encourage Bojack to likewise accept death since his legacy will also remain this is of course less true in bojack's case since he's been edited out of horsing around but it still remains a chilling sentiment to think about was Sarah Lynn's life well spent a life of suffering and torment but a respectable Legacy to leave behind was it worth it it seems like the Sarah Lynn in this episode it has to be otherwise what was all her suffering for and so the song ends with an Abrupt cutting of the music as she sings her final verse mostly acapella the chatter stops the crowd departs a needle drops representing both a literal music needle drop and the Harrow and needle that killed her the music starts a song you taught me when I was small that scene from season one episode three that Sarah Lynn internalized all her life Don't Stop Dancing don't stop dancing [Applause] Bojack rushes to see where she went and she is nowhere to be seen she is gone the door is death itself Sarah Lynn being the first to walk through the door is also very important this is Sarah Lynn the one who is deaf had the most impact on his life the death that has had ramifications on him when it first happened in 2016 and still has ramifications right now despite all the weird sex stuff Bojack always kind of viewed her as a daughter of sorts this is also why we see her as a child and then growing back up throughout the episode so her being the one to finally make Bojack realize what's happening right now is the most tragic way to find out and also the most fitting it was the event that kick-started his course for the second half of the show and it's the one that's gonna bring the show to an end sure herb is bojack's best friend but herb was already out of bojack's life for so long so it wouldn't be as impactful plus give even herb having cancer he kind of braced himself for that death and saw it coming Sarah Lynn was completely unexpected and sudden the same way she walked for the door Zach Braff in corduroy's performances are mostly passed off as jokes so there's not much to say Beatrice and crackerjack perform together they do a musical act with Cracker Jack playing I will always think of you from season 4 on the trumpet and Beatrice ribbon dancing it's an art for performance referencing what they used to do in their Prime it's at this point that Bojack sneaks out to have a heart to heart with Dad retire yet secretary dad is the super cynical one here in regards to both his death and everyone else's he feels that none of the whole feeling good about their life and helping people stuff matters because everyone else there would immediately go back to Earth if given the chance well yes most people would if they enjoyed helping people in the first place why wouldn't they go back to help even more people his other main point is that it doesn't matter who you are and what you did because in the end we're all gonna die and end up in the same place secretary inspired Millions his dad did care in his own way but it doesn't matter because here he is now dead with everyone else as cynical as this section is it is kind of nice to see Bojack be able to reconcile with his dad something he didn't get to do in real life because he died in a [ __ ] door or some [ __ ] this is also where we finally see for certain what bojack's current situation is faced with the harsh reality that this isn't a dream it's real and he is drowning by this point Bojack is frantic in trying to rationalize every way he couldn't be dead that's when he remembered he did the thing he always does when he doesn't know what to do and called Diane he can't be drowning if he's talking to Diane right right right this is a good time to mention just how chilling and excellent the set design is for this episode it just looks so haunting and subtly nightmarish not just in terms of the deep purples and Eerie window Shadows but the Crooked angles all over the place it really does make make you feel like you're in purgatory since it's creepy and filled with death Vibes but not overly hell-like back to the performances Zach Braff mentions Shake Shack which I thought was nice because Shake Shack is epic Zach Braff short stacked breakfast attack at Shake Shack it's fitting the comedic character who had a joke death goes out in this episode by giving us the last silly tongue twister a joke style that I thought they overused in the last few seasons but it was nice to get one last one here at the end anyway Secretariat takes the stage to give us his original poem the view from halfway down to me the peak of the shelling performances in this episode was Sarah Lynn's because of how much it's been built up to over the course of the entire series but Secretariat is a very close second and in terms of its actual content it probably Takes the Cake the poem essentially recounts the thoughts that went into his head during his suicide which by itself is a chilling thought and if you'd like to skip past the discussion of suicide here's a timestamp to do so but it gets even worse as it becomes evident that he regretted his fall from the bridge as it was happening the door that brings about everyone's death continues to inch closer to him as he reads more of the poem even though he insists that he is not done not ready to go yet but the words of the poem speak to the harsh reality that it doesn't matter that he jumped and is now about to die and that no Newfound fear of the view from halfway down is going to change that it's over his choice has been made and all we're left with are his chilling anxiety-filled final thoughts about how much he doesn't want to die anymore it might legitimately be the most intense dramatic moment of the entire series and regardless of our speculation of whether or not John Krasinski was supposed to come back for Secretariat in this episode or not it's nonetheless perfectly fitting that Will Arnett gets to have the most dramatic and chilling moments of the entire show Secretariat's poem ends abruptly a dark reflection of how abruptly his thoughts ended alongside his fall and with that the terror has hid in full force for Bojack as he tries to escape but can't he asks her if anyone has ever come back from this place to which herb responds that there is no place and that his brain is just going through what it thinks it needs to go through he watches this crackerjack and Beatrice disappear into the black goo of the door following their performance and with no one else left to perform her begins introducing him mentioning all his previous Works adding that he's husband and father to No One notably not mentioning hollyhock considering how she disassociated herself from him and finally by calling back to the nagging thing that bojack's brain can't stop calling him a stupid piece of [ __ ] bojack's turn the drip finally stops at first he seems to accept his fate and tells her see you on the other side but it's Herb's chilling last words before getting consumed by the Goo that caused Bojack to spiral and panic once more oh Bojack no there is no other side this is it the image of the pool is now encompassing everything outside of the performance room he looks up and sees his fate crashing down on him the drops of water get more intensive in the black goop from the door starts sucking everything in quicker Bojack rushes for the house doing everything he can to escape the goo running away from Death itself we see the bird from before now corrupted about to be consumed as well the house is falling apart as it swallowed up Hole by the darkness I would like to think the black it was meant to represent the tar from the LA Tar Pits going back into the conversation Charlotte and budget had season one it's finally here to swallow Bojack hole and drag him under Bojack does find the phone and call Diane in hopes for waking up but as it turns out while he did call her she was asleep she didn't pick up so without I am there to tell him not to he jumped in the pool anyway and drowned There Is No Escape with this Bojack moves on from The Barking phase and accepts his fate asking the not Diane to stay with him until the goo takes him in this sequence is slightly chilling herb tells Bojack earlier that all this is just his brain going through what it has to go through before turning off for good this is reinforced during the conversation with fake Diane she's very calm as if she's trying to soothe him before he passes on that's because this is what he needs to hear right now this is not how Diane would actually react in real life but since this is bojack's death dream she behaves like this because it's ultimately what Bojack wants to hear before he finally dies Bojack drowning in the pool has been something foreshadowed by the show for quite some time of course obviously in the intro Bojack falls into the pool at the end every time and in those instances every time Bojack Falls Diane is there to save him well also Mr Peanut Butter but I'm sure Erica is there off screen about the teaching about proper Lifesaver throwing but this time now that he's finally fallen for real Diane isn't there to bail him out there's been other hints too Bojack had a fantasy in season one about how he thought he'd die in which he went out into the water as an old man knowing he wouldn't be able to swim back to Shore and allows the water to take him under the painting above his desk in his office always depicted a horse treading water in a pool while another simply stared back at him much like how Bojack is staring at his ultimate fate during the final sequence of this scene bojack's death was a tragic but ultimately deserved to fade for the character given his long history with substance abuse it only makes sense for him to die while intoxicated and in the pool that he constantly ends up in every theme song no less furthermore given the amount of suffering this character has inflicted on so many people it only seems right that this should be the way his character goes out and I'm just kidding he ain't [ __ ] dead wait what the [ __ ] seriously this was a bit of a hard pill to swallow at first because of how definitive an ending for the character the view from halfway down seemed to be it felt like a bit of a cop-out considering the lengths they went to to show that there was absolutely no coming back from this precarious situation but while it can feel cheap in the moment it does nonetheless make a lot of sense thematically Bojack has always had to live with the shitty things he's done to people and death would have been the ultimate escape from all that the easy way out but life isn't easy and sometimes you just have to find other ways to come to terms with what you've done and move on so I'm glad he's not dead if only because I don't really think he deserves an easy way out all that's left for him is the chance to get better and try to make things right in whatever way he can going forward and what that entails is open to the interpretation of the viewer since we're not jumping that far ahead well we are by a year at least but ojac's been in prison after breaking and entering into his former home and it definitely didn't help that the jury entirely consists of people he's wronged in the past also in this opening Montage we get one last reference to Wanda showing that she awoke from a second coma which I guess is why she was never in the show again after season two I really wish they could have found some way to bring her back but it's nice to get this acknowledgment at the very least we learn from rehab that Bojack benefits from having a good schedule the routine is good for him it keeps him in check so naturally the prison life turns out to be good for him we even see him putting on a play with the other inmates in prison and the play in question happens to be head of gabler he's finally doing Ibsen we quickly find out that PC pulled some strings to get Bojack released from prison for a day so he could attend her in judah's wedding so this last episode sees Bojack meeting up with all the main cast members one final time to catch up and see where they all are in life this episode establishes where each relationship ends and allows for one-on-one time with everyone first up we got time with Mr Peanut butter who picks him up from prison this is the shortest section and the least impactful mostly because it's just here to pay off some running gags Mr Peanut Butter has always been the big funny joke character anyway so there isn't much for the two to do one-on-one anyway the fact that they technically live together now is growth enough so yeah we gotta pay off to the D story from season one with Mr Peanut Butter ordering a new D to return Hollywood back to its original name is what I would say if they didn't also pay off the running gag of all the Flyers and Banners he orders containing horrible typos so we end the show of Hollywood incredible we get one final Erica joke and that's a serious wrap on Mr Peanut Butter in retrospect it's weird we didn't get another Zoe or Zelda joke thought they would have done more of that theme overall so now bojack's alone at the wedding and he thinks about heading up to the roof before Todd runs into him asking him to come down to the beach so he can sit on bojack's shoulders and watch the fireworks turns out he was mainly doing that just to get Bojack out of the party since they seemed overwhelmed oh he's so sweet even though Todd is as goofy silly of a character as Mr Peanut Butter it's important to acknowledge that the relationship between him and Bojack does hold a lot more dramatic weight than the one between Bojack and Mr Peanut Butter and that's what I love about this last conversation between them how supportive and encouraging Todd is to Bojack in spite of everything bojacks put him through Bojack vents about how staying sober is easy now that he's in jail and how he's worried about what will happen when he gets out a parallel to the beginning of the Season where he didn't want to leave rehab and go back out into the real world but Todd assures him that every day he'll break his record for being sober and that if he relapses he'll just become sober again he even uses the Hokey Pokey song as a metaphor for getting better and repairing relationships which happened between him and his mom even though he didn't expect it and as he implies might be happening between him and Bojack and that's nice to hear the main characters of this show all have their faults but out of all of them Todd has stuck out as the most genuine and kind person throughout the entire Series yeah he's the Least Complicated and he's mainly there to serve his comic relief but the show really wouldn't be the same without him and his genuine optimism and enthusiasm when we first started writing this retrospective I considered Mr Peanut Butter to be my favorite of the main five but over time Todd has easily usurped that position maybe I'm biased since he taught me things about my sexuality that I never even knew about but even apart from that I just feel like he's been one of the most positive aspects to come out of a pretty depressing show and I value him immensely for that sometimes it doesn't feel like the writers put as much into him compared to other characters but he's absolutely a character that I got more out of than what they put in speaking of which Todd reflects on whether the point of art like the Hokey Pokey is less what people put into it and more what they get out of it but eventually he loses track of the point he had in classic Todd fashion and says oh well it was nice while it lasted right I wouldn't have expected the title of the episode to come from the Todd portion but it is a perfect summation of the entire show I suppose it was indeed nice while it lasted oh yeah also Bojack tries honeydew and actually likes it now that's a character Arc if I've ever seen one alright Ford on the list is Princess Carolyn the conversation starts out as all business we hear about how big of a production the wedding was and find out that it wasn't even a real wedding the two had a small wedding the day before the current wedding is just a facade for Industries reps to schmoozat Judah isn't there as he's doing paperwork a small tidbit we also get is that somehow Bojack had time to finish filming horny unicorn before not dying maybe they use the CG model again princess Carolyn seems kind of torn on whether or not Bojack should return to acting which runs through the entire conversation the movie is tracking well in some Hollywood reps seem interested in getting Bojack back in the saddle but both princess Carolyn and Bojack do realize that if he jumps right back into acting proper he could lose troll once again Bossier constant how he fought when he got to the wedding there'd be a big disaster of some kind that he either be involved in or outright cause which would end in a sitcom ending where princess Carolyn has cold feet and Bojack would have to talk her into going through the wedding this didn't happen but given the relationship that you have it's kind of cute everything is a show of these two so using the framework of a sitcom which is how these two even been in the first place is fitting we hear PC's version of how events would have gone and Bose Rock responds in the most Bojack way possible yes all those things could be true but on the other hand what if you deserve to be happy and maybe don't worry about whether you'll be happy later and just focus on how you're happy right now the whole exchange is Suite in a good send off for princess Carolyn we get to see her finally achieve her dreams from the past six seasons and end up in a good spot with Bojack the scene leaves it ambiguous whether or not she'll still be his agent going forward but either way we'll know there will still be friends the overall message of the scene is that nobody should ever doubt princess Carolyn not even princess Carolyn in case you haven't noticed by now the episode is set up in order of the characters that have the least to most significance to bojack's life his begrudging acquaintance Mr Peanut Butter his estranged friend that he still cares for Todd his agent slash manager slash ex-girlfriend who is known for so long and who stuck by him through thick and thin princess Carolyn on paper you might look at their relationship and wonder how can any relationship be more significant than that and then there's Diane even though the time Bojack has known her is shorter than the time he's known the other three main characters their relationship has always been the Cornerstone of the series it's the sort of connection that you don't see too often in media and considering how the show began at the point where Bojack met Diane it's only fitting that it ends at what is likely the last time they would ever see each other Diane has moved on with her life as we've seen throughout this season and when Bojack comes up to the roof to see her she's noticeably a lot more hostile than the other characters in this episode for starters she's upset that Bojack is doing the horny unicorn with Yama Wickersham which to be fair I am too it's the one aspect of this finale that leaves a bad taste in my mouth not only the fact that this project is still going forward and that this is going to be a part of bojack's Legacy but also the fact that Princess Caroline implies it's going to be his big comeback in Hollywood yeah that's certainly realistic but still such a cynical sour note to end bojack's professional career on within the show I really wish yellow Wickersham could have died in an accident off screen or something and then all the footage for the horny unicorn could have gotten burned up I don't know it isn't out of the question for this goofy ass show that something like that could happen off screen on the other hand you can also view horny unicorn as a consequence of bojack's actions during his relapse he chose to be in the movie to stick it to Society for canceling him but now that all the money has been spent in the movie's been shot it's coming out and there's nothing Bojack can do to stop that he made that choice and he has to live with it he regrets it now but hey that's just one more addition to the long list he currently has going back to Diane while she doesn't like the horny unicorn thing she's even more upset with the voicemail Bojack left her a year ago she believed he was dead and that it was her fault for leaving La and not being there to help him and the whole situation traumatized her and prevented her from moving to Houston with guy throughout it all she remains angry with Bojack for having this power over her another sobering indication of the fact that even when it seems like Bojack is out of someone's life his influence can still harm them in ways he didn't even consider but ultimately Diane made it past this and moved to Houston to be with her boyfriend at the time when Bojack asks about that at the time distinction she lifts her hands to reveal a ring I really like the way they keep you guessing here it's kind of cruel but also dramatically effective we want to hope that everything worked out well for Diane and that in spite of everything she's been through she can finally trust the happiness she feels with guy but we don't know a lot can happen in a year and maybe it didn't work out as a side note I kind of wish they gave us some confirmation that Todd and mod were still together but I don't really have any reason to believe they aren't so that's okay but with Diane it's nice to get this explicit confirmation that she did have a happy ending with the right guy for her she continues on and mentions how there are people who made you into the person you are today and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever ever which is a wonderful sentiment that rings so true Diane Still Remains grateful that she knew these kind of people like Mr Peanut Butter and Bojack she heartfully tells him thank you and that it's gonna be okay and that I'm sorry she never specifies what she's referring to with any of these and Bojack never asks but the implication is that it's about everything Bojack as flawed as he was was a constant in Diane's crazy screwed up life Bojack still has so many things to work through but it's gonna be okay and she's sorry that she couldn't help him more or be there every single time he needed someone she ends with one more thank you and gets up to leave but Bojack doesn't seem entirely ready to accept the fact that this is probably it between them in spite of how important they've been to each other's lives over the six seasons we've seen of them so he tells her a cute little anecdote from prison about a guy who always forces everyone to watch the same movie every week and he concludes with yeah well what are you gonna do life's a [ __ ] and then you die right but Diane keanu's with sometimes life's a [ __ ] and then you keep living the sentiment that summarizes bojack's situation in this episode perfectly but at least they have this nice night together watching the stars in the roof as we hear the song Mr Blue start playing and that's a series wrap on their friendship and BoJack Horseman season 6 was a bittersweet ending to one of my favorite shows of all time for all its flaws it still felt like a well-made finale to the series paying off some plot threads that have been building up for a while and giving all the principal casts a good send-off everyone is in exactly the place they should be at the end while it is a bit lopsided feeling both rushed and stretched out at some points it isn't enough to ruin the season one thing I liked is how it retroactively makes season one feel more important as well as being somewhat of a reflection of both That season and the back half of season three season six is a good book into the show and rewards the fans who paid attention all the way through sure I would have liked for some things like the penny plot line to be resolved in a more fulfilling way or for a Todd to get Spotlight earlier so the mom's subplot didn't feel as rushed as it did but in the end they did the best they could with the hand they were dealt the show is getting canceled so that you have had to wrap everything up right now the only alternative would have been to not tie those loose ends up at all and what we got is much more preferable it's not the best season of the show not by a lot to be honest but it's still an excellent ending to the series calling the season the second weakest shouldn't be construed as an insult in the slightest it had flaws and overall the second half of the season was much more compelling than the first half but overall it was a truly excellent way to conclude the series I've given an 8 out of 10 personally but it had plenty of 10 out of 10 moments and episodes and with that this retrospective that took over two years to complete not because it actually took that long but because we're kind of lazy has come to a close looking back on this show as a whole it's hard to overstate just how much it means to me yeah I went ahead and critically picked apart a ton of aspects of it but in spite of the issues it had here and there its good elements weren't just good they were some of the best things I've ever seen in any piece of media this is series that can run the full gamut of human emotion and can make you feel every possible way there is delighted amused saddened angry and all Etc there's no other series out there that I can safely say has some of the funniest comedy I've ever seen and some of the most raw intense drama I've ever seen there's no other series that can take a world and a premise that's so inherently Goofy and weird and turn it into one of the most rich mature thought-provoking pieces of artistic expression there is it just seems impossibly good like there's no conceivable way that human beings manage to take all of these conflicting elements and make them into something this amazingly spectacular it's for all of these reasons and more why BoJack Horseman is without a doubt my favorite TV show of all time and what's more it might just be the best thing that's ever happened overall well what do you want say about the show he didn't just say already in the past six videos you just watched BoJack Horseman is a great show and if you haven't seen it yet well we just spoiled all of it for you whoops go watch it anyway we highly recommend it it's dark it's funny it's bold it's crazy it's dramatic it's everything you want out of an adult animated sitcom these character stories may be over but we're never gonna forget about them it's just a great show we love it please give it a chance if you haven't already and if you have watch it again you clearly have time if you're watching these videos anyway what the [ __ ] else you got going on okay we're done does this mean you'll let me out of your basement now William no not until you review the bad guys all right well that's everything again the only thing we really have left to talk about is the music of BoJack Horseman which we were going to include here but after some thought there is a lot more to talk about with that one that is way too much to include as a bonus feature on a super cut where we returned yamo Wickersham into a monkey both of us have a lot of other things on our plates I really need to actually get back to my own content again like comment subscribe and James of horse has plenty of his own content to make very highly anticipated stuff coming probably so don't expect it for a while until then see you next time when me and James reveal the entirety of the hand of our bear Josie the Pussycats cartoon wait what but before that there actually is one thing left to do and what is that we have to go back to the 90s Oh you mean you yes I finished it hey after this you want to go kill Hitler when he was a baby Ah hell yeah brother let's take care of Mussolini too yeah that's what he gets for not liking the puppets and that's the story of how James and William went back in time and got lost forever in the space-time continuum well I guess I'm the channel owner now sorry the next video is about held a fire emblem foreign [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 1,694,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, BoJack Horseman, Princess Carolyn, Todd Chazez, Margo Martindale, Diane Ngyuen, Mr Peanutbutter, Netflix
Id: 3QNtdGYedQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 334min 54sec (20094 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2022
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