Ranking EVERY BoJack Horseman Episode Worst to Best

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today's video is brought to you by squarespace the easiest way to build a personal website and grow your online presence all right folks here we go this is a big one it's been over a year since bojack horseman ended and i was mulling over different ways to celebrate the show but i was inspired by the mad lad himself alice mark who made this absolutely deranged six hour video ranking every episode of the simpsons decided that would be the perfect way to be able to briefly talk about every damn episode of bojack horseman one last time now rest assured my individual episode breakdowns will not stop this won't be nearly as thorough as those are but there are plenty of episodes that i don't plan on breaking down and this is a way for me to go through the entire series one more time and it's gonna be fun will my rankings make you mad make sure to let me know below in the comments which rankings you hate the most oh and if you're thinking but johnny didn't you already do a bojack top 10 episodes list the answer is yes but i changed my mind the list is different now i guess you can just go compare the differences when you're finished with this one but before we get started let me tell you about a little thing called a website ever heard of it they're a hot new trend and i think they're here to stay so today's video is brought to you by squarespace squarespace is the all-in-one platform to build your online presence run your business or make a personal website it's seriously so user friendly i threw this cool page together pretty quickly and honestly i'll probably keep experimenting because there are tons of customization options my website looks professional and matches the aesthetic of my brand and youtube channel highlighting some of my favorite video essays i've worked on as well as some of the recent productions i've worked on professionally it's even got links to my work and contact info i seriously can't express how easy squarespace is to use head over to squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to push that website public use my link squarespace.com johnny2cellos to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain so the way i'm doing this ranking is every episode worst to best rather than episode by episode into a tear maker but i will make sure to tell you what tier we're in and when we move from one tier to another and also even show an updated tier list every time we move up i honestly do not believe that there are any f-tier episodes of bojack horseman not a single one so we're going to start with the d tier most of this is just going to be me gushing to various degrees about a show that i really love it's gonna be fun so let's jump in there are 77 episodes of bojack horseman and coming in dead last is ironically the very first episode of the show number 77 bojack horseman the bojack horseman story chapter 1. so yeah my least favorite episode is the very first one first episodes are hard but to me the first episode of bojack horseman was trying way too hard to mold itself to the formula that other adult animated shows were known for it's littered with cutaway gags which obviously wasn't a habit they maintained over the series but it did not leave the best first impression it also felt somewhat disjointed there's like a really long flashback sequence in the middle of the episode and in that flashback sequence there's cutaway gags by the time they cut back from the flashback i had forgotten we were in a flashback but despite my issues with the comedy and pacing it did establish the characters and premise pretty effectively it also started off basically telling us not to expect your typical sitcom through the charlie rose interview and left off with what in retrospect was a pretty insightful and subversive ending where bojack actually opens up and is honest for the first time in the episode yeah well you're gonna throw away most your adult life on some dumb sitcom you might as well get a sweet house out of the deal right so while there are no episodes of bojack horseman that i absolutely hate this is one that i do not love but they would quickly improve right well maybe not quickly because number 76 bojack hates the troops yep my second least favorite episode is the second episode of the show and interestingly this episode was actually written and produced as the pilot when the show picked up the series raphael boboxburg decided they needed a different episode to introduce the premise overall i think this episode suffers from similar issues with the first and honestly issues that continued but slowly faded over the first half of the first season it feels a bit like it's trying to emulate already successful shows and not leaning into what would ultimately make the show unique that being said the name neil mcbeal the navy seal will make me laugh every single time and similar to the last one it ends on a really nice note with bojack opening up to diane even further after being very guarded the entire episode in fact the first time bojack really opens up to diane they're sitting on a roof together while they talk a nice mirror to the eventual series finale number 75 prickly muffin okay i know this is getting silly but yes the third episode of the series is my third least favorite sorry i think the show started off pretty weak this episode at times felt like it was trying to be a bit too edgy like with saralyn stabbing herself and i think the humor fell a bit flat but it did introduce ceralyn and interestingly this one does plant some seeds that would be crucially important to our understanding of both her development and bojack's development over the course of their lives this don't stop dancing speech that bojack gives sarah lynn in the cold open would become the title of the musical number that haunted him in the show stopper and view from halfway down for an episode that is so low on my list i sure do refer to this clip a lot in my episode breakdowns it also gave us the devastating foreshadowing of cerelyn's death through her own dialogue i can constantly just surround myself with sycophants and enablers until i die tragically young number 74 horse major another season one episode i was never a huge fan of the whole will they won't day aspect of bojack and diane in season one though i do think what's most interesting about it is that it's all in bojack's head i see what they were trying to do they were subverting the sitcom tropes and sort of laying out exactly why this show is different than what we were used to seeing i do think it succeeded in the end when diane marries mr peanut butter and bojack fails in his sitcom like quest to win her over but even when trying to subvert this concept felt tired to me overall an admirable attempt but one that i think doesn't quite lean away from the tropes enough and this is where we're gonna move into the sea tier yep i only think there are four d tier episodes of the show and even those i had some good things to say so on to seatier number 73 sabrina's christmas wish now this episode is an outlier the christmas special sort of a season one episode sort of not honestly there's a chance that you haven't seen this episode because for some reason it's listed separately from the rest of the series on netflix kind of dumb now i know that this is low on the list but the truth is i do like this episode but just not for all the same reasons that i like the rest of bojack horseman it's mostly an episode of horse and around so it's basically a sitcom parody which is tons of fun and a blast to watch but it's also relatively shallow and not really representative of what we all fell in love with about bojack horseman i do enjoy the bonding scenes between todd and bojack as they watch the christmas special together and the premise of the horse in a round episode is actually really funny with sabrina's christmas wish literally being for her real parents to come back i really appreciate the attention to detail too if you listen carefully you can tell that the horse's boss in the show is voiced by stanley tucci who of course voices herb kazaz the creator of the show this is a fun little nod to the way the creators with cameo and sitcoms like larry david voicing george's boss and yankee's owner mr steinbrenner and seinfeld fun stuff honestly from here on out i truly like every episode of bojack which i know is wild but damn the show is consistent number 72 the kidney stays in the picture finally we get out of season one and jump all the way to season six honestly the truth about this episode is that it's just a little bit forgettable i appreciate that they finally decided to start exploring todd and his familial relationship but it did feel a bit late in the game there are some really fun sequences with todd and his stepdad trying to steal todd's kidney back for his mother and i do enjoy the bittersweet ending where todd successfully donates his kidney but still doesn't reconnect with his mother this also showcases bojack trying to help dr champ after accidentally giving him vodka breaking a sobriety which has one of my favorite ever drunk performances by sam richardson as dr champ check please and i do like the way that drunken doctor champ really lays into bojack and doesn't hold back it's also got that very dark and haunting ending when bojack leaves dr champ in rehab overall not an incredibly memorable episode but it has some really great stuff in it number 71 the judge this is just your good old-fashioned goofy ass episode with bojack guest starring on felicity huffman's booty academy los angeles this is just a fun play-up of reality tv slash competition shows and how wildly convoluted they've become and it leads to some funny scenes but the real highlight of the episode is princess carolyn's b story as she visits the stilton estate to meet ralph's family for the first time ralph was such a lovely guy overall so this one really hurt when you realize that his family has some problematic tendencies that really come at princess caroline's expense it's an interesting commentary on how people may let things slide when it comes to family things they otherwise wouldn't have it does end on a really great note with ralph publicly standing up for princess caroline to his racist family which you love to see number 70 the horny unicorn this episode is overall a bit of a bummer but it has a lot of really interesting commentary fresh off his public cancellation bojack struggles to maintain his friendships with his friends due to the stigma and shame that follows him wherever he goes he resorts to spending time with fellow cancelled celebrity vance wagner this episode definitely highlights an interesting phenomenon when it comes to this type of public shunning of disgraced people when bojack can no longer connect to or spend time with the better people in his life he turns to the less than good people like vance wagner which sort of just buries him deeper into this sleazier more problematic lifestyle it doesn't necessarily provide any sort of solution but it does point out the pattern the episode also ends with another of the show's patented gut punches as bojack reads hollyhock's letter which clearly indicates that she has cut ties with him after his disastrous interviews and unfortunately leads him back to the bottle number 69 yesterday land the episode that introduces the owl queen herself wanda one of my favorite characters i really love the blossoming romance between bojack and wanda in this episode and the ways it showcased how bojack's insecurities sabotage his own happiness and of course how in the end he totally overcompensates by moving way too fast with wanda this final shot is absolutely perfectly representative of what's to come but we cannot forget todd's ridiculous theme park one of the most insane schemes he's ever gotten into the highlight is absolutely how todd gets out of his lawsuit with disney by asking if it's possible that they misspelled disney in the trademarks document to see if walt disney accidentally trademarked the wrong name i'm sure number 68 our a story is a d story ah the origin of hollywoo who can forget this is another season one episode that felt like it was a little too standard with bojack and mr peanut butter basically engaged in a major pissing contest to apparently win over diane i do think this escalated in a really fun way with the theft of the hollywood d but overall it didn't bring that many new ideas to the table and while i appreciate the slow burn the show executed and going from seemingly a sitcom to a major sitcom subversion this one was just a little too sitcom for me but you have to love that they destroyed the d and just left it for the remainder of the series at least until the finale bojack horseman just wouldn't be the same if it was set in hollywood instead of hollywoo number 67 out to sea the season 2 finale has some really nice moments and is particularly needed after the heavy and brutal escape from la i really like that bojack chose to save todd and his speech about their friendship as they escaped the scientology i mean improv cruise ship was very sweet i think a lot of the concepts in the improv cult are really fun but other than the bojack and todd stuff this episode isn't crazy memorable but i think the ways it sort of releases the tension after escape from la and brings totten bojack together is really nice and it also ends on one of those all-time bojack quotes from the jogging baboon it gets easier but you have to do it every day that's the hard part a decent episode with a great ending number 66 bojack kills okay this might be a controversial lower ranking overall i think this is a very solid episode but nothing incredibly special i like the ways that it tests bojack and diane's friendship and especially how it shows their bond can affect diane's life and decision making but overall i just wasn't all that engrossed in the ongoing mystery aspect of the episode i think the episode likely gets a lot of praise from fans because of the excellent ending with cuddly whiskers and that incredibly wise and sage piece of advice only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy a great ending to a good episode number 65 higher love ah the autoerotic asphyxiation episode one that understandably makes people uncomfortable rest in peace corduroy jackson jackson what really makes this episode work is the bojack and wanda relationship aspect bojack accidentally tells wanda he loves her and then is so woefully unequipped to actually talk about and unpack it that he creates a series of elaborate situations to try and prove that she actually loves him back it shows that bojack doesn't have the emotional fortitude or the relationship skills to operate in an adult relationship he'd rather pretend to dangerously auto erotic asphyxiate himself slowly to force wanda to show concern for his well-being than just talk to her some wild insight into bojack in this one number 64 hooray todd episode this is a fun one that sort of plays with our perceptions of todd up to this point while he's definitely a main character the focus isn't often on him specifically he sort of supports our other main characters most of the time so this episode sort of brings that to the forefront by showing off all the ways todd is constantly helping those around him without much concern for his own well-being there's a really sweet scene with bojack and todd having a heart to heart bojack apologizing for some of the things he did to todd and todd admitting that he thinks he might be asexual todd going to an asexual meetup and finally doing something for himself is a perfect ending and i love the bookended orchestra bits good episode number 63 live fast diane nguyen okay honestly having this episode this high might be considered controversial but i think live fast diane nguyen is very underrated this is the first real diane focused episode and meeting her family went a long way to give insight into her childhood and insecurities i love the boston accents and the fact that the adopted black sheep of the family isn't actually the black sheep the frank sinatra parody song it's got some great stuff plus diane's freak out is amazing and the ending with her in bojack is nice and heartfelt it's honestly kind of the beginning of their real actual friendship rather than just their working relationship if i had any complaints it's that this was still during that short period where the whole thing felt a little too typical sitcom but for this one i didn't quite mind because it was actually a good episode of a sitcom plus this episode has boriana's house one of the funniest subplots in the entire damn show note the letters b h on all hand towels and linens that stands for boreana's house underrated i tell ya number 62 commence fracking this episode basically features three simultaneous stories bojack and hollyhock searching for hollyhock's mother princess caroline and ralph trying to conceive and diane and mr peanut butter struggling in their marriage because of the stresses of pb's campaign for governor overall i really like the bojack and hollyhock story of season four but this episode was particularly uncomfortable especially with the marcy scenes the pc and ralph storyline was actually similar now that i think about it but i do love them hooking up in the back of a cop car i think the best part of this episode is definitely the diana mr peanut butter stuff with diane writing takedown and anti-fracking articles against mr peanut butter at girl cruise creating a dramatic public feud pretty interesting drama this is where we move up from c tier to b-tier so here's everything from d and c so far all right let's keep moving number 61 planned obsolescence this is a very solid season 5 episode that pairs a hilarious todd story with a pretty sad and emotional bojack and gina story the way they subverted the whole couple staying with parents type of story was brilliant with todd yolanda trying to keep their asexuality a secret from yolanda's absurdly sexual family just a really smart and funny premise the bojack and gina story is little heartbreaking with bojack going to extreme lengths to try and encourage gina to follow her musical theater dreams he gets her an opportunity to sing in front of flip and pc to hopefully be able to sing on the show but he does it without her permission and sadly she just isn't particularly good at singing bojack's heart was in the right place but his head was not ultimately while trying to help gina he just embarrassed her sometimes knowing your limitations is important a sad but true message number 60 zoes and zeldas this was the first episode of bojack that really did subvert my expectations albeit in not a huge way it didn't have as big of an impact as later season 1 episodes like say anything or the telescope but the end of this episode when it's revealed that bojack sabotage todd's rock opera with character actress margot martindale really made me say huh that was a very interesting choice the first drill hint that this show might be willing to do some interesting things i also quite enjoy the rock opera storyline itself and one of my only disappointments in the series is that todd never got an opportunity to finish it and i mean this one introduces character actress margot martindale so it's automatically good number 59 love and or marriage this episode has two stories i really like bojack and todd wedding crashing thanks to bojack's newfound confidence as a bonafide movie star and diane getting accidentally invited to movie star alexi brosofino's house to hang out with the snatch batch the diane story in particular is really funny i like the way that they played with our expectations for a crew called the snatch batch who actually ended up being pretty smart and emotionally intelligent the drug trip sequences were fun too but the highlight of the episode is definitely bojack's heart to heart with the bride whose wedding he derailed after his public speech at her wedding gives her cold feet he gives her a more personal and heartfelt speech that more accurately conveys how he really feels this is another good one i also like how diane says mr paper number mr paper number number 58 the light bulb scene i really like the season five premiere it sets the tone for what i think was a really interesting season of bojack the episode really effectively sets up the new characters like flip mcvicker and gina casador and delivers a pretty interesting conflict and dynamic for bojack on the set of his new series it also sets up a handful of the season's ongoing stories like todd and yolanda exploring their relationship princess caroline trying to adopt a child and diana mister peanut butter's new post-divorce relationship i love the explanation for why filbert's house looks like bojack's house or should i say david boreana's house and they did a really nice job establishing the ongoing idea that bojack's real life and tv life are starting to blend a real perfect blue vibe and probably the most ambitious season of bojack number 57 feel good story this is a great diane story that gives us great payoff to some of their more frustrating tendencies over the series diane and her new love interest guy travel across the country together for girl cruise and uncover a major conspiracy with the white whale corporation in chicago admittedly i grew up around chicago so all the chicago specific humor goes a really long way for me guys excitement to show diane portillos or i guess parmadillos was really funny and i still cannot get over that the chicago cubs are the chicago baby humans in the bojack universe good stuff but what works best about this episode is how it moves diane forward as a character in the final season of the show after years of being a victim to her own expectations she finally takes a chance on something good that is directly in front of her and decides to move to chicago to be with guy i also really enjoyed the narrative device of bojack's rehab letters being read over the episode overall a great diana number 56 see mr peanut butter run not unlike feel good story this one has a similar narrative device of diane's voicemail messages for bojack acting as narration this takes place while bojack was in harper's landing in the events of the following episode the old sugarman place and i think what was really cool about this one is that it showed the show can function and be really entertaining even without bojack in the actual episode this was mostly dumb fun with mr peanut butter's campaign for governor becoming increasingly ridiculous which culminates in a literal ski race for the governorship of california it also has a really fun schoolhouse rock type sequence that breakdowns how lobbyists and businesses attach their own interests to prospective bills in exchange for their money and support it's a sad and realistic look at the state of some of our law making i absolutely love the ending when todd accidentally wins the gubernatorial ski race and immediately resigns ever since i first became governor i've thought i don't want to be governor and that's where i am now classic todd this is your typical silly bojack episode really fun stuff number 55 yes and this is another episode that pairs a very fun and silly plot with a pretty serious and introspective storyline on one hand todd gets sucked into an improv cult a great wacky premise and on the other hand bojack and wanda's relationship is tested over bojack's friendship with diane and how they enable each other in very negative ways i think the improv stuff is mostly really fun and a pretty effective ribbing of improv in general i especially loved brian the self-serious and overconfident improv actor played by ryan johnson of all people ultimately bojack and diane's problematic friendship pushes wanda to her limits which ends their relationship in a pretty heartbreaking way and i've talked about this line a lot but wanda delivers one of the best and most insightful lines in the entire series which is saying a lot since this show is just filled with good advice when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags keep that one in your back pocket folks that's good stuff number 54 sunk cost and all that and we've gotten to a season six part two episode the first realization for bojack that a storm is ahead most of the episode focuses on diane pc and todd helping bojack try to figure out what exactly the big expose on him is about which i guess says a lot given his incredibly problematic history just look at these whiteboards filled with the awful things he's done to people i think what makes the episode so heartbreaking is bojack's friends coming to the slow realization that this really might be it for bojack all in different ways diane has major issues with the way that bojack and pc are treating the situation likening it to trying to get back on a plane after jumping out of it princess caroline is there until the bitter end giving off the impression that bojack's cancellation would somehow be a major indictment on her own history and sense of self it's a really well done episode but the best sequence is when bojack leaves his office and gives a speech to his theater class in the middle of the crisis the shot is framed so that we see bojack through the door frame and as he gives his heartfelt speech to the class he so clearly loves we see the pain on diane and princess caroline's faces as though they're realizing just how great this version of bojack really is and grappling with the fact that though he does need to be held accountable he really has come a long way number 53 old acquaintance this is one of my favorite subversive episodes of bojack horseman that plays with our expectations of television on one hand we've got mr peanut butter and diane visiting labrador peninsula which is really fun and heartfelt but the real subversion comes with the battle for the role of the pegasus in the flight of the pegasus trilogy this entire episode shows princess caroline desperately trying to get bojack this major blockbuster role while also showing rutabaga and vanessa gecko doing the same for one of their clients the episode plays with our perceptions of protagonists and antagonists by pointing out that rutabaga and gekko are both good people trying to do what's best for their business and families without landing this role for their client their entire careers are in jeopardy but we of course are following bojack and princess caroline in this show so we naturally are trying to root for them the entire time but if the show shifted perspectives and was actually about rutabaga and gekko we'd see pc and bojack as the antagonists it's a really brilliant way to tell the story and in the end princess caroline's overzealousness actually loses bojack both the pegasus trilogy and a small indie film he promised to do with kelsey jennings a heartbreaking but genius episode number 52 chickens drop the hate comments now i like chickens people really rag on this episode but i think it's pretty fun and ambitious in the grand scheme of the show it's kind of inconsequential but i love that they actually tried to explain how eating animal meat works in the society of anthropomorphic animals even though i do still find the answer to be ultimately problematic and an indictment on the factory farming industry but we don't need to get into that now it takes guts to reckon with the fact that in this world they've created eating any mead is technically cannibalism also all of the chicken noise jokes are top-notch comedy becca books back mcmahon fine you also booked back underrated episode number 51 loving that cali lifestyle ah the first set of brutal revelations in the masterpiece that is season four this is a rough episode with hollyhock overdosing on amphetamines and the reveal that beatrice had been drugging her coffee with weight loss supplements the entire season not a fun revelation but a really engaging plot point while this one is tough to watch i think it's got some really insightful moments like the sequence after bojack learns that hollyhock overdosed and his subsequent panic attack what makes this scene so heartbreaking is that bojack is still reeling from the death of cerelyn as a sort of father figure in her life he completely failed her and she ultimately died of an overdose and he feels deeply responsible for that now just about a year later he once again fails as a father figure to hollyhock as she too overdosed on his watch and this of course leads to one of the alzheimer's time's arrow and when bojack decides his relationship with his mother is over number 50 mr peanut butter's booze this was a really fun format breaking episode that actually runs four simultaneous stories from four different time periods we see four separate halloween parties held at bojack's house in different years all of which mr peanut butter has a different date his first wife katrina second wife jessica biel third wife diane and new girlfriend pickles even just the blocking of working all four of these timelines into one episode was really well done and super entertaining but it also gives us great insight into mr peanut butter as a character and some of his ongoing insecurities and shortcomings as a partner i really like the heart to heart that diane had with pickles at the end of the episode and the way that diane genuinely tries to help and support mr peanut butter even though they're no longer together an ambitious and fun episode number 49 ancient history another bummer episode featuring hollyhock but it's a great story with hollyhock visiting in la to see bojack she experiences a little bit of ptsd from her time at the house the year before which is perfectly understandable but in her panic she pours bojack's pain medication down the drain though bojack was prescribed them for his injury it's clear that he's become addicted and is abusing them which leads the pair on a wild goose chase across la to try and secure more drugs damn what a bummer bojack wastes his day with hollyhock tracking down drugs it hurts to see as a big fan of hollyhock and the most heartbreaking moment is of course the end when hollyhock tells bojack she loves him and he can't bring himself to say it back brutal number 48 underground this is just your classic ridiculous bojack episode after the fracking around mr and peanut butter's house plunges his benefit dinner underground the celebrities in high society folks quickly devolve into chaos the absolute highlights of the episode comedically are jessica biel and zac braff and i cannot express how much i love that they were so willing to play ball with this show and portray these ridiculous versions of themselves this is full on lord of the flies in the funniest way there's also a pretty great scene where bojack and diane get wasted together and have a nice heart to heart about their ongoing insecurities this season a mostly fun and sometimes heartfelt episode number 47 start spreading the news the season 3 premiere is another solid setup that also delves into some of bojack's biggest fears and insecurities in huge ways the way they so quickly brought up the events of escape from la showed how much it was weighing on bojack and i also appreciated the way that they showcased bojack's inability to let go of his connection to horsing around since horse and round is the most popular and successful thing he's ever done he's very defensive and unwilling to admit that the contents of the show maybe weren't all that great especially because people seem to be knocking horsing around while they simultaneously praise his performance as secretariat which bojack knows is actually a digital recreation and not actually himself but by the end of the episode he falls in line and embraces secretariat that tv show it wasn't me this movie is me oh the irony number 46 hank after dark this is a pretty heavy episode and one that accurately portrays the sad realities of powerful people in hollywood diane publicly makes comments about known allegations against hank hippopolis which leads to a big public tiff between diane and hank there's plenty of damning commentary on power dynamics in hollywood and the way it affects diana mr peanut butter's relationship is really interesting as well pb didn't want diane to push the issue further since his show shares a network with hank hippopolis's show and of course in the end nothing changes except diane leaves the country to get away from the controversy a great episode for both social commentary and relationship development number 45 the bojack horseman show a full-on flashback episode and a good one i love the insight this gives us into all of our favorite characters lives in the mid-2000s but the titular bojack horseman show is definitely the most interesting part i love the idea that bojack had a failed return to television after horsing around and seeing how much of a personal project it was he really had his hands all over it i also like seeing how this launched princess carolyn's career and how mr peanut butter and diane met fun backstory filling stuff and who can forget that todd is responsible for destroying the final scene of the sopranos tony marries dr melfi mamma mia number 44 bojack the feminist this is another episode that is just top-notch social commentary the entire idea that feminist talking points are more palatable to the public when coming from a popular man is just way too depressing and true to life this also talks more about quote unquote cancelled celebrities through vance wagner who is definitely a mel gibson type i think the highlight of the episode is bojack talking about filbert on a ryan seacrest types podcast where he has the epiphany that shows like filbert which don't outright condemn the character's behavior ultimately still normalize that type of behavior even if the intention isn't for you to root for the character i think this is actually most interesting on a meta textual level it's both bojack talking directly to the audience of the show and saying don't root for me as the writers reconcile with the fact that they have to make sure they're not normalizing bojack's behavior it's really interesting stuff number 43. another great piece of social commentary on the stigmas surrounding abortion how can you not love sixteen aquafina's ridiculous song this episode also puts a big focus on publicity and public image for celebrities it was funny to see how the initial reaction to diane accidentally tweeting i'm getting an abortion for sextina was major concern but the more positive reactions they get to the accidental tweet the more they decided to lean into it until of course the absolutely ridiculous live television event which they faked entirely funny stuff number 42 thoughts and prayers hey a third primarily social commentary episode in a row i really like this one in the way it highlights the hypocrisy of hollywood producers who care more about how mass shootings will affect their movie release than they do about the shooting itself i also really enjoy the way diane embraces guns and explains how it feels like it levels the playing field in terms of power dynamics for women in the world and also drops one of my favorite lines in the series i can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns too true diane number 41 the stopped show oof this one sure is a bummer the aftermath of the showstopper and bojack's drug fueled assault on gina hits hard this is the first time we meet biscuits braxby who helps smooth over the bojack slash gina incident this also delivers some hard-hitting insight into hollywood abuse i really appreciated the way they portrayed gina's attempts to cope with what had happened to her many would just expect that it's better if the truth about what bojack did just came to light but gina understandably didn't want to be known as the woman who was choked by bojack horseman she also didn't want her big break with filbert to come to an end because of what happened to her it's a complicated situation and they pretty effectively convey the nuances that gina had to navigate through the trauma i'm also a huge fan of the end of this episode when diane brings bojack to rehab bojack finally admitting he truly needs help was an important step for the show to take i also appreciated the ways it showed how difficult this was for diane who is still here to take bojack to rehab and try to help set him on a better path despite all that he'd done and how angry she was at him this final shot is one of my favorite endings in any season of bojack number 40 intermediate scene study with bojack horseman the first episode in season 6 part 2 the final stretch even though this isn't technically a season premiere it feels like a season premiere this episode is very much a calm before the storm situation and our last real look at bojack living his best life it's actually really exciting to see him excel as a teacher see him living a non-toxic lifestyle and actually helping people but on the flip side there's the hollyhock storyline which is understandably very painful hollyhock's discomfort with her brother is incredibly understandable given what she learned at the end of season six part one and sucks to both see bojack try so hard to get close to his sister and hollyhock really struggle with what the right thing to do is this would also be the final time we see hollyhock in the series honestly if we ever got any sort of continuation of bojack horseman i would love a mini-series on hollyhock exploring her own struggles going through this wildly difficult situation i think there's a lot you could explore with it number 39 what time is it right now this episode had to follow up time's arrow which is a tall order but there's a lot to love about what time is it right now this is by far one of the happiest season endings for bojack horseman both the show and character i love the lengths bojack goes to make sure that hollyhock knows the truth about butterscotch and her mother before season six this is bojack at his best absolutely selfless in his mission to help hollyhock he understands if he never gets to see her again and that isn't his priority he just wants her to know the truth because he really cares about her a really lovely way to end what i think is the best season of bojack horseman especially this final sequence with hollyhock where she tells him she could really use a brother that's just too sweet and we finally reached a tier and there are a lot here's what we've got so far in the tear maker let's move on to a number 38 angela another really brutal episode but in a really effective and haunting way i think that overall the b story with todd and his family and margot martindale was pretty fun and i really liked seeing him finally connect with his mother but the real highlight is definitely the titular angela storyline seeing that angela diaz is still as manipulative and intimidating even her old age was kind of scary and the way she goaded bojack into signing away his royalties on horsing around was just grade a manipulation even the box of unsellable horses around blu-rays was kind of haunting bojack drunkenly doing the bojack dance as angela washed and laughed was definitely a low point especially after seeing how much he had improved over the course of season 6 part 1 and of course that ending sequence that leads directly into the view from halfway down rough ep but really well done number 37 a little uneven is all the further down the list we go the more we get into the sad revelatory episodes this one finally gives us the answers to what happened with sharona back in horsing around and the answer sadly involved cyrillin before this we hadn't really seen much of this timeline surrounding the end of horse and around after herb had been fired and bojack's attitude is pretty unbearable it sucked to see how little he cared about or paid attention to sara lynn and her cries for help and the revelation that he threw sirona under the bus was an incredible bummer i also appreciate the way they paired bojack's story of accidentally getting sarahlyn drunk with him also accidentally getting dr champ drunk at pesticides i also think the way this episode showcases bojack's fear is about his life after pastis and his inability to leave is really well done bojack wants to stay clean and he doesn't know if he can do it on his own number 36 one trick pony back to season one this episode is a great combo of goofy bojack universe hijinks and some in-depth character work for bojack i think the production of mr peanut butter's hollywood heist was one of the funniest fictional productions in bojack which is saying a lot and it kills me that the movie turned into a bi-monthly curated box of snacks in the end but obviously the bulk of substance comes from bojack reading diane's book about him for the first time and becoming incredibly insecure and angry about how it portrays him i think in the end bojack expected this book to make himself feel better about his life and he ultimately was just faced with his own shortcomings and insecurities he obviously didn't realize that these were the things that would make him relatable but it all says way more about bojack than anything in the end where he fires diane is another brutal moment number 35 later this is a great end to season one we get our first look at secretariat on the dick cavett show as he answers young bojack's question and also see his depressing end as he was banned from racing shortly after it was really interesting to see the way bojack was enjoying his success from one trick pony despite initially hating it it was an interesting feeling to see bojack succeed in this episode after the entire journey of the first season and sort of feeling as though he didn't deserve or earn it he even lands his dream role of secretariat i particularly love the scene where bojack and diane once again sit on a rooftop and diane tells bojack something i've always loved and found to be pretty profound i don't think i believe in deep down i kind of think all you are is just the things that you do and the final scene where bojack goes back to the griffith observatory the same place where he learned his life was about to change when he landed horsing around and of course where his life would later change with sarah lynn he stares over la with his golden globe in hand a great end to the first season number 34 that went well the aftermath of that's too much man this one hurts the opening scene is one of the best in the show when we see the dark place sara lynne was in at the height of her stardom and how happy she was to see bojack an old friend who she thought she could trust of course her perceptions came crashing down on her the moment he asked her to be in the bojack horseman show the news report of her death hurts so much every damn time too i also really loved bojack helping bradley hitler smith on ethan around and really teaching him and directing him on how to do a sitcom it was a good hint towards his eventual job as the theater teacher and director at wesleyan one of the most haunting moments of the episode is when bojack asks one of the young girls on ethan around what she wants to be when she grows up she tells him that she wants to be famous like him the panic attack bojack has is so understandable and painful to watch as he immediately realizes he might be in the process of creating another cerulean situation the end of this episode is one of my favorite moments in the whole series too bojack letting go of the steering wheel as he drives basically tempting fate and the final shot as he watches those wild horses run across the desert envious of their freedom number 33 after the party this was a really cool format breaking episode that shows three different pairings evenings after diane's surprise party goes horribly wrong i love the experimental formatting a lot and who can forget wanda's great mulch joke or meeting vincent adultman's son kevin but what works best for me is the way it brings the problems with diane and mr peanut butter's marriage to the forefront of the show and highlights mr peanut butter's weird obsession with huge gestures that don't necessarily line up with his partner's needs or wants their fight leading into their heart to heart was really engaging and this was sort of the first real dive into mr peanut butter as a more nuanced and complex character number 32 head in the clouds another episode where diane gets in a big fight this primarily takes place during the filbert premiere which was a great setting for diane's tensions with bojack to reach a boiling point bojack's codependence was on full display here as he effectively loses his best friend and immediately latches on to gina making their relationship public there's lots to like in this one even though you know he's doing it for the wrong reasons it's easy to love bojack and gina's relationship until of course it comes crumbling down in the following episode number 31 surprise this is one of the absolute funniest concepts ever conceived for television the idea of a surprise wedding is obviously ridiculous but the idea that the entire guest list has tied in plain sight because the bride and groom get in a massive and personal fight genius the blocking alone for this episode must have been so elaborate it's hard to wrap my head around all of it so many of our favorite guest stars and side characters make appearances and we even get a really great conversation between diane and bojack as she tells him she's going to move to chicago with guy i don't have much else to say about this episode other than i am infinitely impressed that they even conceived of it let alone pulled it off number 30 interior sub this is a stressful episode the most fun part about it is the fact that it's being relayed by diane and bojack's therapist so the names of the characters are slightly changed for most of the episode so really this is just an episode of bobo the angsty zebra i loved all the weird alternate versions of our main characters but the real substance in the episode is personal diane's continued frustrations that bojack has been less than honest with her about things in his past caused her to start to lash out through the scripts for philbert what cracks me up most about this is that flip was basically bailed out by diane who writes an incredible episode of the show just by airing her frustrations and punishing pojack the way that the little hints throughout the episode sting bojack at every turn is brutal watch and of course his own realization that diane must have heard his confession tape about what happened in new mexico really good suspense number 29 a horse walks into a rehab season six was so great and this was a really strong way to start it off this episode simultaneously gives us hope and shows bojack's own progress and growth while highlighting how deep his history with alcohol runs i loved seeing bojack make that progress through his time at pastiches and even though it was a bit stressful his attempts to try and prevent jameson from relapsing come across as really genuine the revelation at the end of the episode that her father has been taking care of her child while she's at rehab was a big gut punch and even more of a gut punch were the flashbacks that showcased how alcohol slowly seeped into bojack's life each flashback shows him drinking at a younger and younger age until he's just a small child and takes a swig of vodka curling up in his passed out mother's arms a sad but still optimistic episode number 28 stop the presses this episode is great and in a way it showcases bojack's first real steps into the world of therapy the idea that there's one incredible closer who is the only real thing keeping the la gazette operating is a really funny concept and the lengths she goes to keep bojack on as a subscriber are really fun like i said she basically acts as his therapist something bojack obviously greatly needs this one also has the subplot about bojack choosing his four-year consideration advertising and he takes a stand and forces them to go with an experimental mirror ad which is cool conceptually but hilariously dangerous in reality great episode number 27 still broken this is a really insightful episode that brings the cast of horse and around together for the first time in years sadly it's for herb's funeral though the idea that the people closest to her were trying to keep the book he wanted to be published a secret so that it didn't taint his legacy was a really fun twist and also pretty sad i really enjoyed seeing the interaction between the horse and around crew all these years later as they're riddled with various types of baggage and not particularly fond of each other the juxtaposition with the flashbacks to the pilot of horsing around made it hit pretty hard the way they were all there for each other and supported each other was really sweet and obviously that wasn't the case anymore almost as though herb was the glue that kept that family together when he left the show it fell apart and now that he's gone from the world they're barely holding it together without him the final line always gets me when herb and bojack celebrated the studio looking off onto a fake painted sunset herb tells bojack that the future is bright but of course that future is fake it has no substance maybe a metaphor for bojack's actual future number 26 it's you this episode is where bojack's behavior and actions in season 3 really reach a breaking point he's slowly alienated everyone close to him and after being nominated for an oscar he pretty much completes that cycle with the way he treats diane the animation and staging for the party scenes are really cool and the chase sequence when todd and mr peanut butter lose the oscar nominees is a ton of fun when bojack finds out he wasn't actually nominated for an oscar he just comes off as pathetic as he desperately tries to cling to the people he's already alienated the way todd stands up for himself here is so satisfying and i think what everyone remembers most is the titular speech that he gives bojack it's not the alcohol or the drugs or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid it's you brutal honesty from our man todd chavez number 25 brand new couch this is an excellent season premiere that really sets the tone for season two i love how desperately bojack tries to completely overhaul his life the brand new couch is a metaphor for his brand new attitude but this episode really showcases that you can't just metaphorically redecorate and expect it to fix your problems bojack's new attitude was superficial and it wasn't addressing his problems in any meaningful way i think it was really clever to show that these superficial changes actually impeded his ability to draw from a genuine place in his secretariat performance and that call from beatrice at the end of the episode cuts like a knife your bojack horseman there's no cure for that number 24 the dog days are over i really like this episode one of my favorite diane focus stories the aftermath of her divorce with mr peanut butter absolutely gutted diane and i think it was really smart to showcase her working through her own grief in the form of a girl crucialistical a really fun way to format the episode the episode expertly jumps between diane's major struggles in the immediate aftermath of the divorce and the time she spends in vietnam in her attempts to distract herself from the pain the end of the episode is pretty heartbreaking as mr peanut butter still picks diana from the airport complete with a sign that says blarn the name that was on her starbucks name tag when they first met and this shot at the end of the episode is honestly one of the coolest in the entire series this is a great diane episode number 23 the new client this is an excellent princess caroline episode and there are a lot of these coming up in the home stretch of this ranking this episode brilliantly showcases pc's struggle to adapt to life as a single mother while maintaining her professional obligations these sort of echo animations show off the countless things that pc has to do in her day all at once giving a truly chaotic and stressful tone to the episode one of my favorite scenes is when vanessa gekko who has sort of been pc's perceived arch-rival the entire series gives her some genuine heart-to-heart advice one mom to another but of course the highlight of the episode is the very end when pc makes ruthie laugh with her trademark tongue twisters i love the way that they used what was previously just a fun riding gag and turned it into a genuine heartfelt moment and major win for princess caroline and of course she actually names her ruthie at the end of the episode a nice call back to the devastating season 4 episode about pc's non-existent descendant this one is great number 22 the telescope this is one of the most subversive episodes in the entire first season and one of the three episodes from that season that i think really set the stage for the types of stories bojack horseman could tell the flashbacks to bojack's rise to stardom focusing on his relationship with herb kazaz were incredibly insightful and honestly a bit depressing showing what bojack was like before the weight of celebrity changed him into a nearly unrecognizable person i think what this episode does expertly is lull you into a false sense of security bojack's time with herb outside of the flashback who is now dying of cancer feels genuinely good they still have that chemistry they're laughing and making jokes together it seems like old friends catching up but when bojack tries to apologize is where the show really makes the audience realize this isn't just a funny show about a horse this absolutely devastating and raw conversation breaks down exactly how bojack's actions hurt her and that despite his current situation herb did not intend on forgiving bojack but what i needed then was a friend and you abandoned me and i will never forgive you for that bojack was seeking the type of closure you would find in a show like horsing around but this is real life and he doesn't get to swoop in at the last minute to get closure after being an awful friend for 25 years like i said this was one episode that really showed what this series was capable of and after season one they never looked back not just a great episode but an important formative episode number 21 the shot this is another episode that combines a fun hijink with some pretty brutal emotional depth the entire concept of trying to heist the nixon library cracks me up and the team assembled is legendary how can you not love the fact that character actress marco martindale gets in a shootout with the police which leads her on a multi-season run from the law the sequence where princess caroline imagines a life inside this serene painting was not only some great insight into pc but absolutely stunningly animated i would like more cartoons that look like this please but of course the titular shot is what makes this episode really stand out kelsey tries to work bojack through the scene where secretariat cries after losing his brother in the war but bojack can't cry despite this bojack apparently delivers the performance kelsey needs and she tells him she knew he had it in him all along a really nice moment in what has otherwise been a pretty contentious professional relationship after getting the shot bojack smokes a cigarette and cries which was honestly a really difficult thing to see this is first and maybe only time we see bojack cry in the entire series definitely the only time we saw him cry quite like this and then the episode ends on another gut punch as we learned that kelsey was fired from secretariat for getting that shot with bojack some hardcore emotional whiplash number 20 a quick one while he's away alright listen up i'm not going to tolerate any page sinclair hate in the comments here she is a hilarious character and the performance by paget brewster is absolutely stellar but ultimately this episode is just an absolute master class in suspense paige and max slowly get closer and closer to the skeletons in bojack's closet while also putting a huge pit in your stomach and while their investigation pushes your anxiety to a peak it also beats you down emotionally by relentlessly reminding you of the awful things bojack has done back to back to back one of the most interesting details in this episode is that this season's f-bomb was delivered by gina's co-star as the trauma from gina's experience with bojack prevents her from performing on set the way her costar says what the f is wrong with you is exactly the way she said it to bojack one season prior showcasing how bojack's actions continue to have a ripple effect even long after the event itself but the real jaw-dropping moment in this episode is the very very end as you slowly start to realize that hollyhock while at a party in new york is actually talking to pete repeat from escape from la and the traumatic story he's telling her is actually the events of that episode and about bojack the way hollyhock asks pete to tell her who the celebrity was two times before the credits roll will haunt me forever an incredible episode and you might be shocked about this but yes we are now moving into s tier you heard that right i think that there are 19 s-tier episodes of bojack horsemen should i have adjusted my tier system so that only the absolute best of the best were in the s tier who's to say but the truth is i love all 19 of these episodes deeply i think they all bring something really special to the table you can let the ranking itself tell the rest of the story i also wanted to stop here and say if you liked this video so far and if you're new here i'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to the channel i still cover bojack horseman episodes in depth at least once a month and i've already got eight of them for you to check out thanks for considering it on to s tier number 19 the amelia earhart story the amelia earhart story i think is a vastly underrated episode that acts almost as a sequel to ruthie it gives incredible insight into pc's past and history of miscarriages the tragedies that princess caroline has endured honestly make her success and perseverance that much more impressive the way pc's mother manipulated and shamed her was heartbreaking to watch she was truly holding her back because of her own fears and insecurities but this actually pairs really well with the fact that this episode also draws attention to the ways that pc herself uses manipulation in her career sadie calls her out for manipulating people into buying her clothes at the flea market she gives diane advice on how to make flip think that her ideas were actually his ideas and pc even lies and tries to tell sadie what she wants to hear so that she can hopefully adopt her child this all comes back to haunt her when sadie tells her she doesn't want to give her the kid i love this final flashback sequence too when pc refuses her mother's final attempts to get her to stay in north carolina before boarding the plane to la the final shot mirror is the shot from pc's favorite movie the amelia earhart story not unlike amelia earhart the princess caroline that boarded this plane would never return number 18 ruthie this is one of my most requested episodes to cover and for very good reason framed around princess caroline's descendant ruthie giving a school presentation in the distant future this episode recounts one of the worst days of princess caroline's life pc is one of my favorite characters in the show cats always land on their feet but this is probably her most trying episode in the whole series and sadly i think people can relate sometimes the world just beats up on you and there's no rhyme or reason as to why but it isn't just the way that the events of this episode test her it's how they actually break down her perceptions of her past present and future things like learning that her necklace isn't actually a family heirloom completely shatters her perception of her mother and family history the fact that she learns that judah never told her about charlie witherspoon's offer to merge their companies shatters her perception of her perfect assistant and the present and of course learning that she's had a miscarriage the fifth in her life shatters her own expectations and vision for her future and that reveal at the end of the episode is the biggest heartbreaker ruthie isn't real she's a device that princess caroline uses to make herself feel better on her worst days damn okay y'all were right i'll cover this episode and break down soon this one's just incredible number 17 stupid piece of [ __ ] this is another episode people constantly request for me to cover and it is a damn near masterpiece i think what makes this episode so loved is that it's so relatable so many of us have that nagging voice in the back of our heads that criticizes us worse than the world ever could that constant insecurity that everything we're doing is wrong that every choice we've made was a mistake that we'll never accomplish our dreams or be loved that our successes will eventually come crashing down around us well i expect many of us because i certainly do the episode is highlighted by these incredibly animated sequences that showcase bojack's inner monologue and they really help put the episode over the top this final moment with hollyhock is incredibly touching for a few reasons one it shows that hollyhock struggles with that same nagging voice that bojack does allowing him to relate on a deeper level though i think i gotta steal a line from shady durags who brought this up on our bojack finale anniversary stream this is also one of the few times that we see bojack lie for someone else's benefit not his own he tells hollyhock that the voice will eventually stop even though we know it doesn't and he does this to help hollyhock's peace of mind not his own an incredibly well-written episode number 16 good damage this episode is actually a perfect pair to stupid piece of [ __ ] but this one just barely edges it out for me maybe it's because of how i relate to diane as a creative this episode also features some really unique animated sequences showcasing diane's struggle to write her memoirs the crude sketches actually illustrate the lack of substance and inspiration in her memoirs which are then juxtaposed by these vivid bright brilliant illustrations that reveal themselves when diane is inspired to start writing the mall mysteries of ivy tran i can absolutely relate to diane not actually wanting to write this ivy trans story even though she's clearly got a story to tell there as a writer sometimes the ideas or stories i really want to tell are a genuine struggle to put on the page and sometimes the ideas that come out of nowhere just flow right out of you and into the world fully realized but i think the best part of this episode is diane's own reckoning with why she's so reluctant to give up on her memoir and how that ties into the ideas of season six as a whole she's afraid that if she can't make something good and productive out of her trauma and damage from throughout her life that it will make all of that trauma and damage meaningless she wants the bad things that happened to her to have happened to her for a good reason and that by putting her experiences on the page maybe she could help other people who have gone through the same thing but this ultimately ties to her realizations that she says really eloquently in the series finale we are a culmination of all of our experiences good and bad and in the end ivy trans still exists because of everything that diane has gone through even if it isn't the story she expected to tell this is another top tier episode number 15 say anything this is the first episode of the series that is not focused specifically on bojack but princess caroline instead and it's another of these early episodes that showcased the major potential of the series after bojack's insecurity surface in the wake of diane's engagement he woos princess caroline again with some of pc's bigger projects falling apart thanks to her company merging with another she decides to bask in the warm feeling of companionship against her better judgment but the episode really excels when bojack once again shoves pc to the side and we see first hand what kind of a resilient and remarkable woman she is this episode features the get your [ __ ] together speech first pc giving it to bojack and later to herself it's honestly inspiring to see her climb out of her spiral so effectively and i love seeing the ways that she's able to maneuver and manipulate aspects of the entertainment industry to get back on top she not only gets her lost project back from vanessa gekko but also creates an additional project for bojack to star in but the real reason this episode resonates is because after all that after doing everything right and climbing back on top the episode ends on a somber and subversive note bojack tells pc he does not care about the movie or any of the work that she put in that day and princess caroline stares out her office window at the ocean as she reflects on the lack of recognition and appreciation she's given her phone wishes her a happy 40th birthday i think this episode is so great and completely underrated i cannot say enough about how hard that final moment hit me and instantly made me connect with princess caroline who to this day is my favorite character this was the first of many pc centric episodes and almost all of them are incredible number 14 downer ending while episodes like say anything in the telescope gave us a really good indication of the story potential for bojack horsemen downer endings showcased that potential this episode explores the depths of bojack's regrets and insecurities in a way i'd never seen done in animation before and it was what convinced me the show might end up being a masterpiece the experimental animation through bojack's drug trip is obviously really engaging but the details in those sequences are what really make this episode work for me we see all the specific things that shaped bojack and many that still haunt him we get one of our first real looks at beatrice in this incredibly formative memory where she forces bojack to perform and sing the lollipop song for her guests even though he doesn't want to and of course the devastating false reality that bojack lives through where he grows old and has a child with charlotte in maine through this failure to write his own story this episode challenges bojack's own perception of himself which culminates in the haunting final moments bojack ends up telling diane that she was right all along and that they should publish her book and then begs her to tell him that deep down he's a good person she's gotten to know him better than anyone else over the course of season one and he desperately needs the validation that deep down he isn't all bad and the fact that she doesn't answer him showcases exactly why this show is special number 13 best thing that ever happened this episode gets massively overlooked it's one of the best of the series in the aftermath of one of her most major failures in her professional career bojack has dinner with princess caroline with the intention of firing her you know it's happening the entire time but princess caroline as she does continues to do everything she can to maneuver her way out of it the episode takes place entirely at bojack's restaurant elefante and the surrounding premise really makes the entire episode special bojack accidentally fires the head chef instead of pc which leads to most of the staff walking out while an important food critic is waiting for her meal so while bojack is trying to fire princess caroline the restaurant drama starts to overshadow the task at hand there are so many funny moments in regards to the situational humor here but it's also a perfect situation to highlight pc's inability to let go of bojack she's almost addicted to putting out bojack's fires and being there for him she feels needed when bojack is reliant on her skills and capabilities so when she leaves the restaurant yet still turns around to go help bojack make a meal for the restaurant critic it really says a lot about her own insecurities the final scene is heartbreaking as the two have a real heart to heart about their history and relationship but despite everything pc has done for bojack throughout his career he still fires her another incredible princess caroline episode number 12 xerox of a xerox this was an episode i think i overlooked until i covered it for my episode breakdowns but it is honestly a masterpiece it's really hard to watch because of the subject matter but what's great about it is the way it simultaneously breakdowns bojack's problematic history and patterns while showcasing issues with the way hollywood and the media handles celebrity controversy it also brilliantly showcases bojack's relapse into his addictions to fame and attention as the first interview basically skyrockets him back into stardom it makes so much sense that the fact that he cannot quit his don't stop dancing attitude would ultimately be his downfall i also love the ways this episode showcases the difficulty bojack's friends have moving on from him and how that decision ultimately is the right one for each of them this episode also gives us the damning revelation that bojack waited 17 minutes before calling the ambulance to help sara lynn which i think left much of the audience shell-shocked it was scary to realize that there were things even we the audience didn't know about bojack and i think it helps us relate to the general public who know even less than we did this is an incredible episode and if you want to hear me talk about it more make sure to check out my episode breakdown number 11 let's find out i love let's find out which of course asks the important question hollywood stars and celebrities what do they know do they know things let's find out the entire episode is super fast-paced since it takes place during a live production which makes the drama and suspense really palpable obviously tv is designed to create drama but the fact that bojack and mr peanut butter's real life drama leaks out into the production is such smart writing they are literally on live television and bojack has to own up to the shitty thing he did to diana mr peanut butter it's just a really smart framing device for these confrontations between bojack and pb to finally take place overall this is just the perfect example of a fun wacky premise that both parodies the goofier aspects of hollywood and brings great interpersonal character conflict to the forefront of the story don't let anyone tell you jd salinger isn't a genius number 10 the showstopper another penultimate episode which obviously tends to be the biggest and most experimental this episode is the culmination of bojack's inability to distinguish his real life from tv life in philbert the way this episode plays with reality and your own perception of which world he's living in in any given scene is brilliant and like i said before it gives off some real perfect blue vibes i particularly love that bojack's paranoia that somebody is out to get him turns out to be an entire misunderstanding that his paranoia perpetuated it really hammers home the idea that bojack is his own worst enemy and that the only real person coming after him is himself the musical don't stop dancing sequence is one of the best in the series and showcases so many great callbacks and references to the series as a whole as well as the mistakes bojack has made throughout his life it's an incredible sequence the climax of the episode is obviously one of the most difficult things in the entire series to watch bojack's addiction and inability to distinguish his tv life from reality leads to this horrendous choking incident one of the worst things bojack has ever done for sure and in the end of the episode bojack is only left with himself and his own mind this is another one i talk about in great detail in an episode breakdown so if you want more analysis on it that's a good place to start number nine the face of depression this is the absolute most cathartic episode in the entire series and it honestly makes me feel so good despite the fact that the common serenity that bojack finds in this episode was fleeting and that a storm was brewing in the distance it's still pretty wonderful to see the way bojack's growth have not only improved his own life but the lives of those he cares about in a different show this could have been the series finale but obviously that was never going to happen in this series my heart completely fills up seeing bojack take interest in todd and ultimately help him actually meet his future girlfriend maud same when he finally gives mr peanut butter that crossover episode and spends probably his last drama-free moments with hollyhock i particularly love the way he supported diane and her struggles in chicago and was just there for her like a good friend he cleaned up her entire apartment and left before she could even see what he had done a true sign of growth is the old bojack needed credit for every good thing he did the end of this episode is perfect as bojack spends time in an old timey horse village while a beautiful song take me down easy by james henry jr plays over bojack's time with the other horses the lyrics and tone of the song perfectly encapsulate that moment while forecasting what's to come but now i see storm clouds off in the distance a terrible omen a beautiful show so take me down easy number eight that's too much man this is an episode some people skip on rewatch for incredibly understandable reasons saralin's final days are absolutely brutal to watch especially when you know what's coming i think what's most heartbreaking about this episode is all of the obvious cries for help from cerulean over the events of the story every single time she opens up to bojack about her life regrets and pain he changes the subject and ushers them along further into their bender it's so painful to see his neglect in real time the blackout structure is really creative and makes for some major suspense especially when bojack decides to go see penny again the final sequence of the episode is really painful to watch everything in the motel room is really insightful into saralyn's state of mind and life and regrets even as she wins an oscar it's hard not to tear up while watching the planetarium scene the final conversation bojack and saralyn would ever have and the final word saralyn would ever say and they still represent the pain she feels over that life she was forced into i want to be an architect i'm going to be a broken record for this final stretch of episodes but i have a more thorough breakdown of this episode too so make sure to check it out if you're interested number 7 escape from la this is another tough one to watch and honestly this is kind of the case for most of these top episodes this was one that moved up on my ranking list the more and more i watched it and understood it what makes this episode so smart is the way it places bojack in a much more sitcom like scenario than his real life in la and it even highlights this with a fun silly sitcom theme for the show kyle and the kids and bojack starts to find himself in more and more sitcom-like scenarios like teaching penny how to drive and even being the celebrity that takes her to prom but of course the reality is is that this isn't a sitcom it's real life and his actions catch up with him leading to penny's friend maddie getting alcohol poisoning and bojack leaving her and pete repeat at the hospital the conversation with charlotte is probably the most insightful part of the episode showcasing the ways that charlotte has grown and evolved since their time together in la while bojack has largely stayed the same and while he sheds his fears about his own cowardice and asks charlotte to run away with him he completely neglects to understand how selfish that is of him to ask he doesn't care about charlotte's family or kids he only cares about himself which is confirmed shortly thereafter by the validation he ultimately seeks from penny another of the worst things bojack has ever done and yes i have a video about this one too check it out number six fish out of water this episode is amazing for very obvious reasons telling an incredible beautiful story with nearly no dialogue while also doing wonders for the world building of the series but i think what interests me most about this episode is the ways that bojack's lifetime of guilt manifests itself in his actions under the sea the entire episode bojack tries to figure out a way to properly speak and apologize to kelsey jannings for his role in getting her fired from secretariat which is brilliantly escalated by the fact that he literally cannot speak under the ocean the adventure bojack goes on with this baby seahorse as both heartwarming and incredibly representative of how that guilt he feels is guiding his actions he doesn't have to help the seahorse but he does because he's already riddled with guilt and over the course of the adventure they form a genuine bond the end of the episode where bojack's final attempt to apologize to kelsey fails and he learns that he could have spoken the entire time never fails to hit hard and it's a pretty great capper to an incredibly conceived and executed episode make sure to check out my episode breakdown on this one because i think it's the best one i've ever done number five nice while it lasted hey this might be a controversial choice the more i've sat with the series finale the more profound it's become i'm so impressed with raphael bob waxburg capper this incredible series and the ways that it remained optimistic and true to the message of the show while also holding bojack accountable for his actions lots of people don't like that bojack survived the events of the view from halfway down but i can't disagree more to end the series with your main character truly taking responsibility and dealing with the true repercussions of his actions without the promise of redemption in the eyes of the public or his friends was ambitious and effective each of the four conversations in this episode are perfect ways to end our time with bojack and our main characters they're all bittersweet filled with wonderful moments of connection while also implying that these relationships as we've known them will not continue the fact that the finale only gives the audience as much closure as bojack himself gets is perfectly fitting it's impossible not to watch this final sequence with bojack and diane without tearing up and it perfectly bookends the series as the first time bojack truly willingly opened up to diane was also sitting on a roof and in the very first episode that had ever been written no less if you want to hear a great conversation about this finale make sure to check out the finaleversary live stream i did with some of my friends a few weeks back everyone had great insight into the episode i haven't covered this on an episode breakdown yet but i definitely plan to though i think that might be the last one i ever do once i get to it oh and good luck hearing mr blue without crying ever again number four free churro this is a lot of people's favorite episode of the series and they are absolutely justified in feeling that way this thing is an absolute master class in writing probably raphael bob waxburg's magnum opus and honestly it's a genuine travesty that it didn't win the emmy it was nominated for the entire thing is framed around bojack's eulogy for his mother as he reflects on their relationship and her life i think what i love most about this episode is how dense with detail and information it is we learn so much about bojack his parents their relationship to him into each other his childhood and it's also thoroughly engaging despite taking place in a single location and while the monologue is dense it's never boring there's honestly too much to unpack in this episode and tons of people have written about it already it's by far my most requested episode to cover in an episode breakdown and i promise i'll actually cover it but i want to do it justice because an episode this ambitious deserves a proper celebration but i don't need to convince anybody that this thing is a masterpiece it's one of the most celebrated episodes of the show and it absolutely deserves that distinction a complete triumph number three time zero this episode is so special that perfect cross-section of experimental storytelling and astounding character work i still can't believe this episode managed to give us such incredible insight into beatrice's life and personality through the experimental time-bending lens of beatrice's dementia and revealed the most effective twist the series had to offer it's a perfect sequel to the old sugarman place without repeating a single beat even the tiny details in the episode are so satisfying to dig through the tiny references to beatrice's childhood the fact that in this scene as beatrice's mood improves the world literally gets brighter around her or even the way that the faces of the people in the background of the story are literally blank in beatrice's mind it just works on every single level that final sequence as we see bojack's birth alongside hollyhock's birth is so well executed all accented by the devastating and haunting scene in which joseph sugarman burns young beatrice's horse doll after she's recovered from scarlet fever i can't say enough about how great this episode is and as you might have guessed i did an episode breakdown on this one too so feel free to check that one out if you want to hear more number two the view from halfway down now this is obviously many people's favorite episode and that is absolutely understandable this thing is another triumphant success and the culmination of six seasons of incredible storytelling the concept alone is absolutely brilliant but literally every single beat serves a narrative purpose and provides the perfect level of intrigue and mystery but the fact that the entire episode takes place within bojack's mind as he copes with the fact that his life may be ending also provides incredible insights into the character himself every single thing within the episode is a hint into his history insecurities and psyche the conversation at the dinner table is incredible as all of the characters who have died over the course of the show discuss what makes a meaningful life and the diversity of perspectives provides a truly thought-provoking discussion the big show itself is filled with beautiful connections to the series as a whole every single performance provides a ton of detail to dig into and dissect and all the while it provides a haunting thought-provoking and beautiful experience this episode only could have worked at the end of the series and it cannot be fully appreciated without having gone on the entire journey of the show an absolutely fantastic episode and like the others i've broken this one down in excruciating detail in another video now i have to admit i think i probably went a bit too far in some places like my hydrangea and redbird analyses and i probably would do it differently if i did it over again but there's still plenty of other analysis in that one i'm super proud of so check it out and number one the old sugarman place honestly these top four or five could have all been toss-ups for the series best episode but the old sugarman place is absolutely my favorite this is another that sort of bends time by showing bojack's time at harper's landing alongside parts of beatrice's childhood spent there as well to me the most effective part of the episode is the ways that it explores grief within honey sugarman bojack himself and his neighbor eddie they're all dealing with different aspects of grief but grief is definitely the through line as honey loses her son crackerjack bojack has lost sarah lynn and eddie lost his wife i love the way bojack's own healing process is showcased alongside his literal fixing of the old sugarman place itself the more repairs they accomplish on the house the more bojack's own heart seems to be repaired as well addy and honey's duet across time is 100 my favorite scene in all of bojack horsemen and i will always think of you is a song that i sing to myself nearly daily and then of course you add the shocking and heartbreaking twist for honey sugarman which acted as an incredibly effective story point and a huge piece of contextual character development for beatrice and you've got yourself one special episode of bojack horseman the fact that they were able to make you instantly empathize with a character like beatrice who up until this episode has been nothing but completely detestable is a true testament to the character and story work this show is capable of and yes i have an episode breakdown for this one as well though i have to admit i wish i had covered the stages of grief differently in that video but regardless it was super rewarding to break down thoroughly i think this episode represents exactly how incredible this series is on every single level the perfect cross section of every special aspect of the show 15 out of 10. so there it is folks every episode of bojack horseman ranked holy crap what a journey here's a final look at the tier list 77 episodes ranked damn pause on these screens here if you want to look through them more thoroughly thanks so much for joining me on this journey and let me know if you like this kind of content i'm thinking about doing the same for futurama which would be twice as many episodes and an even bigger challenge but i'll do it if you guys want me to i dare you to ask me to do it thanks for tuning in to the biggest video i've ever done and stay tuned for more [Music] peace [Music] you
Channel: Johnny 2 Cellos
Views: 1,663,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BoJack Horseman, BoJack, Every BoJack Horseman Episode Ranked, Every BoJack Horseman Episode, every bojack episode ranked, BoJack Horseman ranked, BoJack Horseman Episodes Ranked, BoJack Horseman Episodes, Best BoJack Horseman Episodes, bojack top 10, BoJack top episodes, Bojack horseman ending, BoJack Top 10 Episodes, The View From Halfway Down, The Old Sugarman Place, Time's Arrow, Free Churro, Fish Out Water, Nice While it Lasted, That's Too Much Man, Xerox of a Xerox
Id: veS-T8dW63c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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