Why Armored Republic?

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reformed Christians should be like the apex predators we should be the hardest workers we should be the best businessmen we should be the strongest and most capable Fighters it is our duty as strong men to reject ungodly culture and to empower men to be protectors to be providers to be strong we glorify God by providing tools of Liberty to defy tyrants we understand the miss at best for the average American the guy that has a family is working hard he's the the king of his home and I think we understand that man the best and that's what we're optimizing everything for why armored Republic that's kind of why we're here today I think what a lot of our peers are missing in this industry guys that we love guys we buy from and support and would recommend other people one thing that they're missing is no one is explicitly Christian they're not putting Christ at the Forefront no one is putting Christ in their mission statement Christian companies maybe they make holsters and nylon maybe they make good content maybe whatever they do they might say they're Christian here and there which is good but no one is saying Christ is King first and like at the front of their mission putting it on their their gear and stuff um so I think that is what separates us from everyone else first so we glorify God by providing tools of Liberty to defy tyrants and so one of our goals is to arm 3% of the nation with body armor we've supplied about um half a percent only 1% of the nation right now owns body armor and so we have supplied half of that which is pretty outstanding number one armor provider to civilians in the world and that's a huge accomplishment we've talked about this a lot customers like Hesco and they're like Defender and all the other great Brands and I'm not saying I don't like them either but they only exist because armored Republic first existed we were the first ones to really mainstream body armor to civilians um Tyler O'Neal the original founder tells a story that when he went to buy body armor before founding the company he had to what submit a birth certificate and like social and driver's license and like all of this crazy stuff and he's like I'm just a free man wanting to buy armor and that was part of his inspiration to start and he took it to a great level Mr Reese our new founder and our our new owner and CEO is now catapulting this company to a new height and making sure that Christ is at the foref finding a a lot of those companies sold only to law enforcement and Military and there was kind of an unspoken thing of we don't want civilians to to get this so there were just all of these roadblocks yeah the the price was one thing um but then there are all these other roadblocks and you can still find some companies out there that won't sell the civilians even though there's no there's no there's no rules there's no laws Alliance exactly dictating the marketplace so yeah Tyler um realized hey I can get steel I can cut it it'll stop bullets and I can sell it for $65 and um that was you know that was eye- opening to a lot of people and um paved the way for a lot of other companies there was this stigma around body armor so even my own mom who um is pretty conservative um would say say things like why do you need body armor and I think there is this huge cultural shift when uh the North Hollywood bang shootout happened because those guys were wearing armor that's like oh criminals have armor like you shouldn't have armor if you why do you need armor are you doing something wrong my response is it's really none of your business what I have whether it's guns or body armor or ammunition like it's none of your business you don't get to tell me what I can and can't buy uh as a law-abiding citizen as a free man of this country and ultimately the end of the day it's ceramic and plastic and steel and some chemicals like nylon it's nothing it's an inanimate object what I choose to do with it um the will of the man is the problem and so going going kind of going back now to our mission being Christ in the C at the center of our mission um men need the gospel and men need to bend the knee and repent and believe the gospel and um a righteous man who who loves God loves his family wouldn't use our tools of Liberty to harm someone else it would be to protect and to defend so and keeping Christ at the center you know you you look at scripture in its totality and one of the things that's constantly harped is to seek wisdom to seek knowledge understanding and so you mentioned there are a bunch of tools of Liberty and AR does you know armed Republic provides you know the physical tool but also the mental tool that's why we're do do this right now that's why we're having this conversation is to understand what we're doing why we're doing it and um and I think that's a huge problem that we have in our culture why I'm excited to work with you guys is to educate people on everything because you think back 200 years ago you mentioned like that that mindset shift where they're like oh criminals have body armor now and why is that just because we don't know what it is we don't know oh to Steel frag or not you know can is there a wrapping for what's ceramic and you take that even to the Second Amendment and you take that to guns or guns are are bad they hurt people they're only meant for hunting just because people lack the knowledge they have no idea they're missing that huge tool so I think it's super cool that um with Christ at our Center we're seeking not just that you know spread the gospel but we're also seeking to increase in knowledge and understanding in all elements of our life because it there's no there's no middle ground it seeps into everything it permeates everything and so I think that's super important is reminding people that a tool of Liberty itself is knowledge right and understanding not just the armor but why do we need it right why do we need guns how do we use them yeah one related to that is think of all the the beliefs and convictions that a person has to have that push them pushes them over the line to purchase armor a and then B how do they start viewing themselves differently once they have armor that that person is um at least less of a slave to the to the system around them um it's uh yeah it's an it's an interesting inanimate object that that just starts freeing people's minds um it's one way I like to think about it yeah there there is that that mental shift and so um at least for me personally it wasn't until I was saved that I started to have this huge shift in the way I think about everything but body armor was one of my first major purchases and I think it it was actually a then body armor and you start to view yourself differently so you have these tools now what do I do with these tools why do I have them and yes it's you know we can talk about the Second Amendment and defending yourself but it starts to change who you are as a man um you start to develop that protector mindset I have my wife and my baby I need to be able to provide for them I need to be able to protect them I need to be the minister to them and um that shift in what it is to be a man and um it for a lot of men it starts with defending yourself and knowing how to defend yourself I always talk about this with uh guys who are getting into hand to hand and so you kind of have to experience this place of doom you have to know what it's like when you're losing a fight uh in training or or even if you're competing where there's this other man and there's nothing you can do to stop him from killing you and you have to kind of accept that fear and be able to still operate and still be able to defend yourself to your last breath and that type of mentality comes from knowing the objective standard of what aand is and I would say that objective standard comes from scripture and our our customers are going to hear throughout this whole conversation we keep pointing it back to Christ and the reason why I keep pointing it back to Christ is there's no other reason to work hard than to do it for the glory of God and I think today especially there's this um the myth of neutrality and so our church talks about it a lot you're the neutrality is a myth you either are for Christ or you're against Christ and when we're talking about scripture we're talking about Christ scripture is our ultimate standard our objective standard so you either believe this book or you don't if you believe this book then you must do what it says uh what it tells you to do you must say what it tells you to say so when we say things like abortion is murder well that's because we have an objective standard to call it murder when we say a man's duty is to defend his wife and children and his family that's because scripture is our ultimate standard and and commands us to do so we don't love our family we don't love our neighbors or our country by just letting anyone defile them to hurt them to kill them and so all of this keeps tying back to Christ tying tying back to scripture and again our peers in this industry who are Christian you it's time to take a stand this was always the stance but you have to be overt about it now there's no more neutrality 1 Corinthians 16:13 I think the second half uh forgive me I don't remember it word for word but be a man be a strong man is part of that verse and so going back to our objective standard for everything scripture defining what a man is um we live in a culture that has infiltrated the church regardless of of where you are uh some Churches more so than others I came from a really solid uh Church in California and even though they were re reformed and solid the culture still infected the church and so we had men during all the lockdowns in Co who were like just go ahead and lay down and let the government shut your church just go ahead and lay down and let the government you know tell you who you can and can't have in your home how long you can be out of your home and all of that stuff what you what you can and can't wear on your face you know and um the culture unfortunately has infected Christians and I think it is our duty as strong men to reject ungodly culture and to again preach the gospel and Empower men to be protectors to be providers to be strong um so there's the spiritual strength that uh men need to to uh take seriously in studying the word uh going to church resting on Sundays all of those great things um but then there's the physical training that I think reformed men sometimes now will deprioritize because they they put there's so much emphasis on the spiritual training spiritual training which is great and is needed but then they neglect the physical aspect of things and so I know with your with your background the physical aspect is they compliment each other so well you know yeah Hebrews 12 tells us to strengthen our weak knees and our drooping arms you know be strong um and and then the Great Commission we're told to go to All Nations and make disciples and teach them to obey all of God's laws Old Testament New Testament everything right and back then they didn't have you know airplanes and cars they had to walk the whole way you know and so and then and you look in the Old Testament and you see all the Great Men the men of valor who you know were doing forc night marches to save their family who were kidnapped and so as Christian men we have a long Heritage of physical strength having to walk across the entire known Earth to spread the gospel also being Warriors from the beginning of time Adam told take Dominion and you know in my time in the in the mil military we had we kind of a couple of my friends we came up with this saying there was like the perfect day uh as an operator you want to shoot you want to do CQC you want to fight you want to jump and work out and you never really hit all five maybe once in your career if you it's a lucky day but you know you can shoot for at least a three maybe um and I I think we missed one piece which is to read as well strengthen your mind um and that that's a huge piece I know I missed out on for a long time but it's so important to under to gain that wisdom and knowledge and understanding um but yeah I think back to your point with you know whether you're reformed or Evangelical or or whatever you are in the middle haven't decided yet there is that part of you're you're a spiritual you're a me you know a thinking person and you're a physical person and if you prioritize one over the other um you reach a point where you're you're you're hurting yourself you know it's specialization we live in a world of specialization you know I'm really good at this one thing but then you let everything else fall to the Wayside and that's not how we're made as humans you know you um and so I think it's super important to be kind of a jack of all trades that's what most special operations communities are you know they're not necessarily the best sniper or you know the best breacher or the best diver um but you you you know enough about everything to be dangerous at everything you know and that makes you kind of a whole Warrior and you have to take that mindset I think into everything as a free man if you want to actually be free from someone controlling you then you have to be able to identify where they're controlling you um so you have to know a little B about everything you have to be able to do your taxes you have to be able to shoot a gun you have to be able to defend yourself and you know what I mean drive a car um walk through a forest without getting lost and so we have lost that and I think in the Christian realm we've gotten very insular very Pious you know my life is very good I'm very you know I pray three times a day but there's more to it that's not a bad thing sure but there's more to it and and I definitely see there's definitely a lack of of physicality um of mental and physical training um that needs to be addressed and the great thing about body armor is you buy it maybe you never use it to stop around hopefully but you could work out in it every single day you could take a walk in it you can do some push-ups and air squats and so I love that it is a tool for and you can use that tool in so many ways right um and and it's up to you to pursue those we something we talk about often too is encouraging our customers uh don't just buy your armor and your carrier and then you put it on you look in the mirror and you're like I'm Ready for War and you toss it in your closet and then you never put it on again like we always talk about like you got to train with your stuff you got to know it might feel comfortable for those two minutes you have it on but go go for a walk around the block start there and then you know go for a hike go for a run uh dry fire in it and then you'll start to feel like okay maybe I would like shoulder pads or maybe I don't they're too bulky maybe I should uh I don't like my mags here maybe I want them here or whatever but you got to you got to use your stuff um and so that that's a really good point so the body armor yes it's a life-saving device but there are other purposes for it too and you uh something you were talking about about reformed men like reformed Christians should be like the apex predators we should be the hardest workers we should be the best businessmen we should be um the strongest and most capable Fighters we should be you know the best entrepreneurs and all that stuff and so when you look around you and you see weak Christian men um again I go I think it goes back to the culture I think it goes back to um I think the most um uh I think the biggest problem sorry the biggest problem is probably weak churches weak pulpits uh I heard a phrase at a church in California that broke my heart during covid and it was the Quest for justice is Vanity go home and live your lives and I just remember thinking I'm moving that's it like that was that was it for me and I don't want to take this pasture out of context DM me and I'll send you the link because the minute I heard that I wrote it down and time stamp stamped it on my phone and I saved the link because that to me was a weak statement and weak statements like that from the pulpit create weak Christian men who are afraid to engage the culture who don't evangelize and who are afraid to say no to tyrants you mentioned no neutrality earlier and and why is armor Republic explicitly Christian why do we constantly say Christ is King um because I mean look at look at the culture around us look at our churches as you just hit on but then look at our culture just recently you know we had abortion we have pro-life politicians who are scared of a potential outcome of election so they they even when we are hitting some of our best wins if you will um they start walking back and caveat and providing you know trying to get a bigger tent and that since when do we lead from the rear leaders men you know you lead from the front you lead by example and people follow and that's part of the name armored Republic right we're a republic we're not a democracy we're not mob rule right we have elected officials leaders chosen by the people to represent us that's a republic and they lead us and we follow and if they are leading us poorly we replace them we still have that Democratic element right but the point of our whole our country is not to be a mob like The Guillotines and in France right and so I think that's another important aspect of not only as a Christian man because it is a Christian system to you know to appoint leaders over us and follow them but it's a republic we're not a democracy and and when you get into that mindset of letting culture affect you your church becomes like the mob there's no difference and and you know you then all of a sudden you are controlled what you can say what you can put on your face what you can't what if you can go to church if you can seek Justice and and that's crazy and at Armor of Republic we resoundingly say no we have a standard we have leaders and we're going to follow them and we're going to implement Justice and we're going to show others and teach others to stand up and become those Future Leaders and I think that's such an important element names are so important MH so let's talk about steel armor I the sense I get is that people think we have no idea what every body else thinks about steel armor and for some reason we're still selling it yeah um here's the thing at at one point we thought we need to Pivot and start making ceramic and polyethylene and all of that and yes we did that there's a place for all of that but why why do we still sell steel and this is this is an important question and here's the thing if you ever find yourself in a logistically constrained environment ceramic polyethylene after they've taken a round you probably don't want to be wearing that again even if they're multi-hit right um at least part of that plate is compromised steel keeps going and going and going and going and going you don't have to replace it um all the time so we sell an unbelievable amount of Steel plates and it it is truly incredible how many people are buying them if you go on social media it will appear that frag is going to kill you and steel is the worst thing ever and you're going to die and it's the worst um you have to understand the purpose of Steel the guy that is working hard has a family may not be able to spend $1,000 a plate on some high-end ceramic if you can awesome great I still recommend you have steel as a backup um when when the supply chain collapses or has a problem the resupply of ceramic and polyethylene plates becomes very very very difficult um so we will continue to sell steel we do not believe it is irresponsible uh and we believe everybody should have that um also get ceramic and polyethylene if if you understand the purposes and and and times for that but um we're we're not ignorant of the perception of Steel we actually believe in steel MH and you don't just sit on your steel you're constantly uh adapting it adapting layers to it Coatings to it to mitigate the potential risk of it you know and and that's important to note as well is not only is it super reliable but you're doing things to improve it consistently right um if if you take that piece of steel armor you will hand that to your son someday maybe that's his first set of armor right um that that armor you you bought today you will hand off to somebody else Mr ree has famously said in a video all hard armor has a problem with fragmentation and that's true but we get comments and messages and all kinds of stuff where people confuse fragmentation and spalling uh could you touch on that real quick because there is a difference between the two sure yeah so two things um fragmentation is parts of the projectile coming off that happens on ceramic that happens on steel um spalling is is parts of the plate that are coming off that happens on both much more on on composite plates like ceramic um but the the thing that is a really big problem is what is called backf deformation or backf signature which is energy that's getting transferred to the plate to whatever is behind it steel doesn't do that very very little very very little backface defamation um if you ever want to run a test at home get a 12 gauge slug shoot a piece of Steel and then go shoot any level four plate that you want yeah and then imagine what that would do to your chest um or shoot it with a three whatever um uh so again any any plate that is out there I don't care who it's from you can engineer test that it will fail different plates have different have different capabilities right so um yes are there there are some rounds that will go through steel that won't go through ceramic and vice versa so um you need to understand your equipment to some degree but um really start thinking about backface deformation in two ways way one is what could it do to you way two what could it do to your enemy right um so if you know you're going to be fighting an armored enemy and you don't have access to um whatever high-end armor piercing rounds what could a 12 gauge slug do yeah yeah it'll it'll mess you up I think um there's this misconception people have that because something is Affordable it's also cheap and cheaply made but um R steel is not only affordable but it's also wellmade we have great Craftsmen here and we have good processes to make sure our steel is good quality and I kind of want to touch on something so I was a big unbeliever in steel I had steel from armored Republic before I worked here and some carriers and I sold it and bought a competitor's carrier and Hesco plates which I still own and I still like and I even pitched to Mr ree that we should discontinue steal and he just laughed at me but um after working here and after being in charge of manufacturing and seeing everything firsthand I'm a big believer in everything you just said and I still own I have level four plates I have special threat plates I have PE plates I have um soft body armor and they all have their own use cases but to my own surprise I humbly admit what I've been running when we're training and all this stuff are a2s so our A2 plates are 52 lbs and you can get special threat plates that are very fancy from a manufacturer that I won't name right now that are also that same weight and if we did a Pepsi challenge if you guys remember the Pepsi challenge where like there's a just blank cups with Coke and Pepsi and then they have a bunch of people drink and they're like oh I like the Pepsi over the Coke and they didn't they didn't realize it if we blurred out the the plates and we shot them both 30 times with green tip which one's going to last the ceramic or the steel which one's going to have the worst backface deoration and the ceramic or the steel and I guarantee you that ceramic is the one that's going to be chewed up over the steel again places for both I still still really like my Ceramics but in our showroom when people come if they want we'll show them one of our strike faces that got 30 times shot with green tip no penetrations like the slightest bit of backface deformation if you can call it that and that plate still standing and so there is a place uh in people's inventory with all their gear for steel affordable does not mean cheap too and so I think people need to understand that there is a difference people like hollon cuz it's affordable over EOTech or Trion or some of these other things but you don't hear people complaining about that you know so we've we've improved on the steel over time from just basic level three now we have 3 plus and 3 plus lightweight and a variety of different cuts for different for different reasons um back in the day the cating was was similar to uh a bedliner that is not what it is today um we have our we have our own propriety proprietary blend that our own staff chemical engineer developed um and if if you get a chance to see the frag loock video it's it's incredible round hits the hits the plate and it just makes a little bubble captures it and if you ever look at the plate after that you can barely even tell where that round went in um so th those are some of the advancements we've done in steel just making it lighter optimizing the the cut to get the the right um you get the right coverage and also the right weight so those are some of the variables we're playing with with steel on the on the ceramic lines uh hint there's some new stuff coming but um it's the the same thing we went from a a single hit single curve level four ceramic then we got a multi-hit single curve now we have multi-hit multi- curve um on the ceramic lines are A3 plate uh composite with a steel strike face nobody else is doing that um standby for something interesting on that line also um and then the the PE plates are amazing um uh so we started with P2 which was full full sappy we we had that sprayed with the same coating that we use for our steel um and now we're we're using the what is it Hydro phobic they don't like water um nylon wraps on that they look super nice theyve a little more weight uh very durable um and yeah we have under 3 lb level three protection for I think $379 that would have been Unthinkable 10 years ago oh yeah um so yeah it's always it's it's pushing the envelope but we're we're not so there there's a few ways you can push the envelope way way number one is like these these are all just armor sandwiches built of a handful of components every manufacturer is doing something very similar to each other um so you can just buy super expensive super light stuff or you can go into it with a design philosophy of what is best for the American man the Common Man the working guy probably not $22,000 a plate um is it lighter is it better sure is it 20 times lighter no um right so the law of diminishing returns applies um so that that's the design philosophy we're going in with not we're going to make the absolute best thing at the absolute extremist price we're trying to optimize all of that and and thankfully with the size we've grown to over time and the number of customers that have supported us we have the purchasing power to be able to negotiate good deals so it's not it's not just the R&D part of it it's the have we developed purchasing power do we have good relationships with vendors it's a whole ecosystem that goes into getting these products out there and why do you think that way why don't you just try to maximize profits um businesses exist to make profit um and you can do that for a while just like squeeze every dollar out of everybody um but you have to live with yourself at the end of the day okay um and again the the the mission there is no King but Christ we're trying to armor his people first and anybody else who wants to be armored um and like to accomplish that mission we can't just be price gouging people right um so we want we we actually believe we actually believe this um uh and it affects what we do I want my friends my brothers that I've never met um to not have to go into Financial ruin uh to be able to defend themselves and their families right there's um it's that simple so yes business exists to make a profit and that's a good thing um uh we could in the short term make much more profit um but yeah it's a service at the end of the day you're you're serving the American man right and his family protecting them and enabling them to do that yeah you can be a business shark and still apply Christian ethics properly and uh I think that's what we strive to do here and I think you you nailed it and so a lot of people think that this high-end ceramic company knows something that we don't at the end of the day the analogy we use all the time is if I have five ingredients to make a sandwich on the table we could and that's it and each of us make a sandwich we might make them slightly different but it's ultimately the same ingredients it's the same sandwich maybe you toasted mine and maybe I didn't but it's the same ingredient so the same ingredients that these higher-end guys are using or even lower end guys are the same ingredients that are on the table you know there's really not a lot of innovation right now and um so our Ceramics are virtually the same thing but we're bringing it at an affordable price point that um the mass audience of Americans and Christian men can get especially today there's a big conversation on is it made in China or is it made in America and we're proud that all of our armor is made right here in Phoenix we make it from scratch we make it from raw materials and especially with the ceramic and polyethylene it's a painstaking process it takes a while um we like to innovate we do a lot of R&D and we like our products to look good so our ceramic and composite lines are all nylon wrapped it's really really nice looking it feels good all of that takes a lot of time and it takes a lot of care I used to joke um or I still joke about it sometimes we don't make it till you order it kind of a thing and although we do try to keep a healthy level of inventory uh available for fast shipping and especially right now things are shipping in two to three days or less um when you place the order there's a good chance that we're going to make it when you order it it's not we don't have this huge stockpile that just sits and starts to um lose its warranty value a little bit but we're making it fresh again raw materials it's handcrafted um and right here in America so we're we're checking off all the boxes we're making americanmade goods from raw materials um when you order it at an affordable price point not many companies can do that and again if we were to do that that blind test or that blind Pepsi challenge test and we just put up specs and show our competitor versus us and then you and the price point and then you reveal that it's armored Republic I think most people would be sh sh um and so Tyler O'Neal the original founder did a great job launching the company with a lot of social media um there's been this kind of baton handing off like in a race and now we are taking it up again we're taking up um the the um we are starting social media again and we're we're trying to equip people with tools of Liberty both physical and then the intellectual by conversations like this um educating our customers about what they're actually buying uh and other tools of Liberty you know that constant progression that you guys have it as well as your your overt Declaration of Christ as king is something I really love about you guys and I remember when I first checked into my team um you you just went through this long pipeline you trained so hard everyone you know you know from Hollywood to you know the newspapers and your your family back home think you're this incredible person and I just remember walking into our platoon Hut and one of the older guys made a comment kind of offhand but it it stuck with me all these years is he's just like you made it through hell week so what you know what I mean and you kind of hit you and you're like wait a minute like I thought I was supposed to be the man now right but no there's this constant progression in everything in life and as soon as you sit back and rest on your laurels you know complacency kill and it's over so that's why I love working with you guys is cu it's not just a business we're not just trying to make money it's part of it it's also not just you know high-end Ceramics it's also you know um the the consistent longevity steel plate you know and then also it's not just the product and the and the money it's also the information what are you getting why are you getting it I know for me my experience I had Ceramics in the military and that's really all I I didn't know any better I just thought it was oh it's ceramic they're the best but I love how it's just your holistic all of life approach to inform people I've learned so much from just coming and working with you guys um it just it's helping push the envelope of training it helps you to know um what tool to apply when and that's all life is is just constantly accumulating tools and learning when to apply them and how best to apply them um and and that's what I I love about you guys R&D um you spent a lot of time doing that and we're kind of working together on some new stuff but we listen to our customers we listen to the industry we are not blind to what the rest of the industry is doing and what our peers are doing and so uh we are actively coming up with new carrier designs new a suite of new pouches and placards and all kinds of cool stuff um new armor that I'm really excited for that's coming and and then innovating Current Designs and making even better stronger lighter more affordable all those things um and so one of the big goals for me and an operations is how much of this if not all of it can we make here in Phoenix and so we do want to strive for americanmade how can we use affordable materials that are high quality um making things more efficiently to reduce time so not only does it ship faster but labor goes down which allows us to drop the price for more Americans and so we're again we're trying to check off as many boxes as possible um but we do listen to our customers and we're all gear nuts ourselves I mean you own what a lot we don't have to say dollar amounts but a lot of stuff right uh and so we're not deaf to what's going on around us in the industry um and and your experience in R&D too it's interesting there's in a lot of ways we are at War a lot of people haven't realized that yet um but everything down to like how do you use labor in this Factory like all all of those things are part of are fighting that war and those are that's you may just see the the plate that shows up in the mail um there there's a lot that goes into that a lot of thought and care that goes into that um to get it to get it right and to get it efficiently um so so like like we've said uh um it's not complicated to build super light ceramic Etc um it's just is it is that the best use of our time and resources with our mission um that's what it that's what it comes down to um so the design philosophy yeah I mean Mr re um talks about you know when we're thinking of new products in mind is it U you know having Simplicity having having it being easy to use something you and I have talked about is aesthetically does it look good um whether gear guys admitted or not like that's part of it is you want to look cool and tactical fashion that is a thing um but we understand combat is complicated your gear shouldn't be so we want stuff that is easy to use you can put it on quickly and then let's say you know what my mission has changed for whatever reason I don't need stuff or maybe I need extra stuff and being able to swap out placards or panels or whatever you need pouches very quickly and so all of that all of those principles and um all of those thoughts are going into all of the R&D processes um I personally can't wait we have some stuff even this week that we're going to be trying to make um partnering with some other uh industry leaders that we're excited about that can't wait to announce to to the public and I think people are going to be really excited about what's coming um all of it will be on social media when it's live and stuff and um I mean there was a time in this company where people would wait 6 months for stuff and now we're getting it out in two to three days or again or less a lot of stuff does still ship the same day um and I think all of these efficiencies are really coming together now so we're making more Innovative American-made cost-effective stuff we're shipping it out faster we're not wasting time we're getting rid of seven deadly Wast and all these different manufacturing methodologies we're trying to implement and the future for armored rep I mean I really think we're hitting our stride we're going to we're going to take off here I think there are a handful of companies out there that are very very good that we share this if not close to then we do share the exact same Mission um so in a lot of ways I see we're we're working alongside those guys um I think if if any sets us apart it's it's we understand the the mission set best for the average American male the you know the um the guy that has a family is working hard um he's he's the the king of his home um and I think we understand that man the best and that's what we're optimizing everything for it's always going to come back to um Christ being King Christ being at the Forefront of our mission and so again we work alongside and with a lot of different companies that again I personally buy from that we would stand shoulder-to-shoulder with that we consider brothers in Christ um but I just I can't get off the fact that people need to understand there is no such thing as neutrality and so if you're going to use your dollars to support a company um you should do you should put those money towards Christians and um Douglas Wilson said on Tucker Carlson the other day uh how an atheist living in a Christian worldview or in a Christian world will be far better off than a Christian Living in an atheist worldview they will have the benefits of biblical ethics and and a Christian worldview and so we're postmill # that postmill and so um um we are creating a a more christianized Society um get triggered or not that's what's happening every enemy will be put under the foot stol of Christ and so one way we do that is supporting other Christian businesses so that to me is why you should buy from armored Republic and uh that will also allow us to make cooler more affordable items that are readily available for everybody [Music]
Channel: Armored Republic
Views: 599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P2EY9K9H8xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 34sec (2554 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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