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no fruit how can i get my lemon tree to bear fruit stay tuned be right back hello youtubers mercedes showing you another video how can i get my lemon tree to bear fruit this is the topic that we're going to go over into this video but before we dive in i'm going to ask a special favor of you we don't get paid making videos but we will get a small percentage amount of compensation in ads we don't ask you to watch all the ads in the video but if you put what's even just one that would help our channel expand oh one more thing we also would love to have you guys doing our gardening family we are open to adoption and adoption is very easy just press the button below subscribe like and share also don't forget to hit the bell to be notified of each one of our newest videos as soon as we are posted so thank you in advance for all the support out there let's get back to the show and i'll see you in the next clip lemon must bloom to produce fruit if there is no flower that means we don't get fruit so how can we get our lemon tree to burn fruit this is my kalamandin guys i'm going to show it to you look at my kalamandin look at that oh my gosh as you can see one bronze is loaded with fruit oh my goodness look at that oh my gosh it's beautiful do you know that karmandin fruit takes a year to fully arrive this is one year now and as you can see it's fully ripe oh my goodness look at that look at that oh my god a lot this beautiful if you're watching this video right now and you're growing citrus that it is not producing fruit today in this video you are going to discover our top 6 reasons why lemons don't have fruit keep watching we'll continue after the break hey g baby g is that the po-po yeah paw i think they're looking for people who have subscribed to cash and greens you mean it's illegal not to subscribe yep the governor said there are four things everyone must do during the cover pandemic like what one marrow mask uh-huh two distances yeah three wash hands and four subscribe to cast your green for real yeah oh man if you're growing citrus right now and you're so excited to have fruit so you can make lemonade but you're wondering why your lemon is not producing fruit well my answer to this is that it can be an ignorance of problems from where the citrus is growing how it is growing and what is being fit when i was in my country philippines oh my gosh we grew a lot of lemons especially kalamandin our filament tree was looted with fruit that covered the whole entire tree and eventually we harvested a lot of calamanin fruit every year the reason for that philippines is a tropical island and citrus is a tropical france so if you drew citrus in the philippines it thrives because it has a good favorable climate here in the u.s you are living in a subtropical region meaning our citrus plant is going to experience temperature variation which i'm going to explain that later on in this video how a temperature is affecting or influencing the citrus from producing flour now there are other reasons why your citrus is not producing fruit which i'm going to share that with you right now all right there are six reasons why your citrus is not producing fruit number one plant eggs how old is your lemon i'm going to introduce you to simple sporty bars that we grow in the greenhouse that are not producing fruit oh my gosh you're eating okay so this is our variegated eureka look at this plant is beautiful and it is not flowering we also have kalamandi in here look at my kalamandin guys i'm going to show it to you closely look at the clementine is beautiful and it is not flowering either so if you're growing citrus right now that is not producing fruit just be patience guys nurture the plant even if there is no fruit the plant is still beautiful no wonder why citrus is considered one beautiful ornamental tree because it has this beautiful green full lips now some varieties of putting trees like lemon they require a complete maturation before they begin to flower it's about four years old for a citrus tree to begin to bloom and we got this from local nursery i assume this tree is about two and a half years old or maybe three years old it is not mature enough to sit through and hopefully by the next year we will see some flowers now depending how you grow your citrus if you put them from sales oh my goodness it takes a look for you the time to grow lemons from seeds i grew eureka from season it takes almost 15 years now of growth and the tree is not producing fruit so i give it away to a friend so it takes 15 years so maybe more than 15 years around 20 years for the tree to begin for the elementary to begin to fruit and depending what location you grow they sit so during france's it takes longer periods of time to produce fruit and i'm going to show you guys my mayo lemon here look at my early moon that is beautiful look at that it is flowering so this plant is matured enough to sit flower this is taken from cuttings from a mature tree which is the male lemon that is more than 10 years old so the age of this plant is the same as the age of the period the second reason is not getting enough sunlight we already know sunlight is vital for plant photosynthesis and right now it's cloudy i don't have sunshine meaning my citrus is not getting enough photosynthesis we are living in subtropical region where winter month is approaching which i'm not excited about it i'm not looking forward to it limon needs full sun it requires at least 12 hours of daylight if you drew citrus indoor make sure you place your plant in areas where there is a lot of sunshine if your house doesn't get enough sunlight you can purchase or buy grow light make sure that the light is specific for flowering plants or fruiting trees i'm going to link the product below this video check the link if you need some extra lighting for your indoor plants now the third reason is improper watering do you know that water lag is the result of over watering and wonder why your citrus is not blooming you over saturated your soil or if it blooms probably flowers dropping off the ground because of too much water so over watering and underwatering produce the same result but how can you tell if your citrus needs water ah let's find it out all right so we're going to test the dryness of the soil we're using one of this plant here so we will check this container to see if it needs water now there is two ways method you can do this you can use your finger or you can use this a test meter i like this tool because as you can see there is a tree we made it you can check the moisture you can check the light you can check the face of the soil so if you're using your finger you insert your finger all the way down three to four ends [Music] okay so this oil is dry it means this plant needs water and if you are going to use this uh test meter you dry this so you get a good result and then insert this all the way up to here so it's almost down to the root zone and then just place like that okay so it reads that there is not enough moisture in the soil so let's water the plant all right when watering your your citrus you give them a soft watering not too fast because you don't want to damage the root system and citrus needs a lot of water to use a deep watering until you see the water drains down okay that's good for the plant so now you have water now you will be okay all right next reason is improper fertilization and i'm going to show you how to fertilize your plant and i will explain it along the way so let's continue after the break all right so i have the fertilizer here i have the citrus tune and citrus tuna mixed with bone meal i run out of bone meal so i mix the nutrients together bone meal is a good source for phosphorus citrus is heavy feeders it requires macronutrients like nitrogen phosphorus and potassium for the growth of the plant now nutrients should be given in a proper amount if you're buying fertilizer commercially make sure you read the label because too much or over fertilization can be fetal to the plant so let's take a look with this uh citrocitrosis heavy nitrogen feeder and as you can see this lemon is producing too much sleep meaning it gets a lot of nitrogen hi guys greg stevens here i'm helping marcelina here on one of her videos on why your citrus plants are not producing fruit well when you go see a doctor first thing he has you do is takes your temperature takes your blood pressure takes a depressing stick looks in your throat and your tonsils looks in your ears and your nose those are the symptoms of the outward expression of what's going on in your body well plants do exactly the same thing except they do it through their leaves and when you're looking at a plant's leave you can tell almost everything that's going on as you're looking at this particular citrus plant here this is a key lime and this has a lot of nitrogen it's very healthy it's producing a lot of growth but it's not producing any flowers and the reason why it has too much nitrogen and not enough of some of the other elements well and then if we look at this plant over here this is a another key lime and this one is producing some fruit as you can see here and up in here these are little limes that are just starting it just bloomed here in the beginning of uh november and this particular plant is doing pretty well it needs a little more a little more nitrogen the leaves are a little bit on the light green side but overall it's in pretty good health before you can get your plant to start producing flowers and fruit it has to be able to absorb the nutrients and the micro nutrients into the root systems and no matter how much of the fertilizers that you put in there this is citrus tone this is one of our favorite ones here because it has a lot of nutrients in there it's it's very good it has everything you need in there however if the ph of your plant is not correct it cannot absorb these nutrients into their fine root systems and you want to be able to check your ph there's several different ways you can do that this is one of the ways that we use you flip the little thing over here on ph and you stick it in the soil however you want to water the plant first before you check the ph all right we're going to give this plant some water so we can test the ph and it's on the dry side here i just tested it ph meter down in the soil about eight to ten inches about eight inches and it's right at about six five six five is perfect for where we wanna be as you can see on the calibration here 7.0 is is base and anything above that is alkaline everything below seven is acidic six five is very good for citrus they like that 6'5 range so what we want to do make sure our ph is correct then when we put the fertilizer in the plant will be able to absorb it all right one of the things we want to be able to do if our soil is too alkaline is reduce it and make it six five and one of the best ways to do that is start off with one teaspoon of vinegar this is a table this is one tablespoon measuring so we're gonna fill it up halfway okay just a little bit of acid from the vinegar we'll flip this 7.0 water into a acidic mixture and then just simply water this because it needs a drink anyway if it is already 7.0 it will not harm it at all we're going to give it a good watering hasn't been watered in a week when we water it we like to water it thoroughly and now it's got a nice gallon of water at 6.5 ph now go ahead and stop the video for a minute so basically the vinegar is a safe safe side too all right we're gonna fill this up first to give to your citrus so right now he is tasting the water this is water right out of the hose with no vinegar no vinegar in there at all and we are now at 7.0 right on the nose 7.0 i don't know if you can see that it's the bottom set of numbers on the bottom of the scale 7.0 now we're going to add a half a teaspoon of vinegar to this to adjust the ph fine water and become acidic that's a hat that's one teaspoon so one teaspoon of vinegar mixed in water i'm going to stir it up and as you can see it is now right at 6.0 so we went from seven to six with a half a teaspoon of water and that is uh a little bit lower than i like i like around six five but that's six just to show you one teaspoon of uh white vinegar will drop at one whole point okay yeah especially if you're growing them in container they really need need to maintain that acidity in soil because you water them all the time and it drains it all glitches okay so that's it so you just maintain your vinegar is to acidify your soil all right guys just an extra information and before i forgot so there are two tricks that you can induce flowering i normally don't apply this in my gardening and hopefully you applied it well because this is a risky uh type of activity because it could harm your plants and if you're comfortable or you can sacrifice one of your plants then it is okay so one trick that you can induce flowering is by doing the water deprivation when i said water deprivation means that you have to shut off the water supply to your plants and then when you see the first initial sign of your plant from wilting leaves then that is the time you you water your plants properly so doing that it stimulates the flowering production the other trick that you can do is to take out your lemon i don't take my lemon outside because in in during the night the the greenhouse is in the little color uh polar night so you need to expose your citroes around 60 degrees because citrus plants need a little bit chill out so if you can put them outside for a few hours as long as it is 60 degrees not below 60. so it is also stressing out the plants and when they are stressed then they would uh you know produce flour okay so another thing so i have my partner here he said we're going to do some questionnaire all right all right maestro i read all of your messages from all of your subscribers oh yeah viewers and they had a few questions that they wanted to ask you and i thought what better way to answer it than on video okay without further ado the first question they asked is what is the best way to control aphids mites and scale on your citrus plants you know what maestro that is a good question well i'm going to throw that to the audience the same thing when i was teaching so i had to throw that to my students and then listen to their questions so what do you think guys [Laughter] number one best there are two types of neem oils on the market one is a hydrotropic neem oil which you buy up your big box stores and you might as well just spit on your plants because they don't do a doggone thing you're flying bit on your plants because this is like olive oil and if you know what virgin olive oil is it's the first squeeze when you take a zetter actin nuts and you squeeze them that's your virgin squeeze and you get the azador acting in there after about four or five squeezes all the zadar acting is gone and the only thing is left is a hydrotrophic neem oil and the best chance you have is maybe to suffocate the insect but if you use the neem oil with the azador actin in it it'll actually be a growth inhibitor for the insects and as they go from egg to larvae to adult they die in between it gets into their systemic of their body and they can't molt they can't change their metamorphosize and they die so you can mix it with some soap the soap helps to disperse the neem oil into the water so it's evenly mixed i keep mine up here next to my heater because you want to keep this around nice you want to keep this at about 65 degrees so that it stays oh my goodness because it's falling down okay you need to invest in a new tripod so that's why oh my gosh we're just having fun in here guys so name oil but just be careful when you mix your name will so if you're mixing that in a gallon that is uh how how many you use a quarter quarter a quarter of an ounce per quart so that would be one ounce per gallon that you're using how much that is a one gallon jug so i use one ounce of uh neem oil 100 pure neem oil and i put about three capfuls of soap in there and that helps to emulsify the the oil with the water so it sprays evenly still you got to keep shaking it up all the time best thing you can use for your plants it is an anti-fungal as well as it is an anti-insect wow okay next question what is the best fertilizer man you need to do something with that thing man oh my gosh you can take them out of the philippines but you can't take the philippine out of the filipino so that's why guys you need to watch that's what you get for making a camera staying out of bamboo oh my goodness look oh because maribel would say oh man okay all right question master oh my goodness i have a headache what's the best fertilizer for your citrus plants come on before you people get bored and click off okay so i would recommend you guys the best fertilizer for citrus you need to have a fertilizer that is specific for citrus because it has a complete balance of nutrients and you can use other nutrients assume that there is a good amount of nitrogen can i just sprinkle it on top of the soil what how do i do it no like what you did the other day i'll tell them they didn't no so if you so okay show me how you do it what i do is what i do is if it's a plant that's already been potted okay i just sprinkle these up because it's made yeah i already did it i did about half an hour ago you sprinkle the fertilizer on the top and then i take this little back scratcher and i have double purpose i can scratch my back in the greenhouse and i can come up here and i can mix the fertilizer in with the soil if you don't do this the fertilizer will actually grow mold on top of it so you want to stir it in and this also breaks up the surface of the soil to allow better drainage and more oxygen into the roots so that's how you apply your fertilizer all right so do you so is it necessary to add compost to your soil they do like compost but you got to be careful because when you add compost you're adding some bacteria in there and maybe some insects it has to be baked you want to bake it before you use compost in your plants all right next question can't take her anywhere [Laughter] oh my god what's the best container to use for your citrus plants it's the last question what's the best container to use how about is this is this the best container is this the best container right here this plastic yeah yeah that's crappy container the best one over here is the milk crate that has the weed guard on the outside you're killing me this allows the roots to self-prune very inexpensive oh my gosh it holds like uh about five gallons of potting mix in there and if you want to redo the soil it's so easy to take it out and redo it but the roots will stop right to the outer edge and they prune themselves because they're getting a lot of oxygen that's why greek stephen is the king of the advanced farming so in agricultural farming check out at the bottom of the link of this video and you'll see some of our books that we produce where's the book they're on amazon down there they're on gumroad.com uh yeah we have backyard gardening we got rose propagation got a new one coming out this winter on diseases for citrus and it's it's going to be easy to understand i'm not going to make it real technical easy so everybody can understand to recognize the different diseases or insects best way to treat them okay [Laughter] all right all right so thank you maestro that's it for today that is for today's uh greg's events we always work working together here in the greenhouse and just basically sending all these plants and get ideas how to improve our growing so we can share that with you guys so we really want you to join our gardening family and this is my base that's right subscribe subscribe so what is if you call if i married you because you are my bae so what would you call me you're my obey obey that's right no i never obey to anyone except myself i say mama we need more citrus plants get out there and start propagating yeah right yes sir all right guys so thank you for watching so see you next week and peace out peace out uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] bye
Channel: marcelina noss
Views: 385,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple tree not giving fruit, apple tree not producing, food forest, fruit tree, fruit tree not giving fruit, fruit tree not producing, fruit tree unproductive, fruitless fruit tree, reasons why, citrus tree not giving fruit, lemon tree not giving fruit, how to grow lemon trees, no blossoms on my tree, calamondin tree not growing fruit, how to make citrus bloom, Citrus tree not producing fruit, 6 tricks to make it bloom, lemon tree not fruiting
Id: JIhk3Dfj1JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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