Why lemon tree Not Flowering? - 6 Reasons - Pure Greeny

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hello everyone in this video i am going to show you the reasons why the lemon plant not producing flowers if you solve these problems the lemon plant starts producing flowers and gives you lots of fruits i will show you all the possible reasons so watch the entire video firstly take a look of my this lemon plant that i showed you in my recent video and now look at this the plant is now full of flower buds and after few days they converts into fruits this is due to these tips and tricks that i applied on it [Music] reason number one on maturity an unmature lemon tree is not able to produce flowers lemon tree is a fruiting plant that requires a long time to produce its first flowering if you have grown it from seed then it takes four to five years to produce flowers but if you are growing a grafted lemon tree then it takes one to two years to produce flowers it is the minimum requirement of a lemon tree to be mature and when it is mature it must produce flowers reason number two right season the next most important thing is to be the right season for the flowering of lemon plant ideally lemon tree produces flowers two times in a year first in the spring season and then again in the falls in the both seasons the temperature is almost moderate for the lemon plant to produce flowers so wait for the right season and keep your plant healthy reason number three deficiency of nutrients nutrients are the basic need of every plant deficiency of essential nutrients in the soil of lemon plant causes the less flowering and sometimes no flowering to overcome this problem you have to provide a large number of nutrients to the lemon plant for this you can add an organic fertilizer that i have specially made for the lemons and the results of that fertilizer is in front of you my lemon plant is now full of flower buds therefore you should must try that fertilizer on your lemon trees for making that organic fertilizer check out the video in the description and i button reason number four improper sunlight in a dark place lemon tree never produces flowers sunlight have a very important role in the flowering of lemon tree sunlight helps the plant to produce new branches leaves and flowers lemon tree is mainly a summer season plant that requires a plenty of sunlight to produce flowers and fruits provide at least five to six hours of direct sunlight to your lemon plants this will helps your plants to grow lots flowers my this plant is getting a full day of direct sunlight sunlight not only important for flowering it also plays a vital role in converting flowers into fruits so make sure the plant is getting enough sunlight and for getting this type of valuable tips and tricks on different plants subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon to get notified reason number five improper watering watering plays a very important role in the flowering of lemon tree it is a summer season plant that requires a moist soil to produce flowers and fruits but at the time of flowering you have to make the soil of lemon plant a little dry let's talk about the flower drop problem mostly the flowers drops and we don't get fruit from them the reason behind this problem is over watering when the soil is overly moist the plant drops all the fruit and flowers to balance the moisture transport so make an extra focus on the watering of lemon plant it helps you to convert most of your flowers into fruits [Music] reason number six pest and insects attack it is not so common problem but it also causes the less flowering and fruiting on lemons pest and insects causes different problems and make your plant unhealthy the infected plant grows very slowly and it also affects the flowering and fruiting of lemon plant as you can see there are some insects on my lemon tree that would be dangerous the leaves also have some signs of pest attack firstly i will remove these insects and spray the whole plant with neem oil pesticide spray neem oil spray is an organic homemade pesticide spray that is very effective you can spray it on all your plants this will keep the pests and insects away from all your plants for making neem oil spray for all your plants check out the video in the description and i button so these are the some main reasons why the lemon plant is not flowering solve these problems and your lemon tree definitely produce flowers hope you like this video and for any question comment below for any specific video that you want let me know in the comments and subscribe to my channel and press the bell icon to get notified thanks for watching
Channel: Pure Greeny
Views: 87,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow lemon plant, lemon plant, lemon Flowers, why lemon plant not Flowering, why my lemon plant not Producing Flowers?, why the lemon tree is not Flowering, how to grow lemon plant, lemon plant growing Tips, lemon plant not Flowering, lemon plant summer Care tips, the Small Story, gardening, plants, fruiting plants, how to grow lemon plant in pots
Id: vKckejaYJx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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