3 Reasons WHY The Leaves On Your Citrus Are YELLOW

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hey guys this is alan from queen creek tropicals plant nursery in today's episode i'm going to give you three reasons why the leaves on your citrus plants are turning yellow so make sure you watch the whole video if you want to keep your plants alive all right guys like i said three reasons and when i say citrus plants i'm talking about orange trees lemons limes kumquats lime quads pomelo all those trees fall under the citrus category so let's get started reason number one guys if the leaves on your citrus plants are turning mild yellow like let's say it's something that's happening slowly and you've been noticing it getting worse and worse over time it's usually for this one reason and that is chlorosis guys chlorosis is just a symptom of lack of nitric nitrogen in the soil nitrogen is going to be the main fertilizer you your plants use when growing so if there is hardly any fertilizer or any nitrogen in the soil what's going to happen is the leaves on your on your citrus plants are going to start turning yellow now this is a process that takes weeks to months guys this does not happen overnight now is this going to kill your plant no it's not and it's a very easy fix guys all you got to do is feed your plant put some fertilizer in the soil and your leaves are going to turn green again and it usually takes a few days to about a week now one thing to keep in mind guys is if this has been going on for a long time to the point where the leaves on your plants are like completely yellow and it's just like the whole canopy is like terrible you've been neglecting your plant and you haven't even looked at it for months then at that point if you fertilize it some of the leaves are going to green up slightly but a lot of the leaves are going to remain yellow don't worry about it guys this is only a cosmetic damage and it will not kill your plant and it usually happens in my experience guys this mainly happens 99.8 percent of the time it happens to plants in containers i have never well actually i have seen it a few times uh okay but anyways very rarely i will see this in plants that are planted in the ground this mainly happens in containers why is this more common in containers than anything else well every time that you water guys the water leeches all the nutrients away from the potting mix and it drains down the pot every single time that you water all the nutrients all the fertilizers they dissolve in water so every time that you water it goes down the bottom of the pot and it drains out so you're actually leeching the nutrients away from the root ball of your plant every single time time that you water now in my area that happens very frequently guys i live in the desert and here this plants that you see right now in the summer i could probably be watering like three times a day because three times daily they will dry out on me is that over watering guys no it's not i have to water the plants because if i don't they will die so i have to water so the more you water guys the more you are going to need to fertilize your plant not because your plant's eating more it's because it's actually you know you're completely leeching all the nutrients away from the potting mix every time that you water and like i said this mainly happens in plants in containers if this is happening to your plant in the ground you most likely just put it in the ground and it was already suffering before you even put it in the ground once you put your plant in the ground guys my soil is clay and even here you know once the plants grow roots in the ground they can take care of themselves and they usually will not experience this reason number two and that is going to be sunburn what does sunburn look like guys well usually when your plants are not acclimated they are not used to being in the sun they are going to burn and they will turn yellow well how can you tell the difference between reason number one and this one well this one is gonna happen rather quickly you will leave in the morning and when you come back home your leaves are gonna be yellow now you gotta understand if the sunburn was not bad enough the yellowing is gonna be mainly just like this right here not always will they burn completely but you can tell if it was sunburned because only a few leaves are going to be sunburned and the rest of your canopy is going to be fine and usually it's going to be the leaves that are exposed to full sun is this going to kill your plant no it's not guys but remember there are two factors that cause sunburn the first one is your plant is not used to being in full sun so you just bought your plant at the nursery and then you took it home and then you put it in full sun and you plant sunburn because it was not used to because it used to be in a greenhouse before you bought it that's the reason number one reason number two is going to be this leaf right here did not get enough water to evaporate the water to cool off so it burned and this is what you're gonna get sometimes it's gonna be bad enough that it's gonna burn the leaf and turn brown like this or sometimes it's gonna be mild to the point where it's just gonna burn the leaf and turn it yellow but it's not gonna burn completely like this fix well to be honest guys once the damage is done it's done there's nothing you can do about it just leave it alone and you know even here in the desert guys my citrus plants do not die in full sun the only reason they die in the full sun is if you don't water but usually what happens once you put them in the ground they will they will actually get used to the sun and they will be fine the only time a citrus plant will burn in the sun in the ground is if you just put it in the ground and it's the first summer that plant is in the ground once they actually root themselves fully in the ground they become stronger and they can actually take it no problem this is not gonna kill your plant unless you don't water reason number three guys that is transpiration burn this is not very common or actually a lot of people don't know about this but i'm gonna teach it to you right now what transpiration burn is well think of transpiration a sweating it's just another word for sweating so plants sweat for the same reasons you do when it's hot they sweat and they cool off just like you but the problem with plants is if they don't have enough water in the soil and it's super hot and the plants not able to sweat the areas farthest away from the root system and the trunk they run out of water especially in extreme temperatures and those areas are going to be the tips of your leaves just like this one right here now sometimes it's gonna be mild like this one this one started to burn but then i probably watered and then stopped because it had enough water now if you don't water what's going to happen is the tips of your leaves are going to burn and they're going to look crispy just like this one right here this is transpiration burn and that is due to the plant not having enough water to sweat to cool off this is because you did not water how can you identify it well normally it's going to happen right at the tips of your plants most times sometimes it could be on the sides but most times it's going to be right at the tips and the coloration is going to be very bright and obviously at the beginning stages it's going to turn yellow but if you don't water and the plant goes with hot water longer then the tips of your plants and going are going to turn brown and die off now how do you fix this well you make sure guys that you water your plants especially in extreme temperatures because if you don't you're gonna notice this this is very common in our area because we have extreme temperatures and our plants here they dry very quickly and if you your plan relies on you to water it by hand this you are going to encounter most likely every single time especially if you live in areas with extreme temperatures in the summer i always recommend people to put their plants on automatic watering so that way this does not happen now is that going to kill your plant no it's not guys the damage is already done and then there is nothing you can do to fix it all you can do is water the leaf is still functional it's still getting uh nutrients it's still alive it's okay now the problem happens is if you don't water at all then your whole canopy is going to experience that then the leaves or your plants may curl up if you want to know what causes curling of you of the leaves of your plants especially in citrus i got another video that you guys can watch on that topic but yeah transpiration burn is going to be the third reason why the leaves especially the tips of the leaves of your citrus plants are turning yellow don't worry about it guys just water as you can see guys there are a lot of reasons that cause the leaves of your citrus plants to turn yellow i give you three common reasons why they do turn yellow in our area specifically here in the desert if you live in any other areas guys it's probably going to apply to you maybe reason 1 is more common in your area maybe reason 2 is more common in your area regardless of the reason guys do not worry there are fixes for all these three reasons and usually all you got to do is water or fertilize your plant and as you've noticed this mainly happens in plants in containers why because these plants rely a hundred percent on you for sustainment if you don't take care of them they are going to suffer at least plants in the ground they are able to look for water for themselves or look for food this is why in the ground you are probably not going to experience this unless you just plant planted your tree in the ground anyways guys hopefully this helps you out it's not the end of the world very easy to fix do not panic do not buy into special fertilizer sprays and stuff people tell you that you got to do in order to save your plant because it's very simple to fix it all you got to do water and fertilize anyways guys if you have any questions comment below and like always subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: QCTropicals
Views: 96,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: orange, lemon, mandarin, tangerine, pummelo, citrus, lime, kumquat, limequat, grapefruit, yellow leaves
Id: qKutvJh3sTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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