5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Lemons on One Tree

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did I a I'm mark from self-sufficient me and in this video I'm gonna give you my five top tips on how to grow a ton of lemons on just one lemon tree tip number one position this is one of the most important things you can do when you're citing and planting a lemon tree is to ensure that it's located in the right spot things you need to consider for a lemon tree to thrive like this is to plant it first of all in an area where it's not going to compete too much for light lemon trees love full Sun this is a fruit bearing tree and it produces lots of fruit that means that takes lots of energy and how does a tree like this get most of its energy and where does it get it from Sun sunlight so wherever possible plant your lemon tree for best results in full Sun now lemon trees do love warm weather but say if you're in a cool climate what you can do is plant the tree in a warm spot maybe against a sunny wall that gets Sun most of the day in that wall is heated up through the day through the coldest part of the year so that it can at least grow happily through the cool winter months and then thrive in the summer months and springtime let's just quickly touch on the soil aspects of a lemon tree because we don't really need to go too much in depth and the reason for that is lemon trees are just so Hardy that will grow in just about any conditions or any soil the other thing it has is a extensive fibrous feeder root system that's almost to the surface if you scratch around the surface of this tree or a mature tree or even smaller trees you'll find that they have fibrous roots just underneath the surface and this makes them very adapt to grabbing any type of moisture whether it be Jew or whether it be small rainfall and it can really suck that moisture up in the nutrients and the minerals and make best use of it speaking about the root system that leads me on to tip number two which is mulching this is just a quick tip but nevertheless it's really really important and it's how I've one of the main reasons why I've got so much success out of growing lemons I'm mulch our lemon tree like crazy like I mean I mean I don't continually mulch every day or anything like that but when I do put most down I will lay it on thick sometimes like a foot deep and the reason for that is those fibrous root systems that I was talking about they do love protection and if you give it protection from the harsh Sun or the cold weather through winter and you keep that root system nice and cool and keep keep the moisture in by mulching deeply well then that's going to give it more chance to suck up all those nutrients the other thing that most does is as it breaks down it adds extra nutrients to the soil and feeds it to the root system type of mulch do you use you can use anything what I've got here is a mixture of things I've grabbed around the yard twigs sticks leaves even old rotten fruit that I've just left underneath the tree the main point is lay the mouth down nice and thick Molson heavily right out to the drip line or the tree canopy and your lemon tree will love you for it tip number 3 fertilize now you can do this in two ways you can either use natural fertilizers like manures you get from your own animals chicken ducks horses or you can buy it from the stables and apply that to the tree or you can use a commercial fertilizer the granulated stuff that you get from the shop or from the nursery both are good and I've used both I have to say personally I prefer using the commercial stuff and I'll tell you why let's break it down a lot of manures well all manures won't have all the essential trace elements things like zinc on those special minerals that a lemon tree needs to grow that it may not be getting from the soil either so if you're going to use a manure remember that that's fine but you may need to buy some separate trace elements not fertilizer but the trace elements itself we can get one of two scoops at our watering can and yeah water around the tree or you can get a granulated trace element pack that you throw a few handfuls underneath the tree once a year and that's usually enough so remember that when you're using a straight manure it may not have everything on the other hand if you're using a commercial fertilizer a citrus fertilizer usually comes with the trace elements in it and I'd recommend a citrus fertilizer that does say on the pack citrus fertilizer with trace elements that way you don't have to go and buy the trace element separately and that will then cover all the nutrition extra nutrition and micro minerals and nutrients it needs plus the fertilizer it needs to grow nice big fat fruit now in tip 2 I talked about mulch when you're fertilizing the best way to do it is add the fertilizer after you've put the mulch down so if your marshes run low put new mulch on nice and thick and then whack the fertilizer around if it's manure you probably want to have a real liberal spread of manure around that tree like not you know a couple of inches deep nice well rather than your remember and spread evenly right around the tree about 30 centimeters or a foot out from the trunk and right out to the drip line so a nice thick layer but on top of that moles if you're using a commercial fertilizer well for a tree this size I would use about five or six handfuls of complete fertilizer with trace elements and I would throw that liberally around on top of the mulch around the tree in an even way right out to the drip line and about again a foot out from the trunk so that's not too close to the trunk and has not been burning any of those feeder roots after you've fertilized you want to give it a good water in as well that fertilizer will then feed-through the mouse over a period of time and give your plant and extended feed over several months and extended micronutrients that it needs to produce really well and stay healthy rather than a big quick hit that might sort of overdo the plant and make a grow to leggy and over green but not much fruit if you're using a commercial fertilizer look at the manufacturer's specifications and apply that strictly to what the manufacturer says don't go overboard and kill it with love you put too much fertilizer down you'll kill the tree with love or it just won't perform because it's been over fertilized and over stimulated then you might get a lot of leafy growth but not a lot of fruits so you want to give it just the right amount and remember on top of that most that's the key tip number four water sounds pretty simple but lemon trees do love a lot of water and watering at the right time is vitally important if you want a lot of fruit the best time to start your watering regime is when this tree starts to flower and then the flowers drop and it starts to produce its fruit if you are giving a good amount of water to the tree making sure that of course it's not bogged down in a quagmire of bog Ennis well that's obviously silly but say giving it appropriate water making sure it's not drying out or needing a drink that's for sure when it's starting to form fruit it will keep its fruit and it will grow its fruit bigger because it will think that it can it will think that the conditions are good so I'm going to produce good tip number five and the final tip pests and disease now you might be surprised to know that I don't pay a lot of attention to pests and disease the thing is if you do the first four tips well your tree will be strong enough and happy enough to deal with most pests and disease outbreaks the last thing you want to do is micromanage a tree and go all worried and sick just because it's got a few aphids on it or a bronze orange bug here and there or our gall wasp or it's looking a bit sick don't go to the cabinet and bring out all the pesticides or the systemic pesticides that is the worst thing you can do because remember they're indiscriminate if we use a pesticide on a tree like this you're also killing all the bees and the other pollinating insects in there and the predator insects that use these other pests as feed and once you wipe them out youths like wiping out all the Lions and the Tigers and then you're going to have all the other smaller animals flourish and go crazy and eat all the grass and and turn the Savannah into desert so it's an extreme example I know but what you're better off doing is leaving the tree cope with the small outbreaks of aphids etc and don't worry about it so much what I have to say though is if you do find that there is a major infestation on your tree try to find an organic way to get rid of it either by picking off pests by hand or by pruning the tree back and getting rid of diseased leaves and branches that is the best way to combat pests and disease because having said everything I've said the last thing you want to do is have your tree suffer from a major infestation and that will affect how much fruit you get so yes watch it if it's just small outbreaks like the odd caterpillar well then fine just leave it have its fill and it'll turn into a butterfly and it'll fly off don't break out the pesticide cabinet if it's a major infestation say it's a citrus borer and you see a whole branch die off well then you need to take action don't you so it's a little bit of give and take there and wherever possible use organic means because the last thing you want to do is poison the environment kill all those predator insects and that's pollinating insects and also have residual poisons in the fruit that you're going to eat that's just not helpful at all is it and that's it that's my five big tips on how to grow a ton of lemons on your lemon tree position mulch fertilize water and pests if you do all those five things you will grow a lot of fruit and have a very happy fruit tree thanks a lot for watching don't forget the website self-sufficient me comm give us a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already bye for now beautiful you
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 2,891,692
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Keywords: lemon fruit, growing lemons, lemon tree growing, how to, fruit tree growing, fruit tree tips, how to grow a fruit tree
Id: PRzD0W0MB30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2016
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