why am I so embarrassed..

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berserk, blame, gankutsuou, kaiba... come on, how can a person be embarrassed by that kind of taste?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zel0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hearing PewDiePie call Guts "the ultimate badass" is something I never thought I would hear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 190 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Let's just say something happens."

This is how I should describe the Eclipse to people.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/karhall πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg and the trolls... LMAO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 84 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sentry201 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, that's 60-something million potential viewers who might get their first exposure to Berserk through this video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SovietBear359 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fucker is probably already a mod at /r/berserklejerk.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 72 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Real_Femto πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, I really didn't like PewDiePie for the longest time, but he's upped his format a bit.

"There are some pages you might just want to clic- I MEAN SKIM through"

That's funny. Like, that legit made me laugh, this video is pretty alright, I'm glad you shared this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 123 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LiveAnotherDave πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

The shout out to Ergo Proxy also makes me really happy. That and berserk are very much at the top of my list.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ishmaldagatherer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

hahaha. He was talking about the horse rape scene.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ldluca πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 21 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
Oh boi Am I gonna regret this video.. yes you are... *zoom in to face* *smile* I've been up since 5 in the morning I just got back from London I'm fucking tired But I gotta film a video today And I've had this video.. in the back of my mind for a while So I thought.. Hey, let's.. Let's get it out there See what happens.. I'm gonna talk about my favorite animes *giggle* *some animes opening scene* HEY I know what you're thinking.. Oh Oh I see what he's doing He's gonna bring up Naruto.. and Bleach. (the anime) and he's gonna pretend he doesn't know which one is which Oh that's..that's some gold standard.. pewdiepie comedy right there *giggle* OH I GET IT He's gonna bring up nineties.. American sitcoms.. and call them animes That's.. that's a good humor.. I bet next he's gonna say his favorite anime is F.R.I.E.N.D.S No.. but for real.. I used to watch a lot of anime *giggle* *continue to laugh* I know right? *inhale* What a fucking gaaa.. I'm sorry CALM DOWN I DON'T ANYMORE I DON'T WATCH A LOT ANYMORE There has been some good ones recently Onepunch-Man, Attack of The Titans was alright.. alright.. maybe you guys needs to calm down a lil' bit.. it was not fucking good.. Fucking tween YOU THINK YOU KNOW ANIME ? OHH I'M GONNA TELL YOU ANIME OKAY CAUSE I KNOW ! *roll* I remember... the first anime I ever watched Because I remember, I don't really used to get it.. I thought it was like.. weird UGH What is that.. weird Japanese shit.. I don't get it Isn't that just for nerds ?! *grabs hat* Then I realize how fucking cool I was *anime music* *laugh* Err..basically.. The first one I ever saw was "Ergo Proxy" It was shown on.. Swedish television.. aaaand.. it was a sci-fi.. and I never really get into sci-fi as well But I thought this was the coolest thing.. EVER And I was so thrilled.. by the fact.. that I was enjoying watching it IT HAS *pointing finger to camera* THE BEST INTRO Oh man It's so good Fucking smallville.. type.. *intro song start* "You complete my fate" Yea I'm definitely regretting doing this video already It also has.. The best.. most fitting outro I have ever seen With Radiohead.. Paranoid Android.. which fit so good It was the same thing I did.. I..I thought the same way about Radiohead And then I got really into them and it became one of my favorite bands So.. you can say this anime.. introduce me to a whole new world.. which I never thought I would like If I remember correctly.. the story is about.. a guy.. i..i...Mankind lives inside a bubble.. like this giant-ass glass bubble... because we polluted the earth.. *that stare* Original plot.. and then he falls out of the bubble.. and then he meets some new people.. but then he realized.. these things about himself.. that he didn't know before.. and there's like this weird.. people.. around.. *burst of laughter* *inhale* I really like it ! *more laugh* Since.. since this whole video is embarrassing already.. let's just get.. the worst.. of the fucking worst.. out of the way.. ICHIGO 100% If that.. If that rings a bell with you.. then we're on the same fucking level *laugh* Listen.. We be.. we be.. we be instant bros if you know Ichigo 100% *laugh again* Luckily I never met anyone else.. that are actually seen this fucking pathetic piece of shit anime *laugh again* *anime starts* It's basically the classic.. random-ass guy.. for some reason gets like 3.. hot girls.. who's into him.. which is like every guy's dream Oh my gawd *facepalm* Oh yeah.. It's a lil' sexual, just a lil'.. it's very tastefully sexual, okay OH SATSUKI I remember.. It's all coming back to me now Oh Toujou ! AAARGH *laugh and inhale* No spoilers, but.. he picks the wrong girl OH NO *tears coming out gesture* *laugh again and again* WOOH I'm glad we get that out of the way Cause jesus christ.. that was pathetic Okay Let's move on to something.. COOLER~ Okay BERSERK Very famous anime.. very good It's..it's..it's a bit old and..and.. you can tell on the style.. and usually that turns me off from watching older animes.. cause it they just.. UUGHH They look like.. UUGGGHH I don't like that Doesn't have the fucking GIANT EYES and bright colors UGH I don't like that But it's really good.. and I recommend it It's a story about friendship and rivalry *laugh again* It has.. the.. biggest plot-twist.. or maybe not plot-twist I don't know how to say without spoiling.. but basically.. it starts out.. just completely normal medieval shit You got horses.. you got swords.. you got armors.. you got battles.. EVERYTHING IS FINE And you watch the anime.. up until.. a very e-end of episode 25 and you like "Hey that's pretty co.." "This is pretty coo.." "This is pretty good" and then.. Let's just say something happens.. and if you're under 18, DO NOT READ THE MANGA Cause I read the manga.. And I saw some things *traumatic poods* And the m..the manga basically continues.. after the a..the anime ends.. Where this thing happens.. where everything just fucking changes And My..my poor.. my poor teenage eyes.. I saw some things.. I..I They burnt into my retina.. No amount of bleach.. will able.. will ever.. cure.. Just don't read the manga Just don't I mean, do read the manga.. it's fucking great.. but just some part.. you might wanna click through or erm, I mean.. Skip through a little fast *laugh* That's all I'm saying This a thing.. if you..if you read it you know exactly what I'm fucking talking about *laugh* One thing about that's really cool about the manga.. once you get to a certain point.. is that you can see the influences that it had on.. some of my favorite games.. which is Dark Souls Cause here's the armor and you can see the resemblance to Artorias As well I think And Artorias like the ultimate badass Guts is the ultimate badass So it's really cool.. You guys remember these ? The wheels ? From Dark Souls Oh and The Hunt..The Hunter's Mark The Hunter's Mark from Bloodborne is straight..straight out from Berserk And oh my god here's the part I was talking about.. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST Yea we ne..we can't show that Just no fucking way And the trolls Oh my God It's just..fucking..too much man I didn't know he got to fuck her But it's really good ! It's really.. It's one of the best It's probably one of the best Another one that I really enjoyed was.. NH.."Welcome to the NHK!" If I remembered it correctly.. basically.. I..I..I could relate so much to this guy while I watch.. Because he's a total introvert.. completely lost on what he's doing with his future.. He just want to be a shut-in.. and..escape from the world ergh..I could relate to him so much and I remember.. how it felt good in the way.. to..to..fully relate to what a character is struggling with Loneliness, and oh my god.. I don't think this video could get more, uh, pathetic, but.. erh *laugh* I just did it Another favorite of mine is "Mononoke" *zoom-in* Shut the fuck up Okay No, I'm not talking about Princess Mononoke EVERYTIME All of you talking about is Princess Mononoke "OH, I LOVE PRINCESS MONONOKE AS WELL!" Well you fucking fake ass anime fan.. You haven't heard of "Mononoke" ? Is that how you say it ? *laugh* Okay Erm "Mononoke".. is a collection of horror stories.. The art style is absolutely amazing.. It's one of the best I've ever seen It's just incredible It like bright, happy colors.. mixed with.. horror, it really.. gruesome horror stories Somehow it works really well.. it's basically about a guy.. that's a medicine-man And he travels around.. and he destroys his mononoke.. which is like demons or whatever To kill them, he has to find out what happen I love watching it, aand.. I really..I really recommend it Just googling "Mononoke" and you fucking get all this shit THIS IS NOT THE ONE ! THIS IS THE ONE ! I mean look..look at the art style It's soo..it just so pretty Another favorite of mine is.. "Gankutsuou" I don't know if that's how you say it Erm..it's basically.. The Count of Monte Cristo They go hard on the fucking..the art style they have these patterns.. that was made by some famous clothes designer Why do I care ? *laugh* I do care, that's why it's so sad and, it's get some really fucking cheesy intro OH OH Jean-Jacques Burnel NO NO Oh, I just realized.. Berserk has the best fucking intro by the way Just li..like these japanese people who can't speak English *laugh again and again* Trying to sing a song Like, why did they talk like that ? *dancing poods* "There's no blame, there's no fame" "The first words should be found" *giggle* What ? Whateve..I didn't know this were the lyrics "I can get it off..." "Tell me what" "Tell me what" "Tell me what you waaan".. *giggle* It's fucking good ! *thumbs up* It's so good.. Look at them muscles man OOH Number 2 on my list *scissor gesture* "Kaiba" Not a lot of people know about this anime It's basically It's a sci-fi but a love story.. But, it's done in, uh.. Kind of Disney-inspired style.. The artwork Which I LOVE It's so pretty It's hard to find picture of this fucking anime as well.. Cause..because of this fucking guy.. Apparently his fucking name is Kaiba But here's how the art style looks I..I fucking love it It's so pretty Very interesting sci-fi story.. Where.. You.. Your body and memories.. Can be transferred to other people Yea, the plot-twist got me.. Now I was very emotional at the end.. I hated the intro The int..intro fucking sucks It's really good It's..it's got a good place in my heart this anime and uhm.. You don't have to judge me for it, okay Just watch it yourself It's kinda hard to watch It's kinda hard to get into So if you gonna watch this one.. you.. you..you gotta..you gotta give it a little go Okay, finally My favorite Of everything Oh boy.. I posted about this before, you might know of "Blame" But Blame.. is the best thing ever created.. It's a cyber.. punk.. Cyber-punk ? It's a story about a guy.. going through this.. uuhmm endless.. landscape there's very lil' dialogue You basically have to kinda make.. up the story yourself.. or you kinda have to interpret it in your own way Which is my favorite way of story telling And I think that's why I like Bloodborne and Dark Souls so much.. Because.. Throw the story in your face you kinda have to just pay attention to what's going on The way the scenery is drawn.. and.. uhm.. Manga is just absolutely incredible The artist used to be an architect.. and you can tell.. because it so well, well uuhm, drawn It has my favorite style of a manga in..in any..thing i've ever read It has one of the most interesting stories I've ever read I love to just come back and re-read Blame.. because everytime I read it, it's a different interpretation or you notice different things and you discover new things and you make it fresh everytime you...you go through it And you can go through it in a couple hours Because it's so little dialogue It's fairly short It has some of my favorite characters I feel really weird talking about this.. because it feels so personal that's why I'm like.. I don't.. It's my baby One thing that's kinda weird, that I really like about Blame.. it's because, it has no nudity in it.. even though it's a very adult-like manga ? For me that's very refreshing.. in a..in a sense.. I don't..it really..this shouldn't even matter but I.. to me..it feels like, they resp- they takes itself, more seriously.. in a way.. because, all the..let's be honest.. Japanese people are fucking perverts I mean, everyone is Just Japanese people are more honest about it The fact that there's no weird sexual undertone.. or stuff like that.. to distract you from the story It's just really nice *laugh* If there's anything I would recommend from..this..video Check out "Blame".. If you wanna read something kinda like.. stark undertone sci-fi stories I recommend it I don't know why, this.. this is just so painfully awkward for me to.. talk about.. cause it really..uhm.. it really..I think it really will shine through in this video *giggle* how fucking embarrassed I am right now *giggle awkwardly* But anyway, I hope you enjoy this video.. if it even makes it light of day, I don't know But.. Regardless.. maybe it was something different I hope you enjoyed it Uhm.. Lemme know If you have any recommendation based on what I just talked about.. maybe there's something I missed And yeah lemme know what you thought if you checked out any of my suggestions It's always cool to see if people enjoy what you like and stuff like that I feel like I should re-do this video.. But I..I don't think I.. I can bear.. I-I don't think I can bear to do- to go through this painful experience again *laugh* I hope it wasn't painful for you It was for me Lemme tell you Okay, that's it for now *kiss fist* Stay awesome bros. *brofists*
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,697,613
Rating: 4.8951831 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pdp, pewdie, anime, favorite anime, berserk, attack on titan, pokemon
Id: h6FhV693seo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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