Scripture and Science Declare a Young Earth

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in one Protocol's 12:32 we read about the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times and I wanna ask us do we have understanding of the times do we know what is happening in our Western world we see the collapse of the Christian fabric the collapse of the Christian worldview why is that because a foundation has been removed and the structure is collapsing what foundation the foundation of the authority of the word of God it's about time God's people went out there unashamedly uncompromising least oould in the Word of God and said this is what it's all about proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ show that we can defend our faith if we start standing on the Word of God that's what's going to change this nation hello and welcome today to today's presentation from Legacy Hall at the Creation Museum here in Northern Kentucky our topic today is science sorry scripture and science declare a young earth you've got to get the order correct scripture first then science declare a young earth well when it comes to the creation of the earth and the universe and its age the age of the earth God has told us in Genesis that's our textbook what happened Genesis is his eyewitness testimony attested to by Jesus Christ as literal history that's right Jesus confirmed what God had given us as yaaaaaay witness testimony in Genesis and we read in Genesis that God spoke the earth and the universe into existence instantaneously he spoke and it was so he commanded and it was so it wasn't over billions of years it was instantaneously therefore the evidence must be understood based on what God told us he did it's not a matter of what we think or what could have happened it's a matter of what God tells us he did and God has not deceived us we know that this scriptures point out that God can't lie he's not a man that he can lie so God didn't deceive us because he told us we deceive ourselves in fact if we ignore his eyewitness testimony the account in Genesis as a literal historical record that's clear we deceive ourselves if we ignore the eyewitness account and what did Jesus Christ the creator tell us we know he's the Creator because that's testified to in John chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 and Jesus said in mark 1319 the creation which God created he also said in mark 10:6 and Matthew 19 verse 4 from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female notice that from the beginning of the creation not after billions of years of cosmic geological and biological evolution and he made them male and female man and woman Adam and Eve so when we contrast the secular timeline of history with the creator's timeline of history we see the stark contrast the secular evolutionary timeline of history begins with a Big Bang 13.7 plus billions of years ago whatever the latest stats estimate is of course and the earth formed only 4.5 6 billion years ago and man well he's only very recently recent he's like the last blink in time since the very beginning yet Jesus the Creator who was there who told us in his word what happened we read that the earth was created on day one man on day 6 that was about 6,000 years ago so compared to today looking back man was was at the beginning of the creation God made man at the beginning and that's Jesus's perspective as he told us so how old is the earth well as we just seen the Genesis account tells us that God created the earth on day one of the creation week and man on day six so that means the earth is only five days older than man and remember we just quoted this from mark 10:6 on matthew 19:4 where jesus said from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female and so the earth is only five days older than man made at the beginning so the biblical chronology of human history is relatively short we read those genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 and it repeated in Luke 3 verses 23 to 28 and the available evidence points to human history and cultures only being thousands of years long and we'll come back to that later we first of all have to focus on what the scriptures tell us so from the scriptures the earth is only thousands of years old we have that literal historical record in the scriptures you know Adam was so many years old when he had his sons and they live for so many years and then they died etc those genealogies matter because they present the chronology of God's plan of salvation Redemption and salvation they are the genealogy of Jesus Christ our Redeemer that's right Jesus can be called the last Adam or the second Adam because we could trace his family lineage back to the first Adam it's the story of his history those geologies are Jesus's family history way can be claimed to be truly man because he was related back to the first man Adam and so those genealogies are incredibly important because they place Jesus's life death and resurrection are firmly rooted in the human timeline of history well if we have to answer a few more questions what do the Scriptures tell us about those day or the Hebrew word yawn of the creation week were they literal days well let's look at the usage of the word yawn the word Hebrew word for day used there in Genesis chapter 1 let's look at the usage everywhere else outside of Genesis chapter 1 throughout the Old Testament after all when you do a survey like that it should show you how the word was used and understood and what do we find when the word yawn or day is used with a number first day second day third day etc or 10 days the plural or singular it's used 410 times outside of Genesis chapter once throughout the Old Testament and it always always means an ordinary day and then when the word evening and morning are used together without the word yawn 38 times everywhere else outside Genesis chapter 1 throughout the Old Testament it always only means an ordinary day and then when the words evening and morning are used together with the word yawn day 23 times outside Genesis chapter 1 throughout the Old Testament they the word yawn always means an ordinary day and finally when the word knife is used with the word day yawn 52 times outside Genesis chapter 1 throughout the Old Testament it always means an ordinary day so shouldn't the usage outside Genesis chapter 1 dictate our understanding of what we've read in Genesis chapter 1 of course absolutely that's being consistent in fact the word yawn day is use 2301 times in the Old Testament so why why do people only question the usage of the word yawn day in Genesis chapter 1 it's a good question isn't it the answer is very simple it has nothing to do with what the Hebrew word means and how it's used in the Old Testament and as everything to do with what the scientists say about the age of the earth in other words people question the word yawns usage in Genesis chapter one only because of the claims of the finite fallible scientists about the age of the earth shouldn't we instead defer to the Almighty God who never tells a lie his infallible and who knows everything and who has told us what happened in Genesis chapter 1 and use the word consistently throughout the Old Testament after all what we read in Genesis chapter 1 night evening morning one day evening morning second day evening morning third day evening morning fourth day evening morning fifth day evening morning sixth day notice the repetition the use of the numeral the use of the word evening and morning the use of the word knife everywhere else outside Genesis 1 in the Old Testament the word you're mused in those contexts can only ever mean an ordinary day do you think therefore by repeating this and using that format you know repeatedly God by His Spirit was trying to tell us that these were ordinary literal days of course we can come to no other conclusion that that's exactly what God intended us to understand now after all does God need millions of years we'll come to that in a minute but let's confirm it outside Genesis chapter 1 we read in Exodus chapter 20 where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments and remember the fourth commandment remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy verse 8 and what was the justification God gave to Moses and the children of Israel verse 11 for in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and Haledon and that's repeated again in Exodus 31 17 and 18 for in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth and seventh day he rested and was refreshed and he gave unto Moses two tablets tables of stony tables of stone written with the finger of God notice that elsewhere in Scripture we're told that all Scripture is inspired of God but this scripture in six days was actually written by God's finger on those tables of stone so you see if God can't be trusted to write what he means how can we trust him anywhere else in the scriptures when he's written this clearly in Exodus in six days you will work for six days and ruslan do you think the children of Israel think they had thought they had to work for millions of years before they got a day off absolutely not they understood that God was saying you will work for six literal days because I work for six literal days when I created the heavens the earth the sea and everything in them that's a tack encompassing description of the whole universe by the way I love this cartoon six days yep since the girl the boy says tricks six truly early days yep says the girl yeah sure it says six days yes I wonder why he took so long see that's a different question is why did God take as long as six days God could have done it in six seconds if he chose to yes he could have chosen to do it over millions of years but he tells us he did it in six days why we're told in Exodus 20 Exodus 31 you will work for six days because I work for six days when I created everything it couldn't be any plainer when you compare Scripture with Scripture and look at the usage of that pea Bru word yawn four day well what does a scholar say this is paddled planet Wheaton College he says this it is apparent that the most straightforward understanding of the Genesis record is that God created heaven earth in six solar days that man was created a sixth day that death and caste entered the world after the fall of Adam and Eve and all of the earth fossils were the result of the catastrophic deluge Universal data we spared only nafs family and the animals there with notice what I left out does he believe that there were six solid A's no because he slips in this phrase without regard to all the hermeneutic ones considerations suggested by science oh yes the straightforward understanding is six literal days holidays but now we've got to consider what the scientists have said no that's not the way how you conduct your investigation of Scripture it's God inspired God breathed he made it absolutely clear the scientists weren't there they don't know everything they sometimes make mistakes God was there he never lies he knows everything's and he never makes mistakes who should we trust God well what about James Barr Hebrew scholar and Oriole professor of the interpretation of Holy Scriptures at Oxford University a world renowned he braced he wasn't a believer but this is what he said as far as I know there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament any world-class University who does not believe that the writer of Genesis 1 through 11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that one creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to the later stages of the biblical story and see now as fudge was understood to be world widely extinguished all human and animal life except for those on the ark you see what he's saying he might not believe that but he's saying that's what the writer intended us to understand that those were literal days are literal for and a literal flood so the language can't be any clearer do you believe God and trust his word or do you trust the words of the scientists that's really the question well how do we know that the earth is only thousands of years old well I already referred to those genealogies in Jena five and eleven we can go through those meticulously as many scholars have done and it's very clear that there's a father-son relationship because we're told how old the father was when he gave birth to his son and so it goes from father a son to father the son and we come to the conclusion when we add up all those genealogies that the earth is only about 6,000 years old about 2,000 years to the flood to Abraham from Abraham - from the creation to Abraham from Abraham so that Jesus another 2,000 years another 2,000 years today - today we have to remember that the Bible is God's history book of the universe well once we've established cleave what the Scriptures tell us they declare emphatically that the earth is young man is young God created instantly literally over six literal days only thousands of years ago what does the science tell us well we have to remember that data needs to be interpreted scientists make observations of the world a rock is a rock a rock doesn't come with a label on it hi I'm six million years old no it's the scientists examining that rock that impose an interpretation and those interpretations are based on assumptions man's theories man's ideas and the prevailing philosophy is that through millions of years of death and struggle man evolves and and everything came into existence through millions of years of suffering extinction killing disease pain struggle death life came from non-life and pond-scum eventually became people that's the prevailing view but we remember they're looking at the evidence the observations through glasses of their own making their interpretations well as Christians we need to put on biblical glasses that's right not just these physical glasses that I need to be able to see clearly we see even clearer when we take God at His Word and use His Word to understand the world around us and we do that when we do that we can see that the scientific evidence the observations in the real world in real time confirm what the Bible already declares about the age of the world the age of the earth well various methods have been used to date the age of the earth and most people don't realize that 90% of them give a young age that's right most dating methods give a young age for the world and I've got a list here of many that have been used but there are hundreds of them so why is it that the scientists focus on the temps less than 10% that are given old age it's because they want millions of years to for the time for evolution to occur without the millions of years the evolution is dead in the water without the millions of years the Bible is right and God has created so it's not a scientific issue ultimately it's a spiritual issue and so they choose the evidence that seemingly gives an old age and the one that is particularly used today is radioactive decay you can see I've got two highlighted in on the screen there number 53 uranium decay most people are familiar with uranium to uranium dating well these are the radioactive dating methods I want you to just be patient this is not difficult to understand but it's very important that I give you a glimpse into how these methods work and what the assumptions are behind them so let's work through this carefully together today first of all when radioactive atoms in rocks decay they result in stable atoms of different elements so radioactive atoms of uranium decay and produce stable atoms of uranium just some terminology here the decaying radioactive atoms I call the parent isotopes or parent atoms and the resultant stable isotopes or atoms are called the daughter isotopes or Adams reason why we use or dice the word isotopes because there's there's different varieties of uranium and they're called isotopes the different varieties uranium 234 35 38 etc well here are the major methods that I use you can see on the left-hand column the parent atom or isotope and the resultant stable daughter atom the radioactive parent and the stable daughter first of all there's nitrogen 14 which the case sorry there's carbon 14 which the K star nitrogen 14 now some people think that the scientists use carbon-14 to date rocks if you hear anyone say that you know they don't know what they're talking about because radiocarbon is not used to date rocks because most rocks don't can tree contain any carbon and in any case carbon radiocarbon decays so rapidly it only gives ages of thousands of years so we're not going to deal with that in any detail this morning today but we'll come back to it but the ones that most people are familiar uranium decays to let and there's two varieties you're in 238 and 235 we don't need to get into all the heavy details just you rammed the case the lead potassium decays to argon rubidium the case to strontium samarium the case and they're DeMint and you'll hear me use the names of these elements most of them you've probably heard of but samarium and neodymium yeah because they're called rare earth elements they're very rare but they're very needed in today's technology for example your cell phone contains some of those metals those rare earth metals neodymium is very important for those wind fire the neodymium makes a stronger magnet to generate electricity as the turbine blades rotate so these are very strategic elements in today's technology world well enough of that let's look at how this these methods work first of all we observe that minerals rocks and fossils contain some of these parent radioactive atoms or isotopes and daughter isotopes or daughter atoms so what does the geologists do he goes and collects rock samples and the rock samples are chemically tested for these atoms and that's a simple procedure well it's highly sophisticated but simple in a sense but it's a chemical test and you get numbers as to the various atoms that are present in your rock well you've got to interpret those numbers you've got to take the chemical analysis and interpret them and if we know the rate of radioactive decay that is how long it takes from a parent atom to change into a daughter and we assume that it's remain constant at the rate we measure today then it can be calculated how long it has taken the measured amount of daughter atoms to accumulate and that becomes the rocks age well you can see on the screen I've got a simple analogy to try and show you how this works you know the hourglass clock you have the two glass balls and I've put red saying grains in the top two in the top bowl to represent the parent atoms well those sand grains fall and they turn into daughter atoms the green atoms the falling is analogous to radioactive decay so we know that if you start with all the sand grains at the top there are only red sand grains at the top glass bowl that we then within an hour Dola wall fallen to the bottom that's why it's called an hourglass they fall to the bottom within an hour and become green atoms okay very simple to understand how do you get aged well suppose you're working in the kitchen you're going to bake a cake and you put the cake in the oven you turn the hourglass clock up so all the atoms are at the top the red sand grains at the top you leave the room you come back some time later you want to know how long you've been out of the kitchen how long your cakes been baking in the oven well you look at the hourglass clock and you do an analysis you observe how many red sand grains there still are and how many green sand grains there are at the bottom and you notice that there's still 50% at the top and now there's 50% of green atoms at the bottom so how long have you been out of the room 50% of 1 hour is you guessed it 30 minutes so you can tell how long that so that's how it works with the geologists you measure the amount of uranium and lead atoms you know the rate at which you rain in case the LED you can't how many atoms of lead you've got now and you back calculated calculate to win all those those lead atoms were originally uranium atoms and that's supposed to be the rocks age when the process started it's not that difficult to understand at all but but you may have already detected that there are three crucial assumptions you might not have recognized them all but there are three very critical assumptions and when I quickly show you what those are first assumption number one the amounts of parent and daughter atoms at the beginning when the rock form must be known in other words you have to know the initial conditions so you have to know for example that when the rock formed there are only red atoms or if there were green atoms how many there were well in your kitchen giving you what the starting conditions were because you turned the hourglass clock up so that there are only red atoms to begin with but tell me how many scientists were there when the rocks formed to know whether they're only red atoms in the rock and no green atoms what if there were already a lot of green atoms in the rock if they assumed that there were no green atoms to begin with and yet there were their calculation would be totally wrong they'd be erroneous they would get an erroneous age well what about assumption number two all the daughter atoms measured today must only have been derived by in situ radioactive decay of the parent animus in other words it has to have been a closed system no contamination you know what would have happened if while you're out of the room your mischievous ten-year-old son came in lifted up the lid and put more red atoms more red sand grains in the top glass bowl when you come back in and do your calculation you're going to be wrong because he contaminated the system how many geologists and scientists have been out there looking at the rocks for millions of years to make sure they haven't become contaminated none they don't know for sure contamination is a real problem and then thirdly assumption number three the radioactive decay rate must have been constant at today's measured rate the rate has to be constant well you know that because you've tested your hourglass clock on the sand grains keep falling but the geologists have they've been there for millions of years in the past testing all the time that uranium has always decayed at the same rate through all those billions and billions of years no so how do they know they've assumed it what if radioactive decay was faster it in some catastrophic event during the past huh that would throw off all their dating calculations absolutely that's why we have to conclude that none of these assumptions are provable why because the past cannot be observed and measured we can't go back millions of years and tests what it was like back then because we have to is today so these assumptions are not even reasonable the scientists weren't their daughter Adams may in fact have been inherited when the rock forms as I said before they may have been Green atoms in the rock when it formed and more Green atoms might have been added after that due to contamination now I want you to understand I'm not I'm not arguing against the quality of the chemical analyses if you saw the laboratories that are built with millions of dollars you would realize that it's a very sophisticated process to do these chemical analyses and the quality is top-notch no question about it but the chemical analysis has to be interpreted to derive the age and so we are questioning the interpretation because of these three critical assumptions that are not only prudent not only able to be proven but they're not even reasonable now assumption number one is well known to be violated by inheritance from the sources of the rocks and I want to give you examples it's not don't take my word for it I want to give you examples many that have come from the secular scientific literature an assumption number two a closed system is also violated by inherited isotopes or contamination which cannot always be detected let me give you some examples well just two days ago we celebrated the 40th anniversary of this historic event the May 18 1980 mounts the Helens Washington eruption and we learn a number of lessons from that eruption and here's one of them the top of the volcano was blasted away in subsequent years as lava oozed out it formed a new dome inside the the crater and the last of these there were six of them in fact this last one still persists today we actually watch the lavas flow day by day to build up that cone and so we know that when the sample was taken in 1992 of a lava flow that flowed out onto that crater in that crater to form that dome in 1986 and then that sample was sent in 1996 to the laboratory from analysis the rock formed in 1986 it was tested in 1996 so by observation it was only ten years old what results were obtained by the potassium-argon dating method the whole rock gave an age of 0.35 million years and one of the minerals gave an age of up to 2.8 million years for a rock that was only ten years old what was the conclusion the conclusion was that the rock contained too much huh Gwang you see gases such as argon are also in the gases that come out of the volcano they're down there in the source when that when the lava forms and so when it comes out if that all that argon doesn't escape when the rock cools some of it is trapped inside the rock and it won't give you the true age of the rock now take my word for us this is well known in the scientific literature here are a list of examples and you can see the references there let me just highlight this one in Hawaii an eruption in 1819 had one and it gave ages up to 23 million years based on this potassium-argon dating method and that's well known in the literature that these samples inheritor argon from their sources one famous study looked at a number of these lava flows and you can see the examples here this was a separate potassium argon or argon argon dating study in fact and you can see there's a historic known lava flows in Hawaii Italy California and Arizona gave ages of hundreds of thousands of is up to 1.5 million years for lava flows that were barely hundreds to even just over a thousand years old two thousand years old as you can see from the example there in Italy so that's a real problem content in heritance for the mantle we also see this when ten diamonds from the Democratic Republic of the Congo were dated using potassium argon and they gave an age of six billion years gift here this is only four and a half billion years old so the geologists knew the results were wrong because the Diamonds couldn't be older than the earth itself and when they did some more investigations they found contact that that that the diamonds inherited are gone trapped in those diamonds extra argon what about this fourteen basalts that had been recently erupted on different ocean islands islands out there in the oceans gave a rubidium strontium age of two billion years they'd been observed to erupt recently and yet they gave a rubidium strontium age of two billion years the same ocean island basalts also gave lead lead ages that's using the the end members of the to uranium decay chains between one and two billion years and this is this is cause geologists to scratch their heads for over 50 years it's been called the lead paradox it's in the literature it's well known and the answer is that these lavas have inherited these daughter isotopes from their mantle sources and there has nothing to do with the age of the rocks let me give you another example in the Grand Canyon in the western Grand Canyon there are volcanoes on the North Rim and a couple on the South Rim and the Laila's have trickled down the walls of the canyon they're called the yeren Khorat plateau basalts and these are very recent because they they erupted and flowed down the walls of the canyon so it was after the ground Kanyon had been carved and in fact there's evidence that some of these last eruptions were seen by the Native Americans and here we see one of those volcanoes and you can see the larvas I put the area there to show that how the art lava spilled down and actually blocked the Colorado River what results do we obtain potassium-argon gave ages of about half a million to 1.1 million 1.2 million rubidium strontium 1140 3 million years lead led 2600 million years for recently erupted lavas Cathy interesting thing is that deep in the Grand Canyon up in the eastern Grand Canyon below all those rock layers with the fossils in them that were deposited by the flood right down in the inner Gorge in the deep basement rocks there are other lava flows the cárdenas basalt and they give a rubidium strontium age you can see it there on the screen 1111 million years notice that the rubidium strontium age for the oldest ancient lava flows in the Grand Canyon are approximately the same as the rubidium strontium age for the youngest lava flows in the Grand Canyon that came out recently what does that tell us well these lavas came from the upper mantle below the Grand Canyon and because it's in the same region the ancient and the recent came from the same mantle source so these lavas have inherited the same chemistry from the mantle has nothing to do with the age of these rocks and has everything to do with the chemistry of the source rocks down there in the mantle what about contamination well that follow through as I explained on this diagram you see on the left imagine on the ground a granite okay and that line represents the boundary between a granite and the host rocks you can see that too to the right the granite is supposed to be 54 million all the host rocks next to it are supposed to be 1375 million years old but what did the geologists find the closer they got to the granite in testing the ages of those host rocks the younger the ages got okay let me show you graphically I know graphs are difficult to understand the red vertical line is the boundary between the granite on the ground and the host rocks to the right and you can see the scale down there on the bottom yeah it was up to five a number of miles out miles out before you got to the supposed age of the host rocks as you came closer and closer to the granite see how those ages went all the way down to there close to the age of the granite that's because two things happen what did the granite introduce heat and water the heat and the water permeated out into the host rocks and changed contaminated these dating methods these dating systems to give younger ages and the supposed ages of these host rocks well they're just chemical ages in fact not true ages let me give you another example we go from the macro scale to the micro scale here we see on the screen a green biotite grain and a brown drop biotite grain that's their names of a mineral a mica mineral and they're side by side see each one of those stars that's where the the scientists focus a beam on the sample and each one of those stars is an analysis point and you can see they're only ten microns apart that's not ten ten widths of a human hair okay no a width of a human hair is one as ten microns one human hair apart what results did they get you can sit here at the edge the grain was 550 million years old now losses number two of grain B that was the the brown Brook grain as you went closer it further out into the grain him and here with my human hair with the age decreased down 160 million years contamination because Argonne was leaking in and out of that mineral what about this example Granite's contain the mineral zircon are put inherited in in brackets in quote marks because that's the interpretation of the geologists but zircons are intrinsic to the formation of a granite when it cools and crystallizes so here's some examples of growth of zircon grains that have been used being dated in Granite's a Himalayan granite supposed to be 21 million years old dated by other methods had zircons in it that gave uranium lead ages up to seventeen hundred and fifty three million years old which is correct the rock the whole rock or the mineral in the rock wouldn't you think the mineral in the rock would give the same age as a whole rock absolutely a southeastern australian granite supposedly 426 million years old based on other evidence gave zircon ages up to 1350 thirty-five hundred million years three thousand five hundred million years a new zealand granite supposedly is 370 million years old zircons suppose with the up to sixteen hundred and thirty-eight million years now you think that's bad look at this example a Himalayan granite supposedly 20 million years old had zircon grains they gave ages up to one point four billion years but another grain monocyte gave uranium lead ages of minus ninety seven million years and minus nineteen seven million years means that the grains will form ninety seven million years into the future they haven't formed yet and that that's from the same rock which age do you believe none of them well here's another example they focus the beam the beam on two different points on a crystal they rotate the crystal you can see that the crystal has different shape with different faces and as they rotate in it you had a different angle of the beam on different faces now you'd expect the same grain would give you the same results look what we get the age of the crystal varied between 1.8 and 2 3 billion years on 47 crystals from the one rock sample so it is insisted though that assumption number 3 a constant decay rate is universally true because the result millions of years ages are needed for evolution to be possible but why should radioactive decay rates have always been constant at today's measured rates here's the four methods potassium argon rubidium strontium uranium lead Samarin a tiered inium you know most geologists only use one or two of these methods on the same rock samples this is because them they assume that all methods should ideally use the I'd yield the same age for the same rock after all they're all different clocks different atoms but they all decay and they should give you the same result that's what the textbooks say in theory and practice they should but what if we were to test this by using all four methods on the same rock samples and if we use the isochron technique now I don't have time to go into details but you can get an age from one sample or you can get it from multiple samples multiple samples means you decrease the error it's called the isochron method and that's the method we use when we collected samples in the Grand Canyon and dated them by all four methods I say me a we because I was involved in a research project that did this first of all we took samples from this diabase SIL that's where molten rock or magma like volcanic lava was squeezed the horizontally under the ground between other layers and crystallized and what results we obtained on this rock potassium argon 8 41 million years and 1/2 million years were being strong in 1060 million years lead led 1250 million years Sumerian name thirteen hundred and seventy nine million years notice those methods don't agree with one another the same samples different methods notice that potassium is the youngest and lead lead and samarium of the oldest well we talked about the cárdenas for salt a few moments ago what results will be obtained on that potassium argon 500 16 million years revealing strontium 1111 million years Samara Nerium 1588 million years notice that the rubidium strontium is twice as large as the potassium argon Samara noon is three times as large that's not very accurate notice again potassium as the youngest samarium is the oldest well here we see some what we call amphibolite syn the Grand Canyon that's where the basalt lavas got all metamorphose they got heat and pressure on and turned them into a new rock and look at the results we obtain rubidium strontium 1240 million years lead led 1883 million years Samara did him 16 hundred and fifty five million years notice that none of these methods gave the same results on the same rock we found that the multiple ages on these three different rock units are always different they always disagree but each of these rock units represent a unique or once only geologic event the formation of that sill between the layers the metamorphism of the lavas the heat and pressure and the volcanic eruption of the lavas so how is it they would give you different results if the clocks were accurate they would have always been ticking at the rates we measured today so each clock should give you the same age for each Rock units therefore each clock must have been ticking at a different faster rate than today to give those different ages that's the only conclusion we can come to rather we got different ages using those methods whereas they should give you the same if this if there was the same rates should be the same age different ages means do for it rates let me give you an example the cárdenas basalt well you have the eruption of the lavas and between the eruption and today is one real time period there's only one true age from the eruption to the present well notice this in that real time period the potassium-argon click tick through clock tick through five hundred sixteen million years but the rubidium strontium clock tick faster through eleven hundred eleven million years one hundred eleven million years and the Sumerian clock ticked even faster through one thousand five hundred eighty eight million years the the clocks didn't tick at the rates we measure today they click faster they tick faster so if they take that faster rates in the past that means we can't trust the dating methods because the dates we get given today in the textbooks are based on the rates being the same as today whereas we've shown that they work faster in the past say in a catastrophic event like the flood when other geological processes were all so fast and so if you use the wrong assumptions you're going to get the wrong results well what is the Earth's real age let's do this quickly in the remaining time we have to understand that all scientific evidence for the age of the earth is Bowl Eve involves unprovable assumptions we weren't there in the past a process is chosen whose rate can be measured in the present some suitable and reasonable starting conditions are assumed but cannot be proven because no scientist was there at the start to observe them and it is assumed that the process rate was constant since the start at the same rate measured today even though no scientists have been present over time to verify this assumption so all such processes can only give a qualitative not absolute maximum age for the earth and remember we said before that most debt and dating methods give a young age let's illustrate some of those quickly for you well first of all look at galaxies you're all familiar with galaxies that these spiral arms that the spiral arms move as the center of the galaxy rotates but those arms lag behind and so eventually they're going to wind up the galaxies are winding up so fast that they should have wound up within point three billion years yet the galaxies are supposed to be ten billion years old so the galaxies have to be much much younger than that because they haven't been wound up yet what about supernova or exploded stars they leave smoke rims or remnants and we can look back and see how many remnants there are observable in our galaxy and we can we can look through history as to how many exploding stars occur through history we only find 200 remnants today and at the rate at which we know stars explode from observation that's only about seven to fourteen thousand years worth remember these are not absolute these are not absolute ages but they indicate the youthfulness of our solar system what about comets they're dirty snowballs that orbit through the solar system that's right they're made up of dust and ice so when they sight when the comet comes near the Sun the solar wind blasts off particles that stream out behind that become the tail of the comet now the Comets are supposed to afford at the same time as a solar system about five billion years ago but we've observed we've even seen recently today in that this year that comets have crumbled away before our very eyes and we can look at comets like Halley's Comet that keep returning and every time they get smaller and smaller because they're disintegrating they're crumbling and the lifetime of these comets are less than 10,000 years therefore if they're as old as a solar system our solar system is less 10,000 years old oh they say there's a source of Commerce new comets no that's not being proven we don't have time to go into that what about the Earth's magnetic field from real-time measurements we know it's losing it energy the Earth's magnetic field is generated by electrical currents in the Earth's core and we know from real-time measurements that it loses half of its energy every 1,400 years but we also know that during the flood the direction of the Earth's mattock fell flipped reversed the number of times and so that would cause a loss of energy and even faster rate than what we observe today here's these historic measurements real time historic measurements we can see that the strength of the Earth's magnetic field is being declining through recorded history if we go back we know that there were reversals we know what it was like from magnetic particles in in pottery in the clay that baked was baked into pottery what it was like back in earlier parts of human history and if we extrapolate that rate backwards if we ignore the flood will go back 10,000 years on the earth would have a magnetic field as strong as a magnetic star when we take into the count the flood where there would have been a lot of rapid energy loss due to those reversals that age comes right down and so from the magnetic field and its energy loss we could say the maximun age for the earth is 10,000 years at the very most have you ever noticed that the continents are eroding every time it rains we get dirt and mud washed off the ground down into the rivers and they go out to the sea we can measure the rate from the mud that's kept that's going out down rivers every year at the present rate do you realize the continents will all have eroded the sea level in no more than 40 million years so why we still got continents if the if the earth is three and a half R sorry four and a half billion years old well where does that mud go it goes down into the ocean is there billions of years worth of mud on the ocean floor no there's only about 12 million years worth when we look at the rate coming in and the amount that's on the on the on the ocean floor how much leaves what about salt you know the sea is not salty enough we can measure how much salt goes into the sea how much salt comes out and we take the elements sodium and what do we find we know how much is going in how much is going out we can do a calculation if we started with fresh water at the current rate we get the saltiness of the oceans in only 62 million years oh the oceans are supposed to be at least three billion years old according the evolutionists so if they're three billion years old they'll be so saturated with salt we almost walk on the oceans oh but you say to me but wait a minute there's assumptions involved that's right let's put on biblical glasses we've got us started with a freshwater ocean well maybe not because he made fish that could survive in salt water ah and salt gets added every year by rivers erosion weathering rivers down to the ocean during the flood there would have been so much more salt and in fact most of the salt would have been added during the flood and that was only four and a half thousand years ago you see what happens when you put on biblical glasses that estimate comes right right down not 62 million years only thousand it's the same with the mud if you assume the rate today what what about the mud that accumulated rapidly with the floodwaters were washing off the at the off the earth at the end of the continents at the end of the flood most of the mud would have gone on the ocean in the in just a few years at the very most well so these are only Maximus when you put on biblical glasses and biblical assumptions you can so they very closely match what the biblical record says for the age of the earth well biological materials also decay too fast you know they've found DNA in in bones in amber they've revived permian bacteria supposed to be 250 million years old they've found DNA and na Nana tal fossils then found dinosaur blood red blood cells and yet we know that DNA red blood cells to generate very rapidly in only thousands of years they would should many blue red blood cells left in dinosaur tissues so they have to be only thousands of years old not millions and millions of years old we mentioned carbon-14 before well most people don't know that would shell bone fossils coal oil natural gas all contain radiocarbon that's in the secular scientific literature materials that have ages of millions of years gives standard radiocarbon ages of less than 50,000 years coal less than 50,000 radiocarbon years oh but you've got to put on the biblical glasses to take into account biblical assumptions about the carbon cycle as a result of the flood before the flood during before the flood in the pre-flood world how much vegetation there was etcetera etc when you correct those carbon 14 ages they come down to only 5,000 years about the time back to the flood when these shells and wood etc the trees died during the flood what about diamonds diamonds have even been shown to have young radiocarbon ages you cannot contaminate an Adama diamond internally because they're the hardest known substance you cannot contaminate them externally yet their conventional ages are between 1 & 3 billion years their standard radiocarbon ages are about 60,000 years or less when you put on the biblical glasses to give you the biblical assumptions they come down to less than 10,000 years and if the Diamonds go back to the beginning of the earth and they're only that young then the earth itself is only that young a half but people say no no it's skeptics say and by the way don't believe what you see online on blogs and websites if they haven't been peer reviewed as most of them haven't they made these wild claims they say that neutrons from not a uranium in trapped in the Diamonds tempered can produce the carbon-14 from nitrogen no there's not enough of that in the diamonds to produce the levels of carbon-14 that we actually measure well quickly moving on when you rain the case that not only produces lead it produces helium as a by-product and we take zircon crystals that give a uranium lead age of one and a half billion years and we look at how much helium is left in them when we measure the helium leakage rate and compare how much helium has been produced in one and a half billion years of supposed 1/2 I suppose 1/2 billion years of uranium decay to lead how much helium there should be about how much is left and knowing the rate of leakage guess what the helium leakage age is only about six thousand years that means all that uranium decay occurred in only six thousand years of real time decay rates were faster in the past as we just Illustrated earlier from other evidence well that helium gas goes up into the atmosphere if you start with no helium in the atmosphere at that helium from rocks and minerals leaking out the amount of healing we have in the atmosphere today would have accumulated a maximum of two million years I could go on more details are available on our website of course what about the stone age graves do you realize the scientists say the evolutionists say that there was a stone age for 195,000 years where people lived and died and in that period they say the the average population level would have been about a million people so in that time you would have eight billion people who lived and died to 195,000 years where all their graves why do we find so few human remains because the Stone Age was not that long and they weren't dummies why did they use stone tools were when they left the tower Babel they couldn't take the technology with them so they picked up stones uses tools there are people using stone axes alongside people using techniques more advanced techniques in Egypt and Mesopotamia well the people who spread out had to use stone tools just like we've got stone tool people today in Papua New Guinea where you've got people using steel axes in Australia side-by-side with them well what about agriculture do you think these people live for a hundred and ninety five thousand years through the Stone Age and it none of them figured out that putting a seed in the ground you generate plants for food yet agriculture was only quote quote discovered of less than ten thousand years ago so if agricultural was only discovered well but wait a minute now I planted a vineyard after the flood agriculture has always been with the human population therefore the human history is very short written history is short man has always been intelligent do you realize that he kept records of the lunar phases we can see that in various monuments we can see it in cave paintings man has always been intelligent he didn't wait a hundred ninety five thousand years to develop the skills to write no written history is short therefore human history is short and finally my last example the human population growth is just recent you know if you look at the generation span today of 40 years say at two-and-a-half children per family in four and a half four and a half thousand years you'd get the seven billion people that alive on earth today but the current averages are higher than that three and a half children per family a two percent growth rate that's four times the growth rate that I used in that calculation so you get many more people in four and a half thousand years than today seven billion that would count for all those that died too early died in war died of diseases etc now if evolution were true and man evolved a million years ago using population growth statistics there ought to be one person on every square foot of the Earth's surface with 15 other people standing on their shoulders where are they all that's because human history is only short well our time is gone we need to wrap this up most dating methods say that the world is young let me remind you that all scientific evidence for the age of this involves unprovable assumptions all such processes can only ever give a qualitative not absolute maximum age our only certainty is the god-breathed eyewitness account in the scriptures of the earth Asian history you know if you want to know how old you are what do you do you go to your birth certificate which was given to you from the eyewitnesses who wrote down exactly when you were born who saw you get born God saw the earth was born he made it and he's given us the birth certificate in the scriptures that's the true age of the earth of the earth so should the observations of the world around us by finite fallible forming human beings scientists be interpreted interpreted by them based on assumptions that reject the authority of work of God's Word be given precedence over the clear God Barry's scriptures god Barry's statements of scriptures know men who reject the scriptures are interpreting the evidence why should we use their interpretations to reinterpret what God tells us their reasoning insists that today's natural processes are the only scientific means for calculating the Earth's age especially those few processes the less than 10 percent that yield a very old age for the earth we but of course we shouldn't observe the observable data no it's God's world and he made it and he's given us brains to use to worship Him with our minds our hearts our souls and all our beings but we must always recognize that our observations will always be tainted by finite fallible form and human reasoning I'm not fallible I'm fallible I'm finite don't believe me believe God's Word when we submit to the authority of God's Word then our science conducted in the light of the Scriptures does confirm God's Word as we've seen here today yes science does provide answers as we've seen that confirms the Earth's real age is very young as plainly evident in the line of scriptures but why does this matter is it just a scientific issue no I alluded this earlier as we close let me go back to the scriptures what did Jesus say in John 3 verse 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe how then will you speak of heavenly things and four verses later in John chapter three he said for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son if we can't believe the earthly things in the beginning God created how are we going to believe the heavenly things for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that's why this matters you see the secular scientists say that Adam and Eve must have been living on a fossil graveyard because there's been billions of dead things in the ground underneath them from the millions of years of evolutionary history and they say death and struggle brought man into existence no God's Word says that God created a perfect world there was no death disease suffering man brought that into the world as a result of his rebellion against God death came as a result of man's sin and yeah we've got a specific example that we can point to when were are we told in the Bible when fossil or when thorns came into existence they weren't there in the Garden of Eden we're told specifically in Genesis chapter 3 that thorns were came into existence as a result of the curse they came after the curse not before and yet the geologists say that they found fossilized thorns that are supposedly 400 million years old 400 million years before man came existence they say guess who's right God because he was there the scientists weren't the four hundred million years could ever have happened the thorns came after man rebelled against God and brought sin of the world and finally how will people believe the good news unless they first of all believe the bad news the bad news is that man is lost he needs a savior because of his sin where do we learn about that we learn about that in Genesis if that isn't real literal history then how is we saved by Jesus on the cross ultimately aged earth mater the earth age matters because the cross of Jesus Christ matters if we can't believe what the Creator Jesus Christ told us in Genesis chapter one how can we believe that he's cross his death was for all people in all places throughout time all time because as the Creator he could die for everyone in all times and all places and because he was a creator he could rise from the dead hallelujah we worship a living Savior that's why the Earth's matter earth age matters and both the scriptures and science declared that the earth is young well you've been very patient let me wrap up with just a few resources you won't remember half of what I've told you so it's important that you have materials that you can go to so you can learn more about these issues first of all there's our pocket guides they're very helpful because they're very small they're very inexpensive there's one on the six days showing you from Scripture how long those days in Genesis 1 all the things that I talked about and more than this pocket God the best evidences summarizing some of those evidences I've gave you with illustrations so that you can you can learn up that information and a young earth dealing with radioisotope dating radioactive dating and also radiocarbon dating you'll find that very helpful then a similar presentation of this was given some years ago it's being recorded on this DVD here's another present wait that's so that's on science confirms a young earth and this one is of the age of the earth circular reasoning and crucial assumptions in the millions of years and here we've got a circle reasoning in dating methods that deals with radiocarbon tree rings and also valves here's another set of DVDs that have been collected it's one on radioactive and radio rate of carbon dating another on radio halos fossil radio activity preserved in the rocks and bonus materials there that are all wrapped in this special package and then there's my two volume work as catastrophic past geology creation and the flood it's two volumes 1,100 pages a lot of material but short chapters it's well easy enough read if you take it steadily but it has sections dealing with the age of the earth the evidences the radioactive dating methods and much much more okay through all the details of scriptures look at all the scientific evidence and show from science and the science confirms the scriptural record of creation and the flood and more and that's a two-volume set that you buy together don't forget our answers magazine it's a family magazine and has a children's magazine as well it comes with two issues the adults and children you can also get digital you can just get the digital version as well that you can have on different devices and don't forget our website is an instant resource if you have a question the first place you go is to our website and not only we have the lay articles but you also have the technical articles and we have the answers research journal there are technical papers that are the underpinnings of all the evidences that we present at the lay level you can go to the technical details drill down get all the references and get all the technical information and that's available free of charge online on our website answers research journal look for it on the Answers in Genesis homepage don't forget that while the ark and the museum closed and you haven't got much longer because we're opening again soon that there's free shipping on orders of 50 or more don't forget the creation apologetics master classes 1 to 6 they're at a discounted rate while the Ark and the museum is closed so time is running out but don't forget to the open we need your generosity without the revenue over these past few months we desperately need help to open the arc on the museum again so don't forget we need you to donate and if you enjoyed these programs don't forget we've got a regular schedule we've done on our website these live programs coming up to this afternoon 7:00 tonight sorry to souther no two and four o'clock in this afternoon and you can see the schedule there but all these programs are now including these presentations are going on our answers dot TV Internet web live streaming platform and with everything's going to be in one place and you can subscribe there's a weak little 7 day trial if you want to test it out before you sign up but answers dot TV is the place to go we've got over a thousand of these now with even got Spanish Spanish presentations and materials and that means you can watch from anywhere in the world at the same price $39.99 per year that's a really inexpensive for the incredible contact that you can get content you get so check that out answers dot TV you can have year-round repetition of all this information and learn it thoroughly and use it to witness to others and finally coming this summer we're going to launch answers TV on all sorts of different devices so you can contact use this content anywhere you go anywhere in the world well thank you very much you've been very patient have a good day and remember scripture and science confer confirm declare a young world a young earth thank you you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 15,166
Rating: 4.6998253 out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, truth, Dr. Andrew Snelling, geology, global flood, rock strata, age of Earth
Id: WdDovNqWN4A
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Length: 73min 43sec (4423 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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