Why Achilles Spear is S Tier and How to Use It | Hades

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Hello friends and lovers what's up it's uh YouTube exclusive alien today I know with Hades of all things and today we're gonna do something a little bit special we're going to talk about the Achilles Spear and probably the spear a little bit in general here and why is Achilles beers so good uh and we're gonna talk about that mostly during the Run itself so we're gonna get started here so here's our mirror setup probably don't really need to explain that whole much about it hopefully I'm going to start with the coin purse and we'll kind of just let the gods decide what Boons we get here and of course here's Achilles if you don't know so when you throw your special and then you receive it you get a hundred and fifty percent of bonus attack or a cast damage one or the other for the next four moves of those types I realize now it's kind of hard to explain and we're just gonna do 16 here you know kind of kind of a random amount but kind of like you know a mild challenge at least here while we can talk about Achilles I guess um we're going to talk a lot about the spear this run because I feel like I haven't really talked about a lot but I did find a specific seat here for us to look at because we need to talk about uh hammers a lot here and why the Hammers are so important with the spear and that's where we're going to start here so flurry jab hold down the attack to strike rapidly but you cannot Spin Attack so what you need to know here is that this Hammer is absolutely Insanity it's just incredibly good it makes us it is probably the hammer that makes this aspect ridiculously strong uh in terms of like speed runs and high heat alone and then we got some other aspects of Achilles that help it too this Hammer is actually only available on Achilles or the zag aspect on the spear because Haiti Spear and guanyu rely on the spins therefore it's not essentially that makes it that means it's exclusive and isn't available on those other aspects so that makes sense so it might seem like you don't see it often and that might be partially why because it's only on half the aspects right and no one it's going to use zag aspect probably all that much but honestly this Hammer alone probably uh increases the power level of the zag aspect like a crazy amount simply because it exists exists there it's just it attacks so rapidly and it works with your dash attacks crazy well you don't need the spins it's just ridiculously strong so that's what we're gonna go with and the reason why I wanted to well I mean I want to take it because it's good right but we also kind of got to talk about how the other hammers in the spear they're all pretty mediocre you know some of them are fun like triple jab is okay extending jab mediocre you got the spin ones those can be fun but if you're not using one you or Haiti spear then they're probably not the best you got the special Hammers and there's a couple okay ones there there's a pretty good one but again it kind of depends on the aspect but yeah if you're using Achilles this Hammer is just so easily the best in slot so all you need to know is you hold down the attack button it kind of just becomes a little bit like the fists because I know I'm not even letting go of the attack one as I do this I'm holding it down and I'm just tapping the dash button as I go and you just get a crazy amount of additional tax out of it and that's how you're gonna play it when we when you get flurry dab now I can't help you in uh getting a flurry jab more often I'm afraid there's just nothing I can really do about that but I can influence you to pick it more often if you want an easy run you know what I mean so ooh Artemis Artemis is a good one the other great thing about this is that there's actually a lot of uh different gods that could work on the attack here because you attack so rapidly someone like Zeus actually does work quite strong on flurry jab here but also some like Artemis manages to work well too it's almost a sign that it's probably too strong if almost every God works really well on that particular uh core essentially you know or with that particular Hammer it's probably a sign that's a bit too strong if it doesn't really matter who's God's Boons you take you know what I mean yeah common attack good enough still for us all right Athena we'll probably just take the dash since that's the right thing to do right there's no like juicy Duos or anything like that that we could easily get here you could start to think about something like okay okay Athena made it a little bit interesting I'll admit um Athena doesn't have the highest attack modifier so it's not crazy um the deflect is actually pretty good though the the reason why you would consider not doing this well there's a few reasons number one we have the underworld customs back to punishment on so we need to sell a boon at the end of the biome so you don't want to have like one only one or two Boons by the end that's one thing to consider that's probably not as big of a deal the other thing is that Artemis has amazing uh tier two Boons that means Boons that will appear only if you already have another Boon of hers so for instance Hunter's Mark which spreads the crits around basically is a really really really good uh tier two it's just like top tier it's crazy it's crazy strong so you'd really really want that actually the other two tier two Boons probably aren't that great like clean kill and the armor one that I forgot the name of right now but the point is Hunter's Mark is really really strong uh so that would be a reason not to do it but I kind of feel like this is fun a little bit I'm kind of sick of Athena's Dash maybe is also the other reason and the only reason but we haven't even talked I haven't even used the strength of Achilles itself yet which is to rush around using the special and Empower your next four attacks when you have Larry jab is probably not that important to actually make sure that boost stays up all the time it's just not that big of a deal at least at this point in the run where we're in Tartarus and there's not that much going on uh but flurry jab isn't the only thing that makes Achilles really strong uh so you have the different cast booms here and achilles is by and well okay Achilles is one of the strongest aspects for a cast a build because of that attack boost sorry that cast image boost is so high a hundred and fifty percent additional cast damage that is a crazy amount uh you know relative to Poseidon aspect on the sword you get a pass of 50 you get it all the time at least which is kind of nice but this is you know triple that and you just got to make sure you use the special every now and again you know what I mean ah these balloons kind of stink we do have to have something to sell so I'm thinking we take positive outlook since it's epic and we can sell it at the end of the biome you know what I mean we don't need this right now we don't have a cast Moon we don't no we're not concerned this is a cast build uh I paused here for tight deadline in case you're curious but hey hey by the way ask me your questions if you got questions if you're new to the game or if you have long-term questions whichever feel free to ask me whatever you might have in the comments I'm always down to have a chat about it help you out uh sorry I'm so used to pause buffering here oh hyper Sprint you never turn down hyper Sprint the fact that it's epic kind of doesn't even matter that much you pretty much always take hyper Sprint because there's always the possibility you can get another Boon afterward called Rush delivery which increases your Global damage by your current move speed bonus hypersprint is a plus 100 faster sure it's only every for it's only for 0.7 seconds after you dash but you can that means every Dash attack gets you know whatever damage increase from Rush delivery you get so it's just it's just crazy good you just always do it do we want Aphrodite she doesn't have great Boons here uh sure cast moon is especially weak for us we also have a Reese up here immersephone doesn't really fit in here in terms of dual Boons though um you know Aphrodite's call isn't crazy here wow okay I see how I see what's going on here I mean I guess I'll fill in the special the dash doesn't really make sense yeah the dash is especially bad this filling the special is fine though free money let's get berries we don't want Aries I was kind of hoping for Zeus here because throwing Zeus on either the cast or the dash uh would be nice it's actually pretty good here I'd say okay so throughout the cast let's try to see what move Caron's doing oh you still got me oh a little Lodge there on jeez buddy I'm probably gonna have to focus for a second here on Caron fighting Caron and Tartarus is not wise this is when you're gonna be at your weakest right of the whole run all right that's the move I I always fear a lot everything else is pretty avoidable but the ore smack less so the horse Mac deals a lot more damage as well what up what what ah you got me I'm not I'm not exceptionally worried though we'll be okay Dash right through okay ready oh not too early not too early little greedy we're fine okay you're on here on what were we discussing spear Spears tough I think this beer is a tough weapon to get used to no I mean every weapon is going to be someone's favorite and uh it's not to say like the spear is like that worse than the other like it's just Hades is a very well balanced game overall I think and if that's just too hard of a judgment to really say Hunter's Dash I don't think so true shot I'm probably not gonna really use it we'll take the call it's fine coming around on it four years almost four years playing in the game no actually it's more weight it's almost five years playing the game I just realized coming around on it you know what I mean I think this beer is tough because the the base damage and move set of most of the attacks and the special is this the special move especially is pretty rough without any hammers to help you along uh the attack move as well and even the spins like it feels like everything is kind of not great until you get particular hammers to help you uh whereas a lot of other weapons and aspects like they're usually okay they're they're better I think at the out of the gate whereas the spear is not cameras feel like they help these fear a little bit more essentially and you gotta know what to take too because some just are not very good so I'm trying to I was trying to hold out for a good cast but it's probably not realistically going to happen at this rate it's no big deal because we have this uh we got the attack build going on we don't have to get a cast but it'll probably just be a little bit of fun kind of glad to get the healthier from Thanatos hmm you know definitely don't need the money especially after fighting Caron uh money should flow quite freely to us I feel like I have to let you know that I'm not wearing a shirt right now because it's very warm in my office it's these heat waves you know I just felt it was a necessary comment you know what I mean that the nipples are free essentially at the moment keep boosting that attack we have money we have money uh so the question is do I want something that much more than the health we're willing to sell positive outlook or the special health is probably the best thing we could get right now so I guess I'm not that influenced to try to spend it if that was just a palm on the left I'd definitely go to the shop hello Fury sisters hello yeah I think when it comes to the spirit that it's the Hammers that really Define it and how good your Run's gonna be a lot of times Achilles is a little bit different because you can do a cast related build uh so if you're wondering what kind of cast bills I mean Crystal beam Works insanely well on it uh I mean trippy trippy shots always good uh for any kind of cast build really any cast aspect it's gonna be really nice uh Zeus's Electro shot actually works uh amazingly while shocking really well one might say uh with Achilles that's probably one of the the really the only place it works okay with Poseidon too because Achilles pair actually makes it so Zeus's cast which normally has a very very low base damage it actually makes it so it teals up what feels like a reasonable amount of damage sell positive outlook we have to sell something because of Underworld customs uh in fact why don't we force Zeus huh why not why not we don't really have anything else going on in terms of like dual Boons or anything like that so yeah we'll buy that we got the money why not right we got that money but yeah Zeus has casted a lot of fun with us so what other hammers would you take if you didn't get flurry jab offered you could try to take some things to make sure that flurry jab stays offered uh for the second hammer and namely that means do not do not take the spin hammers because if you take a spin Hammer it's going to exclude flurry jab from the second one because if you're powering up your spins it doesn't want to disable your spin you know what I mean because that's because flurry jab it disables your spin which makes sense so you'd want to avoid the spin Amazon costs with Achilles more attack we'll take the Hermes now we're willing to roll for Rush delivery makes every build bonkers via any any weapon or aspect where it feels like pretty much everything works on it is going to be really strong Achilles is just a really flexible weapon aspect which is really which is a lot of fun because it feels like there's a lot of different ways you could play it and I mean definitely with the focus on cast damage that helps a lot because all the casts are so different and not every weapon aspect has that feeling to it right hmm yet those are no good help man uh-oh last one punished thoroughly punished I can't believe it side hustle is especially bad right now because we have so much money already and the discount from Caron and we're about to earn more money ugh we'll probably already be able to afford everything in the stick shop I'm uh I am famously a side Hustle denier where it's probably probably the most overrated Boon in the game I'd say probably I mean I guess if you're saving up money for like the diamond or the Titan blood in the stick shop then all right I guess it's okay then I guess I think I buy that first that way we can level up the attack again more on this support fire works really well here uh Hunter's Mark does not work that well because we can only trigger a crit right now via the call Warfare is actually very good though you can't get deadly reversal with this right can I maybe I can I can't remember now all of a sudden either way here's Zeus the support fireworks I get hit I don't I missed also okay my friend yeah sure we'll take Electric Shot it kind of works the casts are gonna go wild and all over the place kind of but you can kind of show off too slightly different ones without a lot of Palms in the cast it's not going to be like super impressive but it'll help with the AOE a little bit he's a game that actually does not necessarily have a lot of things uh with a focus on AOE when you think about it you have like the Zeus's chain effects um but when you when you start to think about things like yeah there actually isn't that much we have the shop here I can take health I can take Palm uh what am I hoping here what am I open for here more Zoo spoons we just have so much money Divine strike plus one I really don't want passion Dash hmm I really want to say that for Zeus or Athena I guess so I guess we'll just take dying lament lovely that'll work did I say did I actually say the hammer so if you're playing with Achilles you don't want the spin hammers you can take triple jab you can take extending jab if you are really really hoping to see flurry jab as the second Hammer he didn't get offered in the first obviously you got the special hammers uh now vicious skewer breaching skewer they're just not very good I'm afraid relative to some of the other ones they're just not very useful triple jab as well like it's kind of like like I said you can take it truth is it's not great the main reason is you can't like Center in the the three-pointer attack on one enemy like one big chunky enemy like it's it's not possible to hit one enemy with two or three of those attacks because it's so spread out so it's really only for an AOE effect and it will not help you uh get down a boss like learning here any faster unfortunately now exploding launcher is a really strong Hammer I don't think you can see that on Achilles no you shouldn't be able to including launcher is a nice hammer on the special uh charge skewer is nice I don't think you can see that on Achilles either so yeah the spear is kind of weird like that I think oh we have to sell something well quick favor is pretty terrible so this Keepsake is done what's in here cast damage bonus we have the money why don't we do carrons sure we'll do this I mean it's not exceptionally useful but it's kind of fun at least I was reading the Haiti subreddit as I do yeah I still Patrol I still Patrol I'm still out there baby I don't comment as much as I used to oh uh yeah second Hammer Aphrodite Boons aren't particularly useful and uh I've realized that a lot of people really love Persephone's uh Keepsake like they just think it's the bee's knees God's gift to women or something like that and uh it's it's a win more he'd say like if you're really confident in your run uh uh then you can go ahead and take that Keepsake to just get these random Palms on these random Boons that you have oh oh it's a rate of Point there's an interesting one we haven't really talked about I you don't want it here that's like a separate run maybe soon I haven't done that in a long time but that minus 25 Dash it like it's very powerful but you definitely feel that my that negative Dash range but these are actually probably really good so again it's about do you want a little bit of AOE or do you want maybe a little bit more damage and I I kind of tend to go for extending jab here laughs but yeah I think I think bomb pom it is very much so even more trinket Keepsake rather uh where if you feel like essentially you've already won the run then go and put it on but then if you are playing the game where every single run feels like that then you gotta ask yourself you know yeah I mean you could put on any trinket and you would simply win the Run still you know what I mean so is it the TR is it is the Keepsake that's powerful or are you making yourself so powerful that the Keepsake doesn't actually matter and thus you feel like uh uh this small damage or whatever Boost from Persephone's keep it Keepsake is making stronger but you are already strong to begin with because you are already really coughing that you were going to win the run that you can simply take this thing that is incredibly random and we'll just add small amounts of power that probably made no sense I'm realizing they're on the call it's fun see that's that's all I do nowadays I just take things for fun I don't take them because they're good uh I'll buy you yarn in this instance I don't buy it super often I'll do this jolt I think I'll actually just take Thunder Dash I found myself taking Thunder Dash far more often if I it's probably my the third in line so you got Athena's Dash number one at least in terms of Defense the science Dash is best in terms of offense and then if you're not going to take either of those two and then I kind of feel like uh Zeus is the way to go here ah whoa I think because Persephone's Keepsake is also not very interactive like you don't really have agency what happens it's just random you throw it on you set it and forget it kind of situation I feel like it's not a particularly fun one either for that matter oh I like the zoos but I can't turn down Patty I'm sorry I can't turn down this handsome man we'll just take the jerky that's fine we'll be okay we'll go to the shop see if we can oh we skip the mini boss because that was the second one offered by the health why not buy some junk here yes we'll steak we'll take strong drink why don't we just take more Boons why not don't need the money I guess if you're just going I would well actually so here's what I know I'm talking I'm supposed to be a Spirit Run talking about a spear the whole time but now I'm just complaining about this one Keepsake you know let people like what they like then all right all right but here we go so if you're just going for a win streak right you just want to win the majority of ones it's not the right Keepsake I think you got to go defensive really if you want to try to guarantee a win so you would take the acorn or you would take the skelly's tooth or you would take cerberus's collar like all three of those are fine basically you wouldn't take something that would most likely just give you a pretty minimal amount of additional attack damage to most of the time all right nice room huh I guess Thunder dash out of those health is good I'm not gonna like worry too much about so we picked up extending jab I'm not gonna think that hard about it like I gotta get that extra 40 damage I mean it's nice I guess but there are some things that just aren't worth it you know what I mean I'm just going to take the health we have 300 Opals uh we'll save that for sticks at this point I think we have zero dual Boons oh wow if I thought there was a dual Boon that would you know increase the power of the run a lot here I'd go for it I guess daily reversal was kind of the thing maybe I don't know if it would be that that crazy though at the end of the day I do think Artemis is called uh I don't use I don't always speak highly of it but I think it's a pretty good choice in this instance you really want to save it for when it's maxed out and a lot of belts you just can't max out the call uh yeah sure it's fine like this is a battle where we can do it but every other battle in Elysium it's not gonna get maxed out it's just not gonna deal it's not gonna be as helpful as some other call Boons I should say or some other Artemis Boons because you are denying a different Artemis Queen you could have taken instead yeah if you weren't gonna do do this particular build archetype with Achilles you'd really only do a cast build otherwise if you're not gonna go for big attack damage I mean I mean you could do spin build you can you're not gonna necessarily lose if you do a spin build with Achilles right but it just doesn't feel good you know where's the bonus where's the bonus uh unless we buy that hmm Choice doesn't matter that much here at least for me right now there was a time if I may reminisce there was a brief time I'm gonna say it was February of 2019. oh God the Anvil is scary deadly reversal let me see are we able to get it oops I don't know that happened deadly reversal we are able to get it okay all right okay all right eggs and wounds isn't going to do anything here really doesn't make sense you'll probably still be able to afford that Palm soon all right Athena could still give a steadily reversal back to my reminiscing I'm gonna say it was like february-ish of 2019. the top dog speed running build you know what it was spear with vicious skewer as you see a vicious skewer had different stats back then and weapon aspects did not exist at that point in time in Early Access either not for actually this is way before aspects came into existence I'd say and uh I don't know I guess I think they just got like the numbers wrong kind of on it because they just did crazy amounts of damage like I'm talking insane you just throw the spear we call it throw the spear recall it over and over and over again play the vermin so I don't want to Meg until I see it summoning the other rats that way I know Meg's not gonna miss you wait for the roar basically otherwise it could dive underground at any second come on buddy I guess I'm gonna throw it out here now as yeah she's gonna miss just because it was almost dead anyway hmm no blinding flash is okay but only okay yay deadly reversal there were actually other dual Boons that could have appeared instead which would have ruined my day but like what's the Athena Aphrodite one again the terrible one basically you don't want that yeah if you want days from if you want stories from Early Access oh I got them oh baby I got him that was the metaphor not that long uh the spear Meta Meta did not last that long a few months maybe probably not even actually they nerfed it to all hell it's almost to the point where like I feel like the spear special never totally recovered from the Nerf that ensued after I exploited it so heavily at least vicious skewer in particular never recovered you have some of these in special hammers now that I don't think we're around back then I'm not certain okay we don't want a MAG we only have one more you stop poisoning me I'm just gonna sit here and attack it I have had quite enough here let's try to see if we can get jolted or something here or double strike I guess is okay on the dash jolted would probably be better though before the spearmina uh the best uh build that people had come up with was just like a vanilla bow attack build with the triple shot Hammer which didn't actually change that much nearest Bengal Is Not Really Gonna Do Anything ah we got strong drink yeah I mean we have money I guess okay thank God no more okay oh building strength's not bad at least I'd probably still take jolted over it if they're both Epic yeah especially with artemis's call right you can't afford anything there all right the build worked out it might have looked impressive but really like I said at the start of the video it's all flurry jab it's just doing all the work thanks to grandmother and especially if we had taken something like Athena's Dash to at some point the safety would have been off the charts too with it like you just have so much damage so much safety everything although Athena's attack here I'll say it's not so bad right like as Dad just throws the skulls at me I actually don't need to do anything other than keep attacking and I'm gonna deflect the skull right I mean it doesn't work against every attack as we can see here Observer I'm gonna try to save this call for a sec let's try to use it after this maybe it was unnecessary Bonk that enabled billowing strength finally I'm probably just going to keep up billowing strength now at this point oh Mega stole up yeah sure we'll throw out mag whenever Dad dashes around like that a little bit it means he's gonna do a spin at the end of it so prepare yourself basically there you go boom the spear learn something Achilles probably what I would consider the strongest aspect on the spear um there is some mention wani was special in some ways where there are some very strong guanines uh builds but it's probably not as consistent as Achilles here mostly because of the cast things really like getting flurry jab offered from Amber is not it's not a consistent way to play the game uh relying on a cast build though is very consistent and that'll happen every time if you want to basically oh yeah that's pretty much the Bell boom there you go well done Rob Thanatos did we fight Thanatos I guess we must have I don't remember all right that's gonna do it if you got questions let me know in the comments thank you all so much for watching appreciate you fishing time like comment subscribe you know the dizzy and I will see you in I'll get you next time fish this time
Channel: Haelian
Views: 233,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, world, record, wr, best, walkthrough, tips, tricks, action, rpg, broken, overpowered
Id: mkVHhApmv7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 36sec (2136 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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