Why 'A Hit Is A Hit' Was A Complete FAIL - Sopranos Theories

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hello everyone soprano theories here and welcome back to the channel and welcome back to another video before we get started be sure to click subscribe and click the bell to get notifications on upcoming sopranos videos and be sure to follow me on twitter and instagram the links will be in the description below when i made my video a few months back about the worst possible episode of the sopranos many of you mentioned how you believe that if there was to be a worst episode in the series it would either be between in camelot which is notorious for the cringy singing of fran feldstein and the uninteresting storyline and plot of the 10th episode of season 1 a hit is a hit and after re-watching a hit as a hit for this video and analyzing it thoroughly i cannot agree more with those of you who suggested it in your comments that a hit is a hit is the worst single episode of these sopranos and that is why in this video i will be discussing why a hit as a hit was a complete fail of an episode in the sopranos legendary log much like all sopranos episodes the episode itself centers around three major storylines the first being tony and his relationship with normal citizens or wonder bred wops like his neighbor dr kuzamano which results in tony feeling used later in the episode the second is christopher adriana and newly acquainted musician massive genius to try and tackle the notion of visiting day making their way onto mainstream media and the third and final storyline of this episode which seriously dampens the episode is the ongoing legal dispute between massive genius and his crew suing hesh over the little jimmy willis copyrights to his songs that hash produced during the 1950s and 60s which saw hesh rip off these young black artists for songwriting credits to begin the episode starts with paulie and big [ __ ] murdering and robbing a mexican gang of some sort that results in tony's crew pulling off a massive score we then cut to tony thanking his neighbor dr cusamano for recommending dr melfi to tony as tony thanks him by treating him to some monte cristo cigars that are technically illegal we see during this exchange that this is the beginning of tony and kuz's bizarre relationship using his share of the score christopher decides to treat adriana to dinner in a show at leserk in new york city after the show christopher and adrian decide to go for a burger where they run into the main protagonist and focus of this episode gangsta rapper massive genius now before we dive further into this analyzation let's talk about massive genius he is clearly the sole focus of this episode and is one of the many reasons why this episode is so highly criticized by soprano fans he brings up the little jimmy willis copyright claims to some of the songs that has produced during the 1950s and 60s a visit the geniuses luxurious mansion and a red dot to the chest later christopher sets up a sit down between tony's crew and genius's crew that we'll later see in the episode there's just something about genius that gets under the skin of sopranos fans poking woodbine does a phenomenal job as playing massive genius but whether it's his tacky suits that feature clown collar dress shirts underneath his ridiculous top hats or his ongoing pursuit to try and settle the lawsuit that is almost 50 years old that doesn't necessarily relate to himself entirely massive genius is the clear problem with this episode after his first introduction to massive genius we can see that this is the beginning of christopher's resentfulness towards tony and the secrecy of the italian mafia as we later see this in season 6 with christopher almost confessing to everything with jt dolan by being impressed by the glitz and glamour of massive genius christopher sides with adriana by using what is most likely a decent enough share of his profits from the score on her dream to pursue the music industry it's here where we are first introduced to visiting day while their music may be horrible in the eyes of hesh after re-watching this episode so many times it is somewhat catchy the short screen time of visiting day is some of the best parts of this episode as a scenario surrounding their recording sessions and listening to their audio tracks result in some hilarious quotes and memorable moments throughout the series during this time in the series tony and dr melfi are still trying to figure out each other as we saw earlier with tony thanking dr kusamano for recommending dr melfi and while going for dinner at the kuzamanos we can see that dr melfi is sticking up for tony when she states that she likes moreno glass when everyone else is making fun of the soprano home and their lifestyle of how their husband and father and tony makes a living as the episode progresses we see more visiting day performances it's clear as day that massive genius is using christopher adriana and visiting day for their money and also trying to get with adriana it is during this scene where the episode continues to flop in my opinion while we see a few more scenes involving visiting day that provide some comedic relief the plot just becomes increasingly boring and unengaging towards the audience as carmela is introduced to the stock market thanks to the high class american wives and tony is introduced to wannabes guys who view tony in a different way and obviously which they should because he's a mob boss like we see at the barbecue and in some cases these men are dorks nowhere is this more evident than in tony's golf scene here tony is bombarded with senseless questions such as how real was the godfather stating umbertos a well-known mob brand restaurant stating that he probably knew carmine galante who is notoriously known for the infamous photo of him lying dead at the back of a restaurant with a cigar hanging out of his mouth but the most idiotic question has to be when one of kooza's friends asked tony if he knew john gotti even before this question the behavior of kuz's friends was getting under the skin of tony and when this ludicrous of a question came up it was the tipping point for tony as he played along with the guys and played them for the suckers that they really are the episode closes with hash and christopher debating one another over visiting day and we discover how tony truly felt when playing a round of golf with coos and his friends tony tells dr melfi that he felt he used and almost was there as a sense of enjoyment possibly so that kus and his friends could say to themselves or any of their friends for that matter that they played a round of golf with a mafia boss we later learned that massive genius is planning on suing hash over the copyright claims of little jimmy willis and we learn a bit more about his character and his upbringing the episode itself does provide some intriguing backstory from the character of hash as we learn how he made a living and what made him so wealthy in the first place by all means i don't hate a hit as a hit as i simply can't hate any episode of the sopranos legendary log however it's not my favorite as the plot doesn't do much to add any significance to the overall progression of the series as nothing from this episode gets brought up later on in the series the scenario of hesh ripping off young black artists for their royalties was a real thing in the everyday world and what david chase did in this episode was to highlight this ongoing issue by giving it some mainstream media attention in these sopranos hesh built his empire on the livelihoods of black talent and you can actually see the guilt of hesh eating at him in this episode remember this guy only dates black women his glory days are fixed in that motown era world and when he's looking around in his house with the pictures of him in his prime it's all pictures of hesh surrounded by black people as he owes the black music industry his life and his wealth as they are the sole providers for his success this also parallels the whole thing with tony looking for acceptance from kusamano and the wonderbred wobs while they just want the vicarious thrill of his edgy mob stories and yet they still look down on tony when looking at the overall storyline and plot of this episode nothing gets answered later on in the series we never truly find out anything that came about from this episode and when it comes to tony and his relationship with dr cusamano we never really see the two connecting kindle the way they did in this episode ever again in the series and we never find out what was in the box that tony gave him to hold onto for a little while a obvious reference to the godfather when it comes to christopher adriana visiting day in massive genuses push to make visiting day a household name sure we see that their attempt failed miserably but we never see the end result just like adriana said just because hesh said visiting day wasn't good didn't mean that there wasn't an audience out there for them and then there's the lawsuit between massive genius and hash while we find out in the episode's ending that massive genius is planning on suing hash over the copyright claims of little jimmy willis we never find out the settlement of the lawsuit or see the two sides in court for that matter after all it would have been interesting to see a mob boss like tony soprano visit a courtroom even if it was just for a friend like hesh as the only question or storyline that we get an answer to is the strange loud noise that dr melfi heard coming from the soprano home when looking back on this episode there's so many more story lines that the writers could have added that would have enhanced the hit as a hit lackluster storyline opposed to its initial flop of an episode for starters we could have saw dr kuzamano open the box that tony gave him and when it comes to the failed music attempt by adrienne and christopher we could have saw them try a different record label or even just see adriana continue to pursue a passion of hers after christopher spent all that money on the designer wardrobe he picked out for her and while yes massive genius clearly wanted into the pants of adriana and christopher clearly knew this what would have been a thrill to see in this episode would have been christopher killing the so-called gangster rapper over wanting his girlfriend and finally when it comes to the lawsuit a simple scene of the two sides appearing in court would have been fantastic well that's it i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did be sure to click like and let me know your thoughts about a hit as a hit in the comment section below for more sopranos content keep it locked here right here on this channel
Channel: Soprano Theories
Views: 144,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paulie Walnuts, Tony Sirico, The Sopranos Paulie, Paulie Walnuts Quotes, The Sopranos, Sopranos, Sopranos Street, Bully Whispers Sopranos, Sopranos Blueprint, Soprano Theories, Tony Sopranos, Tony Soprano Death, Furio Sopranos, Christopher Moltisanti, Sopranos Ending, Sopranos Explained, Sopranos Murders, The Sopranos Deaths, The Sopranos Ending, Goodfellas, Cine Ranter, The Godfather, James Gandolfini, A Hit Is A Hit, Worst Sopranos Episode, Massive Genius, Hesh Sopranos
Id: CIDYd4P4Tcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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