Whose Line UK 8x12 (2/3)

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go on to a game called props made one to two pairs of two for this Ron and Caroline you've got to come up with amazing ways of using this item whoever it is at the time available where's the other two you have a rather simple thing the way different ways of using that and I'll buzz between the two pairs just like it the idea what you're doing before we just before normally an away badass slug I've ever seen well it's not much of a yellow brick road but congratulations you're the mother of a bouncing baby boy let's get on the seesaw and I'm Daisy I'm gonna milky don't panic we'll get you out of the quicksand yes my mother left me the Pamela Anderson silhouette not only is this chicken done I think it's a communist get in the back maybe we're going I've got murdered with these pot as you can see the murderer chopped off the body and just you have a table for Satan you're right we shouldn't pee in the cold welcome back welcome back to part 2 or pot 1 as I'm calling it's not just to confuse people tuned in late as we go on to the sound effects Ryan and Colin Collins governor act out in everyday situation Ryan will provide the sound effects and much fun will be had us it'll be edited out as we go it will be a surgeon doing operation that's it surgeon doing operation away again that's our slapper on the modern day National Health Service as we move on with the scores standing on this piece of paper we go on to a game called press conferences for everybody but mainly Caroline Quentin who's going to be playing the part of a famous person taking a press conference the others will be the journalists at the press conference I'm now handing a piece of paper on that piece of paper describes a strange characteristic of Caroline which she doesn't know anything about but you'll work out what it is based on the questions and answers that she receives and gives in the course of improvisation okay where you go good luck Caroline thank you thank you all for coming here today I will be doing the photograph I will oh yeah you have a question for me sir I'd like to say good morning first hello how long did this whole process take seven hours from start from the moment I started it was seven hours until until it stops yes did it come out all right it came out quickly with a little bit of sticky stuff but there was here there was some unusual tools used so yes yes it will be like what you say unusual for me they were the only thing two years it was a symbol was it green as we've always heard it was very very green it was actually the sort of green that that lady's wearing there was that sort of green and but also with a little bit of yellow which is nice yes what you were actually involved in the early stage yes you enjoy them as you normally would enjoy that kind of you know I loved it I think I could honestly say I've never enjoyed anything as much in my life did it come out easy or was it a Klingon I came out relatively easy as I say because of all the sticky stuff so so what's the answer what are you yes did you do the normal breathing exercise all I did when I was giving birth to a Klingon Deranian like I can use full points like a lot that you got it but because you are answering seventh use yesterday about some of you have no idea what you're talking about you could be smoking for hours about it
Channel: SormaNo3
Views: 19,927
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Keywords: Whose, Line, Is, It, Anyway, UK
Id: 59fNKWVb1rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 21 2009
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