Whose Line UK 9x05 (2/3)

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see but nevermind I'll give you a full 95 points as we go on - weird newscasters there's a game for all four Greg you're an anchorman of television programs obviously sit on a stool Ryan come on Steven are with you as well also presenting it but there's something weird about all of them now Ryan you're the co-anchor you sit next to him but you think you're back in Nam which I suppose is Vietnam is it Colin you're the weatherman but you've recently split up with Greg who's obviously affected you in some way and Steven you're the financial correspondent and you're a compulsive gambler okay so take it away Greg good evening everyone and welcome to the 6 o'clock news I'm longer than you could possibly imagine in Ecuador there's mice all over the highway Kelly right there's a big pileup on the freeway today hey did you see it Greg no no I didn't see it because you weren't there man there's more headlines to do right and new Paris fashion sweep the world as Diana Cleaves out her wardrobe I know I'll get some of those fashions when I go home but I know when I get home there's no parades there will be a parade get home those grand memories let's switch over to our financial report shall we Steve hi snow what's going down in the world of high finance would you like to know what's going on down in the world of high finance I certainly would I bet you don't know I don't at all well thank you so much - that's okay thank you very very much well it's about time to rock on - whether Sheila looks like a fabulous weekend brewing oh now we're talking to me are we when you want something I just better start talking your little mechanical puppet Oh Sheila you're always full of vim and vigor I guess that's why we were together for so very long well if there was more bigger there would be more bidding from this end tips on what people might do this weekend chill oh I don't know there seems to be stuff breaking up all over there seems to be wind just going over here and there's lightning there's things that doesn't really matter does it oh no I guess never like my parents I I bet you five hundred pounds you two get back together that about sums up tonight's news any final words Billy will be back Monday evening with news leather in shorts I mean whether in sports it's all going swimmingly as we move on to moving people Colin and Ryan you're gonna come forth dagger become human bendy toys and they're going to be only moving when moved by volunteers from the studio audience I'm just going to find those volunteers so you don't even know they're volunteering it but you look as though you'd like to volunteer can I ask you know it's Joanne Joanne can just go and Stan but it's a very easy contribution this preacher just going to stand behind the improviser of your choice and you're very keen to encourage her to go along so what's your name Lorna good to meet you Laura now if you can stand behind the the other improviser this is a very easy game to play for the volunteers and for me especially because I said over here talking about it now you have to stand behind him I'm afraid can you just put the improviser behind in the position you'd like him you move his legs his arms or really anything else you fancy oh yes said you've gone straight for the angles that's saying I see you've met him now what's the scene your to high-tech criminals stealing a famous painting from a gallery okay they can only move when you move them move them nice gist of easy movement so we can see what's going on and take it away don't try to carry the painting all by yourself I have to dirty not only that but I'm gonna Riverdance my way out of here tell me do you like my new office we've got the painting but we're gonna have to crawl under the laser beams I've already started Gary I'm going to learn actually I'm going to push my head under the legs or beam all right I'm gonna do some limbo thing yes what the hell's that supposed to mean limbo like the Caribbean dance stop don't say anymore you know I used to limbo in the old days you're right I'm sorry I'm gonna hang my head and change first over here Gary drop the painting I've got the baby forcing myself to do it you've got a tight little ass wait we can hide the baby in the cheeks of your ass laser beam first let me feed for a while exclaims getting a bit complicated but then I didn't pay attention at school as we go on to crops this is a game for two pairs of two now there you go that item or fact items for Colin and Ryan and you have to come up as many different ways of using at the time available while lucky you Greg and Stephen you come up with ways of using that thing whatever it is and I'll buzz between the two pairs as I get the idea what you're doing take it away call on Ron what are you telling me Ernie jeepers how far away is the volcano now do you think yeah looks closer than it is if only the doves had seen that steam roller the birth of a chicken oh sure yeah I think I've a mint well it's been in my pocket a little too long we just like the blue touch paper I don't know it just doesn't say Davy Crockett to me every hurry all right welcome to the chicken toss who will be next to us the world and this schools are really hurting up here pour some water over them just to call them
Channel: undefined
Views: 20,869
Rating: 4.9663863 out of 5
Keywords: Whose, Line, Is, It, Anyway, UK
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2009
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