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got drunk and cut all of my hair off and sent it to charity anyway here's the best picture of a tiger I have seen closed due to the virus so they let the Penguins run around and check out the other exhibits staff was present another picture portraying the effect of surface tension here are our other pictures on the subject I'm I get you my grandpa left this surprise in my grandma's camera roll on her new phone obsessed with this photo of my grandma with her weightlifting CLA from a few years ago finally Facebook memories shows me something good POV visiting Grandma I love this waterm Mark that makes it look like the leming is blasting you with its psychic powers have you ever seen an anend eater straight on nope but they look funny this is how cat Venom is collected the one on the bottom right is trying really hard to be a cupcake office manager I'm submitting the monthly Supply order let me know if you need anything for your workspace drawing challenge use a wildlife picture as inspiration for drawing human figures they know me here one chicken for Willie he has the same look reminder that in almost any emergency situation but especially in natural disasters one redneck friend or neighbor is worth 1,000 phds parents used to tell my brother and I that we had another brother who turned into a mushroom from not taking a bath even added him to the family album don't ignore the happy little onion and you will have the best year ever texo sheeps are so absolutely fake it's definitely a different animal cramming itself into a sheep skin a Somali red cheets at a cat show by getting cozy with the ch judge I love that the judge who can't resist giving this fluo a smooch that's exactly what I would do if I was a cat technician if anyone ever wondered are they we a koala the owners of this thrift store were like you're welcome to take our dog around in this cart while you shop younger me reading the back case of a new video game I got the whole ride home missing dog if anyone knows Caesar let us know made us some matching bracelets you got a PS5 when they come back in stock love you Dad it is acceptable Liam lunches of Love created by 10-year-old Liam delivers sack lunches to those experiencing homelessness in Cambridge Domino's Pizza employees save man's life after sending police to check on the regular customer when he hadn't ordered pizza in 11 days oh my god there was an ice storm where I live and a ton of businesses were closed today besides this thae restaurant run by this little old lady and look what she posted yeah we open look at this baby fox napping in the woods this is messing me up they really just do that they have full nose control in allwe at the size of this lad absolute unit one of my potatoes hatched the pegga donkey is from Brazil I bet he knows when the treats are coming boy being adopted asks family to dress like superheroes for adoption day they do my boss's dogs like to come into the tractor even though there's not a lot of room a dog with a smaller version of itself made from its own fur I want someone to stick around and annoy me for my entire life like this scientists found an edible mushroom that eats plastic and it could clean our landfills hello small feathered things I am a baby elephant it is nice to meet you may we shake noses this was my second family in fourth grade went with them to take family pictures and they told me to hop in this dog is part husky part lab the split is straight down the middle quite literally the amazing Kitty Rose pajama Mountain squirrels always look like they're at their last chance audition for a career defining role as an Evangelical preacher whenever I look at this photo I am stuck with the overwhelming feeling that the man is the catfish's therapist freshly peeled sheeps reblogging solely for that deeply unnerving caption they look like chicken nuggets I'm only buying one box so you all best agree on something or we leave the store right now and no one gets anything my parents on their wedding day in 1964 and then doing it again at Christmas 2021 baby seal enjoying the tide and banana posing banana posing I'll cry I'll cry right now a Japanese raccoon dog also known as a Tanuki this one is especially round final boss of penguins nah he got to be sneaking Burgers ain't no way you get that big off fish the cow it sits I told my boss I was taking a sick day and I got to say it turned out to be a pretty sick day with no sightings of the former San clouded leopard since 1983 it was declared extinct in 2013 until February of 2019 when it was spotted for the first time in almost 40 years Tibetan Mastiffs are apparently Pokémon the puppy versus the full grown my cousin texted me that a squirrel stole her Starburst I didn't believe her my cat everyone when you have to pee but the cat is lying on you so you'd rather die this Hedgehog is cheering for you because you can do anything about 1 in 1,000 fals are born pale blonde this woman fed a fox the next day he brought his whole family for a meal eate question is this placement of the cat in lure of the salad plate correct or should the cat be placed above the plate alongside the dessert spoon and Cake Fork cold butter my poor toast annoying as hell I think my favorite memes are the one about insignificant but universally relatable things when the DNA test isn't needed my parents set up a trap to catch the pum that's been getting into their backyard if you're right brained you'll see a fish if you're left brained you'll see a mermaid what does it mean if I see Scooby-Doo you have a brain this is a retired veteran who struggled to get a job because he needs his service dog me I will do things when I am less tired me never becomes less tired oh no I have never seen anything more accurate in my life soon it will be the arpac apocalypse surely you mean leddon that one kid who throws a tantum in the store because he couldn't get a toy this man lived his 40-year long career in another airline to join Air Asia and fly as a junior just so he could fly with his two pilot daughters he wants to spend his remaining years as a pilot by his daughter's sides talking to my infant son like I'm a YouTuber what's up baby father here bringing you another another spoonful of Gerber ham and gravy baby food you look thin are you sick Ma I'm Superman and I'm your mother a sand castle with extremely clean loans and why does it look like there are pants standing all alone in the background I have this problem where I keep buying stuffed animals for my anxiety but then my grandparents steal them once again thinking of when my Mom rested this weird picture of me on the frame of this nice picture of my aunt which ultimately makes it look like she was murdered and I'm the suspect at large we got him a bed but then a paper towel fell on the floor so never mind shout out to the Anonymous sixth grader for saving me a couple thousand if you're wondering what happened to your car bus 449 hit your car it stops it every day to drop me off and I can't read the rest cuz it's too low quality I just discovered that curly head horses exist in case you haven't seen one here you go praise dog from whom all blessings flow please God let me sit next to this puppy it's a miracle an update to yesterday's tweet read the letter I received from an anonymous J MC Judy faed neighbor who disapproved of my dragon display and asked me to consider removing them I have added more dragons apparently oneats in fire affected areas are not only allowing other animals to take shelter in their deep fire resistant burrowers but are actively hurting fleeing animals into them we're seeing more leadership and empathy from these guys than the entire federal government friend want to hang out tonight me sorry I already made plans a guy bought me an Edible Arrangement because he felt bad about asking me for nudes no lie I'm dead to quotee Shakespeare this was a man to keep animals mentally and physically stimulated zoo animals are often given enrichment items like the snow they gave him drugs funny that's my enrichment item too so apparently sea lions in New Zealand go into the forest and I am dude don't you think you've had enough Pockets I know things are dog but I just watched a FedEx guy pluck a snail from the sidewalk cradle it in his gloves and find the right siiz tulip in our front yard to set it inside this image represents all seven deadly sins holy crap elephant seals are hilarious what are you Japanese Dart flying squirrel Dart Japanese dwarf flying squirrel I want 50 how elephants are the reincarnated Souls of some really decent people hold on friend we are coming it's okay fun fact elephants are some of the nicest most caring animals on the planet they go through physical depression and suffer grief when their loved one dies and in situations like this the whole entire herd will work together in order to save one and won't move on until the one in danger has been saved or is dead have I told you how much I love elephants the last thing in neat Rock sees before going into my pocket now completely silent no the 0.1 DB then click click it's thinking age 0 to 12 13 to 21 22 plus can I take a picture of the moon piece of Tower yeah sorry Quincy's been waiting all week to show the garbage men his garbage truck but in the moment he was overwhelmed in the presence of his Heroes I just know conservative CAD Twitter is mad at him right now men used to hunt mice Messy eater in the winter of 1943 a deer man took several pictures of himself and his handsome German Shepherd dog in New York City's Grand Central St today I asked a kindergartener if Friday was his favorite day of the week and his response was I don't know I don't know a lot of things I'm confused all the time same little man same on the Edinburgh Zoo site it says there is a daily penguin parade at 2:15 but it may be canceled last minute as it is a voluntary parade we do not COO the Penguins with food and they may not want to go out welcome home big fellow this got me right in my feelings monkey face Orchards that's it that's the whole meme why do big dogs go boof they got to push that bark through their whole body and it just comes out like a boof you know I see the bigger the dog the boofer the bark are big dogs Hollow yes big dogs need all the space for warmth whereas little dogs have packed with righteous anger and unbridled rage excuse me sir do you have a moment to talk about our King Mufasa it's 1:00 a.m. and I googled sponge dog because I was thinking about SpongeBob and dogs at the same time and I have never been this satisfied in my entire life good morning I'm just going to wag my tail against noisy stuff until you wake up because I love you blind triplet credits their blind father with helping them earn the highest rank in Boy Scouts for 95-year-old who loves to walk neighbors along the M setout chairs just for him edin B Zoo closed due to snow but the penguins are loving it it's almost like it's their natural habitat my parents are recent empty nesters I get photos like these every Wednesday that's really cool that both of your parents are dogs they're back to when my dad had scheduled in breakfast with himself Happy Father's Day Santa is on strike due to global warming all presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger milk and cookies may not be sufficient must bring presents to Good Children yes good and eat the bad ones wait no eat them Sasha no this little cutie was posing for his owner in front of a statue I'm in tears any experience no sir I hope I will gain some from her you're hired adorable my newborn homunculus has learned to walk upright soon I will send him to War I found him the biggest boy so this morning I made my chickens tiny pancakes cuz I love them and they are good chickens lancelot's haircut was interrupted by a downpour so now he's Lancelot the Glorious he sure is if sheep sharing was done by dog rumors looks like an Elden ring boss small small and tiny baby yes excuse you this is a kind gentle sir you can tell from the Hat yay you're back my dad sent me a picture this morning and said finally happened experts say the future of Green Transportation maybe 16 and pum that passengers cling to like babies PM bus will not take you where you want to go it will take you where you need to go hop you startled him seal remember what they just did but only for about 18 seconds his fine under under water because it's seal our new prime minister this is a cute little thing though sometimes it's hard to remember that ours are incredibly dangerous predators seen by cultures throughout the world as little Omens especially when they look like toasted marshmallows my boss once described them as flying pillows filled with seething hatred what eyeliner does she use I accidentally sent a not safe for work preference on my portfolio application for an art school I'm applying for I'm dead update I got in and top category what the [ __ ] after seeing your friends for a few hours sometimes you walk away and return home with a little bowl of glowing Golden Light in your chest my music taste also my music taste also also also how much you think I love you how much I actually love you I took my son to a concert I bet it's a book I saw a little girl with a foldout table in her front yard I asked her what she's selling she said drawings I said pick one and I'll buy it she handed me this one and said it will be 25 I almost caught a manly tear in one eye gave her $20 and said follow your dreams nothing special just Four Kings looking at each other music thank you for changing my life I'm literally just organized sound last night my husband was drunk and he texted me this you're the hottest girlfriend I've ever had I'm your wife oh my God that's awesome my computer started giving me side quests an error occurred the wizard must be stopped there is a lovely woman who makes tiny teddy bears for her pet rat this photo happened after Stanley said that Robert Downey Jr was born to play Tony Stark obsessed with animals that don't immediately understand something and just to their head about it does it make any more sense at a 45° angle Bud horse is do this instead of their heads platypus babies are called puggles yes you needed to see this today this is how I stare at people after not understanding anything they just said when you hear a particular song and it reminds you of a specific event that happened in your life happy Pride from my cleaning lady hi Mr Justin I just finished your house great thanks I clean extra good and leave you some treat well thanks my sons say it the month your people celebrate being fancy haha Pride yes I am very proud of you the only goal in life is to be her independently wealthy single cat owner that is the dream the dream um excuse me sir what I of the carrots in the perfect wedding cake doesn't exit school girl finds sword in cornished Lake where Arthur left Excalibur mlda Jones aged s was paddling waist deep in a pool on bodman Mo when she came across the blade well looks like Matilda Jones ag7 is the new ruler of Great Britain sorry I don't make the rules Raphael self-portrait with a friend 1520 Oscar Isaac 2013 you guys need to stop outing Immortals like this they will admit it when they're ready to gilo the guy from The Happy SL sad man on train posted an image thanking people for letting his drawing live longer five stars do not believe any ratings that is less than five stars it's a bagel spot with the most Pleasant starve what's the last star you're holding off is it the fat Bagels that were too big the cream was spread too generously stop being jerks I need someone who loves me like this person loves this bagel place ever notice that the mean voice in your head that insults you is awfully confident for something that's literally never done anything in its life except be mean to you like one of us is pathetic and it's not me buddy get a hobby yikes self-care is roasting the mean voice in your head in the I'm getting old Department a kid saw this and said oh you 3D printed the save icon this is brutal a breed in Netherlands has been working to make the French Bulldog healthier oh my God they actually look like dog snow this comic was going to have words but it's better without positively round orula and friend shaped the apple is increasing did anyone check if this is even allowed his greed sickens me he does not need two apples I can't understand these bears but I also love them bear with no face oh my no face my great uncle bill in 1952 at the age of 18 to today at age 87 I told him he was famous and he wanted to show off a bird he made by hand confused pigeon spotted guarding a box of Cadbury chocolate eggs at tesos my brother had to make Valentine's cards for his class and this is his to his friend Dane you are great dane get it Great Dane how to deliver a baby we were all so wrapped up in dead jokes that we forgot Grandpa humor Grandpa humor is dad jokes aged like fine wine me calling myself a dumb [ __ ] in my head then remembering I'm trying to stop being mean to myself all the time oops we don't use that word on bobby.com what do red pandas even do they're red what else could you ask for why do they have to do anything I meant is self-defense stop the hatred I'm sorry red panders Does this answer your question does my dog know I'm drunk I feel like I'm bothering her but she's trying to be cool about it you know they probably don't know you're drunk in the sense that they can tell you're intoxicated however they can definitely smell the booze on you and over time we'll learn to associate that smell with your tendency to serenate them with dropped half eaten sandwiches and whatever other Behavior you usually Exhibit while drunk father you smell of Mischief tonight another cool bug on this side is when you're on mobile and suddenly the ads will just move and cover the post you're reading my face immediately fell when I got far enough into the first sentence to realize this post wasn't about an arthropod I'm sorry I'll make it up to you enjoy a willly cheffer Beatle oh my God this was on television years ago and my family still talk about it he's a little penguin who lives in Japan he was rescued by a Japanese fisherman and ended up going home to live with the family they built him a little refrigerator room to live in and he became the family pet then one day he went shopping with them and got very excited about the fish shop understandably and now he goes off on his own to pick up fish from the fish shop for the family which he brings back in his little penguin backpack having numbed his own fish at the fish shop sometimes the world is a tough place the days get to you and the nights drug on so here's a story of a pet penguin who goes shopping Comfort Myself by saying I believe in dinosaurs then somewhere they must be believing in me and if they believe in me then I can believe in me then I bust out when puppies get to dog age just put him in the trash yeah we're going a clean shot at him I'm about to take him out over we must let go of the myth that intimacy is going to be easy we must stop romanticizing ease we can do hard things this is good advice but also why the picture it's hard for two horses to be intimate when there is an erupting volcano nearby what's not clicking literally nothing on Earth is better than repeatedly doing a bit your partner doesn't like whenever my wife mentions being gay I scream you're gay at her as if I've just learned this for the first time whenever my wife comes into the room when I'm working I respond with how did you get past security when you find out approximately 95% of all ocean Critters remain undiscovered all right then keep your secrets ancient humans were also just some guy if he got a baby from 60,000 BC and raised him in the 21st century he'd just be another teen boy named Logan who Tech Decks off your arm this boy from this place would own a Minecraft creeper plushy most of you won't understand I have been waiting my whole life for this for what a mediocre desk yes because it's nice to have a comfortable place to ride and it's nice to engage in activities that aren't starving yourself and I hope maybe you get that more when you are not 15 if someone sent me $2,000 I think I'd be less stressed same but like $20 would make me less stressed even because I'm from South Africa and our currency is useless I'm I'm curious what would $20 get you in South Africa a lot actually it adds up to around 350 Grand which could get groceries for like a week or two if you do your shopping right weird comparison but you could also buy about 10 Big Mac medium meals here with that much I'll send you 20 to buy the 10 Big Mac Meals as long as you promise to take a photo with them all and post it here I agree to these terms I will complete the mission in the next 24 hours nearest McDonald's is 2.1 km away this is super wholesome Big Mac fund activated all 10 Big Macs bought and distributed to the less fortunate in the area thanks for making this possible your kindness made a lot of people's day thanks to met for the help and taking the photos this is what a lion selfie looks like it is one of the best selfies ever I'll never forget when I took my cat to the vet and they took an ID photo this man took around 14 or 15 poor kids to McDonald's with his first paycheck tiger refuses to eat goat who was giving to him his live food instead they became best friends a reminder that quers live on an island with no natural Predators so they aren't afraid or attack humans since they don't need those survival tactics they love selfies and Smile everybody look at these bears eating apples puppy gets dressed up an adorable tuxedo to meet new owners but they never arrived PPP who was left all decked up after adop's no show gets a new home I told him I wouldn't throw the stick because play time was over throw the stick you monster shark swims up to diver for a cuddle every time she sees him this has been going on for 7 years the giraffe is much more more interested in being this photo than the kid is there was an intruder alert on the security cam at my house today Lord a man spent his one day off cleaning forgotten veterans tombstones I couldn't breathe when I slept so I installed a camera if this is how I die I'll be totally okay with it police apprehend Penguins who keeps sneaking into sushi restaurant boy makes his friend a wooden YouTube play button for hitting 100 subscribers man adopts dog of tumor so he can live out the rest of his life knowing unconditional love meets Larry he's pretty the best thing I've learned this week is that when scrs full/ jump they land like superheroes groundhog steals Farmers crops and eats it in front of his security camera this teacher helped saved her students Life by donating a kidney today there was a seal at my dad's work today I'm going to lose my mind Himalayan mots come for their regular feed by a caring lady he gave me a side quest my boyfriend and I got pictures taken with Wolves today and this cutie loved belly rubs it's 3:00 a.m. and my neighbor is having a meeting with water melons he slaps your mom what are you doing I'm not going to slap anyone's mom I love my mom to death and she would kill me if I ever slapped a woman a picture of me and my mom look at this kangaroo hugging a teddy bear Phil please we are at work act professional drug gang's guard dog lays down on the ground alongside Crooks as they are arrested senior dog patiently waits for boobs in the same place day after day the animal handlers of the origan zoo took an elephant around to meet some other animals the sea lions were her favorite a seek man builds a ask for his lifelong Muslim friend because he had nowhere to pray honey bees let out a whoop when they bump into each other woman adopts elderly dog from shelter and finds out it's actually her lost childhood puppy he was found in Southeast Asia and it's a flying lizard yes gentleman a dragon I'll never forget this transformation God continue to bless this woman husband spends 2 years planting thousands of scented flowers for his blind wife to smell and get her out of depression today is the 1-year anniversary of my wife's passing as I walked into my shop I spilled my water she gave me a reminder that today would just be fine bumblebee bats are a thing that no one told me about am man in Indiana made an AT&T costume for his horse intending to only get a few pictures before removing it when he took off the headpiece the horse got upset and insisted he put it back on which made the horse happy again now the horse isn't allowing him to remove any piece of the costume this bear is so fat I love him when you bump into your cat a quarter mile away from your home reasons to get a chameleon they grab anything you give them psychologist discovers that dogs dream about the humans that they love my mom adopted a new kitten and my dog is in love with her and protecting her security light went off at 1:00 a.m. this little guy found my dog's ball dog escapes then Rings doorbell to gets back inside every raccoon is either planning a heist or in the middle of one Japanese bird that looks like a flying cotton flower I figured people have seen enough of turtle suffering on the internet so here is a happy baby turtle exploring Waters without plastic my Uncle went to Japan and a man liked him so much he made him out of sushi my sister keeps photoshopping her cat's face onto bees Finland Farmers have been spraying their deer with reflective pain in order to reduce Road accidents a 26-year-old man is Reviving dead lakes in India this man is paralyzed but his friends held him up to get married a photographer was lying on his back to shoot a picture of the ceiling when he was approached by curious pigeons the last thing you ate is what you have to name him cheetah sees photographer napping under a tree and hisid to join in Turtles queue up for a scrub when they realize this lady has a brush man transforms old tires into adorable little Peds for Animals feeling tired the boy and his cow decided to take a nap and it went viral bars in Italy are using pasta straws to reduce the plastic waste Australian sheep dog credited while saving hundreds of animals from fire wife wanted 5 minutes alone this was outside her door this dog is helping the man attract people's attention but the cat is kind of overreacting if it fits I said my new dragon just hanging out an owl found its way into my house last night a good friend of mine that liked owls passed away a year ago my uncle didn't go to school so I am teaching him how to write his young daughter found out what he did for a living so she made him wings so he would be safe and a good dad will wear his daughter's wings I saw a man sitting on the bus without shoes when a Muslim man got on and sat next to him the Muslim man took off his shoes and socks and gave it to him saying I don't need them I live nearby he got off the bus before the man could say thanks in the second picture the donor walks away Barefoot what a great guy students raise fun for teacher who didn't have a salary for 2 months Beetle mounted camera streams insect Adventures my cat looks like Toothless the dragon I gave my cat a mini scarf because he was cold this bird landed on the page about itself nice duck returns boys flipflops that fell down a hill I just found mama dog hiding from her six puppies this morning hen taking care of kittens during a storm for the first time in St Louis Zoo history a cheetah has has given birth to six cheetah cubs this suit is taken this guy rescued an abandoned dog and it turned out to be a wonderful husky this kind man who reads every day at lunch to another man who can't read this cheetah and doggo stayed best friends from the start this couple have been holding on to one other for 6,000 years first cat in the world gets bionic Paws after losing limbs to frostbite on his way to make your day better it took me more time than I'd like to admit to realize one was a stuffed animal married couple in China discovered they appear in the same photograph as teenagers the way this world works is beyond me I think a lot about how puffins live in holes and they kind of look embarrassed about it I had vacuumed and forgot to put his steps back up against the couch came in to find him like this cow sitting like dogs is officially the most important thing man who works from home keeps naming his dog employee of the month my sister's husky ran out of ink while giving birth my cat forgets what a Christmas tree is every year and it's wonderful I have to pick one of you guys I got both one of my favorite specific image genres is cats that look completely unprepared for the realities of Parenthood the only good thing in the world today is that I learned about banana pose which is something seals do when they feel safe and content just happy seal things I don't need any more friends because I have one very big friend here he is just so you know there's like a lot of dogs in her girl who lost her memory falls in love with the same boyfriend a little boy thought this Muslim accountant was Santa and he's played along for 4 years my last day of chemo it was tough but was tougher teen saves up for 2 years to buy Best Friend electric wheelchair when giraffes go to work do you think they put their ties at the top or bottom of their necks asking for a friend the top my new kitten and I agreeing for a lifetime of friendship my dad passed away when I was 16 from cancer and before he died he prepaid for flowers so I could receive them every year on my birthday well this is my 21st birthday and the last miss you so much Dad boy being adopted asks family to dress like superheroes for adoption day they do I will hides behind its owner Whenever there is a visitor in the house there's a mattress store that gives you a mattress for your dog when you buy a normal one there was a thunderstorm and he got very scared so he hid in the closet with Charmander a baby turtle in all its cuteness caution bear in the area so you went to the bathroom without me rescue Pig can't stop running until she feels her new blanket my puppy thinks he's Bol from the movies Kenia installs the first solar plant that transforms ocean water into drinking water a woman who can't walk walk teams up with blind man for hiking Adventures he's the legs I'm the eyes I put these glasses on Chuck and he hasn't tried to take them off for like 20 minutes he is really serving that look snoot has permanent Boop look at her in her jumper hipster snake was born with an ironic mustache and sunglasses it's dangerous to go alone take this with you no I don't want to work my dog Mike is traumatized by almost anything today is his first day in the daycare this baby barn owl photographed in mid-run man posing with picture of Forest He restored heard my dad playing guitar and walked in to find this Rachel and I are no longer dating Mike that's a horrible way of telling people were married why do these dogs look like my parents trying to FaceTime this is olle took a snooze through a rainstorm and created a rain Angel he is very pleased with his ability to make new friends even in his sleep cat snuck into zoo enclosure and made best friends with the links this woman couldn't decide which dog to adopt so she bought the entire shelter saw this random dude outside my office he offered to draw me under 5 minutes his name is armed X NFL player Jason Brown made $25 million quit at 29 became a farmer and donates his food to pantries my son's drawing of safe drunk man sends injured baby bird to wildlife rescue in Uber Malaysian couple give up an eye each so that their baby can see a German circus is using Holograms instead of live animals for a crueltyfree magical experience and it's cool 89-year-old woman has knitted 450 blankets for shelter dogs and it's it's adorable look at this photo of my rat after I gave him a pasta while he was driving in Mississippi he saw a car swerv and crash into a river without hesitating he ran out jumped into the water and rescued three girls inside and he's only just 16 still don't know why my mom decided to buy an alacer but he's such a lad dogs are not allowed on the NYC Subway unless they're in a carrier so this happened these baby birds tuck safely away in their mother's Wings my son so talented a cow has apparently defied great odds and been given birth to four calvs that have been named eenie meenie miny and moo I adopted a kitten last week and the shelter got a picture of our first meeting so I caught a mle that's been digging up my plants and tell me why is he the most adorable life form in the Galaxy Bobcat sitting on top of 40ft tall cactus in the Arizona desert somebody spilled their marshmallows he is a homeless man but every day he hands out flowers left over from the markets just to make other people happy and smile a man with two dogs in his pockets walking a duck wearing shoes wondered why my dog wouldn't come around when I called him then I found this why is there a coyote on the bus probably because they can't drive Karen he thinks he's being sneaky who's being sneaky his health bar is enormous and his name's bounce for Halloween our principal shaved his head and dressed like Brew all the teachers were minions same car same guys 50 years later ring someone is at your front door breaking news protest turned destructive I did the best I could he hates fireworks the only thing I like about working at a movie theater is seeing this Dad bring his daughter to Disney movies my dad is behind the camera that's so sweet Swedish millionaire Johan El purchased 400,000 Acres of the Amazon rainforest from a Logging company for $14 million for the sole purpose of his preservation so I work at Taco Bell today I was having a very rough day then this guy pulls up thank you random citizen for making my day much better I only work out so I'm strong enough to hold every breed of dog like a baby I know I posted him only5 seconds ago but I'm honest to God losing it at this cat I'm posting him again I have no idea who took this pick but I love them for it still can't believe I found the same guy I took this photo with 13 years ago I came home to this I'm starting to think cats aren't the only ones with nine Liv hello my name is Rowdy I was born with two little white spots in my eyes and today I am turning 18 years old can you congratulate me this man cut down a mountain single-handedly for 22 years day and night to ensure no one else dies without medical care like his wife reducing the distance from 70 km to just 1 km from his village to the hospital stray cat takes wom into store and points at pet food so she adopts him how the hell did that happen a teen who spent 10 hours cleaning up after a protest is rewarded with a car and a college scholarship if you're homeless or need help take as much as you need from this case this single dad walked 11 M to work every day for seven long months when his co-workers found out they came together to buy him a car my sister saved Three Squirrels from the hurricane and and named them Alvin Simon and Theodore my cat learned that the alarm sound means I wake up and she snuggles on my chest right after I've been setting my alarm 30 minutes early every day just to give her more happy time this girl and her dog just saved a mum goat with her newborn baby every time I take my dog for a walk he finds a pine cone and adds it to his collection the Ohio highway patrol shared their dogs and I think I want all of them this is how baby elephants drink water they don't know how to use their trunks to drink until they are 9 months old we just spent a an hour looking for her a police department did a photo shoot with with their new puppy recruits and I'm in love after 3 hours of searching for my pet hedgehog I found her like this my mom just sent me this picture of a squirrel sitting in a tiny chair in a tree eating a cob of corn my teacher has to teach with his cat on his lap because otherwise it won't stop me owing this is a Canadian marble fox it's like a husky but in a cat version this bear was accidentally brought to the dog shelter and had a great time I love pics of tiny cats where the pick is is taken a bit further away to put into perspective how ridiculously tiny the cat is I got kiwi a little goth girlfriend remember kiwi and his goth girlfriend or now she's his goth wife and they have four beautiful goth babies Gilla is sitting on a comically small chair kitten breaks his own his earphone cable and returns with a snake as a replacement become Loa there's no such thing as a perfect politician Nails use two brain cells to make complex decisions a team of scientists baby arctic fox tries to eat man alive LMA sharing a meal thought this was a new spider from Australia my mom got a cboard cut out of my dog to take with me to college a [ __ ] OB Beast giraffe Tiny Bird snapped on camera using a flower petal as her bathtub give her one give her a Cheeto Panda researchers in China where panda costumes to give mother-like feelings to a lonely baby panda who lost her mother this was his first time seeing this s and I think he liked her the author of this math textbook casually throws in pictures of his cat they got their own umbrellas dogs find the fluffiest dogs in daycare so she can nap on them I saw an adult German Shepherd that's been diagnosed with dwarfism today and it's the cutest thing I've seen all year our indoor cat was nowhere to be found and everyone was so worried and then we found him sleeping on the Apple Tree like this just want to apologize to any neighbors that are missing a rack of ribs our dog escaped and came back an hour later with this we were playing catch and look what he brought back oh my it's labrathor sad shelter dog whose only friend was this elephant toy learns that he and his toy are getting a new home my dad walked me to school on my very first day and today he walked me to school on my very last day my boyfriend said oh God my cat looks like baby Yoda and I look over and sure enough this little guy jumped onto a boat strolled into the cabin and made himself at home on the couch iow will can't stop hugging the man who saved her after car accident I just face swapped my dog and my cat somewhere in Spain he found out that his neighbor was in the hospital so he never stopped feeding this dog for people like this I don't lose faith in humanity this Crow couple have been together for over 12 years she broke her beak 8 years ago in a car crash he has patiently fed her and loved her ever since rescue chicken learning to walk again with therapy wheelchair today I saw an elderly man sitting outside of his car spoon feeding his wife ice cream these photos were taken before and after the photographer called him a good boy missing dog returns home with new dog and goat friend the world's smallest man in 1956 Henry Burns dancing with his cat my boyfriend spent an hour looking for this loud frog outside in a puddle and when he finally caught him I took a pick of both of them and he literally said koala escapes at zoo falls asleep before he can do anything interesting rescue dog drags its blankets over to the homeless dogs so they can share it on a chilly night Grandma's deserve to live forever thank goodness they are back in stock what's up with capy Bar's chilling with other animals Washington Zoo has had its first armadillo birth in 116 years and the baby is so precious this is incredible my mother passed away 9 years ago and she'd mentioned how she be a yellow butterfly one day for 9 years I have been mesmerized every time I see one but I have never been close enough to touch one today this happened happy birthday Mom it's hard to have high standards when your grandparents are as cute as mine you're not doggo but I love you my little nephew won best costume at school today Penguins watching the night sky in Melbourne looks like a Pixar movie hold on dude I think God wants me to pet this cat just learn that cheaters are really nervous animals and some zoos give them support dogs to relax I think I found the happiest lamb of all time this bird landed by my window and stared at me like I murdered his whole family Beware of the Dog but Beware of the cat too he's kind of weird this is ramen he visits the pond every day and tries to kiss a turtle hasn't had any luck yet what kind of fruit is this this guy found a frozen kitten that was not breathing he did CPR and it began to breathe again I have cancer I beat cancer he opened the window during the car wash God stood up by my dates so I'd thought I'd treat a special girl in my life he thick not quick but most importantly not slick I'll start my own country I really love this animal the caterpillar Ricky loves pizza parties I love Ricky I think biscuit likes his new hamster bed I overcame my depression and went for a hike it's the small things it's his birthday happy birthday man friendly reminder that owls are not waterproof this is why you never see them in the rain owl raises ducklings after mistaking an egg for its own peepers the blind Kitty is so proud of the gift he brought us from his nightly hunt man in Nebraska orders pizza for his grandma and Florida to make sure she was all right after he couldn't reach her after Hurricane Matthew police and fire couldn't do it but Papa John's got there in 30 minutes and put the cell phone to her ear beautiful baby elephant my cat likes to sleep in a perfectly straight line whenever we leave our dog Sky alone she always has to bring us something when we get back today it was a bottle of ketchup went kayaking with my girlfriend and we made the cutest friend my cat looks like he's just told his favorite joke and he's so proud of himself the perfect gravestones for dogs doesn't exist buddy born a dog died a gentleman I fixed a pigeon's Wing so he went to fetch his girlfriend and now they live at my house abandoned baby fox built a special bond with two orphaned Badger Cubs at Sanctuary a little girl from China covered a cat on the street with leaves because she was afraid that the cat would catch a cold feel good photo of the day this woman adopted this 20-year-old cat from a shelter because she didn't want him to spend the end of his life alone in a cage my dad who doesn't want anything to do with the dog my grandparents have been married for 52 years and they we match outfits every day someone taught a raccoon how to finger paint and it's the best thing I've seen in a while I work hard so my cat can have a better life I found a kitten on my construction site today zero work got done after that my grandpa owns an onion farm and occasionally decides to take a nap in the middle of the field the water woofer and the house hippo today I thought I saw a woman dressed as a handmaid about to jump from a building I called 911 please don't ever hesitate to call 911 if you have a concern we take all call seriously even umbrella related ones worst case scenario we have a good story to take home with us we have a good story to take home with us thought hom was trying to hide some loud but there's something else in his hand two week old kitten lets out a roar after 6 weeks of being homeless I got my job in my first apartment all while still being enrolled in college how come this otter looks like he's about to guide me on a quest I'm late to work cuz I followed this dog for three blocks in the wrong direction a heart-shaped lightning strike during a thunderstorm over France I bought a phone case online but didn't realize it was a 6 Plus so I gave it to my dad and he loves it how to tell if your pets are starting a cult fortnite Creator is buying Forest to prevent them from being chopped down don't you love how literally almost every picture of pandas looks like chaos someone in my County set up a tree by her wildlife camera and caught these guys my school adopted an abandoned dog and he has his own administrative ID card ordered my dog a birthday cake her reaction was worth every penny my friend took the best screenshot ever from Cal the Falcon n cam these pigeons were crowding this H bucket so he dumbed out some feed for them Tiny Tim is three soy sauce without the tail and about four soy sauce with tail this bunny is born without ears and its owner makes some he thinks he has to wait in line to get a tree today I went into my husband's wallet for some money and I found this zillion dollar bill with my cat's face on it this man really thinks he's funny I heard a cardboard noise and turned around to find this nearly extinct pink dolphin gives birth to a pink calf how to detect a genuinely good person man uses warm coffee to rescue kittens Frozen to the ground this is Odin he's been working hard to get ready for round boy summer please appreciate him ashamed robbers return WWE belt to boy with autism and brain tumor along with an apology this is Eddie he works as a therapy dog for kids in intensive care his bag is full of toys for them He even wears a hospital ID with his picture on it my black cat looks like my wh's cat's Shadow day 21 no one suspects a thing so I walked into the kitchen at 5:30 a.m. and saw this in the sink this is not my cat what does this woodpecker think he's trying to prove pet crab eating chips this penguin swims 5,000 Mi every year to visit the man who saved him today it started raining and a tiny stray pea used me as an umbrella this 12-year-old is hand making bows to help get dogs and cats adopted man builds wheelchair to stop disabled goldfish from swimming upside down he had cancer as a puppy and wasn't supposed to make it past one now 13 years later and look at us woman Ates dog host spice to give dying dogs the ending they deserve this man single-handedly planted a forest larger than Central Park over the course of 40 years after not seeing my dog in 5 months I Skyped with him last night my mom sent me this after we disconnected this is the best first day of school picture ever to be taken from the first day of kindergarten to College move in thank you Dad I never really considered the fact that crows were once babies I wanted a duck I got a duck I love my duck the only transformation pick you need to see family Christmas picture photo bomb I really hate to brag but I have a private Chef that prepares my lunches stop what you're doing and look at this raccoon I rescued a stray cat in my neighborhood at night his brother would come visit him I really had no other options I know I shouldn't let him in but and hear me out what if I let him in my mom bought a dog Parker and he's too fat for it to button a local Mexican restaurant used to be a Chinese restaurant instead of painting over a mural they just put some sombreros on the pandas I had to this is the cutest thing in the entire world they're best friends did you know that bees sleep between 5 to 8 hours a day sometimes in flowers also they like to sleep with other bees and hold on to each other's feet no hours sleep that they have just necked 10 double whiskies and just reached their bed I don't use the words absolute unit lightly but let me say this is oh to be brought flowers by the Guardians of the forest my cats have the markings of a heart on their back this is Alo he will only stay calm in the car if I hold his paw everyone look at this very distinguished gentleman husband's staying home from work cuz our dog was coughing we took him to the vet and paid $85 for him to tell us our dog was fake coughing my parents have a pet tortoise and he walks around the house today he found a chicken nugget under the couch and brought it to them as a gift hello human I have been assigned to guard you the perfect band sheep dog puppy HS entire flock into owner's kitchen my dog isn't used to me being home during the day and is just staring at me from different places around the house I present to you dogs on mushrooms I just made an adorable little furry friend saved the puppy from getting eaten by an alligator and never dropped his cigar a true legend here's a kitten dressed as a bat my dog insisted that this was the stick we were going to play fetch with he followed the dog through his doggy door it was cold so I gave my dog my jacket this school let this girl have her service dog next to her in the yearbook Canada now has its first ever tiny house Village for homeless veterans what if we're all misreading this photo and the lobster woman is so powerful that she's actually summoning a lobster out of the ocean into the boat tiny warthog cooling off in a tiny mud puddle he looks so proud in his little boat tie some squids are very brave during their checkups and others pretend to be rocks if you ever feel sad these Highland cattle CS will make you smile the best wedding photo of all time if you're ever having a bad day here is a picture of a little turtle wearing a raspberry mom said I couldn't get a raccoon so I colored the dog my cat found an unattended cracker and brought it to me so I could hold it for her while she eats my dad noticed I was stressed so he 3D printed me a little wooden elephant this is so good I had to babysit my daughter's kitten and she requested proof that he was okay so I sent her this he thinks I can't see him I lost my dad at Walmart and ended up finding him in the garden section watering plants tied a balloon around my baby turtle so now it can roam around the house my dog was extremely tired but just had to follow me into the bathroom in the middle of the night it's cold out I'm going wear my jamas our dog's paw looks like a mini version of himself Sheena enu gets stuck in a bush pretends everything is okay my French Bulldog and her french fries I was playing OverWatch with people online when I got a phone call about my uncle passing away didn't realize I wasn't muted until I got this message hey man I'm sorry for your loss I was the do in the OverWatch game you were in and when you said you were having a tough time and your uncle died I started crying I know the feeling and my dad died when I was N9 I hope this isn't weird that some random person is reaching out but I'm sending prayers to you and your family I hope things get better today a couple got married inside the penguin exhibit that I work at a world where a baby elephant has a fluffy ostrich as a pillow is my kind of world groups stole my phone while I was in the bathroom jokes on them now I have a cherished memory stored in my phone Jeter sees photographer napping under a tree and decides to join him my sister just saw this beautiful family out for a drive in Taiwan my local water POG is draining their pools before they do they're having a doggy day where you can bring your dogs and have them Splash around and play for a while seeing little things like this restores my faith in the decency of humanity please do not disturb this palet baby raccoon nest in the middle a delicate scale yep yof stop what you're doing and look at this happy goat instead me thinking my mom who died when I was seven will never get to meet my future boyfriend only to find out she was his kindergarten teacher such a wonderful month at the shelter we are now empty everyone got adopted the perfect t-shirt doesn't exist introverted but willing to discuss cats when you're sad just look at how happy this man is with his onion met my best friend on GTA a couple of years ago and we just met in real life breaking news Tans can loaf he is officially banana bread tucans can loaf what a universal thing that most men like I'm making a comic but I just realized that I don't actually know any men in real life throwing large rocks into bodies of water from Great Heights my grandpa has been growing an orange tree and he made my grandma take pictures of him with it before we went to church God creating dogs waterproof that chicken and give it a kazoo every time I come home this is the first face that creats me someone fed him a pickle ew gross I understand the reaction don't forget to water your Bears why did God make this one of his most brutal killing machines artist rendition of how cats spread their little fees when they stretch this is an emotion that I as a human being I'm very sorry I don't have support your local artists I would rather be replaced by crows than AI saved him from my col but I need not have worried for he was already armed with a blade dangerous weapon take it off him before he h someone I got my grandma on Xbox as a joke on Christmas and now she's been playing for 3 days straight and I can't get her to stop me when I'm in an area content warning violence the Tweet author flagged this tweet is showing sensitive content sure no too violent I heard my husband whispering to our daughter about ordering something on Amazon for her then I came home from the grocery store today to the This Mother of God it's a ham sandwich my grandma got a fidget spinner for her 85th birthday and look at how happy she is this little Japanese girl and her pet poodle will make your day an 8-year-old boy won $11,000 and gave it all away to his 2-year-old neighbor who has cancer local shelter posted this adoption today a going to a good owner the best present anyone could receive snapped a picture of this little boy writing a note to his dad on an airplane dad I love you you are so important to me 80 strangers form a human chain to rescue drowning family apology accepted what species are they I stacked them sorry it's in Brazil on my way to steal your garden veggies can't stop thinking about The Gleam in the eye of this rock hrex not to mention his knowing smile lol I hate it here would you like it if someone took a photo of you on your commute to work after years of renting apartments without enough space for a dog I finally saved enough to mortgage a house with a yard and adopted this sweet girl today in class our professor held someone's baby for them but got tired of holding her so he asked to wear the baby carrier teen trespasses to play basketball at gym cops called to take him away buys him membership instead when you take care of things they last so sweet puppy kissing booth donations welcome Guiding Eyes For the Blind a note hanging from this taxi driver's steering wheel Dear Dad thank you for working so hard for us I love you a lot love Russy so my grandpa is 93 and still takes my grandma on dates weekly here's them getting ready this morning this doct has helped my sister cope with being bullied because of her down syndrome he's like family now my grandma finds an excuse to bring a cake to any family gathering football so this person is tired of seeing everyone's boyfriend taking them on paint and picnic dates so the dog took them on one instead the Joey comes out but it's a better idea to just leave it in be me they call me egg boy I cook all the eggs hey egg boy we need more eggs never happier than when making eggs mom tried to call her inside but she was enjoying her pot of dirt my dad thinks I'm 2,000 M away I'm not I'm here to surprise him for his birthday turns out we unintentionally twinned if mom can't come to prom pictures take prom pictures to Mom kick Ker's butt me holds doggy doggy is hold pink skies are the most beautiful thing I saw this guy in South Korea and asked him if he knew what his shirt said he didn't speak English I don't need life I'm high on drugs my wife makes three times more than I do on month you think I'm embarrassed you think I'm hurt not being the bread winner not one bit I do the dishes like the good little husband I am good husband Behavior does not go unrewarded I'm so happy for the New Jersey ball who escaped Slaughter he lives in a sanctuary now he did it may we all meet such a fade as the New Jersey Transit Bome day Escape stardom Sanctuary they named this cat after the Pringles guy I need him immediately Mr P Age 3 years likes biting dislikes almost everyone happy 3year anniversary to working in a coffee shop at 6:00 a.m. and my first customer was this lady in a fox costume on her way to surprise chase her daughter who was afraid of mascots down the street in Chicago mom was pregnant with me so she missed her prom 18 years later I took her to mine behold my glorious Sunday pot roast this pot roast will be even better than the last well write down my recipe if you want it a thread of women that could make me cheat on my girl and that concludes This Thread if you if you know me you know how much I loved my hair but I love my dad more you got this homie he couldn't come to homecoming so I brought homecoming to him screw cancer homecoming Frida the rescue dog now has her own mural in Mexico City spotted this specimen trying to dance the other week he stopped when he saw us laughing this Dutch man swam 195 km without stopping for 3 days straight to raise money for cancer research millionaire builds 99 homes to reduce homelessness in his town this man is recycling old picnic coolers into shelters for stray cats for the winter we have been married for 31 years how did you meet I saw her on a bus put my watch in my pocket sat down next to her and asked her for the time heart melting pictures of Aging dogs show them grow from puppyhood to old age shout out to my nephew his school had a millionaire bash for the kids that read over a million words in this school year sybs for the day who decided that dragons have arms they don't need them dragons need arms to hug God damn it you're right my parents don't have grandchildren yet so this is what's on their bedside table in the guest room picture of baby elephant napping in mother's arms after their reunion and TN goes viral Pink Floyd's David Gilmore sold his guitars for $21 million and donated everything to fight climate change I've been hearing a frog singing from under our Windchimes for a month or so but today I found out it's not just one frog it's a whole secret society guy who sits behind me in the office brought me flowers today even though I tie his shoes together under his desk at least once a week some things never change just a happy fellow on his birthday that is all this is the best tattoo we have ever seen Greco Roman no I'm talking about gecko Roman RP R RP haunting footage the government doesn't want you to see shout out creatures who look like raw meat nobody showed up to the zoom class I am lonely this morning nobody wants to talk with me learn things someone recreated a Bob Ross painting in Minecraft sister his hair is on fire me yep does it hurt him is he okay no it doesn't hurt he's okay it happens what is that is he a turtle no that's his tire he uses it to blow people up I like him he's my friend can you take my picture with him if you could speak for 1 minute and be heard by everybody in the world what would you say it gets better but you've got to love and forgive yourself first someone in the neighborhood Facebook group my mom belongs to washed a coyote because they thought it was a dog L dog found no color and seems to be a bit aggressive also doesn't like baths but she was pretty dirty took most of the night but she's resting comfy now on the bed hey you know what's neat I fit into a costume meant for a 5-year-old my old man matches his drink with his outfit literally me me H2O campfire that I no longer plan on using if dogs actually played poker they would be awful at bluffing their tails would give them away not necessarily they could be wagging their toes whether they are bluffing or not because they're just happy to be playing poker with their friends when I first told my wife I loved her she replied with that's dangerous When we married a year ago she snuck this inscription onto my ring told you it was dangerous yo can you take a picture of my waves for the gri this side of NY Hospitality the media doesn't want you to see this is my grandfather I admire him a lot because despite his age he is building a wall in the middle of the house because he can't stand my grandmother anymore what nice thing happened to you today that put a smile on your face my granddaughter and her friend told me I'm a cool grandma and all of her friends love me every year my whole town is closed to traffic because everybody has dinner on the streets around 12,000 people this is just my street meor spoon Marine Corps Vietnam War veterans recreate photo after being a part for 50 years Taxi Driver helps blind passenger walking to McDonald's my little brother has a crush on this girl and he invited her over for dinner I'm the chef and I'm geeked man who's obsessed with becoming a dad loses nearly half of his body weight on a carnivore diet consisting of meat eggs and da to improve his fertility used by Mario 2015 best if used by Mario what about Luigi gentle parenting is effective do you as an adult learn by getting screamed at and bital sit down with your children and be empathetic to their feelings they're human whenever I'm sad I think about Clifford and his mom and it never fails to chim me up even though Clifford is all grown up he's still his mother's little puppy today my anthro professor said something kind of really beautiful you all have a little bit of I want to save the world World in you that's why you're here in college I want you to know that it's okay if you only save one person and it's okay if that person is you now why is JaMarcus eating my roses he literally pulled that one down a rabbit named Jamarcus got me howling tutorial brush him thank you I learned a lot this family bought their son a special wheelchair so he could feel the sea this Children's Hospital allows kids to drive themselves to operating rooms in fun electric cars Happy First Birthday to Delaney and her great great grandmother Rosal who turned 100 they share the same birthday 99 years apart walked into a class of 200 to give this to a girl and got this text I'm dead hello Daniel this is the boyfriend of the girl you gave a Starbucks drink today I'm texting you to thank you for making her smile and being very classy about it adding that don't text if you have a boyfriend part anyways we thought I should text you just so you know it's my birthday and not even my family called me I'm sad and I really like olives please put on as many black olives as you can I want you to put on so many black olives that you start to question mine and your own sanity as much as you can include without being fired thank you and of course they listened a lot of Olives this is what I imagine When someone tells me they're studying food engineering in London there's a woman who goes every day on the Underground and sits on the platform just to listen to the announcement recorded by her husband in 1950 postcard from child from cemp not dead yet my grandparents first and last photos together here's a picture of my aunt who lives in Argentina who treated her taxi to lunch because he out of a few was willing to drive her sometimes I feel like I'm worthless no don't say that everybody cares about you sometimes I feel like I'm worthless dude that's not true I could easily sell you on the dark web for 500k my mom made my dad dress up and presented him with the best husband Oscar I want to be this extra as a wife a stranger slipped me this note under the bathroom stool when they heard me crying I don't know what you're going through but know you are worthy of smiling today and every day women don't deserve rights agreed women should be treated like Queens yeah just be nice to everyone hell yeah for rent fishing boat with an experienced crew this girl took a cardboard cutout of Danny deito to prom when he found out he made a cardboard cutout of her and brought it to work National Treasure success is like being pregnant everyone says congrats but nobody knows how many times you were [ __ ] when my daughter's read Wasabi Bobby is nervous or in a new situation he holds her hand for comfort the best kind of birds are the really shortest fat ones I love them beautiful this is the best bird in the world best $20 you can spend just a couple of cowboys out shopping there's a new coffee shop in the West Loop and uh this is what they decided to call it eat me milk me moms with their newborns oh my God he's the most beautiful baby ever he looks just like me newborn big fan of this Cinematic Universe where Pedro Pascal just wanders around collecting random orphans like their Pokémon I just yelled at Ralph for licking his paw and he responded raise your words not your voice voice it is rain that grows flowers not Thunder very funny to me that there is an entire play behavior in birds that this paper calls coing they just lie on the ground together I can only find pictures of Australian magp doing this but it's noted in Ravens an Incredible Gift this is a shirt I used to wear whenever you hold it now I am there love Granddad friendly reminder to check you're not holding tension in your body let your shoulders drop un clench your hands and draw take a deep breath much better this is such a genuine reminder I ordered a dress online and it came out horrible but my mom remade it to this I've never been more thankful I walked into my kitchen and I had the strangest feeling that I was being watched Lonnie Johnson NASA engineer invented the super sooka he made your childhood hot summers fun instead of buying your children all the things you never had you should teach them all the things you were never taught material wears out but knowledge stays police sto traffic on highway to save a hurt dog just saw the most foul product I've ever seen in my life at this truck stop in Montana who enjoys this who are you people I have been growing out my hair for 3 years after I first heard you can give them to a charity that makes wigs for children with cancer today was the day to cut them all off send them in and start over again hopefully I can make as much kids as possible happy with a new set of hair one of the nicest things I've seen you're a good man we welcomed our first born 5 days ago our dog Lucy has been on watch ever since he cried slightly this a.m. and she immediately went to make sure everything was okay and stayed until he fell back asleep L them both proving that the size of your heart matters more than your physical size rvin celik was brave enough to save many lives during the recent earthquake that hit turkey on October 30th the three-foot man took advantage of his dwarfism to reach cramped spaces to P out victims who are alive and trapped in the deis in temperatures below 10° C he worked non-stop for over 4 days to save many lives anyone know this man or who posted this there's a huge group of ladies in La who would like to do something special can you pass him our invitation Max dancing man we don't know much about you but a photo on the internet suggested that you wanted to dance and we're made to feel like you shouldn't be we want to see you dance freely and if you would have us and if you would have us we would love to dance with you we are prepared to throw quite the dance party just for you to be clear it's 1,727 of us and we are all women if this isn't appealing we're okay with taking no as an answer but we'd like you to know the offer stands may we have this stce sincerely an occasionally overenthusiastic group of young women in California hey Cassandra keep me posted about your dance party dancing man found never be ashamed of yourself yay Twitter dancing man found we are going to dance and of course it happened the goat apparently in Hawaii if you let a bus merge ahead of you the driver can press a what do you what do you call that button I know they use that for scuba diving okay so I just found out that my granddad leaves my grandma love notes in random places for her around the house to find throughout her day P right bag going to cry this person hey saw the parking police roll up about to give your car a ticket I ran over pulled out my keys and said sorry I'm right here she drove off if you're reading this pass on the karma if the cops are reading this these aren't the D I don't know what that says I'm sorry boy doing his homework under a street light goes viral and a millionaire takes notice okay but I kind of want to know the second part of the story nobody dared go near the tower a phome dragon sat on its top until one day a knight rode up do you need help to get down please ah made him a pillow F because he's scared of lightning in 1998 I ran over a woman while drunk driving and never went to prison wait this isn't awesome this is my last node my grandfather left my grandmother before he died he attached it to his world because he knew she would find it this I will remember when the rest of life is through the finest thing I've ever done is simply loving you literally had a customer come up to me as I was making her drink and said your name shouldn't be Finn it means Fair head and you have dark hair thanks man walks up to a guy named John you are not the Baptist hey my name is John well Jonathan we've been feeding a small family of four crws mated peir and their 2-year-old kids for several years last week 2 days in a row they left these gifts pulled tabs threaded onto Pine Twigs this isn't only generous it's creative it's art my mind is blown I can't remember how to write 1 1, 516 and 500 in Roman numerals I'm livid everyone go home pun are done 2009 was the year my dad died 2009 was the year I lived in my car and cried myself to sleep on Thanksgiving 2019 is the year my album and song went number one 2019 is the I told my mom I can buy her a house anything can happen in a decade tomorrow is the beginning of your anything my grandma wanted to see the ocean one last time before checking into a host SP her face says it all I don't know what that is so I'm going to look it up oh so it's care for people who have a terminally ill condition that's sad you buy a 50 o backpack and you're confronted by the genie that lives inside it he tells you he will fill the bag with Whatever item you wish and you can keep it so long as you can carry it for one mile what would you fill the bag with all my woes and misery then I'll sit the backpack down and walk away photogenic cheatah he said Chief I love chers today we're checking out some wholesome posts man brings his taxi driver to theme park after finding out he's never been I tried to video chat with my cat and she recognized me this girl learning sign language to thank the de Delivery Man I don't know what they're learning but they're trying their best my dad died 3 years ago but on Google Maps he is still doing some gardening which he loved news that matters a pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all along along the boat docks the man who photographed this has adopted him but brings him back every day to see his friend PT the Pelican name Helen age 98 advice for the younger generation be nice to everyone Florida man Spen is one day off cleaning forgotten veterans tombstones I think this is the first good post about Florida so my mom accidentally ordered an extra small dog bed but he's still grateful my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and colored up with her my heart is crying still the homeowner said the bug shows up every day so they gave him a bed too whenever I see a penny on the ground I pick it up my mom always used to smile when I was a kid and say find a penny pick it up and all day long you will have good luck does it work no but for a second it's like having my mom back can you hang out no it's my dog's birthday L what a that's cute dad design choose to give his paralyzed daughter the sensation of walking a 5-year-old boy invited his kindergarten class to witness his adoption and they all showed up Anonymous person buys $1 million worth of remaining toys at Toys R Us to donate to Children 8-year-old boy sells his Pokémon card collection to pay for his sick dog $700 treatment go twitch suffers from anxiety only calms down when she is put in her duck costume showed my grandpa memes and he loved them so much he printed them off for his friends a Michigan Marine finishes a 5K race with a boy who became separated from his group not a cell phone in sight just a cat enjoying the moment in The Great Outdoors dude from Comcast fell asleep during my install and I dead ass let him sleep because bro needed it in memory of George who gave up his life on cow Street 29th of April 2007 protecting children from two Savage dogs Chinese doctors bowing down to an 11-year-old boy with brain cancer who saved several lives by donating his organs just in case you were having a bad day look how happy this raccoon is with with his stuffed raccoon 140-year-old tortoise wearing her 5day old son as a hat I've just been made aware to house Swan's hug when I was 8 years old I found a fourleaf clover and gave it to my pop for good luck when he died I found out he always kept it in his wallet for 20 years my son has three major heart surgeries at only 5 months I didn't want him feeling alone and growing up with a scar so I went and got a tattoo of one these bikers escort child victims to court to confront their abusers and give the kids cool nicknames this is Ralph he comes to collect our cat for playtime every day and waits outside for her like this please can you write a silly joke on the pizza lid my 6-year-old loves jokes and it's feeling unwell thanks what is a dog's favorite pizza paperoni my criminal record kept me from getting a job so I hired myself got a hot dog cart of Craigslist and the Sam's Club membership made $400 a day 300 more than what the employer was offering # keep going my sister is about to have a baby and my brother showed up to the hospital in a suit because First Impressions matter Young Brother on his way to a job in interview having trouble with his tie lady in the red coat notices him struggling and nudged her husband with her elbow I pray there's hope for a better tomorrow bro helps 83-year-old man down an escalator after seeing that he was terrified wondered why my dog wouldn't come when I called him then I found this the look of betrayal that cat's like you mother [ __ ] his health bar is enormous and its name is Bounce that's a scary boss name one of my potatoes hatched someone is at your front door that's a face of a murderer but also a cute dog breaking news protests turn destructive oh no not the cake same car same guys 50 years later Minnesota town realx dog as its mayor he seems pretty trustworthy my dad noticed I was stressed so he 3D printed me a little wooden elephant I sold my truck to pay for her surgery a concerned old lady left this note Please be aware that a baby deer is sleeping right under your tire he knows how to Grandpa blind man and his armless best friend planted over 10,000 trees in China I am his hand he is my eyes if this isn't best friend goals then I don't know what is 11y old soul survivor of plane crash saved by father's last bear hug I'm peeing and this dog came into my stool he has a joke to tell you but he has to stop laughing first me and the boys coming back from Ikea we bought all the sharks we had a sudden burst of rain he thinks he's being sneaky who's being sneaky what if we're all misreading this photo and the lobster woman is so powerful that she's actually summoning a lobster out of the ocean into the boat for Halloween our principle shaved his head and dressed like Gru all the teachers were minions imagine getting expelled by Gru dear eating an apple I did the best I could he hates fireworks what do you think the dog is listening to what do you genuinely not understand how I get taller and more handsome every time my grandma sees me caution these shoes are the summer home of jabber the toad please do not disturb thank you his first night home from the shelter he finally finds his forever home and his own boy this 8-year-old boy spent 2 years growing his hair to make wigs for kids with cancero why is there a dog on a horse out here on this table every day at 11:00 a.m. free lunch for anyone who needs needs it after being spotted eating sugar cane baby elephant tries to hide behind a light pole it's her birthday I drove her around town just so people could appreciate her that's an amazing owner 1 month ago I found this baby in the wheel of my forklift at work now she lives at home with me meet Emmy 6 weeks versus 10 weeks a homeless man gave this student his last3 so she could get home student raises over £ 21,000 for homeless man who offered her £3 so she could get home safely left my work gloves outside for a couple of days went to get them and found this passenger in front of me on the plane just kept playing footsie with me finally looked down this man pulled eight people out of a burning bus on Christmas Eve what a Chad no bro left out those are some good friends oh my God went for a walk and saw this man taking a picture of all his dogs and I almost cried can we all take a moment to appreciate this talk my uncle Photoshop he sent me this picture after a week cat succumbs to the sleepiness despite being curious about Bird videos are we a joke to you some stranger somewhere remembers you because you were kind to them I rescued a stray cat in my neighborhood at night his brother would come visit him I really had no other option the street is very hot so the saleswoman allows kittens to go into the store and sleep on the freezer what a great lady man climbs mountain in Colorado to rescue dog after reading reports of a dog being stranded 2 a.m. someone is at your door notification yeah he's looking at the camera like what's up meet hurly he's the curly one he hugs every other dog he sees during his walks Middle School in Dallas organized a breakfast with dad's event and then realized some students lacked father figures so the school made a Facebook post asking for 50 volunteers the next morning 600 men showed up to help out ever since my daughter found out about our plants Serena wasn't getting enough sunlight she insists on taking her out for walks while holding her up to the sun dolphins are so beautiful someone is at your front door the best kind of unexpected visitor a homeless man in Brazil was rushed to the hospital this man looked after four Street dogs after getting admitted to the hospital hosal the same four dogs are waiting at the entrance of the hospital for him guy buys Turtles for $50 at markets and releases them back into the ocean husband saved wife's Life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery there's a dog sitting at this bar wearing a hat and eating and everyone is just pretending like it's no big deal he's going through a breakup Okay police were called to a Chicago gym after a teen kept sneaking in instead of arresting him officer Mario Valentini bought him a membership Australia oldest man knits tiny sweaters for Penguins injured in oil spills she saw the kids playing on it and now she meows until you rock her have you ever seen anything happier than two dogs on a dinosaur he camped too oh it's tiny complimented this little guy on his tuxedo and he said today's big day breaking news this pit pulled out her teddy bear to show it to a dog of another car I can't believe it 6 months ago I saved your life and today you are enjoying it I love you with all my being Hospital transformed kids wheelchairs into dream Halloween costumes he came back with his new friend 3-day old baby chicks enjoying the warmth from a coffee mug you know it's a good nap when you wake up like this co-pilot Max that's adorable name this plant please George I guess I got what I asked for you can't move your eyebrows when you smile yes I can just wanted you to smile enjoy your Monday jailed for small crimes I'm a school photographer and we got to take a service dog's picture for the yearbook today I met Petco and they found a kitten in the storm and put her in a little sweater a crow tried to go into our classroom and he had a pen that Crow is more prepared than some of my students I almost had a heart attack this morning worried owner thought kitten with bloated tummy was sick it turns out it was just fat another childhood pleasure that has zero explanation how it's looked how it's felt happy 15th Birthday Daisy pets whenever you have a snack in front of them I thought the chair was broken I did as well until I saw the cat I love how dogs do stupid things and look so proud beware of dog okay we have to be very careful abandoned pup lands himself in a full-time job in a petrol station best news heard all day how much for a hug the friends who ask you to continue your story after being interrupted don't ask questions I am plant what women think men want what men really want some Heroes wear hard hats Indiana construction worker Jason Hanley hid a giant W Waldo cut out all over his work site for the children in the nearby hospital to find once he received word that they'd found him he moved Waldo to a new location so they could start looking for him again the dog's first night at his new home after being rescued from a shelter a man rescued a d crocodile looked after it tried to release the Croc into the wild but the Croc kept coming back the two became best friends for the next 20 years boy reunited with his lost cat after 7 months apart a 12-year-old German Shepherd named Tommy attends Mass every day at church where owner's funeral was held waiting for her to return in 2005 an Ethiopian girl was kidnapped and beaten by seven men until a pride of lions chase her attackers off the Lions then stayed and defended her until help arrived 1800s coupled trying not to laugh during their p pit cat with the fireman that saved him be kind even if no one is looking my great grandpa always showing off and acting like a kid made me smile if I ask my dog where's your baby he will find her and they will cuddle Winters in turkey and Bulgaria people hang jackets on trees for poor and homeless people it's a gesture that deserves to be shared when you tell someone to get a hobby and they do Greeks apologize with huge horse my boyfriend just took his shirt off to take a poop I've never heard of this it's this a thing that man was fighting for his life he was so terrified when we brought him home 2 days ago now he's a member of the family my log screen is perfect for 2 minutes a day I was going to say some dumb stuff but then Google hit me with the feels knock knock who's there I hope it's you because you're the best I was lightly scolded by my wife and oldest daughter for using the baby as a table they're just mad they didn't think of it first love letter from 1913 that opens up to form an art gallery baby's first first trip to Scotland going very well was on the train for literally less than a minute before a total stranger began teaching him to play online slot machines you get the thing you comment but the first reply gets to ruin it what would it be genuine happiness allowed a tiger mother lost her Cubs because of her premature labor her health was declining because of depression she was giving piglets wrapped in Tiger cloth she now loves these pigs and treats them as her babies plom smiling for the camera learning a lot from you trying to get better so I can play more often with my grandson who was very good great videos my wife witnessed a miracle today and yelled across the house with an urgency that had me sprinting I thought something terrible had happened but when I came into the kitchen she said look I went to Home Depo for an extension cord and walked out with a few other items to make my daughter a little card and she loves it my brother made a cute fake passport at school today and I am small and beautiful walking your dog as much as possible will add years to your life this is the greatest day of my life yelled the Barista as she literally jumped out the drive-through window to give my pet pig a cup of whipped cream this is ice on my dry sidewalk I am blown away at its beauty get out of my grandma's room damn near a foot of Sun out here I'm not going to work in this m stay safe I love that the squid person isn't holding anything he's just there to be supportive of the other one so I'm driving and I noticed the guy behind me is cute so I'm checking him out in my rear view mirror and he's seriously air drops me his number to the girl staring at me from the really old car I hope this is you a table full of teenagers made my heart Happy to do thanks professional wrestler John Cena has granted more than 400 make a wish requests more than anyone in the Charity's history Christians make a ring around Muslims so they could pray in peace during the Egyptian revolution Muslims protecting Christians in Egypt during mass my daughter is a big Studio gibli fan do you think she will notice my high as I walk her down the aisle this weekend yes I realized if I take a shower before a match I play better new methods for gamer taking a shower this is the face of someone performing a public service by tricking guys into actually having good hygiene my sister's student today took an empty tissue box and brought his piano outside of school to help raise money for my dad's cancer he raised $12 and brought it back to my sister as a surprise My Heart's On Fire I hope that one day I will finally be okay I will make a cherry pie when it's all over today is the day nurse adopts baby boy she watched over an intensive care unit if Earth was challenged to single combat who would be our champion my buddy James he's nothing special but he's got heart and heart counts I wonder if an ape ever told a wolf you're going to be my best friend one day Whoever has my voodoo doll please kiss it on the forehead I need it my dad just built a neighborhood library in his fence and is so excited that books have been taken POA sad dad and ate with Mom today at my wedding 1.5 million people have signed up to storm Area 51 what could go wrong why can't we get 1.5 million people to sign up to clean the oceans a ghost who lives in your house but all they do is rearrange your fridge magnets to spell out self-care and helpful messages my grandpa who never got his high school diploma because he was drafted in World War II his senior year he finally got it today with all negative stories going around in the news I decided to spread some positivity and bought eight of my cousins and two of my sisters their school supplies chemical elements versus the United States this information is so satisfying but I don't know what to do with it my friend went away for 10 days so I decided it would be the perfect time to rrap everything she owns in Al foil why in the future everything is Chrome how Robert Patterson posed with fans back in 2008 my 4-year-old was climbing up to the tallest slide of the playground when she slipped and fell off the ladder I reached out super quick and grabbed her out of the air into my arms and she said dad you saved me and kissed my cheek this was my best dad day yet I was about to order door Dash but then James sent me this picture keep your girl thin by sending her pictures of her through the fat filter my girl is mad at me I hope I die my friend checked her house cameras today and the papa put every single toy in his bed and let them sleep there while he slept next to them on the floor no it's called a lighter because it lights on fire behold the heavier the girls' bathrooms at my school are so wholesome like girls in grave you're so perfect and you are enough on the Stalls and leave sticky notes on the mirror saying you're beautiful so now I'm curious what are boy's bathrooms like Jesus they urge to take him out to dinner and then if he's been a good boy buy him a new game and Hot Wheels on the way home my daughter puts her sandals inside my work shoes so she could wear them and be like Dad humans after inventing bread you want to slice it up and cook it again yeah scammer just tried to buy an Apple Watch with my credit card I talked to him though he was helpful use someone else's card I'm going through some stuff I got you bro just make sure you keep your [ __ ] more private American soldiers playing tribute to all the horses that lost their lives in World War I I just stared at this for like 5 minutes how did someone get this picture wow these are Jag Lions a Jag lion or a jaguan is The Offspring between a male jaguar and a female l oh my gosh they're beautiful this dog looks like a human and it's making people uncomfortable get ignored so much people call me terms and conditions at least you get accepted no matter what that's the most uplifting thing I've seen all day my 87-year-old grandma has played Animal Crossing new Leaf on her 3DS every single day for the past 4 years now her 3DS finally broke this year so we got her a new one for Christmas during a system transfer I checked her activity log I told him to get off my lab because I have to work on the computer so he he moves and does this he is so attached I take baths with my cat by letting her float in a plastic box I keep the box in my closet I only started doing this about a month ago but now when I turn on the bathroom water she runs to the closet and jumps in her box white doggo versus freshly cut grass this picture of my dad I drew when I was four watches over us benevolently every day look how happy all the grass Pokémon are never stop dancing little buddies my roommates kept bullying my cat by calling his name repeatedly to get his attention and then going baba buy every time he looks at them they also laugh and go get Baba buied and he always looks so lost the face of a man scandalized removing the scab on your wound your blood plats that have been working for days Dad what's 100 - 1 99 what's 40 million + 1 40 million and 1 10 seconds of stunned silence wow dad you know a lot of math you want to go yeah want to date with me do you oh you're saying that like I fell for a cunning prank I'm your girlfriend you egg keeping romance alive is a subtle art my boyfriend doesn't really have friends so when we get into fights he has no one to talk to about it so I just have to fill that role and listen and be like yeah I don't know your girlfriend sounds crazy bro best friends grew up together adulting is hard take a moment to pick your favorite dinosaur instead my housekeeper not to be outdone by the posing teddy bear shit's wild paprika girl I remember the day you came home and now look at you this how they did the dude that that attacked David Chapelle my Clash of Clans leaders have been together running our clan for years and they're getting married today our W and I are getting married see you all next Tuesday 33 trophies will be running Wars until then thanks to our newest Co there's a soft cactus in my hall and whenever I touch on it passing I say ouch and pretend it hurts to encourage its confidence more than 1,000 illegal Bitcoin mining machines in Malaysia were crushed and destroyed wholesome I don't understand why some people use fractions instead of decimals it's pointless well look you have to draw the line somewhere but or else people will think you're being irrational but that is besides the point every now and again I remember Matt Pat's post for when his child was born that looks like he was the one who gave birth why is it that your clothes only get caught on the door handle when you're in a bad mood the door Sees you are upset and tries to reel you in for a hug Japanese artist creates bonsai trees from 1 thousands of miniature origami cranes use your demons to your advantage I just watched my dog try to eat a lemon I fused Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel together and he looks surprisingly more innocent than his two contributors I trust him older people have read it what's something trending among younger people that you also like you guys are tolerant as hell I work in a school and kids can wear nerdy stuff and not wonder who they're going to have to fight first back in the '90s I smuggled my Star Wars books into the cafeteria like I was carrying Enigma machine codes don't talk badly on people who sleep on couches and shout out to the homies who let the homie couch surf until they get their stuff together he sat in the water for like an hour just staring at the water peacefully a friend's 5-year-old saw a rhino and called it a battle unicorn can we let 5-year-olds Chris and new species please today it was meme day at my old high school for homecoming week I appreciate this science teacher even more now rhinos are out of shape unicorns Chang my mind my daughter has less than a year left to graduate from college she studies business administration she's good smart and has the drive to work I still have 20 blocks left to finish my shift but I remember my daughter and there's nothing to stop me Nancy a street sweeper working a 1:00 a.m. shift men what cute thing has your significant other done recently in the middle of the night she turned to me and asked in a quiet voice would you like to hear some [ __ ] about the hawk Bill sea turtle I didn't even know she was awake that's hilarious at Dave's who has like nine dogs what do you call a fly With No Wings Keith don't a walk drowns in a tidal wave of dogs this is how I want to go out so earlier my dad and my son were watching cartoons in dad's room while I was bathing I went to check on them and when I was done I found them like this how much do you guys earn a month I'm asking so I can try to price my tickets as low as I can honestly this is maybe the nicest and most sincere thing I have ever seen a celebrity do my dad's name is Aaron so when I was little he said he was going to run around and I heard Aaron and figured that adults just called the chores they had to do by their own name and to this day I still secretly think of my chores as Ellies I don't often go through my dad's things because they smell like him and a lot of things he labeled stay out of my [ __ ] but today I opened a box and it was just all photo booth pictures of him and my mom the human hasn't smiled much today and I'm not sure why but I have a squeaker toy that looks like a cupcake and I am coming to the rescue last night I realized that if you start inexplicably clapping when one of your friends arrives at a party everyone else at the party will start clapping too it's the perfect wholesome prank 10 out of 10 my mom just framed a picture of the Criminal Minds cast and hung it up with our family photos we've been feeding a small family of four crows for several years last week 2 days in a row they left these gifts pull tabs threaded onto Pine TGs this is not only generous it's creative it's art my mind is blown when I see a cat versus when the cat approaches me the best kind of birds are the really short and fat ones I love them beautiful this is the best bird in the world the cows moo in a different accent fun fact cows have original accents bro is fighting for his life right now it's past my bedtime do you want to know something pretty cool I've survived 100% of my worst days and if you're reading this so have you and that's awesome I thought the CVS guy was going to ask me to join the rewards program but he said enjoy your night so I said not today thanks and left the purest love in the world is the one between grumpy dads and the pet they said they did not want I put some action figures on eBay a mom bought two but not the other 28 I had she messaged to say her autistic son was excited to get them she wished she could have bought more I sent all 30 of them got a phone call and she thanked me and cried we're all friends to this day I can't stop laughing at this incredible review for a stuffed Sheba Inu plushy five stars very soft very angry I like to leave my phone charging next to him when I'm studying when I look back to get my phone he stares at me in disgust and reminds me to keep focused it keeps me from getting distracted I would buy him again okay I have to share this my boys just got a telescope for Christmas I found my oldest Now set up in the sun room bird watching then I saw he has a checklist melts my heart this is one of those photos that you scroll past and then like three posts later you go hold on that's hilarious and scroll back up this Indian man and I have an identical commute but we have never spoken to each other like we get on at the same platform spot and everything I worked from home yesterday and today he jokingly said where were you I was lonely it was a joke but I almost cried when you're doing a legion run but still puts points and signs for me this remains one of the most profound pictures ever taken of Obama the little boy needed to know if Obama's hair was actually like his own the best thing about my apartment is the immortalized catp prince in this brick permanent small Bean Vibes in the house I wish I had crab legs correction I wish I had crab legs to eat not to replace my legs with with my daughter's glasses make her eyes appear bigger than normal but I think it's the cutest thing ever I always went to the same Starbucks and there's this one guy who's worked there for a couple months every morning I would go for my daily cub and every time he would get my name Catherine wrong so one day I asked him just to spell cat he wrote down meow and his phone number on the napkin he is also currently reading this over my shoulder into our 16th month of dating so yeah she's too little to even Dent the empty Fruit Loops Box by sleeping on top of it she is one pound of pure fluff my heart can't take it doctors made a 3D print of an ultrasound for an expecting mother who was blind Aaron Paul has announced that Brian Kenston will be the Godfather to his new baby through a ball she came back with a potato he has the hairstyle of Ariana Grande my 6-year-old daughter watching this show our Math's teacher rescues kittens and takes care of them and this one has some attachment issues so he taught the entire class like this 8-year-old me using the terminator's guide technique to run faster than my brother making a pyramid scheme with my two friends and they will each invite two friends over the process continues the pyramid is enormous the scheme is friendship I ordered 270 bread rolls received four sliders such a waste newest recapture test will now require you to correctly guess how many fingers it's holding up behind its back first day is cob Captain why did you call for backup there was a fly in my car what exactly do you think we do I ordered balloons for my mom finishing chemo on Tuesday saying [ __ ] cancer and got this morning we have refunded your order because we agree with your balloons do not worry the balloons are still on their way for you use the refunded money to get some cake wild bee just getting snack no prob be Mason be just make house build a away bee honey bee just sampling the lavenders you know I got an assortment bumblebee hey Bonk I just Bonk I holds flower St was I will see you in hell you tell them who sent you today I learned that Tigers cannot Pur to show happiness Tigers squint or close their eyes this is because losing Vision lowest defense so Tigers only purposely do this when they feel comfortable and safe the hotel I'm staying at is having a Chihuahua conference some lady told me there were over 300 chihuahuas in the building and if I wanted to I could go watch the puppy competition in the morning this is the best day of my life Mark apply's first ever Comon and fan still watches him I am still here I was actually moving when this video was posted so I missed about a month of YouTube videos including this one this isn't my main account anymore but I'm glad you've gone as far as you have and still I'm making videos wild to think it's been 7 years what is the dumbest solution to a problem that actually worked I went to councelor doctor's appointment and they just said it was a $200 charge without a week's notice I asked how much it was to reschedule they said it was free okay I need to reschedule for 2 weeks is 3 weeks okay yep all right you're all set for 3 weeks from now anything you can do yep I need to ccel my appointment we need a week's notice my appointment is 3 weeks away oh okay sure thank you couldn't believe it worked a man is very depressed he goes to the doctor the doctor says I know what to do very famous clown is performing tonight in town P glassi go see him it should cheer you up the man says all right sure he leaves the doctor alone in his office begins putting on clown makeup shuckling I don't think I've ever agreed with something more instead of remaking great movies they should remake bad movies that were based on good stories but did not meet expectations dog owner culture is chasing your six-month-old puppy around the yard in the dark in your under were for 20 minutes because she stole an avocado from the kitchen counter and you are afraid she will choke on the pit [ __ ] a group of high school kids skipped class in 1964 to go see The Beetles they didn't get into the concert but while they were driving Ringo pulled up beside them and snapped a photo when they told their friends no one believed them 50 years later Ringo publishes his book of photos and they were in it the Kids reenacted The Shot the F in frog stands for friendship the r in frog stands for respect the O stands for optimism the G stands for green parents I want the truth tell us truth nope you're lying wrong answer you were actually telling the truth I do that quite a lot yet people are always surprised you have no idea the lengths I went to find this gift said I have never won an award for anything ever an elementary school literally every single person in my class won an award for something except me I have never been an employee of the month I have never been honorably mentioned for anything while in the service the only ribbons I received were the ribbons the rest of my unit units received while playing sports the only trophies I received were the ones the rest of my team received while working for the police as a 911 dispatcher I have never had any accolades whatsoever in fact when I was in kindergarten our teacher made a promise to us that if every child lost a tooth we would get an ice cream party best efforts aside I never lost in kindergarten and we didn't get an ice cream party because of me folks my friend just sent me this she's riding the hoverboard I'm crying my cat ran away a couple of years ago and came back a weeks later and now ever since he just stares in the mirror house cat goes outside for the first time in a world where you can be anything be kind I thought he was giving a speech apparently if you tape a frame on the floor your cat will get into it you got to be kiding me study says cats are not fed enough times did a CAT write this something to think about strong chin versus weak chin is this over I hate the hand that feeds me I think I'll do something messed up to it wow so freaking judgmental can I live the Homeless Cat that lives in our garden has just started letting himself in and apparently dinner is late five powerful Mages contain an Unstoppable Beast he kind of looks like a medieval painting of a cat I like it I bought this blanket and waited for weeks he finally sat inside it hey look my non-binary friends showed up this photo of my cat reminds me of guts thoughts he is literally him I woke up at 7:00 a.m. with a crashing sound and she runs up onto the bed like this not a flex but I'm saving so much money on litter The Duality of cat for those unaware of the recent meme development the cat evidently changed her stance and banana he's helping her poop okay he's peeling your orange but is he doing this I'm obsessed with this showing my cat stuff he's probably never seen before part 22 her parking ticket do you sleep with your bedroom door closed according to experts you really shouldn't did my cat write this this is some horror movie type stuff Karen so not funny Simon goes nowhere without his emotional support sock Mato woke me up last night at 3 a.m. because he was hungry well I dozed off for a bit and woke up to my jinny holding his bottle the bartender keeps pushing my drink off the table what the hell I think she's going to be very surprised when those kittens finally hatch the shelter where I adopted my cat from posted this and I'm losing my mind pasta and her noodles cats tucked in bed like babies can anyone tell me why the vet I'm visiting has a kitten that just sits in his pocket all day I would rather have it and not use it then need it and not have it she's been doing this all week with knives of varying sizes not sure how much time I have left this brings me so much joy I cannot express how to get lipsticks out of cat's fur this is so cute they forgot they were wearing lipstick pet Knight is celled on the account of he's protecting the pizza bread is so violent these days what type of bread is this we put this chair on the curb for bulk trash pickup and my cat thinks it's for her I've seen three people so far come and pet her during their neighborhood walks Garner's Gauntlet is proud to announce our employee of the month award to Bean he is 5 weeks old and starting his career strong gladiatorial merch Circa 347 ad colorized are you not entertained when you see an opportunity and take it that cat was wasting no time making the most of the opportunity do they still worship us child well I poop in a box and they clean it good good my friend's cat had one kitten just one little perfect kitten this is so cute this is my artist rendition of Puddles when she's been napping and I accident ly wake her up while this was not targeted at me it coincidential captures me quite well family photo they look so cute together is blood serious right now that's not how you are supposed to use it I guess my cat had a hard day we have a new manager in the office they seem a bit young but got my total support I have to pee no we have to pee me how fat is that cat her this just in he's figured out where the laser comes from they've evolved I put a bit of gold tin foil on my cat's head and she just sat there looking terrified until I took it off I couldn't stop laughing I'm such a bad person cats are controlled by government satellites you blocked the signal so it shut down my boyfriend has been on a 2E holiday to Scotland for some peace in quiet so he could paint his giant Masterpiece this morning I was finally allowed to see it my boyfriend just accidentally sent me what he was getting me for Christmas so he sent me this picture 44 times to cover it up tail what do you mean oh my God adopted my cat 6 months ago from a local shelter and I don't think she had ever seen carpet before she laid like this for about 30 minutes without moving amazing photograph taken in the fraction of a second where the target doesn't even know he's being tackled yet idiot I am happy when I see my cat I am sad when I don't see my cat my responsibility is my cat I'm just trying to get some work done on the Jeep I don't own a cat well now you do is there a way to boost my cat's intelligence I want to know because my cat is actually a different level of stupid the cat in question his name is nuclear bomb my cat lives with my Mom this is how he acts every time I come to visit when you fed the neighbor's cat that one time and he hears your voice over the fence it's so beautiful that this Photograph exists and I get to live to see it why did they Mass produce these cats in a factory this is the last supper we found him whiskers ah he's so happy you just know somebody's being called by their first name right now I know they say don't cry over spilled milk but I've genuinely never seen my cat more upset in his life I love cats but my mom doesn't let me have one so they just made their own cat as you do my sister kindly replaced my ex with the cat cats are liquid don't try to change my mind the art and the artist I'm going to get this appraised by a few rich people then sell it for like 5 million if you think you're excited wait till your cat sees this box I hope this emao finds you well me and why he opal this guy is showing me the drink selection thank you little man ring there is motion at your front door it's a lot of money rented a Hut in Austria woke up to this young handsome fell ID he is under mind control someone save him you cute you thick as hell you go out there and get him today if you just had a clear box you would know that shroud's cat is alive and very confusing shot my cats through the mail slot before coming home no don't shoot the cats they're innocent his arrival was foretold cat sign and then cat why did he do that he wanted to know how water felt I guess free will before they were photoshopped sad cats before and after you told them they were beautiful wait a minute the cat with the butter on it was originally a bunny she's not interested in participating in the day I fully understand that let me in let me in no you don't understand I have to watch you pee my cat meowing at my corpse because I was late on feeding him wet food sometimes I wonder if I spoil the cat seeing him with his iPad in his YT but it's fine he deserves it mayam had dental surgery today and is out of her guard she has been sitting here calmly watching Bird videos on YouTube for literally hours looking through adoption cats in my city and I found the saddest wetest cat I've ever seen in my life get in there's no time to explain attention the BEDA cat near our house is now wearing a t-shirt that says security congrats on the job dude they got school tomorrow I think this cat's date didn't go well well you know I can always pull up so I remember about 2 weeks ago this guy from my class was like me and my cat of soulmates were always together and thought he's just weird but then this happened I am 7 50% done with this listen I would never hurt my cat but sometimes I wish I could turn into a cat so he could square up the magic boy last night I dreamt there was a new meme SLS slang and it was bod as in like Bodacious so like people would zoom in on pictures of really fat cats and it would just say Bo self-fulfilling prophecy who is cyber bullying my son hello you you stinky kitten go eat a mouse ugly you are under arrest for being so darn cute just joking we know you killed that man my cat took my spot on the couch so I decided to annoy her enough to get her to move we are at a stalman please don't knock the cat has keys so to visit them you must first catch their cat that is some task for potential suitors and medieval epic poetry stuff befriend if the cat doesn't like you the human inside probably won't either tell me you have a cat without actually telling me you have a cat I cut a little hole so their Snack Pack could breathe I was going to take a picture of her weird loaf position but I ended up with the cutest picture in the world they literally think anything that comes out of the fridge is for the Cat my cat figured out how to stand today and now she just can't quit a Russian zoo is home to a unique animal the lier it is half lioness half tiger the mother is pictured looking one of her month-old tiger cubs a Polish repair guy sent this to my boyfriend and I just love it inspector is watching me perfect timing my cat is afraid of tangerines so I created a force field to protect the Christmas tree this kid I'm babysitting is so weird man meard Talent Raw Talent every single person who owns two cats has one beautiful idiot and one terrifying demon plotting a coupe when you finally sit down to eat but you didn't feed your cats first attention please look at Luna's Feats thank you Google made a panorama of my cat stealing my husband's Pence out of his closet cat dad is watching the football game in the distance while pretending to pay attention to the kittens wife just texted me that the cat just got back from the vert and to not laugh at him she then texted me this picture went to volunteer at the Humane Society and the security bag check was pretty intense guess who taught himself how to open the rice cooker and woke me up by screaming in between mouthfuls of hot rice when you got two pets and don't want the other one to feel unloved my son has loved my cat since the day he was born she tolerates that love in a way I never thought was possible house cat painfully aware of how much owner's mental health is riding on his tummy being so fluffy how my cats battle it out for the dominant spot in the household airpods are charging trust me around your valuable jewelry and trust my son too I would trust them around my valuables I have been robbed my cat must have realized I needed to be cheered up you need to get a job all you do is need the blanket all day I know but you need to get a job he refuses to discuss with me rent is 13 years overdue family portrait stop that's adorable this is my family is little and broken but still good yeah still good never speak to me or my giant daughter who can tear your face off ever again they cannot get out keep closed cats past here open your eyes Jack stop pretending you're my shadow a pigeon got into our house today my cat Troy has a different method of hunting knuckle sandwich I spent 10 minutes looking for my cat before I went to bed I found him asleep in a walk on top of the freezer when you fake sick and everyone's like yeah you look really terrible clearly I'm not that silly tiny fies they've got little fies beans 20 out of 10 would definitely kiss and Boop if the Earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now I accidentally woke him up by rearranging my legs she's giving herself a hug I think this is a nuclear bomb will I ever be able to eat my yogurt alone again probably not he has a secret he please share it today very mischievous perhaps a little bit evil in side of my brain looks like this complete Randomness going on how are you doing I think they're doing fine the crime versus the accused he's innocent my roommate went into the kitchen and then came out giggling oh my God he said do you have your camera cheers to Spencer who thinks he is soup apparently if you can see a panda your left brained and if you can see two turtles swimming your right brained what do you see I see a bearded man anyone else people in 1169 I bet there will be flying carts in the future for 1420 cat armor the sleeping Smiler My Heart Belongs to pictures of animals being spoonfed like babies look how happy cats we are not as loyal as dogs but at least we don't tell the police where the drugs are he will make biscuits on your chest until you feel all better the fibrillator Behold The Bean setion a poor on a poor Titan the chunky cat 73 reviews at nearly five stars these cats look like they're in a girl gang how can I join my lovely neighborhood cat Duo are snuggling in a cold foggy morning guys my cat Daisy knows how to type so ask her questions and she will answer what do you think of a popular artist will wood a I love being a historian dating a lesbian librarian and getting texts like this me bringing you sources screw of romance except whatever this is outdoor cats are using $500 starlink satellite dishes as self-heating Birds this picture of the tiger from Uncle Grandpa makes me immensely happy they're on their honeymoon they look so happy Orange in a suit quite the gentleman pleasure to meet you are we a joke to you made her a bridge to the window she always stared at but could never reach my dad who didn't want a cat showing Lucas every item of the weekly shop because he wants to see what we've got them your pets are spoiled me they are competitively compensated for the user experience they provide Aaron would like to share a photo thing I just said to my cat oh the Heat's going to come on soon you whiny [ __ ] quit sulking he keeps whining now and again just to make sure I notice him up there suffering in the checks the most at 70° fimble winter the new Jurassic Park movie looks great Disneyland but for cats do I even matter of course you do to warm my head my hands my feet and my heart the dad cat like to hang out in the sink by himself and then the kittens found him he looks so annoyed I didn't sign up for this it literally cannot get cuter than this I will always reblog angry cat dead death is on its way human can I cuddle death and give death chin scratches and kisses scratches cannot postpone the inescapable fate ordained to you human however they may earn you purs and love rubs I have so much respect and appreciation for my local supermarket workers hey genuine question why do people put that water filter over screenshots just post them screw you no get submerged drenched cat puss and boots it is Puss and Boots what's even cuter than a black cat with a pink nose a black cat with a pink nose and pink toes not going to lie I've be meowing back to cats this cat is absolutely an often generating [ __ ] the mustache and Top Hat are there in spirit if not actually my boyfriend when we met I hate cats cats are gross I am allergic I could never be a cat person or live with cats him now there is a cat me when I see a cat if I'm being honest feel the enthusiasm I'm seeing it all right bed frame allows bed for humans and playground for cats cats at 3:00 a.m. under the bed I am speed now why is JaMarcus eating my roses he literally pulled that one down this is not a cat stupid cats are valid cats who aren't graceful and thud to the ground like a bag of rocks are valid cats who run around the room and RAM into the door valid cats who get their claws stuck in things and meow at you to help them are valid name little beepo skill freaking miserable quote please let me have some grease from the stove top I'll cry if you don't let me have some grease I need it my cat has two lap settings one you attempted to liftt your leg but I am the weight of 10,000 dying sons and I will not be disturbed you will perish her two you move your ankle one of a 100,000th of an inch I am leaving immediately you've offended not only me but my ancestors in 1944 a kitten named George short for General Electric was saved from drowning by a US Navy crew member George was then photographed and given a liberty card and a detailed health record you won't believe it this car cart this cat is over covered in snug who wrote this mommy issues daddy issues bro I'm the issue waking up after telling the nice doctor the truth heart ear this is too perfect lab cat a photograph of two tiny kittens one white and one black and white sitting on an orange couch with their noses pressed against each other these cats run the streets thugging and mugging smoking catnb a mother cow looking after her young cough stupid those are Dalmations me I'm sad come cuddle my cat no can do home me busy staring at ghosts until it's time to yell at bugs I can't reach cat with human is for every human girl with cat is you draw one of me exists think about the consequences of your actions next time ah yes time for the biannual gaslighting of the cat in which I slowly shift Meals by 15 minutes at a time for 2 weeks in a ritual that is both mystifying and infuriating for him is the cat by the way oh concrete step we're really in it now water splashing TS what some people won't do oh God I saw this a long time ago and just now got it oh no how to catch a mountain line or any cat Place cardboard box in open where said cat may see it sit back and wait a cat is a cat is a cat get you some Mountain Cat today quite large oh said quiet and they Leonard is one of the sweetest cats we have ever met anytime someone passes his kennel he is sure to greet them with a chirping meow and outstretched pause adopted this cat's face contains emotions that I cannot begin to describe but at the same time I have a deep understanding of holding in a deep sigh of vague anxiety and heartaches as well as tiredness on a cosmic level knowing then releasing it won't help every morning when I go in the kitchen she yells at me non-stop so I have to put the spoon on her head how did they find this out a couple people have asked how I figured out she wants the spoon and to that I say this I don't actually know if she wants the spoon but it fits nicely on her little baby kid and she stops me owing when I do it probably out of confusion I almost died today my ridiculous cat launched himself over the shower while I was in it causing my soul to leave my body when a cat fell from the sky into my soapy arms Tails smacking my face drenched cat screeching clawing at the shower curtain truly rest in peace me I'm gone here's the cat in question fleeing my murder scene I just screamed octopus gun in each hand cat you're one shot buddy it took this person longer than they would have liked to guess this the vet told us that James needs to lose a bit of weight we have stopped giving him treats I've been feeling sorry for him and giving him treats in secret I found out my wife has two so James has been getting more treats than ever before this is truffles she works at her children's Optimist trist to help them feel better about wearing glasses we just say Opticians in UK I think well it is Opticians I think this is in UK though I don't know I've never heard of this word before optim metrist high pitched screaming a cat wouldn't sound like that though I don't know hi Jinx Tom fery I love these names that one friend who's always there you and you know what this means it's a cat not a person the only person who has got yourself is you because to get a cat you would have had to you know buy it or look off I don't know I think if a cat loves you it's kind of a reflection of how you've been treating a cat or any animal for that you know like if a dog loves you it's because you've been treating it nicely and you've been loving it but with people it doesn't work like that why am I talking about this on a meme video I don't know at 14 I saw my mom crying about her only car being repossessed this felt good Merry Christmas Mom tokish for photographer beats up client after learning bright is 15 relaxing after winning an argument with the wife in who cares news I've lost 183 over the last 18 months being ugly my experience and he eventually got married a smile like this must be protected my wife's smile is the one I must protect I must escape the city I am surrounded by sheep ah much better Bitcoin update just buy $1 worth of bitcoin please 10 years ago awesome yacht 100 f with DJ and crypto friends I went to the store to get some groceries and I unexpectedly met Tom Hardy there he ended up paying for all of my stuff and even carried them to my car my ex-girlfriend never wanted to go on Hikes with me today I took her dog that she abandoned after we broke up for an 8m hype I've never seen a dog so happy every 6 months this man in South Dakota climbs this communication Tower to change the light bulb he has paid $220,000 per clone my brother literally listens to classical music and plays roll Coaster Tycoon all day never had this thing as a kid I had to wait until I was almost 50 POV your 8-year-old brother wants to be a YouTuber so you make random accounts and subscribe so he has something exciting to tell you man devotes his life to adopting old dogs who can't find forever homes when I was a kid I had this game called worm Church where I'd bring worms to my room and read them the Bible some of y'all afraid to be corny but I was born in the cob this is the coolest guy I have ever seen that's a guy wearing an elephant costume that bike may look odd to some but this man built it so that his blind brother can feel the wind like he does that's quite the brother this is my dad when he married my mom I asked him why were you dress like this to your wedding and he said your mom invited me to the wedding but she didn't tell me whose wedding it was in 2020 an Italian man walked 450 km to cool off after he had an argument with his wife a kid is fishing during class Las Vegas Police facing Mike Tyson after he had just bitten off someone's ear 1996 all of them look like their eyes are flashing Before Their Eyes going to a World Cup in the Middle East dressed as a crusader they have a lot of bath hous in Budapest at this one Alman play chess in the water these are photos I took on film Jack has five pens Molly has three pens which child has more pens Jack how do you know show your thinking thinking Jack the sons of a fallen Deputy raised $3,000 to buy their dad's old patrol car the bidding quick surpassed what they could afford a Rancher bought it for $60,000 he walked to the boy's table with the keys and said here is your car a border coli who was ejected from a car during a crash in Idaho has been found on a sheep farm hurting sheep W this dude got yeated into his dreeme job men pick up a few games movies and songs they liked when they were 15 to 25 and then don't consume any other New Media ever again Kane Hodder the actor that played Jason Vorhees in four of the Friday the 13th films declined to scene where Jason was supposed to kick a dog he insisted that Jason was not evil enough to hurt animals my parents had to put their dog down 2 years ago and it's been really hard on them unfortunately M stepdad Rick has found the worst way to cope feeding a 1-year-old raccoon and letting him live on their porch his name is little Rick AKA raccoon and by feeding him sometimes I wonder if my brother has autism but then I remember that one time he showed me his spreadsheet of all his friends that he would calculate when he needed to hang out with or text them in order to maintain a friendship your priority weight is being dropped in this spreadsheet see you at 8:41 p.m. October 27th 2031 no every year window cleaners at this Hospital in Canada dress up as superheroes to surprise the children then they go inside to the Pediatric unit the NICU and the youth mental health unit to say hello to everyone on my campus there's a group of jacked muscular dudes who offer to walk with you if you're scared to walk alone I woke up and realized I was obese so I started lifting and walking 12,500 steps a day still got a long way to being yolked but I'm happy with my progress so far let's go Jimmy I overcame my depression and went for a hike it's the Small Things a bunch of girls just told me I look like Chris Hemsworth do you agree this guy thought he'd trick us all by posting a picture of himself twice hey isn't it weird how we lived longer than men huh weird men shooting a potato at a tennis rord to make french fries there's 18 months between these two pictures I'm really proud of the progress I've made with my way weight loss two Brazilian politicians settled a dispute over a waterp park conservation project by fighting each other in a three round MMA fight after turning 35 men must make a decision to either get really into World War II history or really into smoking various Meats Farmers stand in silence at auction so a young man can buy back his family's Farmhouse no this is literally bank robbery more Farmers equals cheaper Burgers Arthur Booth is now a manager of a pharmaceutical company and is living lawful life as he'd promised to his former classmate I let social media influence me too much last year I cheated on my ex because I thought he was a bum because he wasn't funding me to have a luxury lifestyle like I see others have on Tik Tok this whole time he was saving money to adopt his nephews I wanted him back but he hates me now good when Henry caval had to prove to his nephew's teachers that his uncle was in fact Superman man's wife files for divorce after he refuses to give up newborn baby with Down Syndrome what typee of wife does this I hope this is a fake Story You're a bit not many better texts to receive after a day on the biz with your old man you really love to see it thanks for this afternoon mate really enjoyed it that smuggled home lunch meat from the wedding they went to today me realizing my standard in men is so high because of my dad he wakes up at 6:00 a.m. every Sunday to buy flowers coffee and pastries for my mom every damn time for the past 25 years I want a beer paralyzed man communicates first words using brain implants the first thing I knew hire did was fix a bug that's been bugging him forever as a user prior to joining he then breathed the sigh of relief and submitted his 2 weeks of notice what pared with this guy all last night in Vegas he asked my boy for the Jersey swap guys being dudes h of Fame Aaron Paul has announced that Brian Kenston will be the Godfather to his new baby while waiting for my flight I met this old lady who mentioned she had never flown first class before she was 82 years old and flying alone needless to say I switched seats with her Mississippi man charged with hate crime for allegedly destroying satanic temple display at Iowa capital leave the personification of evil alone my Bros costume dudes would rather sleep in minus 36° weather with no tent or sleeping bag than go to therapy the first ones on the bar must be insanely strong a stranded Australian sailor and his dog survived 2 months of drift in the Pacific Ocean by eating raw fish and drinking rainwater after running into a stor on the 3700 M Journey my ex and my dad still get Taco Bell together is this not weird to anyone else tell your dad I've got his crunch repap Supreme I'm on my way to pick him up we broke up 4 months ago why do you still get Taco Bell with my dad just two guys eating crunch wraps and watching football for those wondering why I'd buy my 18-year-old son a 330 horsepower Mustang well he's been given months to live and can't work long enough to buy himself one his comment on the way home Dad I'm just going to squeeze a few extra months of my life just to be able to to drive this a boy's hot dog stand got reported to authorities but the city didn't shut him down they decided to equip him and give him a permit instead Star Wars fan 21 who died stopping a gunman on a North Carolina University campus is honored as a Jedi master boyfriend is sitting by his computer eating sausages with Wikipedia opened to the page sausage don't worry it's not tobacco dude you look like every stock photo of 1940s Russian woman compliment I'd rather eat my own pee pee my friend Kev died yesterday 42 following a cardiac arrest this is the last thing he had ever said on social media this is how he would want to be remembered this dad is a legend my daughter disappeared from a quiet Suburban neighborhood in August of 2010 3 years later 8 years ago today in direct Defiance of the GHP FBI and the state department I traveled 5,000 mi into Mexico and did what everyone said was impossible man who hasn't stopped farting since the at ham roll in 2017 s for £200,000 my man said I can't see him because he has to go to mass I told him he needs to pick it's either me or God he picked God my 66-year-old father-in-law has been making memory notes to play a video game with his son this is so cute in 1992 I was 12 my dad and I were at the Newark Airport I saw Joe pesky and recognized him from home alone pesy I went up and asked for his autograph Joe asked me who my favorite actor was I said he was he handed me a crisp $100 and said that's the right answer kid Italy wants to jail vegans for 4 years if they don't feed their kids meat I agree two guys were bothering me while I was pumping gas and an older man walked up pretending to be my dad told me to get in the car and finished pumping my gas for me when the guys left he told me he hopes someone would do the same for his daughter I was sitting at my desk all day and suddenly in the middle of backtack Zoom calls my ankle starts throbbing with pain and swelling up huge and then starts discoloring what how badly did I sprit sounds like a blood clot go to ER immediately note I am a former 911 paramedic update blood clock confirmed totter might have actually saved my life no Wi-Fi on my last flight so I drew the Roman Empire from memory with provinces how'd I do amazing I asked this guy how tall are you and he handed me this yes I am tall I am 6'10 no I do not play basketball I play volleyball wait I get it now Ikea dates are powerful because you can walk through the store and imagine a life together I literally got my girlfriend to Unbreak up with me by going to an Ikea store just as friends we've been married for 15 years now and have three kids Robin Williams in every movie he filmed he asked the production company to hire at least 10 homeless people during his entire career he helped approximately 1,520 homeless what an absolute Legend So I just pulled SL evacuated an elderly couple from the house on the way to the gym how are you all doing moment meteorologist calls his kids during live broadcast to warn them to get to the basement as he realizes their Maryland home is in the path of a tornado a shocking amount of men think they can win fights against grizzly bears elephants and cobras in 1923 a jockey named Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead he suffered a heart attack mid race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 21 Outsider Victory I can't stop thinking about these guys whose friends forgot his ID so they got a table by the window and we're just chatting with them outside I mean I think they should have just not gone in the bar but I'm 22 and just bought my first home after years of working hard you can do it too wait what is going on with the ceiling man looks like a warehouse bodybuilder who battled depression and even tried to end his life after his wife left him reveals how adopting 50 tiny dogs helped him to finally turn his life around person caught watching Lord of the Rings as the entire plane views Australia's victory in the Women's World Cup trying to figure out how my husband knows about Bitcoin car engines World economy inflation politics stock market calorie deficit Etc but never knows when and why I'm upset ever since my dad died I've made a point almost every couple of days to head to my mom's house and refill her stock of wood and start a fire for her it's the little things like that men have to do when our fathers leave us even when we have our own kids and families there's no such thing as a perfect name for a fire fot Lieutenant Les mcburn look at what my dad just said about my mom your mother is such a powerful soul that even the daffodils lean towards her her instead of the Sun the Miami heed waited until Eric was finished with his divorce proceedings to give him the $120 million contract extension now that's real as hell hey what's a word that starts with f and ends with I'm sorry but the word that starts with this is inappropriate and offensive the answer is fire truck I apologize for misunderstanding Costco co-founder once said I will kill you to the CEO who wanted to hip the price of the $150 hot dog combo I was in foster care for 897 days but today I was adopted my wife is so tired of me commenting on every historical inaccuracy we see in historical drums that now I just have a bell on my chair that I ring as an outlet of my frustration instead of talking about it what is that armor this is Rick Charles who is a former American High diver Who currently holds the world record for the highest dive of 172 ft 52.4 M that's his mother watching nothing to see here just four Chads looking at each other I teach men lessons my wife teaches women lessons I will teach your son how to fight bleed groan she will teach your daughter how to ballet long hair pink call us before it's too late after being a stay-at-home dad for 6 years I 35 male started college alongside my son who just started kindergarten we got this one time a guy picked me up to take me on our first dude and he was playing this God awful metal music so I turned it down and he legit made an illegal U-turn and took my butt right back home without saying one word right my dad's setup uh better than than mine I don't know why my voice shook when I said that but his house was burned but he saved the most precious thing after 6 months homeless and jobless I now have a new apartment car and a job in a call center and I did it on my own I'm so proud of myself sleep for 8 hours work for 8 hours that's only 14 hours out of 24 you still have 10 hours to cook amazing meals work out learn a language and walk on the beach time is not the issue back in 2000 Kevin Hines jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge due to mental illnesses he miraculously survived because a sea lion was bumping him up and kept his head above water now he is a death prevention speaker mom said I have to go no okay we can play tomorrow hey man I don't know if you still remember me but we used to play like 8 years ago I got married last week actually before and after photo of a boy who beat cancer sausage roll in the can of loger why is the can of loger Photoshopped in drinking it didn't want to put it down I literally helped him find D what did you do today if lost please return me to D I'm D nuts where's nuts fine nuts do any celebrities want to date me I'm single I may not be that person but I was the best player blah blah blah pretty cool yep yep but guess what they got married this is cool women with a time machine I'm your granddaughter really men with a time machine it's okay buddy he'd want us to forgive you fact 11 years ago I was texting a dude I hooked up with a few times as I got ready for Thanksgiving back in my hometown I forgot what's your town called again he asked I told him 1 8 hour drive later and he appeared at my doorstep what a dumb anyway we're married taking her to Starbucks because I forgot her name if it weren't for women all men would be living like this until the end of time girl at my party ask to see my YouTube recommendations because it's a good test for red flags this was the first recommendation I had what if Big Bird exploded in the Challenger disaster 13 years ago I tried to end my life 12 years ago I was fired from my job 11 years ago I was declared bankrupt 10 years ago I picked up a camera 7 years ago I was published with the National Geographic six I won countless Awards four I got a mortgage have faith the Min supreme Supreme in New Hampshire in 2019 during the presidential election got to keep my nephew looking fresh hey before you're gone forever I just want to be honest I ran I jumped and I climbed on multiple occasions I did not respect the Laser Quest code of conduct even though I verbally agreed to it and for that I am sorry we forgive you after the Adams County Sheriff's Office the home of Afroman and found nothing Afroman turned the footage of the raid into a music video now the officers are suing over emotional distress embarrassment ridicule loss of reputation and humiliation thought it would be cool to make kect body armor started karate today I stood next to a 5-year-old little girl in her first day we learned the same steps and the dojo couldn't closing I am 10 times her size seen Horrors in my years I hope she will never even imagine in that moment we were equal never felt such a gracious humility before for elderly neighbor buys 14 years worth of Christmas gifts for a young girl before he passed from cancer my girlfriend dumped me I got Revenge by losing 141 on my own his girlfriend Nina had an inoperable brain cancer and he stayed along her side the entire time shows up once a year with a video eliminates any respect some public figure once had elaborates for multiple hours leaves Brazilian mother named FIFA fan of the year for narrating matches to her blind son remember that time Ron Pullman underw 4 hours of makeup just to surprise a leukemia patient anorexia and my recovery your first podcast will be bad your first speech video anything will be bad but you can't make your 100th without making your first so put your ego aside and start I'm at a Michelin star restaurant right now to celebrate my wife's promotion SL new rooll I know many will not consider this a big deal but I used to be a janitor cleaning poopy toilets at car dealerships in Stockton and stealing poptarts from my high school cafeteria this homeless man's r was thrown over a bridge by a passer by and he immediately jumped into the river to save her he won an award was given animal food and a job and the passerby was charged with animal cruelty doctors you can't test it on humans it's illegal Dr Barry fine I'll do it myself Dr Barry was convinced that this type of bacteria causes stomach ERS but no one believed him since it was illegal to test his theory on humans he drank the bacteria himself developed ulcers within days treated them with antibiotics and went on to win a Noble Prize says my 82-year-old granddad sends me a Valentine's card every year his writing is getting worse because of his tremors but he always insists on writing it himself for the length of time I have loved you I could have walked to the Moon in back Kenyan authorities have arrested a fake lawyer Brian who has falsely been presenting himself as an advocate of the high court of Kenya he argued 26 cases before high court judges magistrates and court of appeal judges he won all of the 26 cases before his arrest men doing so male spiders give female spiders Gifts of prey wrapped in silk to increase meeting success wrapping the gift in silk prevents the female from stealing it without copulating and sometimes conceals that the gift is just random trash 4 years ago I got a gym membership insane transformation I don't have anywhere else to post this but I'm proud of myself for taking the first steps towards Fitness 2.5 mil 200 calories so I've been waiting to do this for a while it's not attractive it's not perfect but screw it I worked my butt off for this from 525 to the mid2 200s and I'm proud my son has cleur disease and was kicked off Medicaid in 2019 I lost 100 to join the US Army so that he could have medical coverage on October 29th 2020 I became an American Soldier 16-year-old Jamie Harrington saw a man sitting on the side of a bridge and stopped to ask are you okay that little question saved lives after convincing him to get help they exchanged numbers and parted ways months later later the man called and said his wife was pregnant with a baby boy they named him Jamie before you embark on a journey of Revenge dig two graves what a stupid quote I'm killing way more than two people idiot men will take one good head shot every 5 years and use it for their LinkedIn picture hinge pick passport background picture until they rinse and repeat Family called him to inquire about the recipe so she could have it one last time when the chef learned that the customer lived in Vermont and could no longer travel due to her Advanced lung cancer he decided to make the lung drive and cook it fresh for her my stepson called me dad in front of his friends I have been with my wife for 4 years she has a 12-year-old son from a previous relationship he has never hated me but it's clear he misses his dad he's mainly just called me by my name I don't necessarily like it but I would never force him to call me dad today he wanted to go with his friends to an amusement park and he asked me to come with them which already made me happy so of course I said yes but when his friends got in the car there was one of them who I'd never met before and he introduced me as his dad I started smiling when he said that and I think he noticed because he looked at me and rolled his eyes while laughing right now they're trying to win a big prize at the park and I'm still smiling I know this isn't something huge or anything but this is genuinely one of the happiest days I've ever had in a while mother got extremely sick on Christmas she gets hospitalized doctor tells us she will be here until January 2nd I take care of my mother and I have to stay at the hospital every night taking care of her I tell my girlfriend I have to ccel our plans for a New Year's party at a friend's house because I will be staying with my mom she tells me she is going without me I think to myself well I don't want her to have a crap New Year so it's okay later today best bro calls me hey buddy I heard you are staying at the hospital for New Year's I canceled my plans and we'll bring you food to the hospital so we can celebrate please this is either a fake 4chan story or your girlfriend is a piece of [ __ ] break up now my grandpa who was 85 started making this rock collection okay this is for a new geography meme video you can spoil it if you want by reading it but you know it's yeah pure happiness Finding her cat safe after an earthquake say what he want but that man was a father thunder buddies in their Thunder bunker just a raccoon hugging a Chihuahua I did not know hamsters deflated when they sleep my wife loves to take a nap whenever it's possible her mom and grandma came to town to visit now I can see where she gets it from we found our cat's old toy under the fridge I went to a shelter to get a cat but I left with a pair of best friends this was their first night home I asked him why he's so relaxed and he said because I'm minding my business every bunny Was Kung Fu Fighting this owl captured a child's hobby horse and carried it around the town photographer takes photos of cats on catnip and it's so much fun someone added this to the periodic table in their chemistry book ah the element of surprise this little girl thought a bride she saw on the street was the princess from her book rescued pummer cannot be released into the wild so he lives as a spoiled house CAD this dog is living in my head and will not leave you know what a good feeling a really good feeling when sunbeams do this from a very patient photographer I feel like everyone needs to see this very important picture of a squirrel being hit by a sudden gust of wind what is it called when you're introverted but have taken on numerous leadership and outgoing RS your whole life intrav vitous I'm here to help but I would rather not be but I want to be when your cat messages your boss trying to get you fired absolutely smartest thing you've ever said Japan has installed turtle tunnels under train tracks to stop them from being killed or derailing a train hundreds of flamingos in the shape of a giant Flamingo I tried to surprise my wife with pizza she did the same thing for me now we have four pizzas delivered by the same guy this dog is better at comforting goats than I am at comforting people forget about Patrick Batman Tyler be like Paddington he is very polite is curious about the world and eats marmalade sandwiches I just found a new pizza place that also do pizzas for dogs giving benefits to a charity so this happened my cousin has a disease and takes her alert dog to school with her every day and he made it in the school yearbook come over to my house and let's do something what we do maybe it's just me but existing in the same air with my friends is very therapeutic for me you guys I was taking pictures of squad R and he yawned and now I have this picture and I am laughing so hard he scream this isn't my garage but this is my Planet I was opening a bag of chips on the plane and the little guy in front of me did this I accidentally printed a very tiny version of my assignment I'm going to hand it in as a joke update on this post my professor laughed so hard she cried she's going to show it to all of her teacher friends large teenager out for an embarrassing walk with his mama mortifying this was an experiment by a kindgarten class they dropped seeds in the cracks of the sidewalk to see what would happen in elementary school I hit this kid because he said I can't punch and then I broke his nose and then my stepdad picked me up and the office was like you have to say sorry but the kid was like but she proved me wrong she doesn't have to say sorry ladies and gentlemen my best friend of many many years this is violently beautiful wads are the heroes of the Australian fires Sheltering animals in their Burrows Robin Williams accepted $75,000 rather than his typical fee of about 8 million for his role as the genie in Aladin because he wanted to leave something wonderful behind for his children amazing how Love Changes someone the pet St lied and now I have a piranha my mom's cats their brothers synchronized catting this is called mirroring cats do this with each other and humans as a way of being social it's a copy cat Ohio couple with the same birthday give birth to twins on their birthday the whole family has the same birthday like I want to cry this is nugget for 10 years whenever he gets anxious he sits in his bed and cries pouring at his blankets until I make him a for for him to crawl into and suddenly everything is all right in his little world my friend lives above a punk bar and sent us this picture of her dog and the regulars made us some matching bracelets a reminder that Japan has an official Ikea mascot in a souit my favorite part about him is that he has framed a picture of himself in his office she likes to sleep in the pillow one of my four nephews just brought me wine and said here's your Christmas juice and now he's the one I'm leaving everything to I just found out there is a crab that looks like a pancake and now the world seems brighter I'm going to cry over these crabs my daughter has trained our dogs to come running anytime you accidentally spoil something on the floor and yell housekeeping it is the funniest and most satisfying thing I hope the babies I was born with at the same Hospital are doing good that's gang for real they have been there since day one literally we put this chair on the curb for bulk trash pickup and my cat thinks it's for her I've seen three people so far come and pet her during their neighborhood walks God's greatest punishment was putting one trillion cool rocks on Earth and no one with eyes big enough to see them all I teach kindergarten and always talk about my cat Tedy today one of my students drew me a picture of him so I took some pictures to show her and say thank you Lego donates model MRI kids to hospitals to help children understand the procedure and reduce their anxiety a flower for you my lady sloths are what happens when coconuts come alive that is the best description of sloths ever I can't hello I would like Nintendo to return us the round bean I am very Pro love is the most important thing to put into your cooking but also please season your stuff love is stored in the garlic powder I had trouble with cooking pancakes on the stove today so I thought of resorting to the rice cooker to cook the rest of the batter well my dog is a rescue so we don't really know when his birthday is other than that it's in May and so is my dad so here is them celebrating their birthday dates together along with the mini hat my mom got him what a good morning I'm going to draw a dog April fools I drew two dogs the best friends I downloaded Pokémon go to see what all the hype was about I walked outside and there was one of the critters on my back porch sitting s on one of the patio chairs I lobed a ball at him caught him he's a little blue fell named Squirtle my grandma downloaded Pokémon go this is so pure my friend was explaining to her mother what spilling the tea Min and her mom responded with you have to remember that tea stains so be careful where you spill that's honestly the wisest thing I've ever heard I know doctors and nurses are on the front lines but can we get a shout out to the low-wage workers in housekeeping there is no hospital that would not grind to a halt in 5 minutes without them let's extend this hero worship I just met a little girl in a princess dress who was practicing Karate kicks I asked her what she was doing and she said combat ballet my son on white Caleb is his best friend at kindergarten he doesn't really speak English so we can skip all the talking and just get right to the karate I came home checked the picture everything fits well done my husband who can't hold a camera steady and has all of the six photos on his phone took this perfectly post picture of our cat I'm a photographer and 100% jealous hello hello with whom am I speaking with until this week my 26-year-old sister thought a gif was a good internet find and nothing brings me more joy my dad when he adopted my 1-year-old blind cat cheddar and them together on Cheddar's 18th birthday when I see everyone at the shelter adors Stefan I mean it the work slack it's full of pictures of him for the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert looked back and asked can you still see and then answered themselves with of course you can't I'm like 6 ft tall and then moved I wished so many blessings on their house take a picture not a trophy this is how real men shoot animals my friend's 6-year-old brother made this bracelet he accidentally put the beads on backwards but that's okay it's still super cute me the Tasmanian Devil is a ferous predator and should not be engaged with also me he hooo Papa the hot dogs are finally returning to the pastures the Earth is healing we are the virus wife saw this and asked me to do one nailed it the vet told us there's a note in Grizzle file that she he's most of the nurse's favorite dog and to let everyone know when she's there so they don't miss out on petting her this bed looks comfy having a cat is great every day I'm like how did I live life before this I mean yes the crime rate in my house is up by like 40,000 but worth it for the new experiences every day with this guy she came home from work thinking that she was being asked prom instead it was her dad pranking her in order to prepare for his role in Space Jam actor Michael Jordan played nine seasons of professional basketball and [Music] 16 years mother of my three kids and love of my life sprinted from the living room to laundry room in a sports bra early this morning to grab a shirt she paused for a moment to smile at me and 8 hours later I still have chills thinking about how gorgeous she is the cat is a part of the holiday family holiday I was trying to get a cute photo of my dad and his dog sleeping together but she caught me in the ACT hey does anybody want to see my collection of slightly distorted pictures of cats is viewed through glasses too late I've decided for you that you do what kind of pests eats only the tip of plants is this specific to succulents never mind I was offered a random day off due to an over Staffing mistake and took it I decided to have fun with the pets I got all ready for work like I normally would and they did their usual job of trying to persuade me not to go and I made a dramatic show of letting them win they've been on a happiness high for the past 3 hours the picture on the left was exactly 3 years ago when I was the best man at my buddy's wedding I was close to £600 around £230 now can I offer you a froggy chair in this trying time puts on a wizard head haha your head is cute puts on a cowboy hat there is a hamburger on my head me wishing the cashier a good day and smile without knowing how many annoying people that might be today on Tuesday I told a friend that on the weeks I don't have my son I don't eat meals so I can make sure I have food for him he just turned up with this he has saved me in so many ways my son asked for a new Xbox controller for Christmas I didn't think about why he needed one until he opened it up and got all excited because now his sister could play games with him he did not want the controller for himself he wanted it so they could play together 6-year-old me explaining the awesome imagination filled Adventure I just head outside my grandma the girls are asking us to get ice cream with them I know I asked my 90-year-old patient and his 85-year-old wife who had been married for 65 years what the secret to Forever Love was she stated never forget why you fell in love with them never stop he chimed in with never forget that she could always find better when your granny knows you love science and she makes you little things like this if snails are so slow why don't we ever see them coming it's like boom there's a snail what are snails even doing they're best gentle parenting is effective do you as an adult learn by getting screamed at and bullet sit down with okay I don't have children this is unrelated uh I don't know if I should continue reading this why did I even download this in the first place me entering any Museum man I'm so excited to learn all the things also me gift shop gift shop gift shop there are two dragons inside of you one horde's knowledge and the other horde's trinkets they're both very excited when you bring them to a museum what is something that makes you smile every day my cat thinks he is the best at hiding he is nearly blind so he doesn't know that his cover is usually a lot smaller than him I will stare straight into his eyes and ask where he went saying that he's the best hider after a minute or two he will jump out of his hiding spot and run over to me and I'll say there there he is then pet his head he looks so proud of himself every time it hurts so bad I want to give up don't you dare stop you fat [ __ ] remember why you started 3 years later thank you for always believing in me you believed in yourself King I used to get self-conscious over the smallest things but friends let me tell you that today I had to smuggle a furious 8ft python onto the bus during the school rush and not a single person noticed not one if people don't care enough to notice a shopping bag writhing and seething with barely contained reptilian hatred then I promise you that no one will pay attention to that blemish you're fretting about or how you've done your hair this is extremely concerning and also very reassuring thank you and please stop bringing pythons onto public transportation toddler is a so pure she does not understand that we help her with certain things because she's little she thinks that everyone just helps each other like that so she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes this makes me want to get a PhD instead of a master's but would be almost 40 by the time I finish you'll be 40 anyway babysitting a 4-year-old has me convinced that what video games need is a little buddy mode where a kid can have a character that just jogs along with you and can help/ get their own encouraging score but cannot be harmed today the girl ringing me up at the gas station said okay have a nice day I love you and I said what and she repeated I love you with better dictation mom comes home from work stressed out as usual Dad home drunk sees me depressed and unmotivated to do anything anything takes me and my sister out to eat lets me order anything from the menu as the good boy I am I order tendies with honey mustard we leave and go visit my uncle and my newborn cousin on our ride back home we listen to a song I love I just realized she did all of this for me to cheer up good night Toyota good night starting a new job tomorrow feeling pretty nervous you're going to be great just project confidence stand up straight make eye contact and smile remember you were hired for a reason you got this thanks Toyota one of of my favorite things to see is random people trying to interact with unfamiliar outdoor cats just standing there with a hand out making kissing noises maybe meowing at the cat while it ignores them mankind at its best and least dignified hello I am giant whale please to meet you baby flamingo learning to stand on one leg this is the first time I've seen a baby flamingo a cheetah and her Cheetos this is now the official name for cheetah children flock of sheep trots behind confused Runner as she accidentally becomes leader my horse's disappointment of dropping her apple 7-year-old throws a personal prom for babysitter after hers was canceled monkey adopts a puppy defends it from stray dogs and lets it eat first today I have learned that aggressive goats have to wear horn noodles to avoid hurting each other Alaska the place where you can't get off the plane because there is a polar bear between you and the terminal stray kitten rescued from fire cuddles man and won't let go 88-year-old with r skin condition finds his new best friend a dog with the same condition to the person who noticed my open sunroof during a thunderstorm I thank you with all my heart for your random act of kindness I would cancel my plans and throw bread at him all day my local Zoo posted this today I have not sped on my Keeper in zero days it's adorable face I found my spirit animal at a very young age he's a little bull of fur my kid made a newspaper for our cat while he uses the litter box I literally woke up from a NB and he was just standing over me like this two boys in Madagascar scratched the Bag Man spent more than $115,000 pampering his dog and it's not the end she won't sleep she just stays awake and stares at her new babies orphaned pangon being brushed the way its mother would have groomed it some Japanese photographers found a group of stray cads playing in drain pipe holes I love them all I don't know why red pandas stand like this but I must request that they never ever stop this Australian man built a tricycle that allows his disabled wife to go for bike rides this is one of the cutest things I've seen all day meanwhile in FL the Finders Keepers game is strong when you're fighting a lion in the river and you both see a crocodile breaking news Tans can loaf he is officially banana bread the equestrian wasn't able to join the race but his horse had a different idea the horse fully understood the assignment after seeing a homeless man trip on worn out shoes a policeman hands him the pair off his own feet my cat decided to arrive at precisely the right moment during story time with my daughter Eagle who thought Rock was an egg finally gets to be a dad does anyone else's dog dis Mount the sofa like this I want to be your jury so bad please let me there I want to make decisions decide his fate getting no help from this laer met attendant I wish my night life was that interesting my grandma asked me to paint a picture of her when she was young and got so happy that she started crying Texas senior throws pizza party for homeless instead of graduation celebration polite elephant crosses multiple Farms on her Voyage without damaging a single fence my dog fell asleep under my daughter's pillow and nearly gave me a heart attack meet the Thai furball cat who won everyone's heart with her eye-catching face Star Wars fans direct traffic with lightsabers during New York City blackout a Kansas farmer surprises his wife by planting 80 acres of sunflowers for their 50th wedding anniversary there is estimated to be 1.2 million flowers in the field I befriended a crow today and I don't need any of you anymore I can't wait to live in the woods I can't wait to have antlers and only speaking clicks and whistles and watch you all die in your cities this little fell has officially beat leukemia twice and today was his first day of school a photo of a mentee pressing its face against a glass wall blop low pitch n an owl had been failing to breed for 2 years while she was away from her nest she was given two rescue chicks she accepted them as her own even $1 is good but I wish I could donate that much I have 7 on my card here bro I made a donation for you please talk to me and my son again walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest came home with a deaf toothless senior Love Bug whenever my parrot flips out and gets angry I say hey in the self-comforting voice and then talk to him gently he calms down within seconds I got frustrated enough at something that I went ah my parot said hi all softly and sweetly like a dozen times over the next minute it made me feel better instantly my parent is better at conflict deescalation than most people just introduced a kid to her adoptive parents they brought her a dozen roses we met at a restaurant I arrived early to get a private booth and told the White staff what was up so all of the servers were having a cry in the corner I'm at a coffee shop a few miles away giving them space and having my own cry adoptive mom clarified to me later roses were pink because pink means forever first generation me and my dad and Grandpa and then the second generation I recently noticed that whenever life was getting me down I would usually find a dollar in my pocket the next day I told my parents how weird it was and they told me my little sister puts a dollar in one of my pockets when she knows I'm sad to help Cher me up and now I'm crying I okay I'm not sure this is wholesome but H my kids just discovered Minecraft and instead of killing the animals for food my daughter is building them all Farms with beds and food and trying to figure out how to pet them what was the happiest moment of your life I don't think I have one yet but it's probably coming up and it's going to be a surprise does anyone else get mischievous joy out of being nice sometimes like haha I knew you were going to be hungry so I got your favorite food so I can surprise you with it being ready when you got her got you fact of the day zebra stripes are not always black black and white sometimes they are black and orange this is a giraffe all the kids with 100% attendance at my daughter's school get an Easter egg this week the rest don't I despise attendance Awards anyway today I'm going to buy my daughter who'll never get 100% attendance due to a chronic illness a huge Easter egg it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone my mom once forgot me in a parking lot teens launch a hotline for isolated seniors to listen to pre-recorded jokes stories and messages of Hope what are some cures for insomnia that do not involve drinking less caffeine and alcohol or turning off your phone and computer or getting exercise or meditating so I invited my dad to a wedding dress event where all dresses are 150 the event starts at 7:00 a.m. but lines con form at 4 my dad just called me and said he brought a chair and is the first person outside the building already waiting it's 2:55 a.m. a 67-year-old woman from Shanghai has planted over 2 million trees for the past 12 years to fulfill his son's Last Wish rows of trees now stand in the inner Mongolian autonomous region where in 2008 there was only sand bro so my sister 6 years old is so cute she literally asked me if I needed any help with my homework so I said yeah and scribbled down things like 3+ 7 equals question mark and she dead ass drew some apples and stuff and helped me I love her so damn much man I don't want her to grow up I asked my lift driver to drive as fast as he comfortably could and he just said I am from Russia and now I feel like we're about to break the sound baring five stars when my 4-year-old asks me for a cake I go to the store when my 4-year-old asks my mom for a cake she hand molds a freaking T-rex skeleton ages it with cocoa embeds it in that thing and cake and hand crushed Oreos and just look at this cake this is what logging off is like American mink regrow their brains in a rare reversal of the domestication process this is a sponge crab God needs to stop dropping these ocean DLCs with no patch notes rare pink dolphin spotted off the coast of Louisana Pi Barbie marketing budget just a man on a date with his dog mirror mirror in the bowl Who's the goodest boy you know current emotion dogs who are stuck but pretending everything is fine our cat Hector just casually hanging out with the swap team please don't make fun of this I asked my mom to make me a basle cake for my 21st birthday and this is the result he stores Cubs and glasses upside down I store them right side up neither of us will budge who was in the right I'm 4' 9 and my husband is 5'1 my dad is 5'9 and he has a long beard so when he comes to our place he always says hello Hobbits and my husband says hello Gandalf every year locals of chipu weia have to push an island back into place using 25 gas powered boats Jail's in Sweden jail is supposed to be about Rehabilitation not suffering that's why other places have way less re offenders you lock people up like animals they going to act like animals what could you talk about for 30 minutes straight without any preparation my wife she is my favorite subject our neighbor added a spot in his fence so his dog could say hi to us and this is what my pictures will consist of we built a temple to my recently ped roommid on our Minecraft server the happiest of all otter and I look and behold a Pale Horse and its Rider's name was death rare photograph of the first shrimp to fry rice hands down this is my favorite picture ever it's been a long week and maybe you need to see some flower cows the BB Harvest was Bounty full this year my wife's horse has a problem with flies bothering his leg wound so she harnessed her doctoral degree and fashioned him Jean suspend Behold a rare Oreo Cloud At first she disapproved of being a flower then she saw herself in the mirror in a war torn country 8,000 miles from home in the middle of the night on the side of a road hooked up to the truck battery five friends play Halo wife asked me to take a picture with her and the dog she hasn't spoken to me in a week we got caught in the rain my dog despises the rain what I like about hippos being the most dangerous animal in the world the vegetarian not even omnivores they don't want to eat you they just hate you and I think that's beautiful thing I can't take it anymore God made it baby lyns without any regards for proportions look at this his feet too big for his godamn he more people are adopting old sick dogs keep them from dying alone and Afraid someone installed seesaws at the US Mexico border so kids can play together sick four-year-old smiles when entire football stadium waves at him in hospital man travels to all 50 states to Moon Lawns for Veterans for free imagine you are this little guy in complete darkness for so long unaware Ware of how sparkly your apartment is having a bad day just remember that time Obama lost it when he saw her baby dress as the pope meet Eddie the hospital therapy dog who is always carrying around his book bag of toys and can always be found in the Intensive Care Unit isn't it weird how we have 1 million dog breeds and everyone is like golden doodle or Chihuahua mix and that if you ask someone what type of cat they have it's just like an orange one currently in a place called yes but on maps it seems like everyone is super excited when my dog had surgery he cried a lot for the first night but he would stop when I laid down beside him so I crawled into his cage with him so he would stop crying and pet him until he fell asleep I fell asleep with him and when I woke up that dog was on my bed and left me in the cage no I lost my phone over8 months ago and had no idea what happened to it he literally vanished today I book an Uber and my Uber driver goes hold on I have something for you and hands me my lost phone he said he held on to it in case by chance he picked me up again after neighbors called the police on a boy who was going door to door looking for gardening work cops gave him the PS5 he was saving up for my dog has a girlfriend who lives across the street this was his face when she came over for Valentine's Day I spent over 3 years traveling with my cat in a camper van what a weird piano excuse me but are you aware of lenu the Finnish president's dog today I am laughing uncontrollably at cat faces put on other animals please enjoy the most beautiful photo shoot you will see today I don't know who can not like this the perks of being a UPS driver take a minute to appreciate what I just saw on the road cats sitting on our laptops even before they were laptops mom is not very happy about her daughter having a cell phone at this age but times are changing when I accidentally use personality a with friend group b meow meow meow what how did the party go horrible girlfriend had surgery at the hospital today and instead of her telling me that she's alive she sends me this instead are you okay there's a cat in the hospital Matthew yes I know you've told me that a study reveals that 54% of American dog owners are willing to end their relationship if their dog doesn't like their partner a coconut horse Galloping sound maker that attaches to your bicycle are you a raccoon dark circles under eyes e junk small and chubby stays up all night cute but will fight this guy found a tattoo on his newly adopted dog and decided to get the same tattoo to only discover afterwards that it means been muted nothing to do now but to solidify that Bond good morning here is a picture of a baby dick dick an adorable tiny species of antelope that marks its territory with P which is also extremely relatable there's this cat at my local shelter that looks exactly like Nicholas Cage which I think is a good reason as to adopt a pet cob making up lists of animals that escaped zookeeper the Tigers should be your top priority scribbling out dog obviously girls be like one year with the love of my life and this be the picture my cat's face before and after my wife told her that the high chair is not for her he runs a pharmacy without the PE violence store cows have figured it out to have ants but cyclists have not my friend brought her daughter to the zoo when she heard ma'am there's a Lima on your baby you like to move it move it you know what the green heron is basically the best Heron because it's like 90% neck so when it's all folded down it looks like a giant head with wings and legs but then suddenly Z I don't usually do live butterflies but now the zoo found out that I can and they're bringing me patience this one was a deformed out of the that thing so I did a wing transplant hopefully he can fly tomorrow a seagull differently wrote this once the food is give it to you if a seagull takes it from you will'll be no refunds the seagulls don't work for us sorry for the inconvenience people are doodling on snake pictures and the results are hilarious white dragon king crown beta one of the coolest looking fishes I was getting on my flight to Boston and when I could sense someone was stalking me I was pleasantly surprised hilarious photos of cats falling in love with a heater during winter can we just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful this cat is where can I buy this hoodie who about the hoodie where can I get this cat my son always texts me to say he's on his way home so I open the door letting his 17-year-old cat and 16-year-old doggo know that he's on his way this is them waiting for him thought it was adorable and wanted to share there are not enough baby hippos here don't be upsetti have some spaghetti May old man take selfie with every animal that he befriends while on his job baby ghost crab my colleague's pig bacon seed son I gave this embroidery as a gift to my religious grandma and she loves it she doesn't know what her memes but she likes the fact that the peace has a Jesus and I think that it doesn't offend her faith people after my girlfriend moved in I noticed my kids started treating me differently better really Kinder more loving and more respectful I figured it was because we are all happier with her as a part of our family and I did not think much further on it today though I overheard her and kids talking about me and how great I am how lucky they are to have me and how well I take care of all of them turns out she does this all the time female coworker of mine was miserable at work one day I asked her what was wrong she told me it was her anniversary and she knew her husband had forgotten I called her home phone and one kid picked up explained to the kid who I was and she needed to call Dad at work and remind him it was Mom and Dad's anniversary and don't tell Mom or Dad I called the next day she was all smiles he did remember brought him flowers and took her to dinner mission accomplished not a word was ever said about this until 6 years later when she left the company she gave me a hug at a farewell lunch in and whispered my kids ratted you out thank you this image is enchanting it looks like the person is transferring all of their love into the seals brain and this is overwhelmed with happiness lies I have told I always tell people that my cat doesn't really like people that much even though she is really cuddly so they feel special when she cuddles them you are the best person who is your hero write two things that makes this person a hero I am one of my own Heroes first I am kind to myself and second I do things I want grading my third grest papers and I see this the teeth of a crab eater seal who don't even eat crabs have special adapted teeth to filter their crusty and prey for 5 years a security guard has been fighting against a black cat which seems to want to enter an art museum so far the cat lost all the time hey Twitter I met this girl on a dinner cruise in Hawaii in 2006 we were basically best friends for that night and I need yall to help me find my best friend because I miss her and I need to see how she's doing now please retweet so we can be reunited heard you were looking for me this is crazy this old lady and Supermarket worker have gotten into the habit of having a standoff every time they see each other they look so dumb but I love them I bet you didn't know that you needed a video of an armadillo catching a w right now did you studies show that watching a beaver eat cabbage lower stress by 177% thinking about him are those parrots Canadian photographer captures polar bears frolicking in a field of fire weed a panda sitting in a pool twiddling its legs baby giraffe loves to smile sometimes you just have to take a pause and enjoy a photogenic baby sloth he's very suspicious of people stealing in his tail dog thinks the bone is real get him a real bone or I'm calling the police this man just pulled an UNO reverse card on the bear he's inflating him stop it this cat has the most beautiful eyes I actually thought she was a photo realism painting the most majestic poop of all time I accidentally left my back door open and came home to this I don't know if I should run and call the police or just let him chill my dog was declared cancer-free today so I'm reverse searing a steak that horse isn't even Galloping it's running like a human a sloth playing with water sloths are both cute and creepy and equal measures today I picked up a new hobby drawing stick figure arms on birds scientists recently discovered that rats love driving tiny cars even when they don't get treats when put in mazes adapted to tiny cars the rats just enjoyed cruising around this is Lenny and he absolutely loves sliding downhills blessing your eyes with arctic weasels because honestly just look at them baby chinchilla for the love of God someone hug him to brighten up your day here is a baby platypus if bears are scary Predators how do you explain this as if something with ears that adorable could possibly be deadly he broke a plate and he's scared of the punishment no I broke it let him go today I learned about the Arabian sand Bower it looks like a child's best effort at drawing a snake should I take my dog to the vet I would can we normalize guys complimenting other guys hey you're killing him my guy superb idea fellow dude nice homie man gets cancer on cancerous growth killing the growth and ending his cancer this dog has her own special way of getting out of the pool he showed her how to pet him my heart a [ __ ] to socializing with veterinarian stuff look at this dude having the time of his life adorable is what it is kissing your pet and seeing their reaction they use the same pink dye that they use on Bank nodes this makes Ivory unsellable and it can't be consumed the animals are not harmed and it is saving their lives tree kangaroos are a lot like regular kangaroos except they're twice as fluffy and almost resemble small tree dwelling Bears God dropping new animals with no releas say whatsoever just like that lately the only emotion I've ever had is lazy frog when you live in a bad neighborhood but you know everyone that is the goat friend this still cracks me up like can you imagine you're 130 years old and suddenly a gigantic alien baby starts following you around what do you mean I can't hold the water my mom made a two person mittens so my dad and her can hold hands on walks the best face swap ever I don't need to see this oh the big Gator missed the food and got embarrassed poor guy the lion looks like he forgot where he parked his car look at this beautiful boy this looks like a traffic cone strapped to a swan ever noticed how uncanny animal camouflages these animals disappear into their environments like a ninja Ella stay back a little bit no he wants to cuddle and this whole dinosaur bird just let her do it sometimes I forget that there are wild hamsters like now this is what I'm talking about I don't know where the term scaredy cat came from cuz cat's really acting like God left them in charge to be in Fox looks like someone tried to draw a normal Fox and couldn't get the face right what I see versus what the cat sees before I pet it they associate this stance with love please look at this picture of my friend's cat who had to get shaved for surgery gave peanut a bath and after drying him he stuck out his hand for me to hold UPS has a page where the drivers can post about all the dogs they meet on the job thank me later just washed my cow tell her she's cute just a chubby penguin he has his own figure I'm crying my teacher's son is off for spring break and she brought him to class in his Godzilla costume went to the zoo today and I'm 99% sure that's not a cheatah undeniable evidence that Snoopy is really a Beagle a deer wandered into my front yard it stopped to watch my neighbor's little dog my cat stopped to watch the deer I stopped to watch my cat and I stopped to read this post food isn't allowed in the living room his tablet isn't allowed in the kitchen he beat the system I quit family back to school picture if I don't hold the sign too I am going to scream okay this one takes it home this year my cat is afraid of baths so in order to get him into one I have to fill it with rubber ducks oh boy this is not the floor this mama CAD sent her kitten to the hospital to get help he's undercover let me know if you can find him my goal was to graduate before I reached 100 years of age I made it with 33 years to spare name a better dad I'll wait dog fakes a broken leg to get pets and treats from tourist I support the hustle my dog had a cast put on his porw and is simply defeated got my first job on the the 10th day of my release from prison starting from the bottom up progress is the best feeling in the world I love posts like this it shows realistic and relatable growth which often isn't shown on social media baby capy bar is taking shelter under a capy bar statue I bought my hamster a little hamster bed and we do everything together Disney has people thinking that wild animals are friendly most important thing you'll see today it was when he picked up his back leg that did it for me dog and lion Bond dogs are I don't even know why they're doing this Swede dreams my pink friend this is the only picture I want to look at for the rest of my life one of my friends got chased by little pig during his bike ride this is the opposite of a problem I bought a mini toy laptop for my dog so he can at least look like he's helping support this family when you thought for sure you were about to get eaten but it's just a human wanting to take a selfie with you may I offer you a tiny frog in these in these troubled times in case you haven't seen one before here is a baby bison today I learned that this exists it's that thing I F you buddy I don't know what this is but I relied if you feed a moose it may become aggressive and attack the next human it Meats if it has no food to offer feeding a moose is my favorite hobby now yeah this is um this is what you call sandard and uh it's pretty impressive but I don't plan on reading all of that so you can if you want haven't been able to stop thinking about this picture the warmth the scrunched face ears I'm so happy for her I Frolic for the first time ever today bro y'll ever Frolic before why did no one tell me about this I was taking a nice picture of a llama and then photo of mice spring on a subway platform wins Wildlife photography award you can't even understand how many years I have waited for a picture like this you really can't understand kiwi is always relevant got the feeling my gecko doesn't like me me too typical you spend an hour stacking toads and not one of the miserable sods will smile for the camera honestly I don't know why I bother a mouse that went into Mission Impossible mode in my house the best part is these frogs would be too little for the tiger to see them as food but anything big enough to eat the food would probably catch its attention smart little frogs ride big kitty boat taxi cat want to know what a cow looks like washed and blowdried this is what a cow looks washed and blowdried look at this look at this happy Fox they back to last year when I made a Snowman and it started to melt but refroze overnight I work in an animation studio with some of the best artists I've ever met and this is the pumpkin that won our carving contest yesterday would you slap him for $88 million no no absolutely not the only thing I'm slapping on him is a little kiss I would I'm not sure what kind of luck the $115 frozen pizza Badger is supposed to bring but I'm not taking any chances oh my gosh I have two hands and three foods oh poor little dude I have never seen an animal look more distressed dog pors look like tiny koalas Behold a 120-year-old red deedin they rarely grow into anything larger than a shrub yet alone a tree why doesn't this have more likes because we're scared Burk has $300 million and his wife still sends him to games with a plate of leftovers wrapped in tin oil my boyfriend and I got really competitive making gingerbread houses picking up the pieces and moving on how do cats even work don't question it moist boys I've never seen wet lion mans I never imagined this this is too much I have so many fields I love them all the Unholy Trinity of creatures that look like each other but aren't even related I sold a rug to someone on Marketplace and they just sent me this picture with the message little man is chuff it's a baby dragon no don't eat your tail baby donkeys are so underrated cats of the Apocalypse for the record these are amazing death is most peaceful I find it sobering dog finds the fluffiest dogs in daycare so she can nap on them woman's shocked a Singapore Community cat looks dead but it was just very calm as kids decorated it OB I think you guys need to see this table that's for sale neari this thing looks like it jumped out of a Disney movie Pomeranian Japanese spits and Sid are just evolutionary stages of the same Pokémon this one on the bottom right is trying really hard to be a good cupcake spot the cupcake mice and jumpers stew a little today I learned that conservationists recycle Wimbledon tennis balls as Predator proof shelters for them this kitten smiling bigger than the little girl for a photo 1955 my mom had a little Lemon Tree in her backyard for a year and this is her first lemon thankful to this unknown man for striking a pose and for not messing with my camera setup after he stumbled upon it also added a bobcat using the log just a couple weeks prior accidentally washed a piece of Halloween conf down the sink and I'm afraid to see the plug hole is now very haunted 90-year-old tortoise fitted with wheels after rat attack can now go twice as fast I don't know what that says homeboy did not have to flex that hard in the third picture I air dropped this to my mom I'm alone nobody care I care you oh that poor baby monkey this is so pure I'm obsessed with this therapy horse that looks like it has the soul of a murdered Victorian era child I heard a light knock on my door and went to answer it and it was my landlord's dog bringing me a stick I painted this for my husband it was the first piece I ever finished he never stops talking about the cat he had growing up so this was the best I could give him heart-shaped stop lights this would 100% make highways a happier place today in art class our teacher was absent and our substitute was one of the animators for Courage the Cowardly Dog after Mom scolded the little girl for using her face cream this dog defended and protected the baby this dog loves his veggies so much that he stole a cabbage from the neighbor's farm this makes me so happy that's a very good clear message that is surprisingly hard to articulate you go Dragon you go my friend's cat brings him mushrooms every day no mice no insects only mushrooms ethical dilemma both cats are meowing for you to come play with them but you're in separate rooms and are watching you so they will know if you choose the other cat I'm I'm actually just bringing both of the cats into my room thinking about this badass from North Carolina who single-handedly saved 2100 types of apples from going into Extinction this is my cat that is not my house when Granny knows you love science she makes you little things like this not to impress I saw guts from berserk with huge muscles and decided to gain muscles don't I look cute it's so messed up bears look like this and can kill you she rated the movie 12 out of 10 and loved meeting her Idol I fell asleep on the couch and woke up with this cat on my lap I have three cats and this isn't one of them my favorite part of lockdown was when Zeus just started introducing animals to each other like hey look hey look at this lizard imagine waking up one morning having a stretch and opening your bedroom curtains and there in your window plant box are three sleeping squirrels this is the cutest nope I have ever seen no wonder their pit stops have been the fastest this season it's dead summer your mom comes home from the store with these what do you call these and what is the best color mother and son are becoming father and daughter this dude letting his Squirtle play on his phone while riding the subway is the backbone of our society cute old couple got on CNN because they found a dog shaped tomato in their Garden my little wants to be Ice Cube so bad seems like Ice Cube to me happy birthday L homie taking big man for Ice Cream came home drunk last night and got way too excited to see my cat pet beds were on sale and I had a coupon so GS got a new bed it's very plush and he likes it a lot that's a weird looking dog but he's still a cute dog it's nice you bought a bed for your croissant they got Crocs for dogs dog passed out and the RBA thought it was Furniture found the real life ghost Emoji saw this dog waving goodbye to everybody exiting the grocery store there was a k coot outside you know what that means coyote vest time not today coyotes some personal news we're replacing our countertops tomorrow and I'm so excited mainly because we got to remove this abomination of a kitchen sink it took Snorlax 18 years to get up so be like Snorlax and never give up absolutely insane that my friend's dog that looks like this has not gone viral yet friend gos this is a gang my 10-year-old brother called me to tell me he had a girlfriend and then sent me this her scrunchie is on my wrist sounds pretty serious 19 18 years later she's a pilot just like her dad he doesn't even know he is a cat my technician leaves me notes about things I should know before I enter a patient room I think my technician needs a raise she is his wife not daughter my dog goes to work with me every day and my boss got him a Christmas bonus my uncle didn't go to school so here I am teaching him how to write plumber did work for a 91-year-old grandma with cancer and his invoice is now going viral this is better than the kiss cam when it lands on old couples this cat walks into a groc grocery store steals some treats and ends up taking a nap people are so weird what do they even want the only thing people want anytime my grandparents ask Alexa to play a song they always say thank you afterwards my n has dementia and every day she meets my dog for the first time and falls in love with him over and over again yeah both of my grandparents have dementia really bad this is really nice my mom watching her baby hold her own baby this is the sweetest picture I've ever seen I get an email every time I get a package delivery to my apartment apartment mail room it's supposed to be a photo of the label but there's this one guy a man and a Gray Goose named Maria formed a close relationship she would wait for him every morning at the park where they would walk together she even chases away any other geese and any dog that gets too close to him £10 they're back to when my Dad forgot I'm a doctor yes where are you Hospital why I study and work here Birds then one of the most dangerous carnivals in the post dinosaur era larger than a fully grown man runs up to 30 mph Birds now scared of doorbells my roommate's dog likes to sit on my lap while I'm working and on Zoom my boss was like oh gosh please introduce that cute baby so I unmuted myself and was like this is Eevee but it turns out my boss was talking to one of my co-workers who had a literal human infant concerned about the loss of our bees Morgan Freeman converted his 124 acre Mississippi Ranch into a bee Refuge he's hired a gardener filled Acres with Clover planted hundreds of flowering trees and purchased 26 hives and has turned himself into a beekeeper we have just had our patio done and my 6-year-old has loved going out and helping the Builder so it made his day to receive this what an example of kindness pay packet hurry for passing bricks pointing brick work mixing cement loading Stone taking pictures of black birds and spider saying why more times than I have ever heard anyone say why I'm being a smashing little guy minus tax and National Insurance my sister died yesterday and can't explain how much I appreciate my English professor's compassion right now Alysa I don't know what to write I have two sisters and anyway take all the time you need no documentation needed and you don't need to promise not to take another extension I'm giving you blank flexibility in advance you have already done good work so far and my goal is for you to get something positive out of the class and after what's just happened if you participate to the extent possible I'll make that work take care of yourself George the dog has been depressed for 2 years since his best friend of 12 Years a labrador named Blackie died this Dad designed shoes to give his paralyzed daughter the sensation of walking a mom visiting her son who was a royal guard at work this one hit me right in the fields sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory my dad just sent me this to prove he has her all this proves is that he has an incredibly powerful Aura ever since my niece saw Toy Story she shouts I'm leaving and then peeks at her room like this I'm crying my mom made my guinea pigs a house complete with couches art and baby pictures Penguins only have one partner throughout their entire life and often propose by giving their mate a pebble I took him out shopping for his birthday I told him he could get anything he wanted and man picked out soap this veteran was asked by a little girl if he would do it again he said yes for you grass cells under a microscope they look so happy my dad died in a midair Collision 41 years ago today when I was 8 weeks old if he had ejected his plane would have landed in a school he chose not to eject my friend's dog won't walk through doorways forward he ran into a glass patio door when he was a puppy and now he's scared someone called the cops and some friends being loud playing Smash Bros but the cops ended up playing my aunt made a drivein for all of the kids in the family and this is exactly how extra I want to be when I'm older I gave my grandma $2 to get me an Arizona Tea and Reese's cup and she brought me this and gave my money back this perfectly describes Grandma's daughter teaches dad how to take selfies and this is what happens met this sweet man at Outback he saw us at prom and showed us a picture of him and his wife at prom in 1949 best friend goals woman moves into the same retirement home after being friends for 80 years my mom watching her baby hold her own baby this is the sweetest picture I've ever seen dogs wait patiently outside hospital for homeless owner to get better they chased an ambulance for Miles if you know me you know how much I loved my hair but I loved my dad more you got this homie was it a bad day or was it bad 5 minutes that you milked all day I did not need such a personal attack today for my birthday my Grandpa gave me three books filled with stories of each time he hung out with me from the age of 2 to 5 I am speechless not all superheroes were cbes that man in the red shirt is using his Force to stop the bat gentle reminder saying how you feel will never ruin a real connection all right but why is that on a semi-truck I invited a girl I am crushing on over today and she was like by the way I woke up at 6:00 a.m. and baked you some bread I'm losing it he was so terrified when we brought him home 2 days ago now he's a member of the family good Bo boy I bite racists I would die for this dog wait what does that mean going to tell you what I can hear now that I got my hearing aids Birds they chirp it's so beautiful far away cows move he said I'm broke so I went around cutting flowers to make you a ghetto bad A visual representation of No Excuses my son has parked his bike by this lamp post just about every day for the last year this morning this sticker had appeared absolutely made all day people can be so brilliant thank you whoever did it so my parents gifted me a puffy vest they then revealed that they own the same one now we have a matching family outfit zero Indian rhinos were poached in 2022 for the first time in 45 years flying home for the holidays I dressed to surprise the family before the flight I met this stranger at the airport instant best friends this student created his own cozy atmosphere today this sweet little boy has been having a hard time since his pop passed away he's been praying for a little stuffy of pop that he can carry around with him he chose this photo ending your life is never the answer you have to outlive your enemies this is strangely motivational seriously this just spoke to me in the most intense odd way my grandma just served my kids nuggets and fries in their Kitty pool this is why grandmas should live forever someone from 1997 wished me good luck it's like someone from so many years back knows your struggles and I just I think I'm going to cry my granddad has a hat for each University his grandchildren attend and today I got to give him mine this man waits for his wife to get out of class every day sat next to a young guy on a flight to Chicago who was using the most broken and busted up old iPhone I've ever seen I asked if I could send him my old iPhone x and he looked at me like I was crazy but I'm a man of my word Merry Christmas boss I was going to say some dumb stuff but then Google hit me with the feels knock knock who's there I hope it's you because you're the best look at how happy my dad is he just started baking school and I'm so proud my dad takes pictures of the dogs at the houses he works on and posts them on his business Facebook page as employee of the week went to my brother's graduation and saw a little girl taking pictures of her dad who had just graduated too it was just them too she's so proud of him some species of borrowing spiders keep teeny tiny spiders in their borrows to keep it free of bugs too small for the spider to get that might try and eat the spider's egg this means that tiny frogs are spider cats even if you hate spiders you can't hate this single dad in Thailand wore a dress to A Mother's Day event for his sons so that they didn't feel left out knocked out of the World Cup the Japanese fans are still staying behind after the game and tidying up the mess in the stadium Brazilian drug dealer kidnaps medical stuff makes them vaccinate Community against yellow fever oh yall wanted a Twist people get so caught up on one small thing they don't like like their nose or something things like salt and baking powder go into a cake and those things are gross alone but the cake is pretty damn Delicious this is the most confidence boosting text post I have ever read always thinking about how the US Geological Survey could not classify this be so they put its genus and species into their official government files as be cute furry face Colorado animal shelter staff celebrates inside empty cages after all of its dogs are adopted in time for Christmas Ikea got children around the world to design toys for them and they are just so cute I cannot my sister's student today took an empty tissue box and brought his piano outside of school to help raise money for my dad's cancer he raised $12 and brought it back to my sister as a surprise sergeon Ted is paralyzed from the waist down after his illness even that doesn't stop him from saving people's lives today a customer told me that he got this dog almost 2 years ago and then added yep we got Sophie then a couple months later my wife passed just been me and Sophie ever since would not trade her for anything he carries her around everywhere like this and it's too cute not to share couple buys out Payless store then donates all of the shoes to a woman's shelter smartest dad in the world the one who told his son to keep playing video games his son Kyle 16 won the fortnite World Cup and the $3 million prize with all of the negative stories going around in the news I decided to spread some positivity and bought eight of my cousins and my two sisters their school supplies yo my son just graduated from school a house near us puts these Bears out each day doing a different activity every time it's all I live for currently Fiona can touch her tippy toes keep growing Fiona I remember you said you liked so I got you some honestly people who take the time to remember the small thing about you are the best kind of people I bought a phone case online but did not realize it was for 6 Plus so I gave it to my dad and he loves it I rescued a stray cat in my neighborhood at night his brother would come visit him I really had no other options her eyes looked like a Disney character's eyes I just saw a man pick up and carry two golden retrievers large ones one on each shoulder he was saying you always do this you said you wanted to go for a walk as he picked them up I kept refusing to take my wife to the local livestock household item auction finally buckled now we have a godamn peacock I slingshotted my son's sticky buug to the ceiling and as you can tell they are both fascinated and excited for it to fall down my dad is a lawyer and he takes his dog frenny to work he trained her to deliver documents to other lawyers she gets paid in Milk Bones she did not remove her pores while they were sleeping the sign of a good relationship I hid under the bed to scare my boyfriend while he was in the bathroom and when he came out he saw I was gone and I watched him get all excited and run into the closet to wait and scare me I was sitting under my bed crying laughing I got my girlfriend emotional support fries because I have no idea what the [ __ ] she's saying half of the time she loves them I grew my hair out for over a year to be Bob Ross for Halloween my wife was a little Happy Tree how am I supposed to study when my hedgehog just sits there waiting for me to give him attention sorry I cannot talk right now I found two frogs made them a little house and made them get married I wanted to die after my ex left me but then I met this woman that does weird [ __ ] like this with me life is about growth and doing weird [ __ ] close-up picture of a ladybug after morning duw this fell got into a tent with 26 soldiers at night somehow passed the man on watch Duty climbed into a box with food ate cheese cookies spilled sugar coffee and fell asleep in that box and that's where they found him in the morning I put these clocks up when my four children started traveling and living abroad and I keep them set to the time zone where each of them are this morning for the first time in almost 3 years they are all on the same time my parents parents are taking the news of my career change well a hand model for bbon are you insane it's 100K a year I would like to apologize for my earlier comments this is Daria Taylor she invented a new type of Sutter that changes color to show if a wound is infected she's only 17 I am the corny friend who stopped in the middle of our hangout session to announce how much fun I am having and how great it feels to be having it with all of my friends because those moments are special to me every moment I'm happy is special to me I'm grateful to access that feeling hoping to encourage tourism Scotland placed a couple of Shetland ponies in sweaters and it might be the best promotional campaign ever how cute is my granddad's text my pot of gold under the rainbow why are dad so dramatic I borrowed his charger and forgot to put it back and now it's been super glued into the wall this dog looks how exactly resonance painters thought dogs looked like and I'm in love 1.5 million people have signed up to storm Area 51 what could go wrong why can't we get 1.5 million people to sign up to clean the ocean how lovely that we humans eras that love petting things live in a world full of creatures that love to be petted truly marvelous someone has turned the red light at my favorite traffic lights into a heart why do you have a favorite traffic light because there's always a duck next to it because of their naturally friendly dispositions Sam usually make for terrible Gods dogs they don't attack threads they just kind of smile and bark at them tofu met his family a college bathroom hides a bizarre Danny deito Shrine and we have question my wife took a bath and the pets who all hate being washed came into the bathroom to make sure she was okay for the past 3 years my wife has made me a Yoshi cake for my birthday they are always terrible but I don't care so last summer I randomly met this 18-year-old woman on Words With Friends we played 300 plus games and she actually ended up becoming a good friend of mine today I got to go see her in person so my mom came up to me and said your first night home when you were born you slept with me in bed would you mind if I slept with you in your bed because it's your last night home with me 21 Savage is throwing his third annual is a back to school drive this year the event provides kids in Atlanta with school supplies clothes and hair cards he will also begin his campaign bank account which helps kids learn how to handle their finances I spent 7 years in special education graduating with a 1.8 GPA a teacher said I was not going to college now I'm a VCU graduate and a best-selling author the school my mom works at just built a shed a few inches from her class from window she was sad about not having a window view anymore so the students did this in 1993 Tupac received a letter from the parents of a Dying boy named Joshua they said it was Joshua's Last Wish to meet Tupac Tupac flew to Maryland to meet Joshua and took him to a basket b game soon after Joshua's death Tupac renamed his publishing company from Ghetto Gospel music to Joshua's dream who graffitied some called Ray bands on me and a mustache I'm not even mad a 19-year-old dog is taken into the lake every night by his own owner John to help Soo the arthitis and help him fall asleep amazing so I'm driving and I noticed the guy behind me is cute so I'm checking him out in my rearview mirror and he did ass air drops me his number today this little 3-year-old tried to pay for her family's dinner with a barie credit card I took the card and made her a little checkout to make it seem like she did and she tipped me $3 Millennials are buying homes because of their dogs not because of children or marriages they want a better yard for their best friend what the [ __ ] when a Newton family welcomed a baby who is deaf 20 neighbors learned sign language my little brother was hit by a car today and he says he's lucky he's Spider-Man or else he wouldn't have survived I'm one of the Spidey writers and creators of Miles Morales can I send your brother a care package thank you so much Brian Styles loves his comics and I am sure this is all he will be reading for a long time thank goodness for your spidey sense we are glad to hear our favorite web Slinger is okay a 3-year-old cancer survivor served as a flower girl in her bone maradona's wedding now this is the new I want to see I made this bird feed her come get your seeds went to the shelter to look at dogs but they did not have any there but once this little girl saw me she started pouring out her cage now I have a new friend forever my friends have a dog with separation anxiety and someone suggested they get a dummy while they're away to make the dog feel better and they sent them this and I cannot stop laughing when you are trying to buy food from your daughter's pretend restaurant and she comes back saying your card was declined first of all the service is horrible and the prices are outrageous when you step on your dogs pow and treat them good for the rest of the day UK airport sniffer dog good at finding sausages but not drugs let him have the sausage I almost scrolled past this like some kind of idiot bunny is born without ears and its owner makes some please don't like those like how horrifying things will happen to you yeah this is the immunity dog but you only you I'm not even going to say that you don't have to subscribe today I learned that Tigers cannot Pur to show happiness Tigers squint or close their eyes this is because losing vision defense so Tigers only purposely do it when they feel comfortable and safe if the car is not low enough to pet a good boy are you really living baby armadillo humans will pet anything 22 years ago we locked eyes and fell deep look forward to the next 22 young lady love you my forever I just spent so long prying my step grandmother's locket open and it was 100% worth it my grandma sends these every day she is the purest thing on earth and we have to protect her at all costs I never want my kids to mess up and think dad's going to kill me I want their first thought to be I need to call my dad parenting with fear is not parenting at all I'm moving tomorrow and the old black lady that lives next to me just said I'm going to miss you I used to stay up every night when you would go out with your friends and I would not go to sleep until I heard your door close and I knew you made it home safe my cat and I are both 22 every time I left for college I would say goodbye not knowing if she would still be around when I got back I graduate next weekend he made it I love you yellow as a gay man I was nervous to him invite my boyfriend to my grandparents house because of their Traditional Values this was my grandpa's reply mom might have told you already but my boyfriend is coming to dinner tonight hope that's okay Splendid can he arm wrestle Ricky was just acting like he wasn't my boyfriend at the gym saying to me you look nice in those leggings can I take you out sometime this girl that I don't know comes up to me and says hey are you ready to leave I informed her he was my boyfriend but girl I appreciate you so my boyfriend comes home last night absolutely smashed gets undressed and then just stands there in my room so I'm like are you coming into bed and he goes no thank you I'm sure you're lovely but I have a girlfriend and goes to sleep on the floor this young man I hired as a temporary helper off the streets with no home no clothes living under a bridge 7 months ago well he has not missed a day has never been late not one complaint has reunited with his parents has a car has clothes and is now an official employee with Benefits an amazing story and individual God is good I went through a Chick-fil-A drive-thru crying and a girl asked me if I wanted a chocolate or vanilla milkshake and I was like no I ordered a sweet tea and she goes no honey you need a milkshake service unmatched someone's about to be very happy LOL a boy messaged me on Instagram this is really weird but we matched on a dating app like 4 years ago and you said you wanted to be a sports writer and I just came across an article of yours today so congrats why am I tearing up my mom just came home from having drinks with her friend and now they are having a sleepover in the guest room while my dad is bringing them food I've been working at little Caesars since 1998 and always said one day I would own one it took longer than I had planned but today I can officially say I own a franchise moving 400 mil and I've been having to travel with my cat who unexpectedly loves car rides imagine if we didn't have cats and you could only see them in zoos we would go and be like OMG there were these micro panl in all different colors and they are beautiful and why can't I have one but we do get to have them and it's amazing that is what I'm thankful for today the vet's office sent me a last poop I was not expecting this hits me so hard OMG it's the alphabet but with cats I remember when I was so in love I had my girl's number saved under a totally different vibration pattern and text tone so I would know whether my phone was worth pulling out of my pocket or not a mom came into the library with her kids in a stroller as they strolled into the children's section her little girl started waving her arms in the air in excitement singing hello Library hello books I told you I would be back for the past year a very nice man has been standing on on the bridge that was on my way to work with a sign saying he was having a hard time and could use a hand today this is what it reads my last week out here I got a job thank you to everyone who has helped me during this hard time the mafia in my hometown ran a pizza chain as a front and it got so popular that the head of the family just stopped doing crimes and now they do pizza full-time do you think my dad likes my new tattoo uh no when my son was three he had a guinea pig named ruffus one day he left the cage open and ruffus disappeared I bought a replacement never told my son and things were going fine until the original showed up and I had to pretend that it was his cousin Roger from Philly a group of women called the nine nanners kept a secret for decades that not even their husbands knew for 30 years they met at 4:00 a.m. and anonymously paid bills bought clothes for people in need each care package came with a homemade pound cake and a note that read somebody loves you my mom died when I was 11 recently I was contacted by someone on Facebook who interviewed her for her dissertation and had found the tape recording so this weekend I heard her voice for the first time in more than 25 years I swear it's the quietest people with the best personality it's this kid that used to sit at the table by himself really quiet and used to have his jacket sipped all the way to cover his face with head down we invited him to our table and he is one of the nicest people ever I came to the table today and he was like I made you some cookies never judge a book by his cover always give people a chance as some might know my dad is mentally and physically handicapped so especially now that he is older he is unable to to work or earn an income but he has been saving his pocket change for the past month for some reason and I thought nothing of it until I came home from work from this today coffee money love Dad there has been a spider in my bathroom for 1 month I refused to kill him I named him Phillip every time somebody tries to use the bathroom they tell me to kill him but I make excuses and won't do it he is like my roommate but instead of paying rent he protects me from other gross creatures like mosquitoes Phillip if you're reading this thanks man guys who wore these to school sacrificed any chance at having a girlfriend for the Hobby and I can respect that fun fact in Middle School a friend of mine would always bring these to class one day a girl did the same and challenged him to a duel and lost pretty badly turns out she liked him a lot and decided to learn the game so she had a reason to approach him they are still together 12 years later men of Reddit what makes you feel manly carrying my sister's kids two nephews and a niece around they always ask me to pick them up whenever I see them so I started lifting weights a couple of years ago just so that I could keep doing it as they got bigger it worked out as intended I got a lot stronger and now the boys are 9 years old and I can still carry one of them under each arm they love it since their mother cannot pick them up anymore and their happiness makes me feel good too stop for a second think about all the people you've secretly had a crush on all of the people you have found attractive but never actually said anything to every stranger you've temporarily fallen in love with on public transportation all the people you've dreamed of and thought of in the early mornings now take a moment to realize that you may have been in this person for so many people and you have no idea look at how proud the seal is of his art every time I'm in the shower my dog stares at me worried and he must assume I'm upset in her because he hates bath so he thinks if he drops his toys in it that I will feel better the fact that a random couple ran into Keanu Reeves in a hotel lobby invited him to their wedding and he put on a suit and joined is proof he really is the one met a really hot girl who was half Japanese and half Filipino I think I ruined it by constantly calling her a jalapeno update we got married after a couple of slices of pizza my 3-year-old bursts into tears and says my mouth wants more but my tummy doesn't I've never related to anything more my neighbor felt bad about me not hitting 100K so he made me a 95k play button I just spent so long prying my step grandmother's locket open and it was 100% worth it I got a random FaceTime call just now answered it was a baby he was playing on his mother's phone and was typing numbers and called me made my night honestly this party has a room of Butler the fanciest thing thing I've ever seen 16 years ago today I lost my Pops I found this old picture of him and took it at the exact same spot from about 31 years ago rest in peace 15-year-old daughter has a friend over and suddenly my 13-year-old son wants to walk around curling dumbbells this mother lost her hair while battling a brain tumor so her son grew out his hair to make her a wig I'll never forget when a boy in my high school chemistry class told me you will never work at Nasa and laughed at me that was the day I decided to become an engineer my little girl is two and whenever she's happy she will just shout out happy and there is nothing purer in this world than when she's just sitting playing with her toys or eating toast and just yells out happy to let the universe know it's doing a good job best friend goals women move into same retirement home after being friends for 80 years HR at my work just called me and I thought I was in trouble for something but they had just let me know my 11-year-old sister has been commenting on their Instagram every day telling them to give me a raise while watching a movie with my boyfriend's family I fell asleep in the Silence of the film I passed list in an accident it destroyed him he dropped out of school severe depression want to know what pulled him out of it the parents of the man he killed they asked to meet him for dinner he goes now once a year forgiveness is healing Dina waitress Cops and Kids five and nund eat for free me discreetly nudging my 6-year-old my 6-year-old I'm a police OMG my 94-year-old grandpa just called me for the first time on face night on FaceTime tonight we talked for a bit and said goodbye he thought he hung up but he didn't I stayed on the line for a bit and I could hear him in the room laughing woohooo that was so much fun we rushed our dog to the emergency 24-hour vet after a day at the beach because she was acting skittish about her tail was it broken 1 2 a.m. x-ray later and the vet says she has happy tail syndrome meaning she wagged it so hard on her Beach day that it was sore my three-year-old said good night to all of us tonight and then in the dark I hear a little voice say good night myself I love you pause I love you too don't let anyone take that from you little one my mother was giggling at this and told me to take a look at that adorable dash hound he's sleeping she was looking at her purse my niece is so chaotic my mom loves going to Starbucks but she doesn't speak English and doesn't remember her order three times a week I get a phone call from a barista and I'm like tall caramel frappuccino and then quickly hang up like it's some sort of caffeinated drug deal due to expected severe weather Monday's weightlifting workout has been cancelled find an elderly or disabled neighbor and shovel their driveway don't accept any money that's our Monday workout I just saw a dad get out of the car with his two young boys and he yells who can go hug mom the fastest and all of them started running towards their house that's the kind of future I want today I found out through Facebook that the overnight security guard at my work knits boots and mittens for premature babies at the Edinburgh Royal infirmary he also post them worldwide I crochetted a Wordle so last summer I randomly met this 80-year-old woman on Words With Friends we played 300 plus games together and she actually ended up becoming a good friend of mine today I got to go to Florida and meet her in person I took that really bad game over wedding t-shirt design and made it more wholesome because love is a beautiful thing Thailand started 2020 with a major plastic bag B so now ties have made it a trend to put their shoppings in random things and I'm living for it every night before we put our dog in his kennel me and my girlfriend pretend we are sentencing him to prison for a different crime she always jails him for crimes like being too cute or aggravated fluff while I sentence him for things like conspiracy to commit aen or fraud and waiting out ins my apartment lease I moved in slept my first night in it when I was a boy in foster care I used to think before sleeping someday I will have my very own house and nobody will tell me I have to leave now that is true my 19-year-old son bought a car today the guy who sold it to him took the cash counted 1,000 and gave it back to him saying good luck in college paid forward unbelievably kind and brought tears to my eyes I always heard my parents talking [ __ ] about me after I went to bed so now I always make sure that after bedtime my daughter can hear us through the door to talking about all the good things she did that day and how proud We Are of her just now walking down the street eating a banana I spotted a woman at a bus stop also eating a banana to her horror and mine I was physically unable to stop myself raising my banana to her in some sort of banana toast she looked very confused then adorably bed her banana bag Muhammad Ali float like a butterfly done sting like a bee I am nailing this empty your mind be formless shapeless like water I could not be any more Mindless or like water in 2012 John un was captured floating his dog to sleep in Lake Superior his dog had developed severe arthritis and had weeks to live John responded by taking him to Lake Superior every night to ease the pain in his final days a couple of days ago my brother wanted me to kill a moth who flew into the kitchen I refuse to I would like to introduce you to ring jald he has been living in our kitchen for 2 days I regularly feed him brown sugar the anatomy of a hug at a wildlife rehab facility I met two crows that said in a human accent they said it like a human reading the word out loud the tech shook her head and said they're making fun of us people say to them all day so they've started impersonating us I love crows one time I met a small autistic child at the bed and told him I'm autistic too then he asked if he could pet the kitten I had with me I said yes and when he was done petting her his mom told him to say thanks and he thanked the kitten they're talking about each other I'm going to melt one time I called my boyfriend dumb because he took the bus instead of the metro to work the bus takes longer and and he hit me with I take the bus so I can call you every day before work I don't get signal on the Metro and then I realized I am dumb and I think about that a lot can we talk about how cute motorcycle gangs are inseparable friends matching outfits going on adventures together what a wholesome adorable fun lucky docks last night I was alone in the emergency room crying and getting an IV put in always a challenge for me because of my veins and my nurse gave me her and my nurse gave me her phone and told me to go through her Tinder matches and weed them out for her to distract me what did we do to deserve nurses like actually me and my wife both woke up randomly at 2:00 a.m. yesterday instead of going back to bed we spent a few hours in the dark chatting and laughing about random [ __ ] we've been through over the years a Dutch Supermarket introduced slow checkouts for lonely elderly people who want someone to talk to the move has proven to be successful so that they have installed over 200 checkouts they also have added a chat corner where locals could meet for a cup of coffee and a chat I'm on a plane and the entire flight set still so that a man in the last seat the back of the plane could get off and run to his next flight to try and make it to his twin daughters first father daughter dance everyone rooted for him and clapped as he rushed down the aisle so my family finally understands what I do now for the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert looked back and asked can you still see and then answered themselves with of course you can't I'm like 6 ft tall and then moved I wished so many blessings on their house okay this one takes it home this year service dog receives his master's degree in occupational th therapy from Clarkson University after attending every class with this human I played Dungeons and Dragons with my daughters they were supposed to fight the Wolves surrounding a town instead they fed the wolves and turned them into a friendly wolf Army girls man they will take over the world my 3-year-old was begging me to buy her something at the store and I usually don't give in but this time I did it because it was only 99 Cents and it was this bunch of scallions during teaching today I was petting my cat and my co- teer announced it and asked to see the cat that no fewer than 60 % of the students reached down and pulled their cats up into the view of the cameras and suddenly my zoom squares were all cads and everything was perfect I went to Target today and was buying all of my student supplies for the upcoming school year and was pushing a card full of massive amounts of stuff and a lady stops me and says are you a teacher so I say yes and she says I don't care the price I will pay for it all I was unable to find child care for my daughter this week so we have been hanging out today I took her on a 5 km run/ bike ride I Tred to run and she bikes halfway she looked at me and said this is the best day of my life Dad if anyone needs me I am out buying a pony I run into a guy I played football with in he as he's introducing me to his girlfriend he says this is John he was the only popular kid in high school who didn't believe me he was actually my friend just a reminder that people never forget how you make them feel any song is better if you replace the word girl with squirrel go ahead try it my wife felt anxious this morning I had work to do but encouraged her to get away I would watch the kids an hour later she returned home with donuts and an iced coffee for each of us and a smile last night my boyfriend got drunk and told me if I tried to kiss him he would call his woman and I kissed him so he called my phone just to tell me that I tried to kiss him I once gave one of my teachers one of my very favorite toys Fast Forward three decades I had twins yesterday I got a package in the mail congratulations I honestly I can't read that I adore my coffee guy I always get a large coffee and at first I would walk in and he would be like large coffee right but now he just does finger guns at me and goes large and I would be lying if I said that wasn't the best part of my day God I love a good walk look at these trees hell man [ __ ] man is that a pine cone hell yeah am I going to awkwardly nod at Passing Strangers don't mind if I do nothing like some fresh air our friend has grown up Swedish literally translated names for Animals River horse blubber Hunter inkfish late Walker leech cone beak animal flapping Mouse Shield toad wash bear my grandma sends me these every every day she is the purest thing on and we have to protect her at all cost I love you from Einstein Bagels I love you from my front room good afternoon princess hello beautiful Grim my parents have been married for 34 years my mother is in the final stages of young onset dementia diagnosed 5 years ago at 53 my dad cares for her full-time she does not always remember his name but she knows she is safe with him if that's not true love I don't know what is I lost my dad 4 days before my 7th birthday tomorrow is my six-year-old's birthday Mama since you are probably probably really sad on your 7th birthday you can share my birthday with me me 24 years of a broken heart healed just like that my neighbors are too low income to afford a Wi-Fi connection and Too Proud to use mine so I renamed mine free Council Wi-Fi and told them I had read about it and what the password was my neighbor is now halfway through an online college qualification and I'm so proud of her my favorite thing in the world is responding to my hateful messages and seeing how fast I can change their mood shut the [ __ ] up and go back wherever you came from you look really nice in your icon what do you use to whiten your teeth like that I'm pretty nice usually just a little sick right now my girlfriend does it I don't really prefer it but I liked the picture I like your facial hair where does one get those any drugstore like CVS appreciate it well sorry to have been rude man have a good night sleep well homie I drew her and she drew me moved to Japan and met my neighbor I can't speak English thank you for the present my name is hirosi Yamashita I'm 52 years old the divorce and I live alone you can use it as you like I'm stuffed in toilet paper do you you have Navy yes or no please tell me your child's name thank you for your friend operation I put these clocks up when my four children started traveling and living abroad and I keep them set to the time zone where each of them are this morning for the first time in almost 3 years they are all on the same time yesterday I overheard a little kid asking their mom why I was using a wheelchair and the mom simply replied well maybe his legs need a bit of extra help you can ask him if he's happy to tell you more no shaming the kid for asking no treating disability as a hush hush topic I love when you ask someone about a thing they know a lot about and they start with okay so because you know you're about to get a novel's worth of nerd [ __ ] and it's going to be so delightful one time a customer in Starbucks asked me to help him text this girl he really liked so he could ask her out he asked if I wanted to see a photo of her and I said yes obviously and he turned the phone around and the camera was facing me honestly best work I've ever seen does anyone else smile at dogs that walk past them or am I just a widdow today I waited on three 10-year-old boys they ordered three virgin pina coladas and when I asked them if they wanted food they told me no it's just a chips and drinks kind of day and then they tipped me $1 on top of their $1 check my husband the extrovert and I the introvert got separated on our flight we are in Middle seats in the same row I've already apologized the people sitting next to me like seven times my husband is sharing beef jerky with strangers and I think he's now in someone's wedding a bottle of water can be0 50 cents at the supermarket $2 at the gym $3 at the movie and $6 on a plane same water only thing that changed its value was the place so next time you feel your worth is nothing maybe you are at the wrong place Beed the goat sold to an abire after she stopped producing milk but was rescued by punks and then spent 10 years watching grind cor band she could come and go as she pleased and in the words of her Rescuers escaped death lived Punk absolute Legend thank you for creating planetas and vinan Saga does hild have a birthday sir thank you for enjoying my manga when is your birthday it's November 23rd hild was born on November 23rd I am losing my mind over these Halloween decorations I just walked past OMG my cat looks like a Catholic saint portrait here my dad once wrote a note to us and put it in a drawer the note said if you're scared to tell me something just bring me this note as a reminder that I'm here to support you and I won't get mad I will work with you on a solution best way to keep your kids talking to you what perksy do you enjoy as a kid because of your parents jobs my parents run a huge Computing company and they had a huge computer with a very primitive couple of games would play they also had a Coke machine on the honest system and I drank those all the time I finally ran into my mom at college and she took me to her class to meet her classmates and it was the cutest thing ever having a conversation with my grandma with Alzheimer's it was nice seeing you it was nice remembering you you remember me I don't remember your name but I remember that I love you a few weeks ago I tried to literally bore my 3-year-old to sleep by telling him everything I knew about nucle and particle physics it's a fair bit it was my speciality once every night since then as he's been falling asleep his little voice pipes up tell me about atom's dad I was having a terrible day at the bookstore until two kids came in with chaotic energy and said they were having a sleepover and wanted to get two copies of the same book so they could stay up late reading together if you were ever a lunch lady in a small Public elementary school in East Orange ner in the early 80s and you snuck a small shy girl with blue eyes and bangs a peanut butter sandwich on the days she had no lunch money know that I have loved you my entire life and I hope you've been happy and healthy we had to work with a partner in math today and I got paired with this really quiet kid and I noticed he had a lot of change in his backpack and I asked him why and he told me that he works as a janitor at the school and he saves his change to put in expired parking meters on campus I needed this so much today hi doublin bus news my 3-year-old wanted to know how you decide which buses get to sleep inside the Depot garage and which have to sleep in the yard hi Matthew we have rang around to a few of the depot and we can confirm that all buses are loved equally and take turns sleeping inside the warm those sleeping outside are given Coco keep warm I once told my husband I was jealous of finished PhD students because they got given a sword when they graduate sadly my graduation this week has been postponed due to the virus but he got me ass sword hey everyone I've been having trouble catching that Mouse do you have any tips be patient don't pounce too soon you've got this mice are very sneaky but so are you use all of your senses stay positive and keep focus self-doubt is your worst enemy yesterday I was 233 days I had a really stressful council meeting last night I came home craving up Aubin Manhattan in the worst way I took some melatonin played video games until it kicked in and woke up today at 234 it's really hard incredibly proud of my mom for actively creating an inclusive workplace good morning it is in my pleasure to be your breakfast Hostess today and I look forward to taking awesome care of you I do ask a very small favor please wave to get my attention and use the notepads provided to let me know what you need I only ask because I am deaf but this will not stop me from providing you with the highest level of service thank you so much amen
Channel: VaazkL
Views: 774,415
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Keywords: vaazkl wholesome posts, wholesome posts, The best wholesome posts, wholesome videos, wholesome, the most wholesome moments, vaazkl shorts, vaazkl, vaazkl shorts whole, some wholesome content, wholesome cat videos, wholesome content, wholesome videos that will make you cry, wholesome videos that will make you happy, the most wholesome posts, wholesome memes funny, wholesome memes, best wholesome memes, best vaazkl wholesome
Id: U1iUw3XmHUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 51sec (13311 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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