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the restroom requires a sacrifice don't do it trespasses will be eaten this container transports a diseased which has no cure priority suit the best thing about pregnant woman is free Wi-Fi but why is the Wi-Fi signal there she swallowed a Wi-Fi router someone is the reason that these signs exist these signs are awesome shoot the bird with camera not gun donate blood but not on the road warning wrath of God Crossing sorry what provided for your convenience by the porter Bellow public pencil sharpening project I'm trying box I'm trying do not break down sounds exactly like something a haunted trunk would say free not haunted in memory of Roger bucklesby who hated this park and everyone in it beautiful when I die I want a plaque like this in my school no lifeguard swim at your own risk please do not drop your cigarette butts into the flower bed the rabbits come out at night and smoke them and we're trying to get them to quit anyone caught exiting through this door will be asked to leave don't be mad at lazy people they didn't do anything arguably the worst typo I've ever witnessed due to unforeseen circumcisions the dining room will be closed this evening this caution sign defeats the purpose of a warning I've never been so curious in my entire life caution Tomatoes meanwhile in Canada free snowman some assembly required is the product you want to buy a beverage the last car that parked here is still missing The Ground is Lava I thought we were supposed to have grown up up in University they have warned their fellow students that The Ground is Lava to prevent any injuries caution attention one out of every three snakes are nasty be careful out there I wasn't I swear do not do you speak teen apparently I don't what does it even say dubstep I never wanted to believe my dad was stealing from his job working on the roads but when I got home all the signs were there Studies have found including Eyes On signs or will significantly deter nearby crime jbus that would deter nearby anything please do something about the dandelions in your lawn please free dandelions apparently the Spanish version of science has to have a mustache definitely need more signs like this please don't run over snakes when did Walmart start selling such quality products men's camo apparel Lego fire walk with me I'd rather do a real firew walk even the street signs are tired of it Karen stop festive signs never seemed so brutal mashed potatoes not your head buckle up how many times did this happen before they had to put a sign up maybe like three times one way evacuation route okay I'm officially confused chicken loses job chicken is broke chicken strips $3.79 do not throw your square boxes in this can or a scary alien will beat you with his Bat drive slow and see our city drive fast and see our jail the most Savage warning board in history my mind races as to what this could actually be Florida style pizza respect existence or expect resistance damn son the p CEST of poetry they paint these walls to hide my pen but the Poop House poet strikes again have you checked all Gates races and locks before you leave do you know where the Bears are who's asking please run down the hill screaming that is a nice looking Hill I will happily run down it screaming warning never put your fingers where you wouldn't put your pee pee go ahead you can make it m I don't know 100 butt beef misspelling it still matters a lot this is how Tigers see you danger do not cross safety barriers please close this door when you leave it helps keep out the snakes this too shall pass it might pass like a kidney stone but it will pass truth I like this version better it's more realistic 24-hour video surveillance blame the guy who kept pooping here mother of all speed bumps I want to drive over it going 150 mph you're creating problems in your head again stop that win a free ride in a police car just by shoplifting from this store lucky winners can also get their name in the newspaper for their friends and family to see won't mom be so proud of you incredible customer service don't touch yourself ask the staff thank you Common Sense is a flower that does not grow in everyone's Garden using your turn signal is not giving information to the enemy please do not guess I just won't I am drunken on my way home walked past this truck that had pictures of fish on it and said meat without feet I laughed meet without feet fun fact the infamous hell is a real sign and is about halfway between where I go to college and my mom's house so it's become common practice to text her out of context hell is real message to let her know I'm close when visiting and if that's not the best summary of Ohio I don't know what is ah yes Canadian Healthcare if you die while waiting to see a doctor please cancel your appointment get your things together Abby Abby you need to show up for work teenagers tired of being harassed by your stupid parents act now move out get a job pay your own bills well you still know everything never do anything you wouldn't want to explain to the paramedics a baby is never a surprise or mistake you did the deed without protection what did you expect a plasma TV it's not self-checkout if I need help every time insomnia cookies fresh warm cookies delivered until 3:00 a.m. OMG where have you been all my worthless life these angels of light brought me a brownie topped with cookie dough at midnight once dude so I went to the zoo yesterday and saw the cutest family of otter ever and then I checked their names chowa Clementine Kevin Olive peaches pickles pork chop radish ragger saffron Turner they're all named after food except Kevin why why would they do this oh I'm sorry I thought this was America please don't leave dead people in our bathroom the hell happened here why is everyone's so obsessed with birds in this place what did birds do what do they like I don't know notice if you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing sharks have been spotted in this pool they come out when they smell PE please please check under your car before driving away a penguin under your car I'd steal it no baby on board feel free to drive into me please slow down my cats are stupid imagine this on a pair of booty shorts warning this machine does not know the difference between metal and flesh nor does it care I am so blessed to live in Central Florida because we don't only have one gift shop with a giant wizard we have two a car powered on free range chickens and designed by a team of handpicked potatoes experien driving on mushrooms and drugged yeah man just meet me at the corner of shrimpton and C shrimpton Avenue CLE Street dyslexic death tone fans be like no way death tone sandwich shop no this messed me up why is it spelled right beware of falling deer leopards conceal their unfinished food in the tops of trees warning Evacuate the island if you hit eight short blasts in New Orleans these signs are necessary apartment not haunted balcony finally a job I am qualified for we're hiring bad managers please close the gate a I want to Boop the snoot please be safe do not stand sit climb or lean on zoo fences if you fall animals could eat you and that might make them sick thank you my wife said I never listen to her or something like that vote for Rick Ashley he will never give you up let you down run around desert you make you cry say goodbye tell a Li and hurt you stick Library a this is very cute they should make it a law where each park has to have a stick Library eat your fingers off KFC missing picture of lost cat or you can eat Buffet not all Day buffet you no come stay 4 Hour you eat you go extreme danger submerged where they drowning machine Danger Don't Run beware deep shafts don't walk backwards unmarked holes you don't know who is lurking here enter at your own risk this sign telling that there's no exit I must have walked past this sign 100 times and never noticed it hell no if I saw this I would not go I would leave the area like 20 mil no probably 50 danger military Target area do not touch anything it may explode and kill you caution propellers rip off heads beware of invisibility physically impossible entry 1.5 M notice beware of danger absolutely no alcohol Beyond this point so start chugging a top speed club meeting Saturday open mic night sucks to be Mike the chains on my mood swing just snapped run don't judge someone just because they sin differently than you I'd like genuinely ironic signs for $500 Alex Donna Camp picnic ground historical site the sole purpose of this sticker is to prevent people from walking into this glass door keep your distance at least one adult kangaroo apart hazards exist that are not marked this is quite terrifying go ahead drink and drive jail Hospital Mor wow they're all quite next to each other there just needs to be a pub though or like somewhere to drink like a club now you can do insurance for all leash your dog people are eating children in this area clean up after them thank you now who's the loser dad duck ramp at times like this I wish I was a little duck in this Pond to whomever is placing googly eyes all over the office please stop Google eyes thank you do not throw toilet paper in the toilet please throw it in the trees so today I drove past a traffic sign that said hey teens buckling up his tot ye Yo I wish I was joking but after we screamed a bit my brother attempted to get a picture as proof failed and ended up with this masterpiece that pretty much sums up the whole experience America is the best country in the nation adults must be accompanied by a child Halloween special bodies buried $5 really deep $10 I love side hustles like this so respectable keep up the great work nice parking please don't reproduce not homeless Wife and Target 2 plus hours please help just because you are offended doesn't mean you are right meanwhile in Canada hit the brakes eh when someone tries to help it becomes a part of the problem give psychist space this if you're feeling like you can't take anymore and you don't know what to do next this street is the perfect place for you w end found outside of my buddy's apartment attention if you stole a watermelon from building 7 you need to contact a poison control center immediately it was a biology project and has been injected with the urine of rats on steroids girls why don't boys get our signs their signs Beware of the Dog the cat is not trustworthy either them the road signs aren't giving you hidden messages the the road signs follow someone home the most useless signs in America right now do not enter shop this way speed hump you get 80 million but you can't measure any stop sign for 2 days would you do it no I I can't I physically can't no I will have horrible withdrawals it'll be bad I don't I don't want to do that no I have kittens toilet paper is in the top drawer hopefully in the same room though You' only be walking around in some person's last butt naked Time Heals all wounds but the scars are a constant reminder there were better ways to do this those signs do come off they actually grow back when you tried to do that though like Lizard Tales you read speed limit signs like this speed limit 80ish leaked footage of Ed sheron's shape of view music video no climbing or sitting on Ducks these premises are under video surveillance who you going to call no one you're driving what do you call a sleeping pie a pizza someone dat me that went downhill rapidly Hospital main entrance accident out patients crematorium Cemetery when this virus is over I still want some of you to stay away from me do not dumb here not dumb area here keep gate closed do not let donkey out no matter what he tells you but he looks so convincing attention life could be worse you're not dead this is like the time I got a new label maker Big Mountain poems and I looked into the windows of her soul and said [ __ ] credit to this kid in my class beware of well just beware do you use your blinker it would look a lot cooler if you did we're doomed just wait until 2020 turns 21 and starts drinking it's 24 now and it's gotten worse we got to kill it but that means killing us what do we do I have questions immediate cremation traditional funeral pre-planning available Pet Cremations beef jerky too much going on seriously do not set yourself on fire I pick on everyone Dead or Alive thank God they didn't put the sign at the top of the stairs oh wait do not struggle up the stairs a lift is available someone put these by the stairs at my School these are the stairs of learning stop talking I was telling my friend a story the other day and it must have taken too long because he quietly took out his wallet and handed this to me he literally carries like 50 of them at all times this Valentine's Day buy her a gun never change Uptown in this house we believe Bigfoot is real I am going to kiss him he will be my lover I will be the little spoon me and Bigfoot will smash and you can't stop bro everyone is doing a great job except Cody I'm Cody if you're homeless or need help take his much as you need from the case # hopeful cases soup where are you right now I'm at soup which store are you in I'm at the Soup Store why are you buying clothes at the Soup Store screw you friend you can't possibly guess A Wheel of Fortune puzzles with no letters me Never Going To Give You Up danger if you fall in the pond you will be boiled no clothing allowed in the library please enter her save 100% when you don't buy anything this is definitely in the UK somewhere I can just tell dogs prepare you for babies cats prepare you for teenagers in light of recent events no Oreos will be allowed in the library hey my dog's called Oreo he's allowed in the library though right he's nice he's a he's a he's a gentleman no parking at any time Martin this means you beware of wool for a second I thought it said will like as in Free Will men working except John that guy does nothing hey it's Eclipse not apocalypse relax the Swedish word for goat is get and the word for kid is killing hence this spread from a children's book six sick I don't like that image carrots may be good for your eyes but booze will double your vision mother of all advertisement photo Express in imaging Specialists and photographic studio honestly I don't get it I downloaded this meme to ask like does anyone understand it only in Canada do the buses apologize for the accident sorry man Bowl the Dog bow for men this is truly the most bizarre thing I've ever seen despite the fact that they are literally marketing a dog bowl for humans especially men to eat out of they have put the word man on the side of the bowl in like the Rambo font so that your masculinity cannot be challenged while you are eating out of this dog ball for man lab rules rule one never lick the spoon hot glass looks just like cold glass if you don't know what you're doing at least do it neatly hicups and pipets don't mix assume all unmarked beakers contain a highly toxic fast acting poison we won't fart in your car you sure about that well I have a fart detector in my car which I actually I can't drive so I don't have a car but yeah I'd have a fart detector anytime someone farts in my car a siren would play like it'd be quite interesting if there was like three people in the car too it'd be like a game of Among Us who's the impostor and then you have to vote everyone out of the car while I'm driving too M can fish can fish microwave soup the sequel to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep does not live up to the original the mountains will be just as cold and lonely tonight as they were 300 years ago do not go alone it's better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury oneing tick please do not enter the dangerous area Beyond this you quite possibly will get hurt and then you will sue then a protracted Court battle will ensue exhausting your financial resources and you will lose because this sign that warned you will be exhibit one how to survive a werewolf attack silver bullets fireworks missile toe fire mirrors belly rubs I'm going with belly rubs I'm never washing my hands again Get Your Filthy Hands On Me lime hand soup that's it rip open my small card box oh you're so strong and dominating aren't you have you been working out lately no I'm not doing this I'm going to what the [ __ ] not calling the plumber again please consider adding some Fiber to your diet or something are you a bob or feet kind of guy me buts only I'm I'm more for personality sing with me now push it push it good diabetic shoes do they just do the injections for you like in your foot ah that would hurt remember Satan was the first to demand equal words I know this sign is supposed to be anti equal rights but I can't help but read it as Pro Satan Satan can suck my a 2012 excavation in Turkey revealed a 2,000-year-old mosic that features a super chilled skeleton reclining next to some wine bread and the inscription be cheerful live your life this is the awning of the cage of asparagus saw this pun and you're the only person I know who would appreciate it this is is this is the only pun out there all the other puns have faded into non-existent do you guys want me to do pun memes again like part two let me know this one time I ran a red light on mistake and I didn't notice it was red until it was too late so I just ran the light screeching like an angry pterodactyl the entire time a cop was at the intersection so he pulled me over and when he came up to my window he was wheezing cuz he was laughing so hard and said okay so I know you ran a red light and that's really bad and you should never do it again but I'm not going to give you a ticket because that was the funniest thing I've ever seen and my partner can't get out of the car because he's laughing so hard he's about to pee himself I forgot that I had my window open when I ran the red light and the cop told me all he heard from my car was this really high pitched and that's how I got out of getting a ticket for running a red light throw back to that time I composed a magnetic poem about werewolves and it was the deepest thing I ever wrote Moon drunk monster beautiful and strange how you are Melancholy question and tell me which you dread more the echo or the answer guy spends 36 Days cycling from poo poo point to PP Creek thrilling Chase underway here palletes wanted ah yes the two genders male and attack helicopter Beware of the Dog the cat is not trustworthy either when you lead a sinful life one way to Hell press button to his story what do you have to tell me goat I'm at a crypto nft conference and men men loading screen tips be like stop this is a stop sign the baby must feed right now the need for blood is rising Burger King at 6th and havlock we all quit sorry for the inconvenience watch out for the idiot behind me uh huh you only way to read this is to be behind them some of y'all should live here not naming names Gay Street bottomless pit 65 ft deep dark room keep door closed if it is left open all the dark leaks out no senior discounts you had twice as long to get the money your Galactic Empire Darth beta together we rule the galaxy if door does not open do not enter no drugs or nuclear weapons allowed inside the restrooms that awkward moment when a zombie is looking for brains and walks right by you I don't make the rules sorry once the food is given to you if a seagull takes it from you there will be no refunds the seagulls don't work for us sorry for this inconvenience your fake ID equals our fake ID throw back to when this guy was waiting for the pee to fall on his head so he could sue Walmart unnecessary quotation mark appreciation there are a few things as profoundly funny as unnecessary ominous quotations bees active in this area employees must wash hands entrance ER I actually can't get over the name of this knockoff orange juus chain orange Brutus finally an aisle that caters to my needs Eternal pain to be honest I don't think we should keep dogs from pursuing any career they want please keep dogs away from Landscaping Canada is the best country text and drive the word hot in hotel caught on fire too hot H damn did they call the police and the firemen did they just challenge Jesus to a fight Jesus 6: a.m. parking lot press B to crouch video game store makes the most of the broken shutters this is good marketing I stopped and waited at this sign for like 20 minutes and zero people did Motocross tricks over a rber a big nose is not an excuse for no mask I mean I still wear underwear my local gas station is asking the really hard questions can sodas milk bread people are eating children in this area please leash your dog and clean up after them you are entering a stress free zone I have often said this that's what I said hot dog burger please respect your parents they pass school without Google fighting the good fight finally a rally I can get behind stop premature Christmas celebrating every school needs this walk run text how did they manage to make a straight pride flag that looks G than all of theirs when you go shopping and spend way more than you plan to regret problem solved virus free zones no virus allowed on this property my boss got this ridiculous excuse the other week and decided it needed to be hung up why I missed my shift our favorite reasons one I was blowing out a candle and my hair caught on fire so I had to shave my head you can't hold hands with God when you're doing the deed God gave us two hands for a reason man don't ever put no stuff like this on my car Tick Tock forz party burn it eat it just get rid of it if only there was a name for this animal meat without feet well too bad here's a pair of smug middle-aged white men injured gets my arm bitten off by a Wolverine in the Canadian wilderness and this billboard instantly teleports to my location silently mocking me as I bleed to death thank you back of men's room door zip a check on behalf of all men we appreciate this stupidity will be dealt with accordingly the rest of the country trying to sell me something while I drive the Midwest asking me sleepover questions if you died today why would you spend eternity when someone asks me to describe Instagram to them I'm like be a useless person but pretty I'm glad LeBron's out of Cleveland but this picture is very sad bro LOL the guys behind the post are finally seeing sunlight after 4 years I'm not sure which is my favorite you are my love my angle don't treat me like potato you talk like Angel walk like model but your body look like Buffalo you strong like Rambo you look like hero but your brain just like potato looks like he's on his way to die stop stop it before it's too late in the lobby of an office building in Toronto I guess to make sure employees are flooded with resentment the instant they walk in the door miss your sweatpants seriously we missed you but your dogs missed you pretty sure it's by Britney but okay Toxic by inhalation street names are great they tell you about the history of the area bucket of blood I love to see the community come together like this cops hiding don't jump I mean if there are cops you lose and if there aren't cops you also lose because you're now paranoid for the rest of your life they're coming for you our school is Christian this is what you see around Jesus will never give you up let you down run around and desert you Jesus rose from the dead the world then don't make it look super fun please no writing in wagons down sidewalk no vampires Beyond this point Treaty line I assume this is from a lar but this is still hilarious this isn't a lb it's a real sign in Forks that caused me to nearly crash my car as I drove past it stressfree area ahead seems trustworthy the Fay is trying to appeal to Millennials I call this photo series locations my dad thinks are musical artists Mecha 29 Palms Ario Grande Pasley Kenyon Marina del re I love you Ariana Grande now this lady knows how to motivate Runners you run better than our government I've never wanted to live on a street so bad in my entire life making bacon drive me I hate attention me on my birthday happy birthday I am so intensely obsessed with this image please understand a hot dog the thunderous pop when you bite into it the sing Tang of the pink flesh oh yes please I'm getting hungry already just saw this weird sign from the top of a random building wait yon is hunting you as we speak if you die tonight Heaven or Hell tell tell him that cow sent you when the bite of food is too hot so you got to do the reverse blow technique my wife said when I pass she would go the extra mile to give me the burial I deserve Cemetery landfill this is my step ladder I never knew my real ladder oh that's sad that is sad the butch is in high blanch higher steak pies Burgers drugs we have two of the three come in to find out which ones Bri's not bombs the perfect poster doesn't exist sh it doesn't f I need to know everything about Mark Under New Management Mark's back stop trying to be liked by everyone you don't even like everybody people how lazy are you me door stop I love 66 67 68 I wonder where 69 is environmental storytelling this is so relevant to my life right now finish the year strong I can't buddy Bob is a representation of my whole life Bob $7 James 291 million please do not lick flowers clocking into my 14-hour shift the hater building the unfunniest people on Earth ran out of this bus and beat me with hammers the Bazinga bus you idiots were supposed to jump into the picture bug repellent company Oria turned their billboard into a giant mosquito trap eventually revealing the spray having a dog named shark at the beach was a mistake school bus stop ahead shooting prohibited Slow Children 1,000 points each you are leaving the ski resort you can die this is your decision if you are driving down this road road I don't know what you're going to do it's like a paradox The Mask up Utah sign is even funnier if you speak Spanish mask you puta if you are not disabled and you park here you soon will be private property keep out unless you have really big Bob if you hit this sign you will probably hit the bridge speed limit men versus women this is just sexist worst sequel ever born Pharmacy somebody should let them know Free Methodist Church Easter comes once a year how often do you saw this on my way home from work my name happens to be Mike Mike sucks my office just put this up in the bathrooms looks like it's my time to find a new job please limit Instagram scrolling to 14 minutes while Seated on this toilet is it 1995 I'm act for Toy Story 4 Men In Black Godzilla Aladdin Child's Play the answer is yes vote Muppet you will get one anyway Mike please don't wear the shirt this is why I bought it Susan it's not gay if it's TSA good year was pretty creative today flying over the Daytona 00 Good Year don't shoot notice this area is not suitable for children when someone asks how's work Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever the entire planet stay home this is during the virus period Texas risk it for the brisket more maintenance shop we can repair anything please knock hard on the door the Bell doesn't work just because they can repair anything doesn't mean they have to save time decorating D Norwegian word for speed bump farts dump up Town Theater in Minneapolis I assume you were not open in 50 years high school students will be reading about the virus pandemic on their tablets and this will be figure 10 build the wall around my house I hate everyone what God has joined together let no man separate chickfila water a burger this guy was motivating people at the gym FAL lap pretty sure this guy just won Halloween my straight and narrow nephew attempted to write an inspirational quote on his graduation cap that didn't work out so well I am hi the European mind couldn't even begin to Fathom an American strip more the glasse Super Duck infant care is this real this Valentine's Day by heran me 5 minutes after opening up to someone never mind all that well there goes my plans for the day danger do not feed or molest the alligator no swimming here's your exit when someone gets in your car and starts criticizing your driving walked in come on Carl it's like you're not even trying Carl while taking a nap today I dreamed there was a hazard sign called never found which was used to indicate a location where people disappeared never to be seen again it looked like this Alice in Wonderland when you really want to slap someone do it and Y mosquito landscape open now spring is here I'm so excited I wet my plants no bicycle riding rollerblading roller skating skateboarding scooter riding dogs prepare you for babies cats prepare you for teenagers never forget where you come from there came where are you going we came from from what language is this zucchini t plus mates jopini pale pepper in case of fire exit building before tweeting about it or you can eat buffet not mean All Day buffet you know come stay 4 Hour you eat you go home speed limit 30 your speed high score 94 free Wi-Fi starting at $59.99 my cooking is so awesome even the smoke alarm cheers me on after reading this sign I'm 92.9% sure that the internet has ruined me proceed with caution protruding manholes we don't care just please wash your hands always wondered why Ella is an uppercase letter and the N is in lowercase letter I was today years old when I found this out what the hell is this election Trump did a rambe crusty crab is unfair me God I could really use a sign right now God suffer the first one brings me a bad presence which is basically me at school you're getting a whole Time Square billboard please use hand sanitizer before serving yourself pretty sure this sign says sell us your baby and we'll give you water my 2021 business cards arrived what there wet your pants I saw this on my drive to Texas and almost crashed there's another one a few miles down the same road that says wet your pants again whoever runs the scoreboard at cor's field is not okay Game notes using a Ste is scope to listen to the heart cardiologists can detect narrow valves valve leakage and all abnormal Rhythm don't bother asking him to check your heart though Becky that Crush tanic sub has more life inside it than that collapsed troll cave you call a chest cavity briefly mistook this hardw medication ad at the vet's office for some kind of bizarre anti-dog propaganda not only are they gross they're preventable test annually protect year round against all authority except my mom this is too pure marketing genius I paid your parking meter for you imagine what else I'm willing to do to protect your car what an unregulated free market economy would look like angry with absurd Uber eat fees once your door Dash delay dely person to care about you and your food ditch the ABS and let me deliver your food for $5 they're basically saving you $10 per order Tony delivers notice thank you for noticing this new notice you're noticing it has been noted adult video Jesus is watching I have no words caution do not insert into mouth or butt Obama what are you doing dude that's murb Dr endin veterian SL taxidermist either way you get your dog back hello there General was only donate blood but not on roads please don't climb over this fence they installed a cool new skateboard rack at my daughter's High School too bad no one's allowed to use it no skateboarding BB and Liquors party st/ beer and wine the liver is evil and it must be punished I'm fat lazy you still have a chance illiterate write for free help have your next Affair here oh wow what a thing to write looked out my office window today and I have to admit it's nice knowing I'm not the only one who sucks at my job so what kind of disability is this this is an ability a superpower we're hiring parttime and full-time servers serve people greeters greet people line Cooks cook people please submit a relevant resume with your current availability and professional references warning to not take your girl to the zoo everything is cuter than you she will fall in love with a koala and leave you it happened to me she lives in a tree now please don't tease us we have feelings too whoever put the s in fast food is a marketing genius do not insert in eyes driver carries only wo so he carries all of this and a grudge against his father for never coming back Tako Tuesday is only weird if you make it weird Jake fil be like sat Sunday go to church loot Fisk hotline yeah hey what's the deal now Sven yah we run out of loot fish loot fish Hot Fish what is this meme anyway someone what you think about this deadly virus Gamers I wanted zombies this virus sucks petting zoo ah this isn't this is not sign this is just sad if I saw someone punch a alarm I'd probably punch them not haunted are you sure it's not haunted open 24 hours 7 days a week closed between 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. Friday to Sunday happy to help every day read the fine print on this coyote warning warning coyote activity cool animal control if you see a dangerous coyote activity such as coyote carrying boxed marked Acme coyote detonating explosives SL TNT coyotes in possession of giant magnet bro these are not Co coyotes these are humans dressed as coyotes what is going on in Redwood City why are you littering I am a jerk I don't care about natural areas mommy still cleans up after me all of the above sorry for the inconvenience if Rome was built in a day we would have used the same contractor whatever you do today do it with the confidence of a 4-year-old in a Batman t-shirt all right this is what I look like at 4 years old this is me this is literally me thank you be me a recent study found that the average golfer walks about 900 m a year another study found golfers drink on average 22 gallons of alcohol a year which means on average golfers get about 41 mil to the gallon kind of makes you proud I almost feel like a hybrid my neck my back my anxiety attack honestly if you have anxiety don't drink coffee I've quit coffee and I'm not anxious anymore I didn't used to be anxious either it's literally as soon as I started drinking coffee I found this on the floor at the store I think I'm in love stuff for margaritas stuff to eat with Margaritas this is something I know that cyberpunk dystopia images are flooding and fast but seeing a digital billboard containing a message from the state Governor signed with a Twitter handle which commands citizens to obey a curfew is still especially absurd is the man very relaxed peeing or is it explosive I don't like reading stuff like this husband want to have some quality family time with what why why why can't I read this me oh kid it out no freaking way the best part is that it's right behind a police car child Amber Alert white Nissan Sentra in license eyb 982 hope the kids okay no watching W phone being fixed makes me nervous it also makes you unable to steal the parts smalltown pizza place knows what community is all about study hall afternoons until 5:00 p.m. students while you do your approved homework assignments here you may enjoy pizza slices for 35 cents if you complete your assignments to my satisfaction you will earn a complimentary root beer float there is no purchase necessary all are welcome here to study Dam this is cool and they get a large pizza and a 2 L soda for Straight A's dear clients if you are on your phone while I'm giving you a cut this will be your new look yeah I mean I love speaking to the hairdressers I do have a a core memory of when I was a kid I used to always speak to the hairdressers I was probably I was probably like nine at the time eight at the conversation I was just talking about the [ __ ] weather the weather seriously when your friend meets someone and disappears from your life missing last scene under his girlfriend's thumb other info may still be wearing the leash his girlfriend gave him Prime Suspect girlfriend reward available $150 and a bag of chips his friends are very worried and would like him back I think if your friend starts not seeing you once he's g into a relationship or kind of ghosts you that's kind of bad or either you're a [ __ ] friend and he just doesn't want to talk to you anymore and he's kind of realized or the girl is controlling at least in my experience right I had something with my well he's still my best friend but yeah weird girlfriend let's just say not very nice it's whatever though it's life and I think it's important to go through stuff like this because you need experience as I I think you should live with no regrets because you can't change the past Gas Stations these days no smoking your life may be worthless but our petrol is very costly alien graffiti can be pretty helpful a morning we will be closing at 5:30 due to nobody wants to work no airbags we die like men fellas is it gay to live from a car accident what the hell Dawn I was using those Don ate your old glasses here you've actually been here before we just made sure you forgot warning dinosaur on the loose what do you mean and I thought self checkout at Walmart was bad self Cemetery which one of you has been mashing the snail button push button for snail I'm currently experiencing life at several what the heals per hour congrats to the person who found the most threatening way to phrase this appeal the need for blood does not stop this was my favorite chainsaws and the use of chainsaws is strictly prohibited on this beach morning Woods wonder who thought of the name for this subdivision whoever said romance is dead was probably right Melissa I'm breaking up with you at #the coliseum the hell notice no trespassing dangerous homeless man has a gun he will be gone before they find your dead body what should we name our shoe store guy named Robert okay hear me out Robert damn McDonald's buy me a drink first open your snack Hall let us meet all of your expectations so we sure doesn't mess around when it comes to puns fed so's Last Stand people will just name restaurants in Chicago anything I'll see you live laugh sign and raise you are you people finally found a gym that supports My Lifestyle nap Fitness 24/7 the real surprise here is that there are no misspellings in this message home of a 75-year-old who is a Serial cheater while his wife is away for medical reasons a cheater lives here pathological liar this picture is probably the most accurate portrayal of my life plan ahead unfortunate sign outage dunk D nuts if only there was a letter in Paris that resembles the Eiffel Tower Paris yes yours ah why don't boys get our signs the signs good luck 45 mph well build some then need more road yeah I'm Into Fitness Fitness whole cupcake in my mouth do not click buttons with genitalia cameras are watching why is this in the uner bro what is going on at the University of Alabama we buy men used 29 and up 11 years to go the symptoms of laziness one caution tapers can spray backwards 7 to 10 ft please stay alert you're in danger God damn it it's it's also a pun I'm really angry gentle reminder saying how you feel will never ruin a genuine connection all right but why is this on a semi truck thought that was Freddy Krueger for a second the more you know fun fact Windchimes are made from the metallic bones of robots that try to overthrow us hang them outside your window as a warning to others against all authority except my mother Daisy Duck after the divorce Donald is a bit Rance is dead not in the midwest April will you marry me this is cute make your mind up Jonathan saving utilities example switching off lights is just as important as recycling for your Safety and Security this lamp stays on 24/7 at the local Deli what could have happened to make them put up that sign please refrain from discussing mathematics while waiting in line and in the machine maybe don't use maybe maybe when the City of Minneapolis just wants you to be happy attention you are wonderful and deserve every happiness bro locked in on November 3rd 2024 I lost my autism diagnosis how am I driving how does an engine even work how can a loving God cause such Agony successful businesses know their audiences senior citizen don't forget remember to turn wake up lunch are only $4 turn now I don't know who needs to hear this but if the phrase selfcare doesn't resonate with you try calling it system maintenance and see if it clicks if you don't schedule time for maintenance your equipment will schedule it for you the billboard salesperson who sold these Billboards Side by Side Pets too pets Cemetery therapist don't worry Korean minions can't hurt you they're not real Korean minions no trespassing we're tired of hiding the bodies lift bar to create mass extinction went to the Aeron Space Museum but there was nothing there if life shuts a door open it again it's a door that's how they work oh great just what we needed lizard warning 4:00 a.m. Saturday 2 on Sunday laugh with many don't trust any I thought this said laugh with Mary don't trust Amy like how much do you hate Amy to expose her like this who hurt you One Day Canada will take over the world then you'll all be sorry uh and Ryan Reynolds corrected them girl rabbits don't l x either Peter Rabbit is a boy boy rabbits don't lay eggs consider Christ instead I think they meant the date installed on the ceiling 25 years of ads peeled away a warning Cowboys and cowboying Captain obious strikes again caution wet floor so that's how you spell it f me driving away from my first day at my new job why Germans don't play Scrabble f no corpses are kept in this vehicle overnight my this sticker is raising a lot of questions already answered by my sticker the dialectic there are no limits on the hams sorry for the inconvenience but right now we are out of ham well I know where I'm getting murdered clown Motel his parents made him replace his I'm dead inside sign with engineering expecting excited engaged engineering what is this consider the goats the rest of the world uses Elric system America please wait here stay one Komodo dragon length apart sign in the paint store husbands must have a note from their wives before selecting colors current weather it's so cold I saw a gangster pulling up his pants Barbara was highly relatable for Barbara who was awful when hungry but otherwise pretty solid I don't feel like Vikings would approve no alcohol in the Great Hall of the Vikings in the UK we put blue plaques to show the homes of famous people this is my favorite one Jacob Von HW Flume inventor of time travel lived here in 2189 I am just going to note that there are two people at the start of this hike dispose of trash properly pack it in pack it out okay so in my city there's this bullboard and nobody knows what it's about or where it's from or who it's from it's just here there's no name I don't think this was meant to be this dark shoot hang frame every line is absolutely wild # photographer atw work hello one do not directly look at it why not you walk in here and they deal with every single problem you've ever experienced in your life and then you go to the cash register and they just kill you op what's the address we need this sign everywhere new year new you use your blinker white go stop sign stop ah please do not pet the animals including the rattlesnakes I came across this somewhere many years ago please do not move this chair it is wide into the alarm system this is what I think about at 3:45 a.m. men are not pigs pigs are gentle sensitive intelligent and animals and are very tasty yeeh anti-homeless She-Hulk bench versus Pro homeless so Goodman bench clearly this is getting personal for your information we don't run out of chicken sandwiches closed Sunday for your information people need to eat on Sundays don't like my driving email me at suckmy peep. does this belong here it belongs in a museum anytime it reaches above 0° fit in Alaska don't forget your sunscreen I've been standing here for 30 minutes nothing and entertaining cheese thanks for the ad the clouds ever look down on us and say that one is shaped like an idiot maybe to be honest I'm not really sure who this sign is for no geese who's been educating Gees then driving through a small town be like speed limit is constantly Changing State Trooper approaching this car with one hand on holster silly goose on board if you have seen the new Star Wars please don't discuss it here the night employees are unable to go and will cry thank you management don't ruin dreams follow rules nice move wo the non-lit letters still say dollarz and the lit ones say restaurant I only noticed the restaurant one at first holiday decoration once again it's that time of year when my brother puts up the holiday decoration dying to know what was wrong with the costume did you buy our giraffe costume on Saturday 2nd please call urgently looks like I have to find some other eggs for my omelet unbeatable leave your hopes and dreams at the door we're just trying to make friends movie night at 8:00 p.m. notice thank you for noticing this new notice you're noticing it has been noted and will be reported to the authorities whatever just wash your hands please restroom beware jumping gay warus absolutely nothing next 22 mil actual billboard my friend saw in Florida arrested text w55 WTF poo Court Reading band books my Town's library is doing these mugshot things naughty boy there's nothing quite as mindboggling as the economics of the ski industry interested in renting a locker $279 per a week I spotted this on a wine truck I should follow them in case of accident bring cheese and crackers lots and lots of cheese and crackers me takes a bite out of a burger the tomato pickles and onion good riddance worst rest stop ever service area no fuel no food no restroom I pay therefore I am please pay your parking fee before existing why is this picture literally a summit of capitalism aggressively honest marketing we would have dusted but we want to give you an accurate idea of what it will look like in your house the famous Hollywood sign which originally said Hollywood land 1924 the last four letters were removed in 1949 the thing about living in the south is sometimes reality just straight up Trump satire drug and gun refill and reloads we got you covered Bob wears orange don't hit bob we need him Road Island Transportation officials urges drivers to watch out for Bob stop killing Buffalo for their wings boobs Lake well I know where I'm going motorboating this weekend I always go to the register with the cutest cashier self checkout pretty sure this is some sort of astronomical phenomenon Moon advice from the Vancouver Aquarium keep babies moist green and black poison frog dads take really good care of their eggs they pee on them to keep them moist the escalator is refusing to escalate this has been escalated to the engineer who is on his way up or down to check it out reminds me of this one which seemed like wise advice if the bomb on the black box of the fireplace turns red please call 11 some kind of bone is on display people who get excited about that sort of thing very excited me in 1909 showing up to see the bone well played cinema theater well played now playing everywhere Home Alone still the same as I left it months ago Frozen in time having a Sonic the Hedgehog themed post apocalypse isn't how I expected the world to end up but I welcome it help I can't stop reading this we're not till you're not happy we're not till not you're happy when someone asks me to describe what 2020 was like for me I'll show them this photo hell is real car drove through brick wall neighbor put this out the Kool-Aid man I have officially lost all faith in humanity no MK allowed good for you mate no need to brag about it I own a house one day spelling will be taken seriously today is not that day Chihuahua pops my girlfriend just sent me this picture of a Cari found Doge much gas so loud WOW many RPM my boyfriend texted me that he is coming over tonight and 5 seconds later this happened are you putting out tonight perfectly named Bagel slicer open sesame looks like my ex has a sign now legs open as usual trying to figure out someone else's shower naked and afraid so the food here tastes F King this is why you need one Millennial on staff at your church WTF worship teaching friends I never learned the breeds of cars and at this point I'm too afraid to ask a sudan is a four-door car a coupe is a two-door car I think I was at least is 25 years old by the time I learned that Sudan is a country in East Africa a cop is where they dethrown the person in power or something when your parents ask you for help with technology turn it off an on again Response Unit you are my drain drain are you thick I meant to hang the shirt out [ __ ] boy unbelievable can you hang this out please T mom use his last breath to grunt an extremely manly voice living is for girls no airbags we die like real men the perfect restaurant doesn't exist Joe Mama's Pizza when the we man dies wa I'm leaving that in I I don't care very obvious Sherlock do not secure bikes to feces when you see that smile you know things are about to go really wrong we are the best place in town take a leak if you think there aren't any signs on the wall lights you'd be very much mistaken please do not hang anything from this it has come away from the wool in the past guests hanging clothes on it do not swivel this is like choosing a class in an RPG I'm going with uh drawing people ah a personal favorite do not dispose of life or spent ammunition or pyrotechnics in the toilet hand it in or use an amnesty box best and most honest yard sales sign ever our crap could be your crap today two families will become one please pick a seat not a side I want this at my wedding this sounds th what the [ __ ] is that somebody just F whoa somebody just flew into my room what is that oh hell no yeah I got to I got to get my parents to get this out hell no that is like a bug ah I can't deal with that I'll be back back I need to know everything about Mark Under New Management Mark's back no matter what the cows say they are not allowed out shut the gate who lives in a pineapple under the sea brunch Club P cakes you can't spell sadness with bananas banana whatever just wash your hands mole catcher frog juggler chicken Whisperer call us out there building a reputation one burrito at a time please no soliciting except for Carlos the burrito guy free shrugs I mean it is free old dog young dog several St stupid dogs please Drive slowly caution this sign has extremely sharp edges do not touch the edges of this sign why are you littering I am a jerk I don't care about natural areas momy still clean up after me all of the above Trail abandoned and does not exist Road closed Cosmic Horror in England they don't say I'll kick your butt they say I'll see you on the public footpath to Buton the person who made this deserves an award many 3-year-olds have trouble staying within the lines maybe if you practice coloring this Turtle it can help with your parking we close Monday Tuesday my three sisters came from Korea I missed them for 10 years we close Monday to Tuesday thanks I found the meme deep clean your carpet like a pro at a fraction of the cost customer what time do you close in 2 minutes but tomorrow we open customer it is literally me glad my room is to the left for some reason the right of this hotel floor doesn't sound peaceful the display behind the truck shows the front so that you can decide to overtake it looking forward to the first video of a Tesla trying to drive directly through it three older motorcyclists pulled up behind my car while I was at a stoplight and they were just investigating so shocked and Confused grappling with the punch line struggling grasping for some semblance of understanding only to find none I love jenzy humor dumbfounding old men this man Ain my son I never mentioned that this is my bumper sticker attention dog Guardians pick up after your dogs thank you attention dogs I should just grab my dog or get a microphone when my dogs are barking and use that for this sound bite the National Park Service employee who chose the verb commit here should be awarded a Nobel Prize in literature bathroom supplies may not be available here please check the role before you commit thank you for your cooperation swiggy swo mate we need a roommate are you shy nerdy or socially awkward is your idea of a good night watching Disney movies until 3:00 in the morning do you have seven otps and a shipping problem we need a trustworthy roommate stays as far away from these people as possible Pags my bags I did the social studies Fair on the American education system but was so pressed for time this is what I ended up turning in grade pending a 95 you're kidding I actually can't read what it says you won't like me when I'm angry because I always support my argument with properly documented scholar sources the credible Hulk Anonymous man buys $1 million worth of Toys R R Us inventory this Santa dude thinks he's slick not flat they were handing these outter people touring NASA and I have been staring at it for the last 20 minutes trying to decide if it's funny or just plain mean sad not flat is a little sad we checked it's hilarious bro what is this woman on the bus reading this isn't really a sign what the [ __ ] she reading actually that is insane dear fanfic authors and fan artists you're doing fine I aspire to this level of Reckless self-confidence next time you're afraid to share your ideas remember someone once said in a meeting let's make a film with a tornado full of sharks
Channel: VaazkL
Views: 241,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sign memes, Signs That Are Way Too Funny, funniest signs, new funniest signs, memes about signs, vazekl signs mmes, memes about signs memes
Id: ckmr4AlJus4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 50sec (3170 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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