Who will Pass God's Judgement? | Mark Finley (Revelation 14)

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welcome back I'm glad you've joined us for this series titled three cosmic messages Earth's final conflict I'm mark Finley the host of the series and we've been on a journey a journey through the book of Revelation but particularly looking at Revelation chapter 14 verse 6 to 12 in these verses God presents his last a message for mankind he pictures that message is being carried by three angels in Midheaven in our last presentation we looked at Revelation 14 verse 6 we saw that the everlasting gospel the gospel of God's grace and goodness was to go to the ends of the earth we saw as well that God has a plan for us a plan to participate with him to cooperate with him in taking the message of his love grace and truth to every nation kindred tongue and people and that of course begins with their own families with their own neighbourhood with the workplaces where we work with our communities in our schools in Revelation 14 verse 6 and 7 the Bible says I saw another angel flying in the middle of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come when many people think of the judgment they begin to become quite frightened about their lives appearing before God and judgment in this presentation we're gonna focus especially on the good news of the judgment let's pray together father in heaven thank you that we need not fear that eternal judgment that in Christ we can have confidence that you are our judge our attorney and that you will vindicate us in these last days of verse history that in Christ we have nothing to fear so as we study about the judgment in revelation help us to have that sense of your standing by our side but teach us two that were responsible for the choices that we make in Christ's name Amen the title of this presentation is Jesus in the judgment why the judgment is news and not bad news now you may not have thought about it that way before you may have thought about the judgment and trembled at its thought that's legitimate the judgment is a very serious issue in fact some time ago Daniel Webster who was one of America's best-known statesmen in orator z' was asked what is the most solemn thought that has ever passed your mind and Webster responded the sense of my individual responsibility to God you and I were created as free moral agents we were created with the capacity of choice of the opportunity to make decisions based on the faculties of conscience of reason and of judgment and the judgment in of God in eternity is based on how we have responded to his grace in the choices that we ourselves have made Daniel Webster said this this thought that is the thought of the judgment is not pleasant to those who are living in their sins and out of relationship to him and consequently are not prepared to face the tremendous issues involved but whether the issues are faced or not catch this now the fact remains so quoting Romans 14:12 so that every one of us shall give account of himself to God we are all responsible to God as the Word of God declares and cannot escape our responsibility you and I are created to make positive choices the Holy Spirit and presses our heart to enable us to make those choices God arranges circumstances that our lives so that we can make that the best possible choices but the judgment has to do with the decisions we've made in life did you catch what Webster quoted in Romans 14 verse 12 so every one of us not a few of us not one or two of us but every one of us shall give account of himself to God that is part of our destiny one day will appear before the judgement power of God choices are the stuff that life is made of and our choices will determine our eternal destiny what kind of choices are you making today what kind of choices have you made this last week what kind of choices have you made this last month this last year are your choices guided by a spirit directed conscience are your choices in life subject to the principles of God's Word are your subjects guided and shaped by the teachings of Scripture 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 10 ads for we must all again notice the university ality of this just like in Romans 14:12 for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he's done either good or bad so in the final judgment bar of God the issues in that judgment bar are how have our choices then made what choices have we actually made that either will lead us to eternal life or eternal damnation now someone says but wait a minute in life is it our good deeds are weighed against our bad deeds let me explain it this way when God created us he created of course Adam and Eve with free more as free moral agents throughout life since Adam and Eve's fall the devil the serpent the evil one has been leading men and women to make poor choices he's been leading us to make choices that lead us away from God Jesus on the other hand appeals to us with hands outstretched to come to him he appeals to us to make eternal decisions guided by his spirit decisions that are based and founded in his very word there's no question that according to the Bible we're accountable to God there's no question that we are responsible for our actions you know some people say well it's my genetics that has done this you know I'm predisposed to act this way my father got angry so I get angry my mother lost her patience she wasn't a patient person they say so I at times lose my patience somebody says well you know I have obesity in my family it's in my genes other people say well you know I I can avoid anything except smoking because my father was a chain smoker he was an alcoholic you see all kind of excuses can be made but the truth of the matter is although we may have genetic predispositions to something we do not turn on those genes this is called epigenetics we don't turn on those genes until we make choices to indulge those inclinations so we are responsible for our actions now there's no questions at all based on the Bible that the decisions we make are going to determine our eternal destiny now there are a number of facts about the judgment we're going to study this judgment that's outlined in the book of Revelation remember revelation 14:7 fear God give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come we're going to study that very clearly the first thing we notice about the judgment is that in the judgment Jesus is our judge now that surprises some people because they have the idea that the father is the eternal judge that is true in a sense but notice what the Bible says John 5 verse 22 for the father judges how many the father judges what no one but has committed all judgment to the son so based on Jesus own statement in John 5 verse 22 jesus is our judge in this final judgment in the judgment not only as Jesus our judge but he's our defense attorney they say that that's kind of confusing isn't it let's look at it first John 5 verse 22 my little children these things I write to you so that you may not sin but if anyone sins we have an advocate that's an attorney with the father Jesus Christ the righteous so Jesuses our judge Jesus is our advocate you see that's a conflict of interest it really is but aren't you thankful that Jesus takes upon himself that conflict as our judge in our our defense attorney let's suppose that we're going to court and let's suppose that I have gotten a speeding ticket hopefully as a pastor I haven't gotten that speedy what let's suppose I did but suppose I'm going 70 miles an hour in a 40 mile an hour zone because I'm rushing to get some to some meeting and the officer stops me and he says now you you're going 70 miles an hour in a 40 mile an hour zone that's gonna be a fine and let's say hey wait a minute I was rushing to the hospital to see somebody dying I'm gonna fight this in court and so I go to court and I stand up and I looked there and that's my brother who's the judge and I'm astounded no I don't have a brother this is an illustration so that's suppose that's my brother who's a judge and I'm astounded and I that's good news and then let's suppose my he gets off the bench and he says I'm gonna be your defense attorney as well so my brother is my judge my brother's my defense attorney I think that's a pretty good opportunity for me that I'm not gonna pay that expensive fine what do you think Jesus our elder brother is our judge and before the judgment bar of God our elder brother says to us these wounded hands were for you this the thorns that pierce my brow were for you the guilt and shame and condemnation I bore on the cross was for you I am your judge but I'm also your attorney and before the universe before thousands and ten thousands a times being I will present your name and I will say this man is one of mine this woman is one of mine in Christ because he is our judge in our attorney we need not fear but if we do not have Christ if Christ doesn't fill our hearts we tremble in the judgment as our lives are exposed before the universe now revelations last day judgment in the book of Revelation it presents it very clearly that there is a judgment these three angels fly in the midst of heaven they announce to the whole world no more business as usual no more pleasures as usual no more life as usual we're living in a critical time of this Earth's history remember what we read and have been studying in Revelation 14 6 and 7 then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those that dwell upon the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a what kind of voice what kind of voice what a loud voice why so the whole world will hear fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship Him that made heaven and earth the sea in the springs of waters do you notice the expression for the hour of his judgment this is not simply the hour of our judgment it is the hour of God's judgment what does that mean the devil has claimed that God is unfair and unjust and these not worthy to rule the universe and the eternal judgment that takes place in heaven the hour of God's judgment it will be revealed before a waiting world in a watching universe that God has done everything he could to save us that there was not one more thing he could have done and God will be proved righteous God will be proved just gotta be proved as the one worthy to be to rule throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity Jesus life and Jesus death revealed his character of unselfish love in the judgment it will be shown conclusively that this Christ that lived the perfect life that we should have lived that died the death we should have died that was resurrected this Christ has done everything possible to save us there was not one more thing he could have done now the judgment reveals God's justice and mercy the law demands that those who break that law suffer eternal death God's justice could not have let the human race go on without paying the penalty of a broken law if God would have done that it would have created chaos in the entire universe and so God has to deal justly with the same problem but God's mercy would not allow him to destroy the creatures that he created and so justice and mercy blend together at the cross of Calvary determining for us just when Jesus determines for us to bear art the guilt and shame of our sins that enables us to stand free before the universe as our judge Jesus and as their advocate Jesus presents our case before the entire universe in the final judgment the entire universe will see the countless times that God has reached out in loving ways to save us in the final judgment before the whole universe the record books of heaven will be open and it will be shown that God sent angels to beat back the forces of Satan in our life it'll be shown before the universe recorded in those books of heaven that at the times of our deepest temptation at times we're about ready to be discouraged and couldn't go on another step that God was sending his angels there to beat back the forces of Hell to bring light into the darkness of our lives to give us encouragement hope and inspiration just when we needed it it'll be shown in those books of record that God arranged the Providence's in our life that God brought people into our life to lead us closer to him it'll be shown that he revealed himself in the natural world every sunrise and sunset reveals his love the gentle falling rain that causes the crops to grow reveal his love the stars twinkling in the sky reveal the very very love of God the earth that spins on its axis and orderly makes its way around the Sun reveals the precision the accuracy and the glove of God you see in the judgment it will be shown that there's nothing that God could have done that he hasn't done to save us but most of all it will be shown that Jesus left the glories of heaven left the worship of the Angels left the worship of the Seraphim and Seraphim and Jesus punched into the snake pit of this world this morally defiled this sex center thrilled jaded generation this crime rittle polluted world Christ came here and he Tabernacle did human flesh and as he did he lived the life we should have lived so that we need not die the death that he died the judgement reveals all of that he gave us opportunity after opportunity to respond to his loving appeals he sent His Holy Spirit to our hearts again and again and again the hour of God's judgment has come Satan has claimed God is unfair Satan has claimed God is unjust Satan has claimed that God doesn't care for us Satan has claimed that God is a vindictive judge that all he wants is selfish worship from his creatures in the judgment it's revealed that his love is magnificent that there is no lengths no depths no Heights that it would not have gone to to redeem us that's why the whole universe in Revelation six and seven sings great and marvelous are your works Lord God Almighty just and true are your ways o king of saints at the end of that judgment every knee will bow every tongue will confess that he indeed is Lord at the cross we find the intersection of justice and mercy and in the judgment we find that it's not good deeds wait against bad deeds it's rather have we accepted the Living Christ into our lives now the Bible says Romans 6 verse 23 the wages of sin is death sin has a wage and that wage or that price is death but the Bible also says Romans 6:23 the gift of God is what eternal life in Jesus Christ our if we have come to Christ if he fills our hearts with His grace if we are charmed by his love if our lives are committed to him we need not fear the judgment now how do works play their part in the judgement we talked about choices early on and the importance of positive choices it is not love Christ and simply do whatever you want to do when you love Christ you do what he wants you to do that's why Jesus said in John 8 verse 29 I do always those things that please him that please the father that's why it says in hebrews 10:7 and onward I come in the volume of the book to do thy will O God that's why in Gethsemane when the world trembled in the balance in Matthew chapter 26 verse 39 and 36 to 39 the Bible says not my will Lord but your will be done so when we come to Christ and we are truly changed by Christ when by faith we grasp his righteousness when his grace changes us we long to do his will not to earn our salvation but because he has saved us apple trees produce apples not in order to become apple trees but because they are apple trees Christians produce good works not to prove they are Christians but the good works are the spontaneous result of a faith relationship with Jesus Christ now notice revelation 20 verse 12 the dead were judged according to their works by the things that were written in the books what else could the dead be judged by yet what else could they be judged by our works are the external manifestation of our faith now notice how it's put in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 and 9 for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of God so in the judgment it's not our good works it's not because we have strengths we have had this striving for salvation and we go on through this pain to do good works it's rather because Jesus Christ has come into our lives and changed our lives that Christ has made us over again and that's why the Bible says it's not of works lest anyone should boast but look what it says next we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works so we are saved totally only completely by grace but that grace leads us to obedience and the obedient lives that we live are the spontaneous result of being saved and transformed by His grace our good works empowered by the Holy Spirit do not save us but they do testify that our faith is genuine the external manifestation of our works presented in the judgment recorded in the books based on our choices demonstrate that our faith is indeed genuine did you ever we hid this story it's rather an amusing story of one of these Wizards who is able to do about anything I don't mean some kind of magician but I mean one of these guys who does strange odd feats he strung can you believe this true story he strung a wire across Niagara Falls and he walked on that wire across the Falls now people had died trying to go through on a barrel across the falls they had died in other ways tried to do this tightrope but he strung this tightrope wire across the Falls Niagara Falls and he walked on that tightrope you know ever so gently across the Falls and he did two or three times and people gathered to see this man and they were yelling and screaming and applauding and he said how many of you after you had done it three or four times how many of you think I can do it again they raised their hand how many of you think I could do it with a wheel barrel they said oh we know you could so he wheel barreled the thing across we bailed it back how many of you think I could do it with somebody in it they raised their hand yes yes how many want to get in it not one person stepped forth to give that wheelbarrow did they really have faith did they really believe see if you believe if Christ changes your heart and you grasp by faith that is manifest in your choices it's manifest in your actions our good works what do we say empowered by the spirit because they're not good works we do in and of ourselves they don't save us but they testify that the inner faith is genuine our inner faith is revealed in our outer works now there's something else about the judgment according to the Revelation chapter 14 verse 7 the judgment has arrived it's a present tense judgment the hour of God's judgment what does revelation 14 say has come now you say what does that mean the hour of God's judgment has come it means that before the coming of Jesus there is a judgment in the courts of heaven to determine who will be ready when he comes if according to Revelation chapter 14 chapter 22 verse 12 if Jesus is coming to give out his rewards there must be a judgment previous to his coming to determine who receives what rewards when he comes and so the judgment has arrived it's a present tense judgment in other words the destinies of the entire human race all of those who have died in ages past are currently being settled in the judgment bar of God revelation 14:7 fear God that is respect and give glory to him we're gonna study about that in our next presentation for the hour of God's judgment naught will come but has come when Jesus spoke about the judgment in his day in Matthew 12 verse 36 and 7 he says every idle word that men speak they will give account of in the day of judgment it was future throughout the Gospels the judgment is always something future but when you come to Revelation it predicts that just before the coming of Jesus the clock will strike the hour and there'll be an end time judgment will in fact study in a next presentation as well the time when did that judgment begin what is the significance to you and me that we're living in this judgment hour now the Bible says in Matthew chapter 16 verse 27 that the Son of Man will come in the glory of his father with his angels then he'll reward each according to his works again revelation 22 verse 11 and 12 Matthew 16 verse 27 when Christ comes he comes to give out the rewards so there must be a judgment previous to his coming before the whole universe so they can see God's wisdom his love is justice so they can see those men and women that have responded to that love whose faith has led them through the power the Holy Spirit to live in harmony with his will they will receive that reward of righteousness that reward of eternal salvation when he comes again revelation 22:12 again throughout the Bible behold I'm coming quickly I believe he's coming is soon that the signs of the times indicate that he's coming rapidly soon quickly my reward is where with me to give who everyone according to his work so again the judgment takes place before his coming could we be living in the judgment hour now is time running out we're gonna study the exact time period of when that judgment began we're gonna sense from the scripture and the prophecies of Daniel exactly the time the clock struck the our revelations prophecies my friends are being fulfilled we are living in critical times of Earth's history the sands and the hourglass of time are running out this is a time to open our hearts this is a time to make a full complete absolute commitment to Jesus Christ if the hour of God's judgment has come when did this judgment begin we're gonna study that and this is why it's so critically important not to miss one of these presentations invite your friends to watch these DVDs invite your friends to watch these telecasts because we're going to be identifying exactly when that judgment our began the books of Daniel and revelation our companion books the book of Revelation is explained in the Book of Daniel in the book of Daniel is explained in Revelation both of them are prophetic books of prophetic visions the Book of Daniel provides a foundation for the book of Revelation one can never fully understand revelation in the message of the three angels unless you first understand the Book of Daniel so let's go back and study this judgment scene from revelation 14:7 in the Book of Daniel itself there's a magnificent scene in heaven in the Book of Daniel now in Daniel chapter 7 you have the rise in fall and the destiny of the nations there in Chapter 7 nations rise and fall these nations want to usurp the very kingdom of God Babylon rises and falls Daniel says I watched as these nations were rising and falls yet Babylon medo-persia Greece Rome you have to break up at the Roman Empire all these nations and Daniel says I looked beyond the rise and fall of these nations I looked beyond the conflict of nations on earth I watched Daniel 7 verse 9 and 10 till Thrones were put in place the Thrones are moveable Thrones the thrones put in place the Ancient of Days who's that the Ancient of Days God the Father right was seated his garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure will his throne was a fiery flame its wheels of burning fire a fiery stream issued before him a thousand thousands ministered him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him the court was seated the books are open do you get the sense of this here is an intergalactic meeting here is a universal meeting of thousand times ten thousand every heavenly being is there cherubim and Seraphim are there angélica beings are there we have the whole host of heaven crowding in in the courtroom of God the destinies of the human race are to be settled but even beyond that God's name is to be cleared on the cross of Calvary Jesus Christ demonstrated his love and the name of God was vindicated before the universe but the question is is God fair in dealing with every human being has God truly giving everybody the opportunity to be saved in the final judgement before the universe it'll be revealed the Justice of God I want you to catch the majesty of this moment I want you to catch the solemnity of this moment the significance of this moment let your mind dwell on it thousand times thousands of being gather around the throne of God they are there to see God's name honoured and exalted before the entire universe the destiny of all humanity is decided in Heaven's courtroom but more than that God is dealing with the great controversy between good and evil in a way so that sin will never rise up a second time once we see how bad sin is how evil sin is how wicked sin is and once we see how good god is we will never want to go back to the cesspool of sin again Daniel says Daniel 7:13 I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the son of man who's that Jesus what does he do he comes with the clouds of heaven who does he come to he comes to the Father father in son meet together and there in the courtroom of the universe in the most holy place the inner sanctum of the heavenly sanctuary Jesus presents his blood he presents his sacrifice before the whole universe and he says I am the Saviour of mankind and those that have accepted me they in me through me because of me they are accepted in the beloved and they have right to enter into heaven he came to the Ancient of Days they brought him near before him then to him was given Dominion and glory in a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him what happens in the judgment Christ in the judgment did you catch it did you catch it don't miss it then to him was given what Dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people nations and languages should serve him so in the kingdom of God in the courtroom of the universe in the inner sanctum of heaven sanctuary Jesus steps forth and he is presented with the kingdom his sacrifice is enough his righteousness is enough his grace is enough and the whole universe sings to the glory of his name he is given the kingdom the judgment shows that Christ is the rightful ruler of the kingdom Daniel 7 verse 14 his Dominion is a what everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed now the judgment also reveals the saving righteousness of Christ and his triumph over the principalities and powers of hell the judgment reveals that Christ will be honored exalted in the universe and that all the powers of hell will be ultimately destroyed Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 says after these things I looked Daniel 7 shows us the judgment revelation 14 shows us it and also there is this vision in heaven that John has of the judgment we get some added insights here when you study the Bible you have to compare text with text you get a little bit here and a little bit there and you put it together revelation 4:1 after these things John says I looked and behold a door standing open in heaven there's a door open in heaven for you my friend whatever experience that you're having in life however you feel oppressed discouraged disappointed there's a door open in heaven and what does God say after these things I look to be able to do our standing open in heaven God says come look through the open door you'll get new courage new hope new inspiration and the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me saying come up here and I'll show you things which must take place after this hear the voice from heaven says come up here come up here into the throne room of the universe come up here into the judgment bar of God now when John looks there through that open door in heaven in Revelation chapter 4 does he see this is a magnificent scene revelation the fourth chapter and I want you to see it as I read it from Scripture Revelation chapter 4 after these things I looked and the doors open in heaven whoever you are tonight there's a door open in heaven for you whatever you're experiencing tonight there's a door open in heaven for you God invites you as he invited John come up higher take another step by faith see what Christ is doing in your behalf in the light of the judgment hour see this Jesus who stands for you in the judgment gather round the throne room of the universe notice what it says it says and he who sat on the throne verse 3 was like us there was a sardius stone in appearance it was a rainbow around the throne the rainbow indicates judgment and mercy God put a rainbow in the sky after the destruction of the world by the flood indicating the world would never be destroyed by a flood again notice around the throne were four and twenty thrones and on the thrones were twenty-four elders sitting clothed in white robes they had crowns of gold upon their head who are these twenty-four elders that sit on the throne the Bible says they were redeemed from the earth in ancient Israel there were 24 courses in the Levitical priesthood those priests represented Israel so the 24 elders are those who have been redeemed from the earth resurrected at the time of Christ's death and resurrection them remember the Bible says when Christ died the graves were open after his resurrection there were those that came out who are these 24 elders they are men just like you just like me these are people around the throne of God that God has brought up there to his throne why are they there to represent us before the throne of God you know the Bible says first Peter chapter 2 verse 9 that we are a chosen generation we are a royal priesthood we too are priests and kings of God and those 24 elders that are there represent us at God's throne and if they are there if they made it we can make it too they stand with Jesus around God's throne notice what the Bible also says it says that these 24 elders that represent all the redeemed that one day will rejoice around the throne of God it says that they come from Earth they face temptation they face trial they face difficulty but they are there if they made it we can make it now the Bible also says in Revelation chapter 4 verse 6 and 7 it says that there are four creatures around the throne of God it's little strange theme it says these four creatures are like a lion like a calf like a man like an eagle what about these four creatures what do we learn from the history of Israel about them Israel marched in the wilderness under four banners a lion a calf the face of a man and a flying eagle these were the banners that Israel marched under these banners symbolized God's continual protection his everlasting guidance and illustrated the roles that Jesus would play in the deliverance and the bondage of sin now think of it Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah the lion he becomes a sacrifice or a calf an animal of sacrifice for us he Tabernacles in human flesh as a man the face of a man but after his death he flies again to heaven as a soaring eagle so what do these represent just as these banners represented God's everlasting guidance and just as they and emphasize his protection so likewise these four creatures around the throne of God represent the total Ministry of Christ for us the one who is the Lion of the tribe of Judah our King the divine Christ the one who became a man to sacrifice his life in our behalf and the one that was resurrected from the dead as we look into the judgment bar of God there are the elders that are there they represent all humanity they represent all the redeemed there are there the for creatures representing the living there before the throne of God Jesus stands for you and me and we can come from all points of the compass the north the south east and the west whoever we are every nation kindred tongue and people to gather at that throne through faith in Christ knowing that Jesus indeed is our Savior that's why at the end of revelation 4:11 it says you are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power this is what the judgment is about it's about the honor of Christ it's about the glory of Christ you are worthy O Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created we exist by the will of God we were brought into existence by God's will we were created by a loving Christ and redeemed by a loving Christ and one day we will be ushered into eternity by that loving Christ now in Revelation chapter 5 it builds on revelation 4 in Revelation chapter 5 John sees the scene there is a being with a scroll the scroll is sealed with seven seals John asks the question who can open the scroll John senses that this is the scroll of judgment he senses that if nobody can open that scroll the sins of humanity are there he watches as Jesus comes forth first John is weeping because it appears nobody can open the scroll but then Jesus steps forth and Jesus is worthy to open the scroll the question is asked revelation 5 verse 2 who is worthy the answer revelation 5 3 and no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or look at it nobody in heaven nobody on earth could open it except who except Jesus no angel could ensure your salvation no charity more seraphim could ensure your salvation no being on earth could ensure your salvation but there is one who can in the judgment Jesus the Living Christ John says I looked revelation five verse five and six I looked and behold in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as it had been slain there before the judgment bar of God is the picture of a slain lamb the living Christ who has died for you and for me having seven horns horns are a symbol of power seven eyes are a symbol of wisdom which are the seven spirits of God sent out to the earth but one of the elders said to me do not weep the Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has prevailed to open the scroll and I looked and behold a lamb as it had been slain here is the incredible good news before the judgment bar of God the authority of all heaven before all of that authority of heaven Jesus steps forth he has given the kingdom salvation is given to his people why because Christ has provided ransom all of sinned Romans 3:23 in come short of the glory of God the wages of sin is death as we've read but the gift of God is eternal life we need not fear at the judgment some time ago with a fascinating story that took place in New York City there was a judge who was known to be very kind and very compassionate and as this judge was trying a particular case a man came in before him and the man was tried because he was a thief he was arrested as a thief he had gone into a bakery and he had stolen eight or ten loaves of bread and as he was leaving with the bread the police had apprehended him because the big that the owner of the bakery had pressed the alarm the priest came and the police came and they arrested this man he was brought to court and when he was brought before the judge the judge said to him you stole that bread I did do you confess to stealing it I do do you do you deem that you're guilty I do and the judge that I have a question for you why did you steal the bread the man said this I have a wife and I have four children I tried to get a job but I have not been able to get a job I've been out of work for months my money has run out my kids were starving so I therefore went down to find out where I could possibly get them some food and in a weakened moment I went into the bakery and stole that bread the judge looked at him and he said you're guilty and what I'm going to do is charge you a $50 fine but he said look any man in my city that has to steal bread to feed his children he said I am taking off my judges cloak right now and I am coming down by your side to pay the $50 in your behalf and I want to invite you and your wife and your family to my home to eat with me tonight Jesus says to you and Jesus says to me I'm stepping out of the judgment seat I'm coming by your side I'm putting my arm around you I'm paying the price for you and I want to invite you home I want to invite you home there's Jesus wants more than anything else to have you at home with him and that's what the universe sees that's what the universities in the judgment this amazing manifestation of the love of God and that's why the universe things worthy worthy is the lamb they have seen a manifestation of his love on the cross they have seen his intent in the judgment to save every human being they've seen the ways that he has wooed human hearts the judgment of God is incredibly good news for the people of God because eventually it speaks of the end of the reign of sin it speaks of the deliverance of God's people Daniel and revelation described powers that rise they describe Babylon that rises but it does not reign forever it falls me to perjure rises but it does not reign forever it falls Greece rises but it does not reign forever it falls Rome Rises but it does not reign forever it falls the kingdoms of this man of this world rise there is a power that rises that unites church in state rome is divided and out of rome there's this power that rises in daniel 7 it's called they'll get to horn with eyes like the eyes of a man we're gonna study that in this series to understand the whole issues of the Antichrist the mark of the beast but here's the point political kingdoms rise a religious political Kingdom Rises but then Daniels eyes are taken away from earth they're pointed to heaven John and revelation points us to heaven it says beyond what is there will be the eternal kingdom of God all the universe one day will worship Christ and live with him forever and ever and ever and ever through the ceaseless ages of eternity Christ's kingdom will never come to an end in the judgement the whole universe will see the glory the magnificence the beauty of the plan of salvation they will say worthy worthy worthy is the lamb Daniel 7 22 says the kingdoms of Earth reign until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was made in what in favor of the saints of God Christ will step forth judgment is made in favor of the saints of God one night Martin Luther was sleeping and as he was sleeping he had this terrible dream he dreamed that the devil came to him and he dreamed that there was a scroll in The Devil's hand and the devil unrolled the scroll and he saw this hideous evil angel and he saw a list of all his sins and it was the judgment and it was before the judgment bar of God and in Luther's dream he said those are my sins and the devil said are they your sins yes they are are you guilty of every one yes I am this is the wages of sin death yes it is do you deserve to die eternally yes and the devil said you're condemned but then Luther saw the devil's hand on top of that scroll and he said in the name of Christ move your hand the devil said no in the name of Christ move your hand the devil moved his hand and said the blood of Jesus Christ coins as Martin Luther from all his sins in the judgment not good deeds against bad deeds our deeds reflect our faith our deeds are important because they reflect whether or not we've made a full commitment to Christ in the judgment Jesus wants to step forth for you in the judgment Jesus says that he wants to make judgment in favor of the Saints in the judgment all evil powers will be destroyed in the judgment all wicked powers will crumble in the judgment Christ will be exalted as Lord of all Daniel 7 verse 27 then the kingdom and the Dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High his kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall obey and serve Him in the judgment the father gives to the son the kingdom and you and I participate as the Royal line in that Kingdom we become princes and princesses and sit on Thrones with Christ and worship with him through the ceaseless ages of all eternity would it not be foolish would it not be foolish I was thinking of another word but that's the only word I can think of a foolish wouldn't it be a foolish choice to turn your back on that love of Christ to turn your back on that invitation to be with him in heaven would it be foolish to make choices for the tawdry pleasures of this world when Jesus offers us eternity when we can sit on a throne with him when we can worship with him we can travel from star to star and planet to planet and see the vast technology of civilizations that have never fallen by sin and be his honor convoy sharing with the universe the depths of his love and the glory of His grace in highest praise we will fall at his feet and worship Him through the ceaseless ages of eternity Jesus will stand for us in that judgment we with the angels in the redeemed of all ages revelation 5 verse 9 they sang a new song you are worthy to take the scroll and open the seals for you were slain in every deemed us to God by your blood out if there every tribe what was that message of Revelation 14 verse 6 I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel every nation kindred tongue and people hear it is now those that have accepted that message those that have responded to this message of the three angels those who have understood these three cosmic messages at in Earth's last hour it says you've redeemed us they sing by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation and have made us kings and priests to God and we shall reign on earth we are kings and priests of God do not throw away your heritage do not turn your back out of love that is appealing to you many years ago there was a farmer who visited London for the very very first time he had never been to London before and he was awed by things like the London Bridge awed by things like Big Ben and the Parliament one day he had a little time so he decided that he would go to one of London's famous art galleries this farmer was a Christian and as he was walking through the art gallery he came to a picture it was a picture of Christ hanging on the cross he stood there that's gripped by that picture overwhelmed again by the thought of Jesus with nails through his hands blood running down his wrists with the crown of thorns upon his head bearing the sin and the guilt of all humanity and as this man stood there fifteen minutes went by twenty minutes went by soon there were tears are running down his face it all he said was all he could say was oh how I love him oh how I love him somebody standing by heard the old man stood by his side and looked at the picture and said I love him too and somebody else stood by his side uns that I love him too pretty soon they're a group of people their arms around one another riveted to that picture they made a decision in their life I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold I'd rather have Jesus than riches untold in the judgment you need not fear Christ reaches out to you right now deep within your heart as Charles sings would you like to say I'd rather have Jesus [Music] ah drama harbour Jesus that silver gold I'd rather be years that averages are not tall I'd rather have Jesus than nah I'd rather be made by is build pierced hands and to be the last domain or beheld it seems straight slave I would rather have Jesus than anything this world affords to do [Music] but Jesus then men up Lord I'd rather be faithful to here steer cause ha oh Jesus that no I'd feel rather be true to his holiness told me on beheld it seems threat [Music] rather our cheese than anything this world are fools me dude a yes is fairer than lilies rarest food he is sweeter than honey out of coal he's all that my hunger in spirit need ha of Jesus and it landed me dirty there's no me and be held in sin stretch ha how Jesus [Music] anything [Music] this world ha [Music] will you open your heart to pray with me right now father in heaven we've heard the appeal of the song and deep within our hearts we respond that we would rather have Jesus help us each day to make those eternal decisions decisions prompted and guided by your spirit enable us today deep within our hearts to say I would rather have Jesus in Christ's name [Music]
Channel: HopeLives365
Views: 94,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revelation 14, Three Angels Messages, judgment, Jesus, God, Mark Finley, three cosmic messages, earth's final conflict, hopelives365, revelation, end times, last days, judge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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