Coming Economic Collapse | 3 Things People of God Should Know ( Sermon )

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we're just beginning to experience the long-term effects of kovat 19 or the corona virus we're beginning to experience those effects on our personal lives and the lives of our families the short-term consequences of course were thousands of people dead hundreds more sick and they were bad enough but there are significant additional factors or consequences that society now faces the economic impact is hitting families with full force some of the unemployed during the crisis are now going back to work but yet many of them have been living paycheck to paycheck and they are facing severe shortages financially credit card bills are high they wonder how to pay them with the high interest rates some people are struggling to pay their rent others have car payments or other payments to make the entire world economy is on extremely shaky footing and many economists are wondering how long this is going to last - it lasts a year two years three years many businesses have been forced to shut down as the result of the lockdown some of them will reopen under tremendous financial difficulties and others of them may never reopen at all in one report given by a prominent financial expert he said since many people living paycheck to paycheck we may see far more bankruptcies than we have seen in a generation now the corona virus has really thrown many families into this financial dilemma unemployment rates in the United States have reached an all-time high at 16 percent and they are growing Europe's gross national product dropped nearly fifteen percent in the second quarter of 2020 alone one report indicates that the US euro zone's economies could take until 2023 to recover from the impact of kovat nineteen coronavirus according to a new report by the consultancy firm McKinsey & Company now what does this simply mean practically it means that more people will be out of work it means more country companies will go bankrupt it means that more families will struggle under enormous financial distress it means that more countries will struggle to provide basic services for their populations now the poor and the underprivileged are going to suffer the most since they're dependent on daily funds that they make from their working that particular day daily wages they have no savings accounts they're going to be unable to provide even the essential of life one of the most dire reports that I've read recently it was really a shocking report came from the United Nations David Beasley who's the director of the UN's a food program he said this he said I predict that there'll be wide spread famines then he said there are no famines yet but I must warn that if we don't prepare an act now to secure access to to avoid funding shortfalls and disruptions to trade we could be facing multiple famines now notice not one or two multiple families of biblical proportions within a few short months that was reported in New York Daily News April 22 2020 no notice David Beasley it's not necessarily a religious man but he calls these famines of biblical proportions now why well it's very simple if the oil market goes bust or there's a glut in the oil market if indeed the trade of the world is disrupted if the developed nations cannot supply a to the developing nations then people are already living hand-to-mouth are going to experience very very serious disastrous famines this is what Beasley predicts could very easily happen now how do you survive personally a economic crash no obviously governments have a responsibility to provide for their peoples but what about personally how do you how do you personally deal with these economic issues many years ago in fact 560 BC well over 2,500 years ago the wealthiest man in the world was a man by the name of crow shish crochets the king of Lydia from 560 to 547 B C and so Croesus was one who is responsible for minting gold coins that had some kind of standardized purity so they were well known in the world so you know crow sure said these palaces he threw lavish banquets he was one of the wealth that he was the wealthiest man in the world and so someone who was a Greek philosopher came to Croesus and you know Croesus wanted to say to him who solid tell me who was the is the happiest person in the world you know and Crozier's had this big ego and he had shown a song in his palaces he showed him his golden utensils his wealth and as a result of that crow shish just was so amazed at Sullins response and this is what solomon said Sahlin said Croesus you cannot tell if a man is happy until you see how he dies and if when he's dying he looks over his past life and sees the good he has done he will then have satisfaction soaked Rochas I cannot tell whether you're the happiest man of the world but let me tell you a story and he told his story about a mother who stood by her son's dying bed praying for her son and she said son you must be at peace and happy in death because as you look back over your life look at the good you have done so sahlan said Croesus call me when you're dying and I'll tell you what the other happiest man Croesus his own sons died tragic deaths in profligacy their wealth did not protect them crushes his own kingdom was destroyed there was some wrong with Croesus value system his value system was based on materialism and things Norman Cousins editor the Saturday Review wrote something forty years ago that has real relevance to our world today and this is what Cousins said we are so busy buying that we've failed to realize that there are some Worrell screws loose in our society the foundation is cracking we might be just investing our money in the wrong places Croesus did not learn the lesson he thought wealth brought happiness Norman Cousins had it right that our foundation of society is cracking there are moral screws that are loose in this society and maybe just maybe we're investing our money in the wrong places the Bible presents eternal financial principles that make sense it reveals financial secrets that the world does not know it encourages us to reevaluate our priorities to seek the eternal rather than the earthly god's word leads us to make investments that will pay off in the long run now here are three eternal principles from Scripture when you get these in your brain whether you have much or little you will rejoice in God whether you have wealth or poverty you will learn to be at peace where you are principle number one except the eternal truth that Christ is the creator of this world and he is the owner of everything in it and we are stewards now David's words about God in Psalm 50 David writes at a time of unusual need and if you take here if you have your Bible I pray that you will take it just now you know that this is Bible study hour this is the hour that we hear the Word of God speak to us free eternal financial principles at a time of pandemic when we are experiencing financial reverse number one Psalm 50 verse 10 to 12 God speaking to David for every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle on 10,000 Hills are mine I know all the birds of the mountains and the wild beasts of the field are mine if I were hungry I would not tell you for the world is mine God speaks he is the creator of the world the world indeed is his Psalm 104 verse 24 and 25 David responds to God's ownership of the world David responds to the fact that God is the owner of this world we're looking at Psalm 104 verse 24 and verse 25 Oh Lord David responding to the fact that God created the world that he shaped that he fashioned it that he owned it some 104 verse 24 Oh Lord how manifold are your works in wisdom you made them all the earth miss this the earth is what what is it full of your possessions this great and wide sea in which are innumerable teeming things living things small and great I love that phrase the earth is full of your possessions why is this Earth's gods it's his because of twofold first God created the world when Adam and Eve sinned they lost Dominion Satan became the Prince of the power this world Jesus speaks about that in John 12 Satan became the Prince of the power of the air Ephesians 2 and they lost Dominion when Christ died on the cross of Calvary he redeemed this world back so this world is twice Christ's he created it and he redeemed it we find that in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 Isaiah chapter 43 verse 1 the first financial principle that the world does not know or understand is that God is the creator the world God is the Redeemer of the world everything in this world is his we are never owners we are always stewards we'll talk about that as we go on Isaiah 43 verse 1 but now thus says the Lord who created you O Jacob and he who formed you O Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine so notice verse 1 fear not says the Lord I've created you he formed you fear not second reason to fear not for I indeed have redeemed you God's the true owner of the world by creation and by redemption everything we have is a gift of grace we are we are stewards of goods entrusted to us by God we are Christ's he created us the world is his he made it in the first place He shed his blood to redeem it now understanding concept that Christ created us in Christ redeemed us that makes all the difference what we have is not our own all the possessions in this world are is notice Deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 there are two passages in the Bible that especially begin with the word remember the first of course is remember the Sabbath day to keep it over so we remember that all time is sacred to God it's not that we keep the Sabbath on the seventh day and do what we want the rest of our time keeping the Sabbath is an acknowledgment that all time is gods but the second remember is all material things are God's notice Deuteronomy 8 verse 18 and you shall remember the Lord your God for it is he who gives you power to get wealth so when we keep the Sabbath we remember that all time is God's when we're faithful in our tithes and offerings we remember not that the 90% is ours we can spend whatever we want after the tithe but that all possessions come from God remember that it is the Lord your God that gives you what what's that next word power or ability to get wealth the talents we have to make money whatever those talents are come from God every breath we take comes from God he is the one who opens doors of opportunity for us to be able to survive economically he is our provider he is our sustainer he is our supporter what we have is a gift of grace and we can never forget that he's our Creator he's our Redeemer everything we have is his because he created us and he redeems us now if we are not owners how does the Bible describe who we are 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 acts Romans Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 4 Andrew looking there at verse 2 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 2 it says this moreover it is required notice not it's nice if it happens it is required in stewards to be found faithful so I am NOT an owner I am a what everybody you got it I'm not an owner I am a steward now what is a steward a steward is one who manages another's property another's finances another's affairs so if I understand that I'm a steward of God and the economy crashes and I have to re-evaluate my priorities and I I have to get along with what I have as difficult as that is I recognize that I'm not an owner I recognize that I am a steward I recognize that although I will do everything I can to improve my economic condition for myself and my family that I need not be stressed out frustrated anxious worried because I know that everything I have is a gift of God and one day Christ is going to come and redeem me and I'm gonna live in a land of plenty and abundance where there is no economic pre privation now God freed Stuart God freed Davis rather wrote a biography of the Duke of Wellington and in writing that biography he makes a very very fascinating statement and this is what Godfried davis said he said I found an old account an old ledger that showed how the Duke spent his money it was far better a clue to what he thought was really important than reading letters or speeches let me ask you this if after somebody after you died somebody got your credit account records to write a biography of you what would those credit card records show what would they show about where you placed your priorities how we handle money reveals much about the depth of our commitment to Christ that's why Jesus talks so much about money you know he wasn't a fundraiser but one sixth of the Gospels including one of every three parable talks or touches on stewardship Jesus dealt with money matters because money matters now for some of us it matters too much now look principle number one here is the first financial secret that the world does not know I am a steward everything I have is a gift of God's grace principle number one Jesus created Li Jesus redeemed me the world is his and he entrusts me with some gifts of grace possessions as I go through this world here is the second principle the second principle is this believe that the Christ that created you the Christ that redeemed you cares for you and he is going to provide for you he is not going to let you down all the riches in heaven back up the promises of God a pandemic that's not wipe out those promises look here Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 second principle believe that Christ created you and redeemed you he cares for you he is going to provide for you you're looking there at Philippians chapter 4 when you're looking at verse 19 read it together wherever you are heart's a congregation you're ready to read let's go Philippians 4 verse 19 and my god Paul says shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus now it doesn't say my God's gonna supply all your wants some things you want may never take place but it says my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus you know years ago when we used to travel a great deal I would always exchange my money that I was going to take what I was going to Europe particularly in those days in Europe early earlier on in my traveling evangelistic ministry and I would exchange it for traveler's checks we don't use traveler's checks as much anymore but those traveler's checks were backed up by the Bank of America around the world if you lost the traveler's checks you had the numbers so you can replace them very easy replacement because if somebody stole your cash you couldn't replace it so it always straight traveler's check so I take a few hundred dollars of traveler's checks and you sign the traveler's check at the bank then there's a place on the bottom when you give the traveler's check to the merchants say for $100 you have to sign it there the merchant accepts it because it's backed up by the riches of the Bank of America but I have got good news for you Philippians 4:19 is their traveler's check on the road of life that is backed up not by the Bank of America but by all the riches in glory here Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 my God shall supply what all your need according to what his riches in glory do you believe that my brother Jesus said in Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter 6 take your Bible please and turn to Matthew chapter 6 and we're looking here here's the second financial principle the second financial principle is the Christ that created you the Christ that redeemed you cares for you and he'll meet your need here Matthew chapter 6 we're looking there at verse 31 to start jesus says therefore do not worry out of work do not worry don't be over anxious jesus says do not worry saying what will we eat why don't we drink what are we wear for after all these things the Gentiles seek your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things now don't misunderstand me worry is an emotion that is natural when you're going through a crisis so there's nothing wrong to have the emotion of worry what becomes problematic is when worry becomes crippling when your anxiety it's like a noose around your neck strangling your life so the emotion of worry is going to come upon all of us at times but we focused not on the emotion of worry but we focus on the promises of God and the promises of God are the antidote for that worry so we look at verse 31 don't worry saying what shall we eat what shall we drink or what shall we wear for after all these things the Gentiles that's the heathen see your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things if he knows that we have need of all these things what's his promise in Philippians 4:19 I shall supply all your need now notice seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you how many of these things all these things so seek you what first if I place the kingdom of God first in my priority list first in my prayers first in my Bible study first in my giving if that is my priority God says I will take care of you now I want to assure you that a pandemic does not eradicate the promises of God kovat 19 has not erased the assurance of God's eternal Word the coronavirus need not cause us a crisis of confidence in God's ability to solve our problems and provide for our needs it can lead us to deeper faith if you lead us to greater trust it can lead us to more secure confidence in God amid our greatest challenges now look my brother look my sister does the Bible predict in the book of Revelation chapter 13 verse 17 that a time is coming when we cannot buy or sell is that in the Bible is it there in Revelation 13 will there be a group of people that live just before the coming of Jesus that will be translated from earth to heaven without seeing death who face the greatest time of trouble in the history of the world will that happen it will do you think that God is going to get us ready for that just with a snap of the finger you don't become a world champion Olympic weightlifter by lifting one-pound weights once a year that doesn't happen right these guys are learning to press their weights and press their weights if you are going through a challenge now economically if you are facing difficult financial times God is preparing you to have deeper faith and greater trust for the times ahead now I can assure you that God comes through in the times of crisis I have seen that in our own family I was not brought up in a seventh-day adventists hold my mother was a Catholic my father was a Protestant but my father became a seventh-day adventists he was the first in her family when he was 33 years old at that period of time dad lost his job because he decided to keep the Sabbath in addition to that he was making in those years which is very little today and so it's hard for you to compute but in those years which was 70 years ago for dad when he became an adventist dad was making $160 a week he lost his job got three part-time jobs was making $80 a week and he decided to be faithful to God not only in the Sabbath the gift of time but in Thai they began returning tithe now we did not have very much growing up as a family ID we did not have the luxuries of another families of other families but I did have a father who had confidence in God and I can often remember dad quoting Philippians 4:19 we wondered how we would survive and dad would quote like God shall supply all your need according to the riches and glory he's dead now but I can still remember Matt he would quote Matthew 6:33 he had say to me mark seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you the very essence of Christian life is trust it's trusting God with our finances trusting God with our health trusting God with our time trusting God with our very lives it is faith that the Living Christ who has provided salvation through His grace and power and through His Holy Spirit will fulfill his promise to meet our needs it is trusting even in a global pandemic that he will touch our lives with the grace of his love we trust God in trying times and it gives God the ability to do what he promises to do in Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 take your Bible please and turn to Ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 when we trust it gives God the opportunity to work a miracle when we trust it gives God the opportunity to do the extraordinary when we trust it gives God the opportunity to fulfill his promise in Ephesians 3 verse 20 now unto Him who is able what is he everybody he is what he is able now unto Him who is able what does it say to do what to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can't ask or think now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think the Bible makes some remarkable predictions about an economic crash during the last days of Earth's history but we serve a God who is able to do above what we could ask or think and take his children through crisis now here's the third principle here is the third principle the third principle is this choose to reorder your priorities in view of the coming of Jesus now what was the first principle number one acknowledged that you're a steward that he's the owner that he's the creator and Redeemer of the world and everything in it is number two the the one is an a acknowledge the two is a be believe believe that the creator and Redeemer the universe can care for you see choose to reorder your priorities in the light of the coming of Jesus Christ as I mentioned the Bible makes some incredible predictions about the last days of Earth's history now the greatest treasure that we can have is the pearl of great price that's the greatest treasure Jesus offers us abundant joy inner peace lasting satisfaction the fleeting pleasures of this world are soon to pass away when our happiness or contentment or security comes from our material possessions when coming calamity takes place when there's a sudden economic collapse when that happens we're left discouraged and down hard and depressed because we lose what we put our life into but when our faith is anchored in Jesus and our eternal treasures are in his word we are secure the Apostle James reveals this coming crisis in the last days economically James the fifth chapter James chapter 5 now notice what the Bible says the Bible predicts a coming economic collapse I will show you that both in the book of James and in the book of Revelation we're looking first at James we're looking at the fifth chapter of James we're starting there with James chapter 5 and verse 1 come now you rich weep and how the weeping and howling that doesn't sound very pleasant does it why rich people shouldn't be weeping at howling they should be happy but wait a minute the mysteries that are coming upon you your riches are corrupted in other words a southern a sudden economic collapse your garments are moth-eaten your gold and silver are corroded put very simply your riches are corrupted all the material things that you spent your wealth on they are gone their sudden collapse your garments are more theat and all your fancy clothes is gone gold and silver all your your investments are gone their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire you've heaped up treasure for the last DS no notice what the Bible says it says that the things that you have placed your emphasis on all of these material possessions are gone if life teaches us anything it teaches us there are material possessions do not produce happiness I read an article on people who have won the lottery have you ever thought oh man Lord Lord if I could only win the lottery I hope you are not buying lotto tickets but have you ever thought oh lord if I just could win that thing man there goes my visa bill there goes my house payment that's I'm rid of that there goes my car payment just think of what I could do and I would give a little bit to the church you know if I won that lottery you know but help me win the lottery look there's an article that was written just November 19 2020 it's it's called the lottery curse victims seven people who won big but lost everything now that title really attracted me the lottery curse victims seven people won big but lost everything it describes the devastating results the devastating results to seven entire families who've won the lottery family relations deteriorated number one lavish spending replace frugal living greed consumed their joy and very often drug or alcohol abuse followed the story is told of one family who won the Irish sweepstakes now dad was a steam fitter he worked in a factory Johnny was 26 years old he loading crates on docks and tim was going to night school so in dead 1 this lot he split the money with his kids within one year one of his boys spent their money on racehorses and betting on the racehorses lost at all became an alcoholic within the second within that first year the second boy spent his money on the parties and women and so forth and he became an alcoholic the father and mother argued over the money and she accused her husband of not giving her her fair share they went to divorce court and she then labeled this money and let me read to you what she said about this money she said it's the devil's own money it's the devil's own money now there's nothing wrong with having money but when money has you there is something wrong you missed it there's nothing wrong with having money but when money has you there is something wrong there's nothing wrong with having wealth if you look at the Bible there was some very wealthy people Abraham was a very wealthy man in the Bible Joseph had unusual responsibilities and controlled a lot of wealth in Scripture there are wealthy people who use their money for the Advancement of God's cause and to understand that it's a gift of God but when that becomes your obsession when that becomes that for which you live then that strangles you another book of Revelation describes a coming economic collapse we read that in Revelation the eighteenth chapter Revelation chapter 18 and we want to spend a little time this morning on Revelation the 18th chapter in Revelation chapter 18 the Bible says starting with verse 1 and after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven now this is the fourth angel that joins the messages of the three angels that are given in Revelation 14 to prepare people for the coming of Jesus Christ after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having great Authority that's great power the earth was illuminated with his glory and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that's become the habitation of demons in a prison of every foul spirit in the last days of Earth's history the Holy Spirit will be poured out with Pentecostal power again God's people God's people will indeed be transformed by his very grace to give his message to the world now look at Revelation the eighteenth chapter evolution 18 verse 17 so this loud cry messaged goes out to the ends of the entire earth as this message goes out to lead men and women boys and girls to Christ there is a triple Union an economic Union a political union a spiritual union of fall suit to enforce the mark of the beast but the wealth and lavishness that takes place and the Bible says in Revelation 18 verse 17 one hour is great riches come to nothing one hour is great riches come to nothing in other words here's what revelation 18 predicts that and the last days of Earth's history there will be a union a political religious and financial powers this great triumphant of error led by Satan will try to enforce a unified world government it will try to enforce an economic boycott on the people of God it will try to enforce a single common day of worship on the first day of the week under the Sun God all that'll take place but God will act and that which man tries to accomplish will not be accomplished in one hour great riches come to nothing what is God showing us at all this hour only security is in Jesus Christ our only security is in the word God our only security and times of difficulty in times of trouble and times of hardship our only security is absolute trust so if God is leading you to deeper trust if God is leading you to deeper confidence in him now it's because he's getting you ready for a crisis that is going to break upon the world now we can learn from crises in the Bible there are times in the Bible where there are great crises and God sent us a message the Bible says that the lessons in the stories in the Old Testament are examples written for us upon whom the ends of the world are going to come so if there is an economic crisis coming in the future if there's a time of church and state coming in the future if there's a time when the enemies of God's people rally round to destroy God's people in the future where can we find in the Old Testament a lesson of a time of peace then a great time of conflict when God's people shook because there was trouble disaster coming that would destroy everything that they had built up Isaiah the sixth chapter take your Bible please in turn to Isaiah chapter 6 a marvelous illustration of the last days of Earth's history to understand Isaiah chapter 6 I must give you a background Isaiah the sixth chapter it is the year when King Isaiah reigns and as King as I arranged at I J Isaiah chapter 6 Isaiah had reigned for 52 years Isaiah Isaiah had reigned for 52 years now notice Isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on a throne high and lifted up in the Train of his robe filled the tempo look friend this is I had reigned during his reign the nation had prospered during his reign desert areas will reclaim during his reign Jerusalem's walls were fortified the nation expanded its territory Judah's prosperity was largely due to a Zayas faithfulness to God but as iodide I get the picture there's a period of peace there's a period of wealth but then aasaiya dies and as Isaiah dies the enemy is approaching and the enemy is going to destroy everything that aasaiya built up for 52 years but as the enemy approaches all of his real sheiks all of Israel trembles death is certain for them but I say a chapter 6 verse 1 says in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting on his throne high and lifted up in his train filled the temple what is I sayeth the prophets saying at the time of Esaias death God is still on the throne God still reigns God still is control God still is sovereign in a time of kovat 19 pandemic God is still on the throne at a time of coronavirus God is still on the throne what is God's appeal to you God's appeal to me now first accept the fact that he is creator and Redeemer accept the fact that everything you have is a gift of grace secondly believe believe that you'll care for you believe they don't never let you down believe that he will supply your needs thirdly choose to reevaluate your priorities because we are going in to the deep waters as we prepare for eternity we are coming to a period of time in Earth's history where every earthly support will be cut off we're coming to a time where we will have to trust God and trust him implicitly reevaluate your priorities reevaluate your finances reevaluate your time in the light of the coming of Jesus recognizing that according to Revelation chapter 18 in one hour their riches come to not know for sure that the God that redeemed you the one that created you the one that is with you today will be with you tomorrow and the next day after that and the next day after that and forever this is a call to our hearts it's a call to recognize that this world is his it's a call to recognize that he is our Creator he is our Redeemer he gives us the ability to have a job he gives us the ability to make money and when there is an economic collapse he is the one that will provide he is the one that will never let us down we may need to go through some hardship in a difficulty but he is there because God has an ultimate goal and his ultimate goal is to get us ready for heaven and whatever it takes for God to get us ready for heaven whatever that takes he's willing to do it because it's more than our temporal prosperity it's our eternal salvation there is a time coming when riches will come to naught but at that time we will have the pearl of great price the greatest treasure of all it'll fill our hearts he'll strengthen us for the time ahead reach out just now to him wherever you are reach out to him do you need to reevaluate your priorities do you need to reevaluate your time do you need to re-evaluate how you spend your money do you need to reevaluate where you place your priorities and what's important to you as we pray now why not bow your head and say Jesus I trust you I trust you let's pray father in heaven teach us deeper trust teach us greater faith help us to know that you are a creator and Redeemer the g.o supplier needs and help us to know that all eternity we have to be with you to enjoy the riches of heaven help not the tawdry pleasures and the cheap imitations of this world to be so attractive to us that we miss eternity thank you Lord that you're by our side that you'll take us through not only this pandemic but the coming time of difficulty that one day we can see your face in Christ's name we believe it amen
Channel: HopeLives365
Views: 627,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sermon, economic collapse, Mark Finley, HopeLives365, Bible, Jesus, Christianity, finances, money, economy, heaven, God
Id: E1upFZkdeZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 4sec (2764 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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