All Is Self (Documentary)

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[Music] I [Music] like jump it by jumping the gays [Music] blah No No [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Music] every culture has a story a worldview that explains who we are what life is and what our purpose is our story shapes the way we think about the world and thus how we behave in the world since we are born and raised in the story of our culture it is all we've ever known and so we believe this story to be the truth for most of us the story is so rooted in our way of seeing the world that we don't even know it exists to us it's simply just the way things are so what is the story of our modern culture what are the beliefs that shape our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in what is the story that we live by and is it possible for us to see this story as a story or is it so deeply ingrained in our way of thinking that it is impossible to look at it objectively our complex culture lives under the influence of two main stories the most widely accepted of which tells the tale of us existing as separate bodies in an unintelligent universe made of matter and through a random and unlikely process of evolution humanity came to be the second story tells a tale of us being created by a powerful deity who created us in His image and who is the ruler of this universe to whom we must worship and respect these two stories shaped the way that our society functions because they shape the ways in which we as individuals perceive the world and thus how we act in the world our current stories suggest that we live in a world in which our individual lives are of little significance our stories promote a worldview in which our survival is dependent upon competition and a struggle to gain resources at any cost even at the expense of our fellow human beings our stories have created a world in which we fight against each other and fight against the natural world in order to survive and so we've created a world in which we are rapidly destroying the earth that sustains us in a deluded attempt to further our own survival if we are to ever be free of the confusion and destruction that is our current way of life we need to slow down and take a moment to observe the beliefs that shape our understanding of ourselves and ask ourselves with honesty sincerity and genuine curiosity whether these beliefs are serving us and whether or not they're actually true when we change the basic belief structures on which our worldviews are standing we can change the very world that we live in and the belief that influences us most of all is our belief in who we are we need to change our definition of self because our current definition is that the self is something that is separate from the rest of nature and this doesn't reflect how reality truly is because the truth is we are not separate isolated beings like our culture leads us to believe we're all strands in the web of life parts of the greater whole of nature and more than that we are the whole of nature expressed as individual parts it can be challenging and even frightening for some to change our definition of self and to change beliefs that we have identified with all of our lives but until we realize this fundamental truth that our true self is the whole of nature and that all beings are a part of our self then we cannot have peace and harmony on earth when our actions reflect our understanding of oneness and have in mind the benefit of the whole then every action will be one that benefits all beings but to accomplish this we have to be able to look at our cultural narratives question the stories that we live by and change this worldview of separation by realizing that ultimately all is one all is self around the world the truth of our oneness is known by native cultures spiritual traditions and even some modern scientists this film aims to give these people of the world the opportunity to share their wisdom with you with the hopes that you will see we are far more than what our current stories describe us as I've had the great privilege of travelling to several different countries and learning from spiritual teachers and masters from these countries the result of this journey is the film that you are now watching it's my greatest hope that this film can help you realize that you're not separate you're not alone but that you're one with everything it is only our beliefs that separate us but in reality all things are and have always been one interconnected whole if enough of us can realize this truth we can create a better world for ourselves and for future generations I began my journey close to home in search of a Native American tribe that I could learn from thankfully I crossed paths with a wise and brave soul from the Lakota tribe named chase iron eyes chase was once a politician but when the Dakota access pipeline threatened his native land of Standing Rock he gave up his political career and stood up to the corporations that were threatening not only his tribe but the sacred water of Mother Earth water that we all depend on for life Chase shared with me the philosophy of the Lakota people and exactly why the pipeline was such a threat to his people and to all life on Earth the Lakota cosmovision or religion way of life mythology way of knowing our our our metaphysics and our epistemology are ancient they're old all this time older than the concept of time and the Standing Rock movement tied directly in with our ancient cosmovision because you remember a phrase water is life or mini with Tony and to say those words many we Tony to say water is life is a spiritual recognition of the sanctity of water of a natural element something that our modern economy you know that sold to us as civilization or civilized ways doesn't even have the the space for the the mythological cosmological foundation and background to even appreciate a worldview that's able to just save water is life water is sacred and it's it's it's like that because of of our knowledge base we have stories that tell of a time of darkness is one way to interpret it but the word in our language is harm and darkness is is not nothing dark darkness dark energy dark matter is holding the entire incomprehensible sacred and infinite expanse together science is now able to show this that you know 5% of the perceptible universe is what we as human beings are able to kind of aware avail ourselves of but during this time more than geologic ages ago there there was a spirit a foremost and principal spirit that was became lonely and wanted to create of itself and we our stories personify this spirit as a male which I don't know why we do that but that's not necessarily okay with my daughter's you know what I mean like when I tell them these stories they don't they're like how could you say that a spirit is male or female and you really can but that's the that's the culture that has been passed down so I just leave it neutral with an it this spirit its name is Eve and yeah became lonely and wanted to create of itself in order to do this it had to sacrifice its own blood and give of itself create of itself and it began to spin in motion and spun so violently that it created an explosion of inter galactic Universal proportions and created the universe as we know it but in that process in giving of itself it lost its power it's its foremost position as the principal spirit sort of the chief of spirits and it's blood became water it's blood is water and it's power flowed into the waters and into the blue dome the atmosphere around mother earth at the Blanton the blue dome that surrounds mother earth that's where our flowed into and it became other powers and other spirits but when we say many we Tony Ian's blood is what we're talking about we call every Creek every stream every River every source of water every spring the bloodline of Mother Earth and in water is all connected there is no separation of water every drop of water is connected whether it's groundwater is on the surface or part of the atmosphere it's all part of the water cycle a lot of Western academia thinks that we're participating in something like that they call animism where you worship like an animal totem and you do I mean and they're trying to understand it you don't I'm saying it's not like but it's it's not quite that you know what I mean it's it's it's that they are older than us and we have to honor and learn from them that's our identity our our our personhood our our nationhood our existence as as people and our source of creator granted sovereignty to be able to seek our own destiny to provide for ourselves in what I call a spiritual economy those those rights those authorities and and those sources descend from and and come directly from those older beings whether they're four-legged or the ones that crawl the ones that fly the ones that swim or from the land the sacred sites in the waters or the natural elements themselves the sky Mother Earth the Sun and so forth we have a whole divine order of of a cosmology that I want I want to share I want we have a role to play in resizing the world adding our our voice to them to the process you know everybody everybody was colonized by these forces of capital of you know the empirical method or the scientific method and science is not bad but it had had this effect of presenting itself that you know the scientific method in science empirical science is the truth and everything else is like some primitive superstition in all these ceremonies and these these rituals are counter in anti to what you know the truth is or the scientific method is and we don't you know we don't view it like that you know the the ceremonies the instructions the gifts that are still alive today our our evolutionary in nature and so it's it's meant for us to be open to be worldly global and universal in scope infinite without without end so science is good we incorporate science in the scientific method anything Western academia theology or philosophy or any of their metaphysics that's that's part of their journey and you know we're at a point where we can we can learn that we can transcend it because for the longest time those forces are you have been used to usurp spiritual authority that we are all born with that's the process of colonization the separation of our mind from our spirit that happened in Europe thousands of years before anybody from Europe landed on our hemisphere they separated people from the spirit from mine and from their food source and even their labor from meaning the capital along with currency the concepts of currency when they were first created food surpluses you know what I mean in the very beginning of what has been sold to us as civilization that process of colonization and results in the separation that we talked about yesterday there there is a very real effort to separate you know spirit from mine and in connection to people and to the older beings that are in our natural universe and my effort is tried to find ways to help the process of strengthening those connections rather than separating them or abstracting them or dividing them we need to unify come together and know that we each have a spiritual home together on this plan I talked a lot about you know the word indigenous it's it's another one of those tricky linguistic things because when we say indigenous we want to think of the brown people of the jungles of South America or the term indigenous nudity for instance refers to people in that are trying to live in a liberated State and it's it's it's for the the last couple hundred years it's been mostly brown people and black people who have been trying to do that and so we now our our dynamic is is kind of set up like that and it's not it's false we're all indigenous we all descend from peoples and traditions and ways of knowing and being that were connected to the natural universe in the natural element so we all had these cause Cosmo visions we all had those at one time and now that you can see the people at it like they're seeking the spiritual liberation they're seeking a way to connect and they're recreating it and I'm here just to share to learn and to provide guidance at the same time about hey this is this is what has been alive in our Cosmo vision for untold centuries you know multiple millennium and so that's why that's why I wanted to come into these spaces just to be available according to the Lakota tradition the universe was born from an eternal spirit named iya the Lakota people believed that all of life comes from the spirit and contains this spirit within it if we stick to the story that all life is made of matter then this philosophy sounds pretty strange however new discoveries in quantum physics are revealing that matter is really a form of energy and this energy emerges from a source that is beyond space and time a source that physicist Amit Goswami says is our consciousness with this in mind the Lakota philosophy doesn't sound so strange but actually makes a lot of sense it is a simple way of describing the truth that there's a domain of reality that exists beyond the world we perceive call it iya call it spirit call it consciousness the quantum field God or whatever you'd like but it is from this domain of reality that everything comes into and out of being the Newtonian world view which is also called the classical or review teaches us that the world is made of matter material objects and the interactions of matter represent everything explains every phenomena including what we experience so fundamentally because the laws of physics that as Newton formulated it is deterministic fundamentally this is just saying that we are machine and so in applying this philosophy to human beings obviously we are limiting ourselves only to that part of the human being which is known which is conditioned which is a vast part of us agreed so certainly this is description of a good part of us it's just incomplete because if you want light for us only to live life as you are built as a machine then there is no life to live and indeed we wouldn't have experiences we wouldn't have worldviews you wouldn't have philosophies to have meaning or feeling or intuitions to change and all this quantum physics allows us to make a science of all of our experiences because it's fundamentally says that it's not mattered which is the ground of being but consciousness quantum physics says from the beginning that quantum objects are waves of potentiality waves of possibility and these waves of possibility reside in a domain that is the outside of space and time how is that different from space and time it is different because communication is instantaneous in that domain instantaneous communication means no signal we speeded instead of instantaneous communication also means that everything in that realm is interconnected instantly and therefore there is no separate mystery what there is is energy one thing and I have shown in my work that that one thing is our conscience ancient traditions have suggested that the source of all life is this universal consciousness from which our individual consciousness is an expression new studies in quantum physics are beginning to reveal that what these ancient traditions knew was true this information reveals that not only are we connected physically as bodies that are inseparable from the natural world that sustains us but we are also spiritually connected by the one source of consciousness from which all life emerges if there is only one consciousness and it is from this consciousness that all things emerge then why does it appear that we each have an individual consciousness Amit Goswami explains that in order for there to be any experience there has to be a subject and an object there has to be the one who observes and the objects that are being observed without this subject object split there can be no experience the mind is the medium through which the subject objects split happens and in this way the one field of consciousness experiences itself through different mediums creating the illusion of separation yet the solution of separation is still a manifestation of the one substance of consciousness it's instantly interconnected there's no separate ease as soon as we manifest ourselves in this world which is changing quantum potentiality into actuality we get this subject objects plate I am looking at you and you are separate from me it takes me a signal to communicate with you now we definitely can explain how this is because we have understood the mechanism by which brain makes the representation of consciousness in itself brain sort of captures consciousness in a in a loop that consciousness cannot get out of when you sleep we get out of it but then we are it to oneness so either oneness or separateness the price of suppleness is the individuality because I have to identify with my brain and my brain would is going develop different sets of memories than your brain and therefore the individuality as I grow will become bigger and bigger the brain is the potentiality of matter that is different from the potentiality that makes a rock a rock the potentiality in which it can be broken down all the way to elementary particles brain is different from a rock in that it cannot be broken down all the way to elementary particles it cannot even be broken down all the way to neutrons it cannot when the neurons cannot be broken down all the way to elementary particles each neuron is also a closed-in world by itself self creating world by itself but as potentiality that is still potentiality of consciousness only someone Cessnas itself creates within it this difference of rock-like entities which is all the way reducible to elementary particles and then irreducible entities that can capture itself in that way consciousness itself separates itself into two and that sound went up measurement is made the whole idea of quantum measurement is the idea of making this look this is what I call tangled hierarchy the observer and the observed this apparent the fit and apparent Sabinas that apparent separateness is into the oneness of consciousness superimposed on the oneness of consciousness so oneness of consciousness is still basic but this one part of consciousness namely the part with the tangled hierarchies this part gets an approximate autonomy so you were very perseverant in thinking that yes the brain has to have something that is quite different and indeed the way is very special a living self is very special and that specialness is what enables consciousness to beat itself up into a part that feels that it is separate from the destructive role so life itself a living cell itself has that same strangle hierarchy so that the same kind of capturing consciousness can happen even for a single cell so it only depend but the consciousness that is captured in the brain is capable of having much more experiences so it's a much more sophisticated consciousness that we experience with the brain that is also undeniable when when we do the quantum measurement try to understand how quantum measurement can occur this potentiality of becoming actuality and the presence of an observer and then we discovered via stop sir first consciousness must be coming from that cosmic consciousness itself everything that is aware shares the substance of consciousness shares the same spirit the intelligence within us is but a reflection of the intelligence in nature we are under the delusion that our consciousness is separate but it only appears that way through the medium of our individual minds in reality there's only one universal consciousness that expresses itself as the appearance of many so at our essence we are one yet as the one we experience ourself as many this may seem a bit difficult to wrap your head around especially when we use the typical logic that we are used to using to get a better understanding it might help to introduce a beneficial mindset a method of thinking that philosopher Tim Friede calls para logical thinking para logical thinking or for short is going to both and thinking logical thinking says something is either this or it's that it is or it isn't so we're either having this conversation or we're not that's either Thursday or it is logical thinking really good I mean I'm a philosopher I really like logical thinking I wish people would be a lot more logical than they are however if you want to look at the depths of life you have to go beyond logical thinking not to contradictory thinking but to para logical thinking which embraces paradox so you can think in opposite ways in a complimentary way so the example which I give in my book deep awake is the the sunset so this morning it happens to be true that I got very early to catch plane and I did watch the sunset there are what saw in that sunset but someone could say to me equally no you didn't Tim because there is no sunset because actually the earth is a planet revolving around the Sun the Sun does not go anywhere and both the truth and they're not contradictory they're just different ways of seeing it one is my experience which is the Sun comes up what the Sun set the sunrise actually was this morning okay this comes up and the other experience is scientific understanding once you get that you can start seeing these opposites come together one of the important opposites in spirituality is between the experience of oneness and the experience of individuality or many Nuss now a lot of traditional forms of spirituality say that you need to wake up from your individuality your ego your separateness and you then you'll have the oneness it's not it's either or my experience is that's not true it's much more interesting than that that the two coexist it's not one or the other it's both all one and we're individuals and that's important because there's nothing to reject if you're fighting yourself if you fighting your ego if someone tells you there's something wrong with you one God knows there's enough things that you can see about yourself I can see you know if someone goes oh there's something wrong with you Tim I can you know John the list and that's in the way then I'll never wake up to the oneness but what I found is I don't need to change I need to change if I want to be a better human being if I want to evolve be a better dad be a better husband be a better whatever writer I need to evolve but to wake up to my deep being I don't need to change it's there the whole time and when I wake up to it rather than it taking me away from Tim I actually can actually engage with Tim I can love him for a start off which is not easy and I can engage with his journey so for me the para logical thinking is really important because it can help us go no not all one instead of many but as well as so let's wake up to the oneness feel that big love and then re-engage with the journey the evolutionary journey of individuating being becoming more individual and then through that individuality we wake up more and then we become more individual through our individuality we wake up to the oneness and the the someone is waking up to the one and then we're bringing the one the love into the world and we're engaging with an evolutionary process then that's been going on for 13.8 billion years we're the forefront of that process bringing ever more emergent qualities into existence the you can see this this paradox everywhere actually there's there's there's I love some of the ones in science and one of the deep ones in science is in quantum physics where Niels Bohr and the only quantum physicists were looking at light was light and in this very famous experiment called a double slit experiment they discovered that if you set the experiment of one-way light appears as is it as if its individual pockets of energy and then if you set it up in another way it's one wave and Niels Bohr made this huge jump where he said look I don't think it's either one or the other I think it's both depending on how you look at it and that's really profound he called that theory complementarity and it's his version of para logical thinking it's the same in physics and what that that idea that look at and that it's either discrete entities or it's one wave and that's the same with us we're either discrete individuals or there's just one existence and what I love is that we can move between those perspectives oh there's one oh there's many others well and we can move between those two and we don't have to be stuck in either because they're both true in their own way and the love comes when you have the both if you just withdrawal to the one that's it's kind of empty there's there's a it's quite cold there but if you engaged with the body and the journey and the and the individuality as well they mess this immense feeling there's this connectivity there's life because we connect because we're - we connect as one because we are appear to be - and it's that connecting as one through being - which is the which is the love the simplest way that I share to wake up is to first of all be conscious of how mysterious existence is because what that does is it takes you out of the limiting ideas you have most of us come into a culture we become enculturated by a certain story about what reality is and then we just live in it so you cannot you don't really very conscious at all so you need to break out of that and one of the ways is breaking out that is doubt and the questioning and mystery so just be here with a sense of just the breathtaking mystery that we exist and to feel that mystery that immediately starts to wake you up and then it's just a matter what you do with your attention so its focus so if you really focus in on your sensations you'll start to wake up and if you really focus back onto that presence we call I the thing which is experiencing this then this there's this that's where the ones can really can can profoundly open up and what I like to do is to do it with each other so that I can connect in that oneness with you so that we're both separate individuals connecting but also one so for instance just looking at somebody if you look on the surface you just see a face yeah oh that's awesome but if you look deeper when you look at someone you're connecting with another conscious being looking back at you but what you see is the face and that's amazing but what you're connecting with us right now what anyone who's looking at me is connecting with is another conscious being looking back and you can't see that it's beyond form so this awakening starts happening when we pay attention through the form to something which is beyond form and that sounds really strange until you've experienced it and then it's not actually it's it's really obvious in an experiential way it's experiential you can you can you don't have to just have an idea about it you can immerse yourself in the actual experience and the more we do that the clear of this oneness is the more we even just Intuit the oneness the more love we have in our essence we are one yet each of us has an individual experience to reject our individuality is to deny our most fundamental experience yet if we can understand that our individual awareness emerges from a universal awareness which all beings share we can wake up to a deeper level of our being where we realize our unity with all of life waking up to this unity gives us a profound sense of love for life and then as individuals we can bring this love into the world we can embody the very truth of our oneness and can create a world which recognizes our unity but respects our individuality as well still in the United States I had the privilege of speaking with another wise soul Don Miguel Ruiz jr. an author and teacher from the Toltec tradition the Toltecs were an ancient civilization in Mexico and while their civilization no longer exists their tradition lives on through the generations that followed them one philosophy that the Toltecs had acknowledges the power our individual experience has in creating our collective reality and I think it is a really simple yet profound philosophy to consider the word toltec is a now a ttle word that means artists in English or the salon in Spanish it's a name of course but that's that's what the symbol represents if I translate the phrase the Tata card of transformation into 100% English it means the artists path of transformation I am an artist and the canvas for my life is my life sorry the canvas for my work of art is my life sorry I'm mixed up there and that's what the philosophy really is I can paint the most perfect nightmare or I can play the most harmonious dream and the way my family teaches it is that you could say that as a civilization and it cease to exist over 500 years ago it thrived over 500 years ago you can say that we consider ourselves the descendants of the Tata walkins to work on civilization and from generation generation from Tula to all these other places the civilization blossomed and grew fell apart grew it's just a cycle until you know the expansion of the aztecs expansion of the Spanish Empire and you can say it ceased to exist in that way and it became an oral tradition to us the main function of the - the dream now my need to dream until the tradition simply is to perceive and to project so you can say that is the individual dream I dream when I'm awake and I'm dream when I'm asleep and if they mean my function of my mind is to dream then the main function of your - to dream as well just like every human being in the world every mind perceives and projects its engage in the environment its imagining things and from that imagination if they like it they'll say yes and they'll create something or work they'll create a work of art or create a business they'll create a bridge they'll create a need in a community and if you see a need that what community needs then your imagination says well how can i fulfill it and if I fulfill it how do I go about creating it and that's how the imagination works so you can say that's the individual dream the dream the planet you can say it's a small as you and I because in our communication in interaction after we shake hands we still interact mind to mind and we like right now we wish we were using English to understand one another that's because that allows us to understand allows me to proceed here how you perceive the life how I perceive my life and from there we can listen to one another and we create something great you can say we can create a friendship we can create a partnership at which whatever right now we're working together on this film so we're working together to create this thing you can say that relationship is what we know as the dream of the planet or you can say in this simple form the dream of us because we're interacting with one another we are understanding one another and it's as big as 7.5 human beings living life and that's as small as three people in a room talking to one another so for us that's the dream of a planet you can say call it civilization in color culture even though we were we are part of this we can create the most perfect nightmare are the most perfect harmony stream while we're alive anything is possible how do we engage it you know because we're we don't live isolated in a in a hill we only have isolated in a monastery nor an ashram we live in our environment we live in our society so what do I control how do I contribute because I only control to the tips of my fingers I don't control the will of another person nor do I control their perception I only control my own so it starts with me it starts with myself so if I want to contribute to a harmonious dream then I begin to create a harmonious dream within myself to let go of any of those things that created a nightmare within my life and part of that is to heal from those wounds according to the Toltec tradition each of us is living in our own personal dream and together we create the dream of the planet so if we are able to create a harmonious dream within our own minds we can collectively create a harmonious dream for our planet to create a harmonious dream within our cell we need to look at what is causing disharmony in our lives whether it is fear anger anxiety judgment grief depression or whatever it may be we have to look at these wounds that we have and we have to heal them we have to accept them forgive them and let them go or else they will continue to create a dis harmonious dream for us and consequently a dis harmonious dream for the planet the Toltec philosophy shows the connection that our minds have in just how much we impact the world it points out the need for us to take responsibility for ourselves how we live our lives and how our personal lives affect our community continuing on my journey I packed up my bags and headed south for Guatemala [Music] lake atitlan guatemala is home to many Mayan communities so I arrived in hopes of finding a Mayan teacher to speak with thankfully I ran into Walter khon kaen a young minds spiritual guide who is dedicated to preserving and sharing the wisdom of his ancestors when a star is mean Demaryius Walter wanted cacain so originally the key de San Marcos la Laguna is there a black eye he was compared to el conocimiento sister ali-a this momentous Pacifica's Knoll and Aguilera compactive sobre los elementos keep within Sorvino Stevenage ottoman era he passes lo que compart open tus amigos no familiaris or hunters the different spices insert the punto cuando nosotros a intend em was real mental LC critical containing estos elementals and astra V Dugger now como estan really solos camasta no need O's in astro sir creo que so soon esas cosas en Tomy profundo a lo cual see nosotros no yay gamma sin tener el punto porque nosotros estamos akka where they said que tenga mizune conocimiento a Sabra libros blow and mr. Diaz existed Internet we are meant to see nosotros Cano semo's muchos esta desta conocimiento for parte de la scientific O's racino defini Mo's con todo lo que hemos aprendido durante oh uh Travis de nuestros aguas croaky calc el conocimiento que puede ser bueno por mi punto de vista este tendrá que ser como por ejemplo un estudio oten trio most Integra R estos conocimiento so belabor our los de una mejor manera de t Sirte desierto punto que pueden como un near nose yester integrals para mill in conocimiento ancestral no hasta que siento nosotros sabemos sobre esto schooners vientos cómo pueden ayudarnos a Danno Zach speaker kendrick realmente significant no beepers oh yah men take a mistress trabajo nuestra primera objetivo como persona tendría que se como despertar nose darnos cuenta quali in key momento estamos vegan as you said EW no fatigue Oh principal kimonos otras podemos integral esta casa mentor in estrus vidas sobre todo como puede ayudar a la gente ha es muy facil para nosotros a hablar de serie montón de cosas pero realmente creo que tenemos que ver a nostril de door como esta conformal nuestro círculo de que esta hecho que es lo que nosotros estamos haciendo industry Circulo cual es nuestro que tuvo que lo que queremos compartir con con con esto SI blow this broker some puntos muy importante para nosotros comment and then you'll effectively como and ayudar a la gente no he face básicamente last basses this the conocimiento is que nosotros podemos hacer con esta conciencia we intend there a concern sia universal as you see here a low-profile no no analyst our mistress acciones analyst are mr. Spencer Mientus mistress mo Sione's composer most integral los an extravagant crocus on puntos muy Polly humble citizen see Alison como se Vasa economy entrance Esther alpena cuando the sim was a two days - oh you sweet - estamos hablando the the commonest relation : a to release exactamente era nosotros be a muslim naturally Sakuma party maestra yo creo que no lo que estamos then y'know train well de conciencia yes you are - Punto one of the sim was a so the system was reformed grandes fit system was done went in there estamos hecho de una sola cheese pies una sola the own is more speedy - tambien entices when the regime was not in the system was referring to a nosotros misko's a decir and for that I'll learn here will speak to me result sir tenemos la misma cara de espíritu no Priscilla keen in del tronto physico we are mental physical mental yes otra Carano true seguimos teniendo el mismo spirit entonces esta conocimiento básicamente muy we am purely moot profundo no para entender lo es decir realmente lo que mas important a bit ice this earlier mr. crecimiento a spiritual as I said yo creo que estamos Connect ADO's pero estamos con CNT stick estamos conectado to see seguimos in room bow can fin del Cabo no pajamas you know in contra masa is a si despertar de la conciencia por que por que decir Seguin was todavía and on the smella hasta las relaciones into sis carries por eso que nosotros ecchymosis interior disconnection Jay Thomas awesome deal while there is a punt over now Anantha says neutral Canseco quality hacer los an identity card Almonte mistress [ __ ] with Dallas mistress Aurora's porque si podemos alguien he knows we got roses and Moses de la misma persona brokenness back and tal mucho as what I see muchas cosas pero tell Thomas dis Kundera now helado negativo uses donde I came for Karma's Masson ok for Casillas dicen que le dicen negative okay lady say mal que c'est la vie see Oscar oh no this isn't some photos in general like a infocar no se que in Questacon stick to you a second Walter shared with us the teachings of his mayan ancestors and how they understood that we all share the same spirit and that the whole of nature is a part of our self he suggests that since we all share the same spirit it is important that we cultivate our spiritual awareness and learn how to live at peace with ourselves and others after Guatemala a headed further south to Peru a land renowned for its shamanic and mystic traditions there I had the privilege of meeting maestro Juan Gabriel an elder from the Oh Nation I spoke with him and his daughter-in-law Caroline Putnam who traveled to Peru several years ago and ended up staying as she fell in love with Juan Gabriel son together Caroline and Juan founded revived Aleutian an organization created to preserve and share the wisdom of indigenous people they now host retreats in Peru and travel abroad offering ceremony and sharing the teachings of the Cairo people bueno Minami rangoli la Pucelle UNESCO - entero mi trabajo Mastro de salvadora pombe me say au revoir una Renta tre parallely Torre's mama coca dispose hace una Renta da talent ensure being named mama under Title VII when they respond permissive de una and mr. klimer can do quality personal sister can be honest day's newspaper use Pachamama in today tomatillo Condor Angela a paparazzi Hunter hunter Thomas Chambers popplers to the papadum today's result or our summer in doses despise cinemas apprentice same winter apprentice page Sun Corazon say Teresa apprentice apprentice it says circulation result a Pachamama entitlement issues concern mr. Gregory Terra maestro current persona Norfolk a contingent aprender service conserve heat okay my name is Caroline Putnam and I'm originally from Louisiana and the United States and I've been living improved for the last five years and I've been working with Juan Gabriel and together we created an organization called Revolution which supports indigenous wisdom to thrive in the modern and I'm really supporting people to integrate those teachings into daily life practice I learned how simple it is spirituality or connection is it doesn't need to be mystical it doesn't need to be over-the-top it doesn't need to be visionary I don't need to leave my body I'm here as a person of the earth and my job at this moment is to be grounded in that and to know how every decision that I make affects others living in another country itself really can break down many barriers you really start to understand the cultural context and the way that we were formed in society and so going beyond those boundaries of not feeling comfortable to speak a language or things like that or they really break down different aspects of yourself and build up the true essence and so speaking to Huang Gabrielle and his family when they're only speaking Quechua we're sitting on a dirt floor we're chewing coca and eating potatoes we're speaking only what's necessary in the basic and so this heart language comes out and I really appreciate the Carol because of how playful they are they there's not a day passes that they just don't like play and play music and dance and it's it's joyful and it doesn't have to be serious and rigid and praying doesn't only have to be in ceremony it's like every moment of the day any moment of the day is fine no matter where you are so I really appreciate the groundedness of what it means to be human and to be alive I wrote my first blog and it was about protecting Mother Earth or you know remembering mother earth and sharing with her and I was like oh my gosh I don't eat organic food and I just dropped it all in one day I was like went from my and my budget didn't change it's not like I like all the sudden had more income or anything I just made a value and a statement like a value for my life and said if I'm praying for the mother earth I really need to follow up with that with my tangible action and so I really looked at the things in my life that we're being imported I really even though in Peru beautiful market and everything looks fresh and organic there's people walking around with spray balls every day I see them spraying the farms so I really picked out and know who I'm buying from and who I'm supporting and the reason that ties into the connection to the earth is because when I'm buying food that's chemicals I'm actually voting for mining companies to go into his community and mine out the chemicals that we need destroy their environment give them false jobs for like a year destroy the environment you know and leave a disaster behind and want the children to move more into the city and get normal jobs and all of this to be forgotten and so I'm voting every time that I spend I really find that connection through consumer ship you know and then we can take it to the next level in the next level I can talk about my clothes I can actually make a garden there's so many ways to approach town then we can speak about on a spiritual level in my prayer your your prayer our prayer but more recently than not over the last year that some of the teachings finally sink in on a more personal level and yet prayer was a big one really praying and not only praying but making offerings whether it's just water with that I have with me your wine and rum as we do in our tradition or sugar sweets or just anything and not only waiting in tubs around a maestro but actually taking that initiative in my own life that shifted a lot and I can really see creation in the collaboration that happens whenever we pray and communicate and so I now I really feel that a lot and I'm sure there's deepest experience so in my understanding where the balance of everything exists within us and without us and in a more grounded way and I think we got real grounded just sharing that even just baby growing in the womb receives the spirit of the man or the seed of the man and grows in the physical body of the woman and so Pachamama is the physical mother she's that nurturer and gives nutrients to us through food through water through air and spirit is the masculine is the spirit that lives within us and so it's the both that are combined into the hole and that exists both with within us as well as all around us and so the honoring x' and the offerings in there and the prayer are the recognition of the great mother and the great father that flows through all of life it's the whole of creation Juan and Caroline understand that there is a spirit in nature and intelligence or consciousness that lives through all things a spirit that we must remember to connect with but they also give great importance to the earth and remind us of the need to connect to the spirit in the land and to honor the elements that give us life their devotion to mother earth is something that I found inspiring and my meeting with them gave me a deeper appreciation for the land and a new understanding of how to connect with it still in Peru a headed north to the Amazon rainforest to experience an Amazonian brew commonly known as ayahuasca the Shipibo tribe called this brew unni which means knowledge in their language to them it is a master plant that heals us and teaches us the ways of nature this visionary brew is seen as medicine to the tribes of the Amazon and is never taken in the context of recreation or celebration in fact it is often a very unpleasant and challenging experience that causes us to face our fears our traumas and the many things that hide within our shadow so that we may heal from these things and be free I arrived in the town of Iquitos and headed up the river to a remote boat dock where I then hiked an hour into the jungle reaching an ayahuasca healing center called the temple of the way of light at the center I sat in for ayahuasca ceremonies led by two Shipibo maestro's and I had some of the most profound and transformative experiences of my life the experiences are deeply personal and extremely hard to put into words but I realized without a shadow of a doubt that I am one with the whole of nature not only am i a part of the whole but I am the whole expressing itself as an individual part just as the ocean expresses itself in individual waves I realized that I'm not limited to my material body but that my true nature is immaterial my awareness is not bound to this body it is free ever-present and unchanging it is the still and eternal witness observing and participating in this beautiful moving art piece that we call life as shaman Don Jose Campos says consciousness never dies it is always there that is what I see with ayahuasca I feel that ayahuasca takes away the masks we have and it shows you who you are I had already learned so much in Guatemala and Peru but my journey wasn't over yet next I headed to the mystical land of India a place celebrated for its many spiritual traditions [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I need numbers [Music] here in India I spoke with Swami shunt at Malanda Saraswathi a teacher of the Advaita Vedanta tradition my name is Swami Shann thought Menander Saraswathi we all I teach Advaita Vedanta here with Shankara Varsha I've learned my my studies from swami prabhavananda Saraswathi in Chennai and from Swami Don and tannins are city indication as well as from few other teachers who belongs to solid an in this tradition and maybe the reason all that is here is one whole D it is you that is the teaching of advaita vedanta essentially everything is nothing but me myself therefore all that is there is only one whole being when I say and the shaft classes when I say means when the tradition and the shaft receives it is all all that is here everything that is here is one whole being it is consciousness it is existence we call it as such at Ananda in simple words this is a very big word to be discovered really speaking we call it a simple words because it's is it's more it's more known in this manner as such an eye on that girl everybody you ask would see that such an answer such as another whether they know it or not did you say such that more pound word a parlance been used by people so and for one to discover that it is one whole being one needs to take away that element of limitations that is superimposed upon that object you call a thing you say it is it is limited by its form it is limited by its name it is limited by its by its utility or just by its actions where its properties there are the analyzes what is that substance really speaking what do you call something the truth the net nature the essential nature it happens to be the being of that correct that being necessary existence in other words shift its consciousness when you say existence the existence thing becomes that so it is a very dumb kind of an inert thing what is existence within me I recognize it as consciousness the same existence within me when it comes to me it is greater so consciously that means the existence then it is manifest in the mind it gets another name called consciousness mind is an element which makes you a conscious thing which makes you a conscious being it is the manifesting medium that's how it is it manifests existence very same existence is nothing but consciousness chip and this certain chip once understood as me myself I'd discovered that all that is here is nothing but me an anthem and then I say all that is here is nothing but me I I have now eradicated the sense of limitation once the scent of limb sense of limitation leaves we all that is there is only a limitless being then I have discovered myself to be limitless I don't need anything in order to be accomplished for me to be called yeah yeah yeah full personal total puss I am contented with what I am correct because it has included everything in this creation it was included everything in this creation all that is there is only me when you say you become us contented with yourself Ananda that is all on that Namba is not any laughing of smiling here that is yeah Salah sometimes and you as a ma is all the time free you're ever free ever the ever unlimited ever you are you are never limited by anything this is your intrinsic nature but you don't see that you know you forget it you don't see that and since I've that's because of ignorance I don't see because I am ignorant about my self my true essential nature is not not to me and this nature not known to me he is in fact there a decay today wake of knowledge so knowledge makes you see the fact that you are already free the ever evident fact that I am free has to be claimed way that is called motion there is no other moksha the very same witness consciousness is existing here in this creation asked the being of every object what we call as existence of being that existence is isla s-- when you talk about an object you say the easiness when you talk about me you call it amnesty use cos and happiness it's all the time equated if I discover that I am NOT the body I am NOT the mind and I come to ACMA to see that I am of the nature of pure witness consciousness who is all-pervasive here you will understand from that standpoint there is no before difference between mean Ishwara between this jihadi Shara there is no difference what is it that cannot be saying which makes seeing possible what is it it cannot be heard that makes listening possible what is it that can't be touched the mix touch possible what is it they can't be imagined that makes imagination possible and what that's pointing to is our deep being now our deep being is right now is looking but it hasn't got a shape or so it's got a color shapes and colors on what it sees they're objects the subject has no color the subject has no texture it cannot touch it the subject you can't come here it makes no noise but it's listening to everything and what that points to is this incredibly deep realization that the depths of our being has no form the this end of our being has formed but this end of our being has no form it's just being just the presence of being and the the journey of awakening is you wake up from the form to the formulas this thing which is looking but you can't see and then from there you can then bring that oneness into the world about oneness in the world manifests its love I've had the advantage of the opportunity to study a lot of traditions and write books on them and they're all different and they all have different flavors but there's something they all go in common which is the deeper you go you can see that what they're really pointing to is a natural state of awakening the thing I called deep awake it's a natural human state so a bit like you go around the world and you'll always find food wide because people eat is it the same food no it's really different food but it's all food and they're eating it because it's nutritious same as spirituality it's all different but guard denieth and it's alder it's all fundamentally about shifting consciousness from this to this deep awake state so you come across it again and again there was a fundamental non-dual oneness and what matters is love are the wisdom to express it consciousness that the ground of being certainly is what people refer to as pure consciousness or christianity tradition refers to as God had Hinduism to first Wells Brahman and you know many other names Judaism has the name I'm self they're all the same thing that oneness I think that all spiritual traditions point to the same place they all point to the openness of beingness to our natural state as a weakness to our natural state as love so our natural state has light and then it's called different things it's the different traditions because of the language that they use and the concepts that they use will be interpreted and translated by us as individuals on the path of seeking in different ways and that's where the confusion is seeing when we say seeing ourselves in others what we're seeing is the beingness that informs all of life that informs you that informs me that it was the one that I hate or don't like like that informs the one that I that is harming me beingness or consciousness is all there is out of that beingness unconsciousness that all forms arise when we can really see that yeah there's a rough natural rising of creation but not seeing the other separate individual with their personality and their humanity as who we are seeing much deeper than that and that's where the real oneness is where the real I wouldn't call it connection because connection still implies that there's a you and in me real oneness is beyond even connection and then and then compassion arises naturally out of that because when everything is seen as one beingness one consciousness expressing itself or manifesting itself through all forms then how essentially there's only one there's lots of individuals and things that appear in that in that one but then all four not the one so how can you harm the one that is who you are that is what you are it becomes almost impossible to have anything so when I speak about awakening I'm talking about waking up out of the dream of separation and the dream of separation is the egos perspective that there's a me here and are you there or me here and the world out there or me here and life out there and what's out there happens to me and if it happens to me it's either good or bad it's either what I want or what I don't want and if it's what I don't want or what I don't like or what hurts or what's difficult or what's challenging then I'm a victim of that because I'm gonna feel bad I'm gonna feel small I'm gonna feel disempowered or I'm gonna feel challenged or gonna feel hurt and if I feel all those things then I'm a victim of those so-called negative feelings and thoughts they have a victim of my own thinking and my own feeling then I'm a victim of an illusory world of the imagination and if I'm a victim then I'm separate from the totality I stand outside of life and life is doing this to me and that's the dream of the egos paradigm and so then the ego is primed for defense and attack to protect itself from what it doesn't like it doesn't want what's a threatening and to attack attack that and attack comes in the form of judgments it comes in the form of righteousness it comes in the form of any kind of grievance that we hold and that's the dream of separation that we live in that's created a paradigm of suffering in the world of psychological suffering which then gets manifest as the suffering of the world itself so we're waking up out of that when we speak about awakening it's waking up with her out of the illusion that there's anything outside of me doing something to me and and in that awakening we discover that we are the totality of life that the totality of life is happening inside me as me because Who I am is not the separate body although I am that as well but actually what I really am is the space within which everything happens and if I'm in the space within which everything happens then nothing could ultimately hurt again I was assured that our true nature is consciousness that we've mistaken our identity with our ego our body in our mind but that our true self is the one reality that underlies everything I was beginning to see clearly that we aren't aware of this pure consciousness because our minds are so distracted we think constantly and we have lost the ability to simply be and arrest in our being without being disturbed by thoughts if we want to realize our true nature the consciousness that lies at our core we need more than an intellectual understanding of it we need to experience it directly and this can only really be done in silence when the mind is still just as you can't see through the surface of a lake when it is disturbed by waves you can't look deeper into your being when the mind is disturbed by thoughts we have to steal our minds and allow ourselves to rest in mental silence then our true nature is revealed the consciousness that lies beneath the thoughts beneath the worries the fears and the stories we tell ourselves you are not this body you are not this mind you are not your name your career your accomplishments your roles in life your education your self-image or anyone thinks of you these are all things we've confused our true identity with you our pure awareness you are the witness of everything the seer that can't be seen the listener that can't be heard the sensor and can't be sensed just as fire cannot burn itself and a knife cannot cut itself you as consciousness cannot be aware of yourself for you our awareness itself the one who is always observing and this observing presence is essential for the existence of everything think about it how could anything exist without someone there to experience it who would know it existed you are the essential ingredient in life the one that brings the world into form you are the formless presence in which everything exists this pure awareness is the true nature of you your family your friends your pets every living being has at their core this pure awareness this is the unchanging reality the lies of the source of all life seeking more knowledge about this universal consciousness I headed further east to the country of Nepal in Nepal I was in search of a teacher from the Ning ma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism this tradition teaches what they call zilch N or the great perfection and it is a teaching that claims our true nature is pristine ever-present awareness and it is completely whole and perfect just as it is they say that all we need to do is realize we are already whole from the start and there's nothing we have to seek outside of ourselves they call this pure awareness Rig pot and they resemble it to a mirror just as a mirror reflects every image within it but is never affected by the reflections so too does awareness reflect all experience yet remains untouched by every experience we have mistaken our identity for the reflections in the mirror but if we can realize our true nature as the mirror that is reflecting we can find freedom and peace unfortunately I didn't get the opportunity to interview anyone from the tradition but I did get the privilege of spending ten days at the kopan monastery in Katmandu an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life leaving Nepal headed even further east to Central China's Wudang mountains a land renowned for its natural beauty martial arts and rich Taoist culture [Music] here I stayed with master who a Taoist master and teacher of Tai Chi the beauty of Wudang mountains was astonishing and of all my travels I felt most at home here a master goose small home on a mountain tea plantation the environment was calm and peaceful the nature surrounding us was beautiful and in such a short time I felt like I was a part of a family Master GU taught about the simple and natural philosophy of Taoism and how living in harmony with nature we can achieve balance and harmony within ourselves the Taoist practice a Taoist objective is to remain one to achieve oneness if there is - there's a problem you and yourself has conflict so how to get rid of this and no one can avoid heavy eagle but don't that that this eco you know even like covering the real self River self and the Towser practice is to to be a changing to literally true person to men like that sound something he has a name junk changing the truman of tongue so what is a true man so you don't have if you have a too hard you can achieve a true man the two males just going back to the original word the natural one we say Tao whooshing we see on down Shay please it does not have a very fixed fool Tao is everywhere now can be you can be you or you you are the symbol of Dao Dao Dao and you can also be the same it's the symbol of done in these regards yeah everybody everyone is crack collective because we are all one part of the town there's a same for Taoism Chiba where she show with me it means tau is so big so great that it has no boundary no no edge it can be as small as you never find the end and this way we mean if we have the same feeling same sense the same following of kadhal everywhere we are we say change our ocz are all those those friends under the heaven is one family if you can realize you are one with the doll you will achieve your peace around the world there are traditions and people that know with absolute certainty that we are one yet we don't always feel this in our lives most people seem to have no sense of this oneness at all but instead feel rather separate as if they are victims of the world doomed to a life of isolation I wondered why this is and I discovered that it was because of our belief in who we are a belief that is shared by our society and adopted by us and earth this belief is so deeply ingrained in our minds that most of us aren't even aware of it to us it is simply seen as the truth but in reality it isn't the truth and because we are identified with this belief we form a false sense of self and we live our lives invested in protecting and validating the existence of this false identity while we are all one we are also individuals both are true we're like individual branches emerging from a single tree there's nothing wrong with embracing our uniqueness as individual branches but if we don't remember we're part of a single tree we feel lost and separate from all of the other branches and from the tree itself we even become capable of harming the other branches as well as the tree itself as we forget that essentially there is no division between us traveling to different countries has taught me so many things but what I realized most was that what I've been seeking for for so long was something that already existed within me I was seeking to know my true self I looked for it all around the world only to realize the obvious truth that since it is Who I am it is with me always I can only forget my true nature when I confuse my identity with my thoughts beliefs and self-image but I can never lose the essential consciousness that I am I realized that my awareness is far more involved in this universe that I had previously thought I'm not just some insignificant creature on a Lonely Planet I am one with the source of all life we're not victims in the world but rather each one of us is creating the world we wish to live in unaware of our true nature we have created a world full of disharmony and destruction but we can change that we can create a new world together one founded on love unkindness one care for the earth on respect for other living beings and the realization of our unity it all boils down to choice we choose whether we want to pretend to be victims of life or whether we want to take responsibility for our lives we choose whether we want to live in fear and invest in our self-image or live in love and just be our natural we choose whether we want to create something beautiful or continue creating a violent world based on a false belief in separation we choose whether we want to see through the lens of separation or whether we want to awaken to the truth that all beings are part of the whole of nature all our family all is one all is self the essential nature of experience is the consciousness that shines in each one of us as the experience of being aware this awareness is the aspect of experience that can't be removed and it is shared by all beings it is equally available to all people at all times regardless of circumstances age race gender nationality or religion realizing our true nature as awareness is the foundation of inner peace thus it is the foundation of world peace if we as individuals can awaken to the peace within us then naturally it will create peace in the world all that is required is for us to realize that our own fundamental existence is shared with the existence of all beings and to live the implications of this realization in all realms of life once we shift our definition of self to include all beings then the world can heal then the world can change then the world can live peace thank you for taking the time to watch this film I hope that I was able to point you to the truth of who you really are because you are far more than this isolated ego personality that feels itself to be separate from nature in truth there is no separation in nature all beings are an extension of the total universe the whole of nature is expressing itself through us and if we can realize this wholeness this energy and this awareness within ourselves then we can recognize it within others as well and we can see that there's no separation between us and when we realize that all beings are a part of our self then naturally this love this compassion and this kindness will arise within our hearts and will begin acting in ways that are motivated by this love will begin wanting to be of service to nature to be of service to humanity and this is what the world really needs because the problems in the world today are a result of a worldview based on separation on seeing ourselves as separate from the whole of nature on seeing ourselves as separate from each other this is what allows for us to cause harm to the environment without realizing how it affects us this is what allows us to cause harm to one another without realizing the repercussions of our actions because what causes harm to nature what causes harm to another causes harm to ourselves and what brings happiness to another brings happiness to ourselves so if we can realize this truth within us and if we can be inspired by it to act in ways that honor this truth that honor nature that honor life that I'm certain we can create positive change in our world if you'd like to learn more about what this film discussed I've also written a book with the same title all itself and it's available as a paperback or as a free ebook that you can download in the link below this video now I've made this documentary and this book available for free because I want it to help people to awaken to this truth within us to realize our connection to nature our connection with each other but it was not free for me to make these it cost a lot of my money a lot of my time and energy putting all of this together so if you feel called to support me in this work so that I can continue making more videos continue writing books continue creating content that's available for free then please consider donating and supporting me so that I can continue to do this and I've also provided a link to my patreon account in the description below this video and patreon is a platform that allows people to support creators for the work that they do and it also comes along with different benefits depending on the subscription that you do so it's a monthly subscription based platform donating $1 you get access to articles and blogs and posts that are exclusive to patreon if you donate $5 you get access to a podcast that I'll be doing every single week on patreon exclusively and there's other other tiers of subscription that give you different benefits based on what you feel like donating so if you feel called to and if you're able to support me in this work it's really appreciated it really helps me so that I can continue doing this so thank you again for taking the time to watch this film may it inspire you to realize this truth within yourself and to act in ways that honor this truth that honor nature that honor other living beings may you be happy may you be healthy may you be free [Music] open your heart be a lover what is open your heart let everything open your heart let the universe [Music] open your heart let everyone be lover what is making love with involve your ramen [Music] ha let everything open your heart [Music] be loved open your heart [Music] but everyone [Music] Surrender [Music] with selfless devotion being serviced Allah you are loved you are [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] open your heart let us [Music] open your heart being loved [Music] let everything [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music] you know [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] you are [Music] you are [Music]
Channel: Conscious Collective
Views: 798,800
Rating: 4.8918557 out of 5
Keywords: all is self, conscious collective, documentary, spiritual, awakening, consciousness, love, spirit, yoga, meditation, caroline putnam, swami, santatmananda saraswati, amit goswami, tim freke, maestro, juan gabriel, reviveolution, george thompson, joseph p kauffman, advaita, vedanta, tao, taoism, master gu, don miguel ruiz, don miguel ruiz jr, mayan, walter kankin, ancestor, wisdom, earth, healing, amoda maa, kavi ji, namaste, lakota, dapl, chase iron eyes, austudillo, enlightenment, oneness, self, truth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 39sec (6159 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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