The wisdom of the Universe - Interview with Nassim Haramein

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[Music] as a child I was very isolated I was having a hard time integrating to the educational system I was highly dyslexic it was not diagnosed I felt alone I felt misunderstood I didn't have many friends and although it was pretty painful for me to feel that way at the same time it gave me the late leisure to really kind of commute with nature and asking fundamental questions I had a lot of time to contemplate I would be looking at the flowers and the bees and and the trees and how is it that it all knows what to do how is it that it it develop in this highly complex interconnected interdependent structure our universe that's possibly the result of an explosion with random functions and so on so to me there was a great mystery and I wanted to know how it all worked I had a hard time with my education early on because I didn't fit in and as soon as I could legally I left school and I became a ski coach and ski instructor and I was in the ski industry for almost 20 years and I spent a lot of time observing nature you know all the snowflakes and all the geometry the crystals in the stone as I climbed the mountains and so on and when I started to do physics full-time I had a choice to try to go to university and at a standard education and get a PhD in physics but that's that wasn't my goal I was just curious about the nature of reality and I wanted to have the flexibility to think my own thoughts to learn my own data without the authority and the judy's that comes in working inside you know the educational system so I studied independently for many many years isolated myself into a van for five years and studied very very intensely 15 20 hours a day and then eventually I connected with other physicists and I was educated by these physicists like dr. Rosher and others and this is how my education came about so one of the problem with the current educational system is that it strongly segregates between the various fields like from physics to biology or from biology to philosophy and so on but it all works together the universe doesn't make these distinctions it doesn't go oh this is physics and this is biology and it's not related it doesn't say this is astrophysics and this is quantum physics and they're not related like if we don't see the relationship is because we haven't dug deep enough we haven't understood but certainly it's all one thing and we need to treat it that way intuitively from when I was very young I had this instinctive notion that there must be something that's connecting everything now that might sound like a crazy idea for most people but think about it you know the space between you and me right now is full of electromagnetic fields it's full of like infrared microwave background radiation from the galaxies from the universe I mean it's got all kinds of electromagnetic fluctuation in the space radio waves with all kinds of radio stations we don't know they're there we think of the space between you and me as empty but we know it's full of electromagnetic fluctuation and then eventually in the physics I wrote I realize yes there is electromagnetic fluctuations by recurring at such a high frequency at such a granular level billions of times smaller than the atom that we have not realized it's there although it's kind of been there in the physics here and there like it used to call the ether you know like now it's called vacuum fluctuations almost for a hundred years has been known that the vacuum of quantum space meaning the space inside the atom the atom is 99.9999% space the space between atoms some of them then this molecule like carbon like diamond if you grew one of the atom in that molecule so it's an orange the other orange would be two football field away right so there's a lot of space we know that that space is not empty space at the quantum scale is actually fluctuating with a massive amount of energy but it's not just beyond our senses it's beyond our measuring capability of our equipment so in general since it's so far removed from our experience although the physics said yes it's there in general it was completely ignored it was assumed that it was just sarcastic fluctuations there random and they all cancel out and you can ignore it and what I improve and now other physicists like Frank will check which has a Nobel Prize in Physics is starting to talk about it in a amazing conference that he gave in 2017 called the materiality of the vacuum people will start to realize that yeah it's so casting yeah it's chaotic but where it's not chaotic we call it matter that is matter and the physical universe is actually built from that field it's like we were fish in the water but we didn't know that the water was there and other physicists are finally coming to realize that this could be what unifies all of physics and it's critical that we understand this field that's everywhere so how does the vacuum create matter well you can imagine the vacuum structure the fluctuation of the vacuum the grains of the vacuum being really really small billions of times following an atom acting like a fluid just like water it appears like a liquid and when you pull the plug in your bath it appears to curve and spin and it appears like continuous you know when you look at water really close it's made of particles we call atoms so think about this vacuum fluctuations as particles at the planck scales that make up a fluid and then imagine that where the fluid is spinning making little vortices like the water going down the drain that region where all the molecules are cool moving and it's coherent in that region we call that matter and apart away from that in the back of the bath that's less coherent oscillating more chaotically that we call space so then when the vacuum organized and spins its gonna start orbiting just like gravity and so it curves and where it curves like this strongly in space-time we see what we call mass gravitational mass right we see a denser part of the vacuum and we call it matter and it connects everything because this liquid is everywhere it makes up all the matter so everything that goes into this fluid and everything I come that comes back out into the matter is continuously informing each other so I find it a little strange on this planet that we all think that there's not enough energy and that we fight for it and we have wars for it and all this stuff because when you calculate the amount of energy in this field in this vacuum fluctuation film at the quantum level it's enormous it's like 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cube 10 to the 93 grams is a very large number to give you an idea the universe is a very large universe galaxies are already immense they have billions and billions of stars our solar system in our galaxy doesn't even show up if you're looking outside the galaxy either a galaxy you won't see our Sun it's too small the universe is huge so imagine an energy density in a centimeter cube of space that's 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cube that is 39 orders of magnitude larger than the mass of the universe the you master universe is 10 to the 55 approximately so if we could extract one billionth of a percent of the energy that's in the same image cube of space in terms of quantum fluctuations we could run the world for thousands and thousands of years the study of consciousness is taking a huge turn in the last decade 20 years ago when I was presenting in physics conference there was one word that was taboo you could say the F word all you want but if you said the C word then there's a good chance she would get kicked out if you started to talk about consciousness then they thought you were flaky you were not doing real physics consciousness I was even told by one physicist that their equation is better because it didn't require consciousness ask him if he realised he just insulted itself in itself because obviously consciousness wrote the equation so it was kind of difficult at the time you only could talk about consciousness and dark alleys you know in the back of the laboratory but clearly the fact that we became self-aware is part of the development of the natural world so how did that happen and is that truly located in the brain which is an error that's done by most brain scientists and so on they think that the electrical exchanges in the brain is equal to consciousness but if you go deeper at the quantum level you start to go well wait the exchange of information would be with the vacuum with the structure of the vacuum so consciousness is not in the brain consciousness is in the space and what the brain is doing is it's translating the information in the space to something that we observe as chemical exchange and electrical exchange and so on these are the result not the source so the analogy is different the brain and the body as a whole most likely including all the connective tissues and the bones and all this act like an antenna a highly tuned antenna that's picking up information at the quantum scale from a field of information that has what we call consciousness in it so it's information that you're acquiring and it's information that you're sending back into the field and as a result you have a feedback and when the feedback of information in the vacuum because remember now the atoms the physics of your body is made out of the space and so the space is exchanging with these atoms and so now you have this feedback when the feedback has a high enough rate and the complexity is high enough then all of a sudden the system becomes self-aware and we call that consciousness self-awareness so instead of thinking of you being separated from the universe and somehow manufacturing this epiphenomena we call consciousness I think it's more accurate to see yourself as part of this field of information part of this connection to all things and you contributing to this field you feeding information back and forth between this field is what you're actually describing as self awareness or consciousness it's the it's literally the universe learning about itself this fluid acts like a hologram and in a hologram every point contains all the information of the whole so all humans are connected to all the information in the universe if this is true theoretically we have all the information available however we have to access it through history I think a lot of people figured this out I mean all knowledge is within blood or all the universe is present in every point and that by going inward we have access to the information I mean it's that's generally the message that was given by all the great masters it's like an equation know yourself and you will know the universe it's not just philosophical concept but it's actually the waiting the physical world exists it's exchanging information across huge distances through these super fluid dynamics of space-time and by the way this is why things can become entangled that's why you know you entanglement has been measured in laboratory and we know now that particles can be entangled and it doesn't matter how far they are from each other they can be across the universe from the each other if they're entangle you tickle this one the other one is laughing it's kind of like magical Einstein called it spooky action at the distance now we're starting to understand the mechanism that makes that possible when Einstein wrote general relativity it was thought that was no longer necessary to have the ether so it was removed there and replaced by space-time yet space-time in general relativity which is thought to be the structure of space that's curving to create gravity has never been described meaning it's great okay you got this surface that's curving to produce gravity but what is it made of clearly it has some materiality since it's producing a gravitational effect it's doing something but what is it made of so you have nothing in relativity that explained what space-time is made of and that's what we are discovering now this is what I've discovered early on is that space-time is made of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum structure this is actually what the equation says and I just wanna clarify that these equations are not just nice they don't just you know look good or philosophically give interesting result they predict things that are very very specific they predict forces they predict radiuses masses the proton the electron now we've solved for the universe the background radiation the temperature of the universe all this stuff comes out really really clean very very precise actually made a prediction of the radius the proton you know before it was measured more accurately and it nails it within you know the margin of error of the experiment where the standard model is off by 4 percent which is huge in quantum theory so it really is doing the job and certainly like I was saying earlier some of the greatest physicists on the planet are coming to that view as well they're realizing the vacuum is a real thing we have to pay attention to this energy there's many other physicists that are starting to talk about black holes similarly that I have talking about them being subatomic particles that entanglement between subatomic particles are the result of micro wormholes that connects the particles so all this is starting to emerge and it's a fine edge of of physics so of course it's not in the books yet it's in papers it's in very advanced thinking it's at the bleeding edge of physics but that's where we're going because there's a lot of stuff that's in the books that's turning out to not be quite accurate just like gravity from Newton was somewhat good but when I inst came along then it's like gravity is a little more than what Newton described it's a little different than what you to describe so if you know this changes that happens in science and it takes time for those changes to be accepted and understood every time somebody in history has come up with something drastically different like the earth is not the center of the solar system the Sun is in the middle it was very obvious that we were the center and the Sun was going around us and that the planets were going around us as well as they like to say it wasn't that was like oh my god what is he thinking is he insane right but then when we put the Sun in the middle all of a sudden everything became much more simple everything became more precise but they've encountered violent opposition and I did too it certainly did it's difficult over the last thirty years of doing this it's got easier there's less and less people saying it's impossible what you're saying there is less and less people of course I've refined it I've written many papers the papers are in peer-reviewed journal the last one was published at physics si the math has got stronger we have more and more proof no no this is really the way it is but of course there's always a opposition to new ideas it's difficult it takes time you know to move a whole civilization from going in one direction to like start moving it in another direction our current way of using technology is very rudimentary you gotta realize we only a civilization of advanced technology of about 150 years I mean a 150 years ago your ancestors and my ancestors were going around on horseback and the concept that something metallic could fly was completely outside their consciousness we've gone a long ways in 150 years by his very rudimentary the idea that we're basically burning fossilized dinosaur juice to power a rocket and our cars and and we're releasing all this stuff in the atmosphere and it's just a serious mess and I think we're arriving at these alternatives now where if the vacuum fluctuations are the source of matter as more and more people are starting to understand then the technologies that come out of that are remarkable you can imagine all of a sudden realizing that there's a source of energy that we didn't know was there that's huge and that we can tap into but more importantly is that realizing that this energy when it circulates in the right geometry produced curvature of space-time produce gravity it leads directly to gradually control which I believe is the next step in the evolution of humanity it's a step I think actually that was predicted by many ancient civilizations they called it the moment where humanity would ascend most people interpret that as like some philosophical spiritual ascension it might be that but I think it's actually describing a very more important moment which is related to us having the consciousness to be able to develop it but a moment where we literally learn to control gravity so that we have vehicles that can literally levitate themselves into space and we can start to colonize space and not necessarily live on the surface of a planet which is limited in its resources and limits our capacity to survive so it's amazing what's coming down the pipe from these new understanding in theory and it's gonna change our world very fundamentally it's not about leaving Earth and polluting other parts of the universe with our car you know carbon-based technology right it's actually learning that there's a way to become harmonious with nature using the same energy that nature uses everywhere in the universe and just becoming part of the will works of the universe instead of destroying matter to produce the effects that we want there is a way to extract energy prior to this energy being matter extract fundamental energy of creation and directed to power our devices and you might say well are we destroying the universe that way no because as we use the energy it goes back into the vacuum and it's just being recycled it's like the recycling structure of nature and we see it in nature everywhere the trees fall down they make dirt they make nutrients for other trees to grow that fall down and make more nutrients it's a continuous flow of a feedback feed-forward loop that we call recycling basically and that can be applied to our energy needs and technological needs this is a good question are we wise enough to get this level of technology I think that the world is changing very rapidly I think people are kind of waking up to like we wanna do something different than this continuous destruction I think more and more people know that the generations of our children will not have an earth to inhabit if we continue to do the things where we've been doing so I believe we're getting to this place where we have the wisdom to have this kind of power we are in a race against the clock we're at the 11.9 hour and we have to really show up this is why I spend time talking to the public and all these other people around the world that are waking up or like doing all these world meditation and the amazing work that's done by so many others wake up it's not acceptable anymore to pollute your body with food that's not healthy for you to pollute the world around you by destroying your stuff out people are reaching this level of awareness and I think this technology that's gonna emerge it's gonna help people realize wow we're all connected right whatever I do influence the rest of the world not only the world the universe so this technology these theories that are emerging is gonna help people realize yeah it's all connected and when I act a certain way when I do certain things I have an influence on the world so I'm hoping we're gonna beat the clock and reach the level of consciousness that we that's required for us to have this level of technology I think we're right there on the Kasbah we're experiencing a fundamental existential crisis people don't know why they're here they're looking everywhere and yet if they just looked inward just a little bit they would find a wealth an amazing wealth of information an amazing wealth of energy of love of support of connection with the universe and that's really what's missing in people's life right now you wake up the first thing you do is you grab your phone and then you're off and running in my case I'm crazy busy I'm running three companies I have two kids you know I'm and I'm single dad 50% of time and you know so it's like it's intense but inside that intensity inside that window I have to create for myself oh hey sis so that I can go back to centers so that I can go back to myself you just need a few minutes like 30 minutes a day just to bring you back to what's real what's important and what is critical you get signals it's like you're tuning in to the radio station of you and then you might get guidance you might get a sense of what you should do next and how you should think about it and you know it can be quite informative it can be very profound in actually being able to help guide you and hear that universe talking through you otherwise you might completely miss it and when you go through your day and get stuck in the spin of the world you know with cars cutting you off on the highway getting late to work your boss getting upset you know all this stuff and everything starts spinning out of control if you've gone to your Center if you know where your Center is if you've gone to that place where you connect with the universe within yourself in each one of your atoms then you can go back there very easily now one thing that's dangerous is to start to concentrate on all the bad things that are happening in the world conspiracy and all this stuff and get lost in the negativity of this world it's important to be aware of the situation I'm not saying if you know you should become a buddy bias to all the terrible thing that happens in this world but it's important as well to concentrate on the solutions because there's a lot of solutions out there to concentrate on the positive part to concentrate on the possibility of the true ascension of our world it's right there it's so close and we just need so much more support from everybody to support the solutions that you know more and more people are bringing forward in the financial structure and the political structure in everybody's lives you know what they think about and participate in things that are bringing positive solution to the world there's a lot of positivity there's a lot of love there's a lot of people awakening and you know that is what we want to help and support and the negative stuff is gonna work itself out if we just concentrate on there on the positive outcome at the end of your life when you're in the deathbed and you got like a few days to live what's gonna matter is the connections you made the connections you made the love you the love you generated the love you produced the connection to the universe to yourself to people around you that you were able to explore who are we that is a very deep and profound question we are the universe experiencing ourselves we are the flower opening the tree growing we are the natural world in harmony we are the infinite of the universe contained into the finite structure of our being we are an amazing transformative expression of the universe from a very specific coordinates in space-time that is no one else in the universe nothing else in the universe sees the universe from your specific angle if I if I hold an object in front of you you will see one side I will see the other side another person will see another side nobody's gonna see the same thing right so we are actually feeding very important specific information about our angle of observation to the universe and so be that miracle you realize the miracle yard at a hundred trillion cells continuously plotting and organizing to make you healthy you are a miracle and to remember that every day is super important it's critical you
Channel: Anthony Chene production
Views: 186,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vacuum, quantum mechanics, gravity, exoplanets, enlightenment, near-death experience, jeff olsen, bruce lipton, joe dispenza
Id: lsMdNvl8Dmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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